ast.asdl_java.py Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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"""Generate Java code from an ASDL description."""
# handle fields that have a type but no name
import os, sys, traceback
import asdl
MAX_COL = 76
def reflow_lines(s, depth):
"""Reflow the line s indented depth tabs.
Return a sequence of lines where no line extends beyond MAX_COL
when properly indented. The first line is properly indented based
exclusively on depth * TABSIZE. All following lines -- these are
the reflowed lines generated by this function -- start at the same
column as the first character beyond the opening { in the first
size = MAX_COL - depth * TABSIZE
if len(s) < size:
return [s]
lines = []
cur = s
padding = ""
while len(cur) > size:
i = cur.rfind(' ', 0, size)
assert i != -1, "Impossible line to reflow: %s" % `s`
lines.append(padding + cur[:i])
if len(lines) == 1:
# find new size based on brace
j = cur.find('{', 0, i)
if j >= 0:
j += 2 # account for the brace and the space after it
size -= j
padding = " " * j
cur = cur[i+1:]
lines.append(padding + cur)
return lines
class EmitVisitor(asdl.VisitorBase):
"""Visit that emits lines"""
def __init__(self):
super(EmitVisitor, self).__init__()
def open(self, name, refersToSimpleNode=1, useDataOutput=0):
self.file = open("%s.java" % name, "w")
print >> self.file, "// Autogenerated AST node"
print >> self.file, 'package org.python.parser.ast;'
if refersToSimpleNode:
print >> self.file, 'import org.python.parser.SimpleNode;'
if useDataOutput:
print >> self.file, 'import java.io.DataOutputStream;'
print >> self.file, 'import java.io.IOException;'
print >> self.file
def close(self):
def emit(self, s, depth):
# XXX reflow long lines?
lines = reflow_lines(s, depth)
for line in lines:
line = (" " * TABSIZE * depth) + line + "\n"
# This step will add a 'simple' boolean attribute to all Sum and Product
# nodes and add a 'typedef' link to each Field node that points to the
# Sum or Product node that defines the field.
class AnalyzeVisitor(EmitVisitor):
index = 0
def makeIndex(self):
self.index += 1
return self.index
def visitModule(self, mod):
self.types = {}
for dfn in mod.dfns:
self.types[str(dfn.name)] = dfn.value
for dfn in mod.dfns:
def visitType(self, type, depth=0):
self.visit(type.value, type.name, depth)
def visitSum(self, sum, name, depth):
sum.simple = 1
for t in sum.types:
if t.fields:
sum.simple = 0
for t in sum.types:
if not sum.simple:
t.index = self.makeIndex()
self.visit(t, name, depth)
def visitProduct(self, product, name, depth):
product.simple = 0
product.index = self.makeIndex()
for f in product.fields:
self.visit(f, depth + 1)
def visitConstructor(self, cons, name, depth):
for f in cons.fields:
self.visit(f, depth + 1)
def visitField(self, field, depth):
field.typedef = self.types.get(str(field.type))
# The code generator itself.
class JavaVisitor(EmitVisitor):
def visitModule(self, mod):
for dfn in mod.dfns:
def visitType(self, type, depth=0):
self.visit(type.value, type.name, depth)
def visitSum(self, sum, name, depth):
if sum.simple:
self.simple_sum(sum, name, depth)
self.sum_with_constructor(sum, name, depth)
def simple_sum(self, sum, name, depth):
self.open("%sType" % name, refersToSimpleNode=0)
self.emit("public interface %(name)sType {" % locals(), depth)
for i in range(len(sum.types)):
type = sum.types[i]
self.emit("public static final int %s = %d;" % (type.name, i+1),
depth + 1)
self.emit("", 0)
self.emit("public static final String[] %sTypeNames = new String[] {" %
name, depth+1)
self.emit('"",', depth+2)
for type in sum.types:
self.emit('"%s",' % type.name, depth+2)
self.emit("};", depth+1)
self.emit("}", depth)
def sum_with_constructor(self, sum, name, depth):
self.open("%sType" % name)
self.emit("public abstract class %(name)sType extends SimpleNode {" %
locals(), depth)
self.emit("}", depth)
for t in sum.types:
self.visit(t, name, depth)
def visitProduct(self, product, name, depth):
self.open("%sType" % name, useDataOutput=1)
self.emit("public class %(name)sType extends SimpleNode {" % locals(), depth)
for f in product.fields:
self.visit(f, depth + 1)
self.emit("", depth)
self.javaMethods(product, name, "%sType" % name, product.fields,
self.emit("}", depth)
def visitConstructor(self, cons, name, depth):
self.open(cons.name, useDataOutput=1)
enums = []
for f in cons.fields:
if f.typedef and f.typedef.simple:
enums.append("%sType" % f.type)
if enums:
s = "implements %s " % ", ".join(enums)
s = ""
self.emit("public class %s extends %sType %s{" %
(cons.name, name, s), depth)
for f in cons.fields:
self.visit(f, depth + 1)
self.emit("", depth)
self.javaMethods(cons, cons.name, cons.name, cons.fields, depth+1)
self.emit("}", depth)
def javaMethods(self, type, clsname, ctorname, fields, depth):
# The java ctors
fpargs = ", ".join([self.fieldDef(f) for f in fields])
self.emit("public %s(%s) {" % (ctorname, fpargs), depth)
for f in fields:
self.emit("this.%s = %s;" % (f.name, f.name), depth+1)
self.emit("}", depth)
self.emit("", 0)
if fpargs:
fpargs += ", "
self.emit("public %s(%sSimpleNode parent) {" % (ctorname, fpargs), depth)
self.emit("this(%s);" %
", ".join([str(f.name) for f in fields]), depth+1)
self.emit("this.beginLine = parent.beginLine;", depth+1);
self.emit("this.beginColumn = parent.beginColumn;", depth+1);
self.emit("}", depth)
self.emit("", 0)
# The toString() method
self.emit("public String toString() {", depth)
self.emit('StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("%s[");' % clsname,
for f in fields:
self.emit('sb.append("%s=");' % f.name, depth+1)
if not self.bltinnames.has_key(str(f.type)) and f.typedef.simple:
self.emit("sb.append(dumpThis(this.%s, %sType.%sTypeNames));" %
(f.name, f.type, f.type), depth+1)
self.emit("sb.append(dumpThis(this.%s));" % f.name, depth+1)
if f != fields[-1]:
self.emit('sb.append(", ");', depth+1)
self.emit('sb.append("]");', depth+1)
self.emit("return sb.toString();", depth+1)
self.emit("}", depth)
self.emit("", 0)
# The pickle() method
self.emit("public void pickle(DataOutputStream ostream) throws IOException {", depth)
self.emit("pickleThis(%s, ostream);" % type.index, depth+1);
for f in fields:
self.emit("pickleThis(this.%s, ostream);" % f.name, depth+1)
self.emit("}", depth)
self.emit("", 0)
# The accept() method
self.emit("public Object accept(VisitorIF visitor) throws Exception {", depth)
if clsname == ctorname:
self.emit('return visitor.visit%s(this);' % clsname, depth+1)
self.emit('traverse(visitor);' % clsname, depth+1)
self.emit('return null;' % clsname, depth+1)
self.emit("}", depth)
self.emit("", 0)
# The visitChildren() method
self.emit("public void traverse(VisitorIF visitor) throws Exception {", depth)
for f in fields:
if self.bltinnames.has_key(str(f.type)):
if f.typedef.simple:
if f.seq:
self.emit('if (%s != null) {' % f.name, depth+1)
self.emit('for (int i = 0; i < %s.length; i++) {' % f.name,
self.emit('if (%s[i] != null)' % f.name, depth+3)
self.emit('%s[i].accept(visitor);' % f.name, depth+4)
self.emit('}', depth+2)
self.emit('}', depth+1)
self.emit('if (%s != null)' % f.name, depth+1)
self.emit('%s.accept(visitor);' % f.name, depth+2)
self.emit('}', depth)
self.emit("", 0)
def visitField(self, field, depth):
self.emit("public %s;" % self.fieldDef(field), depth)
bltinnames = {
'int' : 'int',
'bool' : 'boolean',
'identifier' : 'String',
'string' : 'String',
'object' : 'Object', # was PyObject
def fieldDef(self, field):
jtype = str(field.type)
if field.typedef and field.typedef.simple:
jtype = 'int'
jtype = self.bltinnames.get(jtype, jtype + 'Type')
name = field.name
seq = field.seq and "[]" or ""
return "%(jtype)s%(seq)s %(name)s" % locals()
class VisitorVisitor(EmitVisitor):
def __init__(self):
self.ctors = []
def visitModule(self, mod):
for dfn in mod.dfns:
self.open("VisitorIF", refersToSimpleNode=0)
self.emit('public interface VisitorIF {', 0)
for ctor in self.ctors:
self.emit("public Object visit%s(%s node) throws Exception;" %
(ctor, ctor), 1)
self.emit('}', 0)
self.emit('public abstract class VisitorBase implements VisitorIF {', 0)
for ctor in self.ctors:
self.emit("public Object visit%s(%s node) throws Exception {" %
(ctor, ctor), 1)
self.emit("Object ret = unhandled_node(node);", 2)
self.emit("traverse(node);", 2)
self.emit("return ret;", 2)
self.emit('}', 1)
self.emit('', 0)
self.emit("abstract protected Object unhandled_node(SimpleNode node) throws Exception;", 1)
self.emit("abstract public void traverse(SimpleNode node) throws Exception;", 1)
self.emit('}', 0)
def visitType(self, type, depth=1):
self.visit(type.value, type.name, depth)
def visitSum(self, sum, name, depth):
if not sum.simple:
for t in sum.types:
self.visit(t, name, depth)
def visitProduct(self, product, name, depth):
def visitConstructor(self, cons, name, depth):
class ChainOfVisitors:
def __init__(self, *visitors):
self.visitors = visitors
def visit(self, object):
for v in self.visitors:
if __name__ == "__main__":
mod = asdl.parse(sys.argv[1])
if not asdl.check(mod):
c = ChainOfVisitors(AnalyzeVisitor(),
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