lib-python.2.7.plat-mac.pimp.py Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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"""Package Install Manager for Python.
This is currently a MacOSX-only strawman implementation.
Despite other rumours the name stands for "Packman IMPlementation".
Tools to allow easy installation of packages. The idea is that there is
an online XML database per (platform, python-version) containing packages
known to work with that combination. This module contains tools for getting
and parsing the database, testing whether packages are installed, computing
dependencies and installing packages.
There is a minimal main program that works as a command line tool, but the
intention is that the end user will use this through a GUI.
from warnings import warnpy3k
warnpy3k("In 3.x, the pimp module is removed.", stacklevel=2)
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import urllib
import urllib2
import urlparse
import plistlib
import distutils.util
import distutils.sysconfig
import hashlib
import tarfile
import tempfile
import shutil
import time
__all__ = ["PimpPreferences", "PimpDatabase", "PimpPackage", "main",
"getDefaultDatabase", "PIMP_VERSION", "main"]
_scriptExc_NotInstalled = "pimp._scriptExc_NotInstalled"
_scriptExc_OldInstalled = "pimp._scriptExc_OldInstalled"
_scriptExc_BadInstalled = "pimp._scriptExc_BadInstalled"
# Flavors:
# source: setup-based package
# binary: tar (or other) archive created with setup.py bdist.
# installer: something that can be opened
DEFAULT_FLAVORORDER=['source', 'binary', 'installer']
def getDefaultDatabase(experimental=False):
if experimental:
status = "exp"
status = "prod"
major, minor, micro, state, extra = sys.version_info
pyvers = '%d.%d' % (major, minor)
if micro == 0 and state != 'final':
pyvers = pyvers + '%s%d' % (state, extra)
longplatform = distutils.util.get_platform()
osname, release, machine = longplatform.split('-')
# For some platforms we may want to differentiate between
# installation types
if osname == 'darwin':
if sys.prefix.startswith('/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework'):
osname = 'darwin_apple'
elif sys.prefix.startswith('/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework'):
osname = 'darwin_macpython'
# Otherwise we don't know...
# Now we try various URLs by playing with the release string.
# We remove numbers off the end until we find a match.
rel = release
while True:
url = DEFAULT_PIMPDATABASE_FMT % (PIMP_VERSION, status, pyvers, osname, rel, machine)
except urllib2.HTTPError, arg:
if not rel:
# We're out of version numbers to try. Use the
# full release number, this will give a reasonable
# error message later
url = DEFAULT_PIMPDATABASE_FMT % (PIMP_VERSION, status, pyvers, osname, release, machine)
idx = rel.rfind('.')
if idx < 0:
rel = ''
rel = rel[:idx]
return url
def _cmd(output, dir, *cmditems):
"""Internal routine to run a shell command in a given directory."""
cmd = ("cd \"%s\"; " % dir) + " ".join(cmditems)
if output:
output.write("+ %s\n" % cmd)
return 0
child = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
while 1:
line = child.stdout.readline()
if not line:
if output:
return child.wait()
class PimpDownloader:
"""Abstract base class - Downloader for archives"""
def __init__(self, argument,
self.argument = argument
self._dir = dir
self._watcher = watcher
def download(self, url, filename, output=None):
return None
def update(self, str):
if self._watcher:
return self._watcher.update(str)
return True
class PimpCurlDownloader(PimpDownloader):
def download(self, url, filename, output=None):
self.update("Downloading %s..." % url)
exitstatus = _cmd(output, self._dir,
"--output", filename,
self.update("Downloading %s: finished" % url)
return (not exitstatus)
class PimpUrllibDownloader(PimpDownloader):
def download(self, url, filename, output=None):
output = open(filename, 'wb')
self.update("Downloading %s: opening connection" % url)
keepgoing = True
download = urllib2.urlopen(url)
if 'content-length' in download.headers:
length = long(download.headers['content-length'])
length = -1
data = download.read(4096) #read 4K at a time
dlsize = 0
lasttime = 0
while keepgoing:
dlsize = dlsize + len(data)
if len(data) == 0:
#this is our exit condition
if int(time.time()) != lasttime:
# Update at most once per second
lasttime = int(time.time())
if length == -1:
keepgoing = self.update("Downloading %s: %d bytes..." % (url, dlsize))
keepgoing = self.update("Downloading %s: %d%% (%d bytes)..." % (url, int(100.0*dlsize/length), dlsize))
data = download.read(4096)
if keepgoing:
self.update("Downloading %s: finished" % url)
return keepgoing
class PimpUnpacker:
"""Abstract base class - Unpacker for archives"""
_can_rename = False
def __init__(self, argument,
self.argument = argument
if renames and not self._can_rename:
raise RuntimeError, "This unpacker cannot rename files"
self._dir = dir
self._renames = renames
self._watcher = watcher
def unpack(self, archive, output=None, package=None):
return None
def update(self, str):
if self._watcher:
return self._watcher.update(str)
return True
class PimpCommandUnpacker(PimpUnpacker):
"""Unpack archives by calling a Unix utility"""
_can_rename = False
def unpack(self, archive, output=None, package=None):
cmd = self.argument % archive
if _cmd(output, self._dir, cmd):
return "unpack command failed"
class PimpTarUnpacker(PimpUnpacker):
"""Unpack tarfiles using the builtin tarfile module"""
_can_rename = True
def unpack(self, archive, output=None, package=None):
tf = tarfile.open(archive, "r")
members = tf.getmembers()
skip = []
if self._renames:
for member in members:
for oldprefix, newprefix in self._renames:
if oldprefix[:len(self._dir)] == self._dir:
oldprefix2 = oldprefix[len(self._dir):]
oldprefix2 = None
if member.name[:len(oldprefix)] == oldprefix:
if newprefix is None:
#print 'SKIP', member.name
member.name = newprefix + member.name[len(oldprefix):]
print ' ', member.name
elif oldprefix2 and member.name[:len(oldprefix2)] == oldprefix2:
if newprefix is None:
#print 'SKIP', member.name
member.name = newprefix + member.name[len(oldprefix2):]
#print ' ', member.name
#print '????', member.name
for member in members:
if member in skip:
self.update("Skipping %s" % member.name)
self.update("Extracting %s" % member.name)
tf.extract(member, self._dir)
if skip:
names = [member.name for member in skip if member.name[-1] != '/']
if package:
names = package.filterExpectedSkips(names)
if names:
return "Not all files were unpacked: %s" % " ".join(names)
(".tar.Z", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
(".taz", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
(".tar.gz", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
(".tgz", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
(".tar.bz", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
(".zip", PimpCommandUnpacker, "unzip \"%s\""),
class PimpPreferences:
"""Container for per-user preferences, such as the database to use
and where to install packages."""
def __init__(self,
if not flavorOrder:
if not downloadDir:
if not buildDir:
if not pimpDatabase:
pimpDatabase = getDefaultDatabase()
self.flavorOrder = flavorOrder
self.downloadDir = downloadDir
self.buildDir = buildDir
self.pimpDatabase = pimpDatabase
self.watcher = None
def setWatcher(self, watcher):
self.watcher = watcher
def setInstallDir(self, installDir=None):
if installDir:
# Installing to non-standard location.
self.installLocations = [
('--install-lib', installDir),
('--install-headers', None),
('--install-scripts', None),
('--install-data', None)]
self.installLocations = []
self.installDir = installDir
def isUserInstall(self):
return self.installDir != DEFAULT_INSTALLDIR
def check(self):
"""Check that the preferences make sense: directories exist and are
writable, the install directory is on sys.path, etc."""
rv = ""
RWX_OK = os.R_OK|os.W_OK|os.X_OK
if not os.path.exists(self.downloadDir):
rv += "Warning: Download directory \"%s\" does not exist\n" % self.downloadDir
elif not os.access(self.downloadDir, RWX_OK):
rv += "Warning: Download directory \"%s\" is not writable or not readable\n" % self.downloadDir
if not os.path.exists(self.buildDir):
rv += "Warning: Build directory \"%s\" does not exist\n" % self.buildDir
elif not os.access(self.buildDir, RWX_OK):
rv += "Warning: Build directory \"%s\" is not writable or not readable\n" % self.buildDir
if not os.path.exists(self.installDir):
rv += "Warning: Install directory \"%s\" does not exist\n" % self.installDir
elif not os.access(self.installDir, RWX_OK):
rv += "Warning: Install directory \"%s\" is not writable or not readable\n" % self.installDir
installDir = os.path.realpath(self.installDir)
for p in sys.path:
realpath = os.path.realpath(p)
if installDir == realpath:
rv += "Warning: Install directory \"%s\" is not on sys.path\n" % self.installDir
return rv
def compareFlavors(self, left, right):
"""Compare two flavor strings. This is part of your preferences
because whether the user prefers installing from source or binary is."""
if left in self.flavorOrder:
if right in self.flavorOrder:
return cmp(self.flavorOrder.index(left), self.flavorOrder.index(right))
return -1
if right in self.flavorOrder:
return 1
return cmp(left, right)
class PimpDatabase:
"""Class representing a pimp database. It can actually contain
information from multiple databases through inclusion, but the
toplevel database is considered the master, as its maintainer is
"responsible" for the contents."""
def __init__(self, prefs):
self._packages = []
self.preferences = prefs
self._url = ""
self._urllist = []
self._version = ""
self._maintainer = ""
self._description = ""
# Accessor functions
def url(self): return self._url
def version(self): return self._version
def maintainer(self): return self._maintainer
def description(self): return self._description
def close(self):
"""Clean up"""
self._packages = []
self.preferences = None
def appendURL(self, url, included=0):
"""Append packages from the database with the given URL.
Only the first database should specify included=0, so the
global information (maintainer, description) get stored."""
if url in self._urllist:
fp = urllib2.urlopen(url).fp
plistdata = plistlib.Plist.fromFile(fp)
# Test here for Pimp version, etc
if included:
version = plistdata.get('Version')
if version and version > self._version:
sys.stderr.write("Warning: included database %s is for pimp version %s\n" %
(url, version))
self._version = plistdata.get('Version')
if not self._version:
sys.stderr.write("Warning: database has no Version information\n")
elif self._version > PIMP_VERSION:
sys.stderr.write("Warning: database version %s newer than pimp version %s\n"
% (self._version, PIMP_VERSION))
self._maintainer = plistdata.get('Maintainer', '')
self._description = plistdata.get('Description', '').strip()
self._url = url
self._appendPackages(plistdata['Packages'], url)
others = plistdata.get('Include', [])
for o in others:
o = urllib.basejoin(url, o)
self.appendURL(o, included=1)
def _appendPackages(self, packages, url):
"""Given a list of dictionaries containing package
descriptions create the PimpPackage objects and append them
to our internal storage."""
for p in packages:
p = dict(p)
if 'Download-URL' in p:
p['Download-URL'] = urllib.basejoin(url, p['Download-URL'])
flavor = p.get('Flavor')
if flavor == 'source':
pkg = PimpPackage_source(self, p)
elif flavor == 'binary':
pkg = PimpPackage_binary(self, p)
elif flavor == 'installer':
pkg = PimpPackage_installer(self, p)
elif flavor == 'hidden':
pkg = PimpPackage_installer(self, p)
pkg = PimpPackage(self, dict(p))
def list(self):
"""Return a list of all PimpPackage objects in the database."""
return self._packages
def listnames(self):
"""Return a list of names of all packages in the database."""
rv = []
for pkg in self._packages:
return rv
def dump(self, pathOrFile):
"""Dump the contents of the database to an XML .plist file.
The file can be passed as either a file object or a pathname.
All data, including included databases, is dumped."""
packages = []
for pkg in self._packages:
plistdata = {
'Version': self._version,
'Maintainer': self._maintainer,
'Description': self._description,
'Packages': packages
plist = plistlib.Plist(**plistdata)
def find(self, ident):
"""Find a package. The package can be specified by name
or as a dictionary with name, version and flavor entries.
Only name is obligatory. If there are multiple matches the
best one (higher version number, flavors ordered according to
users' preference) is returned."""
if type(ident) == str:
# Remove ( and ) for pseudo-packages
if ident[0] == '(' and ident[-1] == ')':
ident = ident[1:-1]
# Split into name-version-flavor
fields = ident.split('-')
if len(fields) < 1 or len(fields) > 3:
return None
name = fields[0]
if len(fields) > 1:
version = fields[1]
version = None
if len(fields) > 2:
flavor = fields[2]
flavor = None
name = ident['Name']
version = ident.get('Version')
flavor = ident.get('Flavor')
found = None
for p in self._packages:
if name == p.name() and \
(not version or version == p.version()) and \
(not flavor or flavor == p.flavor()):
if not found or found < p:
found = p
return found
class PimpPackage:
"""Class representing a single package."""
def __init__(self, db, plistdata):
self._db = db
name = plistdata["Name"]
for k in plistdata.keys():
if not k in ALLOWED_KEYS:
sys.stderr.write("Warning: %s: unknown key %s\n" % (name, k))
self._dict = plistdata
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._dict[key]
def name(self): return self._dict['Name']
def version(self): return self._dict.get('Version')
def flavor(self): return self._dict.get('Flavor')
def description(self): return self._dict['Description'].strip()
def shortdescription(self): return self.description().splitlines()[0]
def homepage(self): return self._dict.get('Home-page')
def downloadURL(self): return self._dict.get('Download-URL')
def systemwideOnly(self): return self._dict.get('Systemwide-only')
def fullname(self):
"""Return the full name "name-version-flavor" of a package.
If the package is a pseudo-package, something that cannot be
installed through pimp, return the name in (parentheses)."""
rv = self._dict['Name']
if 'Version' in self._dict:
rv = rv + '-%s' % self._dict['Version']
if 'Flavor' in self._dict:
rv = rv + '-%s' % self._dict['Flavor']
if self._dict.get('Flavor') == 'hidden':
# Pseudo-package, show in parentheses
rv = '(%s)' % rv
return rv
def dump(self):
"""Return a dict object containing the information on the package."""
return self._dict
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Compare two packages, where the "better" package sorts lower."""
if not isinstance(other, PimpPackage):
return cmp(id(self), id(other))
if self.name() != other.name():
return cmp(self.name(), other.name())
if self.version() != other.version():
return -cmp(self.version(), other.version())
return self._db.preferences.compareFlavors(self.flavor(), other.flavor())
def installed(self):
"""Test wheter the package is installed.
Returns two values: a status indicator which is one of
"yes", "no", "old" (an older version is installed) or "bad"
(something went wrong during the install test) and a human
readable string which may contain more details."""
namespace = {
"NotInstalled": _scriptExc_NotInstalled,
"OldInstalled": _scriptExc_OldInstalled,
"BadInstalled": _scriptExc_BadInstalled,
"os": os,
"sys": sys,
installTest = self._dict['Install-test'].strip() + '\n'
exec installTest in namespace
except ImportError, arg:
return "no", str(arg)
except _scriptExc_NotInstalled, arg:
return "no", str(arg)
except _scriptExc_OldInstalled, arg:
return "old", str(arg)
except _scriptExc_BadInstalled, arg:
return "bad", str(arg)
sys.stderr.write("---- %s: install test got exception\n" % self.fullname())
sys.stderr.write("---- source:\n")
sys.stderr.write("---- exception:\n")
import traceback
if self._db._maintainer:
sys.stderr.write("---- Please copy this and mail to %s\n" % self._db._maintainer)
return "bad", "Package install test got exception"
return "yes", ""
def prerequisites(self):
"""Return a list of prerequisites for this package.
The list contains 2-tuples, of which the first item is either
a PimpPackage object or None, and the second is a descriptive
string. The first item can be None if this package depends on
something that isn't pimp-installable, in which case the descriptive
string should tell the user what to do."""
rv = []
if not self._dict.get('Download-URL'):
# For pseudo-packages that are already installed we don't
# return an error message
status, _ = self.installed()
if status == "yes":
return []
return [(None,
"Package %s cannot be installed automatically, see the description" %
if self.systemwideOnly() and self._db.preferences.isUserInstall():
return [(None,
"Package %s can only be installed system-wide" %
if not self._dict.get('Prerequisites'):
return []
for item in self._dict['Prerequisites']:
if type(item) == str:
pkg = None
descr = str(item)
name = item['Name']
if 'Version' in item:
name = name + '-' + item['Version']
if 'Flavor' in item:
name = name + '-' + item['Flavor']
pkg = self._db.find(name)
if not pkg:
descr = "Requires unknown %s"%name
descr = pkg.shortdescription()
rv.append((pkg, descr))
return rv
def downloadPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Download a single package, if needed.
An MD5 signature is used to determine whether download is needed,
and to test that we actually downloaded what we expected.
If output is given it is a file-like object that will receive a log
of what happens.
If anything unforeseen happened the method returns an error message
scheme, loc, path, query, frag = urlparse.urlsplit(self._dict['Download-URL'])
path = urllib.url2pathname(path)
filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
self.archiveFilename = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.downloadDir, filename)
if not self._archiveOK():
if scheme == 'manual':
return "Please download package manually and save as %s" % self.archiveFilename
downloader = PimpUrllibDownloader(None, self._db.preferences.downloadDir,
if not downloader.download(self._dict['Download-URL'],
self.archiveFilename, output):
return "download command failed"
if not os.path.exists(self.archiveFilename) and not NO_EXECUTE:
return "archive not found after download"
if not self._archiveOK():
return "archive does not have correct MD5 checksum"
def _archiveOK(self):
"""Test an archive. It should exist and the MD5 checksum should be correct."""
if not os.path.exists(self.archiveFilename):
return 0
if not self._dict.get('MD5Sum'):
sys.stderr.write("Warning: no MD5Sum for %s\n" % self.fullname())
return 1
data = open(self.archiveFilename, 'rb').read()
checksum = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
return checksum == self._dict['MD5Sum']
def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Unpack a downloaded package archive."""
filename = os.path.split(self.archiveFilename)[1]
for ext, unpackerClass, arg in ARCHIVE_FORMATS:
if filename[-len(ext):] == ext:
return "unknown extension for archive file: %s" % filename
self.basename = filename[:-len(ext)]
unpacker = unpackerClass(arg, dir=self._db.preferences.buildDir,
rv = unpacker.unpack(self.archiveFilename, output=output)
if rv:
return rv
def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Default install method, to be overridden by subclasses"""
return "%s: This package needs to be installed manually (no support for flavor=\"%s\")" \
% (self.fullname(), self._dict.get(flavor, ""))
def installSinglePackage(self, output=None):
"""Download, unpack and install a single package.
If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
will receive a log of what happened."""
if not self._dict.get('Download-URL'):
return "%s: This package needs to be installed manually (no Download-URL field)" % self.fullname()
msg = self.downloadPackageOnly(output)
if msg:
return "%s: download: %s" % (self.fullname(), msg)
msg = self.unpackPackageOnly(output)
if msg:
return "%s: unpack: %s" % (self.fullname(), msg)
return self.installPackageOnly(output)
def beforeInstall(self):
"""Bookkeeping before installation: remember what we have in site-packages"""
self._old_contents = os.listdir(self._db.preferences.installDir)
def afterInstall(self):
"""Bookkeeping after installation: interpret any new .pth files that have
new_contents = os.listdir(self._db.preferences.installDir)
for fn in new_contents:
if fn in self._old_contents:
if fn[-4:] != '.pth':
fullname = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.installDir, fn)
f = open(fullname)
for line in f.readlines():
if not line:
if line[0] == '#':
if line[:6] == 'import':
exec line
if line[-1] == '\n':
line = line[:-1]
if not os.path.isabs(line):
line = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.installDir, line)
line = os.path.realpath(line)
if not line in sys.path:
def filterExpectedSkips(self, names):
"""Return a list that contains only unpexpected skips"""
if not self._db.preferences.isUserInstall():
return names
expected_skips = self._dict.get('User-install-skips')
if not expected_skips:
return names
newnames = []
for name in names:
for skip in expected_skips:
if name[:len(skip)] == skip:
return newnames
class PimpPackage_binary(PimpPackage):
def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""We don't unpack binary packages until installing"""
def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Install a single source package.
If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
will receive a log of what happened."""
if 'Install-command' in self._dict:
return "%s: Binary package cannot have Install-command" % self.fullname()
if 'Pre-install-command' in self._dict:
if _cmd(output, '/tmp', self._dict['Pre-install-command']):
return "pre-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Pre-install-command'])
# Install by unpacking
filename = os.path.split(self.archiveFilename)[1]
for ext, unpackerClass, arg in ARCHIVE_FORMATS:
if filename[-len(ext):] == ext:
return "%s: unknown extension for archive file: %s" % (self.fullname(), filename)
self.basename = filename[:-len(ext)]
install_renames = []
for k, newloc in self._db.preferences.installLocations:
if not newloc:
if k == "--install-lib":
return "%s: Don't know installLocation %s" % (self.fullname(), k)
install_renames.append((oldloc, newloc))
unpacker = unpackerClass(arg, dir="/", renames=install_renames)
rv = unpacker.unpack(self.archiveFilename, output=output, package=self)
if rv:
return rv
if 'Post-install-command' in self._dict:
if _cmd(output, '/tmp', self._dict['Post-install-command']):
return "%s: post-install: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Post-install-command'])
return None
class PimpPackage_source(PimpPackage):
def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Unpack a source package and check that setup.py exists"""
PimpPackage.unpackPackageOnly(self, output)
# Test that a setup script has been create
self._buildDirname = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.buildDir, self.basename)
setupname = os.path.join(self._buildDirname, "setup.py")
if not os.path.exists(setupname) and not NO_EXECUTE:
return "no setup.py found after unpack of archive"
def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Install a single source package.
If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
will receive a log of what happened."""
if 'Pre-install-command' in self._dict:
if _cmd(output, self._buildDirname, self._dict['Pre-install-command']):
return "pre-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Pre-install-command'])
installcmd = self._dict.get('Install-command')
if installcmd and self._install_renames:
return "Package has install-command and can only be installed to standard location"
# This is the "bit-bucket" for installations: everything we don't
# want. After installation we check that it is actually empty
unwanted_install_dir = None
if not installcmd:
extra_args = ""
for k, v in self._db.preferences.installLocations:
if not v:
# We don't want these files installed. Send them
# to the bit-bucket.
if not unwanted_install_dir:
unwanted_install_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
v = unwanted_install_dir
extra_args = extra_args + " %s \"%s\"" % (k, v)
installcmd = '"%s" setup.py install %s' % (sys.executable, extra_args)
if _cmd(output, self._buildDirname, installcmd):
return "install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), installcmd)
if unwanted_install_dir and os.path.exists(unwanted_install_dir):
unwanted_files = os.listdir(unwanted_install_dir)
if unwanted_files:
rv = "Warning: some files were not installed: %s" % " ".join(unwanted_files)
rv = None
return rv
if 'Post-install-command' in self._dict:
if _cmd(output, self._buildDirname, self._dict['Post-install-command']):
return "post-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Post-install-command'])
return None
class PimpPackage_installer(PimpPackage):
def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""We don't unpack dmg packages until installing"""
def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
"""Install a single source package.
If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
will receive a log of what happened."""
if 'Post-install-command' in self._dict:
return "%s: Installer package cannot have Post-install-command" % self.fullname()
if 'Pre-install-command' in self._dict:
if _cmd(output, '/tmp', self._dict['Pre-install-command']):
return "pre-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
(self.fullname(), self._dict['Pre-install-command'])
installcmd = self._dict.get('Install-command')
if installcmd:
if '%' in installcmd:
installcmd = installcmd % self.archiveFilename
installcmd = 'open \"%s\"' % self.archiveFilename
if _cmd(output, "/tmp", installcmd):
return '%s: install command failed (use verbose for details)' % self.fullname()
return '%s: downloaded and opened. Install manually and restart Package Manager' % self.archiveFilename
class PimpInstaller:
"""Installer engine: computes dependencies and installs
packages in the right order."""
def __init__(self, db):
self._todo = []
self._db = db
self._curtodo = []
self._curmessages = []
def __contains__(self, package):
return package in self._todo
def _addPackages(self, packages):
for package in packages:
if not package in self._todo:
def _prepareInstall(self, package, force=0, recursive=1):
"""Internal routine, recursive engine for prepareInstall.
Test whether the package is installed and (if not installed
or if force==1) prepend it to the temporary todo list and
call ourselves recursively on all prerequisites."""
if not force:
status, message = package.installed()
if status == "yes":
if package in self._todo or package in self._curtodo:
self._curtodo.insert(0, package)
if not recursive:
prereqs = package.prerequisites()
for pkg, descr in prereqs:
if pkg:
self._prepareInstall(pkg, False, recursive)
self._curmessages.append("Problem with dependency: %s" % descr)
def prepareInstall(self, package, force=0, recursive=1):
"""Prepare installation of a package.
If the package is already installed and force is false nothing
is done. If recursive is true prerequisites are installed first.
Returns a list of packages (to be passed to install) and a list
of messages of any problems encountered.
self._curtodo = []
self._curmessages = []
self._prepareInstall(package, force, recursive)
rv = self._curtodo, self._curmessages
self._curtodo = []
self._curmessages = []
return rv
def install(self, packages, output):
"""Install a list of packages."""
status = []
for pkg in self._todo:
msg = pkg.installSinglePackage(output)
if msg:
return status
def _run(mode, verbose, force, args, prefargs, watcher):
"""Engine for the main program"""
prefs = PimpPreferences(**prefargs)
if watcher:
rv = prefs.check()
if rv:
db = PimpDatabase(prefs)
if mode == 'dump':
elif mode =='list':
if not args:
args = db.listnames()
print "%-20.20s\t%s" % ("Package", "Description")
for pkgname in args:
pkg = db.find(pkgname)
if pkg:
description = pkg.shortdescription()
pkgname = pkg.fullname()
description = 'Error: no such package'
print "%-20.20s\t%s" % (pkgname, description)
if verbose:
print "\tHome page:\t", pkg.homepage()
print "\tDownload URL:\t", pkg.downloadURL()
except KeyError:
description = pkg.description()
description = '\n\t\t\t\t\t'.join(description.splitlines())
print "\tDescription:\t%s" % description
elif mode =='status':
if not args:
args = db.listnames()
print "%-20.20s\t%s\t%s" % ("Package", "Installed", "Message")
for pkgname in args:
pkg = db.find(pkgname)
if pkg:
status, msg = pkg.installed()
pkgname = pkg.fullname()
status = 'error'
msg = 'No such package'
print "%-20.20s\t%-9.9s\t%s" % (pkgname, status, msg)
if verbose and status == "no":
prereq = pkg.prerequisites()
for pkg, msg in prereq:
if not pkg:
pkg = ''
pkg = pkg.fullname()
print "%-20.20s\tRequirement: %s %s" % ("", pkg, msg)
elif mode == 'install':
if not args:
print 'Please specify packages to install'
inst = PimpInstaller(db)
for pkgname in args:
pkg = db.find(pkgname)
if not pkg:
print '%s: No such package' % pkgname
list, messages = inst.prepareInstall(pkg, force)
if messages and not force:
print "%s: Not installed:" % pkgname
for m in messages:
print "\t", m
if verbose:
output = sys.stdout
output = None
messages = inst.install(list, output)
if messages:
print "%s: Not installed:" % pkgname
for m in messages:
print "\t", m
def main():
"""Minimal commandline tool to drive pimp."""
import getopt
def _help():
print "Usage: pimp [options] -s [package ...] List installed status"
print " pimp [options] -l [package ...] Show package information"
print " pimp [options] -i package ... Install packages"
print " pimp -d Dump database to stdout"
print " pimp -V Print version number"
print "Options:"
print " -v Verbose"
print " -f Force installation"
print " -D dir Set destination directory"
print " (default: %s)" % DEFAULT_INSTALLDIR
print " -u url URL for database"
class _Watcher:
def update(self, msg):
sys.stderr.write(msg + '\r')
return 1
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slifvdD:Vu:")
except getopt.GetoptError:
if not opts and not args:
mode = None
force = 0
verbose = 0
prefargs = {}
watcher = None
for o, a in opts:
if o == '-s':
if mode:
mode = 'status'
if o == '-l':
if mode:
mode = 'list'
if o == '-d':
if mode:
mode = 'dump'
if o == '-V':
if mode:
mode = 'version'
if o == '-i':
mode = 'install'
if o == '-f':
force = 1
if o == '-v':
verbose = 1
watcher = _Watcher()
if o == '-D':
prefargs['installDir'] = a
if o == '-u':
prefargs['pimpDatabase'] = a
if not mode:
if mode == 'version':
print 'Pimp version %s; module name is %s' % (PIMP_VERSION, __name__)
_run(mode, verbose, force, args, prefargs, watcher)
# Finally, try to update ourselves to a newer version.
# If the end-user updates pimp through pimp the new version
# will be called pimp_update and live in site-packages
# or somewhere similar
if __name__ != 'pimp_update':
import pimp_update
except ImportError:
if pimp_update.PIMP_VERSION <= PIMP_VERSION:
import warnings
warnings.warn("pimp_update is version %s, not newer than pimp version %s" %
from pimp_update import *
if __name__ == '__main__':
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