src.org.python.modules.cPickle Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright (c)2019 Jython Developers
* Copyright 1998 Finn Bock.
* This program contains material copyrighted by:
* Copyright (c) 1991-1995 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam,
* The Netherlands.
// Licensed to the PSF under a Contributor Agreement
/* note about impl:
instanceof vs. CPython type(.) is .
package org.python.modules;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Map;
import org.python.core.ClassDictInit;
import org.python.core.Py;
import org.python.core.PyBoolean;
import org.python.core.PyBuiltinCallable;
import org.python.core.PyClass;
import org.python.core.PyDictionary;
import org.python.core.PyException;
import org.python.core.PyFile;
import org.python.core.PyFloat;
import org.python.core.PyFunction;
import org.python.core.PyInstance;
import org.python.core.PyInteger;
import org.python.core.PyList;
import org.python.core.PyLong;
import org.python.core.PyModule;
import org.python.core.PyNone;
import org.python.core.PyObject;
import org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction;
import org.python.core.PySequence;
import org.python.core.PyString;
import org.python.core.PyStringMap;
import org.python.core.PyTuple;
import org.python.core.PyType;
import org.python.core.PyUnicode;
import org.python.core.__builtin__;
import org.python.core.codecs;
import org.python.core.exceptions;
import org.python.core.imp;
import org.python.util.Generic;
* From the python documentation:
* The cPickle.java module implements a basic but powerful algorithm
* for ``pickling'' (a.k.a. serializing, marshalling or flattening) nearly
* arbitrary Python objects. This is the act of converting objects to a
* stream of bytes (and back: ``unpickling'').
* This is a more primitive notion than
* persistency -- although cPickle.java reads and writes file
* objects, it does not handle the issue of naming persistent objects, nor
* the (even more complicated) area of concurrent access to persistent
* objects. The cPickle.java module can transform a complex object
* into a byte stream and it can transform the byte stream into an object
* with the same internal structure. The most obvious thing to do with these
* byte streams is to write them onto a file, but it is also conceivable
* to send them across a network or store them in a database. The module
* shelve provides a simple interface to pickle and unpickle
* objects on ``dbm''-style database files.
* Note: The cPickle.java have the same interface as the
* standard module pickleexcept that Pickler and
* Unpickler are factory functions, not classes (so they cannot be
* used as base classes for inheritance).
* This limitation is similar for the original cPickle.c version.
* Unlike the built-in module marshal, cPickle.java handles
* the following correctly:
- recursive objects (objects containing references to themselves)
- object sharing (references to the same object in different places)
- user-defined classes and their instances
* The data format used by cPickle.java is Python-specific. This has
* the advantage that there are no restrictions imposed by external
* standards such as XDR (which can't represent pointer sharing); however
* it means that non-Python programs may not be able to reconstruct
* pickled Python objects.
* By default, the cPickle.java data format uses a printable ASCII
* representation. This is slightly more voluminous than a binary
* representation. The big advantage of using printable ASCII (and of
* some other characteristics of cPickle.java's representation) is
* that for debugging or recovery purposes it is possible for a human to read
* the pickled file with a standard text editor.
* A binary format, which is slightly more efficient, can be chosen by
* specifying a nonzero (true) value for the bin argument to the
* Pickler constructor or the dump() and dumps()
* functions. The binary format is not the default because of backwards
* compatibility with the Python 1.4 pickle module. In a future version,
* the default may change to binary.
* The cPickle.java module doesn't handle code objects.
* For the benefit of persistency modules written using cPickle.java,
* it supports the notion of a reference to an object outside the pickled
* data stream. Such objects are referenced by a name, which is an
* arbitrary string of printable ASCII characters. The resolution of
* such names is not defined by the cPickle.java module -- the
* persistent object module will have to implement a method
* persistent_load(). To write references to persistent objects,
* the persistent module must define a method persistent_id() which
* returns either None or the persistent ID of the object.
* There are some restrictions on the pickling of class instances.
* First of all, the class must be defined at the top level in a module.
* Furthermore, all its instance variables must be picklable.
* When a pickled class instance is unpickled, its __init__() method
* is normally not invoked. Note: This is a deviation
* from previous versions of this module; the change was introduced in
* Python 1.5b2. The reason for the change is that in many cases it is
* desirable to have a constructor that requires arguments; it is a
* (minor) nuisance to have to provide a __getinitargs__() method.
* If it is desirable that the __init__() method be called on
* unpickling, a class can define a method __getinitargs__(),
* which should return a tuple containing the arguments to be
* passed to the class constructor (__init__()). This method is
* called at pickle time; the tuple it returns is incorporated in the
* pickle for the instance.
* Classes can further influence how their instances are pickled -- if the
* class defines the method __getstate__(), it is called and the
* return state is pickled as the contents for the instance, and if the class
* defines the method __setstate__(), it is called with the
* unpickled state. (Note that these methods can also be used to
* implement copying class instances.) If there is no
* __getstate__() method, the instance's __dict__ is
* pickled. If there is no __setstate__() method, the pickled
* object must be a dictionary and its items are assigned to the new
* instance's dictionary. (If a class defines both __getstate__()
* and __setstate__(), the state object needn't be a dictionary
* -- these methods can do what they want.) This protocol is also used
* by the shallow and deep copying operations defined in the copy
* module.
* Note that when class instances are pickled, their class's code and
* data are not pickled along with them. Only the instance data are
* pickled. This is done on purpose, so you can fix bugs in a class or
* add methods and still load objects that were created with an earlier
* version of the class. If you plan to have long-lived objects that
* will see many versions of a class, it may be worthwhile to put a version
* number in the objects so that suitable conversions can be made by the
* class's __setstate__() method.
* When a class itself is pickled, only its name is pickled -- the class
* definition is not pickled, but re-imported by the unpickling process.
* Therefore, the restriction that the class must be defined at the top
* level in a module applies to pickled classes as well.
* The interface can be summarized as follows.
* To pickle an object x onto a file f, open for writing:
* p = pickle.Pickler(f)
* p.dump(x)
* A shorthand for this is:
* pickle.dump(x, f)
* To unpickle an object x from a file f, open for reading:
* u = pickle.Unpickler(f)
* x = u.load()
* A shorthand is:
* x = pickle.load(f)
* The Pickler class only calls the method f.write() with a
* string argument. The Unpickler calls the methods
* f.read() (with an integer argument) and f.readline()
* (without argument), both returning a string. It is explicitly allowed to
* pass non-file objects here, as long as they have the right methods.
* The constructor for the Pickler class has an optional second
* argument, bin. If this is present and nonzero, the binary
* pickle format is used; if it is zero or absent, the (less efficient,
* but backwards compatible) text pickle format is used. The
* Unpickler class does not have an argument to distinguish
* between binary and text pickle formats; it accepts either format.
* The following types can be pickled:
- None
- integers, long integers, floating point numbers
- strings
- tuples, lists and dictionaries containing only picklable objects
- classes that are defined at the top level in a module
- instances of such classes whose __dict__ or
* __setstate__() is picklable
* Attempts to pickle unpicklable objects will raise the
* PicklingError exception; when this happens, an unspecified
* number of bytes may have been written to the file.
* It is possible to make multiple calls to the dump() method of
* the same Pickler instance. These must then be matched to the
* same number of calls to the load() method of the
* corresponding Unpickler instance. If the same object is
* pickled by multiple dump() calls, the load() will all
* yield references to the same object. Warning: this is intended
* for pickling multiple objects without intervening modifications to the
* objects or their parts. If you modify an object and then pickle it
* again using the same Pickler instance, the object is not
* pickled again -- a reference to it is pickled and the
* Unpickler will return the old value, not the modified one.
* (There are two problems here: (a) detecting changes, and (b)
* marshalling a minimal set of changes. I have no answers. Garbage
* Collection may also become a problem here.)
* Apart from the Pickler and Unpickler classes, the
* module defines the following functions, and an exception:
* - dump (object, file[, bin])
* -
* Write a pickled representation of obect to the open file object
* file. This is equivalent to
* "Pickler(file, bin).dump(object)".
* If the optional bin argument is present and nonzero, the binary
* pickle format is used; if it is zero or absent, the (less efficient)
* text pickle format is used.
* - load (file)
* -
* Read a pickled object from the open file object file. This is
* equivalent to "Unpickler(file).load()".
* - dumps (object[, bin])
* -
* Return the pickled representation of the object as a string, instead
* of writing it to a file. If the optional bin argument is
* present and nonzero, the binary pickle format is used; if it is zero
* or absent, the (less efficient) text pickle format is used.
* - loads (string)
* -
* Read a pickled object from a string instead of a file. Characters in
* the string past the pickled object's representation are ignored.
* - PicklingError
* -
* This exception is raised when an unpicklable object is passed to
* Pickler.dump().
* For the complete documentation on the pickle module, please see the
* "Python Library Reference"
* The module is based on both original pickle.py and the cPickle.c
* version, except that all mistakes and errors are my own.
* @author Finn Bock, [email protected]
* @version cPickle.java,v 1.30 1999/05/15 17:40:12 fb Exp
public class cPickle implements ClassDictInit {
* The doc string
public static String __doc__ =
"Java implementation and optimization of the Python pickle module\n";
* The program version.
public static String __version__ = "1.30";
* File format version we write.
public static final String format_version = "2.0";
* Old format versions we can read.
public static final String[] compatible_formats =
new String[] { "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "2.0" };
* Highest protocol version supported.
public static final int HIGHEST_PROTOCOL = 2;
public static String[] __depends__ = new String[] {
public static PyObject PickleError;
public static PyObject PicklingError;
public static PyObject UnpickleableError;
public static PyObject UnpicklingError;
public static PyObject BadPickleGet;
final static char MARK = '(';
final static char STOP = '.';
final static char POP = '0';
final static char POP_MARK = '1';
final static char DUP = '2';
final static char FLOAT = 'F';
final static char INT = 'I';
final static char BININT = 'J';
final static char BININT1 = 'K';
final static char LONG = 'L';
final static char BININT2 = 'M';
final static char NONE = 'N';
final static char PERSID = 'P';
final static char BINPERSID = 'Q';
final static char REDUCE = 'R';
final static char STRING = 'S';
final static char BINSTRING = 'T';
final static char SHORT_BINSTRING = 'U';
final static char UNICODE = 'V';
final static char BINUNICODE = 'X';
final static char APPEND = 'a';
final static char BUILD = 'b';
final static char GLOBAL = 'c';
final static char DICT = 'd';
final static char EMPTY_DICT = '}';
final static char APPENDS = 'e';
final static char GET = 'g';
final static char BINGET = 'h';
final static char INST = 'i';
final static char LONG_BINGET = 'j';
final static char LIST = 'l';
final static char EMPTY_LIST = ']';
final static char OBJ = 'o';
final static char PUT = 'p';
final static char BINPUT = 'q';
final static char LONG_BINPUT = 'r';
final static char SETITEM = 's';
final static char TUPLE = 't';
final static char EMPTY_TUPLE = ')';
final static char SETITEMS = 'u';
final static char BINFLOAT = 'G';
final static char PROTO = 0x80;
final static char NEWOBJ = 0x81;
final static char EXT1 = 0x82;
final static char EXT2 = 0x83;
final static char EXT4 = 0x84;
final static char TUPLE1 = 0x85;
final static char TUPLE2 = 0x86;
final static char TUPLE3 = 0x87;
final static char NEWTRUE = 0x88;
final static char NEWFALSE = 0x89;
final static char LONG1 = 0x8A;
final static char LONG4 = 0x8B;
private static PyDictionary dispatch_table;
private static PyDictionary extension_registry;
private static PyDictionary inverted_registry;
private static PyType BuiltinCallableType = PyType.fromClass(PyBuiltinCallable.class);
private static PyType ReflectedFunctionType = PyType.fromClass(PyReflectedFunction.class);
private static PyType ClassType = PyType.fromClass(PyClass.class);
private static PyType TypeType = PyType.fromClass(PyType.class);
private static PyType DictionaryType = PyType.fromClass(PyDictionary.class);
private static PyType StringMapType = PyType.fromClass(PyStringMap.class);
private static PyType FloatType = PyType.fromClass(PyFloat.class);
private static PyType FunctionType = PyType.fromClass(PyFunction.class);
private static PyType InstanceType = PyType.fromClass(PyInstance.class);
private static PyType IntType = PyType.fromClass(PyInteger.class);
private static PyType ListType = PyType.fromClass(PyList.class);
private static PyType LongType = PyType.fromClass(PyLong.class);
private static PyType NoneType = PyType.fromClass(PyNone.class);
private static PyType StringType = PyType.fromClass(PyString.class);
private static PyType UnicodeType = PyType.fromClass(PyUnicode.class);
private static PyType TupleType = PyType.fromClass(PyTuple.class);
private static PyType FileType = PyType.fromClass(PyFile.class);
private static PyType BoolType = PyType.fromClass(PyBoolean.class);
private static PyObject dict;
private static final int BATCHSIZE = 1024;
* Initialization when module is imported.
public static void classDictInit(PyObject dict) {
cPickle.dict = dict;
// XXX: Hack for JPython 1.0.1. By default __builtin__ is not in
// sys.modules.
imp.importName("__builtin__", true);
PyModule copyreg = (PyModule)importModule("copy_reg");
dispatch_table = (PyDictionary)copyreg.__getattr__("dispatch_table");
extension_registry = (PyDictionary)copyreg.__getattr__("_extension_registry");
inverted_registry = (PyDictionary)copyreg.__getattr__("_inverted_registry");
PickleError = Py.makeClass("PickleError", Py.Exception, _PickleError());
PicklingError = Py.makeClass("PicklingError", PickleError, exceptionNamespace());
UnpickleableError = Py.makeClass("UnpickleableError", PicklingError, _UnpickleableError());
UnpicklingError = Py.makeClass("UnpicklingError", PickleError, exceptionNamespace());
BadPickleGet = Py.makeClass("BadPickleGet", UnpicklingError, exceptionNamespace());
public static PyObject exceptionNamespace() {
PyObject dict = new PyStringMap();
dict.__setitem__("__module__", new PyString("cPickle"));
return dict;
public static PyObject _PickleError() {
dict = exceptionNamespace();
dict.__setitem__("__str__", getJavaFunc("__str__", "_PickleError__str__"));
return dict;
public static PyString _PickleError__str__(PyObject self, PyObject[] args, String[] kwargs) {
PyObject selfArgs = self.__getattr__("args");
if (selfArgs.__len__() > 0 && selfArgs.__getitem__(0).__len__() > 0) {
return selfArgs.__getitem__(0).__str__();
} else {
return new PyString("(what)");
public static PyObject _UnpickleableError() {
dict = exceptionNamespace();
dict.__setitem__("__str__", getJavaFunc("__str__", "_UnpickleableError__str__"));
return dict;
public static PyString _UnpickleableError__str__(PyObject self, PyObject[] args,
String[] kwargs) {
PyObject selfArgs = self.__getattr__("args");
PyObject a = selfArgs.__len__() > 0 ? selfArgs.__getitem__(0) : new PyString("(what)");
return new PyString("Cannot pickle %s objects").__mod__(a).__str__();
* @param file a file-like object, can be a cStringIO.StringIO,
* a PyFile or any python object which implements a
* write method. The data will be written as text.
* @return a new Pickler instance.
public static Pickler Pickler(PyObject file) {
return new Pickler(file, 0);
* @param file a file-like object, can be a cStringIO.StringIO,
* a PyFile or any python object which implements a
* write method.
* @param protocol pickle protocol version (0 - text, 1 - pre-2.3 binary, 2 - 2.3)
* @return a new Pickler instance.
public static Pickler Pickler(PyObject file, int protocol) {
return new Pickler(file, protocol);
* Returns a unpickler instance.
* @param file a file-like object, can be a cStringIO.StringIO,
* a PyFile or any python object which implements a
* read and readline method.
* @return a new Unpickler instance.
public static Unpickler Unpickler(PyObject file) {
return new Unpickler(file);
* Shorthand function which pickles the object on the file.
* @param object a data object which should be pickled.
* @param file a file-like object, can be a cStringIO.StringIO,
* a PyFile or any python object which implements a
* write method. The data will be written as
* text.
public static void dump(PyObject object, PyObject file) {
dump(object, file, 0);
* Shorthand function which pickles the object on the file.
* @param object a data object which should be pickled.
* @param file a file-like object, can be a cStringIO.StringIO,
* a PyFile or any python object which implements a
* write method.
* @param protocol pickle protocol version (0 - text, 1 - pre-2.3 binary, 2 - 2.3)
public static void dump(PyObject object, PyObject file, int protocol) {
new Pickler(file, protocol).dump(object);
* Shorthand function which pickles and returns the string representation.
* @param object a data object which should be pickled.
* @return a string representing the pickled object.
public static PyString dumps(PyObject object) {
return dumps(object, 0);
* Shorthand function which pickles and returns the string representation.
* @param object a data object which should be pickled.
* @param protocol pickle protocol version (0 - text, 1 - pre-2.3 binary, 2 - 2.3)
* @return a string representing the pickled object.
public static PyString dumps(PyObject object, int protocol) {
cStringIO.StringIO file = cStringIO.StringIO();
dump(object, file, protocol);
return file.getvalue();
* Shorthand function which unpickles a object from the file and returns
* the new object.
* @param file a file-like object, can be a cStringIO.StringIO,
* a PyFile or any python object which implements a
* read and readline method.
* @return a new object.
public static Object load(PyObject file) {
try {
return new Unpickler(file).load();
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// invalid data, bad stack
throw Py.IndexError(e.getMessage());
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// short data
throw Py.EOFError(e.getMessage());
* Shorthand function which unpickles a object from the string and
* returns the new object.
* @param str a strings which must contain a pickled object
* representation.
* @return a new object.
public static Object loads(PyObject str) {
cStringIO.StringIO file = cStringIO.StringIO(str.toString());
return load(file);
// Factory for creating PyIOFile representation.
* The Pickler object
* @see cPickle#Pickler(PyObject)
* @see cPickle#Pickler(PyObject,int)
static public class Pickler {
private PyIOFile file;
private int protocol;
* The undocumented attribute fast of the C version of cPickle disables
* memoization. Since having memoization on won't break anything, having
* this dummy setter for fast here won't break any code expecting it to
* do something. However without it code that sets fast fails(ie
* test_cpickle.py), so it's worth having.
public boolean fast = false;
private PickleMemo memo = new PickleMemo();
* To write references to persistent objects, the persistent module
* must assign a method to persistent_id which returns either None
* or the persistent ID of the object.
* For the benefit of persistency modules written using pickle,
* it supports the notion of a reference to an object outside
* the pickled data stream.
* Such objects are referenced by a name, which is an arbitrary
* string of printable ASCII characters.
public PyObject persistent_id = null;
* Hmm, not documented, perhaps it shouldn't be public? XXX: fixme.
public PyObject inst_persistent_id = null;
public Pickler(PyObject file, int protocol) {
this.file = PyIOFileFactory.createIOFile(file);
this.protocol = protocol;
* Write a pickled representation of the object.
* @param object The object which will be pickled.
public void dump(PyObject object) {
if (protocol >= 2) {
file.write((char) protocol);
private static final int get_id(PyObject o) {
// we don't pickle Java instances so we don't have to consider that case
return System.identityHashCode(o);
// Save name as in pickle.py but semantics are slightly changed.
private void put(int i) {
if (protocol > 0) {
if (i < 256) {
file.write((char)( i & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((i >>> 8) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((i >>> 16) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((i >>> 24) & 0xFF));
// Same name as in pickle.py but semantics are slightly changed.
private void get(int i) {
if (protocol > 0) {
if (i < 256) {
file.write((char)( i & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((i >>> 8) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((i >>> 16) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((i >>> 24) & 0xFF));
private void save(PyObject object) {
save(object, false);
private void save(PyObject object, boolean pers_save) {
if (!pers_save && persistent_id != null && save_pers(object, persistent_id)) {
int d = get_id(object);
PyType t = object.getType();
if (t == TupleType && object.__len__() == 0) {
if (protocol > 0) {
} else {
int m = getMemoPosition(d, object);
if (m >= 0) {
if (save_type(object, t)) {
if (!pers_save && inst_persistent_id != null && save_pers(object, inst_persistent_id)) {
if (Py.isSubClass(t, PyType.TYPE)) {
PyObject tup = null;
PyObject reduce = dispatch_table.__finditem__(t);
if (reduce == null) {
reduce = object.__findattr__("__reduce_ex__");
if (reduce != null) {
tup = reduce.__call__(Py.newInteger(protocol));
} else {
reduce = object.__findattr__("__reduce__");
if (reduce == null) {
throw new PyException(UnpickleableError, object);
tup = reduce.__call__();
} else {
tup = reduce.__call__(object);
if (tup instanceof PyString) {
save_global(object, tup);
if (!(tup instanceof PyTuple)) {
throw new PyException(PicklingError,
"Value returned by " + reduce.__repr__() +
" must be a tuple");
int l = tup.__len__();
if (l < 2 || l > 5) {
throw new PyException(PicklingError,
"tuple returned by " + reduce.__repr__() +
" must contain two to five elements");
PyObject callable = tup.__finditem__(0);
PyObject arg_tup = tup.__finditem__(1);
PyObject state = (l > 2) ? tup.__finditem__(2) : Py.None;
PyObject listitems = (l > 3) ? tup.__finditem__(3) : Py.None;
PyObject dictitems = (l > 4) ? tup.__finditem__(4) : Py.None;
if (!(arg_tup instanceof PyTuple) && arg_tup != Py.None) {
throw new PyException(PicklingError,
"Second element of tupe returned by " +
reduce.__repr__() + " must be a tuple");
save_reduce(callable, arg_tup, state, listitems, dictitems, object);
final private boolean save_pers(PyObject object, PyObject pers_func) {
PyObject pid = pers_func.__call__(object);
if (pid == Py.None) {
return false;
if (protocol == 0) {
if (!Py.isInstance(pid, PyString.TYPE)) {
throw new PyException(PicklingError, "persistent id must be string");
} else {
save(pid, true);
return true;
final private void save_reduce(PyObject callable, PyObject arg_tup,
PyObject state, PyObject listitems, PyObject dictitems,
PyObject object)
PyObject callableName = callable.__findattr__("__name__");
if(protocol >= 2 && callableName != null
&& "__newobj__".equals(callableName.toString())) {
PyObject cls = arg_tup.__finditem__(0);
if(cls.__findattr__("__new__") == null) {
throw new PyException(PicklingError,
"args[0] from __newobj__ args has no __new__");
// TODO: check class
save(arg_tup.__getslice__(Py.One, Py.None));
} else {
// Memoize
put(putMemo(get_id(object), object));
if (listitems != Py.None) {
if (dictitems != Py.None) {
if (state != Py.None) {
final private boolean save_type(PyObject object, PyType type) {
//System.out.println("save_type " + object + " " + cls);
if (type == NoneType) {
} else if (type == StringType) {
} else if (type == UnicodeType) {
} else if (type == IntType) {
} else if (type == LongType) {
} else if (type == FloatType) {
} else if (type == TupleType) {
} else if (type == ListType) {
} else if (type == DictionaryType || type == StringMapType) {
} else if (type == InstanceType) {
} else if (type == ClassType) {
} else if (type == TypeType) {
} else if (type == FunctionType) {
} else if (type == BuiltinCallableType) {
} else if (type == ReflectedFunctionType) {
} else if (type == BoolType) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
final private void save_none(PyObject object) {
final private void save_int(PyObject object) {
if (protocol > 0) {
int l = ((PyInteger)object).getValue();
char i1 = (char)( l & 0xFF);
char i2 = (char)((l >>> 8 ) & 0xFF);
char i3 = (char)((l >>> 16) & 0xFF);
char i4 = (char)((l >>> 24) & 0xFF);
if (i3 == '\0' && i4 == '\0') {
if (i2 == '\0') {
} else {
private void save_bool(PyObject object) {
int value = ((PyBoolean)object).getValue();
if(protocol >= 2) {
file.write(value != 0 ? NEWTRUE : NEWFALSE);
} else {
file.write(value != 0 ? "01" : "00");
private void save_long(PyObject object) {
if(protocol >= 2) {
BigInteger integer = ((PyLong)object).getValue();
if (integer.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0) {
// It's 0 -- an empty bytestring.
byte[] bytes = integer.toByteArray();
int l = bytes.length;
if (l < 256) {
} else {
// Write in reverse order: pickle orders by little
// endian whereas BigInteger orders by big endian
for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int b = bytes[i] & 0xff;
} else {
private void writeInt4(int l) {
char i1 = (char)( l & 0xFF);
char i2 = (char)((l >>> 8 ) & 0xFF);
char i3 = (char)((l >>> 16) & 0xFF);
char i4 = (char)((l >>> 24) & 0xFF);
final private void save_float(PyObject object) {
if (protocol > 0) {
double value= ((PyFloat) object).getValue();
// It seems that struct.pack('>d', ..) and doubleToLongBits
// are the same. Good for me :-)
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
file.write((char)((bits >>> 56) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((bits >>> 48) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((bits >>> 40) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((bits >>> 32) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((bits >>> 24) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((bits >>> 16) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((bits >>> 8) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((bits >>> 0) & 0xFF));
} else {
final private void save_string(PyObject object) {
String str = object.toString();
if (protocol > 0) {
int l = str.length();
if (l < 256) {
} else {
file.write((char)( l & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((l >>> 8 ) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((l >>> 16) & 0xFF));
file.write((char)((l >>> 24) & 0xFF));
} else {
put(putMemo(get_id(object), object));
private void save_unicode(PyObject object) {
if (protocol > 0) {
String str = codecs.PyUnicode_EncodeUTF8(object.toString(), "struct");
} else {
"strict", true));
put(putMemo(get_id(object), object));
private void save_tuple(PyObject object) {
int d = get_id(object);
int len = object.__len__();
if (len > 0 && len <= 3 && protocol >= 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int m = getMemoPosition(d, object);
if (m >= 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
else {
char opcode = (char) (TUPLE1 + len - 1);
put(putMemo(d, object));
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (len > 0) {
int m = getMemoPosition(d, object);
if (m >= 0) {
if (protocol > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < len+1; i++) {
put(putMemo(d, object));
final private void save_empty_tuple(PyObject object) {
private void save_list(PyObject object) {
if (protocol > 0) {
} else {
put(putMemo(get_id(object), object));
private void batch_appends(PyObject object) {
int countInBatch = 0;
for (PyObject nextObj : object.asIterable()) {
if(protocol == 0) {
} else {
if(countInBatch == 0) {
if(countInBatch == BATCHSIZE) {
countInBatch = 0;
if (countInBatch > 0) {
private void save_dict(PyObject object) {
if (protocol > 0) {
} else {
put(putMemo(get_id(object), object));
private void batch_setitems(PyObject object) {
if (protocol == 0) {
// SETITEMS isn't available; do one at a time.
for (PyObject p : object.asIterable()) {
if (!(p instanceof PyTuple) || p.__len__() != 2) {
throw Py.TypeError("dict items iterator must return 2-tuples");
} else {
// proto > 0: write in batches of BATCHSIZE.
PyObject obj;
PyObject[] slice = new PyObject[BATCHSIZE];
int n;
do {
// Get next group of (no more than) BATCHSIZE elements.
for (n = 0; n < BATCHSIZE; n++) {
obj = object.__iternext__();
if (obj == null) {
slice[n] = obj;
if (n > 1) {
// Pump out MARK, slice[0:n], APPENDS.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
obj = slice[i];
} else if (n == 1) {
obj = slice[0];
} while (n == BATCHSIZE);
final private void save_inst(PyInstance object) {
PyClass cls = object.instclass;
PySequence args = null;
PyObject getinitargs = object.__findattr__("__getinitargs__");
if (getinitargs != null) {
args = (PySequence)getinitargs.__call__();
// XXX Assert it's a sequence
if (protocol > 0) {
if (args != null) {
int len = args.__len__();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int mid = putMemo(get_id(object), object);
if (protocol > 0) {
} else {
PyObject stuff = null;
PyObject getstate = object.__findattr__("__getstate__");
if (getstate == null) {
stuff = object.__dict__;
} else {
stuff = getstate.__call__();
final private void save_global(PyObject object) {
save_global(object, null);
final private void save_global(PyObject object, PyObject name) {
if (name == null) {
name = object.__findattr__("__name__");
PyObject module = object.__findattr__("__module__");
if (module == null || module == Py.None) {
module = whichmodule(object, name);
if(protocol >= 2) {
PyTuple extKey = new PyTuple(module, name);
PyObject extCode = extension_registry.get(extKey);
if(extCode != Py.None) {
int code = ((PyInteger)extCode).getValue();
if(code <= 0xFF) {
} else if(code <= 0xFFFF) {
file.write((char)(code & 0xFF));
file.write((char)(code >> 8));
} else {
put(putMemo(get_id(object), object));
final private int getMemoPosition(int id, Object o) {
return memo.findPosition(id, o);
final private int putMemo(int id, PyObject object) {
int memo_len = memo.size() + 1;
memo.put(id, memo_len, object);
return memo_len;
* Keeps a reference to the object x in the memo.
* Because we remember objects by their id, we have
* to assure that possibly temporary objects are kept
* alive by referencing them.
* We store a reference at the id of the memo, which should
* normally not be used unless someone tries to deepcopy
* the memo itself...
final private void keep_alive(PyObject obj) {
int id = System.identityHashCode(memo);
PyList list = (PyList) memo.findValue(id, memo);
if (list == null) {
list = new PyList();
memo.put(id, -1, list);
private static Map classmap = Generic.map();
final private static PyObject whichmodule(PyObject cls,
PyObject clsname)
PyObject name = classmap.get(cls);
if (name != null) {
return name;
name = new PyString("__main__");
// For use with JPython1.0.x
//PyObject modules = sys.modules;
// For use with JPython1.1.x
//PyObject modules = Py.getSystemState().modules;
PyObject sys = imp.importName("sys", true);
PyObject modules = sys.__findattr__("modules");
PyObject keylist = modules.invoke("keys");
int len = keylist.__len__();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
PyObject key = keylist.__finditem__(i);
PyObject value = modules.__finditem__(key);
if (!key.equals("__main__") &&
value.__findattr__(clsname.toString().intern()) == cls) {
name = key;
classmap.put(cls, name);
return name;
* A very specialized and simplified version of PyStringMap. It can
* only use integers as keys and stores both an integer and an object
* as value. It is very private! And should only be used thread-confined.
static private class PickleMemo {
//Table of primes to cycle through
private final int[] primes = {
13, 61, 251, 1021, 4093,
5987, 9551, 15683, 19609, 31397,
65521, 131071, 262139, 524287, 1048573, 2097143,
4194301, 8388593, 16777213, 33554393, 67108859,
134217689, 268435399, 536870909, 1073741789,};
private transient int[] keys;
private transient int[] position;
private transient Object[] values;
private int size;
private transient int filled;
private transient int prime;
public PickleMemo(int capacity) {
prime = 0;
keys = null;
values = null;
public PickleMemo() {
public int size() {
return size;
private int findIndex(int key, Object value) {
int[] table = keys;
int maxindex = table.length;
int index = (key & 0x7fffffff) % maxindex;
// Fairly aribtrary choice for stepsize...
int stepsize = maxindex / 5;
// Cycle through possible positions for the key;
//int collisions = 0;
while (true) {
int tkey = table[index];
if (tkey == key && value == values[index]) {
return index;
if (values[index] == null) {
return -1;
index = (index+stepsize) % maxindex;
public int findPosition(int key, Object value) {
int idx = findIndex(key, value);
if (idx < 0) {
return -1;
return position[idx];
public Object findValue(int key, Object value) {
int idx = findIndex(key, value);
if (idx < 0) {
return null;
return values[idx];
private final void insertkey(int key, int pos, Object value) {
int[] table = keys;
int maxindex = table.length;
int index = (key & 0x7fffffff) % maxindex;
// Fairly aribtrary choice for stepsize...
int stepsize = maxindex / 5;
// Cycle through possible positions for the key;
while (true) {
int tkey = table[index];
if (values[index] == null) {
table[index] = key;
position[index] = pos;
values[index] = value;
} else if (tkey == key && values[index] == value) {
position[index] = pos;
index = (index+stepsize) % maxindex;
private final void resize(int capacity) {
int p = prime;
for(; p= capacity) {
if (primes[p] < capacity) {
throw Py.ValueError("can't make hashtable of size: " +
capacity = primes[p];
prime = p;
int[] oldKeys = keys;
int[] oldPositions = position;
Object[] oldValues = values;
keys = new int[capacity];
position = new int[capacity];
values = new Object[capacity];
size = 0;
filled = 0;
if (oldValues != null) {
int n = oldValues.length;
for(int i=0; i keys.length) {
insertkey(key, pos, value);
* The Unpickler object. Unpickler instances are create by the factory
* methods Unpickler.
* @see cPickle#Unpickler(PyObject)
static public class Unpickler {
private PyIOFile file;
public Map memo = Generic.map();
* For the benefit of persistency modules written using pickle,
* it supports the notion of a reference to an object outside
* the pickled data stream.
* Such objects are referenced by a name, which is an arbitrary
* string of printable ASCII characters.
* The resolution of such names is not defined by the pickle module
* -- the persistent object module will have to add a method
* persistent_load().
public PyObject persistent_load = null;
public PyObject find_global = null;
private PyObject mark = new PyString("spam");
private int stackTop;
private PyObject[] stack;
Unpickler(PyObject file) {
this.file = PyIOFileFactory.createIOFile(file);
* Unpickle and return an instance of the object represented by
* the file.
public PyObject load() {
stackTop = 0;
stack = new PyObject[10];
while (true) {
String s = file.read(1);
// System.out.println("load:" + s);
// for (int i = 0; i < stackTop; i++)
// System.out.println(" " + stack[i]);
if (s.length() < 1) {
char key = s.charAt(0);
switch (key) {
case PERSID: load_persid(); break;
case BINPERSID: load_binpersid(); break;
case NONE: load_none(); break;
case INT: load_int(); break;
case BININT: load_binint(); break;
case BININT1: load_binint1(); break;
case BININT2: load_binint2(); break;
case LONG: load_long(); break;
case FLOAT: load_float(); break;
case BINFLOAT: load_binfloat(); break;
case STRING: load_string(); break;
case BINSTRING: load_binstring(); break;
case SHORT_BINSTRING: load_short_binstring(); break;
case UNICODE: load_unicode(); break;
case BINUNICODE: load_binunicode(); break;
case TUPLE: load_tuple(); break;
case EMPTY_TUPLE: load_empty_tuple(); break;
case EMPTY_LIST: load_empty_list(); break;
case EMPTY_DICT: load_empty_dictionary(); break;
case LIST: load_list(); break;
case DICT: load_dict(); break;
case INST: load_inst(); break;
case OBJ: load_obj(); break;
case GLOBAL: load_global(); break;
case REDUCE: load_reduce(); break;
case POP: load_pop(); break;
case POP_MARK: load_pop_mark(); break;
case DUP: load_dup(); break;
case GET: load_get(); break;
case BINGET: load_binget(); break;
case LONG_BINGET: load_long_binget(); break;
case PUT: load_put(); break;
case BINPUT: load_binput(); break;
case LONG_BINPUT: load_long_binput(); break;
case APPEND: load_append(); break;
case APPENDS: load_appends(); break;
case SETITEM: load_setitem(); break;
case SETITEMS: load_setitems(); break;
case BUILD: load_build(); break;
case MARK: load_mark(); break;
case PROTO: load_proto(); break;
case NEWOBJ: load_newobj(); break;
case EXT1: load_ext(1); break;
case EXT2: load_ext(2); break;
case EXT4: load_ext(4); break;
case TUPLE1: load_small_tuple(1); break;
case TUPLE2: load_small_tuple(2); break;
case TUPLE3: load_small_tuple(3); break;
case NEWTRUE: load_boolean(true); break;
case NEWFALSE: load_boolean(false); break;
case LONG1: load_bin_long(1); break;
case LONG4: load_bin_long(4); break;
case STOP:
return load_stop();
throw new PyException(UnpicklingError,
String.format("invalid load key, '%s'.", key));
final private int marker() {
for (int k = stackTop-1; k >= 0; k--) {
if (stack[k] == mark) {
return stackTop-k-1;
throw new PyException(UnpicklingError,
"Inputstream corrupt, marker not found");
final private void load_eof() {
throw new PyException(Py.EOFError);
private void load_proto() {
int proto = file.read(1).charAt(0);
if (proto < 0 || proto > 2) {
throw Py.ValueError("unsupported pickle protocol: " + proto);
final private void load_persid() {
load_persid(new PyString(file.readlineNoNl()));
final private void load_binpersid() {
final private void load_persid(PyObject pid) {
if (persistent_load == null) {
throw new PyException(UnpicklingError,
"A load persistent id instruction was encountered,\n"
+ "but no persistent_load function was specified.");
if (persistent_load instanceof PyList) {
} else {
pid = persistent_load.__call__(pid);
final private void load_none() {
final private void load_int() {
String line = file.readlineNoNl();
PyObject value;
// The following could be abstracted into a common string
// -> int/long method.
if (line.equals("01")) {
value = Py.True;
else if (line.equals("00")) {
value = Py.False;
else {
try {
value = Py.newInteger(Integer.parseInt(line));
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
try {
value = Py.newLong(line);
} catch(NumberFormatException e2) {
throw Py.ValueError("could not convert string to int");
private void load_boolean(boolean value) {
push(value ? Py.True : Py.False);
final private void load_binint() {
int x = read_binint();
push(new PyInteger(x));
private int read_binint() {
String s = file.read(4);
return s.charAt(0) |
(s.charAt(1)<<8) |
(s.charAt(2)<<16) |
final private void load_binint1() {
int val = file.read(1).charAt(0);
push(new PyInteger(val));
final private void load_binint2() {
int val = read_binint2();
push(new PyInteger(val));
private int read_binint2() {
String s = file.read(2);
return (s.charAt(1)) << 8 | (s.charAt(0));
final private void load_long() {
String line = file.readlineNoNl();
push(new PyLong(line.substring(0, line.length()-1)));
private void load_bin_long(int length) {
int longLength = read_binint(length);
if (longLength == 0) {
push(new PyLong(BigInteger.ZERO));
String s = file.read(longLength);
byte[] bytes = new byte[s.length()];
// Write to the byte array in reverse order: pickle orders
// by little endian whereas BigInteger orders by big
// endian
int n = s.length() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++, n--) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if(c >= 128) {
bytes[n] = (byte)(c - 256);
} else {
bytes[n] = (byte)c;
BigInteger bigint = new BigInteger(bytes);
push(new PyLong(bigint));
private int read_binint(int length) {
if (length == 1) {
return file.read(1).charAt(0);
} else if (length == 2) {
return read_binint2();
} else {
return read_binint();
final private void load_float() {
String line = file.readlineNoNl();
push(new PyFloat(Double.valueOf(line).doubleValue()));
final private void load_binfloat() {
String s = file.read(8);
long bits = s.charAt(7) |
((long)s.charAt(6) << 8) |
((long)s.charAt(5) << 16) |
((long)s.charAt(4) << 24) |
((long)s.charAt(3) << 32) |
((long)s.charAt(2) << 40) |
((long)s.charAt(1) << 48) |
((long)s.charAt(0) << 56);
push(new PyFloat(Double.longBitsToDouble(bits)));
final private void load_string() {
String line = file.readlineNoNl();
String value;
char quote = line.charAt(0);
if (quote != '"' && quote != '\'') {
throw Py.ValueError("insecure string pickle");
int nslash = 0;
int i;
char ch = '\0';
int n = line.length();
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
ch = line.charAt(i);
if (ch == quote && nslash % 2 == 0) {
if (ch == '\\') {
} else {
nslash = 0;
if (ch != quote) {
throw Py.ValueError("insecure string pickle");
for (i++ ; i < line.length(); i++) {
if (line.charAt(i) > ' ') {
throw Py.ValueError("insecure string pickle " + i);
value = PyString.decode_UnicodeEscape(line, 1, n-1,
"strict", false);
push(new PyString(value));
final private void load_binstring() {
int len = read_binint();
push(new PyString(file.read(len)));
final private void load_short_binstring() {
int len = file.read(1).charAt(0);
push(new PyString(file.read(len)));
final private void load_unicode() {
String line = file.readlineNoNl();
String value = codecs.PyUnicode_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape(line,
push(new PyUnicode(value));
final private void load_binunicode() {
int len = read_binint();
String line = file.read(len);
push(new PyUnicode(codecs.PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(line, "strict")));
final private void load_tuple() {
PyObject[] arr = new PyObject[marker()];
push(new PyTuple(arr));
final private void load_empty_tuple() {
push(new PyTuple(Py.EmptyObjects));
private void load_small_tuple(int length) {
PyObject[] data = new PyObject[length];
for(int i=length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
data [i] = pop();
push(new PyTuple(data));
final private void load_empty_list() {
push(new PyList(Py.EmptyObjects));
final private void load_empty_dictionary() {
push(new PyDictionary());
final private void load_list() {
PyObject[] arr = new PyObject[marker()];
push(new PyList(arr));
final private void load_dict() {
int k = marker();
PyDictionary d = new PyDictionary();
for (int i = 0; i < k; i += 2) {
PyObject value = pop();
PyObject key = pop();
d.__setitem__(key, value);
final private void load_inst() {
PyObject[] args = new PyObject[marker()];
String module = file.readlineNoNl();
String name = file.readlineNoNl();
PyObject klass = find_class(module, name);
PyObject value = null;
if (args.length == 0 && klass instanceof PyClass &&
klass.__findattr__("__getinitargs__") == null) {
value = new PyInstance((PyClass)klass);
} else {
value = klass.__call__(args);
final private void load_obj() {
PyObject[] args = new PyObject[marker()-1];
PyObject klass = pop();
PyObject value = null;
if (args.length == 0 && klass instanceof PyClass &&
klass.__findattr__("__getinitargs__") == null) {
value = new PyInstance((PyClass)klass);
} else {
value = klass.__call__(args);
final private void load_global() {
String module = file.readlineNoNl();
String name = file.readlineNoNl();
PyObject klass = find_class(module, name);
final private PyObject find_class(String module, String name) {
if (find_global != null) {
if (find_global == Py.None) {
throw new PyException(UnpicklingError,
"Global and instance pickles are not supported.");
return find_global.__call__(new PyString(module), new PyString(name));
PyObject modules = Py.getSystemState().modules;
PyObject mod = modules.__finditem__(module.intern());
if (mod == null) {
mod = importModule(module);
PyObject global = mod.__findattr__(name.intern());
if (global == null) {
throw new PyException(Py.SystemError,
"Failed to import class " + name + " from module " +
return global;
private void load_ext(int length) {
int code = read_binint(length);
// TODO: support _extension_cache
PyObject key = inverted_registry.get(Py.newInteger(code));
if (key == null) {
throw new PyException(Py.ValueError, "unregistered extension code " + code);
String module = key.__finditem__(0).toString();
String name = key.__finditem__(1).toString();
push(find_class(module, name));
final private void load_reduce() {
PyObject arg_tup = pop();
PyObject callable = pop();
PyObject value = null;
if (arg_tup == Py.None) {
// XXX __basicnew__ ?
value = callable.__findattr__("__basicnew__").__call__();
} else {
value = callable.__call__(make_array(arg_tup));
private void load_newobj() {
PyObject arg_tup = pop();
PyObject cls = pop();
PyObject[] args = new PyObject[arg_tup.__len__() + 1];
args [0] = cls;
for(int i=1; i= 0; i--) {
} else {
PyObject appender = obj.__getattr__("append");
for(int i = mark - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
pop(mark + 1);
final private void load_setitem() {
PyObject value = pop();
PyObject key = pop();
PyDictionary dict = (PyDictionary)peek();
dict.__setitem__(key, value);
final private void load_setitems() {
int mark = marker();
PyDictionary dict = (PyDictionary)peek(mark+1);
for (int i = 0; i < mark; i += 2) {
PyObject key = peek(i+1);
PyObject value = peek(i);
dict.__setitem__(key, value);
private void load_build() {
PyObject state = pop();
PyObject inst = peek();
PyObject setstate = inst.__findattr__("__setstate__");
if (setstate != null) {
// The explicit __setstate__ is responsible for everything.
// A default __setstate__. First see whether state embeds a slot state dict
// too (a proto 2 addition).
PyObject slotstate = null;
if (state instanceof PyTuple && state.__len__() == 2) {
PyObject temp = state;
state = temp.__getitem__(0);
slotstate = temp.__getitem__(1);
if (state != Py.None) {
if (!(state instanceof PyDictionary)) {
throw new PyException(UnpicklingError, "state is not a dictionary");
PyObject dict = inst.__getattr__("__dict__");
for (PyObject item : ((PyDictionary)state).iteritems().asIterable()) {
dict.__setitem__(item.__getitem__(0), item.__getitem__(1));
// Also set instance attributes from the slotstate dict (if any).
if (slotstate != null) {
if (!(slotstate instanceof PyDictionary)) {
throw new PyException(UnpicklingError, "slot state is not a dictionary");
for (PyObject item : ((PyDictionary)slotstate).iteritems().asIterable()) {
final private void load_mark() {
final private PyObject load_stop() {
return pop();
final private PyObject peek() {
return stack[stackTop-1];
final private PyObject peek(int count) {
return stack[stackTop-count-1];
final private PyObject pop() {
PyObject val = stack[--stackTop];
stack[stackTop] = null;
return val;
final private void pop(int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
stack[--stackTop] = null;
final private void pop(PyObject[] arr) {
int len = arr.length;
System.arraycopy(stack, stackTop - len, arr, 0, len);
stackTop -= len;
final private void push(PyObject val) {
if (stackTop >= stack.length) {
PyObject[] newStack = new PyObject[(stackTop+1) * 2];
System.arraycopy(stack, 0, newStack, 0, stack.length);
stack = newStack;
stack[stackTop++] = val;
private static PyObject importModule(String name) {
PyObject fromlist = new PyTuple(Py.newString("__doc__"));
return __builtin__.__import__(name, Py.None, Py.None, fromlist);
private static PyObject getJavaFunc(String name, String methodName) {
return exceptions.bindStaticJavaMethod(name, cPickle.class, methodName);