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* (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996, 1997 - All Rights Reserved
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package java.util;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.spi.LocaleNameProvider;
import sun.util.locale.BaseLocale;
import sun.util.locale.InternalLocaleBuilder;
import sun.util.locale.LanguageTag;
import sun.util.locale.LocaleExtensions;
import sun.util.locale.LocaleMatcher;
import sun.util.locale.LocaleObjectCache;
import sun.util.locale.LocaleSyntaxException;
import sun.util.locale.LocaleUtils;
import sun.util.locale.ParseStatus;
import sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleProviderAdapter;
import sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleResources;
import sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleServiceProviderPool;
import sun.util.locale.provider.TimeZoneNameUtility;
* A {@code Locale} object represents a specific geographical, political,
* or cultural region. An operation that requires a {@code Locale} to perform
* its task is called locale-sensitive and uses the {@code Locale}
* to tailor information for the user. For example, displaying a number
* is a locale-sensitive operation— the number should be formatted
* according to the customs and conventions of the user's native country,
* region, or culture.
ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or registered
* language subtags up to 8 alpha letters (for future enhancements).
* When a language has both an alpha-2 code and an alpha-3 code, the
* alpha-2 code must be used. You can find a full list of valid
* language codes in the IANA Language Subtag Registry (search for
* "Type: language"). The language field is case insensitive, but
* {@code Locale} always canonicalizes to lower case.
Well-formed language values have the form
* [a-zA-Z]{2,8}. Note that this is not the full
* BCP47 language production, since it excludes extlang. They are
* not needed since modern three-letter language codes replace
* them.
ISO 15924 alpha-4 script code. You can find a full list of
* valid script codes in the IANA Language Subtag Registry (search
* for "Type: script"). The script field is case insensitive, but
* {@code Locale} always canonicalizes to title case (the first
* letter is upper case and the rest of the letters are lower
* case).
Well-formed script values have the form
* [a-zA-Z]{4}
ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code or UN M.49 numeric-3 area code.
* You can find a full list of valid country and region codes in the
* IANA Language Subtag Registry (search for "Type: region"). The
* country (region) field is case insensitive, but
* {@code Locale} always canonicalizes to upper case.
Well-formed country/region values have
* the form [a-zA-Z]{2} | [0-9]{3}
Any arbitrary value used to indicate a variation of a
* {@code Locale}. Where there are two or more variant values
* each indicating its own semantics, these values should be ordered
* by importance, with most important first, separated by
* underscore('_'). The variant field is case sensitive.
Note: IETF BCP 47 places syntactic restrictions on variant
* subtags. Also BCP 47 subtags are strictly used to indicate
* additional variations that define a language or its dialects that
* are not covered by any combinations of language, script and
* region subtags. You can find a full list of valid variant codes
* in the IANA Language Subtag Registry (search for "Type: variant").
However, the variant field in {@code Locale} has
* historically been used for any kind of variation, not just
* language variations. For example, some supported variants
* available in Java SE Runtime Environments indicate alternative
* cultural behaviors such as calendar type or number script. In
* BCP 47 this kind of information, which does not identify the
* language, is supported by extension subtags or private use
* subtags.
Well-formed variant values have the form SUBTAG
* (('_'|'-') SUBTAG)* where SUBTAG =
* [0-9][0-9a-zA-Z]{3} | [0-9a-zA-Z]{5,8}. (Note: BCP 47 only
* uses hyphen ('-') as a delimiter, this is more lenient).
A map from single character keys to string values, indicating
* extensions apart from language identification. The extensions in
* {@code Locale} implement the semantics and syntax of BCP 47
* extension subtags and private use subtags. The extensions are
* case insensitive, but {@code Locale} canonicalizes all
* extension keys and values to lower case. Note that extensions
* cannot have empty values.
Well-formed keys are single characters from the set
* {@code [0-9a-zA-Z]}. Well-formed values have the form
* {@code SUBTAG ('-' SUBTAG)*} where for the key 'x'
* SUBTAG = [0-9a-zA-Z]{1,8} and for other keys
* SUBTAG = [0-9a-zA-Z]{2,8} (that is, 'x' allows
* single-character subtags).
* Note: Although BCP 47 requires field values to be registered
* in the IANA Language Subtag Registry, the {@code Locale} class
* does not provide any validation features. The {@code Builder}
* only checks if an individual field satisfies the syntactic
* requirement (is well-formed), but does not validate the value
* itself. See {@link Builder} for details.
UTS#35, "Unicode Locale Data Markup Language" defines optional
* attributes and keywords to override or refine the default behavior
* associated with a locale. A keyword is represented by a pair of
* key and type. For example, "nu-thai" indicates that Thai local
* digits (value:"thai") should be used for formatting numbers
* (key:"nu").
The keywords are mapped to a BCP 47 extension value using the
* extension key 'u' ({@link #UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION}). The above
* example, "nu-thai", becomes the extension "u-nu-thai".
Thus, when a {@code Locale} object contains Unicode locale
* attributes and keywords,
* {@code getExtension(UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION)} will return a
* String representing this information, for example, "nu-thai". The
* {@code Locale} class also provides {@link
* #getUnicodeLocaleAttributes}, {@link #getUnicodeLocaleKeys}, and
* {@link #getUnicodeLocaleType} which allow you to access Unicode
* locale attributes and key/type pairs directly. When represented as
* a string, the Unicode Locale Extension lists attributes
* alphabetically, followed by key/type sequences with keys listed
* alphabetically (the order of subtags comprising a key's type is
* fixed when the type is defined)
A well-formed locale key has the form
* [0-9a-zA-Z]{2}. A well-formed locale type has the
* form "" | [0-9a-zA-Z]{3,8} ('-' [0-9a-zA-Z]{3,8})* (it
* can be empty, or a series of subtags 3-8 alphanums in length). A
* well-formed locale attribute has the form
* [0-9a-zA-Z]{3,8} (it is a single subtag with the same
* form as a locale type subtag).
The Unicode locale extension specifies optional behavior in
* locale-sensitive services. Although the LDML specification defines
* various keys and values, actual locale-sensitive service
* implementations in a Java Runtime Environment might not support any
* particular Unicode locale attributes or key/type pairs.
Creating a Locale
There are several different ways to create a {@code Locale}
* object.
Using {@link Builder} you can construct a {@code Locale} object
* that conforms to BCP 47 syntax.
The {@code Locale} class provides three constructors:
* These constructors allow you to create a {@code Locale} object
* with language, country and variant, but you cannot specify
* script or extensions.
Factory Methods
The method {@link #forLanguageTag} creates a {@code Locale}
* object for a well-formed BCP 47 language tag.
Locale Constants
The {@code Locale} class provides a number of convenient constants
* that you can use to create {@code Locale} objects for commonly used
* locales. For example, the following creates a {@code Locale} object
* for the United States:
If an application or a system is internationalized and provides localized
* resources for multiple locales, it sometimes needs to find one or more
* locales (or language tags) which meet each user's specific preferences. Note
* that a term "language tag" is used interchangeably with "locale" in this
* locale matching documentation.
In order to do matching a user's preferred locales to a set of language
* tags, RFC 4647 Matching of
* Language Tags defines two mechanisms: filtering and lookup.
* Filtering is used to get all matching locales, whereas
* lookup is to choose the best matching locale.
* Matching is done case-insensitively. These matching mechanisms are described
* in the following sections.
A user's preference is called a Language Priority List and is
* expressed as a list of language ranges. There are syntactically two types of
* language ranges: basic and extended. See
* {@link Locale.LanguageRange Locale.LanguageRange} for details.
The filtering operation returns all matching language tags. It is defined
* in RFC 4647 as follows:
* "In filtering, each language range represents the least specific language
* tag (that is, the language tag with fewest number of subtags) that is an
* acceptable match. All of the language tags in the matching set of tags will
* have an equal or greater number of subtags than the language range. Every
* non-wildcard subtag in the language range will appear in every one of the
* matching language tags."
There are two types of filtering: filtering for basic language ranges
* (called "basic filtering") and filtering for extended language ranges
* (called "extended filtering"). They may return different results by what
* kind of language ranges are included in the given Language Priority List.
* {@link Locale.FilteringMode} is a parameter to specify how filtering should
* be done.
The lookup operation returns the best matching language tags. It is
* defined in RFC 4647 as follows:
* "By contrast with filtering, each language range represents the most
* specific tag that is an acceptable match. The first matching tag found,
* according to the user's priority, is considered the closest match and is the
* item returned."
For example, if a Language Priority List consists of two language ranges,
* {@code "zh-Hant-TW"} and {@code "en-US"}, in prioritized order, lookup
* method progressively searches the language tags below in order to find the
* best matching language tag.
* If there is a language tag which matches completely to a language range
* above, the language tag is returned.
{@code "*"} is the special language range, and it is ignored in lookup.
If multiple language tags match as a result of the subtag {@code '*'}
* included in a language range, the first matching language tag returned by
* an {@link Iterator} over a {@link Collection} of language tags is treated as
* the best matching one.
Use of Locale
Once you've created a {@code Locale} you can query it for information
* about itself. Use {@code getCountry} to get the country (or region)
* code and {@code getLanguage} to get the language code.
* You can use {@code getDisplayCountry} to get the
* name of the country suitable for displaying to the user. Similarly,
* you can use {@code getDisplayLanguage} to get the name of
* the language suitable for displaying to the user. Interestingly,
* the {@code getDisplayXXX} methods are themselves locale-sensitive
* and have two versions: one that uses the default
* {@link Locale.Category#DISPLAY DISPLAY} locale and one
* that uses the locale specified as an argument.
The Java Platform provides a number of classes that perform locale-sensitive
* operations. For example, the {@code NumberFormat} class formats
* numbers, currency, and percentages in a locale-sensitive manner. Classes
* such as {@code NumberFormat} have several convenience methods
* for creating a default object of that type. For example, the
* {@code NumberFormat} class provides these three convenience methods
* for creating a default {@code NumberFormat} object:
* Each of these methods has two variants; one with an explicit locale
* and one without; the latter uses the default
* {@link Locale.Category#FORMAT FORMAT} locale:
* A {@code Locale} is the mechanism for identifying the kind of object
* ({@code NumberFormat}) that you would like to get. The locale is
* just a mechanism for identifying objects,
* not a container for the objects themselves.
In order to maintain compatibility with existing usage, Locale's
* constructors retain their behavior prior to the Java Runtime
* Environment version 1.7. The same is largely true for the
* {@code toString} method. Thus Locale objects can continue to
* be used as they were. In particular, clients who parse the output
* of toString into language, country, and variant fields can continue
* to do so (although this is strongly discouraged), although the
* variant field will have additional information in it if script or
* extensions are present.
In addition, BCP 47 imposes syntax restrictions that are not
* imposed by Locale's constructors. This means that conversions
* between some Locales and BCP 47 language tags cannot be made without
* losing information. Thus {@code toLanguageTag} cannot
* represent the state of locales whose language, country, or variant
* do not conform to BCP 47.
Because of these issues, it is recommended that clients migrate
* away from constructing non-conforming locales and use the
* {@code forLanguageTag} and {@code Locale.Builder} APIs instead.
* Clients desiring a string representation of the complete locale can
* then always rely on {@code toLanguageTag} for this purpose.
For compatibility reasons, two
* non-conforming locales are treated as special cases. These are
* {@code ja_JP_JP} and {@code th_TH_TH}. These are ill-formed
* in BCP 47 since the variants are too short. To ease migration to BCP 47,
* these are treated specially during construction. These two cases (and only
* these) cause a constructor to generate an extension, all other values behave
* exactly as they did prior to Java 7.
Java has used {@code ja_JP_JP} to represent Japanese as used in
* Japan together with the Japanese Imperial calendar. This is now
* representable using a Unicode locale extension, by specifying the
* Unicode locale key {@code ca} (for "calendar") and type
* {@code japanese}. When the Locale constructor is called with the
* arguments "ja", "JP", "JP", the extension "u-ca-japanese" is
* automatically added.
Java has used {@code th_TH_TH} to represent Thai as used in
* Thailand together with Thai digits. This is also now representable using
* a Unicode locale extension, by specifying the Unicode locale key
* {@code nu} (for "number") and value {@code thai}. When the Locale
* constructor is called with the arguments "th", "TH", "TH", the
* extension "u-nu-thai" is automatically added.
During serialization, writeObject writes all fields to the output
* stream, including extensions.
During deserialization, readResolve adds extensions as described
* in Special Cases, only
* for the two cases th_TH_TH and ja_JP_JP.
Locale's constructor has always converted three language codes to
* their earlier, obsoleted forms: {@code he} maps to {@code iw},
* {@code yi} maps to {@code ji}, and {@code id} maps to
* {@code in}. Since Java SE 17, this is no longer the case. Each
* language maps to its new form; {@code iw} maps to {@code he}, {@code ji}
* maps to {@code yi}, and {@code in} maps to {@code id}.
For the backward compatible behavior, the system property
* {@systemProperty java.locale.useOldISOCodes} reverts the behavior
* back to that of before Java SE 17. If the system property is set to
* {@code true}, those three current language codes are mapped to their
* backward compatible forms. The property is only read at Java runtime
* startup and subsequent calls to {@code System.setProperty()} will
* have no effect.
The APIs added in 1.7 map between the old and new language codes,
* maintaining the mapped codes internal to Locale (so that
* {@code getLanguage} and {@code toString} reflect the mapped
* code, which depends on the {@code java.locale.useOldISOCodes} system
* property), but using the new codes in the BCP 47 language tag APIs (so
* that {@code toLanguageTag} reflects the new one). This
* preserves the equivalence between Locales no matter which code or
* API is used to construct them. Java's default resource bundle
* lookup mechanism also implements this mapping, so that resources
* can be named using either convention, see {@link ResourceBundle.Control}.
Three-letter language/country(region) codes
The Locale constructors have always specified that the language
* and the country param be two characters in length, although in
* practice they have accepted any length. The specification has now
* been relaxed to allow language codes of two to eight characters and
* country (region) codes of two to three characters, and in
* particular, three-letter language codes and three-digit region
* codes as specified in the IANA Language Subtag Registry. For
* compatibility, the implementation still does not impose a length
* constraint.
* @see Builder
* @see ResourceBundle
* @see java.text.Format
* @see java.text.NumberFormat
* @see java.text.Collator
* @author Mark Davis
* @since 1.1
public final class Locale implements Cloneable, Serializable {
/** Useful constant for language.
public static final Locale ENGLISH;
/** Useful constant for language.
public static final Locale FRENCH;
/** Useful constant for language.
public static final Locale GERMAN;
/** Useful constant for language.
public static final Locale ITALIAN;
/** Useful constant for language.
public static final Locale JAPANESE;
/** Useful constant for language.
public static final Locale KOREAN;
/** Useful constant for language.
public static final Locale CHINESE;
/** Useful constant for language.
public static final Locale SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE;
/** Useful constant for language.
public static final Locale TRADITIONAL_CHINESE;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale FRANCE;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale GERMANY;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale ITALY;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale JAPAN;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale KOREA;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale UK;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale US;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale CANADA;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale CANADA_FRENCH;
* Useful constant for the root locale. The root locale is the locale whose
* language, country, and variant are empty ("") strings. This is regarded
* as the base locale of all locales, and is used as the language/country
* neutral locale for the locale sensitive operations.
* @since 1.6
public static final Locale ROOT;
private static final Map CONSTANT_LOCALES = new HashMap<>();
static {
ENGLISH = createConstant(BaseLocale.ENGLISH);
FRENCH = createConstant(BaseLocale.FRENCH);
GERMAN = createConstant(BaseLocale.GERMAN);
ITALIAN = createConstant(BaseLocale.ITALIAN);
JAPANESE = createConstant(BaseLocale.JAPANESE);
KOREAN = createConstant(BaseLocale.KOREAN);
CHINESE = createConstant(BaseLocale.CHINESE);
FRANCE = createConstant(BaseLocale.FRANCE);
GERMANY = createConstant(BaseLocale.GERMANY);
ITALY = createConstant(BaseLocale.ITALY);
JAPAN = createConstant(BaseLocale.JAPAN);
KOREA = createConstant(BaseLocale.KOREA);
UK = createConstant(BaseLocale.UK);
US = createConstant(BaseLocale.US);
CANADA = createConstant(BaseLocale.CANADA);
CANADA_FRENCH = createConstant(BaseLocale.CANADA_FRENCH);
ROOT = createConstant(BaseLocale.ROOT);
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale CHINA = SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale PRC = SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE;
/** Useful constant for country.
public static final Locale TAIWAN = TRADITIONAL_CHINESE;
* This method must be called only for creating the Locale.*
* constants due to making shortcuts.
private static Locale createConstant(byte baseType) {
BaseLocale base = BaseLocale.constantBaseLocales[baseType];
Locale locale = new Locale(base, null);
CONSTANT_LOCALES.put(base, locale);
return locale;
* The key for the private use extension ('x').
* @see #getExtension(char)
* @see Builder#setExtension(char, String)
* @since 1.7
public static final char PRIVATE_USE_EXTENSION = 'x';
* The key for Unicode locale extension ('u').
* @see #getExtension(char)
* @see Builder#setExtension(char, String)
* @since 1.7
public static final char UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION = 'u';
/** serialization ID
static final long serialVersionUID = 9149081749638150636L;
* Enum for specifying the type defined in ISO 3166. This enum is used to
* retrieve the two-letter ISO3166-1 alpha-2, three-letter ISO3166-1
* alpha-3, four-letter ISO3166-3 country codes.
* @see #getISOCountries(Locale.IsoCountryCode)
* @since 9
public static enum IsoCountryCode {
* PART1_ALPHA2 is used to represent the ISO3166-1 alpha-2 two letter
* country codes.
Set createCountryCodeSet() {
return Set.of(Locale.getISOCountries());
* PART1_ALPHA3 is used to represent the ISO3166-1 alpha-3 three letter
* country codes.
Set createCountryCodeSet() {
return LocaleISOData.computeISO3166_1Alpha3Countries();
* PART3 is used to represent the ISO3166-3 four letter country codes.
Set createCountryCodeSet() {
return Set.of(LocaleISOData.ISO3166_3);
* Concrete implementation of this method attempts to compute value
* for iso3166CodesMap for each IsoCountryCode type key.
abstract Set createCountryCodeSet();
* Map to hold country codes for each ISO3166 part.
private static Map> iso3166CodesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* This method is called from Locale class to retrieve country code set
* for getISOCountries(type)
static Set retrieveISOCountryCodes(IsoCountryCode type) {
return iso3166CodesMap.computeIfAbsent(type, IsoCountryCode::createCountryCodeSet);
* Display types for retrieving localized names from the name providers.
private static final int DISPLAY_LANGUAGE = 0;
private static final int DISPLAY_COUNTRY = 1;
private static final int DISPLAY_VARIANT = 2;
private static final int DISPLAY_SCRIPT = 3;
private static final int DISPLAY_UEXT_KEY = 4;
private static final int DISPLAY_UEXT_TYPE = 5;
* Private constructor used by getInstance method
private Locale(BaseLocale baseLocale, LocaleExtensions extensions) {
this.baseLocale = baseLocale;
this.localeExtensions = extensions;
* Construct a locale from language, country and variant.
* This constructor normalizes the language value to lowercase and
* the country value to uppercase.
* @implNote
Obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in") are mapped to
* their current forms. See Legacy language
* codes for more information.
For backward compatibility reasons, this constructor does not make
* any syntactic checks on the input.
The two cases ("ja", "JP", "JP") and ("th", "TH", "TH") are handled specially,
* see Special Cases for more information.
* @param language An ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or a language subtag
* up to 8 characters in length. See the {@code Locale} class description about
* valid language values.
* @param country An ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code or a UN M.49 numeric-3 area code.
* See the {@code Locale} class description about valid country values.
* @param variant Any arbitrary value used to indicate a variation of a {@code Locale}.
* See the {@code Locale} class description for the details.
* @throws NullPointerException thrown if any argument is null.
public Locale(String language, String country, String variant) {
if (language == null || country == null || variant == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
baseLocale = BaseLocale.getInstance(convertOldISOCodes(language), "", country, variant);
localeExtensions = getCompatibilityExtensions(language, "", country, variant);
* Construct a locale from language and country.
* This constructor normalizes the language value to lowercase and
* the country value to uppercase.
* @implNote
Obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in") are mapped to
* their current forms. See Legacy language
* codes for more information.
For backward compatibility reasons, this constructor does not make
* any syntactic checks on the input.
* @param language An ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or a language subtag
* up to 8 characters in length. See the {@code Locale} class description about
* valid language values.
* @param country An ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code or a UN M.49 numeric-3 area code.
* See the {@code Locale} class description about valid country values.
* @throws NullPointerException thrown if either argument is null.
public Locale(String language, String country) {
this(language, country, "");
* Construct a locale from a language code.
* This constructor normalizes the language value to lowercase.
* @implNote
Obsolete ISO 639 codes ("iw", "ji", and "in") are mapped to
* their current forms. See Legacy language
* codes for more information.
For backward compatibility reasons, this constructor does not make
* any syntactic checks on the input.
* @param language An ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or a language subtag
* up to 8 characters in length. See the {@code Locale} class description about
* valid language values.
* @throws NullPointerException thrown if argument is null.
* @since 1.4
public Locale(String language) {
this(language, "", "");
* Returns a {@code Locale} constructed from the given
* {@code language}, {@code country} and
* {@code variant}. If the same {@code Locale} instance
* is available in the cache, then that instance is
* returned. Otherwise, a new {@code Locale} instance is
* created and cached.
* @param language lowercase 2 to 8 language code.
* @param country uppercase two-letter ISO-3166 code and numeric-3 UN M.49 area code.
* @param variant vendor and browser specific code. See class description.
* @return the {@code Locale} instance requested
* @throws NullPointerException if any argument is null.
static Locale getInstance(String language, String country, String variant) {
return getInstance(language, "", country, variant, null);
static Locale getInstance(String language, String script, String country,
String variant, LocaleExtensions extensions) {
if (language== null || script == null || country == null || variant == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (extensions == null) {
extensions = getCompatibilityExtensions(language, script, country, variant);
BaseLocale baseloc = BaseLocale.getInstance(convertOldISOCodes(language), script, country, variant);
return getInstance(baseloc, extensions);
static Locale getInstance(BaseLocale baseloc, LocaleExtensions extensions) {
if (extensions == null) {
Locale locale = CONSTANT_LOCALES.get(baseloc);
if (locale != null) {
return locale;
return Cache.LOCALECACHE.get(baseloc);
} else {
LocaleKey key = new LocaleKey(baseloc, extensions);
return Cache.LOCALECACHE.get(key);
private static class Cache extends LocaleObjectCache