jdk.internal.icu.impl.NormalizerImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
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package jdk.internal.icu.impl;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import jdk.internal.icu.lang.UCharacter;
import jdk.internal.icu.text.Normalizer2;
import jdk.internal.icu.text.UTF16;
import jdk.internal.icu.util.CodePointTrie;
import jdk.internal.icu.util.VersionInfo;
// Original filename in ICU4J: Normalizer2Impl.java
public final class NormalizerImpl {
public static final class Hangul {
/* Korean Hangul and Jamo constants */
public static final int JAMO_L_BASE=0x1100; /* "lead" jamo */
public static final int JAMO_V_BASE=0x1161; /* "vowel" jamo */
public static final int JAMO_T_BASE=0x11a7; /* "trail" jamo */
public static final int HANGUL_BASE=0xac00;
public static final int HANGUL_END=0xd7a3;
public static final int JAMO_L_COUNT=19;
public static final int JAMO_V_COUNT=21;
public static final int JAMO_T_COUNT=28;
public static boolean isHangul(int c) {
return HANGUL_BASE<=c && c
* If dest is a StringBuilder, then the buffer writes directly to it.
* Otherwise, the buffer maintains a StringBuilder for intermediate text segments
* until no further changes are necessary and whole segments are appended.
* append() methods that take combining-class values always write to the StringBuilder.
* Other append() methods flush and append to the Appendable.
public static final class ReorderingBuffer implements Appendable {
public ReorderingBuffer(NormalizerImpl ni, Appendable dest, int destCapacity) {
if (app instanceof StringBuilder) {
// In Java, the constructor subsumes public void init(int destCapacity)
if(str.length()==0) {
} else {
// Set reorderStart after the last code point with cc<=1 if there is one.
if(lastCC>1) {
while(previousCC()>1) {}
} else {
str=new StringBuilder();
public boolean isEmpty() { return str.length()==0; }
public int length() { return str.length(); }
public int getLastCC() { return lastCC; }
public StringBuilder getStringBuilder() { return str; }
public boolean equals(CharSequence s, int start, int limit) {
return UTF16Plus.equal(str, 0, str.length(), s, start, limit);
public void append(int c, int cc) {
if(lastCC<=cc || cc==0) {
if(cc<=1) {
} else {
insert(c, cc);
public void append(CharSequence s, int start, int limit, boolean isNFD,
int leadCC, int trailCC) {
if(start==limit) {
if(lastCC<=leadCC || leadCC==0) {
if(trailCC<=1) {
} else if(leadCC<=1) {
reorderStart=str.length()+1; // Ok if not a code point boundary.
str.append(s, start, limit);
} else {
int c=Character.codePointAt(s, start);
insert(c, leadCC); // insert first code point
while(startcc;) {}
// insert c at codePointLimit, after the character with prevCC<=cc
if(c<=0xffff) {
str.insert(codePointLimit, (char)c);
if(cc<=1) {
} else {
str.insert(codePointLimit, Character.toChars(c));
if(cc<=1) {
private final NormalizerImpl impl;
private final Appendable app;
private final StringBuilder str;
private final boolean appIsStringBuilder;
private int reorderStart;
private int lastCC;
// private backward iterator
private void setIterator() { codePointStart=str.length(); }
private void skipPrevious() { // Requires 0=codePointStart) {
return 0;
int c=str.codePointBefore(codePointStart);
return impl.getCCFromYesOrMaybeCP(c);
private int codePointStart, codePointLimit;
// TODO: Propose as public API on the UTF16 class.
// TODO: Propose widening UTF16 methods that take char to take int.
// TODO: Propose widening UTF16 methods that take String to take CharSequence.
public static final class UTF16Plus {
* Is this code point a lead surrogate (U+d800..U+dbff)?
* @param c code unit or code point
* @return true or false
public static boolean isLeadSurrogate(int c) { return (c & 0xfffffc00) == 0xd800; }
* Assuming c is a surrogate code point (UTF16.isSurrogate(c)),
* is it a lead surrogate?
* @param c code unit or code point
* @return true or false
public static boolean isSurrogateLead(int c) { return (c&0x400)==0; }
* Compares two CharSequence subsequences for binary equality.
* @param s1 first sequence
* @param start1 start offset in first sequence
* @param limit1 limit offset in first sequence
* @param s2 second sequence
* @param start2 start offset in second sequence
* @param limit2 limit offset in second sequence
* @return true if s1.subSequence(start1, limit1) contains the same text
* as s2.subSequence(start2, limit2)
public static boolean equal(CharSequence s1, int start1, int limit1,
CharSequence s2, int start2, int limit2) {
if((limit1-start1)!=(limit2-start2)) {
return false;
if(s1==s2 && start1==start2) {
return true;
// Read the normTrie.
int offset=inIndexes[IX_NORM_TRIE_OFFSET];
int nextOffset=inIndexes[IX_EXTRA_DATA_OFFSET];
int triePosition = bytes.position();
normTrie = CodePointTrie.Fast16.fromBinary(bytes);
int trieLength = bytes.position() - triePosition;
if(trieLength>(nextOffset-offset)) {
throw new InternalError("Normalizer2 data: not enough bytes for normTrie");
ICUBinary.skipBytes(bytes, (nextOffset-offset)-trieLength); // skip padding after trie bytes
// Read the composition and mapping data.
int numChars=(nextOffset-offset)/2;
if(numChars!=0) {
maybeYesCompositions=ICUBinary.getString(bytes, numChars, 0);
// smallFCD: new in formatVersion 2
smallFCD=new byte[0x100];
return this;
} catch(IOException e) {
throw new InternalError(e);
public NormalizerImpl load(String name) {
return load(ICUBinary.getRequiredData(name));
// The trie stores values for lead surrogate code *units*.
// Surrogate code *points* are inert.
public int getNorm16(int c) {
return UTF16Plus.isLeadSurrogate(c) ? INERT : normTrie.get(c);
public int getRawNorm16(int c) { return normTrie.get(c); }
public boolean isAlgorithmicNoNo(int norm16) { return limitNoNo<=norm16 && norm16=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES) {
return getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16);
if(norm16> OFFSET_SHIFT) & 0xff;
public static int getCCFromYesOrMaybe(int norm16) {
return norm16>=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES ? getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16) : 0;
public int getCCFromYesOrMaybeCP(int c) {
if (c < minCompNoMaybeCP) { return 0; }
return getCCFromYesOrMaybe(getNorm16(c));
* Returns the FCD data for code point c.
* @param c A Unicode code point.
* @return The lccc(c) in bits 15..8 and tccc(c) in bits 7..0.
public int getFCD16(int c) {
if(bits==0) { return false; }
return ((bits>>((lead>>5)&7))&1)!=0;
/** Gets the FCD value from the regular normalization data. */
public int getFCD16FromNormData(int c) {
int norm16=getNorm16(c);
if (norm16 >= limitNoNo) {
if(norm16>=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES) {
// combining mark
return norm16|(norm16<<8);
} else if(norm16>=minMaybeYes) {
return 0;
} else { // isDecompNoAlgorithmic(norm16)
int deltaTrailCC = norm16 & DELTA_TCCC_MASK;
if (deltaTrailCC <= DELTA_TCCC_1) {
return deltaTrailCC >> OFFSET_SHIFT;
// Maps to an isCompYesAndZeroCC.
c=mapAlgorithmic(c, norm16);
if(norm16<=minYesNo || isHangulLVT(norm16)) {
// no decomposition or Hangul syllable, all zeros
return 0;
// c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data
int mapping=norm16>>OFFSET_SHIFT;
int firstUnit=extraData.charAt(mapping);
int fcd16=firstUnit>>8; // tccc
if((firstUnit&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)!=0) {
fcd16|=extraData.charAt(mapping-1)&0xff00; // lccc
return fcd16;
* Gets the decomposition for one code point.
* @param c code point
* @return c's decomposition, if it has one; returns null if it does not have a decomposition
public String getDecomposition(int c) {
int norm16;
int length=extraData.charAt(mapping++)&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK;
return extraData.substring(mapping, mapping+length);
// Fixed norm16 values.
public static final int MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC=0xfe02;
public static final int JAMO_VT=0xfe00;
public static final int MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES=0xfc00;
public static final int JAMO_L=2; // offset=1 hasCompBoundaryAfter=FALSE
public static final int INERT=1; // offset=0 hasCompBoundaryAfter=TRUE
// norm16 bit 0 is comp-boundary-after.
public static final int HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER=1;
public static final int OFFSET_SHIFT=1;
// For algorithmic one-way mappings, norm16 bits 2..1 indicate the
// tccc (0, 1, >1) for quick FCC boundary-after tests.
public static final int DELTA_TCCC_0=0;
public static final int DELTA_TCCC_1=2;
public static final int DELTA_TCCC_GT_1=4;
public static final int DELTA_TCCC_MASK=6;
public static final int DELTA_SHIFT=3;
public static final int MAX_DELTA=0x40;
// Byte offsets from the start of the data, after the generic header.
public static final int IX_NORM_TRIE_OFFSET=0;
public static final int IX_EXTRA_DATA_OFFSET=1;
public static final int IX_SMALL_FCD_OFFSET=2;
public static final int IX_RESERVED3_OFFSET=3;
public static final int IX_TOTAL_SIZE=7;
public static final int MIN_CCC_LCCC_CP=0x300;
// Code point thresholds for quick check codes.
public static final int IX_MIN_DECOMP_NO_CP=8;
public static final int IX_MIN_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CP=9;
// Norm16 value thresholds for quick check combinations and types of extra data.
/** Mappings & compositions in [minYesNo..minYesNoMappingsOnly[. */
public static final int IX_MIN_YES_NO=10;
/** Mappings are comp-normalized. */
public static final int IX_MIN_NO_NO=11;
public static final int IX_LIMIT_NO_NO=12;
public static final int IX_MIN_MAYBE_YES=13;
/** Mappings only in [minYesNoMappingsOnly..minNoNo[. */
public static final int IX_MIN_YES_NO_MAPPINGS_ONLY=14;
/** Mappings are not comp-normalized but have a comp boundary before. */
public static final int IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_BOUNDARY_BEFORE=15;
/** Mappings do not have a comp boundary before. */
public static final int IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CC=16;
/** Mappings to the empty string. */
public static final int IX_MIN_NO_NO_EMPTY=17;
public static final int IX_MIN_LCCC_CP=18;
public static final int IX_COUNT=20;
public static final int MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD=0x80;
public static final int MAPPING_HAS_RAW_MAPPING=0x40;
// unused bit 0x20;
public static final int MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK=0x1f;
public static final int COMP_1_LAST_TUPLE=0x8000;
public static final int COMP_1_TRIPLE=1;
public static final int COMP_1_TRAIL_LIMIT=0x3400;
public static final int COMP_1_TRAIL_MASK=0x7ffe;
public static final int COMP_1_TRAIL_SHIFT=9; // 10-1 for the "triple" bit
public static final int COMP_2_TRAIL_SHIFT=6;
public static final int COMP_2_TRAIL_MASK=0xffc0;
// higher-level functionality ------------------------------------------ ***
* Decomposes s[src, limit[ and writes the result to dest.
* limit can be NULL if src is NUL-terminated.
* destLengthEstimate is the initial dest buffer capacity and can be -1.
public void decompose(CharSequence s, int src, int limit, StringBuilder dest,
int destLengthEstimate) {
if(destLengthEstimate<0) {
ReorderingBuffer buffer=new ReorderingBuffer(this, dest, destLengthEstimate);
decompose(s, src, limit, buffer);
// Dual functionality:
// buffer!=NULL: normalize
// buffer==NULL: isNormalized/quickCheck/spanQuickCheckYes
public int decompose(CharSequence s, int src, int limit,
ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
int minNoCP=minDecompNoCP;
int prevSrc;
int c=0;
int norm16=0;
// only for quick check
int prevBoundary=src;
int prevCC=0;
for(;;) {
// count code units below the minimum or with irrelevant data for the quick check
for(prevSrc=src; src!=limit;) {
if( (c=s.charAt(src))=limit) {
c=Character.codePointAt(s, src);
buffer.append(s, 0, src, false, firstCC, prevCC);
buffer.append(s, src, limit);
// Very similar to composeQuickCheck(): Make the same changes in both places if relevant.
// doCompose: normalize
// !doCompose: isNormalized (buffer must be empty and initialized)
public boolean compose(CharSequence s, int src, int limit,
boolean onlyContiguous,
boolean doCompose,
ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
int prevBoundary=src;
int minNoMaybeCP=minCompNoMaybeCP;
for (;;) {
// Fast path: Scan over a sequence of characters below the minimum "no or maybe" code point,
// or with (compYes && ccc==0) properties.
int prevSrc;
int c = 0;
int norm16 = 0;
for (;;) {
if (src == limit) {
if (prevBoundary != limit && doCompose) {
buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, limit);
return true;
if( (c=s.charAt(src))=minNoNo.
// The current character is either a "noNo" (has a mapping)
// or a "maybeYes" (combines backward)
// or a "yesYes" with ccc!=0.
// It is not a Hangul syllable or Jamo L because those have "yes" properties.
// Medium-fast path: Handle cases that do not require full decomposition and recomposition.
if (!isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(norm16)) { // minNoNo <= norm16 < minMaybeYes
if (!doCompose) {
return false;
// Fast path for mapping a character that is immediately surrounded by boundaries.
// In this case, we need not decompose around the current character.
if (isDecompNoAlgorithmic(norm16)) {
// Maps to a single isCompYesAndZeroCC character
// which also implies hasCompBoundaryBefore.
if (norm16HasCompBoundaryAfter(norm16, onlyContiguous) ||
hasCompBoundaryBefore(s, src, limit)) {
if (prevBoundary != prevSrc) {
buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc);
buffer.append(mapAlgorithmic(c, norm16), 0);
prevBoundary = src;
} else if (norm16 < minNoNoCompBoundaryBefore) {
// The mapping is comp-normalized which also implies hasCompBoundaryBefore.
if (norm16HasCompBoundaryAfter(norm16, onlyContiguous) ||
hasCompBoundaryBefore(s, src, limit)) {
if (prevBoundary != prevSrc) {
buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc);
int mapping = norm16 >> OFFSET_SHIFT;
int length = extraData.charAt(mapping++) & MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK;
buffer.append(extraData, mapping, mapping + length);
prevBoundary = src;
} else if (norm16 >= minNoNoEmpty) {
// The current character maps to nothing.
// Simply omit it from the output if there is a boundary before _or_ after it.
// The character itself implies no boundaries.
if (hasCompBoundaryBefore(s, src, limit) ||
hasCompBoundaryAfter(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc, onlyContiguous)) {
if (prevBoundary != prevSrc) {
buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc);
prevBoundary = src;
// Other "noNo" type, or need to examine more text around this character:
// Fall through to the slow path.
} else if (isJamoVT(norm16) && prevBoundary != prevSrc) {
char prev=s.charAt(prevSrc-1);
if(c= 0) {
int syllable = Hangul.HANGUL_BASE +
(l*Hangul.JAMO_V_COUNT + (c-Hangul.JAMO_V_BASE)) *
Hangul.JAMO_T_COUNT + t;
--prevSrc; // Replace the Jamo L as well.
if (prevBoundary != prevSrc) {
buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc);
prevBoundary = src;
// If we see L+V+x where x!=T then we drop to the slow path,
// decompose and recompose.
// This is to deal with NFKC finding normal L and V but a
// compatibility variant of a T.
// We need to either fully compose that combination here
// (which would complicate the code and may not work with strange custom data)
// or use the slow path.
} else if (Hangul.isHangulLV(prev)) {
// The current character is a Jamo Trailing consonant,
// compose with previous Hangul LV that does not contain a Jamo T.
if (!doCompose) {
return false;
int syllable = prev + c - Hangul.JAMO_T_BASE;
--prevSrc; // Replace the Hangul LV as well.
if (prevBoundary != prevSrc) {
buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc);
prevBoundary = src;
// No matching context, or may need to decompose surrounding text first:
// Fall through to the slow path.
} else if (norm16 > JAMO_VT) { // norm16 >= MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC
// One or more combining marks that do not combine-back:
// Check for canonical order, copy unchanged if ok and
// if followed by a character with a boundary-before.
int cc = getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16); // cc!=0
if (onlyContiguous /* FCC */ && getPreviousTrailCC(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc) > cc) {
// Fails FCD test, need to decompose and contiguously recompose.
if (!doCompose) {
return false;
} else {
// If !onlyContiguous (not FCC), then we ignore the tccc of
// the previous character which passed the quick check "yes && ccc==0" test.
int n16;
for (;;) {
if (src == limit) {
if (doCompose) {
buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, limit);
return true;
int prevCC = cc;
c = Character.codePointAt(s, src);
n16 = normTrie.get(c);
if (n16 >= MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC) {
cc = getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(n16);
if (prevCC > cc) {
if (!doCompose) {
return false;
} else {
src += Character.charCount(c);
// p is after the last in-order combining mark.
// If there is a boundary here, then we continue with no change.
if (norm16HasCompBoundaryBefore(n16)) {
if (isCompYesAndZeroCC(n16)) {
src += Character.charCount(c);
// Use the slow path. There is no boundary in [prevSrc, src[.
// Slow path: Find the nearest boundaries around the current character,
// decompose and recompose.
if (prevBoundary != prevSrc && !norm16HasCompBoundaryBefore(norm16)) {
c = Character.codePointBefore(s, prevSrc);
norm16 = normTrie.get(c);
if (!norm16HasCompBoundaryAfter(norm16, onlyContiguous)) {
prevSrc -= Character.charCount(c);
if (doCompose && prevBoundary != prevSrc) {
buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, prevSrc);
int recomposeStartIndex=buffer.length();
// We know there is not a boundary here.
decomposeShort(s, prevSrc, src, false /* !stopAtCompBoundary */, onlyContiguous,
// Decompose until the next boundary.
src = decomposeShort(s, src, limit, true /* stopAtCompBoundary */, onlyContiguous,
recompose(buffer, recomposeStartIndex, onlyContiguous);
if(!doCompose) {
if(!buffer.equals(s, prevSrc, src)) {
return false;
* Very similar to compose(): Make the same changes in both places if relevant.
* doSpan: spanQuickCheckYes (ignore bit 0 of the return value)
* !doSpan: quickCheck
* @return bits 31..1: spanQuickCheckYes (==s.length() if "yes") and
* bit 0: set if "maybe"; otherwise, if the span length<s.length()
* then the quick check result is "no"
public int composeQuickCheck(CharSequence s, int src, int limit,
boolean onlyContiguous, boolean doSpan) {
int qcResult=0;
int prevBoundary=src;
int minNoMaybeCP=minCompNoMaybeCP;
for(;;) {
// Fast path: Scan over a sequence of characters below the minimum "no or maybe" code point,
// or with (compYes && ccc==0) properties.
int prevSrc;
int c = 0;
int norm16 = 0;
for (;;) {
if(src==limit) {
return (src<<1)|qcResult; // "yes" or "maybe"
if( (c=s.charAt(src))=minNoNo.
// The current character is either a "noNo" (has a mapping)
// or a "maybeYes" (combines backward)
// or a "yesYes" with ccc!=0.
// It is not a Hangul syllable or Jamo L because those have "yes" properties.
int prevNorm16 = INERT;
if (prevBoundary != prevSrc) {
prevBoundary = prevSrc;
if (!norm16HasCompBoundaryBefore(norm16)) {
c = Character.codePointBefore(s, prevSrc);
int n16 = getNorm16(c);
if (!norm16HasCompBoundaryAfter(n16, onlyContiguous)) {
prevBoundary -= Character.charCount(c);
prevNorm16 = n16;
if(isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(norm16)) {
int cc=getCCFromYesOrMaybe(norm16);
if (onlyContiguous /* FCC */ && cc != 0 &&
getTrailCCFromCompYesAndZeroCC(prevNorm16) > cc) {
// The [prevBoundary..prevSrc[ character
// passed the quick check "yes && ccc==0" test
// but is out of canonical order with the current combining mark.
} else {
// If !onlyContiguous (not FCC), then we ignore the tccc of
// the previous character which passed the quick check "yes && ccc==0" test.
for (;;) {
if (norm16 < MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC) {
if (!doSpan) {
qcResult = 1;
} else {
return prevBoundary << 1; // spanYes does not care to know it's "maybe"
if (src == limit) {
return (src<<1) | qcResult; // "yes" or "maybe"
int prevCC = cc;
c = Character.codePointAt(s, src);
norm16 = getNorm16(c);
if (isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(norm16)) {
cc = getCCFromYesOrMaybe(norm16);
if (!(prevCC <= cc || cc == 0)) {
} else {
src += Character.charCount(c);
// src is after the last in-order combining mark.
if (isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16)) {
prevBoundary = src;
src += Character.charCount(c);
return prevBoundary<<1; // "no"
public void composeAndAppend(CharSequence s,
boolean doCompose,
boolean onlyContiguous,
ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
int src=0, limit=s.length();
if(!buffer.isEmpty()) {
int firstStarterInSrc=findNextCompBoundary(s, 0, limit, onlyContiguous);
if(0!=firstStarterInSrc) {
int lastStarterInDest=findPreviousCompBoundary(buffer.getStringBuilder(),
buffer.length(), onlyContiguous);
StringBuilder middle=new StringBuilder((buffer.length()-lastStarterInDest)+
middle.append(buffer.getStringBuilder(), lastStarterInDest, buffer.length());
middle.append(s, 0, firstStarterInSrc);
compose(middle, 0, middle.length(), onlyContiguous, true, buffer);
if(doCompose) {
compose(s, src, limit, onlyContiguous, true, buffer);
} else {
buffer.append(s, src, limit);
// Dual functionality:
// buffer!=NULL: normalize
// buffer==NULL: isNormalized/quickCheck/spanQuickCheckYes
public int makeFCD(CharSequence s, int src, int limit, ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
// Note: In this function we use buffer->appendZeroCC() because we track
// the lead and trail combining classes here, rather than leaving it to
// the ReorderingBuffer.
// The exception is the call to decomposeShort() which uses the buffer
// in the normal way.
// Tracks the last FCD-safe boundary, before lccc=0 or after properly-ordered tccc<=1.
// Similar to the prevBoundary in the compose() implementation.
int prevBoundary=src;
int prevSrc;
int c=0;
int prevFCD16=0;
int fcd16=0;
for(;;) {
// count code units with lccc==0
for(prevSrc=src; src!=limit;) {
if((c=s.charAt(src))1) {
} else {
int p=src-1;
if( Character.isLowSurrogate(s.charAt(p)) && prevSrc1) {
if(buffer!=null) {
// The last lccc==0 character is excluded from the
// flush-and-append call in case it needs to be modified.
buffer.flushAndAppendZeroCC(s, prevSrc, prevBoundary);
buffer.append(s, prevBoundary, src);
// The start of the current character (c).
} else if(src==limit) {
// The current character (c) at [prevSrc..src[ has a non-zero lead combining class.
// Check for proper order, and decompose locally if necessary.
if((prevFCD16&0xff)<=(fcd16>>8)) {
// proper order: prev tccc <= current lccc
if((fcd16&0xff)<=1) {
if(buffer!=null) {
} else if(buffer==null) {
return prevBoundary; // quick check "no"
} else {
* Back out the part of the source that we copied or appended
* already but is now going to be decomposed.
* prevSrc is set to after what was copied/appended.
* Find the part of the source that needs to be decomposed,
* up to the next safe boundary.
src=findNextFCDBoundary(s, src, limit);
* The source text does not fulfill the conditions for FCD.
* Decompose and reorder a limited piece of the text.
decomposeShort(s, prevBoundary, src, false, false, buffer);
return src;
public boolean hasDecompBoundaryBefore(int c) {
return c < minLcccCP || (c <= 0xffff && !singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) ||
public boolean norm16HasDecompBoundaryBefore(int norm16) {
if (norm16 < minNoNoCompNoMaybeCC) {
return true;
if (norm16 >= limitNoNo) {
return norm16 <= MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES || norm16 == JAMO_VT;
// c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data
int mapping=norm16>>OFFSET_SHIFT;
int firstUnit=extraData.charAt(mapping);
// true if leadCC==0 (hasFCDBoundaryBefore())
return (firstUnit&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)==0 || (extraData.charAt(mapping-1)&0xff00)==0;
public boolean hasDecompBoundaryAfter(int c) {
if (c < minDecompNoCP) {
return true;
if (c <= 0xffff && !singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) {
return true;
return norm16HasDecompBoundaryAfter(getNorm16(c));
public boolean norm16HasDecompBoundaryAfter(int norm16) {
if(norm16 <= minYesNo || isHangulLVT(norm16)) {
return true;
if (norm16 >= limitNoNo) {
if (isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(norm16)) {
return norm16 <= MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES || norm16 == JAMO_VT;
// Maps to an isCompYesAndZeroCC.
return (norm16 & DELTA_TCCC_MASK) <= DELTA_TCCC_1;
// c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data
int mapping=norm16>>OFFSET_SHIFT;
int firstUnit=extraData.charAt(mapping);
// decomp after-boundary: same as hasFCDBoundaryAfter(),
// fcd16<=1 || trailCC==0
if(firstUnit>0x1ff) {
return false; // trailCC>1
if(firstUnit<=0xff) {
return true; // trailCC==0
// if(trailCC==1) test leadCC==0, same as checking for before-boundary
// true if leadCC==0 (hasFCDBoundaryBefore())
return (firstUnit&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)==0 || (extraData.charAt(mapping-1)&0xff00)==0;
public boolean isDecompInert(int c) { return isDecompYesAndZeroCC(getNorm16(c)); }
public boolean hasCompBoundaryBefore(int c) {
return c=minMaybeYes; }
private static boolean isInert(int norm16) { return norm16==INERT; }
private static boolean isJamoVT(int norm16) { return norm16==JAMO_VT; }
private int hangulLVT() { return minYesNoMappingsOnly|HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER; }
private boolean isHangulLV(int norm16) { return norm16==minYesNo; }
private boolean isHangulLVT(int norm16) {
return norm16==hangulLVT();
private boolean isCompYesAndZeroCC(int norm16) { return norm16=MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC || norm16=limitNoNo; }
// For use with isCompYes().
// Perhaps the compiler can combine the two tests for MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC.
// static uint8_t getCCFromYes(uint16_t norm16) {
// return norm16>=MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC ? getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16) : 0;
// }
private int getCCFromNoNo(int norm16) {
int mapping=norm16>>OFFSET_SHIFT;
if((extraData.charAt(mapping)&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)!=0) {
return extraData.charAt(mapping-1)&0xff;
} else {
return 0;
int getTrailCCFromCompYesAndZeroCC(int norm16) {
if(norm16<=minYesNo) {
return 0; // yesYes and Hangul LV have ccc=tccc=0
} else {
// For Hangul LVT we harmlessly fetch a firstUnit with tccc=0 here.
return extraData.charAt(norm16>>OFFSET_SHIFT)>>8; // tccc from yesNo
// Requires algorithmic-NoNo.
private int mapAlgorithmic(int c, int norm16) {
return c+(norm16>>DELTA_SHIFT)-centerNoNoDelta;
// Requires minYesNo>OFFSET_SHIFT); }
* @return index into maybeYesCompositions, or -1
private int getCompositionsListForDecompYes(int norm16) {
* @return index into maybeYesCompositions
private int getCompositionsListForComposite(int norm16) {
// A composite has both mapping & compositions list.
int list=((MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES-minMaybeYes)+norm16)>>OFFSET_SHIFT;
int firstUnit=maybeYesCompositions.charAt(list);
return list+ // mapping in maybeYesCompositions
1+ // +1 to skip the first unit with the mapping length
(firstUnit&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK); // + mapping length
// Decompose a short piece of text which is likely to contain characters that
// fail the quick check loop and/or where the quick check loop's overhead
// is unlikely to be amortized.
// Called by the compose() and makeFCD() implementations.
// Public in Java for collation implementation code.
private int decomposeShort(
CharSequence s, int src, int limit,
boolean stopAtCompBoundary, boolean onlyContiguous,
ReorderingBuffer buffer) {
while(src= limitNoNo) {
if (isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(norm16)) {
buffer.append(c, getCCFromYesOrMaybe(norm16));
// Maps to an isCompYesAndZeroCC.
c=mapAlgorithmic(c, norm16);
if (norm16 < minYesNo) {
// c does not decompose
buffer.append(c, 0);
} else if(isHangulLV(norm16) || isHangulLVT(norm16)) {
// Hangul syllable: decompose algorithmically
Hangul.decompose(c, buffer);
} else {
// c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data
int mapping=norm16>>OFFSET_SHIFT;
int firstUnit=extraData.charAt(mapping);
int length=firstUnit&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK;
int leadCC, trailCC;
if((firstUnit&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD)!=0) {
} else {
++mapping; // skip over the firstUnit
buffer.append(extraData, mapping, mapping+length, true, leadCC, trailCC);
* Finds the recomposition result for
* a forward-combining "lead" character,
* specified with a pointer to its compositions list,
* and a backward-combining "trail" character.
* If the lead and trail characters combine, then this function returns
* the following "compositeAndFwd" value:
* Bits 21..1 composite character
* Bit 0 set if the composite is a forward-combining starter
* otherwise it returns -1.
* The compositions list has (trail, compositeAndFwd) pair entries,
* encoded as either pairs or triples of 16-bit units.
* The last entry has the high bit of its first unit set.
The list is sorted by ascending trail characters (there are no duplicates).
* A linear search is used.
See normalizer2impl.h for a more detailed description
* of the compositions list format.
private static int combine(String compositions, int list, int trail) {
int key1, firstUnit;
if(trail(firstUnit=compositions.charAt(list))) {
if(key1==(firstUnit&COMP_1_TRAIL_MASK)) {
if((firstUnit&COMP_1_TRIPLE)!=0) {
return (compositions.charAt(list+1)<<16)|compositions.charAt(list+2);
} else {
return compositions.charAt(list+1);
} else {
// trail character is 3400..10FFFF
// result entry has 3 units
int key2=(trail<(firstUnit=compositions.charAt(list))) {
} else if(key1==(firstUnit&COMP_1_TRAIL_MASK)) {
if(key2>(secondUnit=compositions.charAt(list+1))) {
if((firstUnit&COMP_1_LAST_TUPLE)!=0) {
} else {
} else if(key2==(secondUnit&COMP_2_TRAIL_MASK)) {
return ((secondUnit&~COMP_2_TRAIL_MASK)<<16)|compositions.charAt(list+2);
} else {
} else {
return -1;
* Recomposes the buffer text starting at recomposeStartIndex
* (which is in NFD - decomposed and canonically ordered),
* and truncates the buffer contents.
* Note that recomposition never lengthens the text:
* Any character consists of either one or two code units;
* a composition may contain at most one more code unit than the original starter,
* while the combining mark that is removed has at least one code unit.
private void recompose(ReorderingBuffer buffer, int recomposeStartIndex,
boolean onlyContiguous) {
StringBuilder sb=buffer.getStringBuilder();
int p=recomposeStartIndex;
if(p==sb.length()) {
int starter, pRemove;
int compositionsList;
int c, compositeAndFwd;
int norm16;
int cc, prevCC;
boolean starterIsSupplementary;
// Some of the following variables are not used until we have a forward-combining starter
// and are only initialized now to avoid compiler warnings.
compositionsList=-1; // used as indicator for whether we have a forward-combining starter
for(;;) {
if( // this character combines backward and
isMaybe(norm16) &&
// we have seen a starter that combines forward and
compositionsList>=0 &&
// the backward-combining character is not blocked
(prevCC=0) {
// The starter and the combining mark (c) do combine.
int composite=compositeAndFwd>>1;
// Remove the combining mark.
pRemove=p-Character.charCount(c); // pRemove & p: start & limit of the combining mark
sb.delete(pRemove, p);
// Replace the starter with the composite.
if(starterIsSupplementary) {
if(composite>0xffff) {
// both are supplementary
sb.setCharAt(starter, UTF16.getLeadSurrogate(composite));
sb.setCharAt(starter+1, UTF16.getTrailSurrogate(composite));
} else {
sb.setCharAt(starter, (char)c);
// The composite is shorter than the starter,
// move the intermediate characters forward one.
} else if(composite>0xffff) {
// The composite is longer than the starter,
// move the intermediate characters back one.
sb.setCharAt(starter, UTF16.getLeadSurrogate(composite));
sb.insert(starter+1, UTF16.getTrailSurrogate(composite));
} else {
// both are on the BMP
sb.setCharAt(starter, (char)composite);
// Keep prevCC because we removed the combining mark.
if(p==sb.length()) {
// Is the composite a starter that combines forward?
if((compositeAndFwd&1)!=0) {
} else {
// We combined; continue with looking for compositions.
// no combination this time
if(p==sb.length()) {
// If c did not combine, then check if it is a starter.
if(cc==0) {
// Found a new starter.
if((compositionsList=getCompositionsListForDecompYes(norm16))>=0) {
// It may combine with something, prepare for it.
if(c<=0xffff) {
} else {
} else if(onlyContiguous) {
// FCC: no discontiguous compositions; any intervening character blocks.
* Does c have a composition boundary before it?
* True if its decomposition begins with a character that has
* ccc=0 && NFC_QC=Yes (isCompYesAndZeroCC()).
* As a shortcut, this is true if c itself has ccc=0 && NFC_QC=Yes
* (isCompYesAndZeroCC()) so we need not decompose.
private boolean hasCompBoundaryBefore(int c, int norm16) {
return c> OFFSET_SHIFT) <= 0x1ff);
private int findPreviousCompBoundary(CharSequence s, int p, boolean onlyContiguous) {
while(p>0) {
int c=Character.codePointBefore(s, p);
int norm16 = getNorm16(c);
if (norm16HasCompBoundaryAfter(norm16, onlyContiguous)) {
if(hasCompBoundaryBefore(c, norm16)) {
return p;
private int findNextCompBoundary(CharSequence s, int p, int limit, boolean onlyContiguous) {
while(p= 0x0009 && c <= 0x000D) ||
(c >= 0x0020 && c <= 0x002F) ||
(c >= 0x003A && c <= 0x0040) ||
(c >= 0x005B && c <= 0x0060) ||
(c >= 0x007B && c <= 0x007E);
public static String canonicalDecomposeWithSingleQuotation(String string) {
Normalizer2 impl = Normalizer2.getNFDInstance();
char[] src = string.toCharArray();
int srcIndex = 0;
int srcLimit = src.length;
char[] dest = new char[src.length * 3]; //MAX_BUF_SIZE_DECOMPOSE = 3
int destIndex = 0;
int destLimit = dest.length;
int prevSrc;
String norm;
int reorderStartIndex, length;
char c1, c2;
int cp;
int minNoMaybe = 0x00c0;
int cc, prevCC, trailCC;
char[] p;
int pStart;
// initialize
reorderStartIndex = 0;
prevCC = 0;
norm = null;
cp = 0;
pStart = 0;
cc = trailCC = -1; // initialize to bogus value
c1 = 0;
for (;;) {
//quick check (1)less than minNoMaybe (2)no decomp (3)hangual
while (srcIndex != srcLimit &&
((c1 = src[srcIndex]) < minNoMaybe ||
(norm = impl.getDecomposition(cp = string.codePointAt(srcIndex))) == null ||
(c1 >= '\uac00' && c1 <= '\ud7a3'))) { // Hangul Syllables
prevCC = 0;
srcIndex += (cp < 0x10000) ? 1 : 2;
// copy these code units all at once
if (srcIndex != prevSrc) {
length = srcIndex - prevSrc;
if ((destIndex + length) <= destLimit) {
destIndex += length;
reorderStartIndex = destIndex;
// end of source reached?
if (srcIndex == srcLimit) {
// cp already contains *src and norm32 is set for it, increment src
srcIndex += (cp < 0x10000) ? 1 : 2;
c2 = 0;
length = 1;
if (Character.isHighSurrogate(c1)
|| Character.isLowSurrogate(c1)) {
norm = null;
} else {
length = 2;
c2 = src[srcIndex-1];
// get the decomposition and the lead and trail cc's
if (norm == null) {
// cp does not decompose
cc = trailCC = UCharacter.getCombiningClass(cp);
p = null;
pStart = -1;
} else {
pStart = 0;
p = norm.toCharArray();
length = p.length;
int cpNum = norm.codePointCount(0, length);
cc= UCharacter.getCombiningClass(norm.codePointAt(0));
trailCC= UCharacter.getCombiningClass(norm.codePointAt(cpNum-1));
if (length == 1) {
// fastpath a single code unit from decomposition
c1 = p[pStart];
c2 = 0;
p = null;
pStart = -1;
if((destIndex + length * 3) >= destLimit) { // 2 SingleQuotations
// buffer overflow
char[] tmpBuf = new char[destLimit * 2];
System.arraycopy(dest, 0, tmpBuf, 0, destIndex);
dest = tmpBuf;
destLimit = dest.length;
// append the decomposition to the destination buffer, assume length>0
int reorderSplit = destIndex;
if (p == null) {
// fastpath: single code point
if (needSingleQuotation(c1)) {
//if we need single quotation, no need to consider "prevCC"
//and it must NOT be a supplementary pair
dest[destIndex++] = '\'';
dest[destIndex++] = c1;
dest[destIndex++] = '\'';
trailCC = 0;
} else if(cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) {
// (c1, c2) is out of order with respect to the preceding
// text
destIndex += length;
trailCC = insertOrdered(dest, reorderStartIndex,
reorderSplit, destIndex, c1, c2, cc);
} else {
// just append (c1, c2)
dest[destIndex++] = c1;
if(c2 != 0) {
dest[destIndex++] = c2;
} else {
// general: multiple code points (ordered by themselves)
// from decomposition
if (needSingleQuotation(p[pStart])) {
dest[destIndex++] = '\'';
dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++];
dest[destIndex++] = '\'';
do {
dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++];
} while(--length > 0);
} else if (cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) {
destIndex += length;
trailCC = mergeOrdered(dest, reorderStartIndex,
reorderSplit, p, pStart,
} else {
// just append the decomposition
do {
dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++];
} while (--length > 0);
prevCC = trailCC;
if(prevCC == 0) {
reorderStartIndex = destIndex;
return new String(dest, 0, destIndex);
* simpler, single-character version of mergeOrdered() -
* bubble-insert one single code point into the preceding string
* which is already canonically ordered
* (c, c2) may or may not yet have been inserted at src[current]..src[p]
* it must be p=current+lengthof(c, c2) i.e. p=current+(c2==0 ? 1 : 2)
* before: src[start]..src[current] is already ordered, and
* src[current]..src[p] may or may not hold (c, c2) but
* must be exactly the same length as (c, c2)
* after: src[start]..src[p] is ordered
* @return the trailing combining class
private static int/*unsigned byte*/ insertOrdered(char[] source,
int start,
int current, int p,
char c1, char c2,
int/*unsigned byte*/ cc) {
int back, preBack;
int r;
int prevCC, trailCC=cc;
if (start=prevCC
PrevArgs prevArgs = new PrevArgs();
prevArgs.current = current;
prevArgs.start = start;
prevArgs.src = source;
prevArgs.c1 = c1;
prevArgs.c2 = c2;
// get the prevCC
preBack = prevArgs.current;
if(cc=prevCC) {
// this is where we are right now with all these indicies:
// [start]..[pPreBack] 0..? code points that we can ignore
// [pPreBack]..[pBack] 0..1 code points with prevCC<=cc
// [pBack]..[current] 0..n code points with >cc, move up to insert (c, c2)
// [current]..[p] 1 code point (c, c2) with cc
// move the code units in between up
do {
} while (back!=current);
// insert (c1, c2)
source[current] = c1;
if (c2!=0) {
source[(current+1)] = c2;
// we know the cc of the last code point
return trailCC;
* merge two UTF-16 string parts together
* to canonically order (order by combining classes) their concatenation
* the two strings may already be adjacent, so that the merging is done
* in-place if the two strings are not adjacent, then the buffer holding the
* first one must be large enough
* the second string may or may not be ordered in itself
* before: [start]..[current] is already ordered, and
* [next]..[limit] may be ordered in itself, but
* is not in relation to [start..current[
* after: [start..current+(limit-next)[ is ordered
* the algorithm is a simple bubble-sort that takes the characters from
* src[next++] and inserts them in correct combining class order into the
* preceding part of the string
* since this function is called much less often than the single-code point
* insertOrdered(), it just uses that for easier maintenance
* @return the trailing combining class
private static int /*unsigned byte*/ mergeOrdered(char[] source,
int start,
int current,
char[] data,
int next,
int limit) {
int r;
int /*unsigned byte*/ cc, trailCC=0;
boolean adjacent;
adjacent= current==next;
NextCCArgs ncArgs = new NextCCArgs();
ncArgs.source = data;
ncArgs.next = next;
ncArgs.limit = limit;
if(start!=current) {