quasar.fs.ReadFile.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.fs
import quasar.Predef._
import quasar.fp.numeric.{Natural, Positive}
import eu.timepit.refined.auto._
import quasar._, RenderTree.ops._
import quasar.effect.LiftedOps
import quasar.fp._
import monocle.Iso
import scalaz._
import scalaz.std.anyVal._
import scalaz.std.tuple._
import scalaz.syntax.monad._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.stream._
sealed trait ReadFile[A]
object ReadFile {
final case class ReadHandle(file: AFile, id: Long)
object ReadHandle {
val tupleIso: Iso[ReadHandle, (AFile, Long)] =
Iso((h: ReadHandle) => (h.file, h.id))((ReadHandle(_, _)).tupled)
implicit val readHandleShow: Show[ReadHandle] =
// TODO: Switch to order once Order[Path[B,T,S]] exists
implicit val readHandleEqual: Equal[ReadHandle] =
final case class Open(file: AFile, offset: Natural, limit: Option[Positive])
extends ReadFile[FileSystemError \/ ReadHandle]
final case class Read(h: ReadHandle)
extends ReadFile[FileSystemError \/ Vector[Data]]
final case class Close(h: ReadHandle)
extends ReadFile[Unit]
final class Ops[S[_]](implicit S: Functor[S], val unsafe: Unsafe[S]) {
type F[A] = unsafe.F[A]
type M[A] = unsafe.M[A]
/** Returns a process which produces data from the given file, beginning
* at the specified offset. An optional limit may be supplied to restrict
* the maximum amount of data read.
def scan(file: AFile, offset: Natural, limit: Option[Positive]): Process[M, Data] = {
def closeHandle(h: ReadHandle): Process[M, Nothing] =
Process.eval_[M, Unit](unsafe.close(h).liftM[FileSystemErrT])
def readUntilEmpty(h: ReadHandle): Process[M, Data] =
Process.await(unsafe.read(h)) { data =>
if (data.isEmpty)
Process.emitAll(data) ++ readUntilEmpty(h)
Process.bracket(unsafe.open(file, offset, limit))(closeHandle)(readUntilEmpty)
/** Returns a process that produces all the data contained in the
* given file.
def scanAll(file: AFile): Process[M, Data] =
scan(file, 0L, None)
/** Returns a process that produces at most `limit` items from the beginning
* of the given file.
def scanTo(file: AFile, limit: Positive): Process[M, Data] =
scan(file, 0L, Some(limit))
/** Returns a process that produces data from the given file, beginning
* at the specified offset.
def scanFrom(file: AFile, offset: Natural): Process[M, Data] =
scan(file, offset, None)
object Ops {
implicit def apply[S[_]](implicit S: Functor[S], U: Unsafe[S]): Ops[S] =
new Ops[S]
/** Low-level, unsafe operations. Clients are responsible for resource-safety
* when using these.
final class Unsafe[S[_]](implicit S0: Functor[S], S1: ReadFileF :<: S)
extends LiftedOps[ReadFile, S] {
type M[A] = FileSystemErrT[F, A]
/** Returns a read handle for the given file, positioned at the given
* zero-indexed offset, that may be used to read chunks of data from the
* file. An optional limit may be supplied to restrict the total amount of
* data able to be read using the handle.
* Care must be taken to `close` the returned handle in order to avoid
* potential resource leaks.
def open(file: AFile, offset: Natural, limit: Option[Positive]): M[ReadHandle] =
EitherT(lift(Open(file, offset, limit)))
/** Read a chunk of data from the file represented by the given handle.
* An empty `Vector` signals that all data has been read.
def read(rh: ReadHandle): M[Vector[Data]] =
/** Closes the given read handle, freeing any resources it was using. */
def close(rh: ReadHandle): F[Unit] =
object Unsafe {
implicit def apply[S[_]](implicit S0: Functor[S], S1: ReadFileF :<: S): Unsafe[S] =
new Unsafe[S]
implicit def renderTree[A]: RenderTree[ReadFile[A]] =
new RenderTree[ReadFile[A]] {
def render(rf: ReadFile[A]) = rf match {
case Open(file, off, lim) => NonTerminal(List("Open"), None,
file.render :: Terminal(List("Offset"), Some(off.toString)) ::
lim.map(l => Terminal(List("Limit"), Some(l.toString))).toList)
case Read(handle) => Terminal(List("Read"), handle.toString.some)
case Close(handle) => Terminal(List("Close"), handle.toString.some)
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