quasar.fs.mount.Mounting.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.fs.mount
import quasar.Predef._
import quasar.Variables
import quasar.effect.LiftedOps
import quasar.fp._
import quasar.fs._
import quasar.sql.Sql
import matryoshka.Fix
import monocle.Prism
import monocle.std.{disjunction => D}
import pathy._, Path._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
sealed trait Mounting[A]
object Mounting {
final case object ViewType
final case class LookupType(path: APath)
extends Mounting[Option[ViewType.type \/ FileSystemType]]
final case class Lookup(path: APath)
extends Mounting[Option[MountConfig]]
final case class MountView(loc: AFile, query: Fix[Sql], vars: Variables)
extends Mounting[MountingError \/ Unit]
final case class MountFileSystem(loc: ADir, typ: FileSystemType, uri: ConnectionUri)
extends Mounting[MountingError \/ Unit]
final case class Unmount(path: APath)
extends Mounting[MountingError \/ Unit]
/** Indicates the wrong type of path (file vs. dir) was supplied to the `mount`
* convenience function.
final case class PathTypeMismatch(path: APath) extends scala.AnyVal
object PathTypeMismatch {
implicit val pathTypeMismatchShow: Show[PathTypeMismatch] =
Show.shows { v =>
val expectedType = refineType(v.path).fold(κ("file"), κ("directory"))
s"Expected ${expectedType} path instead of '${posixCodec.printPath(v.path)}'"
final class Ops[S[_]](implicit S0: Functor[S], S1: MountingF :<: S)
extends LiftedOps[Mounting, S] {
import MountConfig._
type M[A] = EitherT[F, MountingError, A]
def lookupType(path: APath): OptionT[F, ViewType.type \/ FileSystemType] =
/** Returns the mount configuration for the given mount path or nothing
* if the path does not refer to a mount.
def lookup(path: APath): OptionT[F, MountConfig] =
/** Create a view mount at the given location. */
def mountView(loc: AFile, query: Fix[Sql], vars: Variables): M[Unit] =
EitherT(lift(MountView(loc, query, vars)))
/** Create a filesystem mount at the given location. */
def mountFileSystem(loc: ADir, typ: FileSystemType, uri: ConnectionUri): M[Unit] =
EitherT(lift(MountFileSystem(loc, typ, uri)))
/** Attempt to create a mount described by the given configuration at the
* given location.
def mount(loc: APath, config: MountConfig): M[PathTypeMismatch \/ Unit] =
config match {
case ViewConfig(query, vars) =>
D.right.getOption(refineType(loc)) cata (
file => mountView(file, query, vars).map(_.right),
case FileSystemConfig(typ, uri) =>
D.left.getOption(refineType(loc)) cata (
dir => mountFileSystem(dir, typ, uri).map(_.right),
/** Remount `src` at `dst`, results in an error if there is no mount at
* `src`.
def remount[T](src: Path[Abs,T,Sandboxed], dst: Path[Abs,T,Sandboxed]): M[Unit] =
modify(src, dst, ι).void
/** Replace the mount at the given path with one described by the
* provided config.
def replace(loc: APath, config: MountConfig): M[PathTypeMismatch \/ Unit] =
modify(loc, loc, κ(config))
/** Remove the mount at the given path. */
def unmount(path: APath): M[Unit] =
private type ErrFM[A] = EitherT[F, MountingError \/ PathTypeMismatch, A]
private def bifold[G[_]: Functor, E, A, EE, AA](v: EitherT[G,E,A])(e: E => EE \/ AA, a: A => EE \/ AA): EitherT[G, EE, AA] =
EitherT[G,EE,AA](v.run.map(_.fold(e, a)))
private def toLeft[G[_]: Functor, E1, E2, A](v: EitherT[G, E1, E2 \/ A]): EitherT[G, E1 \/ E2, A] =
bifold(v)(_.left.left, _.fold(_.right.left, _.right))
private def toRight[G[_]: Functor, E1, E2, A](v: EitherT[G, E1 \/ E2, A]): EitherT[G, E1, E2 \/ A] =
bifold(v)(_.fold(_.left, _.left.right), _.right.right)
private val notFound: Prism[MountingError, APath] =
MountingError.pathError composePrism PathError.pathNotFound
private val invalidPath: Prism[MountingError, (APath, String)] =
MountingError.pathError composePrism PathError.invalidPath
private def modify[T](
src: Path[Abs,T,Sandboxed],
dst: Path[Abs,T,Sandboxed],
f: MountConfig => MountConfig
): M[PathTypeMismatch \/ Unit] = {
val mErr = MonadError[ErrFM, MountingError \/ PathTypeMismatch]
import mErr._
for {
cfg <- lookup(src) toRight notFound(src)
_ <- unmount(src)
rez <- toRight(handleError(toLeft(mount(dst, f(cfg)))) { err =>
toLeft(mount(src, cfg)) *> raiseError(err)
} yield rez
object Ops {
implicit def apply[S[_]](implicit S0: Functor[S], S1: MountingF :<: S): Ops[S] =
new Ops[S]
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