quasar.fs.mount.ViewMounter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.fs.mount
import quasar.Predef._
import quasar._
import quasar.effect.KeyValueStore
import quasar.fp._
import quasar.fs._
import quasar.sql.Sql
import eu.timepit.refined.auto._
import matryoshka._, TraverseT.ops._
import pathy.Path._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
object ViewMounter {
import MountingError._, MountConfig._
/** Retrieve view file paths */
def viewPaths[S[_]: Functor]
(implicit S: MountConfigsF :<: S)
: Free[S, Vector[AFile]] =
κ(Vector.empty[AFile].point[Free[S, ?]]),
f => lookup[S](f).fold(κ(Vector(f)), Vector.empty))))
/** Lookup mounted view */
def lookup[S[_]: Functor]
(loc: AFile)
(implicit S: MountConfigsF :<: S)
: OptionT[Free[S, ?], (Fix[Sql], Variables)] =
mntCfgs[S].get(loc).flatMap(mc => OptionT.optionT[Free[S, ?]](Free.point(viewConfig.getOption(mc))))
/** Attempts to mount a view at the given location. */
def mount[S[_]: Functor]
(loc: AFile, query: Fix[Sql], vars: Variables)
(implicit S: MountConfigsF :<: S)
: Free[S, MountingError \/ Unit] = {
val vc = viewConfig(query, vars)
queryPlan(query, vars, 0L, None).run.value.fold(
e => invalidConfig(vc, e.map(_.shows)).left.point[Free[S, ?]],
κ(mntCfgs[S].put(loc, vc).map(_.right)))
/** Attempts to move a view at the given location. */
def move[S[_]: Functor]
(srcLoc: AFile, dstLoc: AFile)
(implicit S: MountConfigsF :<: S)
: Free[S, Unit] =
mntCfgs[S].move(srcLoc, dstLoc)
/** Unmounts the view at the given location. */
def unmount[S[_]: Functor]
(loc: AFile)
(implicit S0: MountConfigsF :<: S)
: Free[S, Unit] =
/** Resolve view references within a query. */
def rewrite[S[_]: Functor]
(lp: Fix[LogicalPlan])
(implicit S0: MountConfigsF :<: S)
: SemanticErrsT[Free[S, ?], Fix[LogicalPlan]] = {
implicit val m = EitherT.eitherTMonad[Free[S, ?], SemanticErrors]
def lift(e: Set[FPath], lp: Fix[LogicalPlan]) =
EitherT.right[Free[S, ?], SemanticErrors, LogicalPlan[(Set[FPath], Fix[LogicalPlan])]](
lp.unFix.map((e, _)).point[Free[S, ?]])
/** This collapses literal data results into a LogicalPlan for cases where
* currently _want_ a Constant plan. This will have to go away when
* [[quasar.Data.Set]] does.
def collapseData[T[_[_]]: Corecursive](plan: List[Data] \/ T[LogicalPlan]):
T[LogicalPlan] =
plan.fold(d => LogicalPlan.ConstantF[T[LogicalPlan]](Data.Set(d)).embed, ι)
(Set[FPath](), lp).anaM[Fix, SemanticErrsT[Free[S, ?], ?], LogicalPlan] {
case (e, i @ Embed(r @ LogicalPlan.ReadF(p))) if !(e contains p) =>
f => EitherT[Free[S, ?], SemanticErrors, LogicalPlan[(Set[FPath], Fix[LogicalPlan])]](
lookup[S](f).run.flatMap[SemanticErrors \/ LogicalPlan[(Set[FPath], Fix[LogicalPlan])]] {
{ case (expr, vars) => queryPlan(expr, vars, 0L, None).run.run._2.map(p => collapseData(p.map(absolutize(_, fileParent(f))))) },
.map(_.unFix.map((e + f, _)))
.point[Free[S, ?]]
κ(lift(e, i)))
case (e, i) => lift(e, i)
/** Enumerate view files and view ancestor directories at a particular location. */
def ls[S[_]: Functor]
(dir: ADir)
(implicit S0: MountConfigsF :<: S)
: Free[S, Set[PathSegment]] =
private def mntCfgs[S[_]: Functor](implicit S: MountConfigsF :<: S) = KeyValueStore.Ops[APath, MountConfig, S]
/** Rewrite relative paths to be based on the given dir. */
private def absolutize(lp: Fix[LogicalPlan], dir: ADir): Fix[LogicalPlan] =
lp.transCata {
case read @ LogicalPlan.ReadF(p) =>
refineTypeAbs(p).fold(κ(read), rel => LogicalPlan.ReadF(dir > rel))
case t => t
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