quasar.fs.mount.hierarchical.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.fs.mount
import quasar.Predef._
import quasar.{LogicalPlan, PhaseResults}
import quasar.effect._
import quasar.fp._, free._
import quasar.fs._
import matryoshka.{free => _, _}, Recursive.ops._
import pathy.Path._
import scalaz.{Failure => _, :+: => _, _}, Scalaz._
object hierarchical {
import QueryFile.ResultHandle
import FileSystemError._, PathError._
type MountedResultH[A] = KeyValueStore[ResultHandle, (ADir, ResultHandle), A]
type MountedResultHF[A] = Coyoneda[MountedResultH, A]
/** Returns a `ReadFileF` interpreter that selects one of the configured
* child interpreters based on the path of the incoming request.
* @param rfs `ReadFileF` interpreters indexed by mount
def readFile[F[_], S[_]](
rfs: Mounts[ReadFileF ~> F]
S0: Functor[S],
S1: F :<: S
): ReadFileF ~> Free[S, ?] = {
import ReadFile._
type M[A] = Free[S, A]
lazy val mountedRfs = rfs mapWithDir { case (d, f) =>
f compose mounted.readFile[ReadFileF](d)
def evalRead[A](g: ReadFileF ~> F, ra: ReadFile[A]): M[A] =
val f = new (ReadFile ~> M) {
def apply[A](rf: ReadFile[A]) = rf match {
case Open(loc, off, lim) =>
lookupMounted(mountedRfs, loc) map { case (mnt, g) =>
evalRead(g, Open(loc, off, lim))
} getOrElse pathErr(pathNotFound(loc)).left.point[M]
case Read(h) =>
lookupMounted(mountedRfs, h.file) map { case (mnt, g) =>
evalRead(g, Read(h))
} getOrElse unknownReadHandle(h).left.point[M]
case Close(h) =>
lookupMounted(mountedRfs, h.file) map { case (mnt, g) =>
evalRead(g, Close(h))
} getOrElse ().point[M]
/** Returns a `WriteFileF` interpreter that selects one of the configured
* child interpreters based on the path of the incoming request.
* @param mountSep used to separate the mount from the original file in handles
* @param wfs `WriteFileF` interpreters indexed by mount
def writeFile[F[_], S[_]](
wfs: Mounts[WriteFileF ~> F]
S0: Functor[S],
S1: F :<: S
): WriteFileF ~> Free[S, ?] = {
import WriteFile._
type M[A] = Free[S, A]
lazy val mountedWfs = wfs mapWithDir { case (d, f) =>
f compose mounted.writeFile[WriteFileF](d)
def evalWrite[A](g: WriteFileF ~> F, wa: WriteFile[A]): M[A] =
val f = new (WriteFile ~> M) {
def apply[A](wf: WriteFile[A]) = wf match {
case Open(loc) =>
lookupMounted(mountedWfs, loc) map { case (mnt, g) =>
evalWrite(g, Open(loc))
} getOrElse pathErr(pathNotFound(loc)).left.point[M]
case Write(h, chunk) =>
lookupMounted(mountedWfs, h.file) map { case (mnt, g) =>
evalWrite(g, Write(h, chunk))
} getOrElse Vector(unknownWriteHandle(h)).point[M]
case Close(h) =>
lookupMounted(mountedWfs, h.file) map { case (mnt, g) =>
evalWrite(g, Close(h))
} getOrElse ().point[M]
/** Returns a `ManageFileF` interpreter that selects one of the configured
* child interpreters based on the path of the incoming request.
def manageFile[F[_], S[_]](
mfs: Mounts[ManageFileF ~> F]
S0: Functor[S],
S1: F :<: S
): ManageFileF ~> Free[S, ?] = {
import ManageFile._
type M[A] = Free[S, A]
type MES[A] = EitherT[M, FileSystemError, A]
val mountedMfs = mfs mapWithDir { case (d, f) =>
f compose mounted.manageFile[ManageFileF](d)
def evalManage[A](g: ManageFileF ~> F, ma: ManageFile[A]): M[A] =
val lookup = lookupMounted(mountedMfs, _: APath)
def noMountError(path: APath) =
pathErr(invalidPath(path, "does not refer to a mounted filesystem"))
val f = new (ManageFile ~> M) {
def apply[A](mf: ManageFile[A]) = mf match {
case Move(scn, sem) =>
val src = lookup(scn.src).toRightDisjunction(
val dst = lookup(scn.dst).toRightDisjunction(
EitherT.fromDisjunction[M](src tuple dst).flatMap {
case ((srcMnt, g), (dstMnt, _)) if srcMnt == dstMnt =>
EitherT(evalManage(g, Move(scn, sem)))
case _ =>
s"must refer to the same filesystem as '${posixCodec.printPath(scn.src)}'"
)).raiseError[MES, Unit]
case Delete(path) =>
refineType(path).fold(deleteDir, deleteFile)
case TempFile(near) =>
lookup(near) toRightDisjunction noMountError(near)
).flatMapF { case (_, g) =>
evalManage(g, TempFile(near))
def deleteDir(d: ADir) =
lookup(d) cata (
{ case (_, g) => evalManage(g, Delete(d)) },
.traverse { case (mnt, g) => evalManage(g, Delete(mnt)) }
def deleteFile(f: AFile) =
lookup(f) toRightDisjunction pathErr(pathNotFound(f))
).flatMapF { case (_, g) =>
evalManage(g, Delete(f))
/** Returns a `QueryFileF` interpreter that selects one of the configured
* child interpreters based on the path of the incoming request.
def queryFile[F[_], S[_]](qfs: Mounts[QueryFileF ~> F])
(implicit S0: Functor[S],
S1: F :<: S,
S2: MonotonicSeqF :<: S,
S3: MountedResultHF :<: S)
: QueryFileF ~> Free[S, ?] = {
import QueryFile._
type M[A] = Free[S, A]
val seq = MonotonicSeq.Ops[S]
val handles = KeyValueStore.Ops[ResultHandle, (ADir, ResultHandle), S]
val transforms = Transforms[M]
import transforms._
lazy val mountedQfs = qfs mapWithDir { case (d, f) =>
f compose mounted.queryFile[QueryFileF](d)
def evalQuery[A](g: QueryFileF ~> F, qa: QueryFile[A]): M[A] =
val f = new (QueryFile ~> M) {
def apply[A](qf: QueryFile[A]) = qf match {
case ExecutePlan(lp, out) =>
resultForPlan(lp, some(out), ExecutePlan(lp, out))
case EvaluatePlan(lp) =>
(for {
r <- resultForPlan(lp, none, EvaluatePlan(lp))
newH <- toExec(seq.next.map(ResultHandle(_)))
_ <- toExec(handles.put(newH, r))
} yield newH).run.run
case More(h) =>
getMounted[S](h, mountedQfs)
.flatMapF { case (qh, g) => evalQuery(g, More(qh)) }
case Close(h) =>
getMounted[S](h, mountedQfs)
.flatMapF { case (qh, g) => evalQuery(g, Close(qh)) }
case Explain(lp) =>
resultForPlan(lp, none, Explain(lp))
case ListContents(d) =>
lookupMounted(mountedQfs, d)
.map { case (_, g) => evalQuery(g, ListContents(d)) }
lsMounts(mountedQfs.toMap.keySet, d)
case FileExists(f) =>
lookupMounted(mountedQfs, f)
.map { case (_, g) => evalQuery(g, FileExists(f)) }
def resultForPlan[A](
lp: Fix[LogicalPlan],
out: Option[AFile],
qf: QueryFile[(PhaseResults, FileSystemError \/ A)]
): ExecM[(ADir, A)] =
mountForPlan(mountedQfs, lp, out) match {
case -\/(err) =>
EitherT.leftU[(ADir, A)](err.point[G])
case \/-((mnt, g)) =>
EitherT(WriterT(evalQuery(g, qf)): G[FileSystemError \/ A])
def fileSystem[F[_], S[_]](
mounts: Mounts[FileSystem ~> F]
S0: Functor[S],
S1: F :<: S,
S2: MountedResultHF :<: S,
S3: MonotonicSeqF :<: S
): FileSystem ~> Free[S, ?] = {
type M[A] = Free[S, A]
type FS[A] = FileSystem[A]
def injFS[G[_]](implicit I: G :<: FS): G ~> FS = injectNT[G, FS]
val qf: QueryFileF ~> M = queryFile[F, S](mounts map (_ compose injFS[QueryFileF]))
val rf: ReadFileF ~> M = readFile[F, S](mounts map (_ compose injFS[ReadFileF]))
val wf: WriteFileF ~> M = writeFile[F, S](mounts map (_ compose injFS[WriteFileF]))
val mf: ManageFileF ~> M = manageFile[F, S](mounts map (_ compose injFS[ManageFileF]))
qf :+: rf :+: wf :+: mf
private def noMountsDefined(lp: Fix[LogicalPlan]): FileSystemError =
executionFailed_(lp, "No mounts defined.")
// TODO{performance}: Move the prefix find op to `Mounts` so it can be optimized
private def lookupMounted[A](mounts: Mounts[A], path: APath): Option[(ADir, A)] =
mounts.toMap find { case (d, a) => path.relativeTo(d).isDefined }
private def mountForPlan[A](
mounts: Mounts[A],
lp: Fix[LogicalPlan],
out: Option[AFile]
): FileSystemError \/ (ADir, A) = {
import LogicalPlan._
// TODO[scalaz]: Shadow the scalaz.Monad.monadMTMAB SI-2712 workaround
import EitherT.eitherTMonad
type MntA = (ADir, A)
type F[A] = State[Option[MntA], A]
type M[A] = FileSystemErrT[F, A]
val F = MonadState[F, Option[MntA]]
def lookupMnt(p: APath): FileSystemError \/ MntA =
lookupMounted(mounts, p) toRightDisjunction pathErr(pathNotFound(p))
def compareToExisting(mnt: ADir): M[Unit] = {
def errMsg(exMnt: ADir): FileSystemError =
s"refers to a different filesystem than '${posixCodec.printPath(exMnt)}'"))
EitherT[F, FileSystemError, Unit](F.gets(exMnt =>
(exMnt map (_._1) filter (_ != mnt) map errMsg) <\/ (())
def mountFor(p: APath): M[Unit] = for {
mntA <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[F](lookupMnt(p))
(mnt, a) = mntA
_ <- compareToExisting(mnt)
_ <- F.put(some(mntA)).liftM[FileSystemErrT]
} yield ()
out.cata(d => lookupMnt(d) map some, none.right) flatMap (initMnt =>
lp.cataM[M, Unit] {
// Documentation on `QueryFile` guarantees absolute paths, so calling `mkAbsolute`
case ReadF(p) => mountFor(mkAbsolute(rootDir, p))
case _ => ().point[M]
}.run.run(initMnt) match {
// NB: If mnt is empty, then there were no `ReadF`, so we should
// be able to get a result without needing an actual filesystem,
// and we just pass it to an arbitrary mount, if there is at
// least one present.
case (mntA, r) =>
r *> (mntA.orElse(mounts.toMap.toList.headOption) \/> noMountsDefined(lp))
private def lsMounts(mounts: Set[ADir], ls: ADir): Option[Set[PathSegment]] = {
def firstDir(rdir: RDir): Option[DirName] =
if (mounts.isEmpty && ls === rootDir)
mounts.foldMap(_ relativeTo ls flatMap firstDir map (d => Set(d.left)))
private object getMounted {
final class Aux[S[_]] {
type F[A] = Free[S, A]
def apply[A, B](a: A, mnts: Mounts[B])
(implicit S: Functor[S], I: KeyValueStoreF[A, (ADir, A), ?] :<: S)
: OptionT[F, (A, B)] = {
KeyValueStore.Ops[A, (ADir, A), S].get(a) flatMap { case (d, a1) =>
def apply[S[_]]: Aux[S] = new Aux[S]
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