quasar.fs.mount.view.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.fs.mount
import quasar.Predef._
import quasar._
import quasar.effect._
import quasar.fp._
import quasar.fp.numeric._
import quasar.fs._, FileSystemError._, PathError._
import quasar.sql.Sql
import matryoshka._
import pathy.Path._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
object view {
/** Translate reads on view paths to the equivalent queries. */
def readFile[S[_]: Functor]
S0: ReadFileF :<: S,
S1: QueryFileF :<: S,
S2: MonotonicSeqF :<: S,
S3: ViewStateF :<: S,
S4: MountConfigsF :<: S
): ReadFile ~> Free[S, ?] = {
import ReadFile._
val readUnsafe = ReadFile.Unsafe[S]
val queryUnsafe = QueryFile.Unsafe[S]
val seq = MonotonicSeq.Ops[S]
val viewState = ViewState.Ops[S]
new (ReadFile ~> Free[S, ?]) {
def apply[A](rf: ReadFile[A]): Free[S, A] = rf match {
case Open(path, off, lim) =>
val fOpen: Free[S, FileSystemError \/ ReadHandle] = {
for {
rh <- readUnsafe.open(path, off, lim)
h <- seq.next.map(ReadHandle(path, _)).liftM[FileSystemErrT]
_ <- viewState.put(h, ResultSet.Read(rh)).liftM[FileSystemErrT]
} yield h
def vOpen(e: Fix[Sql], v: Variables):
Free[S, FileSystemError \/ ReadHandle] = {
queryPlan(e, v, off, lim).run.value.fold[EitherT[queryUnsafe.F, FileSystemError, ReadHandle]](
e => EitherT[Free[S, ?], FileSystemError, ReadHandle](
// TODO: more sensible error?
Free.point(pathErr(invalidPath(path, e.shows)).left[ReadHandle])),
data => (for {
h <- seq.next.map(ReadHandle(path, _))
_ <- viewState.put(h, ResultSet.Data(data.toVector))
} yield h).liftM[FileSystemErrT],
lp => for {
qh <- EitherT(queryUnsafe.eval(lp).run.value)
h <- seq.next.map(ReadHandle(path, _)).liftM[FileSystemErrT]
_ <- viewState.put(h, ResultSet.Results(qh)).liftM[FileSystemErrT]
} yield h))
ViewMounter.lookup[S](path).run.flatMap(_.cata((vOpen _).tupled, fOpen))
case Read(handle) =>
(for {
v <- viewState.get(handle).toRight(unknownReadHandle(handle))
d <- v match {
case ResultSet.Data(values) =>
(values.point[Free[S, ?]] <*
viewState.put(handle, ResultSet.Data(Vector.empty)))
case ResultSet.Read(handle) => readUnsafe.read(handle)
case ResultSet.Results(handle) => queryUnsafe.more(handle)
} yield d).run
case Close(handle) =>
(for {
v <- viewState.get(handle)
_ <- viewState.delete(handle).liftM[OptionT]
_ <- (v match {
case ResultSet.Data(_) => ().point[Free[S, ?]]
case ResultSet.Read(handle) => readUnsafe.close(handle)
case ResultSet.Results(handle) => queryUnsafe.close(handle)
} yield ()).getOrElse(())
/** Intercept and fail any write to a view path; all others are passed untouched. */
def writeFile[S[_]: Functor]
S0: WriteFileF :<: S,
S1: MountConfigsF :<: S
): WriteFile ~> Free[S, ?] = {
import WriteFile._
val writeUnsafe = WriteFile.Unsafe[S]
new (WriteFile ~> Free[S, ?]) {
def apply[A](wf: WriteFile[A]): Free[S, A] = wf match {
case Open(p) =>
κ(emit[S, A](-\/(pathErr(invalidPath(p, "cannot write to view"))))),
case Write(h, chunk) =>
writeUnsafe.write(h, chunk)
case Close(h) =>
/** Intercept and handle moves and deletes involving view path(s); all others are passed untouched. */
def manageFile[S[_]: Functor]
S0: ManageFileF :<: S,
S1: QueryFileF :<: S,
S2: MountConfigsF :<: S
): ManageFile ~> Free[S, ?] = {
import ManageFile._
import MoveSemantics._
val manage = ManageFile.Ops[S]
val query = QueryFile.Ops[S]
def dirToDirMove(src: ADir, dst: ADir, semantics: MoveSemantics): Free[S, FileSystemError \/ Unit] = {
implicit val m = EitherT.eitherTMonad[Free[S, ?], FileSystemError]
def move(pathSegments: Set[PathSegment]): Free[S, FileSystemError \/ Unit] =
.traverse_[EitherT[Free[S, ?], FileSystemError, ?]] { s =>
EitherT[Free[S, ?], FileSystemError, Unit](s.fold(
d => dirToDirMove(src > dir1(d), dst > dir1(d), semantics),
f => fileToFileMove(src > file1(f), dst > file1(f), semantics)))
ViewMounter.ls[S](src).flatMap { ps =>
if (ps.isEmpty)
manage.moveDir(src, dst, semantics).run
manage.moveDir(src, dst, semantics).run *> move(ps)
def fileToFileMove(src: AFile, dst: AFile, semantics: MoveSemantics): Free[S, FileSystemError \/ Unit] = {
val move = manage.moveFile(src, dst, semantics).run
ViewMounter.lookup[S](src).run.map(_.isDefined) |@|
ViewMounter.lookup[S](dst).run.map(_.isDefined) |@|
) .tupled
.flatMap { case (srcViewExists, dstViewExists, dstFileExists) => semantics match {
case FailIfExists if dstViewExists || dstFileExists =>
emit[S, FileSystemError \/ Unit](-\/(pathErr(pathExists(dst))))
case FailIfMissing if !(dstViewExists || dstFileExists) =>
emit[S, FileSystemError \/ Unit](-\/(pathErr(pathNotFound(dst))))
case _ if srcViewExists && dstFileExists =>
manage.delete(dst).run *> ViewMounter.move[S](src, dst).map(_.right[FileSystemError])
case _ if srcViewExists && !dstFileExists =>
ViewMounter.move[S](src, dst).map(_.right[FileSystemError])
case _ =>
new (ManageFile ~> Free[S, ?]) {
def apply[A](mf: ManageFile[A]) = mf match {
case Move(scenario, semantics) =>
(src, dst) => dirToDirMove(src, dst, semantics),
(src, dst) => fileToFileMove(src, dst, semantics))
case Delete(path) =>
val delete = manage.delete(path).run
ViewMounter.viewPaths[S].flatMap { viewPaths =>
d => viewPaths
.foldMap(f => f.relativeTo(d).map(κ(f)).toList)
*> delete,
f => viewPaths.contains(f) ? ViewMounter.unmount[S](f).map(_.right[FileSystemError]) | delete)
case TempFile(nearTo) =>
/** Intercept and rewrite queries involving views, and overlay views when
* enumerating files and directories. */
def queryFile[S[_]: Functor]
S0: QueryFileF :<: S,
S1: MountConfigsF :<: S
): QueryFile ~> Free[S, ?] = {
import QueryFile._
val query = QueryFile.Ops[S]
val queryUnsafe = QueryFile.Unsafe[S]
def rewrite[A](lp: Fix[LogicalPlan], op: Fix[LogicalPlan] => query.transforms.ExecM[A]) =
ViewMounter.rewrite[S](lp).run.flatMap(_.fold[Free[S, (PhaseResults, FileSystemError \/ A)]](
e => (
planningFailed(lp, Planner.InternalError(e.shows)).left[A]
).point[Free[S, ?]],
p => op(p).run.run))
new (QueryFile ~> Free[S, ?]) {
def apply[A](qf: QueryFile[A]) = qf match {
case ExecutePlan(lp, out) =>
rewrite(lp, query.execute(_, out))
case EvaluatePlan(lp) =>
rewrite(lp, queryUnsafe.eval)
case More(handle) =>
case Close(handle) =>
case Explain(lp) =>
rewrite(lp, query.explain)
case ListContents(dir) =>
(ViewMounter.ls[S](dir) |@| query.ls(dir).run) { (vls, qls) => qls match {
case \/-(ps) =>
(ps ++ vls).right
case -\/(err @ PathErr(PathNotFound(_))) =>
if (vls.nonEmpty) vls.right
else err.left
case -\/(v) => v.left
case FileExists(file) =>
ViewMounter.lookup[S](file).run.flatMap(mc =>
if(mc.isDefined) true.point[Free[S, ?]] else query.fileExists(file))
/** Translates requests which refer to any view path into operations
* on an underlying filesystem, where references to views have been
* rewritten as queries against actual files.
def fileSystem[S[_]: Functor]
S0: ReadFileF :<: S,
S1: WriteFileF :<: S,
S2: ManageFileF :<: S,
S3: QueryFileF :<: S,
S4: MonotonicSeqF :<: S,
S5: ViewStateF :<: S,
S6: MountConfigsF :<: S
): FileSystem ~> Free[S, ?] = {
interpretFileSystem[Free[S, ?]](
// NB: wrapping this in a function seems to help the type checker
// with the narrowed `A` type.
private def emit[S[_]: Functor, A](a: A): Free[S, A] = a.point[Free[S, ?]]
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