quasar.fs.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar
import quasar.Predef._
import quasar.effect.Failure
import quasar.fp._
import quasar.fp.free._
import pathy.Path, Path._
import scalaz.{Failure => _, :+: => _, _}, Scalaz._
package object fs {
type ReadFileF[A] = Coyoneda[ReadFile, A]
type WriteFileF[A] = Coyoneda[WriteFile, A]
type ManageFileF[A] = Coyoneda[ManageFile, A]
type QueryFileF[A] = Coyoneda[QueryFile, A]
type FileSystem[A] =
(QueryFileF :+: (ReadFileF :+: (WriteFileF :+: ManageFileF)#λ)#λ)#λ[A]
type AbsPath[T] = pathy.Path[Abs,T,Sandboxed]
type RelPath[T] = pathy.Path[Rel,T,Sandboxed]
type ADir = AbsDir[Sandboxed]
type RDir = RelDir[Sandboxed]
type AFile = AbsFile[Sandboxed]
type RFile = RelFile[Sandboxed]
type APath = AbsPath[_]
type RPath = RelPath[_]
type FilePath[B] = pathy.Path[B,File,Sandboxed]
type DirPath[B] = pathy.Path[B,Dir, Sandboxed]
type FPath = FilePath[_]
type DPath = DirPath[_]
type PathSegment = DirName \/ FileName
type FileSystemFailure[A] = Failure[FileSystemError, A]
type FileSystemFailureF[A] = Coyoneda[FileSystemFailure, A]
type FileSystemErrT[F[_], A] = EitherT[F, FileSystemError, A]
def interpretFileSystem[M[_]: Functor](
q: QueryFile ~> M,
r: ReadFile ~> M,
w: WriteFile ~> M,
m: ManageFile ~> M
): FileSystem ~> M =
Coyoneda.liftTF(q) :+: Coyoneda.liftTF(r) :+: Coyoneda.liftTF(w) :+: Coyoneda.liftTF(m)
/** Rebases absolute paths onto the provided absolute directory, so
* `rebaseA(/baz)(/foo/bar)` becomes `/baz/foo/bar`.
def rebaseA(onto: ADir): AbsPath ~> AbsPath =
new (AbsPath ~> AbsPath) {
def apply[T](apath: AbsPath[T]) =
apath.relativeTo(rootDir[Sandboxed]).fold(apath)(onto > _)
/** Removes the given prefix from an absolute path, if present. */
def stripPrefixA(prefix: ADir): AbsPath ~> AbsPath =
new (AbsPath ~> AbsPath) {
def apply[T](apath: AbsPath[T]) =
apath.relativeTo(prefix).fold(apath)(rootDir > _)
/** Returns the first named segment of the given relative path. */
def firstSegmentName(f: RPath): Option[PathSegment] =
flatten(none, none, none,
n => DirName(n).left.some,
n => FileName(n).right.some,
def prettyPrint(path: Path[_,_,_]): String =
dir => posixCodec.unsafePrintPath(dir),
file => refineTypeAbs(file).fold(
abs => posixCodec.unsafePrintPath(abs),
// Remove the `./` from the beginning of the string representation of a relative path
rel => posixCodec.unsafePrintPath(rel).drop(2)))
/** Sandboxes an absolute path, needed due to parsing functions producing
* unsandboxed paths.
* TODO[pathy]: We know this can't fail, remove once Pathy is refactored to be more precise
def sandboxAbs[T, S](apath: Path[Abs,T,S]): Path[Abs,T,Sandboxed] =
rootDir[Sandboxed] > apath.relativeTo(rootDir).get
// TODO[pathy]: Offer clean API in pathy to do this
def sandboxCurrent[A,T](path: Path[A,T,Unsandboxed]): Option[Path[A,T,Sandboxed]] =
abs => (abs relativeTo rootDir).map(p => (rootDir[Sandboxed] > p).asInstanceOf[Path[A,T,Sandboxed]]),
rel => (rel relativeTo currentDir).map(p => (currentDir[Sandboxed] > p).asInstanceOf[Path[A,T,Sandboxed]]))
// TODO[pathy]: Offer clean API in pathy to do this
def refineTypeAbs[T,S](path: Path[_,T,S]): Path[Abs,T,S] \/ Path[Rel,T,S] = {
if (path.isAbsolute) path.asInstanceOf[Path[Abs,T,S]].left
else path.asInstanceOf[Path[Rel,T,S]].right
def mkAbsolute[T,S](baseDir: AbsDir[S], path: Path[_,T,S]): Path[Abs,T,S] =
refineTypeAbs(path).fold(ι, baseDir > _)
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