quasar.functions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar
import quasar.Predef._
import matryoshka._
import scalaz._
import shapeless._
sealed trait DimensionalEffect
/** Describes a function that reduces a set of values to a single value. */
final case object Reduction extends DimensionalEffect
/** Describes a function that expands a compound value into a set of values for
* an operation.
final case object Expansion extends DimensionalEffect
/** Describes a function that each individual value. */
final case object Mapping extends DimensionalEffect
/** Describes a function that compresses the identity information. */
final case object Squashing extends DimensionalEffect
/** Describes a function that operates on the set containing values, not
* modifying individual values. (EG, filter, sort, take)
final case object Sifting extends DimensionalEffect
/** Describes a function that operates on the set containing values, potentially
* modifying individual values. (EG, joins).
final case object Transformation extends DimensionalEffect
object DimensionalEffect {
implicit val equal: Equal[DimensionalEffect] = Equal.equalA[DimensionalEffect]
final case class UnaryFunc(
val effect: DimensionalEffect,
val name: String,
val help: String,
val codomain: Func.Codomain,
val domain: Func.Domain[nat._1],
val simplify: Func.Simplifier,
val typer0: Func.Typer[nat._1],
val untyper0: Func.Untyper[nat._1]) extends GenericFunc[nat._1] {
def apply[A](a1: A): LogicalPlan[A] =
final case class BinaryFunc(
val effect: DimensionalEffect,
val name: String,
val help: String,
val codomain: Func.Codomain,
val domain: Func.Domain[nat._2],
val simplify: Func.Simplifier,
val typer0: Func.Typer[nat._2],
val untyper0: Func.Untyper[nat._2]) extends GenericFunc[nat._2] {
def apply[A](a1: A, a2: A): LogicalPlan[A] =
applyGeneric(Func.Input2[A](a1, a2))
final case class TernaryFunc(
val effect: DimensionalEffect,
val name: String,
val help: String,
val codomain: Func.Codomain,
val domain: Func.Domain[nat._3],
val simplify: Func.Simplifier,
val typer0: Func.Typer[nat._3],
val untyper0: Func.Untyper[nat._3]) extends GenericFunc[nat._3] {
def apply[A](a1: A, a2: A, a3: A): LogicalPlan[A] =
applyGeneric(Func.Input3[A](a1, a2, a3))
abstract class GenericFunc[N <: Nat] {
def effect: DimensionalEffect
def name: String
def help: String
def codomain: Func.Codomain
def domain: Func.Domain[N]
def simplify: Func.Simplifier
def typer0: Func.Typer[N]
def untyper0: Func.Untyper[N]
def applyGeneric[A](args: Func.Input[A, N]): LogicalPlan[A] =
LogicalPlan.InvokeF[A, N](this, args)
final def untpe(tpe: Func.Codomain): Func.VDomain[N] =
untyper0((domain, codomain), tpe)
final def tpe(args: Func.Domain[N]): Func.VCodomain =
final def arity: Int = domain.length
override def toString: String = name
trait FuncInstances {
implicit val FuncRenderTree: RenderTree[GenericFunc[_]] = new RenderTree[GenericFunc[_]] {
def render(func: GenericFunc[_]) = Terminal("Func" :: Nil, Some(func.name))
object Func extends FuncInstances {
/** This handles rewrites that constant-folding (handled by the typers) can’t.
* I.e., any rewrite where either the result or one of the relevant arguments
* is a non-Constant expression. It _could_ cover all the rewrites, but
* there’s no need to duplicate the cases that must also be handled by the
* typer.
trait Simplifier {
def apply[T[_[_]]: Recursive: Corecursive](orig: LogicalPlan[T[LogicalPlan]]):
type Input[A, N <: Nat] = Sized[List[A], N]
type Domain[N <: Nat] = Input[Type, N]
type Codomain = Type
type VDomain[N <: Nat] = ValidationNel[SemanticError, Domain[N]]
type VCodomain = ValidationNel[SemanticError, Codomain]
type Typer[N <: Nat] = Domain[N] => VCodomain
type Untyper[N <: Nat] = ((Domain[N], Codomain), Codomain) => VDomain[N]
def Input1[A](a1: A): Input[A, nat._1] = Sized[List](a1)
def Input2[A](a1: A, a2: A): Input[A, nat._2] = Sized[List](a1, a2)
def Input3[A](a1: A, a2: A, a3: A): Input[A, nat._3] = Sized[List](a1, a2, a3)
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