quasar.jscore.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package quasar
import quasar.Predef._
import quasar.javascript.Js
import quasar.fp._
import matryoshka._, Recursive.ops._, FunctorT.ops._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
package object jscore {
/** Javascript AST (functional subset) */
type JsCore = Fix[JsCoreF]
def ident(value: String): JsCore = Ident(Name(value))
def binop(op: BinaryOperator, a1: JsCore, args: JsCore*): JsCore = args.toList match {
case Nil => a1
case h :: t => BinOp(op, a1, binop(op, h, t: _*))
def obj(values: (String, JsCore)*): JsCore =
Obj(ListMap(values.map { case (k, v) => Name(k) -> v }: _*))
// TODO: lower-case
def Select(expr: JsCore, name: String): JsCore =
Access(expr, Literal(Js.Str(name)))
val findFunctionsƒ: JsCoreF[(Fix[JsCoreF], Set[String])] => Set[String] = {
case CallF((Fix(IdentF(Name(name))), _), args) =>
Foldable[List].fold(args.map(_._2)) + name
case js => js.map(_._2).fold
def copyAllFields(src: JsCore, dst: Name): Js.Stmt = {
val tmp = Js.Ident("__attr") // TODO: use properly-generated temp name (see SD-583)
Js.ForIn(tmp, src.toJs,
Js.Call(Js.Select(src.toJs, "hasOwnProperty"), List(tmp)),
Js.BinOp("=", Js.Access(Ident(dst).toJs, tmp), Js.Access(src.toJs, tmp)),
private def smartDeref(expr: Js.Expr, key: Js.Expr): Js.Expr =
key match {
case Js.Str(name @ Js.SimpleNamePattern()) => Js.Select(expr, name)
case _ => Js.Access(expr, key)
// Check the RHS, but assume the LHS is known to be defined:
def unsafeAssign(lhs: JsCore, rhs: => JsCore): Js.Expr =
Js.BinOp("=", lhs.toJs, rhs.toJs)
def replaceSolitary(oldForm: JsCore, newForm: JsCore, in: JsCore):
Option[JsCore] =
in.para(count(oldForm)) match {
case 0 => in.some
case 1 => in.substitute(oldForm, newForm).some
case _ => None
def maybeReplace(oldForm: JsCore, newForm: JsCore, in: JsCore):
Option[JsCore] =
newForm match {
// NB: inline simple names and selects (e.g. `x`, `x.y`, and `x.y.z`)
case Literal(_)
| Ident(_)
| Access(Ident(_), Literal(Js.Str(_)))
| Access(Access(Ident(_), Literal(Js.Str(_))), Literal(Js.Str(_))) =>
in.substitute(oldForm, newForm).some
// NB: Inline other cases if the oldForm only occurs once
case _ => replaceSolitary(oldForm, newForm, in)
def simplifyƒ: JsCoreF[JsCore] => Option[JsCoreF[JsCore]] = {
case AccessF(obj, field) => (obj.project, field.project) match {
case (ObjF(values), LiteralF(Js.Str(name))) => values.get(Name(name)).map(_.project)
case (_, _) => None
case IfF(Literal(Js.Bool(cond)), cons, alt) =>
(if (cond) cons else alt).project.some
case IfF(cond0, If(cond1, cons, alt1), alt0) if alt0 == alt1 =>
IfF(BinOp(And, cond0, cond1), cons, alt0).some
case LetF(name, expr, body) =>
maybeReplace(Ident(name), expr, body).fold(expr.project match {
case ObjF(values) =>
// TODO: inline _part_ of the object when possible
values.toList.foldRightM(body)((v, bod) =>
maybeReplace(Select(Ident(name), v._1.value), v._2, bod)).flatMap(finalBody => finalBody.para(count(Ident(name))) match {
case 0 => finalBody.project.some
case _ => None
case _ => None
case _ => None
implicit class JsCoreOps(expr: JsCore) {
def toJs: Js.Expr = expr.simplify match {
case Literal(value) => value
case Ident(name) => Js.Ident(name.value)
case Access(expr, key) => smartDeref(expr.toJs, key.toJs)
case Call(Access(New(name, args1), Literal(Js.Str(mName))), args2) =>
// NB: if we are explicitly constructing a value, we presumably know its fields,
// so no need to check them, but the args may still come from an unreliable source.
Js.Call(Js.Select(Js.New(Js.Call(Ident(name).toJs, args1.map(_.toJs))), mName), args2.map(_.toJs))
case Call(callee, args) => Js.Call(callee.toJs, args.map(_.toJs))
case New(name, args) => Js.New(Js.Call(Ident(name).toJs, args.map(_.toJs)))
case If(cond, cons, alt) => Js.Ternary(cond.toJs, cons.toJs, alt.toJs)
case UnOp(op, arg) => Js.UnOp(op.js, arg.toJs)
case BinOp(op, left, right) => Js.BinOp(op.js, left.toJs, right.toJs)
case Arr(values) => Js.AnonElem(values.map(_.toJs))
case Fun(params, body) =>
Js.AnonFunDecl(params.map(_.value), List(Js.Return(body.toJs)))
case Obj(values) =>
Js.AnonObjDecl(values.toList.map { case (k, v) => k.value -> v.toJs })
case Let(name, expr, body) =>
Js.Let(ListMap(name.value -> expr.toJs), Nil, body.toJs)
case s @ SpliceObjects(srcs) =>
val tmp = Name("__rez") // TODO: use properly-generated temp name (see SD-583)
Map(tmp.value -> Js.AnonObjDecl(Nil)),
srcs.flatMap {
case Obj(values) => values.map { case (k, v) => Js.BinOp("=", smartDeref(Ident(tmp).toJs, Js.Str(k.value)), v.toJs) }
case src => copyAllFields(src, tmp) :: Nil
case s @ SpliceArrays(srcs) =>
val tmp = Name("__rez") // TODO: use properly-generated temp name (see SD-583)
val elem = Name("__elem") // TODO: use properly-generated temp name (see SD-583)
Map(tmp.value -> Js.AnonElem(Nil)),
srcs.flatMap {
case Arr(values) => values.map(v => Js.Call(Js.Select(Ident(tmp).toJs, "push"), List(v.toJs)))
case src => List(
Js.ForIn(Js.Ident(elem.value), src.toJs,
Js.Call(Js.Select(src.toJs, "hasOwnProperty"), List(Ident(elem).toJs)),
Js.Call(Js.Select(Ident(tmp).toJs, "push"), List(Js.Access(src.toJs, Ident(elem).toJs))),
val simplify = expr.transCata(repeatedly(simplifyƒ))
def substitute(oldExpr: JsCore, newExpr: JsCore): JsCore = {
def loop(x: JsCore, inScope: Set[JsCore]): JsCore =
if (x == oldExpr && !(inScope contains x)) newExpr
x match {
case Let(name, expr, body) => Let(name, loop(expr, inScope), loop(body, inScope + Ident(name)))
case Fun(params, body) => Fun(params, loop(body, inScope ++ params.map(Ident(_)).toSet))
case Access(expr, key) => Access(loop(expr, inScope), loop(key, inScope))
case Arr(values) => Arr(values.map(loop(_, inScope)))
case BinOp(op, l, r) => BinOp(op, loop(l, inScope), loop(r, inScope))
case Call(callee, args) => Call(loop(callee, inScope), args.map(loop(_, inScope)))
case id @ Ident(_) => id
case If(cond, cons, alt) => If(loop(cond, inScope), loop(cons, inScope), loop(alt, inScope))
case lit @ Literal(_) => lit
case New(name, args) => New(name, args.map(loop(_, inScope)))
case Obj(values) => Obj(values ∘ (x => loop(x, inScope)))
case SpliceArrays(srcs) => SpliceArrays(srcs.map(loop(_, inScope)))
case SpliceObjects(srcs) => SpliceObjects(srcs.map(loop(_, inScope)))
case UnOp(op, x) => UnOp(op, loop(x, inScope))
loop(expr, Set.empty)
implicit val JsCoreTraverse: Traverse[JsCoreF] = new Traverse[JsCoreF] {
def traverseImpl[G[_], A, B](fa: JsCoreF[A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[JsCoreF[B]] = {
fa match {
case LiteralF(lit) => G.point(LiteralF(lit))
case IdentF(name) => G.point(IdentF(name))
case AccessF(expr, key) => G.apply2(f(expr), f(key))(AccessF(_, _))
case CallF(expr, args) => G.apply2(f(expr), args.traverse(f))(CallF(_, _))
case NewF(name, args) => G.map(args.traverse(f))(NewF(name, _))
case IfF(cond, cons, alt) => G.apply3(f(cond), f(cons), f(alt))(IfF(_, _, _))
case UnOpF(op, arg) => G.map(f(arg))(UnOpF(op, _))
case BinOpF(op, left, right) => G.apply2(f(left), f(right))(BinOpF(op, _, _))
case ArrF(values) => G.map(values.traverse(f))(ArrF(_))
case FunF(params, body) => G.map(f(body))(FunF(params, _))
case ObjF(values) => G.map((values ∘ f).sequence)(ObjF(_))
case LetF(name, expr, body) => G.apply2(f(expr), f(body))(LetF(name, _, _))
case SpliceObjectsF(srcs) => G.map(srcs.traverse(f))(SpliceObjectsF(_))
case SpliceArraysF(srcs) => G.map(srcs.traverse(f))(SpliceArraysF(_))
implicit val JsCoreRenderTree: RenderTree[JsCore] = new RenderTree[JsCore] {
val nodeType = List("JsCore")
def simpleƒ(v: JsCoreF[Boolean]): Boolean = v match {
case IdentF(_) => true
case LiteralF(_) => true
case ArrF(values) => values.all(_ == true)
case AccessF(expr, key) => expr && key
case BinOpF(_, l, r) => l && r
case CallF(callee, args) => callee && args.all(_ == true)
case IfF(cond, cons, alt) => cond && cons && alt
case LetF(_, expr, body) => expr && body
case NewF(_, args) => args.all(_ == true)
case UnOpF(_, x) => x
case FunF(_, body) => false
case ObjF(_) => false
case SpliceArraysF(_) => false
case SpliceObjectsF(_) => false
def renderSimple(v: JsCore): Option[RenderedTree] =
if (v.cata(simpleƒ)) Some(Terminal(nodeType, Some(v.toJs.pprint(0))))
else None
def render(v: JsCore) = v match {
case Ident(name) => Terminal("Ident" :: nodeType, Some(name.value))
case Literal(js) => Terminal("Literal" :: nodeType, Some(js.pprint(0)))
case Arr(values) => renderSimple(v).getOrElse(
NonTerminal("Arr" :: nodeType, None, values.map(render)))
case Access(expr, key) => renderSimple(v).getOrElse(
NonTerminal("Access" :: nodeType, None, List(render(expr), render(key))))
case BinOp(op, l, r) => renderSimple(v).getOrElse(
NonTerminal("BinOp" :: nodeType, Some(op.js), List(render(l), render(r))))
case Call(callee, args) => renderSimple(v).getOrElse(
NonTerminal("Call" :: nodeType, None, render(callee) :: args.map(render)))
case If(cond, cons, alt) => renderSimple(v).getOrElse(
NonTerminal("If" :: nodeType, None, List(render(cond), render(cons), render(alt))))
case New(name, args) => renderSimple(v).getOrElse(
NonTerminal("New" :: nodeType, Some(name.value), args.map(render)))
case UnOp(op, x) => renderSimple(v).getOrElse(
NonTerminal("UnOp" :: nodeType, Some(op.js), List(render(x))))
case Obj(values) =>
NonTerminal("Obj" :: nodeType, None,
values.toList.map { case (n, v) =>
if (v.cata(simpleƒ)) Terminal("Key" :: nodeType, Some(n.value + ": " + v.toJs.pprint(0)))
else NonTerminal("Key" :: nodeType, Some(n.value), List(render(v)))
case SpliceArrays(srcs) => NonTerminal("SpliceArrays" :: nodeType, None, srcs.map(render))
case SpliceObjects(srcs) => NonTerminal("SpliceObjects" :: nodeType, None, srcs.map(render))
case Let(name, expr, body) => NonTerminal("Let" :: nodeType, Some(name.value), List(render(expr), render(body)))
case Fun(params, body) => NonTerminal("Fun" :: nodeType, Some(params.mkString(", ")), List(render(body)))
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