quasar.optimizer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar
import quasar.Predef._
import quasar.fp.binder._
import quasar.namegen._
import matryoshka._, Recursive.ops._, FunctorT.ops._, TraverseT.ownOps._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import shapeless.{Data => _, :: => _, _}
object Optimizer {
import LogicalPlan._
import quasar.std.StdLib._
import set._
import structural._
import Planner._
private def countUsageƒ(target: Symbol): Algebra[LogicalPlan, Int] = {
case FreeF(symbol) if symbol == target => 1
case LetF(ident, form, _) if ident == target => form
case x => x.fold
private def inlineƒ[T[_[_]], A](target: Symbol, repl: LogicalPlan[T[LogicalPlan]]):
LogicalPlan[(T[LogicalPlan], T[LogicalPlan])] => LogicalPlan[T[LogicalPlan]] =
case FreeF(symbol) if symbol == target => repl
case LetF(ident, form, body) if ident == target =>
LetF(ident, form._2, body._1)
case x => x.map(_._2)
def simplifyƒ[T[_[_]]: Recursive: Corecursive]:
LogicalPlan[T[LogicalPlan]] => Option[LogicalPlan[T[LogicalPlan]]] = {
case inv @ InvokeF(func, _) => func.simplify(inv)
case LetF(ident, form, in) => form.project match {
case ConstantF(_)
| FreeF(_) => in.transPara(inlineƒ(ident, form.project)).project.some
case _ => in.cata(countUsageƒ(ident)) match {
case 0 => in.project.some
case 1 => in.transPara(inlineƒ(ident, form.project)).project.some
case _ => None
case _ => None
def simplify(t: Fix[LogicalPlan]): Fix[LogicalPlan] = t.transCata(repeatedly(simplifyƒ))
val namesƒ: Algebra[LogicalPlan, Set[Symbol]] = {
case FreeF(name) => Set(name)
case x => x.fold
def uniqueName[F[_]: Functor: Foldable](
prefix: String, plans: F[Fix[LogicalPlan]]):
Symbol = {
val existingNames = plans.map(_.cata(namesƒ)).fold
def loop(pre: String): Symbol =
if (existingNames.contains(Symbol(prefix)))
loop(pre + "_")
else Symbol(prefix)
val shapeƒ: GAlgebra[(Fix[LogicalPlan], ?), LogicalPlan, Option[List[Fix[LogicalPlan]]]] = {
case LetF(_, _, body) => body._2
case ConstantF(Data.Obj(map)) =>
Some(map.keys.map(n => Constant(Data.Str(n))).toList)
case InvokeFUnapply(DeleteField, Sized(src, field)) =>
src._2.map(_.filterNot(_ == field._1))
case InvokeFUnapply(MakeObject, Sized(field, _)) => Some(List(field._1))
case InvokeFUnapply(ObjectConcat, srcs) => srcs.traverse(_._2).map(_.flatten)
// NB: the remaining InvokeF cases simply pass through or combine shapes
// from their inputs. It would be great if this information could be
// handled generically by the type system.
case InvokeFUnapply(OrderBy, Sized(src, _, _)) => src._2
case InvokeFUnapply(Take, Sized(src, _)) => src._2
case InvokeFUnapply(Drop, Sized(src, _)) => src._2
case InvokeFUnapply(Filter, Sized(src, _)) => src._2
case InvokeFUnapply(InnerJoin | LeftOuterJoin | RightOuterJoin | FullOuterJoin, _) =>
Some(List(Constant(Data.Str("left")), Constant(Data.Str("right"))))
case InvokeFUnapply(GroupBy, Sized(src, _)) => src._2
case InvokeFUnapply(Distinct, Sized(src, _)) => src._2
case InvokeFUnapply(DistinctBy, Sized(src, _)) => src._2
case InvokeFUnapply(identity.Squash, Sized(src)) => src._2
case _ => None
def preserveFree0[A](x: (Fix[LogicalPlan], A))(f: A => Fix[LogicalPlan]):
Fix[LogicalPlan] = x._1.unFix match {
case FreeF(_) => x._1
case _ => f(x._2)
// TODO: implement `preferDeletions` for other backends that may have more
// efficient deletes. Even better, a single function that takes a
// function parameter deciding which way each case should be converted.
private val preferProjectionsƒ:
(Fix[LogicalPlan], ?),
(Fix[LogicalPlan], Option[List[Fix[LogicalPlan]]])] = { node =>
def preserveFree(x: (Fix[LogicalPlan], (Fix[LogicalPlan], Option[List[Fix[LogicalPlan]]]))) =
(node match {
case InvokeFUnapply(DeleteField, Sized(src, field)) =>
Invoke(DeleteField, Func.Input2(preserveFree(src), preserveFree(field)))) {
fields =>
val name = uniqueName("src", fields)
Let(name, preserveFree(src),
Fix(MakeObjectN(fields.filterNot(_ == field._2._1).map(f =>
f -> Invoke(ObjectProject, Func.Input2(Free(name), f))): _*)))
case lp => Fix(lp.map(preserveFree))
def preferProjections(t: Fix[LogicalPlan]): Fix[LogicalPlan] =
val elideTypeCheckƒ: Algebra[LogicalPlan, Fix[LogicalPlan]] = {
case LetF(n, b, Fix(TypecheckF(Fix(FreeF(nf)), _, cont, _)))
if n == nf =>
Let(n, b, cont)
case x => Fix(x)
/** To be used by backends that require collections to contain Obj, this
* looks at type checks on `Read` then either eliminates them if they are
* trivial, leaves them if they check field contents, or errors if they are
* incompatible.
def assumeReadObjƒ:
AlgebraM[PlannerError \/ ?, LogicalPlan, Fix[LogicalPlan]] = {
case x @ LetF(n, r @ Fix(ReadF(_)),
Fix(TypecheckF(Fix(FreeF(nf)), typ, cont, _)))
if n == nf =>
typ match {
case Type.Obj(m, Some(Type.Top)) if m == ListMap() =>
\/-(Let(n, r, cont))
case Type.Obj(_, _) =>
case _ =>
Some("collections can only contain objects, but a(n) " +
typ +
" is expected")))
case x => \/-(Fix(x))
sealed trait Component[A] {
def run(l: Fix[LogicalPlan], r: Fix[LogicalPlan]): A
// A condition that refers to left and right sources using equality, so may
// be rewritten into the join condition:
final case class EquiCond[A](run0: (Fix[LogicalPlan], Fix[LogicalPlan]) => A) extends Component[A] {
def run(l: Fix[LogicalPlan], r: Fix[LogicalPlan]) = run0(l,r)
// A condition which refers only to the left source:
final case class LeftCond[A](run0: Fix[LogicalPlan] => A) extends Component[A] {
def run(l: Fix[LogicalPlan], r: Fix[LogicalPlan]) = run0(l)
// A condition which refers only to the right source:
final case class RightCond[A](run0: Fix[LogicalPlan] => A) extends Component[A] {
def run(l: Fix[LogicalPlan], r: Fix[LogicalPlan]) = run0(r)
// A condition which refers to both sources but doesn't have the right shape
// to become the join condition:
final case class OtherCond[A](run0: (Fix[LogicalPlan], Fix[LogicalPlan]) => A) extends Component[A] {
def run(l: Fix[LogicalPlan], r: Fix[LogicalPlan]) = run0(l,r)
// An expression that doesn't refer to any source.
final case class NeitherCond[A](run0: A) extends Component[A] {
def run(l: Fix[LogicalPlan], r: Fix[LogicalPlan]) = run0
// TODO add scalaz propery test
implicit val ComponentApplicative = new Applicative[Component] {
def point[A](a: => A): Component[A] = NeitherCond(a)
def ap[A, B](fa: => Component[A])(f: => Component[A => B]): Component[B] =
(fa, f) match {
// A // A => B
case (NeitherCond(a), NeitherCond(g)) => NeitherCond(g(a))
// A // LP => A => B
case (NeitherCond(a), LeftCond(g)) => LeftCond(g(_)(a))
// A // LP => A => B
case (NeitherCond(a), RightCond(g)) => RightCond(g(_)(a))
// LP => A // A => B
case (LeftCond(a), NeitherCond(g)) => LeftCond(g <<< a) // lp => g(a(lp))
// LP => A // LP => A => B
case (LeftCond(a), LeftCond(g)) => LeftCond(lp => g(lp)(a(lp)))
// LP => A // A => B
case (RightCond(a), NeitherCond(g)) => RightCond(g <<< a)
// LP => A // LP => A => B
case (RightCond(a), RightCond(g)) => RightCond(lp => g(lp)(a(lp)))
case (ca, cg) => OtherCond((l, r) => cg.run(l, r)(ca.run(l, r)))
/** Rewrite joins and subsequent filtering so that:
* 1) Filtering that is equivalent to an equi-join is rewritten into the join condition.
* 2) Filtering that refers to only side of the join is hoisted prior to the join.
* The input plan must have been simplified already so that the structure
* is in a canonical form for inspection.
val rewriteCrossJoinsƒ: LogicalPlan[(Fix[LogicalPlan], Fix[LogicalPlan])] => State[NameGen, Fix[LogicalPlan]] = { node =>
import quasar.fp._
def preserveFree(x: (Fix[LogicalPlan], Fix[LogicalPlan])) = preserveFree0(x)(ι)
def flattenAnd: Fix[LogicalPlan] => List[Fix[LogicalPlan]] = {
case Fix(InvokeFUnapply(relations.And, ts)) => ts.unsized.flatMap(flattenAnd)
case t => List(t)
def toComp(left: Fix[LogicalPlan], right: Fix[LogicalPlan])(c: Fix[LogicalPlan]):
Component[Fix[LogicalPlan]] = {
c.para[Component[Fix[LogicalPlan]]] {
case t if t.map(_._1) ≟ left.unFix => LeftCond(ι)
case t if t.map(_._1) ≟ right.unFix => RightCond(ι)
case InvokeFUnapply(relations.Eq, Sized((_, LeftCond(lc)), (_, RightCond(rc)))) =>
EquiCond((l, r) => Fix(relations.Eq(lc(l), rc(r))))
case InvokeFUnapply(relations.Eq, Sized((_, RightCond(rc)), (_, LeftCond(lc)))) =>
EquiCond((l, r) => Fix(relations.Eq(rc(r), lc(l))))
case InvokeFUnapply(func @ UnaryFunc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), Sized(t1)) =>
Func.Input1(t1).map(_._2).sequence[Component, Fix[LogicalPlan]].map(ts => Fix(InvokeF(func, ts)))
case InvokeFUnapply(func @ BinaryFunc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), Sized(t1, t2)) =>
Func.Input2(t1, t2).map(_._2).sequence[Component, Fix[LogicalPlan]].map(ts => Fix(InvokeF(func, ts)))
case InvokeFUnapply(func @ TernaryFunc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), Sized(t1, t2, t3)) =>
Func.Input3(t1, t2, t3).map(_._2).sequence[Component, Fix[LogicalPlan]].map(ts => Fix(InvokeF(func, ts)))
case t => NeitherCond(Fix(t.map(_._1)))
def assembleCond(conds: List[Fix[LogicalPlan]]): Fix[LogicalPlan] =
conds.foldLeft(Constant(Data.True))((acc, c) => Fix(relations.And(acc, c)))
def newJoin(lSrc: Fix[LogicalPlan], rSrc: Fix[LogicalPlan], comps: List[Component[Fix[LogicalPlan]]]):
State[NameGen, Fix[LogicalPlan]] = {
val equis = comps.collect { case c @ EquiCond(_) => c }
val lefts = comps.collect { case c @ LeftCond(_) => c }
val rights = comps.collect { case c @ RightCond(_) => c }
val others = comps.collect { case c @ OtherCond(_) => c }
val neithers = comps.collect { case c @ NeitherCond(_) => c }
for {
lName <- freshName("leftSrc")
lFName <- freshName("left")
rName <- freshName("rightSrc")
rFName <- freshName("right")
jName <- freshName("joined")
} yield {
// NB: simplifying eagerly to make matching easier up the tree
Let(lName, lSrc,
Let(lFName, Fix(Filter(Free(lName), assembleCond(lefts.map(_.run0(Free(lName)))))),
Let(rName, rSrc,
Let(rFName, Fix(Filter(Free(rName), assembleCond(rights.map(_.run0(Free(rName)))))),
Fix(InnerJoin(Free(lFName), Free(rFName),
assembleCond(equis.map(_.run(Free(lFName), Free(rFName)))))),
Fix(Filter(Free(jName), assembleCond(
others.map(_.run0(JoinDir.Left.projectFrom(Free(jName)), JoinDir.Right.projectFrom(Free(jName)))) ++
node match {
case InvokeFUnapply(Filter, Sized((src, Fix(InvokeFUnapply(InnerJoin, Sized(joinL, joinR, joinCond)))), (cond, _))) =>
val comps = flattenAnd(joinCond).map(toComp(joinL, joinR)) ++
flattenAnd(cond).map(toComp(JoinDir.Left.projectFrom(src), JoinDir.Right.projectFrom(src)))
newJoin(joinL, joinR, comps)
case InvokeFUnapply(InnerJoin, Sized((srcL, _), (srcR, _), (_, joinCond))) =>
newJoin(srcL, srcR, flattenAnd(joinCond).map(toComp(srcL, srcR)))
case _ => State.state(Fix(node.map(preserveFree)))
/** Apply universal, type-oblivious transformations intended to
* improve the performance of a query regardless of the backend. The
* input is expected to come straight from the SQL^2 compiler or
* another source of un-optimized queries.
val optimize: Fix[LogicalPlan] => Fix[LogicalPlan] =
NonEmptyList[Fix[LogicalPlan] => Fix[LogicalPlan]](
// Eliminate extraneous constants, etc.:
// NB: must precede normalizeLets to eliminate possibility of shadowing:
// NB: must precede rewriteCrossJoins to normalize Filter/Join shapes:
// Now for the big one:
// Eliminate trivial bindings introduced in rewriteCrossJoins:
// Final pass to normalize the resulting plans for better matching in tests:
// This time, fix the names last so they will read naturally:
).foldLeft1(_ >>> _)
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