quasar.sql.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2016 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar
import quasar.Predef._
import quasar.fp._
import quasar.fs._
import matryoshka._, Recursive.ops._, FunctorT.ops._, TraverseT.nonInheritedOps._
import pathy.Path.posixCodec
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
package object sql {
def select[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], (IsDistinct, List[Proj[A]], Option[SqlRelation[A]], Option[A], Option[GroupBy[A]], Option[OrderBy[A]])] {
case Select(d, p, r, f, g, o) => (d, p, r, f, g, o)
} ((Select[A] _).tupled)
def vari[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], String] { case Vari(sym) => sym } (Vari(_))
def setLiteral[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], List[A]] { case SetLiteral(exprs) => exprs } (SetLiteral(_))
def arrayLiteral[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], List[A]] { case ArrayLiteral(exprs) => exprs } (ArrayLiteral(_))
def mapLiteral[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], List[(A, A)]] { case MapLiteral(exprs) => exprs } (MapLiteral(_))
def splice[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], Option[A]] { case Splice(exprs) => exprs } (Splice(_))
def binop[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], (A, A, BinaryOperator)] { case Binop(l, r, op) => (l, r, op) } ((Binop[A] _).tupled)
def unop[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], (A, UnaryOperator)] { case Unop(a, op) => (a, op) } ((Unop[A] _).tupled)
def ident[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], String] { case Ident(name) => name } (Ident(_))
def invokeFunction[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], (String, List[A])] { case InvokeFunction(name, args) => (name, args) } ((InvokeFunction[A] _).tupled)
def matc[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], (A, List[Case[A]], Option[A])] { case Match(expr, cases, default) => (expr, cases, default) } ((Match[A] _).tupled)
def switch[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], (List[Case[A]], Option[A])] { case Switch(cases, default) => (cases, default) } ((Switch[A] _).tupled)
def let[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], (String, A, A)] { case Let(n, f, b) => (n, f, b) } ((Let[A](_, _, _)).tupled)
def intLiteral[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], Long] { case IntLiteral(v) => v } (IntLiteral(_))
def floatLiteral[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], Double] { case FloatLiteral(v) => v } (FloatLiteral(_))
def stringLiteral[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], String] { case StringLiteral(v) => v } (StringLiteral(_))
def nullLiteral[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], Unit] { case NullLiteral() => () } (_ => NullLiteral())
def boolLiteral[A] = pPrism[Sql[A], Boolean] { case BoolLiteral(v) => v } (BoolLiteral(_))
// NB: we need to support relative paths, including `../foo`
type FUPath = pathy.Path[_, pathy.Path.File, pathy.Path.Unsandboxed]
private def parser[T[_[_]]: Recursive: Corecursive] = new SQLParser[T]()
// NB: Statically allocated to avoid multiple allocations of the parser.
val muParser = parser[Mu]
// TODO: Get rid of this one once we’ve parameterized everything on `T`.
val fixParser = parser[Fix]
def CrossRelation[T[_[_]]: Corecursive](left: SqlRelation[T[Sql]], right: SqlRelation[T[Sql]]) =
JoinRelation(left, right, InnerJoin, boolLiteral[T[Sql]](true).embed)
def projectionNames[T[_[_]]: Recursive](
projections: List[Proj[T[Sql]]], relName: Option[String]):
SemanticError \/ List[(String, T[Sql])] = {
def extractName(expr: T[Sql]): Option[String] = expr.project match {
case Ident(name) if Some(name) != relName => name.some
case Binop(_, Embed(StringLiteral(v)), FieldDeref) => v.some
case Unop(expr, FlattenMapValues) => extractName(expr)
case Unop(expr, FlattenArrayValues) => extractName(expr)
case _ => None
val aliases = projections.flatMap{ case Proj(expr, alias) => alias.toList}
(aliases diff aliases.distinct).headOption.cata(
duplicateAlias => SemanticError.DuplicateAlias(duplicateAlias).left,
projections.zipWithIndex.mapAccumLeft1(aliases.toSet) { case (used, (Proj(expr, alias), index)) =>
a => (used, a -> expr),
val tentativeName = extractName(expr) getOrElse index.toString
val alternatives = Stream.from(0).map(suffix => tentativeName + suffix.toString)
val name = (tentativeName #:: alternatives).dropWhile(used.contains).head
(used + name, name -> expr)
def mapPathsMƒ[F[_]: Monad](f: FUPath => F[FUPath]): Sql ~> (F ∘ Sql)#λ =
new (Sql ~> (F ∘ Sql)#λ) {
def apply[A](e: Sql[A]) = e match {
case Select(d, p, relations, filt, g, o) =>
relations.traverse(_.mapPathsM(f)).map(Select(d, p, _, filt, g, o))
case x => x.point[F]
implicit class ExprOps[T[_[_]]: Recursive: Corecursive](q: T[Sql]) {
def mkPathsAbsolute(basePath: ADir): T[Sql] =
q.transCata(mapPathsMƒ[Id](refineTypeAbs(_).fold(ι, pathy.Path.unsandbox(basePath) > _)))
def makeTables(bindings: List[String]): T[Sql] = q.project match {
case sel @ Select(_, _, _, _, _, _) => {
// perform all the appropriate recursions
// TODO remove asInstanceOf by providing a `SelectF` at compile time
val sel2 = Functor[Sql].map(sel)(_.makeTables(bindings)).asInstanceOf[Select[T[Sql]]]
def mkRel[A](rel: SqlRelation[A]): SqlRelation[A] = rel match {
case ir @ IdentRelationAST(name, alias) if !bindings.contains(name) => {
val filePath = posixCodec.parsePath(Some(_),Some(_),_ => None, _ => None)(name)
filePath.map(p => TableRelationAST[A](p, alias)).getOrElse(ir)
case JoinRelation(left, right, tpe, clause) =>
JoinRelation(mkRel(left), mkRel(right), tpe, clause)
case other => other
// TODO use lenses
sel2.copy(relations = sel2.relations.map(mkRel(_))).embed
case Let(name, form, body) => {
val form2 = form.makeTables(bindings)
val body2 = body.makeTables(name :: bindings)
let(name, form2, body2).embed
case other => other.map(_.makeTables(bindings)).embed
def pprint[T[_[_]]: Recursive](sql: T[Sql]) = sql.para(pprintƒ)
private val SimpleNamePattern = "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*".r
private def _q(s: String): String = "\"" + s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""
private def _qq(delimiter: String, s: String): String = s match {
case SimpleNamePattern() => s
case _ => delimiter + s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace(delimiter, "\\`") + delimiter
private def pprintRelationƒ[T[_[_]]: Recursive](r: SqlRelation[(T[Sql], String)]):
String =
(r match {
case IdentRelationAST(name, alias) =>
_qq("`", name) :: alias.map("as " + _).toList
case TableRelationAST(path, alias) =>
_qq("`", prettyPrint(path)) :: alias.map("as " + _).toList
case ExprRelationAST(expr, aliasName) =>
List(expr._2, "as", aliasName)
case JoinRelation(left, right, tpe, clause) =>
(tpe, clause._1) match {
case (InnerJoin, Embed(BoolLiteral(true))) =>
List("(", pprintRelationƒ(left), "cross join", pprintRelationƒ(right), ")")
case (_, _) =>
List("(", pprintRelationƒ(left), tpe.sql, pprintRelationƒ(right), "on", clause._2, ")")
}).mkString(" ")
def pprintRelation[T[_[_]]: Recursive](r: SqlRelation[T[Sql]]) =
pprintRelationƒ(traverseRelation[Id, T[Sql], (T[Sql], String)](r, x => (x, pprint(x))))
def pprintƒ[T[_[_]]: Recursive]: Sql[(T[Sql], String)] => String = {
def caseSql(c: Case[(T[Sql], String)]): String =
List("when", c.cond._2, "then", c.expr._2) mkString " "
case Select(
orderBy) =>
"(" +
isDistinct match { case `SelectDistinct` => Some("distinct"); case _ => None },
Some(projections.map(p => p.alias.foldLeft(p.expr._2)(_ + " as " + _qq("`", _))).mkString(", ")),
relations.map(r => "from " + pprintRelationƒ(r)),
filter.map("where " + _._2),
groupBy.map(g =>
("group by" ::
g.keys.map(_._2).mkString(", ") ::
g.having.map("having " + _._2).toList).mkString(" ")),
orderBy.map(o => List("order by", o.keys.map(x => x._2._2 + " " + x._1.toString) mkString(", ")).mkString(" "))).foldMap(_.toList).mkString(" ") +
case Vari(symbol) => ":" + symbol
case SetLiteral(exprs) => exprs.map(_._2).mkString("(", ", ", ")")
case ArrayLiteral(exprs) => exprs.map(_._2).mkString("[", ", ", "]")
case MapLiteral(exprs) => exprs.map {
case (k, v) => k._2 + ": " + v._2
}.mkString("{", ", ", "}")
case Splice(expr) => expr.fold("*")("(" + _._2 + ").*")
case Binop(lhs, rhs, op) => op match {
case FieldDeref => rhs._1.project match {
case StringLiteral(str) => "(" + lhs._2 + ")." + _qq("\"", str)
case _ => "(" + lhs._2 + "){" + rhs._2 + "}"
case IndexDeref => "(" + lhs._2 + ")[" + rhs._2 + "]"
case _ => List("(" + lhs._2 + ")", op.sql, "(" + rhs._2 + ")").mkString(" ")
case Unop(expr, op) => op match {
case FlattenMapKeys => "(" + expr._2 + "){*:}"
case FlattenMapValues => "(" + expr._2 + "){:*}"
case ShiftMapKeys => "(" + expr._2 + "){_:}"
case ShiftMapValues => "(" + expr._2 + "){:_}"
case FlattenArrayIndices => "(" + expr._2 + ")[*:]"
case FlattenArrayValues => "(" + expr._2 + ")[:*]"
case ShiftArrayIndices => "(" + expr._2 + ")[_:]"
case ShiftArrayValues => "(" + expr._2 + ")[:_]"
case _ =>
val s = List(op.sql, "(", expr._2, ")") mkString " "
// NB: dis-ambiguates the query in case this is the leading projection
if (op == Distinct) "(" + s + ")" else s
case Ident(name) => _qq("`", name)
case InvokeFunction(name, args) =>
import quasar.std.StdLib.string
(name, args) match {
case (string.Like.name, (_, value) :: (_, pattern) :: (Embed(StringLiteral("\\")), _) :: Nil) =>
"(" + value + ") like (" + pattern + ")"
case (string.Like.name, (_, value) :: (_, pattern) :: (_, esc) :: Nil) =>
"(" + value + ") like (" + pattern + ") escape (" + esc + ")"
case _ => name + "(" + args.map(_._2).mkString(", ") + ")"
case Match(expr, cases, default) =>
("case" ::
expr._2 ::
((cases.map(caseSql) ++ default.map("else " + _._2).toList) :+
"end")).mkString(" ")
case Switch(cases, default) =>
("case" ::
((cases.map(caseSql) ++ default.map("else " + _._2).toList) :+
"end")).mkString(" ")
case Let(name, form, body) =>
name ++ " :: " ++ form._2 ++ "; " ++ body._2
case IntLiteral(v) => v.toString
case FloatLiteral(v) => v.toString
case StringLiteral(v) => _q(v)
case NullLiteral() => "null"
case BoolLiteral(v) => if (v) "true" else "false"
def normalizeƒ[T[_[_]]: Corecursive]:
Sql[T[Sql]] => Option[Sql[T[Sql]]] = {
case Binop(l, r, Union) =>
Unop(Binop(l, r, UnionAll).embed, Distinct).some
case Binop(l, r, Intersect) =>
Unop(Binop(l, r, IntersectAll).embed, Distinct).some
case _ => None
def traverseRelation[G[_], A, B](r: SqlRelation[A], f: A => G[B])(
implicit G: Applicative[G]):
G[SqlRelation[B]] =
r match {
case IdentRelationAST(name, alias) =>
G.point(IdentRelationAST(name, alias))
case TableRelationAST(name, alias) =>
G.point(TableRelationAST(name, alias))
case ExprRelationAST(expr, aliasName) =>
G.apply(f(expr))(ExprRelationAST(_, aliasName))
case JoinRelation(left, right, tpe, clause) =>
G.apply3(traverseRelation(left, f), traverseRelation(right, f), f(clause))(
JoinRelation(_, _, tpe, _))
private val astType = "AST" :: Nil
implicit def ExprRelationRenderTree: RenderTree ~> λ[α => RenderTree[SqlRelation[α]]] =
new (RenderTree ~> λ[α => RenderTree[SqlRelation[α]]]) {
def apply[α](ra: RenderTree[α]) = new RenderTree[SqlRelation[α]] {
def render(r: SqlRelation[α]): RenderedTree = r match {
case IdentRelationAST(name, alias) =>
val aliasString = alias.cata(" as " + _, "")
Terminal("IdentRelation" :: astType, Some(name + aliasString))
case ExprRelationAST(select, alias) =>
NonTerminal("ExprRelation" :: astType, Some("Expr as " + alias), ra.render(select) :: Nil)
case TableRelationAST(name, alias) =>
val aliasString = alias.cata(" as " + _, "")
Terminal("TableRelation" :: astType, Some(prettyPrint(name) + aliasString))
case JoinRelation(left, right, jt, clause) =>
NonTerminal("JoinRelation" :: astType, Some(jt.toString),
List(render(left), render(right), ra.render(clause)))
implicit val SqlRenderTree: RenderTree ~> λ[α => RenderTree[Sql[α]]] =
new (RenderTree ~> λ[α => RenderTree[Sql[α]]]) {
def apply[α](ra: RenderTree[α]): RenderTree[Sql[α]] = new RenderTree[Sql[α]] {
def renderCase(c: Case[α]): RenderedTree =
NonTerminal("Case" :: astType, None, ra.render(c.cond) :: ra.render(c.expr) :: Nil)
def render(n: Sql[α]) = n match {
case Select(isDistinct, projections, relations, filter, groupBy, orderBy) =>
val nt = "Select" :: astType
isDistinct match { case `SelectDistinct` => Some("distinct"); case _ => None },
projections.map { p =>
NonTerminal("Proj" :: astType, p.alias, ra.render(p.expr) :: Nil)
} ⊹
(relations.map(ExprRelationRenderTree(ra).render) ::
filter.map(ra.render) ::
groupBy.map {
case GroupBy(keys, Some(having)) => NonTerminal("GroupBy" :: astType, None, keys.map(ra.render) :+ ra.render(having))
case GroupBy(keys, None) => NonTerminal("GroupBy" :: astType, None, keys.map(ra.render))
} ::
orderBy.map {
case OrderBy(keys) =>
val nt = "OrderBy" :: astType
NonTerminal(nt, None,
keys.map { case (t, x) => NonTerminal("OrderType" :: nt, Some(t.toString), ra.render(x) :: Nil)})
} ::
case SetLiteral(exprs) => NonTerminal("Set" :: astType, None, exprs.map(ra.render))
case ArrayLiteral(exprs) => NonTerminal("Array" :: astType, None, exprs.map(ra.render))
case MapLiteral(exprs) => NonTerminal("Map" :: astType, None, exprs.map(Tuple2RenderTree(ra, ra).render))
case InvokeFunction(name, args) => NonTerminal("InvokeFunction" :: astType, Some(name), args.map(ra.render))
case Match(expr, cases, Some(default)) => NonTerminal("Match" :: astType, None, ra.render(expr) :: (cases.map(renderCase) :+ ra.render(default)))
case Match(expr, cases, None) => NonTerminal("Match" :: astType, None, ra.render(expr) :: cases.map(renderCase))
case Switch(cases, Some(default)) => NonTerminal("Switch" :: astType, None, cases.map(renderCase) :+ ra.render(default))
case Switch(cases, None) => NonTerminal("Switch" :: astType, None, cases.map(renderCase))
case Binop(lhs, rhs, op) => NonTerminal("Binop" :: astType, Some(op.toString), ra.render(lhs) :: ra.render(rhs) :: Nil)
case Unop(expr, op) => NonTerminal("Unop" :: astType, Some(op.sql), ra.render(expr) :: Nil)
case Splice(expr) => NonTerminal("Splice" :: astType, None, expr.toList.map(ra.render))
case Ident(name) => Terminal("Ident" :: astType, Some(name))
case Vari(name) => Terminal("Variable" :: astType, Some(":" + name))
case Let(name, form, body) =>
NonTerminal("Let" :: astType, Some(name), ra.render(form) :: ra.render(body) :: Nil)
case IntLiteral(v) => Terminal("LiteralExpr" :: astType, Some(v.shows))
case FloatLiteral(v) => Terminal("LiteralExpr" :: astType, Some(v.shows))
case StringLiteral(v) => Terminal("LiteralExpr" :: astType, Some(v.shows))
case NullLiteral() => Terminal("LiteralExpr" :: astType, None)
case BoolLiteral(v) => Terminal("LiteralExpr" :: astType, Some(v.shows))
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