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quasar.jscore.fixpoint.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.jscore
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.javascript.Js
import matryoshka.implicits._
final case class fixpoint[R](embed: JsCoreF[R] => R) {
def Literal(value: Js.Lit): R = embed(LiteralF[R](value))
def Ident(value: Name): R = embed(IdentF[R](value))
def Access(expr: R, key: R): R = embed(AccessF(expr, key))
def Call(callee: R, args: List[R]): R = embed(CallF(callee, args))
def New(name: Name, args: List[R]): R = embed(NewF(name, args))
def If(condition: R, consequent: R, alternative: R): R = embed(IfF(condition, consequent, alternative))
def UnOp(op: UnaryOperator, arg: R): R = embed(UnOpF(op, arg))
def BinOp(op: BinaryOperator, left: R, right: R): R = embed(BinOpF(op, left, right))
def Arr(values: List[R]): R = embed(ArrF(values))
def Fun(params: List[Name], body: R): R = embed(FunF(params, body))
def Obj(values: ListMap[Name, R]): R = embed(ObjF(values))
def Let(name: Name, expr: R, body: R): R = embed(LetF(name, expr, body))
def SpliceObjects(srcs: List[R]): R = embed(SpliceObjectsF(srcs))
def SpliceArrays(srcs: List[R]): R = embed(SpliceArraysF(srcs))
def ident(name: String): R = Ident(Name(name))
def select(expr: R, name: String): R = Access(expr, Literal(Js.Str(name)))
def binop(op: BinaryOperator, a1: R, args: R*): R = args.toList match {
case Nil => a1
case h :: t => BinOp(op, a1, binop(op, h, t: _*))
object Literal {
def apply(value: Js.Lit): JsCore = Fix(LiteralF(value))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[Js.Lit] = LiteralF.unapply(obj.project)
object Ident {
def apply(value: Name): JsCore = Fix(IdentF(value))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[Name] = IdentF.unapply(obj.project)
object Access {
def apply(expr: JsCore, key: JsCore): JsCore = Fix(AccessF(expr, key))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[(JsCore, JsCore)] = AccessF.unapply(obj.project)
object Call {
def apply(callee: JsCore, args: List[JsCore]): JsCore = Fix(CallF(callee, args))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[(JsCore, List[JsCore])] = CallF.unapply(obj.project)
object New {
def apply(name: Name, args: List[JsCore]): JsCore = Fix(NewF(name, args))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[(Name, List[JsCore])] = NewF.unapply(obj.project)
object If {
def apply(condition: JsCore, consequent: JsCore, alternative: JsCore): JsCore = Fix(IfF(condition, consequent, alternative))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[(JsCore, JsCore, JsCore)] = IfF.unapply(obj.project)
object UnOp {
def apply(op: UnaryOperator, arg: JsCore): JsCore = Fix(UnOpF(op, arg))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[(UnaryOperator, JsCore)] = UnOpF.unapply(obj.project)
object BinOp {
def apply(op: BinaryOperator, left: JsCore, right: JsCore): JsCore = Fix(BinOpF(op, left, right))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[(BinaryOperator, JsCore, JsCore)] = BinOpF.unapply(obj.project)
object Arr {
def apply(values: List[JsCore]): JsCore = Fix(ArrF(values))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[(List[JsCore])] = ArrF.unapply(obj.project)
object Fun {
def apply(params: List[Name], body: JsCore): JsCore = Fix(FunF(params, body))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[(List[Name], JsCore)] = FunF.unapply(obj.project)
object Obj {
def apply(values: ListMap[Name, JsCore]): JsCore = Fix(ObjF(values))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[ListMap[Name, JsCore]] = ObjF.unapply(obj.project)
object Let {
def apply(name: Name, expr: JsCore, body: JsCore): JsCore = Fix(LetF(name, expr, body))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[(Name, JsCore, JsCore)] = LetF.unapply(obj.project)
object SpliceObjects {
def apply(srcs: List[JsCore]): JsCore = Fix(SpliceObjectsF(srcs))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[List[JsCore]] = SpliceObjectsF.unapply(obj.project)
object SpliceArrays {
def apply(srcs: List[JsCore]): JsCore = Fix(SpliceArraysF(srcs))
def unapply(obj: JsCore): Option[List[JsCore]] = SpliceArraysF.unapply(obj.project)