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quasar.mimir.InfixLib.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014–2018 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.mimir
import quasar.yggdrasil.bytecode._
import quasar.yggdrasil.table._
import quasar.precog.util.NumericComparisons
trait InfixLibModule[M[+ _]] extends ColumnarTableLibModule[M] {
trait InfixLib extends ColumnarTableLib {
import StdLib.{ BoolFrom, DoubleFrom, LongFrom, NumFrom, StrFrom, doubleIsDefined, StrAndDateT, dateToStrCol }
object Infix {
val InfixNamespace = Vector("std", "infix")
final def longOk(x: Long, y: Long) = true
final def doubleOk(x: Double, y: Double) = true
final def numOk(x: BigDecimal, y: BigDecimal) = true
final def longNeZero(x: Long, y: Long) = y != 0
final def doubleNeZero(x: Double, y: Double) = y != 0.0
final def numNeZero(x: BigDecimal, y: BigDecimal) = y != 0
class InfixOp2(name: String, longf: (Long, Long) => Long, doublef: (Double, Double) => Double, numf: (BigDecimal, BigDecimal) => BigDecimal)
extends Op2F2(InfixNamespace, name) {
val tpe = BinaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT, JNumberT)
def f2: F2 = CF2P("builtin::infix::op2::" + name) {
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new LongFrom.LL(c1, c2, longOk, longf)
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new NumFrom.LD(c1, c2, numOk, numf)
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new NumFrom.LN(c1, c2, numOk, numf)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new NumFrom.DL(c1, c2, numOk, numf)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.DD(c1, c2, doubleOk, doublef)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new NumFrom.DN(c1, c2, numOk, numf)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new NumFrom.NL(c1, c2, numOk, numf)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new NumFrom.ND(c1, c2, numOk, numf)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new NumFrom.NN(c1, c2, numOk, numf)
val Add = new InfixOp2("add", _ + _, _ + _, _ + _)
val Sub = new InfixOp2("subtract", _ - _, _ - _, _ - _)
val Mul = new InfixOp2("multiply", _ * _, _ * _, _ * _)
// div needs to make sure to use Double even for division with longs
val Div = new Op2F2(InfixNamespace, "divide") {
def doublef(x: Double, y: Double) = x / y
val context = java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL128
def numf(x: BigDecimal, y: BigDecimal) = x(context) / y(context)
val tpe = BinaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT, JNumberT)
def f2: F2 = CF2P("builtin::infix::div") {
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.LL(c1, c2, doubleNeZero, doublef)
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new NumFrom.LD(c1, c2, numNeZero, numf)
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new NumFrom.LN(c1, c2, numNeZero, numf)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new NumFrom.DL(c1, c2, numNeZero, numf)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.DD(c1, c2, doubleNeZero, doublef)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new NumFrom.DN(c1, c2, numNeZero, numf)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new NumFrom.NL(c1, c2, numNeZero, numf)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new NumFrom.ND(c1, c2, numNeZero, numf)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new NumFrom.NN(c1, c2, numNeZero, numf)
val Mod = new Op2F2(InfixNamespace, "mod") {
val tpe = BinaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT, JNumberT)
def longMod(x: Long, y: Long) = x % y
def doubleMod(x: Double, y: Double) = x % y
def numMod(x: BigDecimal, y: BigDecimal) = x % y
def f2: F2 = CF2P("builtin::infix::mod") {
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new LongFrom.LL(c1, c2, longNeZero, longMod)
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new NumFrom.LD(c1, c2, numNeZero, numMod)
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new NumFrom.LN(c1, c2, numNeZero, numMod)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new NumFrom.DL(c1, c2, numNeZero, numMod)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.DD(c1, c2, doubleNeZero, doubleMod)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new NumFrom.DN(c1, c2, numNeZero, numMod)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new NumFrom.NL(c1, c2, numNeZero, numMod)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new NumFrom.ND(c1, c2, numNeZero, numMod)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new NumFrom.NN(c1, c2, numNeZero, numMod)
// Separate trait for use in MathLib
trait Power {
def cf2pName: String
val tpe = BinaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT, JNumberT)
def defined(x: Double, y: Double) = doubleIsDefined(x) && doubleIsDefined(y)
def f2: F2 = CF2P(cf2pName) {
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.DD(c1, c2, defined, scala.math.pow)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.DL(c1, c2, defined, scala.math.pow)
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.DN(c1, c2, defined, scala.math.pow)
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.LD(c1, c2, defined, scala.math.pow)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.ND(c1, c2, defined, scala.math.pow)
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.LL(c1, c2, defined, scala.math.pow)
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.LN(c1, c2, defined, scala.math.pow)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.NL(c1, c2, defined, scala.math.pow)
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new DoubleFrom.NN(c1, c2, defined, scala.math.pow)
object Pow extends Op2F2(InfixNamespace, "pow") with Power {
val cf2pName = "builtin::infix::pow"
class CompareOp2(name: String, f: Int => Boolean) extends Op2F2(InfixNamespace, name) {
val tpe = BinaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT, JBooleanT)
def f2: F2 = CF2P("builtin::infix::compare") {
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.LL(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.LD(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
case (c1: LongColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.LN(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.DL(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.DD(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
case (c1: DoubleColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.DN(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: LongColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.NL(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: DoubleColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.ND(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
case (c1: NumColumn, c2: NumColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.NN(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
case (c1: DateColumn, c2: DateColumn) =>
new BoolFrom.DtDt(c1, c2, (x, y) => true, (x, y) => f(compare(x, y)))
val Lt = new CompareOp2("lt", _ < 0)
val LtEq = new CompareOp2("lte", _ <= 0)
val Gt = new CompareOp2("gt", _ > 0)
val GtEq = new CompareOp2("gte", _ >= 0)
class BoolOp2(name: String, f: (Boolean, Boolean) => Boolean) extends Op2F2(InfixNamespace, name) {
val tpe = BinaryOperationType(JBooleanT, JBooleanT, JBooleanT)
def f2: F2 = CF2P("builtin::infix::bool") {
case (c1: BoolColumn, c2: BoolColumn) => new BoolFrom.BB(c1, c2, f)
// TODO find the commonalities and abstract these two
val And = new OpNFN(InfixNamespace, "and") {
val fn: FN = CFNP("builtin::infix::bool::and") {
case List(c: BoolColumn) =>
new BoolColumn {
def isDefinedAt(row: Int): Boolean = c.isDefinedAt(row) && !c(row)
def apply(row: Int): Boolean = c(row)
case List(c1: BoolColumn, c2: BoolColumn) =>
new BoolColumn {
def isDefinedAt(row: Int): Boolean = {
if (c1.isDefinedAt(row) && c2.isDefinedAt(row))
else if (c1.isDefinedAt(row) && !c2.isDefinedAt(row))
else if (!c1.isDefinedAt(row) && c2.isDefinedAt(row))
def apply(row: Int): Boolean = {
if (c1.isDefinedAt(row) && c2.isDefinedAt(row))
c1(row) && c2(row)
else if (c1.isDefinedAt(row) && !c2.isDefinedAt(row))
else if (!c1.isDefinedAt(row) && c2.isDefinedAt(row))
val Or = new OpNFN(InfixNamespace, "or") {
val fn: FN = CFNP("builtin::infix::bool::or") {
case List(c: BoolColumn) =>
new BoolColumn {
def isDefinedAt(row: Int): Boolean = c.isDefinedAt(row) && c(row)
def apply(row: Int): Boolean = c(row)
case List(c1: BoolColumn, c2: BoolColumn) =>
new BoolColumn {
def isDefinedAt(row: Int): Boolean = {
if (c1.isDefinedAt(row) && c2.isDefinedAt(row))
else if (c1.isDefinedAt(row) && !c2.isDefinedAt(row))
else if (!c1.isDefinedAt(row) && c2.isDefinedAt(row))
def apply(row: Int): Boolean = {
if (c1.isDefinedAt(row) && c2.isDefinedAt(row))
c1(row) || c2(row)
else if (c1.isDefinedAt(row) && !c2.isDefinedAt(row))
else if (!c1.isDefinedAt(row) && c2.isDefinedAt(row))
val concatString = new Op2F2(InfixNamespace, "concatString") {
//@deprecated, see the DEPRECATED comment in StringLib
val tpe = BinaryOperationType(StrAndDateT, StrAndDateT, JTextT)
private def build(c1: StrColumn, c2: StrColumn) =
new StrFrom.SS(c1, c2, _ != null && _ != null, _ + _)
def f2: F2 = CF2P("builtin::infix:concatString") {
case (c1: StrColumn, c2: StrColumn) => build(c1, c2)
case (c1: DateColumn, c2: StrColumn) => build(dateToStrCol(c1), c2)
case (c1: StrColumn, c2: DateColumn) => build(c1, dateToStrCol(c2))
case (c1: DateColumn, c2: DateColumn) => build(dateToStrCol(c1), dateToStrCol(c2))