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* Copyright 2014–2018 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package quasar.mimir
import quasar.precog.common._
import quasar.yggdrasil.bytecode._
import quasar.yggdrasil.table._
import BigDecimal.RoundingMode
trait UnaryLibModule[M[+ _]] extends ColumnarTableLibModule[M] {
trait UnaryLib extends ColumnarTableLib {
import trans.{Range => _, _}
import StdLib.{ BoolFrom, DoubleFrom, LongFrom, NumFrom, doubleIsDefined }
object Unary {
val UnaryNamespace = Vector("std", "unary")
object Comp extends Op1F1(UnaryNamespace, "comp") {
val tpe = UnaryOperationType(JBooleanT, JBooleanT)
def f1: F1 = CF1P("builtin::unary::comp") {
case c: BoolColumn => new BoolFrom.B(c, !_)
def spec[A <: SourceType]: TransSpec[A] => TransSpec[A] = { transSpec =>
trans.Map1(transSpec, f1)
object Neg extends Op1F1(UnaryNamespace, "neg") {
val tpe = UnaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT)
def f1: F1 = CF1P("builtin::unary::neg") {
case c: DoubleColumn => new DoubleFrom.D(c, doubleIsDefined, -_)
case c: LongColumn => new LongFrom.L(c, n => true, -_)
case c: NumColumn => new NumFrom.N(c, n => true, -_)
def spec[A <: SourceType]: TransSpec[A] => TransSpec[A] = { transSpec =>
trans.Map1(transSpec, f1)
// use these rather than the ones in MathLib
// TODO remove the old ones in MathLib
object Ceil extends Op1F1(UnaryNamespace, "ceil") {
val tpe = UnaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT)
def f1: F1 = CF1P("builtin::unary::ceil") {
case c: DoubleColumn => new DoubleFrom.D(c, doubleIsDefined, math.ceil)
case c: LongColumn => new LongFrom.L(c, n => true, x => x)
case c: NumColumn => new NumFrom.N(c, n => true, _.setScale(0, RoundingMode.CEILING))
def spec[A <: SourceType]: TransSpec[A] => TransSpec[A] = { transSpec =>
trans.Map1(transSpec, f1)
object Floor extends Op1F1(UnaryNamespace, "floor") {
val tpe = UnaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT)
def f1: F1 = CF1P("builtin::unary::floor") {
case c: DoubleColumn => new DoubleFrom.D(c, doubleIsDefined, math.floor)
case c: LongColumn => new LongFrom.L(c, n => true, x => x)
case c: NumColumn => new NumFrom.N(c, n => true, _.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR))
def spec[A <: SourceType]: TransSpec[A] => TransSpec[A] = { transSpec =>
trans.Map1(transSpec, f1)
object Trunc extends Op1F1(UnaryNamespace, "trunc") {
val tpe = UnaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT)
def f1: F1 = CF1P("builtin::unary::trunc") {
case c: DoubleColumn => new DoubleFrom.D(c, doubleIsDefined, { d =>
val result = math.round(d)
// the JVM uses half-up rounding semantics by default
if (result > d) math.floor(d) else result
case c: LongColumn => new LongFrom.L(c, n => true, x => x)
case c: NumColumn => new NumFrom.N(c, n => true, _.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN))
def spec[A <: SourceType]: TransSpec[A] => TransSpec[A] = { transSpec =>
trans.Map1(transSpec, f1)
object Round extends Op1F1(UnaryNamespace, "round") {
val tpe = UnaryOperationType(JNumberT, JNumberT)
def f1: F1 = CF1P("builtin::unary::round") {
// encoding of half-even rounding
case c: DoubleColumn => new DoubleFrom.D(c, doubleIsDefined, { d =>
if (math.abs(d % 1) == 0.5) {
val candidate = math.ceil(d)
if (candidate % 2 == 0)
} else {
case c: LongColumn => new LongFrom.L(c, n => true, x => x)
case c: NumColumn => new NumFrom.N(c, n => true, _.setScale(0, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN))
def spec[A <: SourceType]: TransSpec[A] => TransSpec[A] = { transSpec =>
trans.Map1(transSpec, f1)
// this implementation of abs checks for boundary conditions and up-coerces as necessary
// for example: Long.MinValue.abs == Long.MinValue, which violates invariants
// we may want to generalize this pattern a bit, since there are other similar functions
object Abs extends CMapperS[M] {
def spec[A <: SourceType](source: TransSpec[A]): TransSpec[A] =
MapWith(source, this)
def map(cols: Map[ColumnRef, Column], range: Range): Map[ColumnRef, Column] = {
// we look for boundary cases and coerce up if we see them
// this is slightly faster than doing it on a row-by-row basis with a union column
val targets = cols collect {
case (ColumnRef(CPath.Identity, CDouble), col: DoubleColumn) =>
// this will be inefficient on any column that isn't forced
val atBound = range exists { i =>
col.isDefinedAt(i) && col(i) == Double.MinValue
if (atBound)
new NumFrom.D(col, _ => true, x => x)
case (ColumnRef(CPath.Identity, CLong), col: LongColumn) =>
// this will be inefficient on any column that isn't forced
val atBound = range exists { i =>
col.isDefinedAt(i) && col(i) == Long.MinValue
if (atBound)
new NumFrom.L(col, _ => true, x => x)
case (ColumnRef(CPath.Identity, CNum), col) => col
val pairs: Iterable[(ColumnRef, Column)] = targets map {
case c: DoubleColumn =>
ColumnRef(CPath.Identity, CDouble) -> new DoubleFrom.D(c, _ => true, _.abs)
case c: LongColumn =>
ColumnRef(CPath.Identity, CLong) -> new LongFrom.L(c, _ => true, _.abs)
case c: NumColumn =>
ColumnRef(CPath.Identity, CNum) -> new NumFrom.N(c, _ => true, _.abs)
case _ => sys.error("impossible")
case (ref, cols) =>
ref ->, _).get)