quasar.physical.mongodb.MongoDb.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar
package physical.mongodb
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.common._
import quasar.connector._
import quasar.contrib.scalaz.MonadReader_
import quasar.contrib.pathy._
import quasar.effect.{Kvs, MonoSeq}
import quasar.fp._
import quasar.fp.numeric._
import quasar.fp.ski.κ
import quasar.fs._
import quasar.fs.mount._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.fs.bsoncursor._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.mongoiterable._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.workflow._
import quasar.qscript._
import quasar.qscript.analysis._
import quasar.qscript.rewrites.{Optimize, Unicoalesce, Unirewrite}
import java.time.Instant
import scala.Predef.implicitly
import matryoshka._
import matryoshka.data._
import org.bson.{BsonDocument, BsonValue}
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
object MongoDb
extends BackendModule
with ManagedReadFile[BsonCursor]
with ManagedWriteFile[Collection]
with DefaultAnalyzeModule {
type QS[T[_[_]]] = fs.MongoQScriptCP[T]
implicit def qScriptToQScriptTotal[T[_[_]]]: Injectable.Aux[QSM[T, ?], QScriptTotal[T, ?]] =
type Repr = Crystallized[WorkflowF]
type M[A] = fs.MongoM[A]
import Cost._
import Cardinality._
def CardinalityQSM: Cardinality[QSM[Fix, ?]] = Cardinality[QSM[Fix, ?]]
def CostQSM: Cost[QSM[Fix, ?]] = Cost[QSM[Fix, ?]]
def TraverseQSM[T[_[_]]] = Traverse[QSM[T, ?]]
def FunctorQSM[T[_[_]]] = Functor[QSM[T, ?]]
def DelayRenderTreeQSM[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT: EqualT: ShowT: RenderTreeT] = implicitly[Delay[RenderTree, QSM[T, ?]]]
def ExtractPathQSM[T[_[_]]: RecursiveT] = ExtractPath[QSM[T, ?], APath]
def QSCoreInject[T[_[_]]] = implicitly[QScriptCore[T, ?] :<: QSM[T, ?]]
def MonadM = Monad[M]
def UnirewriteT[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT: EqualT: ShowT: RenderTreeT] = implicitly[Unirewrite[T, QS[T]]]
def UnicoalesceCap[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT: EqualT: ShowT: RenderTreeT] = Unicoalesce.Capture[T, QS[T]]
type Config = fs.MongoConfig
// Managed
def MonoSeqM = MonoSeq[M]
def ReadKvsM = Kvs[M, ReadFile.ReadHandle, BsonCursor]
def WriteKvsM = Kvs[M, WriteFile.WriteHandle, Collection]
// we don't apply `O.subsetBeforeMap` because we need to apply that
// after we apply `mapBeforeSort`
def optimize[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT: EqualT: ShowT]
: QSM[T, T[QSM[T, ?]]] => QSM[T, T[QSM[T, ?]]] = {
val O = new Optimize[T]
liftFF[QScriptCore[T, ?], QSM[T, ?], T[QSM[T, ?]]](
repeatedly(O.filterBeforeUnion[QSM[T, ?]]))
def parseConfig(uri: ConnectionUri): BackendDef.DefErrT[Task, Config] =
def compile(cfg: Config): BackendDef.DefErrT[Task, (M ~> Task, Task[Unit])] =
val Type = FileSystemType("mongodb")
private def checkPathsExist[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT](qs: T[MongoDb.QSM[T, ?]]): Backend[Unit] = {
import fs.QueryContext._, fs.queryfileTypes.QRT
val rez = for {
colls <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[MongoDbIO](
_ <- colls.traverse_(c => EitherT(MongoDbIO.collectionExists(c)
.map(_ either (()) or FileSystemError.pathErr(PathError.pathNotFound(c.asFile)))))
} yield ()
val e: MongoLogWFR[BsonCursor, Unit] = EitherT[MongoLogWF[BsonCursor, ?], FileSystemError, Unit](
def doPlan[
T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT: EqualT: ShowT: RenderTreeT,
N[_]: Monad: MonadFsErr: PhaseResultTell]
(qs: T[QSM[T, ?]],
ctx: fs.QueryContext,
queryModel: MongoQueryModel,
anyDoc: Collection => OptionT[N, BsonDocument],
execTime: Instant)
: N[Repr] =
MongoDbPlanner.planExecTime[T, N](qs, ctx, queryModel, anyDoc, execTime)
// TODO[scalaz]: Shadow the scalaz.Monad.monadMTMAB SI-2712 workaround
import EitherT.eitherTMonad
def plan[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT: EqualT: ShowT: RenderTreeT](
qs: T[QSM[T, ?]]): Backend[Repr] =
for {
v <- config[Backend].map(_.serverVersion)
ctx <- toBackendP(fs.QueryContext.queryContext[T, Backend](qs))
_ <- checkPathsExist(qs)
execTime <- QueryFileModule.queryTime.liftM[PhaseResultT].liftM[FileSystemErrT]
anyDoc = (c: Collection) => MongoDbIO.first(c).mapT(x => toM(x).liftB)
p <- doPlan[T, Backend](qs, ctx, MongoQueryModel(v), anyDoc, execTime)
} yield p
private type PhaseRes[A] = PhaseResultT[ConfiguredT[M, ?], A]
private val effToConfigured: fs.Eff ~> Configured =
λ[fs.Eff ~> Configured](eff => Free.liftF(eff).liftM[ConfiguredT])
private val effToPhaseRes: fs.Eff ~> PhaseRes =
λ[Configured ~> PhaseRes](_.liftM[PhaseResultT]) compose effToConfigured
private def toEff[C[_], A](c: C[A])(implicit inj: C :<: fs.Eff): fs.Eff[A] = inj(c)
def toM[C[_], A](c: C[A])(implicit inj: C :<: fs.Eff): M[A] = Free.liftF(toEff(c))
def toBackend[C[_], A](c: C[FileSystemError \/ A])(implicit inj: C :<: fs.Eff): Backend[A] =
EitherT(c).mapT(x => effToPhaseRes(toEff(x)))
def toBackendP[C[_], A](c: C[(PhaseResults, FileSystemError \/ A)])(implicit inj: C :<: fs.Eff): Backend[A] =
def toConfigured[C[_], A](c: C[A])(implicit inj: C :<: fs.Eff): Configured[A] =
val DC = DataCursor[MongoDbIO, BsonCursor]
object QueryFileModule extends QueryFileModule {
import QueryFile._
private def mkInterp[F[_] : Functor](implicit C: MonadReader_[F, Config]): F[fs.QueryFileInterpreter] =
config[F].map(cfg => new fs.QueryFileInterpreter(cfg.wfExec))
def executePlan(repr: Repr, out: AFile): Backend[Unit] =
mkInterp[Backend] >>= (i => toBackendP(i.execPlan(repr, out)))
def evaluatePlan(repr: Repr): Backend[ResultHandle] =
for {
dbName <- config[Backend].map(_.defaultDb.map(_.run))
i <- mkInterp[Backend]
handle <- toBackendP(i.evalPlan(repr, dbName))
} yield handle
def explain(repr: Repr): Backend[String] =
for {
dbName <- config[Backend].map(_.defaultDb.map(_.run))
i <- mkInterp[Backend]
s <- toBackendP(i.explain(repr, dbName))
} yield s
def more(h: ResultHandle): Backend[Vector[Data]] =
mkInterp[Backend] >>= (i => toBackend(i.more(h)))
def close(h: ResultHandle): Configured[Unit] =
mkInterp[Configured] >>= (i => toConfigured(i.close(h)))
def listContents(dir: ADir): Backend[Set[PathSegment]] =
mkInterp[Backend] >>= (i => toBackend(i.listContents0(dir)))
def fileExists(file: AFile): Configured[Boolean] =
mkInterp[Configured] >>= (i => toConfigured(i.fileExists(file)))
def queryTime: Configured[Instant] =
mkInterp[Configured] >>= (i => toConfigured(i.queryTime))
object ManagedReadFileModule extends ManagedReadFileModule {
private def cursor(coll: Collection, offset: Natural, limit: Option[Positive]): MongoDbIO[BsonCursor] =
for {
iter <- MongoDbIO.find(coll)
iter2 = iter.skip(offset.value.toInt)
iter3 = limit.map(l => iter2.limit(l.value.toInt)).getOrElse(iter2)
cur <- MongoDbIO.async(iter3.widen[BsonValue].batchCursor)
} yield cur
def readCursor(f: AFile, offset: Natural, limit: Option[Positive])
: Backend[BsonCursor] =
err => MonadFsErr[Backend].raiseError[BsonCursor](FileSystemError.pathErr(err)),
coll => toM(cursor(coll, offset, limit)).liftB)
def nextChunk(c: BsonCursor): Backend[(BsonCursor, Vector[Data])] =
toM(DC.nextChunk(c).map((c, _))).liftB
def closeCursor(c: BsonCursor): Configured[Unit] =
object ManagedWriteFileModule extends ManagedWriteFileModule {
private def dataToDocument(v: BsonVersion, d: Data): FileSystemError \/ Bson.Doc =
BsonCodec.fromData(v, d)
.leftMap(err => FileSystemError.writeFailed(d, err.shows))
.flatMap {
case doc @ Bson.Doc(_) => doc.right
case otherwise => FileSystemError.writeFailed(d, "MongoDB is only able to store documents").left
def writeCursor(file: AFile): Backend[Collection] =
err => MonadFsErr[Backend].raiseError[Collection](FileSystemError.pathErr(err)),
coll => toM(MongoDbIO.ensureCollection(coll) *> coll.point[MongoDbIO]).liftB)
def writeChunk(c: Collection, chunk: Vector[Data])
: Configured[Vector[FileSystemError]] =
for {
v <- config[Configured].map(cfg => MongoQueryModel.toBsonVersion(MongoQueryModel(cfg.serverVersion)))
r <- doWriteChunk(v, c, chunk)
} yield r
private def doWriteChunk(v: BsonVersion, c: Collection, chunk: Vector[Data])
: Configured[Vector[FileSystemError]] = {
val (errs, docs) = chunk foldMap { d =>
dataToDocument(v, d).fold(
e => (Vector(e), Vector()),
d => (Vector(), Vector(d)))
val io = MongoDbIO.insertAny(c, docs.map(_.repr))
.filter(_ < docs.size)
.map(n => FileSystemError.partialWrite(docs.size - n))
.run.map(errs ++ _.toList)
def closeCursor(c: Collection): Configured[Unit] =
object ManageFileModule extends ManageFileModule {
import fs.managefile._, ManageFile._
/** TODO: There are still some questions regarding Path
* 1) We should assume all paths will be canonicalized and can do so
* with a ManageFile ~> ManageFile that canonicalizes everything.
* 2) Currently, parsing a directory like "/../foo/bar/" as an absolute
* dir succeeds, this should probably be changed to fail.
def move(scenario: PathPair, semantics: MoveSemantics): Backend[Unit] = {
val mm: MongoManage[FileSystemError \/ Unit] =
scenario.fold(moveDir(_, _, semantics), moveFile(_, _, semantics))
def copy(pair: PathPair): Backend[Unit] =
toBackend(FileSystemError.unsupportedOperation("MongoDb connector does not currently support copying").left[Unit].point[MongoDbIO])
def delete(path: APath): Backend[Unit] = {
val mm: MongoManage[FileSystemError \/ Unit] =
pathy.Path.refineType(path).fold(deleteDir, deleteFile)
def tempFile(near: APath): Backend[AFile] = {
val checkPath =
.bimap(FileSystemError.pathErr(_), κ(()))
val mkTemp =
freshName.liftM[FileSystemErrT] map { n =>
_ > pathy.Path.file(n),
f => pathy.Path.fileParent(f) > pathy.Path.file(n))
val mm: MongoManage[FileSystemError \/ AFile] = checkPath.flatMap(κ(mkTemp)).run
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