quasar.physical.mongodb.MongoDbIOWorkflowExecutor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package quasar.physical.mongodb
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.connector.{EnvironmentError, EnvErrT}
import quasar.fp.ski._
import quasar.fs._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.MapReduce._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.execution._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.mongoiterable._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.workflow.$SortF
import quasar.physical.mongodb.workflowtask._
import scala.Predef.classOf
import com.mongodb._
import com.mongodb.async.client._
import com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
import org.bson.{BsonDocument, BsonNull, BsonValue}
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
/** Implementation class for a WorkflowExecutor in the `MongoDbIO` monad. */
private[mongodb] final class MongoDbIOWorkflowExecutor
extends WorkflowExecutor[MongoDbIO, BsonCursor] {
private def foldS[F[_]: Foldable, S, A](fa: F[A])(f: (A, S) => S): State[S, Unit] =
fa.traverseS_[S, Unit](a => MonadState[State[S,?], S].modify(f(a, _)))
protected def aggregate(src: Collection, pipeline: Pipeline) =
MongoDbIO.aggregate(src, pipeline map (_.bson), true)
protected def aggregateCursor(src: Collection, pipeline: Pipeline) =
MongoDbIO.aggregateIterable(src, pipeline map (_.bson), true))
protected def count(src: Collection, cfg: Count) = {
val qry =
val countOpts = List(
foldS(cfg.skip)((n, opts: CountOptions) => opts.skip(n.toInt)),
foldS(cfg.limit)((n, opts: CountOptions) => opts.limit(n.toInt))
).sequenceS_[CountOptions, Unit].exec(new CountOptions)
.flatMap(c => MongoDbIO.async[java.lang.Long](c.count(qry, countOpts, _)))
protected def distinct(src: Collection, cfg: Distinct, field: BsonField.Name) = {
type DIT = DistinctIterable[BsonValue]
type MIT = MongoIterable[BsonDocument]
// Fun fact: Even though BSON has a `null` type, the MongoDB java driver emits
// BSON nulls as Java `null`, because reasons.
val wrapVal: BsonValue => BsonDocument =
bv => new BsonDocument(field.asText, Option(bv) getOrElse new BsonNull())
val distinct0 =
foldS(cfg.query)((q, dit: DIT) => dit.filter(q.bson))
.flatMap(κ(State.iModify[DIT, MIT](Functor[MongoIterable].lift(wrapVal))))
toCursor(MongoDbIO.collection(src) map (c =>
distinct0.exec(c.distinct(cfg.field.asText, classOf[BsonValue]))))
protected def drop(c: Collection) =
protected def find(src: Collection, cfg: Find) = {
type FIT = FindIterable[BsonDocument]
val configure = List(
foldS(cfg.query)((q, fit: FIT) => fit.filter(q.bson)),
foldS(cfg.projection)((p, fit: FIT) => fit.projection(p)),
foldS(cfg.sort)((keys, fit: FIT) => fit.sort($SortF.keyBson(keys))),
foldS(cfg.skip)((n, fit: FIT) => fit.skip(n.toInt)),
foldS(cfg.limit)((n, fit: FIT) => fit.limit(n.toInt))
).sequenceS_[FIT, Unit].exec _
toCursor(MongoDbIO.collection(src) map (c => configure(c.find)))
protected def insert(dst: Collection, values: List[Bson.Doc]) =
MongoDbIO.insert(dst, values map (_.repr))
protected def mapReduce(src: Collection, dst: OutputCollection, mr: MapReduce) =
MongoDbIO.mapReduce(src, dst, mr)
protected def mapReduceCursor(src: Collection, mr: MapReduce) = {
// NB: MapReduce results look like { _id: , value: }
def unwrap(doc: BsonDocument): BsonValue =
doc.get(sigil.Value, doc)
toCursor(MongoDbIO.mapReduceIterable(src, mr).map(Functor[MongoIterable].map(_)(unwrap)))
private def toCursor[I <: MongoIterable[_ <: BsonValue]](
bcIO: MongoDbIO[I]
): MongoDbIO[BsonCursor] =
bcIO flatMap { bc =>
MongoDbIO.async((bc: MongoIterable[_ <: BsonValue]).widen[BsonValue].batchCursor)
private[mongodb] object MongoDbIOWorkflowExecutor {
import EnvironmentError._
/** Catch MongoExceptions and attempt to convert to EnvironmentError. */
val liftEnvErr: MongoDbIO ~> EnvErrT[MongoDbIO, ?] =
new (MongoDbIO ~> EnvErrT[MongoDbIO, ?]) {
def apply[A](m: MongoDbIO[A]) = EitherT(m.attemptMongo.run flatMap {
case -\/(UnhandledFSError(ex)) => ex match {
case _: MongoSocketOpenException =>
case _: MongoSocketException =>
case _ =>
if (ex.getMessage contains "Command failed with error 18: 'auth failed'")
else MongoDbIO.fail(ex)
case \/-(a) => a.right.point[MongoDbIO]
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