quasar.physical.mongodb.WorkflowExecutor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.physical.mongodb
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.{NameGenerator => QNameGenerator}
import quasar.connector.{EnvironmentError, EnvErrT}
import quasar.contrib.scalaz.eitherT._
import quasar.contrib.scalaz.kleisli._
import quasar.fs._
import quasar.javascript._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.execution._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.workflow._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.workflowtask._
import WorkflowExecutionError._
import matryoshka._
import matryoshka.data.Fix
import matryoshka.implicits._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
/** Implements the necessary operations for executing a `Workflow` against
* MongoDB.
private[mongodb] abstract class WorkflowExecutor[F[_]: Monad, C] {
import MapReduce._
import WorkflowExecutor.WorkflowCursor
/** Execute the given aggregation pipeline with the given collection as
* input.
protected def aggregate(src: Collection, pipeline: Pipeline): F[Unit]
/** Returns a cursor to the results of evaluating the given aggregation
* pipeline on the provided collection.
protected def aggregateCursor(src: Collection, pipeline: Pipeline): F[C]
/** Returns a cursor to the result of counting the documents matched by the
* query, with the result at the given field name in the output document.
protected def count(src: Collection, cfg: Count): F[Long]
/** Returns a cursor to the distinct documents matched by the query
* collection, with results available at the given field name in the
* output document.
protected def distinct(src: Collection, cfg: Distinct, field: BsonField.Name): F[C]
/** Drop the given collection. */
protected def drop(coll: Collection): F[Unit]
/** Returns a cursor to the documents matching the `Find` query in the
* given collection.
protected def find(src: Collection, cfg: Find): F[C]
/** Insert the given BSON documents into the specified collection. */
protected def insert(dst: Collection, values: List[Bson.Doc]): F[Unit]
/** Execute the given MapReduce job, sourcing values from the given `src`
* collection and writing the results to the destination collection.
protected def mapReduce(src: Collection, dst: OutputCollection, mr: MapReduce): F[Unit]
/** Returns a cursor to the results of evaluating the given MapReduce job on
* the provided collection.
protected def mapReduceCursor(src: Collection, mr: MapReduce): F[C]
//--- Derived Methods ---
type G0[A] = StateT[F, Long, A]
type G[A] = ReaderT[G0, CollectionName, A]
type M[A] = WorkflowExecErrT[G, A]
/** Returns a stream of the results generated by evaluating the given
* workflow.
* @param workflow the crystallized `Workflow` to evaluate
* @param defaultDb the database to use for temp collections when one is
* required and unable to be determined from the workflow.
* If not provided, a `NoDatabase` error is returned instead.
def evaluate(
workflow: Crystallized[WorkflowF],
defaultDb: Option[DatabaseName]
): M[List[Bson] \/ WorkflowCursor[C]] =
task(workflow) match {
case PureTask(Bson.Arr(bsons)) =>
case PureTask(bson) =>
case ReadTask(coll) =>
case PipelineTask(ReadTask(coll), pipeline) =>
asM(evalPipeline(coll, pipeline))
.map(_ bimap (List(_), WorkflowCursor(_, none)))
case MapReduceTask(ReadTask(coll), mr, _) =>
asWorkflowCursor(mapReduceCursor(coll, mr))
case PipelineTask(src, pipeline) =>
executeToCursor(defaultDb, src, evalPipeline(_, pipeline))
case MapReduceTask(src, mr, _) =>
executeToCursor(defaultDb, src, c => mapReduceCursor(c, mr) map (_.right))
case foldl @ FoldLeftTask(_, _) =>
executeToCursor(defaultDb, foldl, c => findAll(c) map (_.right))
/** Execute the given (crystallized) `Workflow` and
* write results into the destination `Collection`
def execute(workflow: Crystallized[WorkflowF], dst: Collection): M[Unit] =
execute0(task(workflow), dst)
.flatMap(coll =>
asM(aggregate(coll, List(PipelineOp($OutF((), dst.collection).shapePreserving)))
.whenM(coll ≠ dst)).liftM[TempsT])
.flatMap { case (tmps, _) => tmps traverse_ (c => asM(drop(c))) }
/** Returns a cursor to all the documents in the given collection. */
protected def findAll(src: Collection): F[C] =
find(src, Find(none, none, none, none, none))
/** Returns the count of the documents matched by the query, with the result
* available at the given field name in the output document.
protected def labeledCount(src: Collection, cfg: Count, field: BsonField.Name): F[Bson] =
count(src, cfg) map (n => Bson.Doc(ListMap(field.asText -> Bson.Int64(n))))
// The set of temp collections written to in the computation
private type Temps = Set[Collection]
private type TempsT[X[_], A] = StateT[X, Temps, A]
private type N[A] = TempsT[M, A]
// NB: This handholding was necessary to resolve "divering implicit
// expansion" errors for Monad[M] when attempting to summon Monad[N].
private implicit val N: Monad[N] =
StateT.stateTMonadState[Temps, M](Monad[M])
private val asM: F ~> M =
new (F ~> M) {
def apply[A](fa: F[A]) =
(fa.liftM[StateT[?[_], Long, ?]]
.liftM[ReaderT[?[_], CollectionName, ?]]: G[A])
private def asWorkflowCursor(c: F[C]): M[List[Bson] \/ WorkflowCursor[C]] =
asM(c) map (WorkflowCursor(_, none)) map (_.right[List[Bson]])
private def executeToCursor(
defDb: Option[DatabaseName],
src: WorkflowTask,
f: Collection => F[Bson \/ C]
): M[List[Bson] \/ WorkflowCursor[C]] = {
val tempDbName = src.foldMap {
case Fix(ReadTaskF(Collection(dbName, _))) => List(dbName)
case _ => Nil
}.headOption orElse defDb
val tempDst: N[Collection] =
tempDbName cata (
noDatabase(()).raiseError[M, Collection].liftM[TempsT])
val srcResult =
tempDst flatMap (d => execute0(src, d) strengthL d)
srcResult run Set() flatMap { case (temps, (d, c)) =>
val tmpSrc = some(c) filter (_ == d)
asM((temps - c).traverse_(drop) *> f(c))
.map(_ bimap (List(_), WorkflowCursor(_, tmpSrc)))
private def execute0(wt: WorkflowTask, out: Collection)
(implicit ev: WorkflowOpCoreF :<: WorkflowF)
: N[Collection] = {
def unableToStore[A](bson: Bson): N[A] =
s"MongoDB is only able to store documents in collections, not `$bson`."
).raiseError[M, A].liftM[TempsT]
wt match {
case PureTask(doc @ Bson.Doc(_)) =>
asM(insert(out, List(doc)))
case PureTask(Bson.Arr(vs)) =>
for {
docs <- vs.toList.traverse {
case doc @ Bson.Doc(_) => doc.right
case other => other.left
} fold (unableToStore[List[Bson.Doc]], _.point[N])
_ <- asM(insert(out, docs)).liftM[TempsT]
} yield out
case PureTask(v) =>
case ReadTask(coll) =>
// Update the state to reflect that `out` wasn't used.
wroteTo(out, false) as coll
case PipelineTask(source, pipeline) =>
for {
tmp <- tempColl(out.database)
src <- execute0(source, tmp)
_ <- asM(aggregate(src, pipeline ::: List(PipelineOp($OutF((), out.collection).shapePreserving))))
} yield out
case MapReduceTask(source, mr, oa) =>
for {
tmp <- tempColl(out.database)
src <- execute0(source, tmp)
act = oa getOrElse Action.Replace
_ <- asM(mapReduce(src, outputCollection(out, act), mr))
} yield out
case FoldLeftTask(rd @ ReadTask(_), _) =>
invalidTask(rd, "FoldLeft from simple read")
.raiseError[M, Collection].liftM[TempsT]
case FoldLeftTask(head, tail) =>
for {
h <- execute0(head, out)
_ <- tail.traverse_[N] {
case MapReduceTask(source, mr, Some(act)) =>
tempColl(h.database) flatMap (execute0(source, _)) flatMap { src =>
asM(mapReduce(src, outputCollection(h, act), mr)).liftM[TempsT]
case mrt @ MapReduceTask(_, _, _) =>
invalidTask(mrt, "no output action specified for mapReduce in FoldLeft")
.raiseError[M, Unit].liftM[TempsT]
case other =>
invalidTask(other, "un-mergable FoldLeft input")
.raiseError[M, Unit].liftM[TempsT]
} yield h
/** This tries to turn a Pipeline into a simpler operation (eg, `count()` or
* `find()`) and falls back to a pipeline if it can’t.
// TODO: This should really be handled when building the WorkflowTask, but
// currently that phase knows neither whether the DB is read-only, nor
// if the user wants a cursor.
private def evalPipeline(src: Collection, pipeline: Pipeline): F[Bson \/ C] = {
val (pl, (skip, limit)) = extractRange(pipeline)
pl match {
case (Nil, Nil) =>
find(src, Find(None, None, None, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF((), sel))), Nil) =>
find(src, Find(sel.some, None, None, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (List(Projectable(bson)), Nil) =>
find(src, Find(None, bson.some, None, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (Nil, List(Projectable(bson))) =>
find(src, Find(None, bson.some, None, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (List(PipelineOpCore($SortF((), keys))), Nil) =>
find(src, Find(None, None, keys.some, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF((), sel)), Projectable(bson)), Nil) =>
find(src, Find(sel.some, bson.some, None, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF((), sel))), List(Projectable(bson))) =>
find(src, Find(sel.some, bson.some, None, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF((), sel)), PipelineOpCore($SortF((), keys))), Nil) =>
find(src, Find(sel.some, None, keys.some, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (List(Projectable(bson), PipelineOpCore($SortF((), keys))), Nil) =>
find(src, Find(None, bson.some, keys.some, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF((), sel)), Projectable(bson), PipelineOpCore($SortF((), keys))), Nil) =>
find(src, Find(sel.some, bson.some, keys.some, skip, limit)) map (_.right)
case (CountableRename(field), Nil)
if skip.getOrElse(0L) ≟ 0L && limit.cata(_ >= 1L, true) =>
labeledCount(src, Count(None, None, None), field) map (_.left)
case (List(Countable(field)), List(SimpleRename(name, f)))
if skip.getOrElse(0L) ≟ 0L && limit.cata(_ >= 1L, true) && (field: BsonField) ≟ f =>
labeledCount(src, Count(None, None, None), name) map (_.left)
case (Nil, CountableRename(field)) =>
labeledCount(src, Count(None, skip, limit), field) map (_.left)
case (PipelineOpCore($MatchF((), sel)) :: CountableRename(field), Nil)
if skip.getOrElse(0L) ≟ 0L && limit.cata(_ >= 1L, true) =>
labeledCount(src, Count(sel.some, None, None), field) map (_.left)
case (List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF((), sel)), Countable(field)), List(SimpleRename(name, f)))
if skip.getOrElse(0L) ≟ 0L && limit.cata(_ >= 1L, true) && (field: BsonField) ≟ f =>
labeledCount(src, Count(sel.some, None, None), name) map (_.left)
case (List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF((), sel))), CountableRename(field)) =>
labeledCount(src, Count(sel.some, skip, limit), field) map (_.left)
case (Distinctable(origField, newField), Nil)
if skip ≟ None && limit ≟ None =>
distinct(src, Distinct(origField, None), newField) map (_.right)
case (Distinctable(origField, newField), Nil)
if skip ≟ None && limit ≟ None =>
distinct(src, Distinct(origField, None), newField) map (_.right)
case (PipelineOpCore($MatchF((), sel)) :: Distinctable(origField, newField), Nil)
if skip ≟ None && limit ≟ None =>
distinct(src, Distinct(origField, sel.some), newField) map (_.right)
case _ => aggregateCursor(src, pipeline) map (_.right)
private def wroteTo(c: Collection, didWrite: Boolean): N[Unit] =
private def tempColl(dbName: DatabaseName): N[Collection] =
for {
pfx <- MonadReader[M, CollectionName].ask.liftM[TempsT]
tmp <- QNameGenerator[M].prefixedName(pfx.value).liftM[TempsT]
col = Collection(dbName, CollectionName(tmp))
_ <- wroteTo(col, true) // assume we'll write to this collection
} yield col
private def outputCollection(c: Collection, a: Action) =
Some(ActionedOutput(a, Some(c.database), None)))
object WorkflowExecutor {
/** A cursor to the result of evaluating a `Workflow`, optionally paired with
* the cursor's temporary source that should be dropped once the cursor is
* closed.
final case class WorkflowCursor[C](cursor: C, tempSrc: Option[Collection])
object WorkflowCursor {
implicit def workflowCursorDataCursor[C](
implicit C: DataCursor[MongoDbIO, C]
): DataCursor[MongoDbIO, WorkflowCursor[C]] =
new DataCursor[MongoDbIO, WorkflowCursor[C]] {
def nextChunk(wfc: WorkflowCursor[C]) =
def close(wfc: WorkflowCursor[C]) =
C.close(wfc.cursor).attempt *>
wfc.tempSrc.cata(MongoDbIO.dropCollection, ().point[MongoDbIO])
/** A `WorkflowExecutor` that executes a `Workflow` in the `MongoDbIO` monad. */
val mongoDb: EnvErrT[MongoDbIO, WorkflowExecutor[MongoDbIO, BsonCursor]] = {
import MongoDbIOWorkflowExecutor._
import EnvironmentError._
type M[A] = EnvErrT[MongoDbIO, A]
type WFExec = WorkflowExecutor[MongoDbIO, BsonCursor]
liftEnvErr(MongoDbIO.serverVersion) flatMap { v =>
if (v >= ServerVersion.MongoDb3_2)
(new MongoDbIOWorkflowExecutor: WFExec).point[M]
unsupportedVersion("MongoDB", v.shows).raiseError[M, WFExec]
/** A 'WorkflowExecutor` that interprets a `Workflow` in JavaScript. */
val javaScript: WorkflowExecutor[JavaScriptLog, Unit] =
new JavaScriptWorkflowExecutor
/** Interpret a `Workflow` into an equivalent JavaScript program. */
def toJS(workflow: Crystallized[WorkflowF]): WorkflowExecutionError \/ String =
javaScript.evaluate(workflow, none).run.run(CollectionName("tmp.gen_")).eval(0).run match {
case (log, r) if log.isEmpty => r as ""
case (log, r) => r as Js.Stmts(log.toList).pprint(0)
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