quasar.physical.mongodb.bsoncodec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.physical.mongodb
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.ejson.EJson
import quasar.fp._
import quasar.fp.ski._
import quasar._, Planner._
import java.time.{Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset}
import matryoshka._
import matryoshka.implicits._
import matryoshka.patterns._
import monocle.Prism
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
object BsonCodec {
private def pad2(x: Int) = if (x < 10) "0" + x.toString else x.toString
private def pad3(x: Int) =
if (x < 10) "00" + x.toString else if (x < 100) "0" + x.toString else x.toString
object EJsonType {
def apply(typ: String): Bson =
Bson.Doc(ListMap("_ejson.type" -> Bson.Text(typ)))
def unapply(bson: Bson) = bson match {
case Bson.Doc(map) => map.get("_ejson.type") >>= {
case Bson.Text(str) => str.some
case _ => None
case _ => None
object EJsonTypeSize {
def apply(typ: String, size: Int): Bson =
"_ejson.type" -> Bson.Text(typ),
"_ejson.size" -> Bson.Int32(size)))
def unapply(bson: Bson) = bson match {
case Bson.Doc(map) =>
((map.get("_ejson.type") ⊛ map.get("_ejson.size")) {
case (Bson.Text(str), Bson.Int32(size)) => (str, size).some
case (Bson.Text(str), Bson.Int64(size)) => (str, size.toInt).some
case _ => None
case _ => None
def fromCommon(v: BsonVersion): Algebra[ejson.Common, Bson] = {
case ejson.Arr(value) => Bson.Arr(value)
case ejson.Null() => Bson.Null
case ejson.Bool(value) => Bson.Bool(value)
case ejson.Str(value) => Bson.Text(value)
case ejson.Dec(value) if v lt BsonVersion.`1.1`
=> Bson.Dec(value.toDouble)
case ejson.Dec(value) if value.isDecimalDouble
=> Bson.Dec(value.toDouble)
case ejson.Dec(value) => Bson.Dec128(value)
def extract[A](fa: Option[Bson], p: Prism[Bson, A]): Option[A] =
val millisPerSec = 1000
val nanosPerSec = 1000000000L
val fromExtension: AlgebraM[PlannerError \/ ?, ejson.Extension, Bson] = {
case ejson.Map(value) => value.traverse(_.bitraverse({
case Bson.Text(key) => key.right
case _ =>
NonRepresentableEJson(value.toString + " is not a valid document key").left
}, _.right)) ∘ (m => Bson.Doc(ListMap(m: _*)))
// FIXME: cheating, but it’s what we’re already doing in the SQL parser
case ejson.Char(value) => Bson.Text(value.toString).right
case ejson.Byte(value) => Bson.Binary.fromArray(Array[Byte](value)).right
case ejson.Int(value) =>
if (value.isValidInt) Bson.Int32(value.toInt).right
else if (value.isValidLong) Bson.Int64(value.toLong).right
else NonRepresentableEJson(value.toString + " is too large").left
case ejson.Meta(value, meta) => (meta, value) match {
case (EJsonType("_bson.oid"), Bson.Text(oid)) =>
Bson.ObjectId.fromString(oid) \/> ObjectIdFormatError(oid)
case (EJsonTypeSize("_ejson.binary", size), Bson.Text(data)) =>
if (size.isValidInt)
ejson.z85.decode(data).fold[PlannerError \/ Bson](
NonRepresentableEJson("“" + data + "” is not a valid Z85-encoded string").left)(
bv => Bson.Binary(ImmutableArray.fromArray(bv.take(size.toLong).toArray)).right)
else NonRepresentableEJson(size.shows + " is too large for binary data").left
case (EJsonType("_ejson.date"), Bson.Doc(map)) =>
(extract(map.get("year"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("day_of_year"), Bson._int32))((y, d) =>
LocalDate.ofYearDay(y, d))
.orElse((extract(map.get("year"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("month"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("day_of_month"), Bson._int32))((y, m, d) =>
LocalDate.of(y, m, d)))
.flatMap(date => Bson.Date.fromInstant(date.atStartOfDay.toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC))) \/>
NonRepresentableEJson(value.shows + " is not a valid date")
case (EJsonType("_ejson.time"), Bson.Doc(map)) =>
(extract(map.get("hour"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("minute"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("second"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("nanosecond"), Bson._int32))((h, m, s, n) =>
pad2(h) + ":" +
pad2(m) + ":" +
pad2(s) + "." +
pad3(n))) \/>
NonRepresentableEJson(value.shows + " is not a valid time")
case (EJsonType("_ejson.interval"), Bson.Doc(map)) =>
extract(map.get("seconds"), Bson._dec).map(s => Bson.Dec(s * millisPerSec)) \/>
NonRepresentableEJson(value.shows + " is not a valid interval")
case (EJsonType("_ejson.timestamp"), Bson.Doc(map)) =>
(extract(map.get("year"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("month"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("day_of_month"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("hour"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("minute"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("second"), Bson._int32) ⊛
extract(map.get("nanosecond"), Bson._int32))((y, mo, d, h, mi, s, n) =>
Bson.Date.fromInstant(LocalDateTime.of(y, mo, d, h, mi, s, n).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC))).join \/>
NonRepresentableEJson(value.shows + " is not a valid timestamp")
case (_, _) => value.right
def fromEJson(v: BsonVersion): AlgebraM[PlannerError \/ ?, EJson, Bson] =
_.run.fold(fromExtension, fromCommon(v)(_).right)
/** Converts the parts of `Bson` that it can, then stores the rest in,
* effectively, `Free.Pure`.
def toEJson[F[_]](implicit C: ejson.Common :<: F, E: ejson.Extension :<: F):
ElgotCoalgebra[Bson \/ ?, F, Bson] = {
case Bson.Arr(value) => C.inj(ejson.Arr(value)).right
case Bson.Doc(value) =>
case Bson.Null => C.inj(ejson.Null()).right
case Bson.Bool(value) => C.inj(ejson.Bool(value)).right
case Bson.Text(value) => C.inj(ejson.Str(value)).right
case Bson.Dec(value) if (!value.isNaN && !value.isInfinity)
=> C.inj(ejson.Dec(value)).right
case Bson.Dec128(value) => C.inj(ejson.Dec(value)).right
case Bson.Int32(value) => E.inj(ejson.Int(value)).right
case Bson.Int64(value) => E.inj(ejson.Int(value)).right
case Bson.Date(value) =>
val ldt = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(value), ZoneOffset.UTC)
"year" -> Bson.Int32(ldt.getYear),
"month" -> Bson.Int32(ldt.getMonth.getValue),
"day_of_month" -> Bson.Int32(ldt.getDayOfMonth),
"hour" -> Bson.Int32(ldt.getHour),
"minute" -> Bson.Int32(ldt.getMinute),
"second" -> Bson.Int32(ldt.getSecond),
"nanosecond" -> Bson.Int32(ldt.getNano))),
case Bson.Binary(value) =>
EJsonTypeSize("_ejson.binary", value.size))).right
case id @ Bson.ObjectId(_) =>
E.inj(ejson.Meta(Bson.Text(id.str), EJsonType("_bson.oid"))).right
case bson => bson.left
def fromData(v: BsonVersion, data: Data): PlannerError \/ Bson =
data.hyloM[PlannerError\/ ?, CoEnv[Data, EJson, ?], Bson](
case Data.NA => Bson.Undefined.right
case data => NonRepresentableData(data).left
def toData(bson: Bson): Data =
bson.hylo[CoEnv[Bson, EJson, ?], Data](
interpret(κ(Data.NA), Data.fromEJson),
toEJson[EJson] ⋙ (CoEnv(_)))
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