quasar.physical.mongodb.collection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.physical.mongodb
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.{RenderTree, Terminal}
import quasar.contrib.pathy._
import quasar.fp.ski._
import quasar.fs._
import scala.AnyVal
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import pathy.Path.{dir => pDir, file => pFile, _}
// TODO: use Refined to constrain the value here
final case class DatabaseName(value: String) extends AnyVal {
def bson: Bson = Bson.Text(value)
object DatabaseName {
implicit def equal: Equal[DatabaseName] = Equal.equalA
// TODO: use Refined to constrain the value here
final case class CollectionName(value: String) extends AnyVal {
def isDescendantOf(ancestor: CollectionName): Boolean =
if (ancestor.value == "") true
else value startsWith (ancestor.value + ".")
def bson: Bson = Bson.Text(value)
object CollectionName {
implicit def equal: Equal[CollectionName] = Equal.equalA
/** Identifies a collection in a specific database. Sometimes referred to as a
* "namespace" in MongoDB docs.
final case class Collection(database: DatabaseName, collection: CollectionName) {
import Collection._
/** Convert this collection to a file. */
def asFile: AFile = {
val db = DatabaseNameUnparser(database)
val segs = CollectionNameUnparser(collection).reverse
val f = segs.headOption getOrElse db
(segs ::: List(db)).drop(1).foldRight(rootDir)((d, p) => p > pDir(d)) > pFile(f)
def asNamespace: MongoNamespace = new MongoNamespace(database.value, collection.value)
object Collection {
/** The collection represented by the given file. */
def fromFile(file: AFile): PathError \/ Collection =
/** The name of a collection represented by the given directory. */
def prefixFromDir(dir: ADir): PathError \/ CollectionName =
fromPath(dir) map (_.collection)
/** Returns the database name determined by the given path. */
def dbNameFromPath(path: APath): PathError \/ DatabaseName =
dbNameAndRest(path) bimap (PathError.invalidPath(path, _), _._1)
/** Returns the directory name derived from the given database name. */
def dirNameFromDbName(dbName: DatabaseName): DirName =
private def fromPath(path: APath): PathError \/ Collection = {
import PathError._
val collResult = for {
tpl <- dbNameAndRest(path)
(db, r) = tpl
ss <- r.toNel.toRightDisjunction("path names a database, but no collection")
segs <- ss.traverse(CollectionSegmentParser(_))
coll = CollectionName(segs.toList mkString ".")
len = utf8length(db.value) + 1 + utf8length(coll.value)
_ <- if (len > 120)
s"database+collection name too long ($len > 120 bytes): $db.$coll".left
else ().right
} yield Collection(db, coll)
collResult leftMap (invalidPath(path, _))
private def dbNameAndRest(path: APath): String \/ (DatabaseName, IList[String]) =
flatten(None, None, None, Some(_), Some(_), path)
"no database specified".left,
(h, t) => DatabaseNameParser(h) strengthR t)
private trait PathParser extends RegexParsers {
override def skipWhitespace = false
protected def substitute(pairs: List[(String, String)]): Parser[String] =
pairs.foldLeft[Parser[String]](failure("no match")) {
case (acc, (a, b)) => (a ^^ κ(b)) | acc
def utf8length(str: String) = str.getBytes("UTF-8").length
val DatabaseNameEscapes = List(
" " -> "+",
"." -> "~",
"%" -> "%%",
"+" -> "%add",
"~" -> "%tilde",
"/" -> "%div",
"\\" -> "%esc",
"\"" -> "%quot",
"*" -> "%mul",
"<" -> "%lt",
">" -> "%gt",
":" -> "%colon",
"|" -> "%bar",
"?" -> "%qmark")
private object DatabaseNameParser extends PathParser {
def name: Parser[DatabaseName] =
char.* ^^ { cs => DatabaseName(cs.mkString) }
def char: Parser[String] = substitute(DatabaseNameEscapes) | "(?s).".r
def apply(input: String): String \/ DatabaseName = parseAll(name, input) match {
case Success(name, _) if utf8length(name.value) > 64 =>
s"database name too long (> 64 bytes): ${name.value}".left
case Success(name, _) =>
case failure : NoSuccess =>
s"failed to parse ‘$input’: ${failure.msg}".left
private object DatabaseNameUnparser extends PathParser {
def name = nameChar.* ^^ { _.mkString }
def nameChar = substitute(DatabaseNameEscapes.map(_.swap)) | "(?s).".r
def apply(input: DatabaseName): String = parseAll(name, input.value) match {
case Success(result, _) => result
case failure : NoSuccess => scala.sys.error("doesn't happen")
val CollectionNameEscapes = List(
"." -> "\\.",
"$" -> "\\d",
"\\" -> "\\\\")
private object CollectionSegmentParser extends PathParser {
def seg: Parser[String] =
char.* ^^ { _.mkString }
def char: Parser[String] = substitute(CollectionNameEscapes) | "(?s).".r
* @return If implemented correctly, should always return a [[String]] in the right hand of the [[Disjunction]]
def apply(input: String): String \/ String = parseAll(seg, input) match {
case Success(seg, _) =>
case failure : NoSuccess =>
s"failed to parse ‘$input’: ${failure.msg}".left
private object CollectionNameUnparser extends PathParser {
def name = repsep(seg, ".")
def seg = segChar.* ^^ { _.mkString }
def segChar = substitute(CollectionNameEscapes.map(_.swap)) | "(?s)[^.]".r
def apply(input: CollectionName): List[String] = parseAll(name, input.value) match {
case Success(result, _) => result
case failure : NoSuccess => scala.sys.error("doesn't happen")
implicit val order: Order[Collection] =
Order.orderBy(c => (c.database.value, c.collection.value))
implicit val renderTree: RenderTree[Collection] =
new RenderTree[Collection] {
def render(v: Collection) =
Terminal(List("Collection"), Some(v.database.value + "; " + v.collection.value))
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