quasar.physical.mongodb.planner.FuncHandler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.physical.mongodb.planner
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.{Bson, BsonCodec, BsonVersion}
import quasar.physical.mongodb.expression._
import quasar.qscript.{MapFuncsDerived => D, _}, MapFuncsCore._
import quasar.qscript.rewrites.{Coalesce => _}
import matryoshka._
import matryoshka.data._
import matryoshka.implicits._
import matryoshka.patterns._
import scalaz.{Divide => _, Split => _, _}, Scalaz._
import simulacrum.typeclass
@typeclass trait FuncHandler[IN[_]] {
def handleOpsCore[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX)
: IN ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]
def handleOps3_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX)
: IN ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]
def handleOps3_4_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX, e344: ExprOp3_4_4F :<: EX)
: IN ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]
def handle3_2(v: BsonVersion)
: IN ~> OptionFree[Expr3_2, ?] =
λ[IN ~> OptionFree[Expr3_2, ?]]{f =>
val h = handleOpsCore[Expr3_2](v)
def handle3_4(v: BsonVersion)
: IN ~> OptionFree[Expr3_4, ?] =
λ[IN ~> OptionFree[Expr3_4, ?]]{f =>
val h34 = handleOps3_4[Expr3_4](v)
val h = handleOpsCore[Expr3_4](v)
h34(f) orElse h(f)
def handle3_4_4(v: BsonVersion)
: IN ~> OptionFree[Expr3_4_4, ?] =
λ[IN ~> OptionFree[Expr3_4_4, ?]]{f =>
val h344 = handleOps3_4_4[Expr3_4_4](v)
val h34 = handleOps3_4[Expr3_4_4](v)
val h = handleOpsCore[Expr3_4_4](v)
h344(f) orElse h34(f) orElse h(f)
object FuncHandler {
implicit def mapFuncCore[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT]: FuncHandler[MapFuncCore[T, ?]] =
new FuncHandler[MapFuncCore[T, ?]] {
def handleOpsCore[EX[_]: Functor]
(v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX)
: MapFuncCore[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
new (MapFuncCore[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]) {
implicit def hole[D](d: D): Free[EX, D] = Free.pure(d)
def apply[A](mfc: MapFuncCore[T, A]): OptionFree[EX, A] = {
val fp = new ExprOpCoreF.fixpoint[Free[EX, A], EX](Free.roll)
import fp._
import FormatSpecifier._
def partial(mfc: MapFuncCore[T, A]): OptionFree[EX, A] = mfc.some collect {
case Undefined() => $literal(Bson.Undefined)
case Add(a1, a2) => $add(a1, a2)
case Multiply(a1, a2) => $multiply(a1, a2)
case Subtract(a1, a2) => $subtract(a1, a2)
case Divide(a1, a2) =>
// NB: It’s apparently intential that division by zero crashes
// the query in MongoDB. See
// https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-29410
// TODO: It would be nice if we would be able to generate simply
// $divide(a1, a2) for $literal denominators, but the type
// of a2 is generic so we can't check it here.
$cond($eq(a2, $literal(Bson.Int32(0))),
$cond($eq(a1, $literal(Bson.Int32(0))),
$cond($gt(a1, $literal(Bson.Int32(0))),
$divide(a1, a2))
case Modulo(a1, a2) => $mod(a1, a2)
case Negate(a1) => $multiply($literal(Bson.Int32(-1)), a1)
case MapFuncsCore.Eq(a1, a2) => $eq(a1, a2)
case Neq(a1, a2) => $neq(a1, a2)
case Lt(a1, a2) => $lt(a1, a2)
case Lte(a1, a2) => $lte(a1, a2)
case Gt(a1, a2) => $gt(a1, a2)
case Gte(a1, a2) => $gte(a1, a2)
// FIXME: this is valid for strings only
case Lower(a1) => $toLower(a1)
case Upper(a1) => $toUpper(a1)
case Substring(a1, a2, a3) => $substr(a1, a2, a3)
case Cond(a1, a2, a3) => $cond(a1, a2, a3)
case Or(a1, a2) => $or(a1, a2)
case And(a1, a2) => $and(a1, a2)
case Not(a1) => $not(a1)
case Null(a1) =>
$cond($eq(a1, $literal(Bson.Text("null"))),
case Bool(a1) =>
$cond($eq(a1, $literal(Bson.Text("true"))),
$cond($eq(a1, $literal(Bson.Text("false"))),
case ExtractCentury(a1) =>
$trunc($divide($add($year(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(99))), $literal(Bson.Int32(100))))
case ExtractDayOfMonth(a1) => $dayOfMonth(a1)
case ExtractDecade(a1) => $trunc($divide($year(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(10))))
case ExtractDayOfWeek(a1) => $subtract($dayOfWeek(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(1)))
case ExtractDayOfYear(a1) => $dayOfYear(a1)
case ExtractEpoch(a1) =>
$subtract(a1, $literal(Bson.Date(0))),
case ExtractHour(a1) => $hour(a1)
case ExtractIsoDayOfWeek(a1) =>
$cond($eq($dayOfWeek(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(1))),
$subtract($dayOfWeek(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(1))))
// TODO: case ExtractIsoYear(a1) =>
case ExtractMicroseconds(a1) =>
$multiply($second(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(1000))),
case ExtractMillennium(a1) =>
$trunc($divide($add($year(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(999))), $literal(Bson.Int32(1000))))
case ExtractMilliseconds(a1) =>
$multiply($second(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(1000))),
case ExtractMinute(a1) => $minute(a1)
case ExtractMonth(a1) => $month(a1)
case ExtractQuarter(a1) =>
$subtract($month(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(1))),
case ExtractSecond(a1) =>
$add($second(a1), $divide($millisecond(a1), $literal(Bson.Int32(1000))))
case ExtractWeek(a1) => $week(a1)
case ExtractYear(a1) => $year(a1)
case ToTimestamp(a1) =>
$add($literal(Bson.Date(0)), a1)
case Between(a1, a2, a3) => $and($lte(a2, a1), $lte(a1, a3))
case TimeOfDay(a1) =>
$dateToString(Hour :: ":" :: Minute :: ":" :: Second :: "." :: Millisecond :: FormatString.empty, a1)
case Power(a1, a2) => $pow(a1, a2)
case ProjectIndex(a1, a2) => $arrayElemAt(a1, a2)
case MakeArray(a1) => $arrayLit(List(a1))
case ConcatArrays(a1, a2) =>
$let(ListMap(DocVar.Name("a1") -> a1, DocVar.Name("a2") -> a2),
$cond($and($isArray($field("$a1")), $isArray($field("$a2"))),
$concatArrays(List($field("$a1"), $field("$a2"))),
$concat($field("$a1"), $field("$a2"))))
case TypeOf(a1) => mkTypeOf(a1, $isArray)
partial(mfc) orElse (mfc match {
case Constant(v1) => v1.cataM(BsonCodec.fromEJson(v)).toOption.map($literal(_))
case _ => None
def handleOps3_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX)
: MapFuncCore[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
new (MapFuncCore[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]){
implicit def hole[D](d: D): Free[EX, D] = Free.pure(d)
def apply[A](mfc: MapFuncCore[T, A]): OptionFree[EX, A] = {
val fp32 = new ExprOpCoreF.fixpoint[Free[EX, A], EX](Free.roll)
val fp34 = new ExprOp3_4F.fixpoint[Free[EX, A], EX](Free.roll)
import fp32._, fp34._
mfc.some collect {
case Split(a1, a2) => $split(a1, a2)
case Substring(a1, a2, a3) =>
$lt(a2, $literal(Bson.Int32(0))),
$gt(a2, $strLenCP(a1))),
$lt(a3, $literal(Bson.Int32(0))),
$substrCP(a1, a2, $strLenCP(a1)),
$substrCP(a1, a2, a3)))
case Length(a1) => $strLenCP(a1)
def handleOps3_4_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX, e344: ExprOp3_4_4F :<: EX)
: MapFuncCore[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
new (MapFuncCore[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]){
def apply[A](mfc: MapFuncCore[T, A]): OptionFree[EX, A] = None
def mapFuncDerived[T[_[_]]: CorecursiveT]
: FuncHandler[MapFuncDerived[T, ?]] =
new FuncHandler[MapFuncDerived[T, ?]] {
def emptyDerived[T[_[_]], F[_]]: MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[F, ?] =
λ[MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[F, ?]] { _ => None }
def handleOpsCore[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX)
: MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
new (MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]){
implicit def hole[D](d: D): Free[EX, D] = Free.pure(d)
def apply[A](fa: MapFuncDerived[T, A]): OptionFree[EX, A] = {
val fp = new ExprOpCoreF.fixpoint[Free[EX, A], EX](Free.roll)
import fp._
fa.some collect {
case D.Abs(a1) => $abs(a1)
case D.Ceil(a1) => $ceil(a1)
case D.Floor(a1) => $floor(a1)
case D.Trunc(a1) => $trunc(a1)
def handleOps3_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX)
: MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
def handleOps3_4_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX, e344: ExprOp3_4_4F :<: EX)
: MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
implicit def mapFuncDerivedUnhandled[T[_[_]]: CorecursiveT]
(implicit core: FuncHandler[MapFuncCore[T, ?]])
: FuncHandler[MapFuncDerived[T, ?]] =
new FuncHandler[MapFuncDerived[T, ?]] {
val derived = mapFuncDerived
private def handleUnhandled[F[_]]
(derived: MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[F, ?], core: MapFuncCore[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[F, ?])
: MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[F, ?] =
new (MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[F, ?]) {
def apply[A](f: MapFuncDerived[T, A]): OptionFree[F, A] = {
val alg: AlgebraM[Option, CoEnv[A, MapFuncCore[T,?], ?], Free[F,A]] =
_.run.fold[OptionFree[F, A]](x => Free.point(x).some, core(_).map(_.join))
.orElse(Free.roll(ExpandMapFunc.mapFuncDerived[T, MapFuncCore[T, ?]].expand(f)).cataM(alg))
def handleOpsCore[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX)
: MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
handleUnhandled(derived.handleOpsCore(v), core.handleOpsCore(v))
def handleOps3_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX)
: MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] = {
val hCore = λ[MapFuncCore[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]]{f =>
val h34 = core.handleOps3_4[EX](v)
val h = core.handleOpsCore[EX](v)
h34(f) orElse h(f)
handleUnhandled(derived.handleOps3_4(v), hCore)
def handleOps3_4_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX, e344: ExprOp3_4_4F :<: EX)
: MapFuncDerived[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] = {
val hCore = λ[MapFuncCore[T, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]]{f =>
val h344 = core.handleOps3_4_4[EX](v)
val h34 = core.handleOps3_4[EX](v)
val h = core.handleOpsCore[EX](v)
h344(f) orElse h34(f) orElse h(f)
handleUnhandled(derived.handleOps3_4_4(v), hCore)
implicit def mapFuncCoproduct[F[_], G[_]]
(implicit F: FuncHandler[F], G: FuncHandler[G])
: FuncHandler[Coproduct[F, G, ?]] =
new FuncHandler[Coproduct[F, G, ?]] {
def handleOpsCore[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX)
: Coproduct[F, G, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
λ[Coproduct[F, G, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]](_.run.fold(
F.handleOpsCore[EX](v).apply _,
G.handleOpsCore[EX](v).apply _
def handleOps3_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX)
: Coproduct[F, G, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
λ[Coproduct[F, G, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]](_.run.fold(
F.handleOps3_4[EX](v).apply _,
G.handleOps3_4[EX](v).apply _
def handleOps3_4_4[EX[_]: Functor](v: BsonVersion)
(implicit e32: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, e34: ExprOp3_4F :<: EX, e344: ExprOp3_4_4F :<: EX)
: Coproduct[F, G, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?] =
λ[Coproduct[F, G, ?] ~> OptionFree[EX, ?]](_.run.fold(
F.handleOps3_4_4[EX](v).apply _,
G.handleOps3_4_4[EX](v).apply _
def handle3_2[F[_]: FuncHandler](v: BsonVersion): F ~> OptionFree[Expr3_2, ?] =
def handle3_4[F[_]: FuncHandler](v: BsonVersion): F ~> OptionFree[Expr3_4, ?] =
def handle3_4_4[F[_]: FuncHandler](v: BsonVersion): F ~> OptionFree[Expr3_4_4, ?] =
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