quasar.physical.mongodb.util.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.physical.mongodb
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.connector.{EnvErr, EnvironmentError}
import quasar.config._
import quasar.effect.Failure
import quasar.fp.free
import quasar.fs.mount.ConnectionUri
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import com.mongodb._
import com.mongodb.async.client.{MongoClient => AMongoClient, MongoClients, MongoClientSettings}
import scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.{Strategy, Task}
import scalaz.syntax.applicative._
object util {
import ConfigError._, EnvironmentError._
/** Returns an async `MongoClient` for the given `ConnectionUri`. Will fail
* with a `ConfigError` if the uri is invalid and with an `EnvironmentError`
* if there is a problem connecting to the server.
* NB: The connection is tested during creation and creation will fail if
* connecting to the server times out.
def createAsyncMongoClient[S[_]](
uri: ConnectionUri
S0: Task :<: S,
S1: EnvErr :<: S,
S2: CfgErr :<: S
): Free[S, AMongoClient] = {
val cfgErr = Failure.Ops[ConfigError, S]
val envErr = Failure.Ops[EnvironmentError, S]
val disableLogging =
val connString =
liftAndHandle(Task.delay(new ConnectionString(uri.value)))(t =>
cfgErr.fail(malformedConfig(uri.value, t.getMessage)))
/** Attempts a benign operation (reading the server version) using the
* given client in order to test whether the connection was successful,
* necessary as otherwise, given a bad connection URI, the driver will
* retry indefinitely, on a separate monitor thread, to test the connection
* while the next operation on the returned `MongoClient` will just block
* indefinitely (i.e. somewhere in userland).
* TODO: Is there a better way to achieve this? Or somewhere we can set
* a timeout for the driver to consider an operation that takes
* too long an error?
def testConnection(aclient: AMongoClient): Task[Unit] =
.attempt flatMap {
case -\/(tout: TimeoutException) =>
// NB: This is a java List of mongo objects – never going to have Show.
val hosts = aclient.getSettings.getClusterSettings.getHosts.toString
Task.fail(new TimeoutException(s"Timed out attempting to connect to: $hosts"))
case -\/(t) =>
case \/-(_) =>
val InvalidHostNameAllowedProp = "invalidHostNameAllowed"
def settings(cs: ConnectionString, invalidHostNameAllowed: Boolean): Task[MongoClientSettings] = Task.delay {
import com.mongodb.connection._
// NB: this is apparently the only way to get from a ConnectionString to a
// MongoClient while also inspecting/modifying anything in the settings.
// This is following `MongoClients.create(ConnectionString)`, and will have
// to be revisited if a driver release adds additional settings objects.
val settings = MongoClientSettings.builder
val sslSettings = SslSettings.builder
// NB: Netty _must_ be used if SSL is required, but we do not use it by default
// mostly because it seems to cause the REPL to fail to exit cleanly. If necessary,
// it can also be forced using a system property (see MongoDB docs).
if (sslSettings.isEnabled) {
def createClient(cs: ConnectionString) = {
import quasar.console.booleanProp
liftAndHandle(for {
invalidHostNameAllowed <- booleanProp(InvalidHostNameAllowedProp)
stngs <- settings(cs, invalidHostNameAllowed)
client <- Task.delay(MongoClients.create(stngs))
_ <- testConnection(client) onFinish {
case Some(_) => Task.delay(client.close())
case None => Task.now(())
} yield client)(t => envErr.fail(connectionFailed(t)))
disableLogging *> connString >>= createClient
// TODO: Externalize
private val defaultTimeoutMillis: Int = 10000
private def disableMongoLogging: Task[Unit] = {
import java.util.logging._
Task.delay { Logger.getLogger("org.mongodb").setLevel(Level.WARNING) }
private def liftAndHandle[S[_], A]
(ta: Task[A])(f: Throwable => Free[S, A])
(implicit S0: Task :<: S)
: Free[S, A] =
free.lift(ta.attempt).into[S].flatMap(_.fold(f, _.point[Free[S, ?]]))
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