quasar.physical.mongodb.workflow.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.physical.mongodb
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.{NonTerminal, RenderTree, RenderedTree}, RenderTree.ops._
import quasar.fp._
import quasar.fp.ski._
import quasar.jscore, jscore.JsCore
import quasar.physical.mongodb.accumulator._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.expression._, transform.wrapArrayInLet
import quasar.physical.mongodb.optimize.pipeline._
import quasar.physical.mongodb.workflowtask._
import matryoshka._
import matryoshka.data.Fix
import matryoshka.implicits._
import monocle.syntax.all._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
/** A Workflow is a graph of atomic operations, with WorkflowOps for the
* vertices. We crush them down into a WorkflowTask. This `crush` gives us a
* location to optimize our workflow decisions. EG, A sequence of simple ops
* may be combined into a single pipeline request, but if one of those
* operations contains JS, we have to execute that outside of a pipeline,
* possibly reordering the other operations to avoid having two pipelines with
* a JS operation in the middle.
* We also implement the optimizations atomic
* http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline-optimization/ so
* that we can build others potentially on top of them (including reordering
* non-pipelines around pipelines, etc.).
package object workflow {
/** The type for workflows targeting MongoDB 3.2 specifically. */
type Workflow3_2F[A] = WorkflowOpCoreF[A]
/** The type for workflows supporting the most advanced capabilities. */
type WorkflowF[A] = Workflow3_2F[A]
type Workflow = Fix[WorkflowF]
type FixOp[F[_]] = Fix[F] => Fix[F]
/** A "newtype" for ops that appear in pipelines, for use mostly after a
* workflow is constructed, with fixed type that can represent any workflow.
final case class PipelineOp(op: WorkflowF[Unit], bson: Bson.Doc) {
def rewrite[F[_]](f: F[Unit] => Option[PipelineF[F, Unit]])
(implicit I: F :<: WorkflowF): PipelineOp =
I.prj(op).flatMap(f).cata(PipelineOp(_), this)
object PipelineOp {
def apply[F[_]](f: PipelineF[F, Unit])(implicit I: F :<: WorkflowF): PipelineOp =
PipelineOp(I.inj(f.wf), f.bson)
object PipelineOpCore {
def unapply(p: PipelineOp): Option[WorkflowOpCoreF[Unit]] =
Inject[WorkflowOpCoreF, WorkflowF].prj(p.op)
/** Quasar result sigil. */
val QuasarSigilName = BsonField.Name(sigil.Quasar)
val QuasarSigilVar = DocVar.ROOT(QuasarSigilName)
/** MapReduce result expression key. */
val ExprName = BsonField.Name(sigil.Value)
val ExprVar = DocVar.ROOT(ExprName)
/** MapReduce result identity key. */
val IdName = BsonField.Name(sigil.Id)
val IdVar = DocVar.ROOT(IdName)
// NB: it's only safe to emit "core" expr ops here, but we always use the
// largest type here, so they're immediately injected into ExprOp.
import fixExprOp._
def task[F[_]: Functor](fop: Crystallized[F])(implicit C: Crush[F]): WorkflowTask =
(finish(_, _)).tupled(fop.op.para(C.crush[Fix]))._2.transAna[WorkflowTask](normalize)
// NB: no need for a typeclass if implementing this way, but will be needed as
// soon as we need to coalesce anything _into_ a type that isn't 2.6.
// Furthermore, if this implementation is made implicit, then lots of
// functions that require it are able to resolve it from other evidence.
// Since that seems likely to be a short-lived phenomenon, instead for now
// implicits are defined below for just the specific types being used.
def coalesceAll[F[_]: Functor](implicit I: WorkflowOpCoreF :<: F):
Coalesce[F] = new Coalesce[F] {
def coalesceƒ:
F[Fix[F]] => Option[F[Fix[F]]] = {
case I($MatchF(src, selector)) => src.project match {
case I($SortF(src0, value)) =>
I.inj($SortF(I.inj($MatchF(src0, selector)).embed, value)).some
case I($MatchF(src0, sel0)) =>
I.inj($MatchF(src0, sel0 ⊹ selector)).some
case _ => None
case I(p @ $ProjectF(src, shape, id)) => src.project match {
case I($ProjectF(src0, shape0, id0)) =>
inlineProject(p, List(shape0)).map(sh => I.inj($ProjectF(src0, sh, id0 |+| id)))
// Would like to inline a $project into a preceding $simpleMap, but
// This is not safe, because sometimes a $project is inserted after
// $simpleMap specifically to pull fields out of `value`, and those
// $project ops need to be preserved.
// case $SimpleMapF(src0, js, flatten, scope) =>
// shape.toJs.fold(
// κ(op),
// jsShape => chain(src0,
// $simpleMap(
// JsMacro(base =>
// jscore.Let(
// ListMap("__tmp" -> js(base)),
// jsShape(jscore.Ident("__tmp")))),
// flatten, scope)))
case I($GroupF(src, grouped, by)) if id != ExcludeId =>
inlineProjectGroup(shape, grouped).map(gr => I.inj($GroupF(src, gr, by)))
case I($UnwindF(Embed(I($GroupF(src, grouped, by))), unwound))
if id != ExcludeId =>
inlineProjectUnwindGroup(shape, unwound, grouped).map { case (unwound, grouped) =>
I.inj($UnwindF(I.inj($GroupF(src, grouped, by)).embed, unwound))
case _ => None
case I($SortF(Embed(I($SortF(src, sort1))), sort2)) =>
I.inj($SortF(src, sort2 ⊹ sort1)).some
case I($LimitF(src, count)) => src.project match {
case I($LimitF(src0, count0)) =>
I.inj($LimitF(src0, scala.math.min(count0, count))).some
case I($SkipF(src0, count0)) =>
I.inj($SkipF(I.inj($LimitF(src0, count0 + count)).embed, count0)).some
case _ => None
case I($SkipF(src, count)) => src.project match {
case I($SkipF(src0, count0)) => I.inj($SkipF(src0, count0 + count)).some
case _ => None
case I($GroupF(src, grouped, \/-($literal(bson)))) if bson != Bson.Null =>
I.inj($GroupF(src, grouped, \/-($literal(Bson.Null)))).some
case I(op0 @ $GroupF(_, _, _)) =>
inlineGroupProjects(op0).map { case (src, gr, by) => I.inj($GroupF(src, gr, by)) }
case I($GeoNearF(src, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) => src.project match {
// FIXME: merge the params
case I($GeoNearF(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) => None
case _ => None
case I($MapF(src, fn, scope)) => src.project match {
case I($MapF(src0, fn0, scope0)) =>
Reshape.mergeMaps(scope0, scope).map(sc =>
I.inj($MapF(src0, $MapF.compose(fn, fn0), sc)))
case I($FlatMapF(src0, fn0, scope0)) =>
Reshape.mergeMaps(scope0, scope).map(sc =>
I.inj($FlatMapF(src0, $FlatMapF.mapCompose(fn, fn0), sc)))
case _ => None
case I($FlatMapF(src, fn, scope)) => src.project match {
case I($MapF(src0, fn0, scope0)) =>
Reshape.mergeMaps(scope0, scope).map(sc =>
I.inj($FlatMapF(src0, $MapF.compose(fn, fn0), sc)))
case I($FlatMapF(src0, fn0, scope0)) =>
Reshape.mergeMaps(scope0, scope).map(sc =>
I.inj($FlatMapF(src0, $FlatMapF.kleisliCompose(fn, fn0), sc)))
case _ => None
case I(sm @ $SimpleMapF(src, _, _)) => src.project match {
case I(sm0 @ $SimpleMapF(_, _, _)) => I.inj(sm0 >>> sm).some
case _ => None
case I($FoldLeftF(head, tail)) => head.project match {
case I($FoldLeftF(head0, tail0)) =>
I.inj($FoldLeftF(head0, tail0 ⊹ tail)).some
case _ => None
case I($OutF(src, _)) => src.project match {
case I($ReadF(_)) => src.project.some
case _ => None
case _ => None
def toPipelineOp[A](op: PipelineF[WorkflowF, A], base: DocVar): PipelineOp = {
val prefix = prefixBase(base)
def rewrite(wf: WorkflowOpCoreF[Unit]) =
wf match {
case wf @ $MatchF(_, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).shapePreserving
case wf @ $ProjectF(_, _, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).pipeline
case wf @ $RedactF(_, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).pipeline
case wf @ $SkipF(_, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).shapePreserving
case wf @ $LimitF(_, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).shapePreserving
case wf @ $UnwindF(_, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).pipeline
case wf @ $GroupF(_, _, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).pipeline
case wf @ $SortF(_, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).shapePreserving
case wf @ $GeoNearF(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).pipeline
case wf @ $OutF(_, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).shapePreserving
case wf @ $LookupF(_, _, _, _, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).pipeline
case wf @ $SampleF(_, _) => rewriteRefs3_2(prefix).apply(wf).shapePreserving
case _ => scala.sys.error("unexpected WorkflowOp")
// helper for rewriteRefs
def prefixBase(base: DocVar): PartialFunction[DocVar, DocVar] =
PartialFunction(base \\ _)
abstract class RewriteRefs[F[_]](val applyVar0: PartialFunction[DocVar, DocVar]) {
val applyVar = (f: DocVar) => applyVar0.lift(f).getOrElse(f)
def applyFieldName(name: BsonField): BsonField = {
applyVar(DocField(name)).deref.getOrElse(name) // TODO: Delete field if it's transformed away to nothing???
def applySelector(s: Selector): Selector = s.mapUpFields(PartialFunction(applyFieldName _))
def applyNel[A](m: NonEmptyList[(BsonField, A)]): NonEmptyList[(BsonField, A)] = m.map(t => applyFieldName(t._1) -> t._2)
def apply[A <: F[_]](op: A): A
// NB: it's useful to be able to return the precise type here, so this is
// explicitly implemented for each version's trait.
// TODO: Make this a trait, and implement it for actual types, rather than all
// in here (already done for ExprOp and Reshape). (#438)
private [workflow] def rewriteRefs3_2(f: PartialFunction[DocVar, DocVar])
(implicit exprOps: ExprOpOps.Uni[ExprOp]) = new RewriteRefs[WorkflowOpCoreF](f) {
def apply[A <: WorkflowOpCoreF[_]](op: A) = {
(op match {
case $ProjectF(src, shape, xId) =>
$ProjectF(src, shape.rewriteRefs(applyVar0), xId)
case $GroupF(src, grouped, by) =>
by.bimap(_.rewriteRefs(applyVar0), _.cata(exprOps.rewriteRefs(applyVar0))))
case $MatchF(src, s) => $MatchF(src, applySelector(s))
case $RedactF(src, e) => $RedactF(src, e.cata(exprOps.rewriteRefs(applyVar0)))
case $UnwindF(src, f) => $UnwindF(src, applyVar(f))
case $SortF(src, l) => $SortF(src, applyNel(l))
case g: $GeoNearF[_] =>
distanceField = applyFieldName(g.distanceField),
query = g.query.map(applySelector))
case $LookupF(src, from, lf, ff, as) =>
// NB: rewrite only the source reference; the foreignField is not part
// of the workflow at this point
$LookupF(src, from, applyFieldName(lf), ff, applyFieldName(as))
case _ => op
def simpleShape[F[_]](op: Fix[F])(implicit I: F :<: WorkflowF): Option[List[BsonField.Name]] =
def simpleShape32[F[_]](wf: WorkflowF[Fix[F]])(implicit I: F :<: WorkflowF): Option[List[BsonField.Name]] = {
wf match {
case $PureF(Bson.Doc(value)) =>
case $ProjectF(_, Reshape(value), id) =>
(if (id == IncludeId) IdName :: value.keys.toList
else value.keys.toList).some
case sm @ $SimpleMapF(_, _, _) =>
def loop(expr: JsCore): Option[List[jscore.Name]] =
expr.simplify match {
case jscore.Obj(value) => value.keys.toList.some
case jscore.Let(_, _, body) => loop(body)
case _ => None
loop(sm.simpleExpr.expr).map(_.map(n => BsonField.Name(n.value)))
case $GroupF(_, Grouped(value), _) => (IdName :: value.keys.toList).some
case $UnwindF(src, _) => simpleShape(src)
case IsShapePreserving(sp) => simpleShape(sp.src)
case $LookupF(_, _, _, _, _) => ???
case $SampleF(_, _) => ???
case _ => None
/** Newtype for source ops (that is, ops that are themselves sources). */
// TODO: prevent construction of invalid instances
final case class SourceF[F[_], A](wf: F[A]) {
def op(implicit ev: Functor[F]): F[Unit] = wf.void
def fmap[G[_], B](f: F[A] => G[B]): SourceF[G, B] =
object IsSource {
def unapply[F[_], A](op: F[A])(implicit F: Classify[F]): Option[SourceF[F, A]] =
/** Newtype for ops which have a single source op. */
// TODO: prevent construction of invalid instances
abstract class SingleSourceF[F[_], A] { self =>
def wf: F[A]
def src: A
def reparent[B](newSrc: B): SingleSourceF[F, B]
/** Reparenting that handles coalescing (but is more restrictive as a
* result).
// TODO: this doesn't seem to actually handle coalescing, so what was the
// comment referring to?
def reparentW[T](newSrc: T)(implicit T: Corecursive.Aux[T, F], F: Functor[F])
: T =
def fmap[G[_], B](f: A => B, g: F ~> G): SingleSourceF[G, B] =
new SingleSourceF[G, B] {
val src = f(self.src)
val wf = g(self.reparent(src).wf)
def reparent[C](newSrc: C) = self.reparent(newSrc).fmap(ι, g)
// NB: needed because making A covariant breaks pattern-matching ("GADT skolem" errors)
def widen[B >: A]: SingleSourceF[F, B] = reparent(src)
object IsSingleSource {
def unapply[F[_], A](op: F[A])(implicit F: Classify[F]): Option[SingleSourceF[F, A]] =
/** Newtype for ops which can appear in aggregation pipeline. */
// TODO: prevent construction of invalid instances
abstract class PipelineF[F[_], A] extends SingleSourceF[F, A] { self =>
// NB: narrows the result type
def reparent[B](newSrc: B): PipelineF[F, B]
def op: String
def rhs: Bson
def bson: Bson.Doc = Bson.Doc(ListMap(op -> rhs))
// NB: narrows the result type
override def fmap[G[_], B](f: A => B, g: F ~> G): PipelineF[G, B] =
new PipelineF[G, B] {
val src = f(self.src)
val wf = g(self.reparent(src).wf)
def reparent[C](newSrc: C) = self.reparent(newSrc).fmap(ι, g)
def op = self.op
def rhs = self.rhs
// NB: needed because making A covariant breaks pattern-matching ("GADT skolem" errors)
override def widen[B >: A]: PipelineF[F, B] = reparent(src)
object IsPipeline {
def unapply[F[_], A](op: F[A])(implicit F: Classify[F]): Option[PipelineF[F, A]] =
/** Newtype for ops which preserve the shape of the input. */
// TODO: prevent construction of invalid instances
abstract class ShapePreservingF[F[_], A] extends PipelineF[F, A] { self =>
// NB: narrows the result type
def reparent[B](newSrc: B): ShapePreservingF[F, B]
// NB: narrows the result type
override def fmap[G[_], B](f: A => B, g: F ~> G): ShapePreservingF[G, B] =
new ShapePreservingF[G, B] {
val src = f(self.src)
val wf = g(self.reparent(src).wf)
def reparent[C](newSrc: C) = self.reparent(newSrc).fmap(ι, g)
def op = self.op
def rhs = self.rhs
// NB: needed because making A covariant breaks pattern-matching ("GADT skolem" errors)
override def widen[B >: A]: ShapePreservingF[F, B] = reparent(src)
object IsShapePreserving {
def unapply[F[_], A](op: F[A])(implicit F: Classify[F]): Option[ShapePreservingF[F, A]] =
* Flattens the sequence of operations like so:
* {{{
* chain(
* \$read(Path.fileAbs("foo")),
* \$match(Selector.Where(Js.Bool(true))),
* \$limit(7))
* }}}
* {{{
* val read = \$read(Path.fileAbs("foo"))
* val match = \$match(Selector.Where(Js.Bool(true))(read)
* \$limit(7)(match)
* }}}
def chain[A](src: A, op1: A => A, ops: (A => A)*): A =
ops.foldLeft(op1(src))((s, o) => o(s))
implicit def workflowFCrush(implicit I: WorkflowOpCoreF :<: WorkflowF):
Crush[WorkflowF] =
new Crush[WorkflowF] {
def crush[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT](
op: WorkflowF[(T[WorkflowF], (DocVar, WorkflowTask))]) = op match {
case I($PureF(value)) => (DocVar.ROOT(), PureTask(value))
case I($ReadF(coll)) => (DocVar.ROOT(), ReadTask(coll))
case I(op @ $MatchF((src, rez), selector)) =>
// TODO: If we ever allow explicit request of cursors (instead of
// collections), we could generate a FindQuery here.
lazy val nonPipeline = {
val (base, crushed) = (finish(_, _)).tupled(rez)
$MapF.mapFn(base match {
case DocVar(DocVar.ROOT, None) => $MapF.mapNOP
case _ => $MapF.mapProject(base)
// TODO: Get rid of this asInstanceOf!
selection = Some(rewriteRefs3_2(prefixBase(base)).apply(Functor[WorkflowOpCoreF].void(op).asInstanceOf[$MatchF[T[WorkflowOpCoreF]]]).selector)),
pipeline($MatchF[T[WorkflowF]](src, selector).shapePreserving.fmap(ι, I)) match {
case Some((base, up, mine)) => (base, PipelineTask(up, mine))
case None => nonPipeline
case IsPipeline(p) =>
alwaysPipePipe(p.reparent(p.src._1)) match {
case (base, up, pipe) => (base, PipelineTask(up, pipe))
case I(op @ $MapF(
(_, (base, src1 @ MapReduceTask(src0, mr @ MapReduce(m, r, sel, sort, limit, None, scope0, _, _), oa))),
fn, scope))
if m == $MapF.mapNOP && r == $ReduceF.reduceNOP =>
Reshape.mergeMaps(scope0, scope).fold(
op.newMR(base, src1, sel, sort, limit))(
s => base -> MapReduceTask(
mr applyLens MapReduce._map set fn
applyLens MapReduce._scope set s,
// A "simple" map op that doesn't do any flattening is "inlined" into
// the finalizer of a previous map-reduce.
// TODO: handle more than one MapExpr.
case I(op @ $SimpleMapF(
(_, (base, src1 @ MapReduceTask(src0, mr @ MapReduce(_, _, _, _, _, None, scope0, _, _), oa))),
NonEmptyList(MapExpr(expr), INil()),
scope)) =>
Reshape.mergeMaps(scope0, scope).fold(
op.newMR(base, src1, None, None, None))(
s => base -> MapReduceTask(
mr applyLens MapReduce._finalizer set Some($MapF.finalizerFn(expr))
applyLens MapReduce._scope set s,
case I(op @ $SimpleMapF(_, _, _)) => crush(I.inj(op.raw))
case I(op @ $ReduceF((_, (base, src1 @ MapReduceTask(src0, mr @ MapReduce(_, reduceNOP, _, _, _, None, scope0, _, _), oa))), fn, scope)) =>
Reshape.mergeMaps(scope0, scope).fold(
op.newMR(base, src1, None, None, None))(
s => base -> MapReduceTask(
mr applyLens MapReduce._reduce set fn
applyLens MapReduce._scope set s,
case I(op: MapReduceF[_]) =>
op.singleSource.src match {
case (_, (base, PipelineTask(src0, List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF(_, sel)))))) =>
op.newMR(base, src0, Some(sel), None, None)
case (_, (base, PipelineTask(src0, List(PipelineOpCore($SortF(_, sort)))))) =>
op.newMR(base, src0, None, Some(sort), None)
case (_, (base, PipelineTask(src0, List(PipelineOpCore($LimitF(_, count)))))) =>
op.newMR(base, src0, None, None, Some(count))
case (_, (base, PipelineTask(src0, List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF(_, sel)), PipelineOpCore($SortF(_, sort)))))) =>
op.newMR(base, src0, Some(sel), Some(sort), None)
case (_, (base, PipelineTask(src0, List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF(_, sel)), PipelineOpCore($LimitF(_, count)))))) =>
op.newMR(base, src0, Some(sel), None, Some(count))
case (_, (base, PipelineTask(src0, List(PipelineOpCore($SortF(_, sort)), PipelineOpCore($LimitF(_, count)))))) =>
op.newMR(base, src0, None, Some(sort), Some(count))
case (_, (base, PipelineTask(src0, List(PipelineOpCore($MatchF(_, sel)), PipelineOpCore($SortF(_, sort)), PipelineOpCore($LimitF(_, count)))))) =>
op.newMR(base, src0, Some(sel), Some(sort), Some(count))
case (_, (base, srcTask)) =>
val (nb, task) = finish(base, srcTask)
op.newMR(nb, task, None, None, None)
case I($FoldLeftF(head, tail)) =>
(finish(_, _)).tupled(head._2)._2,
tail.map(_._2._2 match {
case MapReduceTask(src, mr, _) =>
// FIXME: $FoldLeftF currently always reduces, but in future we’ll
// want to have more control.
MapReduceTask(src, mr, Some(MapReduce.Action.Reduce(Some(true))))
// NB: `finalize` should ensure that the final op is always a
// $ReduceF.
case src =>
// TODO: Find a better way to print this
val msg = "not a mapReduce: " + src.unFix.toString
def pipeline[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT](
op: PipelineF[WorkflowF, T[WorkflowF]]):
Option[(DocVar, WorkflowTask, List[PipelineOp])] =
op.wf match {
case I($MatchF(src, selector)) =>
def pipelinable(sel: Selector): Boolean = sel match {
case Selector.Where(_) => false
case comp: Selector.CompoundSelector =>
pipelinable(comp.left) && pipelinable(comp.right)
case _ => true
if (pipelinable(selector)) {
lazy val (base, crushed) = src.para(Crush[WorkflowF].crush[T])
src.project match {
case IsPipeline(p) => pipeline(p).cata(
{ case (base, up, prev) => Some((base, up, prev :+ toPipelineOp(op, base))) },
Some((base, crushed, List(toPipelineOp(op, base)))))
case _ => Some((base, crushed, List(toPipelineOp(op, base))))
else None
// TODO: Not all $GroupFs can be pipelined. Need to determine when we may
// need the group command or a map/reduce.
case _ => Some(alwaysPipePipe(op))
def alwaysPipePipe[T[_[_]]: BirecursiveT](
op: PipelineF[WorkflowF, T[WorkflowF]]):
(DocVar, WorkflowTask, List[PipelineOp]) = {
lazy val (base, crushed) = (finish(_, _)).tupled(op.src.para(crush[T]))
// TODO: this is duplicated in `WorkflowBuilder.rewrite`
def repairBase(base: DocVar) = I.prj(op.wf) match {
case Some($GroupF(_, _, _)) => DocVar.ROOT()
case Some($ProjectF(_, _, _)) => DocVar.ROOT()
case _ => base
(op.src.project match {
case IsPipeline(p) => pipeline(p)
case _ => None
case (base, up, prev) =>
val (nb, task) = finish(base, up)
prev :+ toPipelineOp(op, nb))
List(toPipelineOp(op, base))))
private def wrapArrayLit[EX[_]: Functor]
(accum: AccumOp[Fix[EX]])
(implicit ev: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX)
: AccumOp[Fix[EX]] = {
def wrap(expr: Fix[EX]): Fix[EX] = (wrapArrayInLet[Fix, EX](expr.unFix)).embed
accum map wrap
private def wrapArrayLitExprInLet[EX[_]: Functor]
(grouped: Grouped[EX])
(implicit ev: ExprOpCoreF :<: EX, ev2: ExprOpOps.Uni[ExprOp])
: Grouped[EX] =
Grouped(ListMap(grouped.value.mapValues(wrapArrayLit[EX]).toSeq: _*))
// NB: no need for a typeclass if implementing this way, but it will be needed
// as soon as we need to match on anything here that isn't in core.
implicit def crystallizeWorkflowF[F[_]: Functor: Classify: Coalesce: Refs](
implicit I: WorkflowOpCoreF :<: F, ev1: F :<: WorkflowF, ev2: ExprOpOps.Uni[ExprOp]):
Crystallize[F] =
new Crystallize[F] {
// probable conversions
// to $MapF: $ProjectF
// to $FlatMapF: $MatchF, $LimitF (using scope), $SkipF (using scope), $UnwindF, $GeoNearF
// to $MapF/$ReduceF: $GroupF
// ???: $RedactF
// none: $SortF
// NB: We don’t convert a $ProjectF after a map/reduce op because it could
// affect the final shape unnecessarily.
def crystallize(op: Fix[F]) = {
val finished =
def fixShape(wf: Fix[F]) =
simpleShape(wf).fold(finished) { n =>
def promoteKnownShape(wf: Fix[F]): Fix[F] = wf.project match {
case I($SimpleMapF(_, _, _)) => fixShape(wf)
case IsShapePreserving(sp) => promoteKnownShape(sp.src)
case _ => finished
.transHylo(Coalesce[F].coalesce, crystallizeƒ)))
val crystallizeƒ: F[Fix[F]] => F[Fix[F]] = {
case I(mr: MapReduceF[Fix[F]]) => mr.singleSource.src.project match {
case I(uw @ $UnwindF(_, _)) if IsPipeline.unapply(unwindSrc(uw)).isEmpty =>
mr.singleSource.fmap(ι, I).reparentW(I.inj(uw.flatmapop).embed).project
case _ => I.inj(mr)
case I($FoldLeftF(head, tail)) =>
Reshape(ListMap(ExprName -> \/-($$ROOT))),
tail.map(x => x.project match {
case I($ReduceF(_, _, _)) => x
case _ => chain(x, $reduce[F]($ReduceF.reduceFoldLeft, ListMap()))
case I(g @ $GroupF(src, grouped, by)) =>
// We can't use arrays directly inside accumulators because of
// https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-23839
// so let's wrap arrays in a let
I($GroupF(src, wrapArrayLitExprInLet(grouped), by))
case op => op
def unwindSrc(uw: $UnwindF[Fix[F]]): F[Fix[F]] =
uw.src.project match {
case I(uw1 @ $UnwindF(_, _)) => unwindSrc(uw1)
case src => src
/** Wraps the result of a map-reduce in the Sigil, if it is the last
* stage in the workflow, so it may be identified and unwrapped
* when reading and querying.
* TODO: This doesn't appear to be necessary when returning "inline"
* map-reduce results, but we don't have enough information to
* know if this is the case here. It may be worth refactoring
* to be a transformation on WorkflowTask.
val wrapFinalMapReduceValue: Fix[F] => Fix[F] = {
case mr @ Embed(I(_: MapReduceF[Fix[F]])) =>
jscore.obj(sigil.Quasar -> jscore.Ident(finalValue))))),
case other => other
val finalValue = jscore.Name("__finalVal")
implicit def workflowRenderTree[T[_[_]]: RecursiveT, F[_]: Traverse: Classify](implicit ev0: WorkflowOpCoreF :<: F, ev1: RenderTree[F[Unit]]): RenderTree[T[F]] =
new RenderTree[T[F]] {
val wfType = "Workflow" :: Nil
def chain(op: T[F]): List[RenderedTree] = op.project match {
case IsSingleSource(ss) =>
chain(ss.src) :+ Traverse[F].void(ss.wf).render
case _ => List(render(op))
def render(v: T[F]) = v.project match {
case IsSource(s) => s.op.render
case IsSingleSource(_) =>
NonTerminal("Chain" :: wfType, None, chain(v))
case ev0($FoldLeftF(_, _)) =>
NonTerminal("$FoldLeftF" :: wfType, None, v.children.map(render(_)))
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