All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 28.1.6
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 * Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import slamdata.Predef.{ -> => _, _ }
import quasar.Data
import quasar.api._, ToQResponse.ops._, ToApiError.ops._
import quasar.contrib.pathy._
import quasar.contrib.scalaz.disjunction._
import quasar.fp._, numeric._
import quasar.fs._

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

import argonaut.Parse
import argonaut.Argonaut._
import argonaut.ArgonautScalaz._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.dsl._
import org.http4s.headers.{`Content-Type`, Accept}
import pathy.Path._
import pathy.argonaut.PosixCodecJson._
import scalaz.{Zip => _, _}, Scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

object data {
  import ManageFile.PathPair

  def service[S[_]](
    R: ReadFile.Ops[S],
    W: WriteFile.Ops[S],
    M: ManageFile.Ops[S],
    Q: QueryFile.Ops[S],
    S0: Task :<: S,
    S1: FileSystemFailure :<: S
  ): QHttpService[S] = QHttpService {

    case req @ GET -> AsPath(path) :? Offset(offsetParam) +& Limit(limitParam) =>
      respondT {
        val offsetLimit: ApiErrT[Free[S, ?], (Natural, Option[Positive])] =
          (offsetOrInvalid(offsetParam) |@| limitOrInvalid(limitParam)).tupled.liftT[Free[S, ?]]
        val requestedFormat = MessageFormat.fromAccept(req.headers.get(Accept))
        val zipped = req.headers.get(Accept).exists(_.values.exists(_.mediaRange == MediaType.`application/zip`))

        offsetLimit >>= { case (offset, limit) =>
          download[S](requestedFormat, path, offset, limit, zipped).liftM[ApiErrT]

    case req @ POST -> AsFilePath(path) =>
      upload(req, path, W.appendThese(_, _))

    case req @ PUT -> AsPath(path) =>
      upload(req, path, W.saveThese(_, _).as(Vector.empty))

    case req @ Method.MOVE -> AsPath(path) =>
      respond((for {
        dstStr <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[M.FreeS](
                    requiredHeader(Destination, req) map (_.value))
        dst    <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[M.FreeS](parseDestination(dstStr))
        pair   <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[M.FreeS](pathPair(path, dst, "move"))
        _      <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[M.FreeS](if (pair.src === pair.dst) sameDst(pair.src).left else ().right)
        _      <- M.move(pair, MoveSemantics.FailIfExists)
      } yield Created).run)

    case req @ Method.COPY -> AsPath(path) =>
      respond((for {
        dstStr <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[M.FreeS](
                    requiredHeader(Destination, req) map (_.value))
        dst    <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[M.FreeS](parseDestination(dstStr))
        pair   <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[M.FreeS](pathPair(path, dst, "copy"))
        _      <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[M.FreeS](if (pair.src === pair.dst) sameDst(pair.src).left else ().right)
        _      <- M.copy(pair).leftMap(_.toApiError)
      } yield Created).run)

    case DELETE -> AsPath(path) =>


  private def sameDst(path: APath) = ApiError.fromMsg(
    BadRequest withReason "Destination is same path as source",
    s"Destination is same path as source",
    "path" := path)

  private def download[S[_]](
    format: MessageFormat,
    path: APath,
    offset: Natural,
    limit: Option[Positive],
    zipped: Boolean
    R: ReadFile.Ops[S],
    Q: QueryFile.Ops[S],
    S0: FileSystemFailure :<: S,
    S1: Task :<: S
  ): Free[S, QResponse[S]] =
      dirPath => {
        val p = zippedContents[S](dirPath, format, offset, limit)
        val headers =
          `Content-Type`(MediaType.`application/zip`) ::
            (format.disposition.toList: List[Header])
        QResponse.streaming(p) ∘ (_.modifyHeaders(_ ++ headers))
      filePath => {
        Q.fileExists(filePath).flatMap { exists =>
          if (exists) {
            val d = R.scan(filePath, offset, limit)
              formattedZipDataResponse(format, filePath, d),
              formattedDataResponse(format, d))
                 // ToQResponse is called explicitly because Scala type inference fails otherwise...
          } else ToQResponse[ApiError, S].toResponse(FileSystemError.pathErr(PathError.pathNotFound(filePath)).toApiError).point[Free[S, ?]]

  private def parseDestination(dstString: String): ApiError \/ APath = {
    def absPathRequired(rf: pathy.Path[Rel, _, _]) = ApiError.fromMsg(
      BadRequest withReason "Illegal move.",
      "Absolute path required for Destination.",
      "dstPath" := posixCodec.unsafePrintPath(rf)).left

  private def pathPair(src: APath, dst: APath, operation: String): ApiError \/ PathPair =
      srcDir =>
          df => ApiError.fromMsg(
            BadRequest withReason "Illegal move.",
            s"Cannot $operation directory into a file",
            "srcPath" := srcDir,
            "dstPath" := df),
          PathPair.dirToDir(srcDir, _)),
      srcFile =>
          dd => ApiError.fromMsg(
            BadRequest withReason "Illegal move.",
            s"Cannot $operation a file into a directory, must specify destination precisely",
            "srcPath" := srcFile,
            "dstPath" := dd),
          PathPair.fileToFile(srcFile, _)))

  // TODO: Streaming
  private def upload[S[_]](
    req: Request,
    path: APath,
    by: (AFile, Vector[Data]) => FileSystemErrT[Free[S,?], Vector[FileSystemError]]
  )(implicit S0: Task :<: S): Free[S, QResponse[S]] = {
    type FreeS[A] = Free[S, A]

    val inj = free.injectFT[Task, S]
    def hoist = Hoist[EitherT[?[_], QResponse[S], ?]].hoist(inj)
    def decodeUtf8(bytes: ByteVector): EitherT[FreeS, QResponse[S], String] =
        .leftMap(err => InvalidMessageBodyFailure(err.toString).toResponse[S])

    def errorsResponse(
      decodeErrors: IndexedSeq[DecodeError],
      persistErrors: FileSystemErrT[FreeS, Vector[FileSystemError]]
    ): OptionT[FreeS, QResponse[S]] =
      OptionT( =>
          respond_[S, ApiError](ApiError.apiError(
            BadRequest withReason "Malformed upload data.",
            "errors" :=
          errs => =>
            errs1.toApiError.copy(status = InternalServerError.withReason(
              "Error persisting uploaded data."

    def write(fPath: AFile, xs: IndexedSeq[(DecodeError \/ Data)]): FreeS[QResponse[S] \/ Unit] =
      if (xs.isEmpty) {
         respond_[S, ApiError](ApiError.fromStatus(BadRequest withReason "Request has no body.")).map(_.left)
      } else {
        val (errors, data) = xs.toVector.separate
        errorsResponse(errors, by(fPath, data)).toLeft(()).run

    def decodeContent(format: MessageFormat, strs: Process[Task, String])
        : EitherT[Task, DecodeFailure, Process[Task, DecodeError \/ Data]] =
      EitherT(format.decode(strs).map(_.leftMap(err => InvalidMessageBodyFailure(err.msg): DecodeFailure)))

    def writeOne(fPath: AFile, fmt: MessageFormat, strs: Process[Task, String])
        : EitherT[FreeS, QResponse[S], Unit] = {
      hoist(decodeContent(fmt, strs).leftMap(_.toResponse[S]))
        .flatMap(dataStream => EitherT(inj(dataStream.runLog).flatMap(write(fPath, _))))

    def writeAll(files: Map[RFile, ByteVector], meta: ArchiveMetadata, aDir: ADir) =
      files.toList.traverse { case (rFile, contentBytes) =>
        for {
        // What's the metadata for this file
          fileMetadata <- EitherT((meta.files.get(rFile) \/> InvalidMessageBodyFailure(s"metadata file does not contain metadata for ${posixCodec.printPath(rFile)}").toResponse[S]).point[FreeS])
          mdType       =  fileMetadata.contentType.mediaType
          // Do we have a quasar format that corresponds to the content-type in the metadata
          fmt          <- EitherT((MessageFormat.fromMediaType(mdType) \/> (InvalidMessageBodyFailure(s"Unsupported media type: $mdType for file: ${posixCodec.printPath(rFile)}").toResponse[S])).point[FreeS])
          // Transform content from bytes to a String
          content      <- decodeUtf8(contentBytes)
          // Write a single file with the specified format
          _            <- writeOne(aDir  rFile, fmt, Process.emit(content))
        } yield ()

    // We only support uploading zip files into directory paths
    val uploadFormats = Set(MediaType.`application/zip`: MediaRange)

    refineType(path).fold[EitherT[FreeS, QResponse[S], Unit]](
      // Client is attempting to upload a directory
      aDir =>
        for {
          // Make sure the request content-type is zip
          _ <- EitherT((req.headers.get(`Content-Type`) \/> (MediaTypeMissing(uploadFormats): DecodeFailure)).flatMap { contentType =>
            val mdType = contentType.mediaType
            if (mdType == MediaType.`application/zip`) ().right else MediaTypeMismatch(mdType, uploadFormats).left
          // Unzip the uploaded archive
          filesToContent <- hoist(Zip.unzipFiles(req.body)
                   .leftMap(err => InvalidMessageBodyFailure(err).toResponse[S]))
          // Seperate metadata file from all others
          tuple <- filesToContent.get(ArchiveMetadata.HiddenFile).cata(
            meta => decodeUtf8(meta).strengthR(filesToContent - ArchiveMetadata.HiddenFile),
            EitherT.left[FreeS, QResponse[S], (String, Map[RelFile[Sandboxed], ByteVector])](InvalidMessageBodyFailure("metadata not found: " + posixCodec.printPath(ArchiveMetadata.HiddenFile)).toResponse[S].point[FreeS]))
          (metaString, restOfFilesToContent) = tuple
           meta <- EitherT((Parse.decodeOption[ArchiveMetadata](metaString) \/> (InvalidMessageBodyFailure("metadata file has incorrect format").toResponse[S])).point[FreeS])
          // Write each file if we can determine a format
          _     <- writeAll(restOfFilesToContent, meta, aDir)
        } yield (),
      // Client is attempting to upload a single file
      aFile => for {
        // What's the format they want to upload
        fmt <- EitherT(MessageFormat.forMessage(req).point[FreeS]).leftMap(_.toResponse[S])
        // Write a single file with the specified format
        _   <- writeOne(aFile, fmt, req.bodyAsText)
      } yield ()).as(QResponse.ok[S]) // Return 200 Ok if everything goes smoothly

  private def zippedContents[S[_]](
    dir: AbsDir[Sandboxed],
    format: MessageFormat,
    offset: Natural,
    limit: Option[Positive]
    R: ReadFile.Ops[S],
    Q: QueryFile.Ops[S]
  ): Process[R.M, ByteVector] =
    Process.await(Q.descendantFiles(dir)) { children =>
      val files = children.collect {
        case (f, Node.View) => f
        case (f, Node.Data) => f
      val metadata = ArchiveMetadata(files.strengthR(FileMetadata(`Content-Type`(format.mediaType))).toMap)
      val metaFileAndContent = (ArchiveMetadata.HiddenFile, Process.emit(metadata.asJson.spaces2))
      val qFilesAndContent = { file =>
        val data = R.scan(dir  file, offset, limit)
        (file, format.encode(data))
      val allFiles = metaFileAndContent :: qFilesAndContent
      Zip.zipFiles(allFiles.toMap.mapValues(strContent => => ByteVector.view(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))))

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