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MSG_FILE_BUG_REPORT=internal compiler error; file bug report
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_ADD=arguments for add (+) operation must be longs, doubles, or strings
MSG_MISMATCHED_ARGS_ADD=mismatched or invalid arguments for add (+) operation
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_BITAND=arguments for bit-and (&) operation must be long values
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_BITIOR=arguments for bit-or (|) operation must be long values
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_BITNOT=argument for bit-not (~) operation must be a long value
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_BITXOR=arguments for bit-exclusive-or (^) operation must be long values
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_DIV=arguments for divide (/) operation must be longs or doubles
MSG_DIVISION_BY_ZERO=division by zero
MSG_INVALID_FOREACH_RESOURCE=third foreach argument does not evaluate to a resource
MSG_CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION=resource changed structurally during iteration
MSG_INVALID_IF_ELSE_TEST=if-else test must evaluate to a boolean property
MSG_INVALID_FIRST_ARG_L_AND=first argument for logical-and (&&) operation must be a boolean value
MSG_INVALID_SECOND_ARG_L_AND=second argument for logical-and (&&) operation must be a boolean value
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_L_AND=arguments for logical-and (&&) operation must be boolean values
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_EQ=arguments for equal (==) operation must be longs, doubles, or strings
MSG_MISMATCHED_ARGS_EQ=mismatched or invalid arguments for equal (==) operation
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_GE=arguments for greater-than-equal (>=) operation must be longs, doubles, or strings
MSG_MISMATCHED_ARGS_GE=mismatched or invalid arguments for greater-than-equal (>=) operation
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_GT=arguments for greater-than (>) operation must be longs, doubles, or strings
MSG_MISMATCHED_ARGS_GT=mismatched or invalid arguments for greater-than (>) operation
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_LE=arguments for less-than-equal (<=) operation must be longs, doubles, or strings
MSG_MISMATCHED_ARGS_LE=mismatched or invalid arguments for less-than-equal (<=) operation
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_LT=arguments for less-than (<) operation must be longs, doubles, or strings
MSG_MISMATCHED_ARGS_LT=mismatched or invalid arguments for less-than (<) operation
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_NE=arguments for not-equal (!=) operation must be longs, doubles, or strings
MSG_MISMATCHED_ARGS_NE=mismatched or invalid arguments for not-equal (!=) operation
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_NOT=argument for logical-not (!) operation must be a boolean value
MSG_INVALID_FIRST_ARG_L_OR=first argument for logical-or (||) operation must be a boolean value
MSG_INVALID_SECOND_ARG_L_OR=second argument for logical-or (||) operation must be a boolean value
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_L_OR=arguments for logical-or (||) operation must be boolean values
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_MOD=arguments for modulus (%) operation must be long values
MSG_INVALID_SECOND_ARG_MOD=second argument for modulus (%) operation cannot be zero
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_MULT=arguments for multiply (*) operation must be longs or doubles
MSG_ILLEGAL_SELF_REF=SELF variable may not be set directly
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_SUB=arguments for subtract (-) operation must be longs, doubles, or strings
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_UMINUS=argument for unary minus (-) operation must be a long or double
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_UPLUS=argument for unary plus (+) operation must be a long or double
MSG_UNDEFINED_VAR=variable named ''{0}'' is undefined
MSG_ILLEGAL_DEREFERENCE=element of type ''{0}'' cannot be dereferenced
MSG_INVALID_LOOP_TEST=loop test must evaluate to a boolean property
MSG_LOOP_ITERATION_LIMIT=loop iteration count ({0,number,integer}) has been exceeded
MSG_NUMBER_OUTSIDE_RANGE=value ({0,number}) is outside range {1}
MSG_INVALID_RANGE_CHECK=range checking cannot be applied to element of type {0}
MSG_INVALID_HASH_KEY=value {0} is an invalid hash key
MSG_INVALID_REPLACEMENT=existing element of type {0} cannot be replaced by one of type {1}
MSG_HASH_SIZE_OUTSIDE_RANGE=hash size ({0,number}) is outside range {1}
MSG_INVALID_LIST_INDEX=value {0} is an invalid list index
MSG_NONEXISTANT_LIST_ELEMENT=list element at index {0} does not exist
MSG_LIST_SIZE_OUTSIDE_RANGE=list size ({0,number}) is outside range {1}
MSG_STRING_SIZE_OUTSIDE_RANGE=string size ({0,number}) is outside range {1}
MSG_INVALID_NO_ARGS_BASE64_DECODE=base64_decode() requires exactly one argument
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_BASE64_DECODE=argument for base64_decode() must be a string
MSG_INVALID_NO_ARGS_BASE64_ENCODE=base64_encode() requires exactly one argument
MSG_INVALID_ARGS_BASE64_ENCODE=argument for base64_encode() must be a string
MSG_INVALID_NO_ARGS_CLONE=clone() requires exactly one argument
MSG_INVALID_NO_ARGS_CREATE=create() requires an odd number of arguments
MSG_INVALID_FIRST_ARG_CREATE=first argument of create() must be a string
MSG_INVALID_KEY_CREATE_STRINGS=key arguments of create() must be strings; argument {0,number} is of type {1}
MSG_INVALID_KEY_CREATE=invalid key ({0}) for create()
MSG_INVALID_KEY_HASH=invalid key ({0}) for nlist() or hash()
MSG_NONEXISTANT_TYPE=type lookup failed for ''{0}''
MSG_NONEXISTANT_REFERENCED_TYPE=referenced type ''{0}'' is not defined
MSG_MISMATCHED_TYPES=validation requires type of ''{0}'' but element is of type ''{1}''
MSG_CONFLICTING_TYPES=property cannot marked as both type ''{0}'' and type ''{1}''
MSG_INVALID_URI=value has invalid URI syntax
MSG_NONEXISTANT_ELEMENT=element does not exist
MSG_USER_VALIDATION_FAILED=user-defined validation failed
MSG_INVALID_LINK_PATH=invalid link path ''{0}''
MSG_NONEXISTANT_LINK_ELEMENT=element at link path does not exist: ''{0}''
MSG_PATH_EVAL_ERROR=error evaluating path ''{0}'': {1}
MSG_LINK_ELEMENT_FAILED_VALIDATION=element at linked path failed validation: ''{0}''
MSG_NONRECORD_TYPE_REF=record definition includes non-record type: ''{0}''
MSG_UNEXPECTED_FIELDS=record definition contains unexpected field(s): {0}
MSG_MISSING_FIELD=record is missing required field: {0}
MSG_CANNOT_INCLUDE_TYPE=type cannot be included in another type definition
MSG_PATH_INVALID_AUTHORITY=invalid authority ({0}) in path
MSG_PATH_INVALID_BRACES=path ''{0}'' contains mismatched or nested braces
MSG_PATH_MISSING_TERM=relative path must have at least one term
MSG_PATH_INVALID_FIRST_TERM=first term in path must be a key, not an index
MSG_EXTERNAL_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED=cannot construct relative path from external path
MSG_RELATIVE_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED=relative path is not allowed
MSG_ILLEGAL_WRITE_TO_PROTECTED_HASH=illegal attempt to write to protected hash
MSG_ILLEGAL_WRITE_TO_PROTECTED_LIST=illegal attempt to write to protected list
MSG_CANNOT_ADD_CHILD=cannot add child to element of type {0}
MSG_INVALID_PATH_INDEX=invalid path index encountered, index={0}, size={1}
MSG_INVALID_KEY_OR_INDEX=invalid key or index encountered when dereferencing resource
MSG_NO_VALUE_FOR_PATH=path ''{0}'' does not have an associated value
MSG_INVALID_PATH_DEREFERENCE=cannot dereference element of type ''{0}'' with term ''{1}''; error at ''{2}'' with full path ''{3}''
MSG_CANNOT_MODIFY_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FROM_DML=global variable ''{0}'' cannot be modified from DML block
MSG_VALUE_AT_PATH_UNDEFINED=element at /{0} is undefined
MSG_VALIDATION_FAILED_BECAUSE_OF_EXCEPTION=validation failed because exception was thrown
MSG_INVALID_VALIDATION_FUNCTION_RETURN_TYPE=user-defined validation function returned an element of type {0}; boolean value required
MSG_INVALID_TERM=index {0,number} is not a valid term
MSG_INVALID_LIST_TERM=index {0,number} is not a valid list term
MSG_ONE_STRING_ARG_REQ={0}() requires exactly one string argument
MSG_FIRST_STRING_ARG_REQ=first argument of {0}() must be a string
MSG_SECOND_STRING_ARG_REQ=second argument of {0}() must be a string
MSG_ONE_ARG_REQ={0}() requires exactly one argument
MSG_ONE_OR_TWO_ARGS_REQ={0}() requires exactly one or two arguments
MSG_ONE_OR_MORE_ARG_REQ={0}() requires at least one argument
MSG_TWO_ARGS_REQ={0}() requires exactly two arguments
MSG_TWO_OR_MORE_ARG_REQ={0}() requires two or more arguments
MSG_3_ARGS_REQ={0}() requires exactly three arguments
MSG_RESTRICTED_CONTEXT={0}() may not appear in a restricted context (either variable indices or function arguments)
MSG_EVEN_NUMBER_OF_ARGS=hash/nlist function must have an even number of arguments
MSG_2_OR_3_ARGS={0}() must have two or three arguments
MSG_3_OR_4_ARGS={0}() must have three or four arguments
MSG_NO_ASSIGNMENT_TO_EXTERNAL_PATH=assignment cannot be made to an external path ({0})
MSG_ABSOLUTE_PATH_ONLY_FOR_BIND=only absolute paths can be used with bind statements ({0})
MSG_DML_MUST_BE_STRING_NULL_OR_UNDEF=DML block must evaluate to a string property, null, or undef
MSG_INVALID_IDENTIFIER=invalid identifier ({0})
MSG_AUTO_VAR_CANNOT_BE_SET=automatic variable ({0}) may not be set directly
MSG_FIELD_MUST_BE_VALID_PATH=field name ({0}) must be a valid path
MSG_FIELD_MUST_BE_VALID_TERM=field name ({0}) must be a valid term
MSG_FIELD_MUST_BE_VALID_KEY=field name ({0}) must be a valid key, not an index
MSG_FIRST_ARG_VARIABLE_REF=first argument of {0}() must be a variable reference
MSG_FIRST_ARG_LIST_OR_VARIABLE_REF=first argument of {0}() must be a variable reference or a list
MSG_SECOND_ARG_LIST_OR_VARIABLE_REF=second argument of {0}() must be a variable reference or a list
MSG_VARIABLE_REF_OR_UNDEF=argument must be a variable reference or undef
MSG_DEF_VALUE_NOT_CONSTANT=DML block for default value does not evaluate to a compile-time constant
MSG_DEF_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_UNDEF=undef is not a valid default value
MSG_INVALID_TPL_NAME=invalid template name ({0})
MSG_MISNAMED_TPL=misplaced or misnamed template; relative directory and name must match ''{0}''
MSG_INVALID_STMT_IN_DECL_TPL=statement not allowed in declaration template
MSG_BIND_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_STRUCT_TPL=bind statement is not allowed in structure template
MSG_VARIABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_STRUCT_TPL=variable statement is not allowed in structure template
MSG_INVALID_STATEMENT_IN_STRUCT_TPL=only relative assigment and include statements are allowed in structure templates
MSG_ONLY_REL_ASSIGNMENT_ALLOWED=structure templates can only contain assignments to relative paths
MSG_ONLY_ABS_ASSIGNMENT_ALLOWED=ordinary, object, and unique templates can only contain assignments to absolute paths
MSG_MULTIPLY_DEFINED_TYPE=duplicate type definition for {0}; previous definition at {1}
MSG_MULTIPLY_DEFINED_FUNCTION=duplicate function definition for {0}; previous definition at {1}
MSG_PATH_OR_TPL_NAME_REQ={0}() requires a valid external path, absolute path, or template name
MSG_ONE_STRING_OR_IDENTIFIER_REQ={0}() requires one variable reference or string argument
MSG_INVALID_ARG_IN_CONSTRUCTOR=invalid argument found in constructor
MSG_NULL_RESULT_FROM_OPERATION=null returned from the evaluation of an operation
MSG_CLONE_NOT_SUPPORTED=unexpected clone not supported exception encountered
MSG_ALL_STRING_ARGS_REQ={0}() arguments must all be strings; {1} found
MSG_INVALID_REGEXP=invalid regular expression: {0}
MSG_INVALID_REGEXP_FLAG=invalid matching flag for regular expression: {0}
MSG_INVALID_CALL_TO_STATIC_MATCHER=static matcher called with invalid arguments
MSG_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_RAISED_EXCEPTION=object dependency on {0} raised exception
MSG_INTERRUPTED_THREAD=thread interrupted while processing {0}
MSG_CANCELLED_THREAD=thread cancelled while processing {0}
MSG_CIRCULAR_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY=circular object dependency detected: {0}
MSG_INVALID_FIRST_ARG_DEPRECATED=first argument of deprecated() must be a non-negative long
MSG_INVALID_SECOND_ARG_DEPRECATED=second argument of deprecated() must be a string
MSG_CANNOT_CREATE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=cannot create output directory: {0}
MSG_CANNOT_LOCATE_TEMPLATE=cannot locate template named ''{0}''
MSG_CANNOT_LOCATE_OBJECT_TEMPLATE=cannot locate object template named ''{0}''
MSG_INVALID_LEADING_ZEROS_INDEX=index cannot start with leading zero(s): ''{0}''
MSG_INDEX_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM=index ({0,number}) exceeds largest permitted value ({1,number})
MSG_INDEX_CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE=index ({0,number}) cannot be negative
MSG_KEY_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY_STRING=empty string cannot be used as a path term or nlist key
MSG_KEY_CANNOT_BEGIN_WITH_DIGIT=path term or nlist key cannot start with a digit: ''{0}''
MSG_INVALID_KEY=invalid path term or nlist key: ''{0}''
MSG_INVALID_ELEMENT_FOR_INDEX=element of type {0} is not a valid index
MSG_NON_ABSOLUTE_PATH_IN_INCLUDE_DIRS=include directories contain non-absolute path: {0}
MSG_NON_DIRECTORY_IN_INCLUDE_DIRS=include directories contain a non-directory: {0}
MSG_MIN_RANGE_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE=minimum range value ({0,number}) cannot be negative
MSG_MIN_MUST_BE_LESS_OR_EQUAL_TO_MAX=minimum range value ({0,number}) must be less than or equal to maximum value ({1,number})
MSG_MIN_RANGE_VALUE_IS_NOT_VALID_LONG=minimum range value ({0}) is not a valid long value
MSG_MAX_RANGE_VALUE_IS_NOT_VALID_LONG=maximum range value ({0}) is not a valid long value
MSG_CANNOT_MODIFY_FINAL_GLOBAL_VARIABLE=cannot modify final global variable
MSG_ATTEMPT_TO_REPLACE_EXISTING_NODE=attempt to replace existing Node in FinalFlags
MSG_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY_TYPE=unknown property type: {0}
MSG_INVALID_OPERATION_IN_ASSIGN=invalid operation in assign: {0}
MSG_INVALID_EXECUTE_METHOD_CALLED=invalid call to execute method of {0}
MSG_DUPLICATE_FORMATTER_KEY=duplicate formatter key: {0}
MSG_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_WHILE_WRITING_OUTPUT=unexpected exception while writing output
MSG_MISSING_SAX_TRANSFORMER=missing SAXTransformerFactory implementation
MSG_TEMPLATE_CONTAINS_NON_STATIC_STATEMENTS=unique or declaration template contains non-static statements
MSG_CANNOT_CREATE_EMPTY_TEMPLATE=unable to create empty template for compile-time DML evaluation
MSG_INVALID_ATTEMPT_TO_SET_RELATIVE_PATH=invalid attempt set relative path in configuration: {0}
MSG_INVALID_ATTEMPT_TO_SET_EXTERNAL_PATH=invalid attempt set external path in configuration: {0}
MSG_INVALID_EMPTY_RELATIVE_PATH=found relative path with no terms
MSG_FINAL_FOR_NON_EXISTANT_VARIABLE=setGlobalVariableAsFinal called on non-existing variable: {0}
MSG_INVALID_PATH_ASSIGNMENT=attempt to create assignment with invalid path: {0}
MSG_REACHED_IMPOSSIBLE_BRANCH=reached an impossible branch
MSG_CANNOT_CREATE_FUNCTION_TABLE=error creating function constructor table
MSG_ASSIGNMENT_HAS_NON_VARIABLE_CHILD=assignment contains a non-variable child
MSG_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_ENCOUNTERED=unexpected exception encountered
MSG_NULL_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIGURATION=null element found in configuration
MSG_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_NULL=value cannot be null for {0}()
MSG_DUPLICATE_KEY=duplicate key ({0}) in nlist function
MSG_INVALID_KEY_TYPE=nlist keys must be string; argument is of type {0}
MSG_REFERENCED_VARIABLE_NOT_LIST=referenced variable of type {0} is not a list
MSG_CANNOT_MODIFY_SELF=cannot modify SELF from validation function
MSG_INVALID_IN_COMPILE_TIME_CONTEXT=invalid use of {0} in compile-time context
MSG_INVALID_DIGEST_ALGORITHM=invalid digest algorithm ({0})
MSG_RELATIVE_FILE_REQ={0}() requires a relative file name
MSG_NONEXISTANT_FILE=file ({0}) does not exist
MSG_DIR_NOT_ALLOWED=directory ({0}) not allowed
MSG_ABSOLUTE_PATH_REQ=absolute source path required
MSG_SRC_FILE_NAME_OR_TYPE_IS_NULL=source file name or type is null
MSG_ABSENT_FILE_MUST_HAVE_NULL_PATH=absent file must have null path
MSG_INVALID_ANNOTATION_NAME_OR_KEY=invalid annotation name or key: ''{0}''
MSG_INVALID_ANNOTATION_NULL_VALUE=illegal null annotation value
MSG_INVALID_ANNOTATION_SYNTAX=invalid annotation syntax
MSG_ERROR_WHILE_WRITING_OUTPUT=exception while writing output to {0}
MSG_ERROR_CREATING_DIRECTORY=cannot create directory {0}
MSG_INVALID_SELF_REF_IN_INCLUDE=SELF cannot be used within include statement
{0} templates\n\
{1}/{2} compiled, {3}/{4} annotations, {5}/{6} xml, {7}/{8} dependency\n\
{9} errors, {10} ms, {11} MB/{12} MB heap, {13} MB/{14} MB nonheap\n
duplicate function definition: {0}\n\
previous definition [{1}:{2}]\n
MSG_DUPLICATE_TYPE=duplicate type definition: {0}\n\
previous definition [{1}:{2}]\n
MSG_PREFIX_MUST_BE_ABSOLUTE_PATH=given prefix ({0}) is not an absolute path
MSG_ILLEGAL_FORMAT=invalid format specification or mismatched types in format(): {0}
MSG_FORMAT_REQUIRES_PRIMITIVE=all arguments to format() must be primitive types
MSG_INVALID_FIRST_ARG_FORMAT=first argument to format() must be a string
MSG_INVALID_FIRST_ARG_SUBSTITUTE=first argument to substitute() must be a string
MSG_INVALID_SECOND_ARG_SUBSTITUTE=second argument to substitute() must be an nlist
MSG_INVALID_SUBSTITUTE_VARIABLE=invalid variable ({0}) in substitute()
MSG_SUBSTITUTE_VARIABLE_UNDEFINED=variable ({0}) undefined in substitute()
MSG_INVALID_TYPE_IP_TO_LONG=argument to ip4_to_long() must be a string
MSG_INVALID_IP4_FORMAT=argument to ip4_to_long() must be a string in dotted notation with an optional bitmask, like ""
MSG_INVALID_IP4_BITMASK=bitmask to IP must be between 0 and 32.
MSG_INVALID_TYPE_LONG_TO_IP = argument to ip4_to_long must be a long
MSG_INVALID_RANGE_LONG_TO_IP = argument to ip4_to_long must be a 32-bit integer
MSG_INVALID_SYNTAX_ROOT_ELEMENT=syntax error when evaluating root element: {0}
MSG_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_ROOT_ELEMENT=root element must be an nlist, not {0}
MSG_FATAL_DEPRECATION_MSG=deprecation error: {0}
MSG_INVALID_FUNCTION_NAME={0} cannot be used as a function
MSG_USER_INITIATED_ERROR_WITHOUT_STRING=the first argument for error() needs to be a string
MSG_USER_INITIATED_ERROR=[{0}] user-initiated error: {1}
MSG_ARG_NOT_PROPERTY=invalid argument of type {0}; expecting a property
MSG_INVALID_RADIX=radix value {0} is not within valid range [{1}, {2}]
MSG_INVALID_RADIX_TYPE=radix must be a long not {0}
MSG_INVALID_STRING_FOR_LONG=string cannot be converted to long: {0}
MSG_OPERATION_WITHOUT_CONTEXT=operation called without context object
MSG_INVALID_CHOICE_TYPE=value ({0}) is not a possible choice value
MSG_FIRST_ARG_TYPE_REQ={0}() requires the first argument to be a type

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