io.questdb.cairo.pool.WriterPool Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.questdb.cairo.pool;
import io.questdb.cairo.*;
import io.questdb.cairo.pool.ex.EntryLockedException;
import io.questdb.cairo.pool.ex.EntryUnavailableException;
import io.questdb.cairo.pool.ex.PoolClosedException;
import io.questdb.log.Log;
import io.questdb.log.LogFactory;
import io.questdb.std.ConcurrentHashMap;
import io.questdb.std.Misc;
import io.questdb.std.Unsafe;
import io.questdb.std.microtime.MicrosecondClock;
import io.questdb.std.str.Path;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Iterator;
* This class maintains cache of open writers to avoid OS overhead of
* opening and closing files. While doing so it abides by the the same
* rule as non-pooled writers: there can only be one TableWriter instance
* for any given name.
* This implementation is thread-safe. Writer allocated by one thread
* cannot be used by any other threads until it is released. This factory
* will be returning NULL when writer is already in use and cached
* instance of writer otherwise. Writers are released back to pool via
* standard writer.close() call.
* Writers that have been idle for some time can be expunged from pool
* by calling method asynchronously. Pool implementation is
* guaranteeing thread-safety of this method at all times.
* This factory can be closed via close() call. This method is also
* thread-safe and is guarantying that all open writers will be eventually
* closed.
public class WriterPool extends AbstractPool implements ResourcePool {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(WriterPool.class);
private final static long ENTRY_OWNER = Unsafe.getFieldOffset(Entry.class, "owner");
private final ConcurrentHashMap entries = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final CairoConfiguration configuration;
private final Path path = new Path();
private final MicrosecondClock clock;
private final CharSequence root;
private final CairoWorkScheduler workScheduler;
* Pool constructor. WriterPool root directory is passed via configuration.
* @param configuration configuration parameters.
* @param workScheduler scheduler instance to allow index to be built in parallel
public WriterPool(CairoConfiguration configuration, CairoWorkScheduler workScheduler) {
super(configuration, configuration.getInactiveWriterTTL());
this.configuration = configuration;
this.workScheduler = workScheduler;
this.clock = configuration.getMicrosecondClock();
this.root = configuration.getRoot();
notifyListener(Thread.currentThread().getId(), null, PoolListener.EV_POOL_OPEN);
* Creates or retrieves existing TableWriter from pool. Because of TableWriter compliance with single
* writer model pool ensures there is single TableWriter instance for given table name. Table name is unique in
* context of root and pool instance covers single root.
* When TableWriter from this pool is used by another thread @{@link EntryUnavailableException} is thrown and
* when table is locked outside of pool, which includes same or different process, @{@link CairoException} instead.
* In case of former application can retry getting writer from pool again at any time. When latter occurs application has
* to call {@link #releaseAll(long)} before retrying for TableWriter.
* @param tableName name of the table
* @return cached TableWriter instance.
public TableWriter get(CharSequence tableName) {
long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
Entry e = entries.get(tableName);
if (e == null) {
// We are racing to create new writer!
e = new Entry(clock.getTicks());
Entry other = entries.putIfAbsent(tableName, e);
if (other == null) {
// race won
return createWriter(tableName, e, thread);
} else {
e = other;
long owner = e.owner;
// try to change owner
if (Unsafe.cas(e, ENTRY_OWNER, UNALLOCATED, thread)) {
// in an extreme race condition it is possible that e.writer will be null
// in this case behaviour should be identical to entry missing entirely
if (e.writer == null) {
return createWriter(tableName, e, thread);
return checkClosedAndGetWriter(tableName, e);
} else {
if (e.owner == thread) {
if (e.lockFd != -1L) {
throw EntryLockedException.INSTANCE;
if (e.ex != null) {
notifyListener(thread, tableName, PoolListener.EV_EX_RESEND);
// this writer failed to allocate by this very thread
// ensure consistent response
throw e.ex;
return checkClosedAndGetWriter(tableName, e);
LOG.error().$("busy [table=`").utf8(tableName).$("`, owner=").$(owner).$(']').$();
throw EntryUnavailableException.INSTANCE;
* Locks writer. Locking operation is always non-blocking. Lock is usually successful
* when writer is in pool or owned by calling thread, in which case
* writer instance is closed. Lock will also succeed when writer does not exist.
* This will prevent from writer being created before it is unlocked.
* Lock fails immediately with {@link EntryUnavailableException} when writer is used by another thread and with
* {@link PoolClosedException} when pool is closed.
* Lock is beneficial before table directory is renamed or deleted.
* @param tableName table name
* @return true if lock was successful, false otherwise
public boolean lock(CharSequence tableName) {
long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
Entry e = entries.get(tableName);
if (e == null) {
// We are racing to create new writer!
e = new Entry(clock.getTicks());
Entry other = entries.putIfAbsent(tableName, e);
if (other == null) {
if (lockAndNotify(thread, e, tableName)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
e = other;
// try to change owner
if ((Unsafe.cas(e, ENTRY_OWNER, UNALLOCATED, thread) /*|| Unsafe.cas(e, ENTRY_OWNER, thread, thread)*/)) {
closeWriter(thread, e, PoolListener.EV_LOCK_CLOSE, PoolConstants.CR_NAME_LOCK);
return lockAndNotify(thread, e, tableName);
LOG.error().$("could not lock, busy [table=`").utf8(tableName).$("`, owner=").$(e.owner).$(", thread=").$(thread).$(']').$();
notifyListener(thread, tableName, PoolListener.EV_LOCK_BUSY);
return false;
* Counts busy writers in pool.
* @return number of busy writer instances.
public int getBusyCount() {
int count = 0;
for (Entry e : entries.values()) {
if (e.owner != UNALLOCATED) {
return count;
private TableWriter checkClosedAndGetWriter(CharSequence tableName, Entry e) {
if (isClosed()) {
// pool closed but we somehow managed to lock writer
// make sure that interceptor cleared to allow calling thread close writer normally$('\'').utf8(tableName).$("' born free").$();
return e.goodby();
return logAndReturn(e, PoolListener.EV_GET);
public int size() {
return entries.size();
public void unlock(CharSequence name) {
unlock(name, null);
public void unlock(CharSequence name, @Nullable TableWriter writer) {
long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
Entry e = entries.get(name);
if (e == null) {
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_NOT_LOCKED);
// When entry is locked, writer must be null,
// however if writer is not null, calling thread must be trying to unlock
// writer that hasn't been locked. This qualifies for "illegal state"
if (e.owner == thread) {
if (e.writer != null) {
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_NOT_LOCKED);
throw CairoException.instance(0).put("Writer ").put(name).put(" is not locked");
if (writer == null) {
// unlock must remove entry because pool does not deal with null writer
if (e.lockFd != -1) {
if (!ff.remove(path)) {
LOG.error().$("could not remove [file=").$(path).$(']').$();
} else {
e.writer = writer;
e.lockFd = -1;
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putOrderedLong(e, ENTRY_OWNER, UNALLOCATED);
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_UNLOCKED);
} else {
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_NOT_LOCK_OWNER);
throw CairoException.instance(0).put("Not lock owner of ").put(name);
private void checkClosed() {
if (isClosed()) {$("is closed").$();
throw PoolClosedException.INSTANCE;
* Closes writer pool. When pool is closed only writers that are in pool are proactively released. Writers that
* are outside of pool will close when their close() method is invoked.
* After pool is closed it will notify listener with #EV_POOL_CLOSED event.
protected void closePool() {
protected boolean releaseAll(long deadline) {
long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
boolean removed = false;
final int reason;
if (deadline == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
reason = PoolConstants.CR_POOL_CLOSE;
} else {
reason = PoolConstants.CR_IDLE;
Iterator iterator = entries.values().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Entry e =;
// lastReleaseTime is volatile, which makes
// order of conditions important
if ((deadline > e.lastReleaseTime && e.owner == UNALLOCATED)) {
// looks like this one can be released
// try to lock it
if (Unsafe.cas(e, ENTRY_OWNER, UNALLOCATED, thread)) {
// lock successful
closeWriter(thread, e, PoolListener.EV_EXPIRE, reason);
removed = true;
} else if (e.lockFd != -1L) {
if (ff.close(e.lockFd)) {
e.lockFd = -1L;
removed = true;
} else if (e.ex != null) {$("purging entry for failed to allocate writer").$();
removed = true;
return removed;
private void closeWriter(long thread, Entry e, short ev, int reason) {
TableWriter w = e.writer;
if (w != null) {
CharSequence name = e.writer.getName();
e.writer = null;$("closed [table=`").utf8(name).$("`, reason=").$(PoolConstants.closeReasonText(reason)).$(", by=").$(thread).$(']').$();
notifyListener(thread, name, ev);
int countFreeWriters() {
int count = 0;
for (Entry e : entries.values()) {
if (e.owner == UNALLOCATED) {
} else {$("'").utf8(e.writer.getName()).$("' is still busy [owner=").$(e.owner).$(']').$();
return count;
private TableWriter createWriter(CharSequence name, Entry e, long thread) {
try {
checkClosed();$("open [table=`").utf8(name).$("`, thread=").$(thread).$(']').$();
e.writer = new TableWriter(configuration, name, workScheduler, true, e);
return logAndReturn(e, PoolListener.EV_CREATE);
} catch (CairoException ex) {
LOG.error().$("could not open [table=`").utf8(name).$("`, thread=").$(e.owner).$(']').$();
e.ex = ex;
notifyListener(e.owner, name, PoolListener.EV_CREATE_EX);
throw ex;
private boolean lockAndNotify(long thread, Entry e, CharSequence tableName) {
e.lockFd = TableUtils.lock(ff, path);
if (e.lockFd == -1L) {
LOG.error().$("could not lock [table=`").utf8(tableName).$("`, thread=").$(thread).$(']').$();
e.owner = UNALLOCATED;
return false;
}$("locked [table=`").utf8(tableName).$("`, thread=").$(thread).$(']').$();
notifyListener(thread, tableName, PoolListener.EV_LOCK_SUCCESS);
return true;
private TableWriter logAndReturn(Entry e, short event) {$(">> [table=`").utf8(e.writer.getName()).$("`, thread=").$(e.owner).$(']').$();
notifyListener(e.owner, e.writer.getName(), event);
return e.writer;
private boolean returnToPool(Entry e) {
CharSequence name = e.writer.getName();
long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
if (e.owner != UNALLOCATED) {$("<< [table=`").utf8(name).$("`, thread=").$(thread).$(']').$();
if (isClosed()) {$("allowing '").utf8(name).$("' to close [thread=").$(e.owner).$(']').$();
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_OUT_OF_POOL_CLOSE);
return false;
e.owner = UNALLOCATED;
e.lastReleaseTime = configuration.getMicrosecondClock().getTicks();
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_RETURN);
} else {
LOG.error().$("orphaned [table=`").utf8(name).$("`]").$();
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_UNEXPECTED_CLOSE);
return true;
private class Entry implements LifecycleManager {
// owner thread id or -1 if writer is available for hire
private volatile long owner = Thread.currentThread().getId();
private TableWriter writer;
// time writer was last released
private volatile long lastReleaseTime;
private CairoException ex = null;
private volatile long lockFd = -1L;
public Entry(long lastReleaseTime) {
this.lastReleaseTime = lastReleaseTime;
public boolean close() {
return !WriterPool.this.returnToPool(this);
public TableWriter goodby() {
TableWriter w = writer;
if (writer != null) {
writer = null;
return w;