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io.questdb.cutlass.http.HttpHeaderParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.questdb.cutlass.http;
import io.questdb.std.*;
import io.questdb.std.str.DirectByteCharSequence;
public class HttpHeaderParser implements Mutable , Closeable , HttpRequestHeader {
private static final String CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER = "Content-Disposition" ;
private static final String CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER = "Content-Type" ;
private final ObjectPool pool;
private final CharSequenceObjHashMap headers = new CharSequenceObjHashMap<>();
private final CharSequenceObjHashMap urlParams = new CharSequenceObjHashMap<>();
private final long hi;
private final DirectByteCharSequence temp = new DirectByteCharSequence();
private final BoundaryAugmenter boundaryAugmenter = new BoundaryAugmenter();
private long _wptr;
private long headerPtr;
private DirectByteCharSequence method;
private DirectByteCharSequence url;
private DirectByteCharSequence methodLine;
private boolean needMethod;
private long _lo;
private DirectByteCharSequence headerName;
private boolean incomplete;
private DirectByteCharSequence contentType;
private DirectByteCharSequence boundary;
private CharSequence contentDispositionName;
private CharSequence contentDisposition;
private CharSequence contentDispositionFilename;
private boolean m = true ;
private boolean u = true ;
private boolean q = false ;
private DirectByteCharSequence charset;
public HttpHeaderParser (int bufferLen, ObjectPool pool) {
final int sz = Numbers.ceilPow2(bufferLen);
this .headerPtr = Unsafe.malloc(sz);
this ._wptr = headerPtr;
this .hi = this .headerPtr + sz;
this .pool = pool;
private static DirectByteCharSequence unquote (CharSequence key, DirectByteCharSequence that) {
int len = that.length();
if (len == 0 ) {
throw HttpException.instance("missing value [key=" ).put(key).put(']' );
if (that.charAt(0 ) == '"' ) {
if (that.charAt(len - 1 ) == '"' ) {
return that.of(that.getLo() + 1 , that.getHi() - 1 );
} else {
throw HttpException.instance("unclosed quote [key=" ).put(key).put(']' );
} else {
return that;
public final void clear () {
this .needMethod = true ;
this ._wptr = this ._lo = this .headerPtr;
this .incomplete = true ;
this .headers.clear();
this .method = null ;
this .url = null ;
this .headerName = null ;
this .contentType = null ;
this .boundary = null ;
this .contentDisposition = null ;
this .contentDispositionName = null ;
this .contentDispositionFilename = null ;
this .urlParams.clear();
this .m = true ;
this .u = true ;
this .q = false ;
public void close () {
if (this .headerPtr != 0 ) { .headerPtr, this .hi - this .headerPtr);
this .headerPtr = 0 ;
public DirectByteCharSequence getBoundary () {
return boundaryAugmenter.of(boundary);
public DirectByteCharSequence getCharset () {
return charset;
public CharSequence getContentDisposition () {
return contentDisposition;
public CharSequence getContentDispositionFilename () {
return contentDispositionFilename;
public CharSequence getContentDispositionName () {
return contentDispositionName;
public CharSequence getContentType () {
return contentType;
public DirectByteCharSequence getHeader (CharSequence name) {
return headers.get(name);
public ObjList getHeaderNames () {
return headers.keys();
public CharSequence getMethod () {
return method;
public CharSequence getMethodLine () {
return methodLine;
public CharSequence getUrl () {
return url;
public DirectByteCharSequence getUrlParam (CharSequence name) {
return urlParams.get(name);
public boolean isIncomplete () {
return incomplete;
public long parse (long ptr, long hi, boolean _method) {
long p;
if (_method && needMethod) {
int l = parseMethod(ptr, hi);
p = ptr + l;
} else {
p = ptr;
DirectByteCharSequence v;
while (p < hi) {
if (_wptr == this .hi) {
throw HttpException.instance("header is too large" );
char b = (char ) Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(p++);
if (b == '\r' ) {
continue ;
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putByte(_wptr++, (byte ) b);
switch (b) {
case ':' :
if (headerName == null ) {
headerName =, _wptr - 1 );
_lo = _wptr + 1 ;
break ;
case '\n' :
if (headerName == null ) {
incomplete = false ;
return p;
v =, _wptr - 1 );
_lo = _wptr;
headers.put(headerName, v);
headerName = null ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return p;
public int size () {
return headers.size();
private void parseContentDisposition () {
DirectByteCharSequence contentDisposition = getHeader(CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER);
if (contentDisposition == null ) {
return ;
long p = contentDisposition.getLo();
long _lo = p;
long hi = contentDisposition.getHi();
boolean expectFormData = true ;
boolean swallowSpace = true ;
DirectByteCharSequence name = null ;
while (p <= hi) {
char b = (char ) Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(p++);
if (b == ' ' && swallowSpace) {
_lo = p;
continue ;
if (p > hi || b == ';' ) {
if (expectFormData) {
this .contentDisposition =, p - 1 );
_lo = p;
expectFormData = false ;
continue ;
if (name == null ) {
throw HttpException.instance("Malformed " ).put(CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER).put(" header" );
if (Chars.equals("name" , name)) {
this .contentDispositionName = unquote("name" ,, p - 1 ));
swallowSpace = true ;
_lo = p;
name = null ;
continue ;
if (Chars.equals("filename" , name)) {
this .contentDispositionFilename = unquote("filename" ,, p - 1 ));
_lo = p;
name = null ;
continue ;
if (p > hi) {
break ;
} else if (b == '=' ) {
name = name == null ?, p - 1 ) : name.of(_lo, p - 1 );
_lo = p;
swallowSpace = false ;
private void parseContentType () {
DirectByteCharSequence seq = getHeader(CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER);
if (seq == null ) {
return ;
long p = seq.getLo();
long _lo = p;
long hi = seq.getHi();
DirectByteCharSequence name = null ;
boolean contentType = true ;
boolean swallowSpace = true ;
while (p <= hi) {
char b = (char ) Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(p++);
if (b == ' ' && swallowSpace) {
_lo = p;
continue ;
if (p > hi || b == ';' ) {
if (contentType) {
this .contentType =, p - 1 );
_lo = p;
contentType = false ;
continue ;
if (name == null ) {
throw HttpException.instance("Malformed " ).put(CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER).put(" header" );
if (Chars.equals("charset" , name)) {
this .charset =, p - 1 );
name = null ;
_lo = p;
continue ;
if (Chars.equals("boundary" , name)) {
this .boundary =, p - 1 );
_lo = p;
name = null ;
continue ;
if (p > hi) {
break ;
} else if (b == '=' ) {
name = name == null ?, p - 1 ) : name.of(_lo, p - 1 );
_lo = p;
swallowSpace = false ;
private void parseKnownHeaders () {
private int parseMethod (long lo, long hi) {
long p = lo;
while (p < hi) {
if (_wptr == this .hi) {
throw HttpException.instance("url is too long" );
char b = (char ) Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(p++);
if (b == '\r' ) {
continue ;
switch (b) {
case ' ' :
if (m) {
method =, _wptr);
_lo = _wptr + 1 ;
m = false ;
} else if (u) {
url =, _wptr);
u = false ;
_lo = _wptr + 1 ;
} else if (q) {
int o = urlDecode(_lo, _wptr, urlParams);
q = false ;
_lo = _wptr;
_wptr -= o;
break ;
case '?' :
url =, _wptr);
u = false ;
q = true ;
_lo = _wptr + 1 ;
break ;
case '\n' :
if (method == null ) {
throw HttpException.instance("bad method" );
methodLine =, _wptr);
needMethod = false ;
this ._lo = _wptr;
return (int ) (p - lo);
default :
break ;
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putByte(_wptr++, (byte ) b);
return (int ) (p - lo);
private int urlDecode (long lo, long hi, CharSequenceObjHashMap map) {
long _lo = lo;
long rp = lo;
long wp = lo;
int offset = 0 ;
CharSequence name = null ;
while (rp < hi) {
char b = (char ) Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(rp++);
switch (b) {
case '=' :
if (_lo < wp) {
name =, wp);
_lo = rp - offset;
break ;
case '&' :
if (name != null ) {
map.put(name,, wp));
name = null ;
} else if (_lo < wp) {
map.put(, wp), null );
_lo = rp - offset;
break ;
case '+' :
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putByte(wp++, (byte ) ' ' );
continue ;
case '%' :
try {
if (rp + 1 < hi) {
byte bb = (byte ) Numbers.parseHexInt(temp.of(rp, rp += 2 ));
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putByte(wp++, bb);
offset += 2 ;
continue ;
} catch (NumericException ignore) {
throw HttpException.instance("invalid query encoding" );
default :
break ;
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putByte(wp++, (byte ) b);
if (_lo < wp) {
if (name != null ) {
map.put(name,, wp));
} else {
map.put(, wp), null );
return offset;
public static class BoundaryAugmenter implements Closeable {
private static final String BOUNDARY_PREFIX = "\r\n--" ;
private final DirectByteCharSequence export = new DirectByteCharSequence();
private long lo;
private long lim;
private long _wptr;
public BoundaryAugmenter () {
this .lim = 64 ;
this .lo = this ._wptr = Unsafe.malloc(this .lim);
public void close () {
if (lo > 0 ) { .lo, this .lim);
this .lo = 0 ;
public DirectByteCharSequence of (CharSequence value) {
int len = value.length() + BOUNDARY_PREFIX.length();
if (len > lim) {
_wptr = lo + BOUNDARY_PREFIX.length();
return export.of(lo, _wptr);
private void of0 (CharSequence value) {
int len = value.length();
Chars.strcpy(value, len, _wptr);
_wptr += len;
private void resize (int lim) { .lo, this .lim);
this .lim = Numbers.ceilPow2(lim);
this .lo = _wptr = Unsafe.malloc(this .lim);