Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import io.questdb.std.*;
import io.questdb.std.str.CharSink;
import io.questdb.std.str.StdoutSink;
public final class Net {
public static final long MMSGHDR_SIZE;
public static final long MMSGHDR_BUFFER_ADDRESS_OFFSET;
public static final long MMSGHDR_BUFFER_LENGTH_OFFSET;
public static final int EWOULDBLOCK;
public static final int ERETRY = 0;
public static final int EPEERDISCONNECT = -1;
public static final int EOTHERDISCONNECT = -2;
static {
EWOULDBLOCK = getEwouldblock();
if (Os.type == Os.LINUX_AMD64) {
MMSGHDR_SIZE = getMsgHeaderSize();
MMSGHDR_BUFFER_ADDRESS_OFFSET = getMsgHeaderBufferAddressOffset();
MMSGHDR_BUFFER_LENGTH_OFFSET = getMsgHeaderBufferLengthOffset();
} else {
private Net() {
* Aborts blocking accept() call. On Darwin and Windows
* this method simply closes the underlying file descriptor.
* On Linux this method calls shutdown().
* Once accept() exists it is by convention liable for
* closing its own file descriptor.
* @param fd file descriptor
* @return 0 when call was successful and -1 otherwise. In case of
* error errno() would return error code.
public static native int abortAccept(long fd);
public static long accept(long fd) {
long acceptedFd = accept0(fd);
if (acceptedFd != -1L) {
return acceptedFd;
public static void appendIP4(CharSink sink, long ip) {
sink.put((ip >> 24) & 0xff).put('.')
.put((ip >> 16) & 0xff).put('.')
.put((ip >> 8) & 0xff).put('.')
.put(ip & 0xff);
public native static boolean bindTcp(long fd, int ipv4address, int port);
public static boolean bindTcp(long fd, CharSequence ipv4address, int port) {
return bindTcp(fd, parseIPv4(ipv4address), port);
public native static boolean bindUdp(long fd, int ipv4Address, int port);
public static int close(long fd) {
return Files.close(fd);
public native static int configureNoLinger(long fd);
public static native int configureNonBlocking(long fd);
public native static long connect(long fd, long sockaddr);
public static void dump(long buffer, int len) {
if (len > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Numbers.appendHex(StdoutSink.INSTANCE, Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(buffer + i) & 0xff);
public static native void freeMsgHeaders(long msgHeaders);
public native static void freeSockAddr(long sockaddr);
public static long getMMsgBuf(long msgPtr) {
return Unsafe.getUnsafe().getLong(Unsafe.getUnsafe().getLong(msgPtr + MMSGHDR_BUFFER_ADDRESS_OFFSET));
public static int getMMsgBufLen(long msgPtr) {
return Unsafe.getUnsafe().getInt(msgPtr + MMSGHDR_BUFFER_LENGTH_OFFSET);
public native static int getPeerIP(long fd);
public native static int getPeerPort(long fd);
public native static int getRcvBuf(long fd);
public native static int getSndBuf(long fd);
public native static int getTcpNoDelay(long fd);
public static native boolean isDead(long fd);
public static boolean join(long fd, CharSequence bindIPv4Address, CharSequence groupIPv4Address) {
return join(fd, parseIPv4(bindIPv4Address), parseIPv4(groupIPv4Address));
public native static boolean join(long fd, int bindIPv4Address, int groupIPv4Address);
public native static void listen(long fd, int backlog);
public static native long msgHeaders(int blockSize, int count);
public static int parseIPv4(CharSequence ipv4Address) {
int ip = 0;
int count = 0;
int lo = 0;
int hi;
try {
while ((hi = Chars.indexOf(ipv4Address, lo, '.')) > -1) {
int n = Numbers.parseInt(ipv4Address, lo, hi);
ip = (ip << 8) | n;
lo = hi + 1;
if (count != 3) {
throw NetworkError.instance(0, "invalid address [").put(ipv4Address);
return (ip << 8) | Numbers.parseInt(ipv4Address, lo, ipv4Address.length());
} catch (NumericException e) {
throw NetworkError.instance(0, "invalid address [").put(ipv4Address);
public static native int recv(long fd, long ptr, int len);
public static native int recvmmsg(long fd, long msgvec, int vlen);
public static native int send(long fd, long ptr, int len);
public native static int sendTo(long fd, long ptr, int len, long sockaddr);
public native static int setMulticastInterface(long fd, int ipv4address);
public native static int setMulticastLoop(long fd, boolean loop);
public native static int setRcvBuf(long fd, int size);
public native static int setReuseAddress(long fd);
public native static int setReusePort(long fd);
public native static int setSndBuf(long fd, int size);
public native static int setTcpNoDelay(long fd, boolean noDelay);
public static long sockaddr(CharSequence ipv4address, int port) {
return sockaddr(parseIPv4(ipv4address), port);
public native static long sockaddr(int ipv4address, int port);
public static long socketTcp(boolean blocking) {
final long fd = socketTcp0(blocking);
if (fd != -1L) {
return fd;
public static long socketUdp() {
long fd = socketUdp0();
if (fd != -1L) {
return fd;
private native static long accept0(long fd);
private native static long socketTcp0(boolean blocking);
private native static long socketUdp0();
private static native long getMsgHeaderSize();
private static native long getMsgHeaderBufferAddressOffset();
private static native long getMsgHeaderBufferLengthOffset();
private native static int getEwouldblock();
public native static int setMulticastTtl(long fd, int ttl);