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* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import io.questdb.cairo.CairoException;
import io.questdb.cairo.ColumnType;
import io.questdb.cairo.ColumnTypes;
import io.questdb.cairo.RecordSink;
import io.questdb.cairo.TableUtils;
import io.questdb.cairo.VirtualMemory;
import io.questdb.cairo.sql.Record;
import io.questdb.cairo.sql.RecordCursor;
import io.questdb.griffin.engine.LimitOverflowException;
import io.questdb.std.BinarySequence;
import io.questdb.std.Long256;
import io.questdb.std.Misc;
import io.questdb.std.Numbers;
* Storage structure to support queries such as "select distinct ...",
* group by queries and analytic functions. It can be thought of as a
* hash map with composite keys and values. Composite key is allowed
* to contain any number of fields of any type. In practice key will
* be a record of columns, including both of variable-length (string and binary)
* and of fixed-length types. Composite values can be any combination of
* fixed-length types only.
* QMap constructor requires ColumnTypes instances for both key and values
* to determine optimal storage structure. Both keys and values are stored
* in individually sized memory cells. Types written to these cells are not
* yet validated. User must make sure correct types are written to correct cells.
* Failing to do so will lead to memory corruption. But lets not dwell on that.
* Map memory structure looks like this:
* union cell {
* byte b;
* short s;
* int i;
* long l;
* float f;
* double d;
* BOOL bool;
* } cell;
* *
* struct string {
* int size;
* char[] chars;
* } string;
* struct bin {
* long size;
* byte[] bytes;
* } bin;
* union entry_var {
* string s;
* bin b;
* }
* struct entry {
* byte flag;
* long size;
* cell[] cells;
* entry_var[] var;
* }
* QMap uses open addressing to keep track of entry offsets. Key hash
* code determines bucket. Entries in the same bucket are stored
* as mono-directional linked list. In this list the reference part
* is a one-byte distance from parent to the next list entry. The
* value of this byte is an index in fixed jump distance table. QMap
* also provides and maintains guarantee that each hash code root
* entry will be stored in bucket, which can be computed directly from
* this hash code.
public class CompactMap implements Map {
public static final byte BITS_DIRECT_HIT = (byte) 0b10000000;
public static final byte BITS_DISTANCE = 0b01111111;
public static final int jumpDistancesLen = 126;
static final int ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE = 9;
private static final long[] jumpDistances =
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105, 120, 136, 153, 171, 190, 210, 231,
253, 276, 300, 325, 351, 378, 406, 435, 465, 496, 528, 561, 595, 630,
666, 703, 741, 780, 820, 861, 903, 946, 990, 1035, 1081, 1128, 1176,
1225, 1275, 1326, 1378, 1431, 1485, 1540, 1596, 1653, 1711, 1770, 1830,
1891, 1953, 2016, 2080, 2145, 2211, 2278, 2346, 2415, 2485, 2556,
3741, 8385, 18915, 42486, 95703, 215496, 485605, 1091503, 2456436,
5529475, 12437578, 27986421, 62972253, 141700195, 318819126, 717314626,
1614000520, 3631437253L, 8170829695L, 18384318876L, 41364501751L, 93070021080L, 209407709220L,
471167588430L, 1060127437995L, 2385287281530L, 5366895564381L, 12075513791265L, 27169907873235L,
61132301007778L, 137547673121001L, 309482258302503L, 696335090510256L, 1566753939653640L,
3525196427195653L, 7931691866727775L, 17846306747368716L, 40154190394120111L, 90346928493040500L,
203280588949935750L, 457381324898247375L, 1029107980662394500L, 2315492957028380766L,
private static final HashFunction DEFAULT_HASH = VirtualMemory::hash;
private final VirtualMemory entries;
private final VirtualMemory entrySlots;
private final Key key = new Key();
private final CompactMapValue value;
private final double loadFactor;
private final long entryFixedSize;
private final HashFunction hashFunction;
private final CompactMapCursor cursor;
private final long[] columnOffsets;
private final long entryKeyOffset;
private final int valueColumnCount;
private final CompactMapRecord record;
private long currentEntryOffset;
private long currentEntrySize = 0;
private long keyCapacity;
private long mask;
private long size;
private int nResizes;
private final int maxResizes;
public CompactMap(int pageSize, ColumnTypes keyTypes, ColumnTypes valueTypes, long keyCapacity, double loadFactor, int maxResizes) {
this(pageSize, keyTypes, valueTypes, keyCapacity, loadFactor, DEFAULT_HASH, maxResizes);
CompactMap(int pageSize, ColumnTypes keyTypes, ColumnTypes valueTypes, long keyCapacity, double loadFactor, HashFunction hashFunction, int maxResizes) {
this.entries = new VirtualMemory(pageSize);
this.entrySlots = new VirtualMemory(pageSize);
try {
this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
this.columnOffsets = new long[keyTypes.getColumnCount() + valueTypes.getColumnCount()];
this.valueColumnCount = valueTypes.getColumnCount();
this.entryFixedSize = calcColumnOffsets(keyTypes, calcColumnOffsets(valueTypes, ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE, 0), this.valueColumnCount);
this.entryKeyOffset = columnOffsets[valueColumnCount];
this.keyCapacity = Math.max(keyCapacity, 16);
this.hashFunction = hashFunction;
this.value = new CompactMapValue(entries, columnOffsets);
this.record = new CompactMapRecord(entries, columnOffsets, value);
this.cursor = new CompactMapCursor(record);
nResizes = 0;
this.maxResizes = maxResizes;
} catch (CairoException e) {;;
throw e;
public void clear() {
entrySlots.jumpTo((mask + 1) * 8);;
currentEntryOffset = 0;
currentEntrySize = 0;
size = 0;
public void close() {
public RecordCursor getCursor() {
cursor.of(currentEntryOffset + currentEntrySize);
return cursor;
public MapRecord getRecord() {
return record;
public long size() {
return size;
public MapValue valueAt(long address) {
value.of(address, false);
return value;
public MapKey withKey() {
currentEntryOffset = currentEntryOffset + currentEntrySize;
entries.jumpTo(currentEntryOffset + columnOffsets[valueColumnCount]);
// each entry cell is 8-byte value, which either holds cell value
// or reference, relative to entry start, where value is kept in size-prefixed format
// Variable size key cells are stored right behind entry.
// Value (as in key-Value pair) is stored first. It is always fixed length and when
// it is out of the way we can calculate key hash on contiguous memory.
// entry actual size always starts with sum of fixed size columns we have
// and may grow when we add variable key values.
currentEntrySize = entryFixedSize;
return key;
public long getKeyCapacity() {
return keyCapacity;
public int getValueColumnCount() {
return valueColumnCount;
private long calcColumnOffsets(ColumnTypes valueTypes, long startOffset, int startPosition) {
long o = startOffset;
for (int i = 0, n = valueTypes.getColumnCount(); i < n; i++) {
int sz;
switch (valueTypes.getColumnType(i)) {
case ColumnType.BOOLEAN:
case ColumnType.BYTE:
sz = 1;
case ColumnType.DOUBLE:
case ColumnType.LONG:
case ColumnType.DATE:
case ColumnType.TIMESTAMP:
case ColumnType.STRING:
case ColumnType.BINARY:
sz = 8;
case ColumnType.FLOAT:
case ColumnType.INT:
sz = 4;
case ColumnType.SHORT:
case ColumnType.CHAR:
sz = 2;
case ColumnType.LONG256:
sz = Long256.BYTES;
throw CairoException.instance(0).put("Unsupported column type: ").put(ColumnType.nameOf(valueTypes.getColumnType(i)));
columnOffsets[startPosition + i] = o;
o += sz;
return o;
private void configureCapacity() {
this.mask = Numbers.ceilPow2((long) (keyCapacity / loadFactor)) - 1;
entrySlots.jumpTo((mask + 1) * 8);;
long getActualCapacity() {
return mask + 1;
long getAppendOffset() {
return currentEntryOffset + currentEntrySize;
public interface HashFunction {
long hash(VirtualMemory mem, long offset, long size);
public class Key implements MapKey {
public CompactMapValue createValue() {
long slot = calculateEntrySlot(currentEntryOffset, currentEntrySize);
long offset = getOffsetAt(slot);
if (offset == -1) {
// great, slot is empty, create new entry as direct hit
return putNewEntryAt(slot, BITS_DIRECT_HIT);
// check if this was a direct hit
final byte flag = entries.getByte(offset);
if ((flag & BITS_DIRECT_HIT) == 0) {
// this is not a direct hit slot, reshuffle entries to free this slot up
// then create new entry here with direct hit flag
// we don't have to compare keys, because this isn't our hash code
// steps to take
// 1. find parent of this rogue entry: compute hash code on key, find direct hit entry and
// descend until we find the sucker just above this one. We need this in order to change
// distance byte to keep structure consistent
// 2. Find empty slot from parent
// 3. Move current entry there
// 4. For next entry - current will be parent
// 5. Find empty slot from new parent
// 6. Move entry there
// 7. etc
// as we shuffle these things we have to be careful not to use
// entry we originally set out to free
if (moveForeignEntries(slot, offset)) {
return putNewEntryAt(slot, BITS_DIRECT_HIT);
return createValue();
// this is direct hit, scroll down all keys with same hashcode
// and exit this loop as soon as equality operator scores
// in simple terms check key equality on this key
if (cmp(offset)) {
return found(offset);
return appendEntry(offset, slot, flag);
public CompactMapValue findValue() {
long slot = calculateEntrySlot(currentEntryOffset, currentEntrySize);
long offset = getOffsetAt(slot);
if (offset == -1) {
return null;
} else {
// check if this was a direct hit
byte flag = entries.getByte(offset);
if ((flag & BITS_DIRECT_HIT) == 0) {
// not a direct hit? not our value
return null;
} else {
// this is direct hit, scroll down all keys with same hashcode
// and exit this loop as soon as equality operator scores
// in simple terms check key equality on this key
if (cmp(offset)) {
return found(offset);
} else {
// then go down the list until either list ends or we find value
int distance = flag & BITS_DISTANCE;
while (distance > 0) {
slot = nextSlot(slot, distance);
offset = getOffsetAt(slot);
// this offset cannot be 0 when data structure is consistent
assert offset != 0;
if (cmp(offset)) {
return found(offset);
distance = entries.getByte(offset) & BITS_DISTANCE;
// reached the end of the list, nothing found
return null;
public void put(Record record, RecordSink sink) {
sink.copy(record, key);
public void putBin(BinarySequence value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
long o = entries.getAppendOffset();
entries.jumpTo(currentEntryOffset + currentEntrySize);
currentEntrySize += 8 + value.length();
public void putBool(boolean value) {
public void putByte(byte value) {
public void putDate(long value) {
public void putDouble(double value) {
public void putFloat(float value) {
public void putInt(int value) {
public void putLong(long value) {
public void putLong256(Long256 value) {
public void putShort(short value) {
public void putChar(char value) {
public void putStr(CharSequence value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
// offset of string value relative to record start
int len = value.length();
entries.putStr(currentEntryOffset + currentEntrySize, value, 0, len);
currentEntrySize += len * 2 + 4;
public void putStr(CharSequence value, int lo, int hi) {
// offset of string value relative to record start
int len = hi - lo;
entries.putStr(currentEntryOffset + currentEntrySize, value, lo, len);
currentEntrySize += len * 2 + 4;
public void putTimestamp(long value) {
private CompactMapValue appendEntry(long offset, long slot, byte flag) {
int distance = flag & BITS_DISTANCE;
long original = offset;
while (distance > 0) {
slot = nextSlot(slot, distance);
offset = getOffsetAt(slot);
// this offset cannot be 0 when data structure is consistent
assert offset != 0;
distance = entries.getByte(offset) & BITS_DISTANCE;
if (cmp(offset)) {
return found(offset);
// create entry at "nextOffset"
distance = findFreeSlot(slot);
// we must have space here because to get to this place
// we must have checked available capacity
// anyway there is a test that ensures that going
// down the chain will not hit problems.
assert distance != 0;
slot = nextSlot(slot, distance);
// update distance on last entry in linked list
if (original == offset) {
distance = distance | BITS_DIRECT_HIT;
entries.putByte(offset, (byte) distance);
// add new entry
return putNewEntryAt(slot, (byte) 0);
private long calculateEntrySlot(long offset, long size) {
return hashFunction.hash(entries, offset + entryKeyOffset, size - entryKeyOffset) & mask;
private boolean cmp(long offset) {
return cmp(currentEntryOffset + entryKeyOffset, offset + entryKeyOffset, currentEntrySize - entryKeyOffset);
private boolean cmp(long offset1, long offset2, long size) {
final long lim = size - size % 8L;
for (long i = 0; i < lim; i += 8L) {
if (entries.getLong(offset1 + i) != entries.getLong(offset2 + i)) {
return false;
for (long i = lim; i < size; i++) {
if (entries.getByte(offset1 + i) != entries.getByte(offset2 + i)) {
return false;
return true;
// technically we should always have free slots when load factory is less than 1 (which we enforce)
// however, sometimes these free slots cannot be reached via jump table. This is purely because
// jump table is limited. When this occurs the caller has to handle 0 distance by re-hashing
// of all entries and retrying new entry creation.
private int findFreeSlot(long slot) {
for (int i = 1; i < jumpDistancesLen; i++) {
if (entrySlots.getLong(nextSlot(slot, i) * 8) == 0) {
return i;
return 0;
* Finds parent of given entry. Entry in question is represented by two attributes: offset and targetSlot
* @param offset offset of entry data
* @param targetSlot slot of entry
* @return parent slot - offset in entrySlots
private long findParentSlot(long offset, long targetSlot) {
long parentSlot = calculateEntrySlot(offset, getEntrySize(offset));
do {
final int distance = entries.getByte(getOffsetAt(parentSlot)) & BITS_DISTANCE;
assert distance != 0;
final long nextSlot = nextSlot(parentSlot, distance);
if (nextSlot == targetSlot) {
return parentSlot;
parentSlot = nextSlot;
} while (true);
private CompactMapValue found(long offset) {
// found key
// values offset will be
value.of(offset, false);
// undo this key append
currentEntrySize = 0;
return value;
private long getEntrySize(long offset) {
return entries.getLong(offset + 1);
private long getOffsetAt(long slot) {
return entrySlots.getLong(slot * 8) - 1;
private void grow() {
if (nResizes < maxResizes) {
// resize offsets virtual memory
long appendPosition = entries.getAppendOffset();
try {
keyCapacity = keyCapacity * 2;
long target = size;
long offset = 0L;
while (target > 0) {
final long entrySize = getEntrySize(offset);
rehashEntry(offset, entrySize);
offset += entrySize;
} finally {
} else {
throw LimitOverflowException.instance().put("limit of ").put(maxResizes).put(" resizes exceeded in CompactMap");
private boolean moveForeignEntries(final long slot, final long offset) {
// find parent slot for our direct hit
long parentSlot = findParentSlot(offset, slot);
// find entry for the parent slot, we will be updating distance here
long parentOffset = getOffsetAt(parentSlot);
long currentSlot = slot;
long currentOffset = offset;
while (true) {
// find where "current" slot is going to
int dist = findFreeSlot(parentSlot);
if (dist == 0) {
// we are out of space; let parent method know that we have to grow slots and retry
return false;
// update parent entry with its new location
if ((entries.getByte(parentOffset) & BITS_DIRECT_HIT) == 0) {
entries.putByte(parentOffset, (byte) dist);
} else {
entries.putByte(parentOffset, (byte) (dist | BITS_DIRECT_HIT));
// update slot with current offset
final long nextSlot = nextSlot(parentSlot, dist);
setOffsetAt(nextSlot, currentOffset);
// check if the current entry has child
dist = entries.getByte(currentOffset) & BITS_DISTANCE;
if (currentSlot != slot) {
setOffsetAt(currentSlot, -1);
if (dist == 0) {
// done
// parent of next entry will be current entry
parentSlot = nextSlot;
parentOffset = currentOffset;
currentSlot = nextSlot(currentSlot, dist);
currentOffset = getOffsetAt(currentSlot);
return true;
private long nextSlot(long slot, int distance) {
return (slot + jumpDistances[distance]) & mask;
private void putEntryAt(long entryOffset, long slot, byte flag) {
setOffsetAt(slot, entryOffset);
entries.putByte(entryOffset, flag);
private CompactMapValue putNewEntryAt(long slot, byte flag) {
// entry size is now known
// values are always fixed size and already accounted for
// so go ahead and finalize
entries.putByte(currentEntryOffset, flag);
entries.putLong(currentEntryOffset + 1, currentEntrySize); // size
entries.jumpTo(currentEntryOffset + ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE);
if (++size == keyCapacity) {
// reached capacity?
// no need to populate slot, grow() will do the job for us
} else {
setOffsetAt(slot, currentEntryOffset);
// this would be offset of entry values
value.of(currentEntryOffset, true);
return value;
private void rehashEntry(long entryOffset, long currentEntrySize) {
long slot = calculateEntrySlot(entryOffset, currentEntrySize);
long offset = getOffsetAt(slot);
if (offset == -1) {
// great, slot is empty, create new entry as direct hit
putEntryAt(entryOffset, slot, BITS_DIRECT_HIT);
} else {
// check if this was a direct hit
final byte flag = entries.getByte(offset);
if ((flag & BITS_DIRECT_HIT) == 0) {
moveForeignEntries(slot, offset);
putEntryAt(entryOffset, slot, BITS_DIRECT_HIT);
} else {
// Our entries are now guaranteed to be unique. In case of direct hit we simply append
// entry to end of list.
int distance = flag & BITS_DISTANCE;
long original = offset;
while (distance > 0) {
slot = nextSlot(slot, distance);
distance = entries.getByte(offset = getOffsetAt(slot)) & BITS_DISTANCE;
// create entry at "nextOffset"
distance = findFreeSlot(slot);
assert distance != 0;
slot = nextSlot(slot, distance);
// update distance on last entry in linked list
if (original == offset) {
entries.putByte(offset, (byte) (distance | BITS_DIRECT_HIT));
} else {
entries.putByte(offset, (byte) distance);
// add new entry
putEntryAt(entryOffset, slot, (byte) 0);
private void setOffsetAt(long slot, long offset) {
entrySlots.putLong(slot * 8, offset + 1);