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io.questdb.griffin.model.QueryModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 *    \__\_\\__,_|\___||___/\__|____/|____/
 *  Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
 *  Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package io.questdb.griffin.model;

import io.questdb.cairo.sql.Function;
import io.questdb.std.*;
import io.questdb.std.str.CharSink;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;

import static io.questdb.griffin.SqlKeywords.isAndKeyword;

public class QueryModel implements Mutable, ExecutionModel, AliasTranslator, Sinkable {
    public static final QueryModelFactory FACTORY = new QueryModelFactory();
    public static final int ORDER_DIRECTION_ASCENDING = 0;
    public static final int ORDER_DIRECTION_DESCENDING = 1;
    public static final String NO_ROWID_MARKER = "*!*";
    public static final int JOIN_INNER = 1;
    public static final int JOIN_OUTER = 2;
    public static final int JOIN_CROSS = 3;
    public static final int JOIN_ASOF = 4;
    public static final int JOIN_SPLICE = 5;
    public static final int JOIN_LT = 6;
    public static final String SUB_QUERY_ALIAS_PREFIX = "_xQdbA";
    public static final int SELECT_MODEL_NONE = 0;
    public static final int SELECT_MODEL_CHOOSE = 1;
    public static final int SELECT_MODEL_VIRTUAL = 2;
    public static final int SELECT_MODEL_ANALYTIC = 3;
    public static final int SELECT_MODEL_GROUP_BY = 4;
    public static final int SELECT_MODEL_DISTINCT = 5;
    public static final int UNION_MODEL_ALL = 0;
    public static final int UNION_MODEL_DISTINCT = 1;
    private static final ObjList modelTypeName = new ObjList<>();
    private final ObjList bottomUpColumns = new ObjList<>();
    private final CharSequenceHashSet topDownNameSet = new CharSequenceHashSet();
    private final ObjList topDownColumns = new ObjList<>();
    private final CharSequenceObjHashMap aliasToColumnNameMap = new CharSequenceObjHashMap<>();
    private final CharSequenceObjHashMap columnNameToAliasMap = new CharSequenceObjHashMap<>();
    private final CharSequenceObjHashMap aliasToColumnMap = new CharSequenceObjHashMap<>();
    private final ObjList bottomUpColumnNames = new ObjList<>();
    private final ObjList joinModels = new ObjList<>();
    private final ObjList orderBy = new ObjList<>();
    private final IntList orderByDirection = new IntList();
    private final IntHashSet dependencies = new IntHashSet();
    private final IntList orderedJoinModels1 = new IntList();
    private final IntList orderedJoinModels2 = new IntList();
    private final CharSequenceIntHashMap aliasIndexes = new CharSequenceIntHashMap();
    private final ObjList expressionModels = new ObjList<>();
    // collect frequency of column names from each join model
    // and check if any of columns with frequency > 0 are selected
    // column name frequency of 1 corresponds to map value 0
    // column name frequency of 0 corresponds to map value -1
    // list of "and" concatenated expressions
    private final ObjList parsedWhere = new ObjList<>();
    private final IntHashSet parsedWhereConsts = new IntHashSet();
    private final ArrayDeque sqlNodeStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
    private final CharSequenceIntHashMap orderHash = new CharSequenceIntHashMap(4, 0.5, -1);
    private final ObjList joinColumns = new ObjList<>(4);
    private final CharSequenceObjHashMap withClauses = new CharSequenceObjHashMap<>();
    private final ObjList sampleByFill = new ObjList<>();
    private final ObjList latestBy = new ObjList<>();
    private final ObjList orderByAdvice = new ObjList<>();
    private final IntList orderByDirectionAdvice = new IntList();
    private ExpressionNode whereClause;
    private ExpressionNode postJoinWhereClause;
    private ExpressionNode constWhereClause;
    private QueryModel nestedModel;
    private ExpressionNode tableName;
    private long tableVersion;
    private Function tableNameFunction;
    private ExpressionNode alias;
    private ExpressionNode timestamp;
    private ExpressionNode sampleBy;
    private JoinContext context;
    private ExpressionNode joinCriteria;
    private int joinType;
    private int joinKeywordPosition;
    private IntList orderedJoinModels = orderedJoinModels2;
    private ExpressionNode limitLo;
    private ExpressionNode limitHi;
    private int selectModelType = SELECT_MODEL_NONE;
    private boolean nestedModelIsSubQuery = false;
    private boolean distinct = false;
    private QueryModel unionModel;
    private int unionModelType;
    private int modelPosition = 0;
    private int orderByAdviceMnemonic;

    private QueryModel() {

    public boolean addAliasIndex(ExpressionNode node, int index) {
        return aliasIndexes.put(node.token, index);

    public void addBottomUpColumn(QueryColumn column) {

    public void addDependency(int index) {

    public void addExpressionModel(ExpressionNode node) {
        assert node.queryModel != null;

    public void addField(QueryColumn column) {
        final CharSequence alias = column.getAlias();
        final ExpressionNode ast = column.getAst();
        assert alias != null;
        aliasToColumnNameMap.put(alias, ast.token);
        columnNameToAliasMap.put(ast.token, alias);
        aliasToColumnMap.put(alias, column);

    public void addJoinColumn(ExpressionNode node) {

    public void addJoinModel(QueryModel model) {

    public void addLatestBy(ExpressionNode latestBy) {

    public void addOrderBy(ExpressionNode node, int direction) {

    public void addParsedWhereNode(ExpressionNode node) {

    public void addSampleByFill(ExpressionNode sampleByFill) {

    public void addTopDownColumn(QueryColumn column, CharSequence alias) {
        if (topDownNameSet.add(alias)) {

    public void addWithClause(CharSequence name, WithClauseModel model) {
        withClauses.put(name, model);

    public void clear() {
        whereClause = null;
        constWhereClause = null;
        nestedModel = null;
        tableName = null;
        alias = null;
        joinCriteria = null;
        joinType = JOIN_INNER;
        joinKeywordPosition = 0;
        postJoinWhereClause = null;
        context = null;
        orderedJoinModels = orderedJoinModels2;
        limitHi = null;
        limitLo = null;
        timestamp = null;
        selectModelType = SELECT_MODEL_NONE;
        tableNameFunction = null;
        tableVersion = -1;
        distinct = false;
        nestedModelIsSubQuery = false;
        unionModel = null;
        modelPosition = 0;

    public void clearColumnMapStructs() {

    public void clearOrderBy() {

    public void clearSampleBy() {
        sampleBy = null;

    public void copyColumnsFrom(QueryModel other) {
        ObjList columnNames = other.bottomUpColumnNames;
        for (int i = 0, n = columnNames.size(); i < n; i++) {
            final CharSequence name = columnNames.getQuick(i);
            this.aliasToColumnNameMap.put(name, name);

    public void copyOrderByAdvice(ObjList orderByAdvice) {

    public void copyOrderByDirectionAdvice(IntList orderByDirection) {

    public ExpressionNode getAlias() {
        return alias;

    public void setAlias(ExpressionNode alias) {
        this.alias = alias;

    public int getAliasIndex(CharSequence column, int start, int end) {
        int index = aliasIndexes.keyIndex(column, start, end);
        if (index < 0) {
            return aliasIndexes.valueAt(index);
        return -1;

    public CharSequenceObjHashMap getAliasToColumnMap() {
        return aliasToColumnMap;

    public CharSequenceObjHashMap getAliasToColumnNameMap() {
        return aliasToColumnNameMap;

    public ObjList getBottomUpColumnNames() {
        return bottomUpColumnNames;

    public CharSequenceObjHashMap getColumnNameToAliasMap() {
        return columnNameToAliasMap;

    public ObjList getBottomUpColumns() {
        return bottomUpColumns;

    public ExpressionNode getConstWhereClause() {
        return constWhereClause;

    public void setConstWhereClause(ExpressionNode constWhereClause) {
        this.constWhereClause = constWhereClause;

    public JoinContext getContext() {
        return context;

    public void setContext(JoinContext context) {
        this.context = context;

    public IntHashSet getDependencies() {
        return dependencies;

    public ObjList getExpressionModels() {
        return expressionModels;

    public ObjList getJoinColumns() {
        return joinColumns;

    public ExpressionNode getJoinCriteria() {
        return joinCriteria;

    public void setJoinCriteria(ExpressionNode joinCriteria) {
        this.joinCriteria = joinCriteria;

    public int getJoinKeywordPosition() {
        return joinKeywordPosition;

    public void setJoinKeywordPosition(int position) {
        this.joinKeywordPosition = position;

    public ObjList getJoinModels() {
        return joinModels;

    public int getJoinType() {
        return joinType;

    public void setJoinType(int joinType) {
        this.joinType = joinType;

    public ObjList getLatestBy() {
        return latestBy;

    public ExpressionNode getLimitHi() {
        return limitHi;

    public ExpressionNode getLimitLo() {
        return limitLo;

    public int getModelPosition() {
        return modelPosition;

    public void setModelPosition(int modelPosition) {
        this.modelPosition = modelPosition;

    public int getModelType() {
        return ExecutionModel.QUERY;

    public CharSequence getName() {
        if (alias != null) {
            return alias.token;

        if (tableName != null) {
            return tableName.token;

        return null;

    public QueryModel getNestedModel() {
        return nestedModel;

    public void setNestedModel(QueryModel nestedModel) {
        this.nestedModel = nestedModel;

    public ObjList getOrderBy() {
        return orderBy;

    public ObjList getOrderByAdvice() {
        return orderByAdvice;

    public int getOrderByAdviceMnemonic() {
        return orderByAdviceMnemonic;

    public void setOrderByAdviceMnemonic(int orderByAdviceMnemonic) {
        this.orderByAdviceMnemonic = orderByAdviceMnemonic;

    public IntList getOrderByDirection() {
        return orderByDirection;

    public IntList getOrderByDirectionAdvice() {
        return orderByDirectionAdvice;

    public CharSequenceIntHashMap getOrderHash() {
        return orderHash;

    public IntList getOrderedJoinModels() {
        return orderedJoinModels;

    public void setOrderedJoinModels(IntList that) {
        assert that == orderedJoinModels1 || that == orderedJoinModels2;
        this.orderedJoinModels = that;

    public ObjList getParsedWhere() {
        return parsedWhere;

    public ExpressionNode getPostJoinWhereClause() {
        return postJoinWhereClause;

    public void setPostJoinWhereClause(ExpressionNode postJoinWhereClause) {
        this.postJoinWhereClause = postJoinWhereClause;

    public ExpressionNode getSampleBy() {
        return sampleBy;

    public void setSampleBy(ExpressionNode sampleBy) {
        this.sampleBy = sampleBy;

    public ObjList getSampleByFill() {
        return sampleByFill;

    public int getSelectModelType() {
        return selectModelType;

    public void setSelectModelType(int selectModelType) {
        this.selectModelType = selectModelType;

    public ExpressionNode getTableName() {
        return tableName;

    public void setTableName(ExpressionNode tableName) {
        this.tableName = tableName;

    public Function getTableNameFunction() {
        return tableNameFunction;

    public void setTableNameFunction(Function function) {
        this.tableNameFunction = function;

    public long getTableVersion() {
        return tableVersion;

    public void setTableVersion(long tableVersion) {
        this.tableVersion = tableVersion;

    public ExpressionNode getTimestamp() {
        return timestamp;

    public void setTimestamp(ExpressionNode timestamp) {
        this.timestamp = timestamp;

    public ObjList getTopDownColumns() {
        return topDownColumns;

    public ObjList getColumns() {
        return topDownColumns.size() > 0 ? topDownColumns : bottomUpColumns;

    public QueryModel getUnionModel() {
        return unionModel;

    public void setUnionModel(QueryModel unionModel) {
        this.unionModel = unionModel;

    public int getUnionModelType() {
        return unionModelType;

    public void setUnionModelType(int unionModelType) {
        this.unionModelType = unionModelType;

    public ExpressionNode getWhereClause() {
        return whereClause;

    public void setWhereClause(ExpressionNode whereClause) {
        this.whereClause = whereClause;

    public WithClauseModel getWithClause(CharSequence name) {
        return withClauses.get(name);

    public boolean isDistinct() {
        return distinct;

    public void setDistinct(boolean distinct) {
        this.distinct = distinct;

    public boolean isNestedModelIsSubQuery() {
        return nestedModelIsSubQuery;

    public void setNestedModelIsSubQuery(boolean nestedModelIsSubQuery) {
        this.nestedModelIsSubQuery = nestedModelIsSubQuery;

    public boolean isTopDownNameMissing(CharSequence columnName) {
        return topDownNameSet.excludes(columnName);

    public void moveLimitFrom(QueryModel baseModel) {
        this.limitLo = baseModel.getLimitLo();
        this.limitHi = baseModel.getLimitHi();
        baseModel.setLimit(null, null);

    public void moveSampleByFrom(QueryModel model) {
        this.sampleBy = model.sampleBy;

        // clear the source

     * Optimiser may be attempting to order join clauses several times.
     * Every time ordering takes place optimiser will keep at most two lists:
     * one is last known order the other is new order. If new order cost is better
     * optimiser will replace last known order with new one.

* To facilitate this behaviour the function will always return non-current list. * * @return non current order list. */ public IntList nextOrderedJoinModels() { IntList ordered = orderedJoinModels == orderedJoinModels1 ? orderedJoinModels2 : orderedJoinModels1; ordered.clear(); return ordered; } /* * Splits "where" clauses into "and" chunks */ public ObjList parseWhereClause() { ExpressionNode n = getWhereClause(); // pre-order traversal sqlNodeStack.clear(); while (!sqlNodeStack.isEmpty() || n != null) { if (n != null) { if (isAndKeyword(n.token)) { if (n.rhs != null) { sqlNodeStack.push(n.rhs); } n = n.lhs; } else { addParsedWhereNode(n); n = null; } } else { n = sqlNodeStack.poll(); } } return getParsedWhere(); } public void removeDependency(int index) { dependencies.remove(index); } public void replaceJoinModel(int pos, QueryModel model) { joinModels.setQuick(pos, model); } public void setLimit(ExpressionNode lo, ExpressionNode hi) { this.limitLo = lo; this.limitHi = hi; } @Override public void toSink(CharSink sink) { toSink0(sink, false); } @Override public CharSequence translateAlias(CharSequence column) { return aliasToColumnNameMap.get(column); } private static void aliasToSink(CharSequence alias, CharSink sink) { sink.put(' '); boolean quote = Chars.indexOf(alias, ' ') != -1; if (quote) { sink.put('\'').put(alias).put('\''); } else { sink.put(alias); } } private String getSelectModelTypeText() { return modelTypeName.get(selectModelType); } private void sinkColumns(CharSink sink, ObjList columns) { for (int i = 0, n = columns.size(); i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) { sink.put(", "); } QueryColumn column = columns.getQuick(i); CharSequence name = column.getName(); CharSequence alias = column.getAlias(); ExpressionNode ast = column.getAst(); if (column instanceof AnalyticColumn || name == null) { ast.toSink(sink); if (alias != null) { aliasToSink(alias, sink); } // this can only be analytic column if (name != null) { AnalyticColumn ac = (AnalyticColumn) column; sink.put(" over ("); final ObjList partitionBy = ac.getPartitionBy(); if (partitionBy.size() > 0) { sink.put("partition by "); for (int k = 0, z = partitionBy.size(); k < z; k++) { if (k > 0) { sink.put(", "); } partitionBy.getQuick(k).toSink(sink); } } final ObjList orderBy = ac.getOrderBy(); if (orderBy.size() > 0) { if (partitionBy.size() > 0) { sink.put(' '); } sink.put("order by "); for (int k = 0, z = orderBy.size(); k < z; k++) { if (k > 0) { sink.put(", "); } orderBy.getQuick(k).toSink(sink); if (ac.getOrderByDirection().getQuick(k) == 1) { sink.put(" desc"); } } } sink.put(')'); } } else { ast.toSink(sink); // do not repeat alias when it is the same as AST token, provided AST is a literal if (alias != null && (ast.type != ExpressionNode.LITERAL || !ast.token.equals(alias))) { aliasToSink(alias, sink); } } } } private void toSink0(CharSink sink, boolean joinSlave) { final boolean hasColumns = this.topDownColumns.size() > 0 || this.bottomUpColumns.size() > 0; if (hasColumns) { sink.put(getSelectModelTypeText()); if (this.topDownColumns.size() > 0) { sink.put(' '); sink.put('['); sinkColumns(sink, this.topDownColumns); sink.put(']'); } if (this.bottomUpColumns.size() > 0) { sink.put(' '); sinkColumns(sink, this.bottomUpColumns); } sink.put(" from "); } if (tableName != null) { tableName.toSink(sink); } else { sink.put('('); nestedModel.toSink(sink); sink.put(')'); } if (alias != null) { aliasToSink(alias.token, sink); } if (timestamp != null) { sink.put(" timestamp ("); timestamp.toSink(sink); sink.put(')'); } if (getLatestBy().size() > 0) { sink.put(" latest by "); for (int i = 0, n = getLatestBy().size(); i < n; i++) { getLatestBy().getQuick(i).toSink(sink); } } if (orderedJoinModels.size() > 1) { for (int i = 0, n = orderedJoinModels.size(); i < n; i++) { QueryModel model = joinModels.getQuick(orderedJoinModels.getQuick(i)); if (model != this) { switch (model.getJoinType()) { case JOIN_OUTER: sink.put(" outer join "); break; case JOIN_ASOF: sink.put(" asof join "); break; case JOIN_SPLICE: sink.put(" splice join "); break; case JOIN_CROSS: sink.put(" cross join "); break; case JOIN_LT: sink.put(" lt join "); break; default: sink.put(" join "); break; } if (model.getWhereClause() != null) { sink.put('('); model.toSink0(sink, true); sink.put(')'); if (model.getAlias() != null) { aliasToSink(model.getAlias().token, sink); } else if (model.getTableName() != null) { aliasToSink(model.getTableName().token, sink); } } else { model.toSink0(sink, true); } JoinContext jc = model.getContext(); if (jc != null && jc.aIndexes.size() > 0) { // join clause sink.put(" on "); for (int k = 0, z = jc.aIndexes.size(); k < z; k++) { if (k > 0) { sink.put(" and "); } jc.aNodes.getQuick(k).toSink(sink); sink.put(" = "); jc.bNodes.getQuick(k).toSink(sink); } } if (model.getPostJoinWhereClause() != null) { sink.put(" post-join-where "); model.getPostJoinWhereClause().toSink(sink); } } } } if (whereClause != null) { sink.put(" where "); whereClause.toSink(sink); } if (constWhereClause != null) { sink.put(" const-where "); constWhereClause.toSink(sink); } if (!joinSlave && postJoinWhereClause != null) { sink.put(" post-join-where "); postJoinWhereClause.toSink(sink); } if (sampleBy != null) { sink.put(" sample by "); sampleBy.toSink(sink); final int fillCount = sampleByFill.size(); if (fillCount > 0) { sink.put(" fill("); sink.put(sampleByFill.getQuick(0)); if (fillCount > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < fillCount; i++) { sink.put(','); sink.put(sampleByFill.getQuick(i)); } } sink.put(')'); } } if (orderHash.size() > 0 && orderBy.size() > 0) { sink.put(" order by "); ObjList columnNames = orderHash.keys(); for (int i = 0, n = columnNames.size(); i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) { sink.put(", "); } CharSequence key = columnNames.getQuick(i); sink.put(key); if (orderHash.get(key) == 1) { sink.put(" desc"); } } } if (getLimitLo() != null || getLimitHi() != null) { sink.put(" limit "); if (getLimitLo() != null) { getLimitLo().toSink(sink); } if (getLimitHi() != null) { sink.put(','); getLimitHi().toSink(sink); } } if (unionModel != null) { sink.put(" union "); if (unionModelType == QueryModel.UNION_MODEL_ALL) { sink.put("all "); } unionModel.toSink0(sink, false); } } public static final class QueryModelFactory implements ObjectFactory { @Override public QueryModel newInstance() { return new QueryModel(); } } static { modelTypeName.extendAndSet(SELECT_MODEL_NONE, "select"); modelTypeName.extendAndSet(SELECT_MODEL_CHOOSE, "select-choose"); modelTypeName.extendAndSet(SELECT_MODEL_VIRTUAL, "select-virtual"); modelTypeName.extendAndSet(SELECT_MODEL_ANALYTIC, "select-analytic"); modelTypeName.extendAndSet(SELECT_MODEL_GROUP_BY, "select-group-by"); modelTypeName.extendAndSet(SELECT_MODEL_DISTINCT, "select-distinct"); } }

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