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* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.questdb.cairo;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.Mappable;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.MappedReadOnlyMemory;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.SinglePageMappedReadOnlyPageMemory;
import io.questdb.std.*;
import io.questdb.std.datetime.microtime.Timestamps;
import io.questdb.std.str.Path;
import static io.questdb.cairo.TableUtils.*;
public class TxReader implements Closeable {
protected static final int PARTITION_TS_OFFSET = 0;
protected static final int PARTITION_SIZE_OFFSET = 1;
protected static final int PARTITION_NAME_TX_OFFSET = 2;
protected static final int PARTITION_DATA_TX_OFFSET = 3;
protected final FilesFacade ff;
protected final int rootLen;
protected final LongList attachedPartitions = new LongList();
private final Timestamps.TimestampFloorMethod timestampFloorMethod;
protected Path path;
protected long minTimestamp;
protected long maxTimestamp;
protected long txn;
protected int symbolsCount;
protected long dataVersion;
protected long structureVersion;
protected long fixedRowCount;
protected long transientRowCount;
protected int partitionBy;
protected long partitionTableVersion;
protected int attachedPartitionsSize = 0;
private MappedReadOnlyMemory roTxMem;
public TxReader(FilesFacade ff, Path path, int partitionBy) {
this.ff = ff;
this.path = new Path(path.length() + 10);
this.rootLen = path.length();
try {
roTxMem = (MappedReadOnlyMemory) openTxnFile(this.ff, this.path, rootLen);
this.timestampFloorMethod = partitionBy != PartitionBy.NONE ? getPartitionFloor(partitionBy) : null;
this.partitionBy = partitionBy;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw e;
public boolean attachedPartitionsContains(long ts) {
return findAttachedPartitionIndex(ts) > -1;
public void close() {
roTxMem =;
path =;
public long getDataVersion() {
return dataVersion;
public long getFixedRowCount() {
return fixedRowCount;
public long getMaxTimestamp() {
return maxTimestamp;
public long getMinTimestamp() {
return minTimestamp;
public int getPartitionCount() {
return attachedPartitions.size() / LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION;
public long getPartitionDataTxn(int i) {
return getPartitionDataTxnByIndex(i * LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION);
public long getPartitionDataTxnByIndex(int index) {
return attachedPartitions.getQuick(index + PARTITION_DATA_TX_OFFSET);
public long getPartitionNameTxn(int i) {
return getPartitionNameTxnByIndex(i * LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION);
public long getPartitionNameTxnByIndex(int index) {
return attachedPartitions.getQuick(index + PARTITION_NAME_TX_OFFSET);
public long getPartitionNameTxnByPartitionTimestamp(long ts) {
final int index = findAttachedPartitionIndex(ts);
if (index > -1) {
return attachedPartitions.getQuick(index + PARTITION_NAME_TX_OFFSET);
return -1;
public long getPartitionSize(int i) {
return getPartitionSizeByIndex(i * LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION);
public long getPartitionSizeByIndex(int index) {
return attachedPartitions.getQuick(index + PARTITION_SIZE_OFFSET);
public long getPartitionSizeByPartitionTimestamp(long ts) {
final int index = findAttachedPartitionIndex(ts);
if (index > -1) {
return attachedPartitions.getQuick(index + PARTITION_SIZE_OFFSET);
return -1;
public long getPartitionTableVersion() {
return partitionTableVersion;
public long getPartitionTimestamp(int i) {
return attachedPartitions.getQuick(i * LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION + PARTITION_TS_OFFSET);
public long getRowCount() {
return transientRowCount + fixedRowCount;
public long getStructureVersion() {
return structureVersion;
public long getTransientRowCount() {
return transientRowCount;
public long getTxEofOffset() {
return getTxMemSize(symbolsCount, attachedPartitions.size());
public long getTxn() {
return txn;
public long readFixedRowCount() {
return roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_FIXED_ROW_COUNT);
public int readSymbolCount(int symbolIndex) {
return roTxMem.getInt(getSymbolWriterIndexOffset(symbolIndex));
public void readSymbolCounts(IntList symbolCountSnapshot) {
int symbolMapCount = roTxMem.getInt(TableUtils.TX_OFFSET_MAP_WRITER_COUNT);
if (symbolMapCount > 0) {
// No need to call grow here, file mapped beyond symbol section already
// while reading attached partitions
for (int i = 0; i < symbolMapCount; i++) {
public int readSymbolWriterIndexOffset(int i) {
return roTxMem.getInt(getSymbolWriterIndexOffset(i));
public long readTxn() {
return roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_TXN);
public long readTxnCheck() {
return roTxMem.getLong(TableUtils.TX_OFFSET_TXN_CHECK);
public void readUnchecked() {
this.txn = roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_TXN);
this.transientRowCount = roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_TRANSIENT_ROW_COUNT);
this.fixedRowCount = roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_FIXED_ROW_COUNT);
this.minTimestamp = roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_MIN_TIMESTAMP);
this.maxTimestamp = roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_MAX_TIMESTAMP);
this.dataVersion = roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_DATA_VERSION);
this.structureVersion = roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_STRUCT_VERSION);
final long prevSymbolCount = this.symbolsCount;
this.symbolsCount = roTxMem.getInt(TX_OFFSET_MAP_WRITER_COUNT);
if (prevSymbolCount != symbolsCount) {
final long prevPartitionTableVersion = this.partitionTableVersion;
this.partitionTableVersion = roTxMem.getLong(TableUtils.TX_OFFSET_PARTITION_TABLE_VERSION);
public int readWriterCount() {
return roTxMem.getInt(TX_OFFSET_MAP_WRITER_COUNT);
private void copyAttachedPartitionsFromTx(int txAttachedPartitionsSize, int max) {
roTxMem.grow(getPartitionTableIndexOffset(symbolsCount, txAttachedPartitionsSize));
for (int i = max; i < txAttachedPartitionsSize; i++) {
attachedPartitions.setQuick(i, roTxMem.getLong(getPartitionTableIndexOffset(symbolsCount, i)));
attachedPartitionsSize = txAttachedPartitionsSize;
protected int findAttachedPartitionIndex(long ts) {
return findAttachedPartitionIndexByLoTimestamp(getPartitionTimestampLo(ts));
int findAttachedPartitionIndexByLoTimestamp(long ts) {
// Start from the end, usually it will be last partition searched / appended
int hi = attachedPartitions.size() - LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION;
if (hi > -1) {
long last = attachedPartitions.getQuick(hi);
if (last < ts) {
if (last == ts) {
return hi;
return attachedPartitions.binarySearchBlock(0, attachedPartitions.size(), LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION_MSB, ts);
int getLastPartitionIndex() {
return attachedPartitions.size() - LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION;
long getPartitionTimestampLo(long timestamp) {
return timestampFloorMethod != null && timestamp != Numbers.LONG_NaN ? timestampFloorMethod.floor(timestamp) : Long.MIN_VALUE;
protected void initPartitionAt(int index, long partitionTimestampLo, long partitionSize) {
attachedPartitions.setQuick(index + PARTITION_TS_OFFSET, partitionTimestampLo);
attachedPartitions.setQuick(index + PARTITION_SIZE_OFFSET, partitionSize);
attachedPartitions.setQuick(index + PARTITION_NAME_TX_OFFSET, -1);
attachedPartitions.setQuick(index + PARTITION_DATA_TX_OFFSET, txn);
private void loadAttachedPartitions(long prevPartitionTableVersion) {
if (partitionBy != PartitionBy.NONE) {
int txAttachedPartitionsSize = roTxMem.getInt(getPartitionTableSizeOffset(symbolsCount)) / Long.BYTES;
if (txAttachedPartitionsSize > 0) {
if (prevPartitionTableVersion != partitionTableVersion) {
copyAttachedPartitionsFromTx(txAttachedPartitionsSize, 0);
} else {
if (attachedPartitionsSize < txAttachedPartitionsSize) {
copyAttachedPartitionsFromTx(txAttachedPartitionsSize, Math.max(attachedPartitionsSize - LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION, 0));
attachedPartitions.setQuick(txAttachedPartitionsSize - LONGS_PER_TX_ATTACHED_PARTITION + PARTITION_SIZE_OFFSET, transientRowCount);
} else {
attachedPartitionsSize = 0;
} else {
// Add transient row count as the only partition in attached partitions list
initPartitionAt(0, Long.MIN_VALUE, transientRowCount);
protected Mappable openTxnFile(FilesFacade ff, Path path, int rootLen) {
try {
if (this.ff.exists(this.path.concat(TXN_FILE_NAME).$())) {
return new SinglePageMappedReadOnlyPageMemory(ff, path, ff.length(path));
throw CairoException.instance(ff.errno()).put("Cannot append. File does not exist: ").put(this.path);
} finally {
void readRowCounts() {
this.transientRowCount = roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_TRANSIENT_ROW_COUNT);
this.fixedRowCount = roTxMem.getLong(TX_OFFSET_FIXED_ROW_COUNT);