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* ___ _ ____ ____
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* | | | | | | |/ _ \/ __| __| | | | _ \
* | |_| | |_| | __/\__ \ |_| |_| | |_) |
* \__\_\\__,_|\___||___/\__|____/|____/
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.questdb.cairo.pool;
import io.questdb.cairo.CairoConfiguration;
import io.questdb.cairo.CairoException;
import io.questdb.cairo.EntryUnavailableException;
import io.questdb.cairo.TableReader;
import io.questdb.cairo.pool.ex.EntryLockedException;
import io.questdb.cairo.pool.ex.PoolClosedException;
import io.questdb.log.Log;
import io.questdb.log.LogFactory;
import io.questdb.std.ConcurrentHashMap;
import io.questdb.std.Unsafe;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
public class ReaderPool extends AbstractPool implements ResourcePool {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ReaderPool.class);
private static final long UNLOCKED = -1L;
private static final long NEXT_STATUS = Unsafe.getFieldOffset(Entry.class, "nextStatus");
private static final int ENTRY_SIZE = 32;
private static final long LOCK_OWNER = Unsafe.getFieldOffset(Entry.class, "lockOwner");
private static final int NEXT_OPEN = 0;
private static final int NEXT_ALLOCATED = 1;
private static final int NEXT_LOCKED = 2;
private final ConcurrentHashMap entries = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final int maxSegments;
private final int maxEntries;
public ReaderPool(CairoConfiguration configuration) {
super(configuration, configuration.getInactiveReaderTTL());
this.maxSegments = configuration.getReaderPoolMaxSegments();
this.maxEntries = maxSegments * ENTRY_SIZE;
public TableReader get(CharSequence name) {
Entry e = getEntry(name);
long lockOwner = e.lockOwner;
long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
if (lockOwner != UNLOCKED) {$('\'').utf8(name).$("' is locked [owner=").$(lockOwner).$(']').$();
throw EntryLockedException.INSTANCE;
do {
for (int i = 0; i < ENTRY_SIZE; i++) {
if (Unsafe.cas(e.allocations, i, UNALLOCATED, thread)) {
// got lock, allocate if needed
R r = e.readers[i];
if (r == null) {
try {
.$("open '").utf8(name)
.$("' [at=").$(e.index).$(':').$(i)
r = new R(this, e, i, name);
} catch (CairoException ex) {
Unsafe.arrayPutOrdered(e.allocations, i, UNALLOCATED);
throw ex;
e.readers[i] = r;
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_CREATE, e.index, i);
} else {
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_GET, e.index, i);
if (isClosed()) {
e.readers[i] = null;
r.goodby();$('\'').utf8(name).$("' born free").$();
return r;
LOG.debug().$('\'').utf8(name).$("' is assigned [at=").$(e.index).$(':').$(i).$(", thread=").$(thread).$(']').$();
return r;
LOG.debug().$("Thread ").$(thread).$(" is moving to entry ").$(e.index + 1).$();
// all allocated, create next entry if possible
if (Unsafe.getUnsafe().compareAndSwapInt(e, NEXT_STATUS, NEXT_OPEN, NEXT_ALLOCATED)) {
LOG.debug().$("Thread ").$(thread).$(" allocated entry ").$(e.index + 1).$(); = new Entry(e.index + 1, clock.getTicks());
e =;
} while (e != null && e.index < maxSegments);
// max entries exceeded
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_FULL, -1, -1);$("could not get, busy [table=`").utf8(name).$("`, thread=").$(thread).$(", retries=").$(this.maxSegments).$(']').$();
throw EntryUnavailableException.INSTANCE;
public int getBusyCount() {
int count = 0;
for (Map.Entry me : entries.entrySet()) {
Entry e = me.getValue();
do {
for (int i = 0; i < ENTRY_SIZE; i++) {
if (Unsafe.arrayGetVolatile(e.allocations, i) != UNALLOCATED && e.readers[i] != null) {
e =;
} while (e != null);
return count;
public int getMaxEntries() {
return maxEntries;
public boolean lock(CharSequence name) {
Entry e = getEntry(name);
final long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
if (Unsafe.cas(e, LOCK_OWNER, UNLOCKED, thread) || Unsafe.cas(e, LOCK_OWNER, thread, thread)) {
do {
for (int i = 0; i < ENTRY_SIZE; i++) {
if (Unsafe.cas(e.allocations, i, UNALLOCATED, thread)) {
closeReader(thread, e, i, PoolListener.EV_LOCK_CLOSE, PoolConstants.CR_NAME_LOCK);
} else if (Unsafe.cas(e.allocations, i, thread, thread)) {
// same thread, don't need to order reads
if (e.readers[i] != null) {
// this thread has busy reader, it should close first
e.lockOwner = -1L;
return false;
} else {$("could not lock, busy [table=`").utf8(name).$("`, at=").$(e.index).$(':').$(i).$(", owner=").$(e.allocations[i]).$(", thread=").$(thread).$(']').$();
e.lockOwner = -1L;
return false;
// prevent new entries from being created
if ( == null && Unsafe.getUnsafe().compareAndSwapInt(e, NEXT_STATUS, NEXT_OPEN, NEXT_LOCKED)) {
e =;
} while (e != null);
} else {
LOG.error().$("' already locked [table=`").utf8(name).$("`, owner=").$(e.lockOwner).$(']').$();
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_LOCK_BUSY, -1, -1);
return false;
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_LOCK_SUCCESS, -1, -1);
LOG.debug().$("locked [table=`").utf8(name).$("`, thread=").$(thread).$(']').$();
return true;
public void unlock(CharSequence name) {
Entry e = entries.get(name);
long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
if (e == null) {$("not found, cannot unlock [table=`").$(name).$("`]").$();
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_NOT_LOCKED, -1, -1);
if (e.lockOwner == thread) {
while (e != null) {
e =;
} else {
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_NOT_LOCK_OWNER);
throw CairoException.instance(0).put("Not the lock owner of ").put(name);
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_UNLOCKED, -1, -1);
LOG.debug().$("unlocked [table=`").utf8(name).$("`]").$();
private void checkClosed() {
if (isClosed()) {$("is closed").$();
throw PoolClosedException.INSTANCE;
protected void closePool() {
protected boolean releaseAll(long deadline) {
long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
boolean removed = false;
int casFailures = 0;
int closeReason = deadline < Long.MAX_VALUE ? PoolConstants.CR_IDLE : PoolConstants.CR_POOL_CLOSE;
for (Map.Entry me : entries.entrySet()) {
Entry e = me.getValue();
do {
for (int i = 0; i < ENTRY_SIZE; i++) {
R r;
if (deadline > Unsafe.arrayGetVolatile(e.releaseTimes, i) && (r = e.readers[i]) != null) {
if (Unsafe.cas(e.allocations, i, UNALLOCATED, thread)) {
// check if deadline violation still holds
if (deadline > e.releaseTimes[i]) {
removed = true;
closeReader(thread, e, i, PoolListener.EV_EXPIRE, closeReason);
Unsafe.arrayPutOrdered(e.allocations, i, UNALLOCATED);
} else {
if (deadline == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
r.goodby();$("shutting down. '").$(r.getTableName()).$("' is left behind").$();
// this does not release the next
e =;
} while (e != null);
// when we are timing out entries the result is "true" if there was any work done
// when we closing pool, the result is true when pool is empty
if (closeReason == PoolConstants.CR_IDLE) {
return removed;
} else {
return casFailures == 0;
private void closeReader(long thread, Entry entry, int index, short ev, int reason) {
R r = entry.readers[index];
if (r != null) {
r.close();$("closed '").$(r.getTableName()).$("' [at=").$(entry.index).$(':').$(index).$(", reason=").$(PoolConstants.closeReasonText(reason)).$(']').$();
notifyListener(thread, r.getTableName(), ev, entry.index, index);
entry.readers[index] = null;
private Entry getEntry(CharSequence name) {
Entry e = entries.get(name);
if (e == null) {
e = new Entry(0, clock.getTicks());
Entry other = entries.putIfAbsent(name, e);
if (other != null) {
e = other;
return e;
private void notifyListener(long thread, CharSequence name, short event, int segment, int position) {
PoolListener listener = getPoolListener();
if (listener != null) {
listener.onEvent(PoolListener.SRC_READER, thread, name, event, (short) segment, (short) position);
private boolean returnToPool(R reader) {
CharSequence name = reader.getTableName();
long thread = Thread.currentThread().getId();
int index = reader.index;
final ReaderPool.Entry e = reader.entry;
if (e == null) {
return false;
if (Unsafe.arrayGetVolatile(e.allocations, index) != UNALLOCATED) {
LOG.debug().$('\'').$(name).$("' is back [at=").$(e.index).$(':').$(index).$(", thread=").$(thread).$(']').$();
notifyListener(thread, name, PoolListener.EV_RETURN, reader.entry.index, index);
e.releaseTimes[index] = clock.getTicks();
Unsafe.arrayPutOrdered(e.allocations, index, UNALLOCATED);
// todo: there is a race condition between this method and
// releaseAll() when the latter shuts down the pool. I thought of adding a version counter
// that each method will attempt to increment thus recognising race condition and
// taking action
return true;
LOG.error().$('\'').$(name).$("' is available [at=").$(e.index).$(':').$(index).$(']').$();
return true;
public static class Entry {
final long[] allocations = new long[ENTRY_SIZE];
final long[] releaseTimes = new long[ENTRY_SIZE];
final R[] readers = new R[ENTRY_SIZE];
final int index;
volatile long lockOwner = -1L;
int nextStatus = 0;
volatile Entry next;
public Entry(int index, long currentMicros) {
this.index = index;
Arrays.fill(allocations, UNALLOCATED);
Arrays.fill(releaseTimes, currentMicros);
public static class R extends TableReader {
private final int index;
private ReaderPool pool;
private Entry entry;
public R(ReaderPool pool, Entry entry, int index, CharSequence name) {
super(pool.getConfiguration(), name);
this.pool = pool;
this.entry = entry;
this.index = index;
public void close() {
if (isOpen()) {
if (pool != null && entry != null && pool.returnToPool(this)) {
private void goodby() {
entry = null;
pool = null;