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io.questdb.cairo.TableReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 8.2.1
Show newest version
 *     ___                  _   ____  ____
 *    / _ \ _   _  ___  ___| |_|  _ \| __ )
 *   | | | | | | |/ _ \/ __| __| | | |  _ \
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 *    \__\_\\__,_|\___||___/\__|____/|____/
 *  Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
 *  Copyright (c) 2019-2024 QuestDB
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package io.questdb.cairo;

import io.questdb.MessageBus;
import io.questdb.cairo.sql.StaticSymbolTable;
import io.questdb.cairo.sql.SymbolTableSource;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.NullMemoryCMR;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.Vm;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.api.MemoryCMR;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.api.MemoryCR;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.api.MemoryMR;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.api.MemoryR;
import io.questdb.log.Log;
import io.questdb.log.LogFactory;
import io.questdb.std.*;
import io.questdb.std.datetime.millitime.MillisecondClock;
import io.questdb.std.str.Path;
import io.questdb.std.str.Utf16Sink;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly;


import static io.questdb.cairo.TableUtils.TXN_FILE_NAME;

public class TableReader implements Closeable, SymbolTableSource {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TableReader.class);
    private static final int PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_COLUMN_VERSION = 3;
    private static final int PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_NAME_TXN = 2;
    private static final int PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE = 1;
    private static final int PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE = 4;
    private static final int PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE_MSB = Numbers.msb(PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE);
    private final MillisecondClock clock;
    private final ColumnVersionReader columnVersionReader;
    private final CairoConfiguration configuration;
    private final int dbRootSize;
    private final FilesFacade ff;
    private final int maxOpenPartitions;
    private final MessageBus messageBus;
    private final TableReaderMetadata metadata;
    private final LongList openPartitionInfo;
    private final int partitionBy;
    private final PartitionOverwriteControl partitionOverwriteControl;
    private final Path path;
    private final int rootLen;
    private final ObjList symbolMapReaders = new ObjList<>();
    private final MemoryMR todoMem = Vm.getCMRInstance();
    private final TxReader txFile;
    private final TxnScoreboard txnScoreboard;
    private ObjList bitmapIndexes;
    private int columnCount;
    private int columnCountShl;
    private LongList columnTops;
    private ObjList columns;
    private int openPartitionCount;
    private int partitionCount;
    private long rowCount;
    private TableToken tableToken;
    private long tempMem8b = Unsafe.malloc(8, MemoryTag.NATIVE_TABLE_READER);
    private long txColumnVersion;
    private long txPartitionVersion;
    private long txTruncateVersion;
    private long txn = TableUtils.INITIAL_TXN;
    private boolean txnAcquired = false;

    public TableReader(CairoConfiguration configuration, TableToken tableToken) {
        this(configuration, tableToken, null, null);

    public TableReader(
            CairoConfiguration configuration,
            TableToken tableToken,
            @Nullable MessageBus messageBus,
            @Nullable PartitionOverwriteControl partitionOverwriteControl
    ) {
        this.configuration = configuration;
        this.clock = configuration.getMillisecondClock();
        this.maxOpenPartitions = configuration.getInactiveReaderMaxOpenPartitions();
        this.ff = configuration.getFilesFacade();
        this.tableToken = tableToken;
        this.messageBus = messageBus;
        try {
            this.path = new Path();
            this.dbRootSize = this.path.size();
            this.rootLen = path.size();

            metadata = openMetaFile();
            partitionBy = metadata.getPartitionBy();
            columnVersionReader = new ColumnVersionReader().ofRO(ff, path.trimTo(rootLen).concat(TableUtils.COLUMN_VERSION_FILE_NAME).$());
            txnScoreboard = new TxnScoreboard(ff, configuration.getTxnScoreboardEntryCount()).ofRW(path.trimTo(rootLen));
                    .$("open [id=").$(metadata.getTableId())
                    .$(", table=").utf8(this.tableToken.getTableName())
                    .$(", dirName=").utf8(this.tableToken.getDirName())
            txFile = new TxReader(ff).ofRO(path.trimTo(rootLen).concat(TXN_FILE_NAME).$(), partitionBy);
            txPartitionVersion = txFile.getPartitionTableVersion();
            txColumnVersion = txFile.getColumnVersion();
            txTruncateVersion = txFile.getTruncateVersion();
            columnCount = metadata.getColumnCount();
            columnCountShl = getColumnBits(columnCount);
            partitionCount = txFile.getPartitionCount();

            int capacity = getColumnBase(partitionCount);
            columns = new ObjList<>(capacity + 2);
            columns.setPos(capacity + 2);
            columns.setQuick(0, NullMemoryCMR.INSTANCE);
            columns.setQuick(1, NullMemoryCMR.INSTANCE);
            bitmapIndexes = new ObjList<>(capacity + 2);
            bitmapIndexes.setPos(capacity + 2);

            openPartitionInfo = new LongList(partitionCount * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE);
            openPartitionInfo.setPos(partitionCount * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE);
            for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++) {
                // ts, number of rows, txn, column version for each partition
                // it is compared to attachedPartitions within the txn file to determine if a partition needs to be reloaded or not
                int baseOffset = i * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
                long partitionTimestamp = txFile.getPartitionTimestampByIndex(i);
                openPartitionInfo.setQuick(baseOffset, partitionTimestamp);
                openPartitionInfo.setQuick(baseOffset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE, -1L); // -1L means it is not open
                openPartitionInfo.setQuick(baseOffset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_NAME_TXN, txFile.getPartitionNameTxn(i));
                // -2 means it is not open, -1 is reserved as a valid not-found result of columnVersionReader.getMaxPartitionVersion()
                openPartitionInfo.setQuick(baseOffset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_COLUMN_VERSION, -2);
            columnTops = new LongList(capacity / 2);
            columnTops.setPos(capacity / 2);

            this.partitionOverwriteControl = partitionOverwriteControl;
            if (partitionOverwriteControl != null) {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw e;

    public static int getPrimaryColumnIndex(int base, int index) {
        return 2 + base + index * 2;

    public int calculateOpenPartitionCount() {
        int openPartitionCount = 0;
        for (int partitionIndex = partitionCount - 1; partitionIndex > -1; partitionIndex--) {
            final int offset = partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
            long partitionSize = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE);
            if (partitionSize > -1L) {
        return openPartitionCount;

    public void close() {
        if (isOpen()) {
            LOG.debug().$("closed '").utf8(tableToken.getTableName()).$('\'').$();

    public void dumpRawTxPartitionInfo(LongList container) {

    public long floorToPartitionTimestamp(long timestamp) {
        return txFile.getPartitionTimestampByTimestamp(timestamp);

    public BitmapIndexReader getBitmapIndexReader(int partitionIndex, int columnIndex, int direction) {
        int columnBase = getColumnBase(partitionIndex);
        return getBitmapIndexReader(partitionIndex, columnBase, columnIndex, direction);

    public BitmapIndexReader getBitmapIndexReader(int partitionIndex, int columnBase, int columnIndex, int direction) {
        final int index = getPrimaryColumnIndex(columnBase, columnIndex);
        final long partitionTimestamp = txFile.getPartitionTimestampByIndex(partitionIndex);
        final long columnNameTxn = columnVersionReader.getColumnNameTxn(partitionTimestamp, metadata.getWriterIndex(columnIndex));
        final long partitionTxn = txFile.getPartitionNameTxn(partitionIndex);

        BitmapIndexReader reader = bitmapIndexes.getQuick(direction == BitmapIndexReader.DIR_BACKWARD ? index : index + 1);
        if (reader != null) {
            // make sure to reload the reader
            final String columnName = metadata.getColumnName(columnIndex);
            final long columnTop = getColumnTop(columnBase, columnIndex);
            Path path = pathGenPartitioned(partitionIndex);
            try {
                reader.of(configuration, path, columnName, columnNameTxn, columnTop);
            } finally {
            return reader;
        return createBitmapIndexReaderAt(index, columnBase, columnIndex, columnNameTxn, direction, partitionTxn);

    public MemoryCR getColumn(int absoluteIndex) {
        return columns.getQuick(absoluteIndex);

    public int getColumnBase(int partitionIndex) {
        return partitionIndex << columnCountShl;

    public int getColumnCount() {
        return columnCount;

    public long getColumnTop(int base, int columnIndex) {
        return columnTops.getQuick(base / 2 + columnIndex);

    public ColumnVersionReader getColumnVersionReader() {
        return columnVersionReader;

    public long getDataVersion() {
        return this.txFile.getDataVersion();

    public long getMaxTimestamp() {
        return txFile.getMaxTimestamp();

    public int getMaxUncommittedRows() {
        return metadata.getMaxUncommittedRows();

    public TableReaderMetadata getMetadata() {
        return metadata;

    public long getMetadataVersion() {
        return txFile.getMetadataVersion();

    public long getMinTimestamp() {
        return txFile.getMinTimestamp();

    public long getO3MaxLag() {
        return metadata.getO3MaxLag();

    public int getOpenPartitionCount() {
        return openPartitionCount;

    public int getPartitionCount() {
        return partitionCount;

    public int getPartitionIndex(int columnBase) {
        return columnBase >>> columnCountShl;

    public int getPartitionIndexByTimestamp(long timestamp) {
        int end = openPartitionInfo.binarySearchBlock(PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE_MSB, timestamp, BinarySearch.SCAN_UP);
        if (end < 0) {
            // This will return -1 if searched timestamp is before the first partition
            // The caller should handle negative return values
            return (-end - 2) / PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
        return end / PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;

    public long getPartitionRowCount(int partitionIndex) {
        return openPartitionInfo.getQuick(partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE);

    public long getPartitionTimestampByIndex(int partitionIndex) {
        return txFile.getPartitionTimestampByIndex(partitionIndex);

    public int getPartitionedBy() {
        return metadata.getPartitionBy();

    public SymbolMapReader getSymbolMapReader(int columnIndex) {
        return symbolMapReaders.getQuick(columnIndex);

    public StaticSymbolTable getSymbolTable(int columnIndex) {
        return getSymbolMapReader(columnIndex);

    public TableToken getTableToken() {
        return tableToken;

    public long getTransientRowCount() {
        return txFile.getTransientRowCount();

    public TxReader getTxFile() {
        return txFile;

    public long getTxn() {
        return txn;

    public long getTxnMetadataVersion() {
        return txFile.getMetadataVersion();

    public TxnScoreboard getTxnScoreboard() {
        return txnScoreboard;

    public void goActive() {
        if (partitionOverwriteControl != null) {

    public void goPassive() {
        if (!isActive()) {
        if (partitionOverwriteControl != null) {
            // Mark partitions as unused before releasing txn in scoreboard
            // to avoid false positives in partition overwrite control
        if (releaseTxn() && PartitionBy.isPartitioned(partitionBy)) {
            // check if reader unlocks a transaction in scoreboard
            // to house keep the partition versions
        // close all but N latest partitions
        if (PartitionBy.isPartitioned(partitionBy) && openPartitionCount > maxOpenPartitions) {
            final int originallyOpen = openPartitionCount;
            int openCount = 0;
            for (int partitionIndex = partitionCount - 1; partitionIndex > -1; partitionIndex--) {
                final int offset = partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
                long partitionSize = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE);
                if (partitionSize > -1L && ++openCount > maxOpenPartitions) {
                    if (openCount == originallyOpen) {
                        // ok, we've closed enough

    public boolean isActive() {
        return txnAcquired;

    public boolean isColumnCached(int columnIndex) {
        return symbolMapReaders.getQuick(columnIndex).isCached();

    public boolean isOpen() {
        return tempMem8b != 0L;

    public StaticSymbolTable newSymbolTable(int columnIndex) {
        return getSymbolMapReader(columnIndex).newSymbolTableView();

     * Opens given partition for reading.
     * @param partitionIndex partition index
     * @return partition size in rows
     * @throws io.questdb.cairo.DataUnavailableException when the queried partition is in cold storage
    public long openPartition(int partitionIndex) {
        final long size = getPartitionRowCount(partitionIndex);
        if (size != -1L) {
            return size;
        return openPartition0(partitionIndex);

    public void reconcileOpenPartitionsFrom(int partitionIndex, boolean forceTruncate) {
        int txPartitionCount = txFile.getPartitionCount();
        int txPartitionIndex = partitionIndex;
        boolean changed = false;

        while (partitionIndex < partitionCount && txPartitionIndex < txPartitionCount) {
            final int offset = partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
            final long txPartTs = txFile.getPartitionTimestampByIndex(txPartitionIndex);
            final long openPartitionTimestamp = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset);

            if (openPartitionTimestamp < txPartTs) {
                // Deleted partitions
                // This will decrement partitionCount
            } else if (openPartitionTimestamp > txPartTs) {
                // Insert partition
                insertPartition(partitionIndex, txPartTs);
                changed = true;
            } else {
                // Refresh partition
                final long newPartitionSize = txFile.getPartitionSize(txPartitionIndex);
                final long txPartitionNameTxn = txFile.getPartitionNameTxn(partitionIndex);
                final long openPartitionSize = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE);
                final long openPartitionNameTxn = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_NAME_TXN);
                final long openPartitionColumnVersion = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_COLUMN_VERSION);

                if (!forceTruncate) {
                    if (openPartitionNameTxn == txPartitionNameTxn && openPartitionColumnVersion == columnVersionReader.getMaxPartitionVersion(txPartTs)) {
                        // We used to skip reloading partition size if the row count is the same and name txn is the same
                        // But in case of dedup the row count can be same but the data can be overwritten by splitting and squashing the partition back
                        // This is ok for fixed size columns but var length columns have to be re-mapped to the bigger / smaller sizes
                        if (openPartitionSize > -1L) {
                            if (reloadPartitionFiles(partitionIndex, newPartitionSize, txPartitionNameTxn)) {
                                openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE, newPartitionSize);
                                LOG.debug().$("updated partition size [partition=").$(openPartitionTimestamp).I$();
                            } else {
                    } else {
                    changed = true;
                } else if (openPartitionSize > -1L && newPartitionSize > -1L) { // Don't force re-open if not yet opened

        // if while finished on txPartitionIndex == txPartitionCount condition
        // remove deleted opened partitions
        while (partitionIndex < partitionCount) {
            changed = true;

        // if while finished on partitionIndex == partitionCount condition
        // insert new partitions at the end
        for (; partitionIndex < txPartitionCount; partitionIndex++) {
            insertPartition(partitionIndex, txFile.getPartitionTimestampByIndex(partitionIndex));
            changed = true;

        if (forceTruncate) {
        } else if (changed) {

    public boolean reload() {
        if (acquireTxn()) {
            return false;
        try {
            // partition reload will apply truncate if necessary
            // applyTruncate for non-partitioned tables only
            reconcileOpenPartitions(txPartitionVersion, txColumnVersion, txTruncateVersion);

            // Save transaction details which impact the reloading. Do not rely on txReader, it can be reloaded outside this method.
            txPartitionVersion = txFile.getPartitionTableVersion();
            txColumnVersion = txFile.getColumnVersion();
            txTruncateVersion = txFile.getTruncateVersion();

            // Useful for debugging
            // assert DebugUtils.reconcileColumnTops(PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE, openPartitionInfo, columnVersionReader, this);
            return true;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw e;

    public long size() {
        return rowCount;

    public void updateTableToken(TableToken tableToken) {
        this.tableToken = tableToken;

    private static int getColumnBits(int columnCount) {
        return Numbers.msb(Numbers.ceilPow2(columnCount) * 2);

    private static boolean growColumn(MemoryCMR mem1, MemoryCMR mem2, int columnType, long rowCount) {
        if (rowCount > 0) {
            if (ColumnType.isVarSize(columnType)) {
                if (mem2 == null || !mem2.isOpen()) {
                    return false;

                // Extend aux memory
                ColumnTypeDriver columnTypeDriver = ColumnType.getDriver(columnType);
                long newSize = columnTypeDriver.getAuxVectorSize(rowCount);
                if (newSize != mem2.size()) {

                // Extend data memory
                long dataSize = columnTypeDriver.getDataVectorSizeAt(mem2.addressOf(0), rowCount - 1);
                if (mem1 != null && mem1.isOpen()) {
                    if (dataSize != mem1.size()) {
                        // because of dedup, size of var data can grow or shrink
                } else {
                    // dataSize can be 0 in case when it's varchar column and all the values are inlined
                    // The data memory was not open but now we need to open it. Mark the partition as not reloaded by returning false
                    return dataSize == 0;
            } else {
                if (mem1 == null || !mem1.isOpen()) {
                    return false;
                mem1.extend(rowCount << ColumnType.pow2SizeOf(columnType));
        return true;

    private boolean acquireTxn() {
        if (!txnAcquired) {
            try {
                if (txnScoreboard.acquireTxn(txn)) {
                    txnAcquired = true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } catch (CairoException ex) {
                // Scoreboard can be over allocated
                LOG.critical().$("cannot lock txn in scoreboard [table=")
                        .$(", txn=").$(txn)
                        .$(", error=").$(ex.getFlyweightMessage()).I$();
                throw ex;

        // txFile can also be reloaded in goPassive->checkSchedulePurgeO3Partitions
        // if txFile txn doesn't much reader txn, reader has to be slow reloaded
        if (txn == txFile.getTxn()) {
            // We have to be sure last txn is acquired in Scoreboard
            // otherwise writer can delete partition version files
            // between reading txn file and acquiring txn in the Scoreboard.
            return txFile.getVersion() == txFile.unsafeReadVersion();
        return false;

    private void checkSchedulePurgeO3Partitions() {
        long txnLocks = txnScoreboard.getActiveReaderCount(txn);
        long partitionTableVersion = txFile.getPartitionTableVersion();
        if (txnLocks == 0 && txFile.unsafeLoadAll() && txFile.getPartitionTableVersion() > partitionTableVersion) {
            // Last lock for this txn is released and this is not latest txn number
            // Schedule a job to clean up partition versions this reader may hold
            if (TableUtils.schedulePurgeO3Partitions(messageBus, tableToken, partitionBy)) {

                    .$("could not queue purge partition task, queue is full [")
                    .$(", txn=").$(txn)

    private void closeDeletedPartition(int partitionIndex) {
        final int offset = partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
        long partitionTimestamp = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset);
        long partitionSize = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE);
        int columnBase = getColumnBase(partitionIndex);
        if (partitionSize > -1L) {
            for (int k = 0; k < columnCount; k++) {
                closePartitionColumnFile(columnBase, k);
        int baseIndex = getPrimaryColumnIndex(columnBase, 0);
        int newBaseIndex = getPrimaryColumnIndex(getColumnBase(partitionIndex + 1), 0);
        columns.remove(baseIndex, newBaseIndex - 1);

        int colTopStart = columnBase / 2;
        int columnSlotSize = getColumnBase(1);
        columnTops.removeIndexBlock(colTopStart, columnSlotSize / 2);

        openPartitionInfo.removeIndexBlock(offset, PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE);$("closed deleted partition [table=").$(tableToken).$(", ts=").$ts(partitionTimestamp).$(", partitionIndex=").$(partitionIndex).I$();

    private void closePartition(int partitionIndex) {
        final int offset = partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
        long partitionTimestamp = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset);
        long partitionSize = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE);
        int columnBase = getColumnBase(partitionIndex);
        if (partitionSize > -1L) {
            for (int k = 0; k < columnCount; k++) {
                closePartitionColumnFile(columnBase, k);
            openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE, -1L);

            LOG.debug().$("closed partition [path=").$substr(dbRootSize, path).$(", timestamp=").$ts(partitionTimestamp).I$();

    private void closePartitionColumnFile(int base, int columnIndex) {
        int index = getPrimaryColumnIndex(base, columnIndex);; + 1));, null)); + 1, null));

    private long closeRewrittenPartitionFiles(int partitionIndex, int oldBase) {
        final int offset = partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
        long partitionTs = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset);
        long existingPartitionNameTxn = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_NAME_TXN);
        long newNameTxn = txFile.getPartitionNameTxnByPartitionTimestamp(partitionTs);
        long newSize = txFile.getPartitionRowCountByTimestamp(partitionTs);
        if (existingPartitionNameTxn != newNameTxn || newSize < 0) {
            LOG.debug().$("close outdated partition files [table=").utf8(tableToken.getTableName()).$(", ts=").$ts(partitionTs).$(", nameTxn=").$(newNameTxn).$();
            // Close all columns, partition is overwritten. Partition reconciliation process will re-open correct files
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                closePartitionColumnFile(oldBase, i);
            openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE, -1L);
            return -1;
        return newSize;

    private void copyColumns(
            int fromBase,
            int fromColumnIndex,
            ObjList toColumns,
            LongList toColumnTops,
            ObjList toIndexReaders,
            int toBase,
            int toColumnIndex
    ) {
        final int fromIndex = getPrimaryColumnIndex(fromBase, fromColumnIndex);
        final int toIndex = getPrimaryColumnIndex(toBase, toColumnIndex);

        toColumns.setQuick(toIndex, columns.getAndSetQuick(fromIndex, null));
        toColumns.setQuick(toIndex + 1, columns.getAndSetQuick(fromIndex + 1, null));
        toColumnTops.setQuick(toBase / 2 + toColumnIndex, columnTops.getQuick(fromBase / 2 + fromColumnIndex));
        toIndexReaders.setQuick(toIndex, bitmapIndexes.getAndSetQuick(fromIndex, null));
        toIndexReaders.setQuick(toIndex + 1, bitmapIndexes.getAndSetQuick(fromIndex + 1, null));

    private BitmapIndexReader createBitmapIndexReaderAt(int globalIndex, int columnBase, int columnIndex, long columnNameTxn, int direction, long txn) {
        BitmapIndexReader reader;
        if (!metadata.isColumnIndexed(columnIndex)) {
            throw CairoException.critical(0).put("Not indexed: ").put(metadata.getColumnName(columnIndex));

        MemoryR col = columns.getQuick(globalIndex);
        if (col instanceof NullMemoryCMR) {
            if (direction == BitmapIndexReader.DIR_BACKWARD) {
                reader = new BitmapIndexBwdNullReader();
                bitmapIndexes.setQuick(globalIndex, reader);
            } else {
                reader = new BitmapIndexFwdNullReader();
                bitmapIndexes.setQuick(globalIndex + 1, reader);
        } else {
            Path path = pathGenPartitioned(getPartitionIndex(columnBase), txn);
            try {
                if (direction == BitmapIndexReader.DIR_BACKWARD) {
                    reader = new BitmapIndexBwdReader(
                            getColumnTop(columnBase, columnIndex)
                    bitmapIndexes.setQuick(globalIndex, reader);
                } else {
                    reader = new BitmapIndexFwdReader(
                            getColumnTop(columnBase, columnIndex)
                    bitmapIndexes.setQuick(globalIndex + 1, reader);
            } finally {
        return reader;

    private void createNewColumnList(int columnCount, TableReaderMetadataTransitionIndex transitionIndex, int columnCountShl) {
        LOG.debug().$("resizing columns file list [table=").utf8(tableToken.getTableName()).I$();
        int capacity = partitionCount << columnCountShl;
        final ObjList toColumns = new ObjList<>(capacity + 2);
        final LongList toColumnTops = new LongList(capacity / 2);
        final ObjList toIndexReaders = new ObjList<>(capacity);
        toColumns.setPos(capacity + 2);
        toColumns.setQuick(0, NullMemoryCMR.INSTANCE);
        toColumns.setQuick(1, NullMemoryCMR.INSTANCE);
        toColumnTops.setPos(capacity / 2);
        toIndexReaders.setPos(capacity + 2);
        int iterateCount = Math.max(columnCount, this.columnCount);

        for (int partitionIndex = 0; partitionIndex < partitionCount; partitionIndex++) {
            final int toBase = partitionIndex << columnCountShl;
            final int fromBase = partitionIndex << this.columnCountShl;

            try {
                long partitionRowCount = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE);
                if (partitionRowCount > -1L && (partitionRowCount = closeRewrittenPartitionFiles(partitionIndex, fromBase)) > -1L) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < iterateCount; i++) {
                        if (transitionIndex.closeColumn(i)) {
                            closePartitionColumnFile(fromBase, i);

                        if (transitionIndex.replaceWithNew(i)) {
                            // new instance
                            reloadColumnAt(partitionIndex, path, toColumns, toColumnTops, toIndexReaders, toBase, i, partitionRowCount);
                        } else {
                            final int fromColumnIndex = transitionIndex.getCopyFromIndex(i);
                            assert fromColumnIndex < this.columnCount;
                            copyColumns(fromBase, fromColumnIndex, toColumns, toColumnTops, toIndexReaders, toBase, i);
            } finally {
        this.columns = toColumns;
        this.columnTops = toColumnTops;
        this.columnCountShl = columnCountShl;
        this.bitmapIndexes = toIndexReaders;

    private void formatErrorPartitionDirName(int partitionIndex, Utf16Sink sink) {
                openPartitionInfo.getQuick(partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE),

    private void formatPartitionDirName(int partitionIndex, Path sink, long nameTxn) {
                openPartitionInfo.getQuick(partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE),

    private void freeBitmapIndexCache() {

    private void freeColumns() {

    private void freeSymbolMapReaders() {
        for (int i = 0, n = symbolMapReaders.size(); i < n; i++) {

    private void freeTempMem() {
        if (tempMem8b != 0L) {
            tempMem8b =, Long.BYTES, MemoryTag.NATIVE_TABLE_READER);

    private void insertPartition(int partitionIndex, long timestamp) {
        final int columnBase = getColumnBase(partitionIndex);
        final int columnSlotSize = getColumnBase(1);

        final int idx = getPrimaryColumnIndex(columnBase, 0);
        columns.insert(idx, columnSlotSize, NullMemoryCMR.INSTANCE);
        bitmapIndexes.insert(idx, columnSlotSize, null);

        final int topBase = columnBase / 2;
        final int topSlotSize = columnSlotSize / 2;
        columnTops.insert(topBase, topSlotSize);
        columnTops.seed(topBase, topSlotSize, 0);

        final int offset = partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
        openPartitionInfo.insert(offset, PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE);
        openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset, timestamp);
        openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE, -1L);
        openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_NAME_TXN, -1L);
        openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_COLUMN_VERSION, -1L);
        LOG.debug().$("inserted partition [index=").$(partitionIndex).$(", table=").$(tableToken).$(", timestamp=").$ts(timestamp).I$();

    // this method is not thread safe
    private SymbolMapReaderImpl newSymbolMapReader(int symbolColumnIndex, int columnIndex) {
        // symbol column index is the index of symbol column in dense array of symbol columns, e.g.
        // if table has only one symbol columns, the symbolColumnIndex is 0 regardless of column position
        // in the metadata.
        return new SymbolMapReaderImpl(

    private TableReaderMetadata openMetaFile() {
        TableReaderMetadata metadata = new TableReaderMetadata(configuration, tableToken);
        try {
            return metadata;
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            throw th;

    private MemoryCMR openOrCreateMemory(
            Path path,
            ObjList columns,
            int primaryIndex,
            @Nullable MemoryCMR mem,
            long columnSize
    ) {
        if (mem != null && mem != NullMemoryCMR.INSTANCE) {
            mem.of(ff, path.$(), columnSize, columnSize, MemoryTag.MMAP_TABLE_READER);
        } else {
            mem = Vm.getCMRInstance(ff, path.$(), columnSize, MemoryTag.MMAP_TABLE_READER);
            columns.setQuick(primaryIndex, mem);
        return mem;

    private long openPartition0(int partitionIndex) {
        final int offset = partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
        final boolean isReopen = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE) > -1L;

        if (txFile.getPartitionCount() < 2 && txFile.getTransientRowCount() == 0) {
            // Empty single partition. Don't check that directory exists on the disk
            if (isReopen) {
                // We had this partition open, so close the column files.
                // We'll reopen them on a later attempt when there are some rows.
            return -1;

        try {
            final long partitionNameTxn = txFile.getPartitionNameTxn(partitionIndex);
            Path path = pathGenPartitioned(partitionIndex, partitionNameTxn);

            if (ff.exists(path.$())) {
                final long partitionSize = txFile.getPartitionSize(partitionIndex);
                if (partitionSize > -1L) {
                            .$("open partition [path=").$substr(dbRootSize, path)
                            .$(", rowCount=").$(partitionSize)
                            .$(", partitionIndex=").$(partitionIndex)
                            .$(", partitionCount=").$(partitionCount)

                    openPartitionColumns(partitionIndex, path, getColumnBase(partitionIndex), partitionSize);
                    openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE, partitionSize);
                    openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_NAME_TXN, partitionNameTxn);
                    final long partitionTimestamp = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE);
                    openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_COLUMN_VERSION, columnVersionReader.getMaxPartitionVersion(partitionTimestamp));
                    if (!isReopen) {

                return partitionSize;
            LOG.error().$("open partition failed, partition does not exist on the disk [path=").$(path).I$();

            if (PartitionBy.isPartitioned(getPartitionedBy())) {
                CairoException exception = CairoException.critical(0).put("Partition '");
                formatErrorPartitionDirName(partitionIndex, exception.message);
                exception.put("' does not exist in table '")
                        .put("' directory. Run [ALTER TABLE ").put(tableToken.getTableName()).put(" DROP PARTITION LIST '");
                formatErrorPartitionDirName(partitionIndex, exception.message);
                exception.put("'] to repair the table or restore the partition directory.");
                throw exception;
            } else {
                throw CairoException.critical(0).put("Table '").put(tableToken.getTableName())
                        .put("' data directory does not exist on the disk at ")
                        .put(". Restore data on disk or drop the table.");
        } finally {

    private void openPartitionColumns(int partitionIndex, Path path, int columnBase, long partitionRowCount) {
        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

    private void openSymbolMaps() {
        final int columnCount = metadata.getColumnCount();
        // ensure symbolMapReaders has capacity for columnCount entries
        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            if (ColumnType.isSymbol(metadata.getColumnType(i))) {
                // symbolMapReaders is sparse
                symbolMapReaders.set(i, newSymbolMapReader(metadata.getDenseSymbolIndex(i), i));

    private Path pathGenPartitioned(int partitionIndex) {
        long nameTxn = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_NAME_TXN);
        return pathGenPartitioned(partitionIndex, nameTxn);

    private Path pathGenPartitioned(int partitionIndex, long nameTxn) {
        formatPartitionDirName(partitionIndex, path.slash(), nameTxn);
        return path;

    private void prepareForLazyOpen(int partitionIndex) {

    private void readTxnSlow(long deadline) {
        int count = 0;

        while (true) {
            if (txFile.unsafeLoadAll()) {
                // good, very stable, congrats
                long txn = txFile.getTxn();
                this.txn = txn;

                if (acquireTxn()) {
                    this.rowCount = txFile.getFixedRowCount() + txFile.getTransientRowCount();
                            .$("new transaction [txn=").$(txn)
                            .$(", transientRowCount=").$(txFile.getTransientRowCount())
                            .$(", fixedRowCount=").$(txFile.getFixedRowCount())
                            .$(", maxTimestamp=").$ts(txFile.getMaxTimestamp())
                            .$(", attempts=").$(count)
                            .$(", thread=").$(Thread.currentThread().getName())
            // This is unlucky, sequences have changed while we were reading transaction data
            // We must discard and try again
            if (clock.getTicks() > deadline) {
                LOG.error().$("tx read timeout [timeout=").$(configuration.getSpinLockTimeout()).$("ms]").$();
                throw CairoException.critical(0).put("Transaction read timeout");

    private void reconcileOpenPartitions(long prevPartitionVersion, long prevColumnVersion, long prevTruncateVersion) {
        // Reconcile partition full or partial will only update row count of last partition and append new partitions
        boolean truncateHappened = txFile.getTruncateVersion() != prevTruncateVersion;
        if (txFile.getPartitionTableVersion() == prevPartitionVersion && txFile.getColumnVersion() == prevColumnVersion && !truncateHappened) {
            int partitionIndex = Math.max(0, partitionCount - 1);
            final int txPartitionCount = txFile.getPartitionCount();
            if (partitionIndex < txPartitionCount) {
                if (partitionIndex < partitionCount) {
                    final int offset = partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE;
                    final long openPartitionSize = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE);
                    // we check that open partition size is non-negative to avoid loading
                    // partition that is not yet in memory
                    if (openPartitionSize > -1L) {
                        final long openPartitionNameTxn = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_NAME_TXN);
                        final long txPartitionSize = txFile.getPartitionSize(partitionIndex);
                        final long txPartitionNameTxn = txFile.getPartitionNameTxn(partitionIndex);

                        if (openPartitionNameTxn == txPartitionNameTxn) {
                            // We used to skip reloading partition size if the row count is the same and name txn is the same
                            // But in case of dedup the row count can be same but the data can be overwritten by splitting and squashing the partition back
                            // This is ok for fixed size columns but var length columns have to be re-mapped to the bigger / smaller sizes
                            if (reloadPartitionFiles(partitionIndex, txPartitionSize, txPartitionNameTxn)) {
                                openPartitionInfo.setQuick(offset + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE, txPartitionSize);
                                LOG.debug().$("updated partition size [partition=").$(openPartitionInfo.getQuick(offset)).I$();
                            } else {
                        } else {
                for (; partitionIndex < txPartitionCount; partitionIndex++) {
                    insertPartition(partitionIndex, txFile.getPartitionTimestampByIndex(partitionIndex));
        reconcileOpenPartitionsFrom(0, truncateHappened);

    private boolean releaseTxn() {
        if (txnAcquired) {
            long readerCount = txnScoreboard.releaseTxn(txn);
            txnAcquired = false;
            return readerCount == 0;
        return false;

    private void reloadAllSymbols() {
        for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
            if (ColumnType.isSymbol(metadata.getColumnType(columnIndex))) {
                SymbolMapReader symbolMapReader = symbolMapReaders.getQuick(columnIndex);
                if (symbolMapReader instanceof SymbolMapReaderImpl) {
                    final int writerColumnIndex = metadata.getWriterIndex(columnIndex);
                    final long columnNameTxn = columnVersionReader.getDefaultColumnNameTxn(writerColumnIndex);
                    int symbolCount = txFile.getSymbolValueCount(metadata.getDenseSymbolIndex(columnIndex));
                    ((SymbolMapReaderImpl) symbolMapReader).of(configuration, path, metadata.getColumnName(columnIndex), columnNameTxn, symbolCount);

    private void reloadColumnAt(
            int partitionIndex,
            Path path,
            ObjList columns,
            LongList columnTops,
            ObjList indexReaders,
            int columnBase,
            int columnIndex,
            long partitionRowCount
    ) {
        final int plen = path.size();
        try {
            final CharSequence name = metadata.getColumnName(columnIndex);
            final int primaryIndex = getPrimaryColumnIndex(columnBase, columnIndex);
            final int secondaryIndex = primaryIndex + 1;
            final long partitionTimestamp = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE);
            int writerIndex = metadata.getWriterIndex(columnIndex);
            final int versionRecordIndex = columnVersionReader.getRecordIndex(partitionTimestamp, writerIndex);
            final long columnTop = versionRecordIndex > -1 ? columnVersionReader.getColumnTopByIndex(versionRecordIndex) : 0L;
            long columnTxn = versionRecordIndex > -1 ? columnVersionReader.getColumnNameTxnByIndex(versionRecordIndex) : -1L;
            if (columnTxn == -1L) {
                // When column is added, column version will have txn number for the partition
                // where it's added. It will also have the txn number in the [default] partition
                columnTxn = columnVersionReader.getDefaultColumnNameTxn(writerIndex);
            final long columnRowCount = partitionRowCount - columnTop;

            // When column is added mid-table existence the top record is only
            // created in the current partition. Older partitions would simply have no
            // column file. This makes it necessary to check the partition timestamp in Column Version file
            // of when the column was added.
            if (columnRowCount > 0 && (versionRecordIndex > -1 || columnVersionReader.getColumnTopPartitionTimestamp(writerIndex) <= partitionTimestamp)) {
                final int columnType = metadata.getColumnType(columnIndex);

                final MemoryCMR dataMem = columns.getQuick(primaryIndex);
                if (ColumnType.isVarSize(columnType)) {
                    final ColumnTypeDriver columnTypeDriver = ColumnType.getDriver(columnType);
                    long auxSize = columnTypeDriver.getAuxVectorSize(columnRowCount);
                    TableUtils.iFile(path.trimTo(plen), name, columnTxn);
                    MemoryCMR auxMem = columns.getQuick(secondaryIndex);
                    auxMem = openOrCreateMemory(path, columns, secondaryIndex, auxMem, auxSize);
                    long dataSize = columnTypeDriver.getDataVectorSizeAt(auxMem.addressOf(0), columnRowCount - 1);
                    if (dataSize < columnTypeDriver.getDataVectorMinEntrySize() || dataSize >= (1L << 40)) {
                        LOG.critical().$("Invalid var len column size [column=").$(name).$(", size=").$(dataSize).$(", path=").$(path).I$();
                        throw CairoException.critical(0).put("Invalid column size [column=").put(path).put(", size=").put(dataSize).put(']');
                    TableUtils.dFile(path.trimTo(plen), name, columnTxn);
                    openOrCreateMemory(path, columns, primaryIndex, dataMem, dataSize);
                } else {
                    TableUtils.dFile(path.trimTo(plen), name, columnTxn);
                            columnRowCount << ColumnType.pow2SizeOf(columnType)
          , null));

                columnTops.setQuick(columnBase / 2 + columnIndex, columnTop);

                if (metadata.isColumnIndexed(columnIndex)) {
                    BitmapIndexReader indexReader = indexReaders.getQuick(primaryIndex);
                    if (indexReader != null) {
                        indexReader.of(configuration, path.trimTo(plen), name, columnTxn, columnTop);
                } else {
          , null));
          , null));
            } else {
      , NullMemoryCMR.INSTANCE));
      , NullMemoryCMR.INSTANCE));
                // the appropriate index for NUllColumn will be created lazily when requested
                // these indexes have state and may not be always required
      , null));
      , null));

                // Column is not present in the partition. Set column top to be the size of the partition.
                columnTops.setQuick(columnBase / 2 + columnIndex, partitionRowCount);
        } finally {

    private boolean reloadColumnVersion(long columnVersion, long deadline) {
        if (columnVersionReader.getVersion() != columnVersion) {
            columnVersionReader.readSafe(clock, deadline);
        return columnVersionReader.getVersion() == columnVersion;

    private boolean reloadMetadata(int txnMetadataVersion, long deadline, boolean reshuffleColumns) {
        // create transition index, which will help us reuse already open resources
        if (txnMetadataVersion == metadata.getMetadataVersion()) {
            return true;

        while (true) {
            try {
                if (!metadata.prepareTransition(txnMetadataVersion)) {
                    if (clock.getTicks() < deadline) {
                        return false;
                    LOG.error().$("metadata read timeout [timeout=").$(configuration.getSpinLockTimeout()).utf8("ms, table=").$(tableToken.getTableName()).I$();
                    throw CairoException.critical(0).put("Metadata read timeout [table=").put(tableToken.getTableName()).put(']');
            } catch (CairoException ex) {
                // This is temporary solution until we can get multiple version of metadata not overwriting each other
                TableUtils.handleMetadataLoadException(tableToken.getTableName(), deadline, ex, configuration.getMillisecondClock(), configuration.getSpinLockTimeout());

            assert !reshuffleColumns || metadata.getColumnCount() == this.columnCount;
            TableReaderMetadataTransitionIndex transitionIndex = metadata.applyTransition();
            if (reshuffleColumns) {
                final int columnCount = metadata.getColumnCount();

                int columnCountShl = getColumnBits(columnCount);
                // when a column is added we cannot easily reshuffle columns in-place
                // the reason is that we'd have to create gaps in columns list between
                // partitions. It is possible in theory, but this could be an algo for
                // another day.
                if (columnCountShl > this.columnCountShl) {
                    createNewColumnList(columnCount, transitionIndex, columnCountShl);
                } else {
                    reshuffleColumns(columnCount, transitionIndex);
                // rearrange symbol map reader list
                reshuffleSymbolMapReaders(transitionIndex, columnCount);
                this.columnCount = columnCount;
            return true;

     * Updates boundaries of all columns in partition.
     * @param partitionIndex index of partition
     * @param rowCount       number of rows in partition
    private boolean reloadPartitionFiles(int partitionIndex, long rowCount, long openPartitionNameTxn) {
        Path path = pathGenPartitioned(partitionIndex, openPartitionNameTxn);
        try {
            int columnBase = getColumnBase(partitionIndex);
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                final int index = getPrimaryColumnIndex(columnBase, i);

                if (!growColumn(
                        columns.getQuick(index + 1),
                        rowCount - getColumnTop(columnBase, i)
                )) {
                    return false;
        } finally {
        return true;

    private void reloadSlow(final boolean reshuffle) {
        final long deadline = clock.getTicks() + configuration.getSpinLockTimeout();
        do {
            // Reload txn
            // Reload _meta if structure version updated, reload _cv if column version updated
        } while (
            // Reload column versions, column version used in metadata reload column shuffle
                !reloadColumnVersion(txFile.getColumnVersion(), deadline)
                        // Start again if _meta with matching structure version cannot be loaded
                        || !reloadMetadata(txFile.getMetadataVersion(), deadline, reshuffle)

    private void reloadSymbolMapCounts() {
        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            if (!ColumnType.isSymbol(metadata.getColumnType(i))) {

    private void renewSymbolMapReader(SymbolMapReader reader, int columnIndex) {
        if (ColumnType.isSymbol(metadata.getColumnType(columnIndex))) {
            final int writerColumnIndex = metadata.getWriterIndex(columnIndex);
            final long columnNameTxn = columnVersionReader.getDefaultColumnNameTxn(writerColumnIndex);
            String columnName = metadata.getColumnName(columnIndex);
            if (!(reader instanceof SymbolMapReaderImpl)) {
                reader = new SymbolMapReaderImpl(configuration, path, columnName, columnNameTxn, 0);
            } else {
                SymbolMapReaderImpl symbolMapReader = (SymbolMapReaderImpl) reader;
                // Fully reopen the symbol map reader only when necessary
                if (symbolMapReader.needsReopen(columnNameTxn)) {
                    ((SymbolMapReaderImpl) reader).of(configuration, path, columnName, columnNameTxn, 0);
        } else {
            if (reader instanceof SymbolMapReaderImpl) {
                ((SymbolMapReaderImpl) reader).close();
                reader = null;
        symbolMapReaders.setQuick(columnIndex, reader);

    private void reshuffleColumns(int columnCount, TableReaderMetadataTransitionIndex transitionIndex) {
        LOG.debug().$("reshuffling columns file list [table=").utf8(tableToken.getTableName()).I$();
        int iterateCount = Math.max(columnCount, this.columnCount);

        for (int partitionIndex = 0; partitionIndex < partitionCount; partitionIndex++) {
            int base = getColumnBase(partitionIndex);
            try {
                long partitionRowCount = openPartitionInfo.getQuick(partitionIndex * PARTITIONS_SLOT_SIZE + PARTITIONS_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE);
                if (partitionRowCount > -1L && (partitionRowCount = closeRewrittenPartitionFiles(partitionIndex, base)) > -1L) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < iterateCount; i++) {
                        final int copyFrom = transitionIndex.getCopyFromIndex(i);

                        if (transitionIndex.closeColumn(i)) {
                            // This column is deleted (not moved).
                            // Close all files
                            closePartitionColumnFile(base, i);

                        // We should only remove columns from existing metadata if column count has reduced.
                        // And we should not attempt to reload columns, which have no matches in the metadata
                        if (i < columnCount) {
                            if (copyFrom == i) {
                                // It appears that column hasn't changed its position. There are three possibilities here:
                                // 1. Column has been forced out of the reader via closeColumnForRemove(). This is required
                                //    on Windows before column can be deleted. In this case we must check for marker
                                //    instance and the column from disk
                                // 2. Column hasn't been altered, and we can skip to next column.
                                MemoryMR col = columns.getQuick(getPrimaryColumnIndex(base, i));
                                if (col instanceof NullMemoryCMR || (col != null && !col.isOpen())) {
                            } else if (copyFrom > -1) {
                                copyColumns(base, copyFrom, columns, columnTops, bitmapIndexes, base, i);
                            } else if (copyFrom != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
                                // new instance
            } finally {

    private void reshuffleSymbolMapReaders(TableReaderMetadataTransitionIndex transitionIndex, int columnCount) {
        if (columnCount > this.columnCount) {

        // index structure is
        // [action: int, copy from:int]

        // action: if -1 then current column in slave is deleted or renamed, else it's reused
        // "copy from" >= 0 indicates that column is to be copied from slave position
        // "copy from" < 0  indicates that column is new and should be taken from updated metadata position
        // "copy from" == Integer.MIN_VALUE  indicates that column is deleted for good and should not be re-added from any source

        for (int i = 0, n = Math.max(columnCount, this.columnCount); i < n; i++) {
            if (transitionIndex.closeColumn(i)) {
                // deleted
                Misc.freeIfCloseable(symbolMapReaders.getAndSetQuick(i, null));

            final int replaceWith = transitionIndex.getCopyFromIndex(i);
            if (replaceWith > -1) {
                SymbolMapReader rdr = symbolMapReaders.getQuick(replaceWith);
                renewSymbolMapReader(rdr, i);
            } else if (replaceWith != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
                // New instance
                renewSymbolMapReader(null, i);

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