org.rapidoidx.buffer.MultiBuf Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.rapidoidx.buffer;
* #%L
* rapidoid-x-buffer
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Nikolche Mihajlovski and contributors
* %%
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* #L%
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import org.rapidoid.annotation.Authors;
import org.rapidoid.annotation.Since;
import org.rapidoid.arr.Arr;
import org.rapidoid.pool.Pool;
import org.rapidoid.u.U;
import org.rapidoid.util.Constants;
import org.rapidoid.util.D;
import org.rapidoid.wrap.LongWrap;
import org.rapidoidx.bytes.ByteBufferBytes;
import org.rapidoidx.bytes.Bytes;
import org.rapidoidx.bytes.BytesUtil;
import org.rapidoidx.data.Range;
import org.rapidoidx.data.Ranges;
@Authors("Nikolche Mihajlovski")
public class MultiBuf implements Buf, Constants {
private final byte[] HELPER = new byte[20];
private final Range HELPER_RANGE = new Range();
private static final int TO_BYTES = 1;
private static final int TO_CHANNEL = 2;
private static final int TO_BUFFER = 3;
private final Pool bufPool;
private final long factor;
private final long addrMask;
private final int singleCap;
private ByteBuffer[] bufs = new ByteBuffer[10];
private int bufN;
private long shrinkN;
private final String name;
private long _position;
private long _limit;
private long _checkpoint;
private OutputStream outputStream;
private final ByteBufferBytes singleBytes = new ByteBufferBytes();
private final Bytes multiBytes = new BufBytes(this);
private Bytes _bytes = multiBytes;
private long _size;
private boolean readOnly = false;
public MultiBuf(Pool bufPool, int factor, String name) {
this.bufPool = bufPool;
this.name = name;
this.singleCap = (int) Math.pow(2, factor);
this.factor = factor;
this.addrMask = addrMask();
assert invariant(true);
private long addrMask() {
long mask = 1;
for (long i = 0; i < factor - 1; i++) {
mask <<= 1;
mask |= 1;
return mask;
public boolean isSingle() {
assert invariant(false);
return bufN == 1;
public byte get(long position) {
assert invariant(false);
assert position >= 0;
validatePos(position, 1);
position += shrinkN;
ByteBuffer buf = bufs[(int) (position >> factor)];
assert buf != null;
assert invariant(false);
return buf.get((int) (position & addrMask));
private void validatePos(long pos, long space) {
if (pos < 0) {
throw U.rte("Invalid position: " + pos);
long least = pos + space;
boolean hasEnough = least <= _size() && least <= _limit;
if (!hasEnough) {
public void put(long position, byte value) {
assert invariant(true);
assert position >= 0;
validatePos(position, 1);
position += shrinkN;
ByteBuffer buf = bufs[(int) (position >> factor)];
assert buf != null;
buf.put((int) (position & addrMask), value);
assert invariant(true);
public long size() {
assert invariant(false);
assert _size == _size();
return _size;
private long _size() {
if (bufN > 0) {
long s = (bufN - 1);
s *= singleCap;
s += bufs[bufN - 1].position();
s -= shrinkN;
return s;
} else {
return 0;
private void expandUnit() {
if (bufN == bufs.length) {
bufs = Arr.expand(bufs, 2);
bufs[bufN] = bufPool.get();
public void append(byte value) {
assert invariant(true);
assert invariant(true);
* Reads data from the channel and appends it to the buffer.
* Precondition: received event that the channel has data to be read.
public long append(ReadableByteChannel channel) throws IOException {
assert invariant(true);
long totalRead = 0;
try {
boolean done;
// precondition: the channel has data
do {
ByteBuffer dest = writableBuf();
long space = dest.remaining();
assert space > 0;
long read = channel.read(dest);
if (read >= 0) {
totalRead += read;
} else {
// end of stream (e.g. the other end closed the connection)
assert invariant(true);
return -1;
// if buffer wasn't filled -> no data is available in channel
done = read < space;
} while (!done);
} finally {
assert invariant(true);
return totalRead;
public void append(ByteBuffer src) {
assert invariant(true);
int theLimit = src.limit();
while (src.hasRemaining()) {
ByteBuffer dest = writableBuf();
int space = dest.remaining();
assert space > 0;
if (src.remaining() > space) {
// set limit to match only available space in dest
src.limit(src.position() + space);
// restore original limit
assert invariant(true);
public void append(byte[] src, int offset, int length) {
assert invariant(true);
long sizeBefore = _size();
if (length > 0) {
ByteBuffer buf = writableBuf();
if (length <= buf.remaining()) {
buf.put(src, offset, length);
} else {
int partLen = buf.remaining();
buf.put(src, offset, partLen);
assert buf.remaining() == 0;
append(src, offset + partLen, length - partLen);
assert _size() - sizeBefore == length;
assert invariant(true);
private ByteBuffer writableBuf() {
if (bufN == 0) {
return last();
ByteBuffer cbuf = last();
if (!cbuf.hasRemaining()) {
cbuf = last();
assert cbuf.hasRemaining();
return cbuf;
private ByteBuffer last() {
assert bufN > 0;
return bufs[bufN - 1];
public ByteBuffer first() {
assert invariant(false);
assert bufN > 0;
return bufs[0];
public ByteBuffer bufAt(int index) {
assert invariant(false);
assert bufN > index;
return bufs[index];
public long append(String s) {
assert invariant(true);
byte[] bytes = s.getBytes();
assert invariant(true);
return bytes.length;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Buf " + name + " [size=" + _size() + ", units=" + unitCount() + ", trash=" + shrinkN
+ ", pos=" + position() + ", limit=" + limit() + "] " + super.toString());
public String data() {
assert invariant(false);
byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) _size()];
long total = readAll(bytes, 0, 0, bytes.length);
assert total == bytes.length;
assert invariant(false);
return new String(bytes);
public byte[] getBytes(Range range) {
assert invariant(false);
if (range.isEmpty()) {
return new byte[0];
byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) range.length];
long total = readAll(bytes, 0, range.start, range.length);
assert total == bytes.length;
assert invariant(false);
return bytes;
public String get(Range range) {
assert invariant(false);
byte[] bytes = getBytes(range);
assert invariant(false);
return new String(bytes);
public void get(Range range, byte[] dest, int offset) {
assert invariant(false);
long total = readAll(dest, offset, range.start, range.length);
assert total == range.length;
assert invariant(false);
private long writeToHelper(Range range) {
assert invariant(false);
return readAll(HELPER, 0, range.start, range.length);
private long readAll(byte[] bytes, long destOffset, long offset, long length) {
assert invariant(false);
if (offset + length > _size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("offset + length > buffer size!");
long wrote;
try {
wrote = writeTo(TO_BYTES, offset, length, bytes, null, null, destOffset);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw U.rte(e);
assert invariant(false);
return wrote;
public long writeTo(WritableByteChannel channel) throws IOException {
assert invariant(true);
long wrote = writeTo(TO_CHANNEL, 0, _size(), null, channel, null, 0);
assert U.must(wrote <= _size(), "Incorrect write to channel!");
assert invariant(true);
return wrote;
public long writeTo(ByteBuffer buffer) {
assert invariant(true);
try {
long wrote = writeTo(TO_BUFFER, 0, _size(), null, null, buffer, 0);
assert wrote == _size();
assert invariant(true);
return wrote;
} catch (IOException e) {
assert invariant(true);
throw U.rte(e);
private long writeTo(int mode, long offset, long length, byte[] bytes, WritableByteChannel channel,
ByteBuffer buffer, long destOffset) throws IOException {
if (_size() == 0) {
assert length == 0;
return 0;
long fromPos = offset + shrinkN;
long toPos = fromPos + length - 1;
int fromInd = (int) (fromPos >> factor);
int toInd = (int) (toPos >> factor);
int fromAddr = (int) (fromPos & addrMask);
int toAddr = (int) (toPos & addrMask);
assert fromInd <= toInd;
if (fromInd == toInd) {
return writePart(bufs[fromInd], fromAddr, toAddr + 1, mode, bytes, channel, buffer, destOffset, -1);
} else {
return multiWriteTo(mode, fromInd, toInd, fromAddr, toAddr, bytes, channel, buffer, destOffset);
private long multiWriteTo(int mode, int fromIndex, int toIndex, int fromAddr, int toAddr, byte[] bytes,
WritableByteChannel channel, ByteBuffer buffer, long destOffset) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer first = bufs[fromIndex];
long len = singleCap - fromAddr;
long wrote = writePart(first, fromAddr, singleCap, mode, bytes, channel, buffer, destOffset, len);
if (wrote < len) {
return wrote;
long wroteTotal = wrote;
for (int i = fromIndex + 1; i < toIndex; i++) {
wrote = writePart(bufs[i], 0, singleCap, mode, bytes, channel, buffer, destOffset + wroteTotal, singleCap);
wroteTotal += wrote;
if (wrote < singleCap) {
return wroteTotal;
ByteBuffer last = bufs[toIndex];
wroteTotal += writePart(last, 0, toAddr + 1, mode, bytes, channel, buffer, destOffset + wroteTotal, toAddr + 1);
return wroteTotal;
private long writePart(ByteBuffer src, int pos, int limit, int mode, byte[] bytes, WritableByteChannel channel,
ByteBuffer buffer, long destOffset, long len) throws IOException {
// backup buf positions
int posBackup = src.position();
int limitBackup = src.limit();
assert src.remaining() == len || len < 0;
long count;
switch (mode) {
case TO_BYTES:
if (len >= 0) {
src.get(bytes, (int) destOffset, (int) len);
count = len;
} else {
count = src.remaining();
src.get(bytes, (int) destOffset, (int) count);
count = 0;
while (src.hasRemaining()) {
long wrote = channel.write(src);
count += wrote;
if (wrote == 0) {
count = src.remaining();
throw U.notExpected();
// restore buf positions
return count;
private boolean invariant(boolean writing) {
if (this.readOnly) {
assert !writing;
try {
assert bufN >= 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bufN - 1; i++) {
ByteBuffer buf = bufs[i];
assert buf.position() == singleCap;
assert buf.limit() == singleCap;
assert buf.capacity() == singleCap;
if (bufN > 0) {
ByteBuffer buf = bufs[bufN - 1];
assert buf == last();
assert buf.position() > 0;
assert buf.capacity() == singleCap;
return true;
} catch (AssertionError e) {
throw e;
private void dumpBuffers() {
System.out.println(">> BUFFER " + name + " HAS " + bufN + " PARTS:");
for (int i = 0; i < bufN - 1; i++) {
ByteBuffer buf = bufs[i];
D.print(i + "]" + buf);
if (bufN > 0) {
ByteBuffer buf = bufs[bufN - 1];
D.print("LAST]" + buf);
public void deleteBefore(long count) {
assert invariant(true);
if (count == _size()) {
shrinkN += count;
while (shrinkN >= singleCap) {
shrinkN -= singleCap;
_position -= count;
if (_position < 0) {
_position = 0;
assert invariant(true);
private void removeFirstBuf() {
for (int i = 0; i < bufN - 1; i++) {
bufs[i] = bufs[i + 1];
private void removeLastBuf() {
bufs[bufN - 1].clear();
bufPool.release(bufs[bufN - 1]);
if (bufN == 0) {
shrinkN = 0;
private void removeLastBufferIfEmpty() {
if (bufN > 0) {
if (last().position() == 0) {
public int unitCount() {
assert invariant(false);
return bufN;
public int unitSize() {
assert invariant(false);
return singleCap;
public void put(long position, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
assert invariant(true);
// TODO optimize
long pos = position;
for (int i = offset; i < offset + length; i++) {
put(pos++, bytes[i]);
assert invariant(true);
public void append(byte[] bytes) {
assert invariant(true);
append(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
assert invariant(true);
public void deleteAfter(long position) {
assert invariant(true);
if (bufN == 0 || position == _size()) {
assert invariant(true);
assert validPosition(position);
if (bufN == 1) {
long newPos = position + shrinkN;
assert newPos <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && newPos <= singleCap;
first().position((int) newPos);
if (newPos == 0) {
} else {
position += shrinkN;
int index = (int) (position >> factor);
int addr = (int) (position & addrMask);
// make it the last buffer
while (index < bufN - 1) {
ByteBuffer last = bufs[index];
assert last() == last;
if (addr > 0) {
} else {
if (bufN > 0) {
assert invariant(true);
public void deleteLast(long count) {
assert invariant(true);
deleteAfter(_size() - count);
assert invariant(true);
private boolean validPosition(long position) {
assert U.must(position >= 0 && position < _size(), "Invalid position: %s", position);
return true;
public void clear() {
// don't assert invariant() here, invalid state is allowed before clear/reset
for (int i = 0; i < bufN; i++) {
readOnly = false;
shrinkN = 0;
bufN = 0;
_position = 0;
assert invariant(true);
public long getN(Range range) {
assert invariant(false);
assert range.length >= 1;
if (range.length > 20) {
assert invariant(false);
throw U.rte("Too many digits!");
long count = writeToHelper(range);
long value = 0;
boolean negative = HELPER[0] == '-';
int start = negative ? 1 : 0;
for (int i = start; i < count; i++) {
byte b = HELPER[i];
if (b >= '0' && b <= '9') {
long digit = b - '0';
value = value * 10 + digit;
} else {
assert invariant(false);
throw U.rte("Invalid number: '%s'", get(range));
assert invariant(false);
return negative ? -value : value;
public ByteBuffer getSingle() {
assert invariant(false);
return isSingle() ? first() : null;
public long putNumAsText(long position, long n, boolean forward) {
assert invariant(true);
long direction = forward ? 0 : -1;
long space;
if (n >= 0) {
if (n < 10) {
put(position, (byte) (n + '0'));
space = 1;
} else if (n < 100) {
long dig1 = n / 10;
long dig2 = n % 10;
put(position + direction, (byte) (dig1 + '0'));
put(position + direction + 1, (byte) (dig2 + '0'));
space = 2;
} else {
long digitsN = (long) Math.ceil(Math.log10(n + 1));
long pos = position + digitsN - 1 + direction * digitsN;
if (!forward) {
while (true) {
long digit = n % 10;
byte dig = (byte) (digit + 48);
put(pos--, dig);
if (n < 10) {
n = n / 10;
space = digitsN;
} else {
if (forward) {
put(position, (byte) ('-'));
space = putNumAsText(position + 1, -n, forward) + 1;
} else {
long digits = putNumAsText(position, -n, forward);
put(position - digits, (byte) ('-'));
space = digits + 1;
assert invariant(true);
return space;
private long rebase(long pos, long bufInd) {
return (bufInd << factor) + pos - shrinkN;
public byte next() {
assert invariant(false);
byte b = get(_position++);
assert invariant(false);
return b;
public void back(long count) {
assert invariant(false);
assert invariant(false);
public byte peek() {
assert invariant(false);
byte b = get(_position);
assert invariant(false);
return b;
public boolean hasRemaining() {
assert invariant(false);
boolean result = remaining() > 0;
assert invariant(false);
return result;
public long remaining() {
assert invariant(false);
return _limit - _position;
public long position() {
assert invariant(false);
return _position;
public long limit() {
assert invariant(false);
return _limit;
private void sizeChanged() {
_size = _size();
_limit = _size();
if (bufN == 1) {
_bytes = singleBytes;
} else {
_bytes = multiBytes;
public void position(long position) {
assert invariant(false);
_position = position;
assert invariant(false);
public void limit(long limit) {
assert invariant(false);
_limit = limit;
assert invariant(false);
public void upto(byte value, Range range) {
assert invariant(false);
while (get(_position) != value) {
assert invariant(false);
public ByteBuffer exposed() {
assert invariant(false);
ByteBuffer first = first();
assert invariant(false);
return first;
public void scanUntil(byte value, Range range) {
assert invariant(false);
long start = position();
long limit = limit();
long last = limit - 1;
long fromPos = start + shrinkN;
long toPos = last + shrinkN;
int fromInd = (int) (fromPos >> factor);
int toInd = (int) (toPos >> factor);
int fromAddr = (int) (fromPos & addrMask);
int toAddr = (int) (toPos & addrMask);
assert U.must(fromInd >= 0, "bad start: %s", start);
assert U.must(toInd >= 0, "bad end: %s", last);
ByteBuffer src = bufs[fromInd];
long absPos = start;
for (int pos = fromAddr; pos < singleCap; pos++) {
byte b = src.get(pos);
if (b == value) {
range.setInterval(start, absPos);
position(absPos + 1);
assert invariant(false);
for (int i = fromInd + 1; i < toInd; i++) {
src = bufs[i];
for (int pos = 0; pos < singleCap; pos++) {
byte b = src.get(pos);
if (b == value) {
range.setInterval(start, absPos);
position(absPos + 1);
assert invariant(false);
if (fromInd < toInd) {
src = bufs[toInd];
for (int pos = 0; pos <= toAddr; pos++) {
byte b = src.get(pos);
if (b == value) {
range.setInterval(start, absPos);
position(absPos + 1);
assert invariant(false);
assert invariant(false);
public void scanWhile(byte value, Range range) {
assert invariant(false);
long start = position();
long limit = limit();
long last = limit - 1;
long fromPos = start + shrinkN;
long toPos = last + shrinkN;
int fromInd = (int) (fromPos >> factor);
int toInd = (int) (toPos >> factor);
int fromAddr = (int) (fromPos & addrMask);
int toAddr = (int) (toPos & addrMask);
assert U.must(fromInd >= 0, "bad start: %s", start);
assert U.must(toInd >= 0, "bad end: %s", last);
ByteBuffer src = bufs[fromInd];
long absPos = start;
for (int pos = fromAddr; pos < singleCap; pos++) {
byte b = src.get(pos);
if (b != value) {
range.setInterval(start, absPos);
assert invariant(false);
for (int i = fromInd + 1; i < toInd; i++) {
src = bufs[i];
for (int pos = 0; pos < singleCap; pos++) {
byte b = src.get(pos);
if (b != value) {
range.setInterval(start, absPos);
assert invariant(false);
if (fromInd < toInd) {
src = bufs[toInd];
for (int pos = 0; pos <= toAddr; pos++) {
byte b = src.get(pos);
if (b != value) {
range.setInterval(start, absPos);
assert invariant(false);
assert invariant(false);
private void requireRemaining(long n) {
if (remaining() < n) {
public void skip(long count) {
assert invariant(false);
_position += count;
assert invariant(false);
public int bufferIndexOf(long position) {
assert invariant(false);
assert position >= 0;
validatePos(position, 1);
position += shrinkN;
int index = (int) (position >> factor);
assert bufs[index] != null;
assert invariant(false);
return index;
public int bufferOffsetOf(long position) {
assert invariant(false);
assert position >= 0;
validatePos(position, 1);
position += shrinkN;
assert invariant(false);
return (int) (position & addrMask);
public int bufCount() {
assert invariant(false);
return bufN;
public OutputStream asOutputStream() {
assert invariant(false);
if (outputStream == null) {
outputStream = new OutputStream() {
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
assert invariant(true);
append((byte) b);
assert invariant(false);
return outputStream;
public String asText() {
return get(new Range(0, size()));
public Bytes bytes() {
assert invariant(false);
return _bytes;
public void scanLn(Range line) {
assert invariant(false);
long pos = BytesUtil.parseLine(bytes(), line, position(), size());
if (pos < 0) {
assert invariant(false);
_position = pos;
assert invariant(false);
public void scanLnLn(Ranges lines) {
assert invariant(false);
long pos = BytesUtil.parseLines(bytes(), lines, position(), size());
if (pos < 0) {
assert invariant(false);
_position = pos;
assert invariant(false);
public void scanN(long count, Range range) {
assert invariant(false);
get(_position + count - 1);
range.set(_position, count);
_position += count;
assert invariant(false);
public String readLn() {
assert invariant(false);
String result = get(HELPER_RANGE);
assert invariant(false);
return result;
public String readN(long count) {
assert invariant(false);
scanN(count, HELPER_RANGE);
String result = get(HELPER_RANGE);
assert invariant(false);
return result;
public byte[] readNbytes(int count) {
assert invariant(false);
scanN(count, HELPER_RANGE);
byte[] bytes = new byte[count];
get(HELPER_RANGE, bytes, 0);
assert invariant(false);
return bytes;
public void scanTo(byte sep, Range range, boolean failOnLimit) {
assert invariant(false);
long pos = BytesUtil.find(bytes(), _position, _limit, sep, true);
if (pos >= 0) {
consumeAndSkip(pos, range, 1);
} else {
if (failOnLimit) {
assert invariant(false);
} else {
consumeAndSkip(_limit, range, 0);
assert invariant(false);
public long scanTo(byte sep1, byte sep2, Range range, boolean failOnLimit) {
assert invariant(false);
long pos1 = BytesUtil.find(bytes(), _position, _limit, sep1, true);
long pos2 = BytesUtil.find(bytes(), _position, _limit, sep2, true);
boolean found1 = pos1 >= 0;
boolean found2 = pos2 >= 0;
if (found1 && found2) {
if (pos1 <= pos2) {
consumeAndSkip(pos1, range, 1);
assert invariant(false);
return 1;
} else {
consumeAndSkip(pos2, range, 1);
assert invariant(false);
return 2;
} else if (found1 && !found2) {
consumeAndSkip(pos1, range, 1);
assert invariant(false);
return 1;
} else if (!found1 && found2) {
consumeAndSkip(pos2, range, 1);
assert invariant(false);
return 2;
} else {
if (failOnLimit) {
assert invariant(false);
} else {
consumeAndSkip(_limit, range, 0);
assert invariant(false);
return 0;
private void consumeAndSkip(long toPos, Range range, long skip) {
range.setInterval(_position, toPos);
_position = toPos + skip;
public void scanLnLn(Ranges ranges, LongWrap result, byte end1, byte end2) {
assert invariant(false);
long nextPos = BytesUtil.parseLines(bytes(), ranges, result, _position, _limit, end1, end2);
if (nextPos < 0) {
_position = nextPos;
assert invariant(false);
public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
this.readOnly = readOnly;
public long checkpoint() {
return _checkpoint;
public void checkpoint(long checkpoint) {
this._checkpoint = checkpoint;
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