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org.reflections.ReflectionUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright © 2013 Sven Ruppert ([email protected])
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.reflections;

import org.rapidpm.dependencies.core.logger.Logger;
import org.rapidpm.dependencies.core.logger.LoggingService;
import org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public abstract class ReflectionUtils {

  public static boolean includeObject = false;
  private static List primitiveNames;
  private static List primitiveTypes;
  private static List primitiveDescriptors;

  public static Set> getAllSuperTypes(final Class type , Predicate>... predicates) {
    Set> result = new LinkedHashSet();
    if (type != null && (includeObject || ! type.equals(Object.class))) {
      for (Class supertype : getSuperTypes(type)) {
    return filter(result , predicates);

  public static Set> getSuperTypes(Class type) {
    Set> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    if (type == null) return result;
    else {
      Class superclass = type.getSuperclass();
      Class[] interfaces = type.getInterfaces();
      if (superclass != null && (includeObject || ! superclass.equals(Object.class))) result.add(superclass);
      if (interfaces != null && interfaces.length > 0) result.addAll(Arrays.asList(interfaces));
      return result;

  public static Set getAllMethods(final Class type , Predicate... predicates) {
    Set result = new HashSet();
    for (Class t : getAllSuperTypes(type)) {
      result.addAll(getMethods(t , predicates));
    return result;

  public static Set getMethods(Class t , Predicate... predicates) {
    return filter(t.isInterface() ? t.getMethods() : t.getDeclaredMethods() , predicates);

  public static Set getAllConstructors(final Class type , Predicate... predicates) {
    Set result = new HashSet();
    for (Class t : getAllSuperTypes(type)) {
      result.addAll(getConstructors(t , predicates));
    return result;

  public static Set getConstructors(Class t , Predicate... predicates) {
    return ReflectionUtils.filter(t.getDeclaredConstructors() , predicates); //explicit needed only for jdk1.5

  public static Set getAllFields(final Class type , Predicate... predicates) {
    Set result = new HashSet();
    for (Class t : getAllSuperTypes(type)) result.addAll(getFields(t , predicates));
    return result;

  public static Set getFields(Class type , Predicate... predicates) {
    return filter(type.getDeclaredFields() , predicates);


  public static  Set getAllAnnotations(T type , Predicate... predicates) {
    Set result = new HashSet();
    if (type instanceof Class) {
      for (Class t : getAllSuperTypes((Class) type)) {
        result.addAll(getAnnotations(t , predicates));
    } else {
      result.addAll(getAnnotations(type , predicates));
    return result;

  public static  Set getAnnotations(T type , Predicate... predicates) {
    return filter(type.getDeclaredAnnotations() , predicates);

  public static  Set getAll(final Set elements , Predicate... predicates) {
    final Predicate and = Predicates.and(predicates);
    final Iterable filter =;
    return Predicates.isEmpty(predicates) ?
           elements :
  , false).collect(Collectors.toSet());

  public static  Predicate withName(final String name) {
    return input -> input != null && input.getName().equals(name);

  public static  Predicate withPrefix(final String prefix) {
    return input -> input != null && input.getName().startsWith(prefix);

  public static  Predicate withPattern(final String regex) {
    return input -> Pattern.matches(regex , input.toString());

  public static  Predicate withAnnotation(final Class annotation) {
    return input -> input != null && input.isAnnotationPresent(annotation);

  public static  Predicate withAnnotations(final Class... annotations) {
    return input -> input != null && Arrays.equals(annotations , annotationTypes(input.getAnnotations()));

  private static Class[] annotationTypes(Annotation[] annotations) {
    Class[] result = new Class[annotations.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) result[i] = annotations[i].annotationType();
    return result;

  public static  Predicate withAnnotation(final Annotation annotation) {
    return input -> input != null && input.isAnnotationPresent(annotation.annotationType()) &&
                    areAnnotationMembersMatching(input.getAnnotation(annotation.annotationType()) , annotation);

  private static boolean areAnnotationMembersMatching(Annotation annotation1 , Annotation annotation2) {
    if (annotation2 != null && annotation1.annotationType() == annotation2.annotationType()) {
      for (Method method : annotation1.annotationType().getDeclaredMethods()) {
        try {
          if (! method.invoke(annotation1).equals(method.invoke(annotation2))) return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new ReflectionsException(String.format("could not invoke method %s on annotation %s" , method.getName() , annotation1.annotationType()) , e);
      return true;
    return false;

  public static  Predicate withAnnotations(final Annotation... annotations) {
    return input -> {
      if (input != null) {
        Annotation[] inputAnnotations = input.getAnnotations();
        if (inputAnnotations.length == annotations.length) {
          for (int i = 0; i < inputAnnotations.length; i++) {
            if (! areAnnotationMembersMatching(inputAnnotations[i] , annotations[i])) return false;
      return true;

  public static Predicate withParameters(final Class... types) {
    return input -> Arrays.equals(parameterTypes(input) , types);

  private static Class[] parameterTypes(Member member) {
    return member != null ?
           member.getClass() == Method.class ? ((Method) member).getParameterTypes() :
           member.getClass() == Constructor.class ? ((Constructor) member).getParameterTypes() : null : null;

  public static Predicate withParametersAssignableTo(final Class... types) {
    return input -> {
      if (input != null) {
        Class[] parameterTypes = parameterTypes(input);
        if (parameterTypes.length == types.length) {
          for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
            if (! parameterTypes[i].isAssignableFrom(types[i]) ||
                (parameterTypes[i] == Object.class && types[i] != Object.class)) {
              return false;
          return true;
      return false;

  public static Predicate withParametersCount(final int count) {
    return input -> input != null && parameterTypes(input).length == count;

  public static Predicate withAnyParameterAnnotation(final Class annotationClass) {
    return input -> input != null && annotationTypes(parameterAnnotations(input)).stream().anyMatch(input1 -> input1.equals(annotationClass));

  private static Set> annotationTypes(Iterable annotations) {
    Set> result = new HashSet();
    for (Annotation annotation : annotations) result.add(annotation.annotationType());
    return result;


  private static Set parameterAnnotations(Member member) {
    Set result = new HashSet();
    Annotation[][] annotations =
        member instanceof Method ? ((Method) member).getParameterAnnotations() :
        member instanceof Constructor ? ((Constructor) member).getParameterAnnotations() : null;
    for (Annotation[] annotation : annotations) Collections.addAll(result , annotation);
    return result;

  public static Predicate withAnyParameterAnnotation(final Annotation annotation) {
    return input -> input != null &&
                    parameterAnnotations(input).stream().anyMatch(input1 -> areAnnotationMembersMatching(annotation , input1));

  public static  Predicate withType(final Class type) {
    return input -> input != null && input.getType().equals(type);

  public static  Predicate withTypeAssignableTo(final Class type) {
    return input -> input != null && type.isAssignableFrom(input.getType());

  public static  Predicate withReturnType(final Class type) {
    return input -> input != null && input.getReturnType().equals(type);

  public static  Predicate withReturnTypeAssignableTo(final Class type) {
    return input -> input != null && type.isAssignableFrom(input.getReturnType());

  public static  Predicate withModifier(final int mod) {
    return input -> input != null && (input.getModifiers() & mod) != 0;

  public static Predicate> withClassModifier(final int mod) {
    return input -> input != null && (input.getModifiers() & mod) != 0;

  public static  List> forNames(final Iterable classes , ClassLoader... classLoaders) {
    List> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String className : classes) {
      Class type = forName(className , classLoaders);
      if (type != null) {
        result.add((Class) type);
    return result;

  public static Class forName(String typeName , ClassLoader... classLoaders) {
    if (getPrimitiveNames().contains(typeName)) {
      return getPrimitiveTypes().get(getPrimitiveNames().indexOf(typeName));
    } else {
      String type;
      if (typeName.contains("[")) {
        int i = typeName.indexOf("[");
        type = typeName.substring(0 , i);
        String array = typeName.substring(i).replace("]" , "");

        if (getPrimitiveNames().contains(type)) {
          type = getPrimitiveDescriptors().get(getPrimitiveNames().indexOf(type));
        } else {
          type = "L" + type + ";";

        type = array + type;
      } else {
        type = typeName;

      List reflectionsExceptions = new ArrayList();
      for (ClassLoader classLoader : ClasspathHelper.classLoaders(classLoaders)) {
        if (type.contains("[")) {
          try {
            return Class.forName(type , false , classLoader);
          } catch (Throwable e) {
            reflectionsExceptions.add(new ReflectionsException("could not get type for name " + typeName , e));
        try {
          return classLoader.loadClass(type);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
          reflectionsExceptions.add(new ReflectionsException("could not get type for name " + typeName , e));

      final LoggingService log = Logger.getLogger(Reflections.class);
      if (log != null) {
        for (ReflectionsException reflectionsException : reflectionsExceptions) {
          log.warning("could not get type for name " + typeName + " from any class loader" ,

      return null;

  private static List getPrimitiveNames() {
    return primitiveNames;

  private static List getPrimitiveTypes() {
    return primitiveTypes;

  private static List getPrimitiveDescriptors() {
    return primitiveDescriptors;

  private static void initPrimitives() {
    if (primitiveNames == null) {
      primitiveNames = Arrays.asList("boolean" , "char" , "byte" , "short" , "int" , "long" , "float" , "double" , "void");
      primitiveTypes = Arrays.asList(boolean.class , char.class , byte.class , short.class , int.class , long.class , float.class , double.class , void.class);
      primitiveDescriptors = Arrays.asList("Z" , "C" , "B" , "S" , "I" , "J" , "F" , "D" , "V");

  static  Set filter(final T[] elements , Predicate... predicates) {
    return Predicates.isEmpty(predicates) ?
           new HashSet<>(

  static  Set filter(final Iterable elements , Predicate... predicates) {
    return Predicates.isEmpty(predicates) ?
               .stream(elements.spliterator() , false).collect(Collectors.toSet()) :
           new HashSet<>( , false)

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