org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright © 2013 Sven Ruppert ([email protected])
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.reflections.util;
import org.rapidpm.dependencies.core.logger.Logger;
import org.rapidpm.dependencies.core.logger.LoggingService;
import org.reflections.Reflections;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
* Helper methods for working with the classpath.
public abstract class ClasspathHelper {
public static Collection forPackage(String name , ClassLoader... classLoaders) {
return forResource(resourceName(name) , classLoaders);
public static Collection forResource(String resourceName , ClassLoader... classLoaders) {
final List result = new ArrayList<>();
final ClassLoader[] loaders = classLoaders(classLoaders);
for (ClassLoader classLoader : loaders) {
try {
final Enumeration urls = classLoader.getResources(resourceName);
while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
final URL url = urls.nextElement();
int index = url.toExternalForm().lastIndexOf(resourceName);
if (index != - 1) {
// Add old url as contextUrl to support exotic url handlers
result.add(new URL(url , url.toExternalForm().substring(0 , index)));
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
final LoggingService log = Logger.getLogger(Reflections.class);
if (log != null) {
log.warning("error getting resources for " + resourceName , e);
return distinctUrls(result);
private static String resourceName(String name) {
if (name != null) {
String resourceName = name.replace("." , "/");
resourceName = resourceName.replace("\\" , "/");
if (resourceName.startsWith("/")) {
resourceName = resourceName.substring(1);
return resourceName;
return null;
public static ClassLoader[] classLoaders(ClassLoader... classLoaders) {
if (classLoaders != null && classLoaders.length != 0) {
return classLoaders;
} else {
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = contextClassLoader(), staticClassLoader = staticClassLoader();
return contextClassLoader != null ?
staticClassLoader != null && contextClassLoader != staticClassLoader ?
new ClassLoader[]{contextClassLoader , staticClassLoader} :
new ClassLoader[]{contextClassLoader} :
new ClassLoader[]{};
private static Collection distinctUrls(Collection urls) {
Map distinct = new LinkedHashMap<>(urls.size());
for (URL url : urls) {
distinct.put(url.toExternalForm() , url);
return distinct.values();
public static ClassLoader contextClassLoader() {
return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
public static ClassLoader staticClassLoader() {
return Reflections.class.getClassLoader();
public static URL forClass(Class> aClass , ClassLoader... classLoaders) {
final ClassLoader[] loaders = classLoaders(classLoaders);
final String resourceName = aClass.getName().replace("." , "/") + ".class";
for (ClassLoader classLoader : loaders) {
try {
final URL url = classLoader.getResource(resourceName);
if (url != null) {
final String normalizedUrl = url.toExternalForm().substring(0 , url.toExternalForm().lastIndexOf(aClass.getPackage().getName().replace("." , "/")));
return new URL(normalizedUrl);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
final LoggingService log = Logger.getLogger(Reflections.class);
if (log != null) {
log.warning("Could not get URL" , e);
return null;
public static Collection forClassLoader() {
// return forClassLoader(classLoaders(), ClasspathHelper.class.getClassLoader());
// return forClassLoader(ClasspathHelper.class.getClassLoader());
return forClassLoader(ClassLoader.getPlatformClassLoader());
public static Collection forClassLoader(ClassLoader... classLoaders) {
final Collection result = new ArrayList<>();
final ClassLoader[] loaders = classLoaders(classLoaders);
for (ClassLoader classLoader : loaders) {
while (classLoader != null) {
if (classLoader instanceof URLClassLoader) {
URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) classLoader).getURLs();
if (urls != null) {
classLoader = classLoader.getParent();
return distinctUrls(result);
public static Collection forJavaClassPath() {
Collection urls = new ArrayList<>();
String javaClassPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
if (javaClassPath != null) {
for (String path : javaClassPath.split(File.pathSeparator)) {
try {
urls.add(new File(path).toURI().toURL());
} catch (Exception e) {
final LoggingService log = Logger.getLogger(Reflections.class);
if (log != null) {
log.warning("Could not get URL" , e);
return distinctUrls(urls);
public static Collection forWebInfLib(final ServletContext servletContext) {
final Collection urls = new ArrayList<>();
Set> resourcePaths = servletContext.getResourcePaths("/WEB-INF/lib");
if (resourcePaths == null) {
return urls;
for (Object urlString : resourcePaths) {
try {
urls.add(servletContext.getResource((String) urlString));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) { /*fuck off*/ }
return distinctUrls(urls);
public static URL forWebInfClasses(final ServletContext servletContext) {
try {
final String path = servletContext.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/classes");
if (path != null) {
final File file = new File(path);
if (file.exists())
return file.toURL();
} else {
return servletContext.getResource("/WEB-INF/classes");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) { /*fuck off*/ }
return null;
public static Collection forManifest() {
return forManifest(forClassLoader());
public static Collection forManifest(final URL url) {
final Collection result = new ArrayList<>();
try {
final String part = cleanPath(url);
File jarFile = new File(part);
JarFile myJar = new JarFile(part);
URL validUrl = tryToGetValidUrl(jarFile.getPath() , new File(part).getParent() , part);
if (validUrl != null) {
final Manifest manifest = myJar.getManifest();
if (manifest != null) {
final String classPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(new Attributes.Name("Class-Path"));
if (classPath != null) {
for (String jar : classPath.split(" ")) {
validUrl = tryToGetValidUrl(jarFile.getPath() , new File(part).getParent() , jar);
if (validUrl != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// don't do anything, we're going on the assumption it is a jar, which could be wrong
return distinctUrls(result);
public static Collection forManifest(final Iterable urls) {
Collection result = new ArrayList<>();
// determine if any of the URLs are JARs, and get any dependencies
for (URL url : urls) {
return distinctUrls(result);
//a little bit cryptic...
static URL tryToGetValidUrl(String workingDir , String path , String filename) {
try {
if (new File(filename).exists())
return new File(filename).toURI().toURL();
if (new File(path + File.separator + filename).exists())
return new File(path + File.separator + filename).toURI().toURL();
if (new File(workingDir + File.separator + filename).exists())
return new File(workingDir + File.separator + filename).toURI().toURL();
if (new File(new URL(filename).getFile()).exists())
return new File(new URL(filename).getFile()).toURI().toURL();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// don't do anything, we're going on the assumption it is a jar, which could be wrong
return null;
public static String cleanPath(final URL url) {
String path = url.getPath();
try {
path = URLDecoder.decode(path , "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /**/ }
if (path.startsWith("jar:")) {
path = path.substring("jar:".length());
if (path.startsWith("file:")) {
path = path.substring("file:".length());
if (path.endsWith("!/")) {
path = path.substring(0 , path.lastIndexOf("!/")) + "/";
return path;
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