com.google.common.base.MoreObjects Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.common.base;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Helper functions that operate on any {@code Object}, and are not already provided in
* {@link java.util.Objects}.
* See the Guava User Guide on writing
* {@code Object} methods with {@code MoreObjects}.
* @author Laurence Gonsalves
* @since 18.0 (since 2.0 as {@code Objects})
public final class MoreObjects {
* Returns the first of two given parameters that is not {@code null}, if either is, or otherwise
* throws a {@link NullPointerException}.
Note: if {@code first} is represented as an {@link Optional}, this can be
* accomplished with {@link Optional#or(Object) first.or(second)}. That approach also allows for
* lazy evaluation of the fallback instance, using {@link Optional#or(Supplier)
* first.or(supplier)}.
* @return {@code first} if it is non-null; otherwise {@code second} if it is non-null
* @throws NullPointerException if both {@code first} and {@code second} are null
* @since 18.0 (since 3.0 as {@code Objects.firstNonNull()}).
public static T firstNonNull(@Nullable T first, @Nullable T second) {
return first != null ? first : checkNotNull(second);
* Creates an instance of {@link ToStringHelper}.
* This is helpful for implementing {@link Object#toString()}.
* Specification by example:
* // Returns "ClassName{}"
* MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
* .toString();
* // Returns "ClassName{x=1}"
* MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
* .add("x", 1)
* .toString();
* // Returns "MyObject{x=1}"
* MoreObjects.toStringHelper("MyObject")
* .add("x", 1)
* .toString();
* // Returns "ClassName{x=1, y=foo}"
* MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
* .add("x", 1)
* .add("y", "foo")
* .toString();
* // Returns "ClassName{x=1}"
* MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
* .omitNullValues()
* .add("x", 1)
* .add("y", null)
* .toString();
* }}
* Note that in GWT, class names are often obfuscated.
* @param self the object to generate the string for (typically {@code this}), used only for its
* class name
* @since 18.0 (since 2.0 as {@code Objects.toStringHelper()}).
public static ToStringHelper toStringHelper(Object self) {
return new ToStringHelper(self.getClass().getSimpleName());
* Creates an instance of {@link ToStringHelper} in the same manner as {@link
* #toStringHelper(Object)}, but using the simple name of {@code clazz} instead of using an
* instance's {@link Object#getClass()}.
Note that in GWT, class names are often obfuscated.
* @param clazz the {@link Class} of the instance
* @since 18.0 (since 7.0 as {@code Objects.toStringHelper()}).
public static ToStringHelper toStringHelper(Class> clazz) {
return new ToStringHelper(clazz.getSimpleName());
* Creates an instance of {@link ToStringHelper} in the same manner as {@link
* #toStringHelper(Object)}, but using {@code className} instead of using an instance's {@link
* Object#getClass()}.
* @param className the name of the instance type
* @since 18.0 (since 7.0 as {@code Objects.toStringHelper()}).
public static ToStringHelper toStringHelper(String className) {
return new ToStringHelper(className);
* Support class for {@link MoreObjects#toStringHelper}.
* @author Jason Lee
* @since 18.0 (since 2.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper}).
public static final class ToStringHelper {
private final String className;
private ValueHolder holderHead = new ValueHolder();
private ValueHolder holderTail = holderHead;
private boolean omitNullValues = false;
* Use {@link MoreObjects#toStringHelper(Object)} to create an instance.
private ToStringHelper(String className) {
this.className = checkNotNull(className);
* Configures the {@link ToStringHelper} so {@link #toString()} will ignore
* properties with null value. The order of calling this method, relative
* to the {@code add()}/{@code addValue()} methods, is not significant.
* @since 18.0 (since 12.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.omitNullValues()}).
public ToStringHelper omitNullValues() {
omitNullValues = true;
return this;
* Adds a name/value pair to the formatted output in {@code name=value}
* format. If {@code value} is {@code null}, the string {@code "null"}
* is used, unless {@link #omitNullValues()} is called, in which case this
* name/value pair will not be added.
public ToStringHelper add(String name, @Nullable Object value) {
return addHolder(name, value);
* Adds a name/value pair to the formatted output in {@code name=value}
* format.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.add()}).
public ToStringHelper add(String name, boolean value) {
return addHolder(name, String.valueOf(value));
* Adds a name/value pair to the formatted output in {@code name=value}
* format.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.add()}).
public ToStringHelper add(String name, char value) {
return addHolder(name, String.valueOf(value));
* Adds a name/value pair to the formatted output in {@code name=value}
* format.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.add()}).
public ToStringHelper add(String name, double value) {
return addHolder(name, String.valueOf(value));
* Adds a name/value pair to the formatted output in {@code name=value}
* format.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.add()}).
public ToStringHelper add(String name, float value) {
return addHolder(name, String.valueOf(value));
* Adds a name/value pair to the formatted output in {@code name=value}
* format.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.add()}).
public ToStringHelper add(String name, int value) {
return addHolder(name, String.valueOf(value));
* Adds a name/value pair to the formatted output in {@code name=value}
* format.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.add()}).
public ToStringHelper add(String name, long value) {
return addHolder(name, String.valueOf(value));
* Adds an unnamed value to the formatted output.
It is strongly encouraged to use {@link #add(String, Object)} instead
* and give value a readable name.
public ToStringHelper addValue(@Nullable Object value) {
return addHolder(value);
* Adds an unnamed value to the formatted output.
It is strongly encouraged to use {@link #add(String, boolean)} instead
* and give value a readable name.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.addValue()}).
public ToStringHelper addValue(boolean value) {
return addHolder(String.valueOf(value));
* Adds an unnamed value to the formatted output.
It is strongly encouraged to use {@link #add(String, char)} instead
* and give value a readable name.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.addValue()}).
public ToStringHelper addValue(char value) {
return addHolder(String.valueOf(value));
* Adds an unnamed value to the formatted output.
It is strongly encouraged to use {@link #add(String, double)} instead
* and give value a readable name.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.addValue()}).
public ToStringHelper addValue(double value) {
return addHolder(String.valueOf(value));
* Adds an unnamed value to the formatted output.
It is strongly encouraged to use {@link #add(String, float)} instead
* and give value a readable name.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.addValue()}).
public ToStringHelper addValue(float value) {
return addHolder(String.valueOf(value));
* Adds an unnamed value to the formatted output.
It is strongly encouraged to use {@link #add(String, int)} instead
* and give value a readable name.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.addValue()}).
public ToStringHelper addValue(int value) {
return addHolder(String.valueOf(value));
* Adds an unnamed value to the formatted output.
It is strongly encouraged to use {@link #add(String, long)} instead
* and give value a readable name.
* @since 18.0 (since 11.0 as {@code Objects.ToStringHelper.addValue()}).
public ToStringHelper addValue(long value) {
return addHolder(String.valueOf(value));
* Returns a string in the format specified by
* {@link MoreObjects#toStringHelper(Object)}.
After calling this method, you can keep adding more properties to later
* call toString() again and get a more complete representation of the
* same object; but properties cannot be removed, so this only allows
* limited reuse of the helper instance. The helper allows duplication of
* properties (multiple name/value pairs with the same name can be added).
public String toString() {
// create a copy to keep it consistent in case value changes
boolean omitNullValuesSnapshot = omitNullValues;
String nextSeparator = "";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(32).append(className).append('{');
for (ValueHolder valueHolder = holderHead.next;
valueHolder != null;
valueHolder = valueHolder.next) {
Object value = valueHolder.value;
if (!omitNullValuesSnapshot || value != null) {
nextSeparator = ", ";
if (valueHolder.name != null) {
if (value != null && value.getClass().isArray()) {
Object[] objectArray = {value};
String arrayString = Arrays.deepToString(objectArray);
builder.append(arrayString.substring(1, arrayString.length() - 1));
} else {
return builder.append('}').toString();
private ValueHolder addHolder() {
ValueHolder valueHolder = new ValueHolder();
holderTail = holderTail.next = valueHolder;
return valueHolder;
private ToStringHelper addHolder(@Nullable Object value) {
ValueHolder valueHolder = addHolder();
valueHolder.value = value;
return this;
private ToStringHelper addHolder(String name, @Nullable Object value) {
ValueHolder valueHolder = addHolder();
valueHolder.value = value;
valueHolder.name = checkNotNull(name);
return this;
private static final class ValueHolder {
String name;
Object value;
ValueHolder next;
private MoreObjects() {}