com.codahale.metrics.ConsoleReporter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.codahale.metrics;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* A reporter which outputs measurements to a {@link PrintStream}, like {@code System.out}.
public class ConsoleReporter extends ScheduledReporter {
* Returns a new {@link Builder} for {@link ConsoleReporter}.
* @param registry the registry to report
* @return a {@link Builder} instance for a {@link ConsoleReporter}
public static Builder forRegistry(MetricRegistry registry) {
return new Builder(registry);
* A builder for {@link ConsoleReporter} instances. Defaults to using the default locale and
* time zone, writing to {@code System.out}, converting rates to events/second, converting
* durations to milliseconds, and not filtering metrics.
public static class Builder {
private final MetricRegistry registry;
private PrintStream output;
private Locale locale;
private Clock clock;
private TimeZone timeZone;
private TimeUnit rateUnit;
private TimeUnit durationUnit;
private MetricFilter filter;
private ScheduledExecutorService executor;
private boolean shutdownExecutorOnStop;
private Set disabledMetricAttributes;
private Builder(MetricRegistry registry) {
this.registry = registry;
this.output = System.out;
this.locale = Locale.getDefault();
this.clock = Clock.defaultClock();
this.timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
this.rateUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS;
this.durationUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
this.filter = MetricFilter.ALL;
this.executor = null;
this.shutdownExecutorOnStop = true;
disabledMetricAttributes = Collections.emptySet();
* Specifies whether or not, the executor (used for reporting) will be stopped with same time with reporter.
* Default value is true.
* Setting this parameter to false, has the sense in combining with providing external managed executor via {@link #scheduleOn(ScheduledExecutorService)}.
* @param shutdownExecutorOnStop if true, then executor will be stopped in same time with this reporter
* @return {@code this}
public Builder shutdownExecutorOnStop(boolean shutdownExecutorOnStop) {
this.shutdownExecutorOnStop = shutdownExecutorOnStop;
return this;
* Specifies the executor to use while scheduling reporting of metrics.
* Default value is null.
* Null value leads to executor will be auto created on start.
* @param executor the executor to use while scheduling reporting of metrics.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder scheduleOn(ScheduledExecutorService executor) {
this.executor = executor;
return this;
* Write to the given {@link PrintStream}.
* @param output a {@link PrintStream} instance.
* @return {@code this}
public Builder outputTo(PrintStream output) {
this.output = output;
return this;
* Format numbers for the given {@link Locale}.
* @param locale a {@link Locale}
* @return {@code this}
public Builder formattedFor(Locale locale) {
this.locale = locale;
return this;
* Use the given {@link Clock} instance for the time.
* @param clock a {@link Clock} instance
* @return {@code this}
public Builder withClock(Clock clock) {
this.clock = clock;
return this;
* Use the given {@link TimeZone} for the time.
* @param timeZone a {@link TimeZone}
* @return {@code this}
public Builder formattedFor(TimeZone timeZone) {
this.timeZone = timeZone;
return this;
* Convert rates to the given time unit.
* @param rateUnit a unit of time
* @return {@code this}
public Builder convertRatesTo(TimeUnit rateUnit) {
this.rateUnit = rateUnit;
return this;
* Convert durations to the given time unit.
* @param durationUnit a unit of time
* @return {@code this}
public Builder convertDurationsTo(TimeUnit durationUnit) {
this.durationUnit = durationUnit;
return this;
* Only report metrics which match the given filter.
* @param filter a {@link MetricFilter}
* @return {@code this}
public Builder filter(MetricFilter filter) {
this.filter = filter;
return this;
* Don't report the passed metric attributes for all metrics (e.g. "p999", "stddev" or "m15").
* See {@link MetricAttribute}.
* @param disabledMetricAttributes a {@link MetricFilter}
* @return {@code this}
public Builder disabledMetricAttributes(Set disabledMetricAttributes) {
this.disabledMetricAttributes = disabledMetricAttributes;
return this;
* Builds a {@link ConsoleReporter} with the given properties.
* @return a {@link ConsoleReporter}
public ConsoleReporter build() {
return new ConsoleReporter(registry,
private static final int CONSOLE_WIDTH = 80;
private final PrintStream output;
private final Locale locale;
private final Clock clock;
private final DateFormat dateFormat;
private ConsoleReporter(MetricRegistry registry,
PrintStream output,
Locale locale,
Clock clock,
TimeZone timeZone,
TimeUnit rateUnit,
TimeUnit durationUnit,
MetricFilter filter,
ScheduledExecutorService executor,
boolean shutdownExecutorOnStop,
Set disabledMetricAttributes) {
super(registry, "console-reporter", filter, rateUnit, durationUnit, executor, shutdownExecutorOnStop, disabledMetricAttributes);
this.output = output;
this.locale = locale;
this.clock = clock;
this.dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT,
public void report(SortedMap gauges,
SortedMap counters,
SortedMap histograms,
SortedMap meters,
SortedMap timers) {
final String dateTime = dateFormat.format(new Date(clock.getTime()));
printWithBanner(dateTime, '=');
if (!gauges.isEmpty()) {
printWithBanner("-- Gauges", '-');
for (Map.Entry entry : gauges.entrySet()) {
if (!counters.isEmpty()) {
printWithBanner("-- Counters", '-');
for (Map.Entry entry : counters.entrySet()) {
if (!histograms.isEmpty()) {
printWithBanner("-- Histograms", '-');
for (Map.Entry entry : histograms.entrySet()) {
if (!meters.isEmpty()) {
printWithBanner("-- Meters", '-');
for (Map.Entry entry : meters.entrySet()) {
if (!timers.isEmpty()) {
printWithBanner("-- Timers", '-');
for (Map.Entry entry : timers.entrySet()) {
private void printMeter(Meter meter) {
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.COUNT, String.format(locale, " count = %d", meter.getCount()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.MEAN_RATE, String.format(locale, " mean rate = %2.2f events/%s", convertRate(meter.getMeanRate()), getRateUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.M1_RATE, String.format(locale, " 1-minute rate = %2.2f events/%s", convertRate(meter.getOneMinuteRate()), getRateUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.M5_RATE, String.format(locale, " 5-minute rate = %2.2f events/%s", convertRate(meter.getFiveMinuteRate()), getRateUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.M15_RATE, String.format(locale, " 15-minute rate = %2.2f events/%s", convertRate(meter.getFifteenMinuteRate()), getRateUnit()));
private void printCounter(Map.Entry entry) {
output.printf(locale, " count = %d%n", entry.getValue().getCount());
private void printGauge(Map.Entry entry) {
output.printf(locale, " value = %s%n", entry.getValue().getValue());
private void printHistogram(Histogram histogram) {
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.COUNT, String.format(locale, " count = %d", histogram.getCount()));
Snapshot snapshot = histogram.getSnapshot();
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.MIN, String.format(locale, " min = %d", snapshot.getMin()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.MAX, String.format(locale, " max = %d", snapshot.getMax()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.MEAN, String.format(locale, " mean = %2.2f", snapshot.getMean()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.STDDEV, String.format(locale, " stddev = %2.2f", snapshot.getStdDev()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P50, String.format(locale, " median = %2.2f", snapshot.getMedian()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P75, String.format(locale, " 75%% <= %2.2f", snapshot.get75thPercentile()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P95, String.format(locale, " 95%% <= %2.2f", snapshot.get95thPercentile()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P98, String.format(locale, " 98%% <= %2.2f", snapshot.get98thPercentile()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P99, String.format(locale, " 99%% <= %2.2f", snapshot.get99thPercentile()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P999, String.format(locale, " 99.9%% <= %2.2f", snapshot.get999thPercentile()));
private void printTimer(Timer timer) {
final Snapshot snapshot = timer.getSnapshot();
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.COUNT, String.format(locale, " count = %d", timer.getCount()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.MEAN_RATE, String.format(locale, " mean rate = %2.2f calls/%s", convertRate(timer.getMeanRate()), getRateUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.M1_RATE, String.format(locale, " 1-minute rate = %2.2f calls/%s", convertRate(timer.getOneMinuteRate()), getRateUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.M5_RATE, String.format(locale, " 5-minute rate = %2.2f calls/%s", convertRate(timer.getFiveMinuteRate()), getRateUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.M15_RATE, String.format(locale, " 15-minute rate = %2.2f calls/%s", convertRate(timer.getFifteenMinuteRate()), getRateUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.MIN, String.format(locale, " min = %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.getMin()), getDurationUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.MAX, String.format(locale, " max = %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.getMax()), getDurationUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.MEAN, String.format(locale, " mean = %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.getMean()), getDurationUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.STDDEV, String.format(locale, " stddev = %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.getStdDev()), getDurationUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P50, String.format(locale, " median = %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.getMedian()), getDurationUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P75, String.format(locale, " 75%% <= %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.get75thPercentile()), getDurationUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P95, String.format(locale, " 95%% <= %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.get95thPercentile()), getDurationUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P98, String.format(locale, " 98%% <= %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.get98thPercentile()), getDurationUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P99, String.format(locale, " 99%% <= %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.get99thPercentile()), getDurationUnit()));
printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute.P999, String.format(locale, " 99.9%% <= %2.2f %s", convertDuration(snapshot.get999thPercentile()), getDurationUnit()));
private void printWithBanner(String s, char c) {
output.print(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < (CONSOLE_WIDTH - s.length() - 1); i++) {
* Print only if the attribute is enabled
* @param type Metric attribute
* @param status Status to be logged
private void printIfEnabled(MetricAttribute type, String status) {
if(getDisabledMetricAttributes().contains(type)) {
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