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import org.rcsb.cif.model.Block;
import org.rcsb.cif.model.Category;
import org.rcsb.cif.schema.DelegatingBlock;
import org.rcsb.cif.schema.DelegatingCategory;

import javax.annotation.Generated;

public class MmCifBlock extends DelegatingBlock {
    public MmCifBlock(Block delegate) {

    protected Category createDelegate(String categoryName, Category category) {
        switch (categoryName) {
            case "atom_site":
                return getAtomSite();
            case "atom_site_anisotrop":
                return getAtomSiteAnisotrop();
            case "atom_sites":
                return getAtomSites();
            case "atom_sites_alt":
                return getAtomSitesAlt();
            case "atom_sites_alt_ens":
                return getAtomSitesAltEns();
            case "atom_sites_alt_gen":
                return getAtomSitesAltGen();
            case "atom_sites_footnote":
                return getAtomSitesFootnote();
            case "atom_type":
                return getAtomType();
            case "audit":
                return getAudit();
            case "audit_author":
                return getAuditAuthor();
            case "audit_conform":
                return getAuditConform();
            case "audit_contact_author":
                return getAuditContactAuthor();
            case "cell":
                return getCell();
            case "cell_measurement":
                return getCellMeasurement();
            case "cell_measurement_refln":
                return getCellMeasurementRefln();
            case "chem_comp":
                return getChemComp();
            case "chem_comp_angle":
                return getChemCompAngle();
            case "chem_comp_atom":
                return getChemCompAtom();
            case "chem_comp_bond":
                return getChemCompBond();
            case "chem_comp_chir":
                return getChemCompChir();
            case "chem_comp_chir_atom":
                return getChemCompChirAtom();
            case "chem_comp_link":
                return getChemCompLink();
            case "chem_comp_plane":
                return getChemCompPlane();
            case "chem_comp_plane_atom":
                return getChemCompPlaneAtom();
            case "chem_comp_tor":
                return getChemCompTor();
            case "chem_comp_tor_value":
                return getChemCompTorValue();
            case "chem_link":
                return getChemLink();
            case "chem_link_angle":
                return getChemLinkAngle();
            case "chem_link_bond":
                return getChemLinkBond();
            case "chem_link_chir":
                return getChemLinkChir();
            case "chem_link_chir_atom":
                return getChemLinkChirAtom();
            case "chem_link_plane":
                return getChemLinkPlane();
            case "chem_link_plane_atom":
                return getChemLinkPlaneAtom();
            case "chem_link_tor":
                return getChemLinkTor();
            case "chem_link_tor_value":
                return getChemLinkTorValue();
            case "chemical":
                return getChemical();
            case "chemical_conn_atom":
                return getChemicalConnAtom();
            case "chemical_conn_bond":
                return getChemicalConnBond();
            case "chemical_formula":
                return getChemicalFormula();
            case "citation":
                return getCitation();
            case "citation_author":
                return getCitationAuthor();
            case "citation_editor":
                return getCitationEditor();
            case "computing":
                return getComputing();
            case "database":
                return getDatabase();
            case "database_2":
                return getDatabase2();
            case "database_PDB_caveat":
                return getDatabasePDBCaveat();
            case "database_PDB_matrix":
                return getDatabasePDBMatrix();
            case "database_PDB_remark":
                return getDatabasePDBRemark();
            case "database_PDB_rev":
                return getDatabasePDBRev();
            case "database_PDB_rev_record":
                return getDatabasePDBRevRecord();
            case "database_PDB_tvect":
                return getDatabasePDBTvect();
            case "diffrn":
                return getDiffrn();
            case "diffrn_attenuator":
                return getDiffrnAttenuator();
            case "diffrn_detector":
                return getDiffrnDetector();
            case "diffrn_measurement":
                return getDiffrnMeasurement();
            case "diffrn_orient_matrix":
                return getDiffrnOrientMatrix();
            case "diffrn_orient_refln":
                return getDiffrnOrientRefln();
            case "diffrn_radiation":
                return getDiffrnRadiation();
            case "diffrn_radiation_wavelength":
                return getDiffrnRadiationWavelength();
            case "diffrn_refln":
                return getDiffrnRefln();
            case "diffrn_reflns":
                return getDiffrnReflns();
            case "diffrn_scale_group":
                return getDiffrnScaleGroup();
            case "diffrn_source":
                return getDiffrnSource();
            case "diffrn_standard_refln":
                return getDiffrnStandardRefln();
            case "diffrn_standards":
                return getDiffrnStandards();
            case "entity":
                return getEntity();
            case "entity_keywords":
                return getEntityKeywords();
            case "entity_link":
                return getEntityLink();
            case "entity_name_com":
                return getEntityNameCom();
            case "entity_name_sys":
                return getEntityNameSys();
            case "entity_poly":
                return getEntityPoly();
            case "entity_poly_seq":
                return getEntityPolySeq();
            case "entry":
                return getEntry();
            case "entry_link":
                return getEntryLink();
            case "exptl":
                return getExptl();
            case "exptl_crystal":
                return getExptlCrystal();
            case "exptl_crystal_face":
                return getExptlCrystalFace();
            case "exptl_crystal_grow":
                return getExptlCrystalGrow();
            case "exptl_crystal_grow_comp":
                return getExptlCrystalGrowComp();
            case "geom":
                return getGeom();
            case "geom_angle":
                return getGeomAngle();
            case "geom_bond":
                return getGeomBond();
            case "geom_contact":
                return getGeomContact();
            case "geom_hbond":
                return getGeomHbond();
            case "geom_torsion":
                return getGeomTorsion();
            case "journal":
                return getJournal();
            case "journal_index":
                return getJournalIndex();
            case "phasing":
                return getPhasing();
            case "phasing_averaging":
                return getPhasingAveraging();
            case "phasing_isomorphous":
                return getPhasingIsomorphous();
            case "phasing_MAD":
                return getPhasingMAD();
            case "phasing_MAD_clust":
                return getPhasingMADClust();
            case "phasing_MAD_expt":
                return getPhasingMADExpt();
            case "phasing_MAD_ratio":
                return getPhasingMADRatio();
            case "phasing_MAD_set":
                return getPhasingMADSet();
            case "phasing_MIR":
                return getPhasingMIR();
            case "phasing_MIR_der":
                return getPhasingMIRDer();
            case "phasing_MIR_der_refln":
                return getPhasingMIRDerRefln();
            case "phasing_MIR_der_shell":
                return getPhasingMIRDerShell();
            case "phasing_MIR_der_site":
                return getPhasingMIRDerSite();
            case "phasing_MIR_shell":
                return getPhasingMIRShell();
            case "phasing_set":
                return getPhasingSet();
            case "phasing_set_refln":
                return getPhasingSetRefln();
            case "publ":
                return getPubl();
            case "publ_author":
                return getPublAuthor();
            case "publ_body":
                return getPublBody();
            case "publ_manuscript_incl":
                return getPublManuscriptIncl();
            case "refine":
                return getRefine();
            case "refine_analyze":
                return getRefineAnalyze();
            case "refine_B_iso":
                return getRefineBIso();
            case "refine_funct_minimized":
                return getRefineFunctMinimized();
            case "refine_hist":
                return getRefineHist();
            case "refine_ls_restr":
                return getRefineLsRestr();
            case "refine_ls_restr_ncs":
                return getRefineLsRestrNcs();
            case "refine_ls_restr_type":
                return getRefineLsRestrType();
            case "refine_ls_shell":
                return getRefineLsShell();
            case "refine_occupancy":
                return getRefineOccupancy();
            case "refln":
                return getRefln();
            case "refln_sys_abs":
                return getReflnSysAbs();
            case "reflns":
                return getReflns();
            case "reflns_scale":
                return getReflnsScale();
            case "reflns_shell":
                return getReflnsShell();
            case "software":
                return getSoftware();
            case "struct":
                return getStruct();
            case "struct_asym":
                return getStructAsym();
            case "struct_biol":
                return getStructBiol();
            case "struct_biol_gen":
                return getStructBiolGen();
            case "struct_biol_keywords":
                return getStructBiolKeywords();
            case "struct_biol_view":
                return getStructBiolView();
            case "struct_conf":
                return getStructConf();
            case "struct_conf_type":
                return getStructConfType();
            case "struct_conn":
                return getStructConn();
            case "struct_conn_type":
                return getStructConnType();
            case "struct_keywords":
                return getStructKeywords();
            case "struct_mon_details":
                return getStructMonDetails();
            case "struct_mon_nucl":
                return getStructMonNucl();
            case "struct_mon_prot":
                return getStructMonProt();
            case "struct_mon_prot_cis":
                return getStructMonProtCis();
            case "struct_ncs_dom":
                return getStructNcsDom();
            case "struct_ncs_dom_lim":
                return getStructNcsDomLim();
            case "struct_ncs_ens":
                return getStructNcsEns();
            case "struct_ncs_ens_gen":
                return getStructNcsEnsGen();
            case "struct_ncs_oper":
                return getStructNcsOper();
            case "struct_ref":
                return getStructRef();
            case "struct_ref_seq":
                return getStructRefSeq();
            case "struct_ref_seq_dif":
                return getStructRefSeqDif();
            case "struct_sheet":
                return getStructSheet();
            case "struct_sheet_hbond":
                return getStructSheetHbond();
            case "struct_sheet_order":
                return getStructSheetOrder();
            case "struct_sheet_range":
                return getStructSheetRange();
            case "struct_sheet_topology":
                return getStructSheetTopology();
            case "struct_site":
                return getStructSite();
            case "struct_site_gen":
                return getStructSiteGen();
            case "struct_site_keywords":
                return getStructSiteKeywords();
            case "struct_site_view":
                return getStructSiteView();
            case "symmetry":
                return getSymmetry();
            case "symmetry_equiv":
                return getSymmetryEquiv();
            case "audit_link":
                return getAuditLink();
            case "diffrn_reflns_class":
                return getDiffrnReflnsClass();
            case "refine_ls_class":
                return getRefineLsClass();
            case "reflns_class":
                return getReflnsClass();
            case "space_group":
                return getSpaceGroup();
            case "space_group_symop":
                return getSpaceGroupSymop();
            case "valence_param":
                return getValenceParam();
            case "valence_ref":
                return getValenceRef();
            case "pdbx_audit":
                return getPdbxAudit();
            case "pdbx_version":
                return getPdbxVersion();
            case "pdbx_audit_author":
                return getPdbxAuditAuthor();
            case "pdbx_database_message":
                return getPdbxDatabaseMessage();
            case "pdbx_database_PDB_obs_spr":
                return getPdbxDatabasePDBObsSpr();
            case "pdbx_database_proc":
                return getPdbxDatabaseProc();
            case "pdbx_database_remark":
                return getPdbxDatabaseRemark();
            case "pdbx_database_status":
                return getPdbxDatabaseStatus();
            case "pdbx_entity_name":
                return getPdbxEntityName();
            case "pdbx_prerelease_seq":
                return getPdbxPrereleaseSeq();
            case "pdbx_poly_seq_scheme":
                return getPdbxPolySeqScheme();
            case "pdbx_nonpoly_scheme":
                return getPdbxNonpolyScheme();
            case "pdbx_refine":
                return getPdbxRefine();
            case "pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond":
                return getPdbxStructSheetHbond();
            case "pdbx_xplor_file":
                return getPdbxXplorFile();
            case "pdbx_refine_aux_file":
                return getPdbxRefineAuxFile();
            case "pdbx_database_related":
                return getPdbxDatabaseRelated();
            case "pdbx_entity_assembly":
                return getPdbxEntityAssembly();
            case "pdbx_exptl_crystal_grow_comp":
                return getPdbxExptlCrystalGrowComp();
            case "pdbx_exptl_crystal_grow_sol":
                return getPdbxExptlCrystalGrowSol();
            case "pdbx_exptl_crystal_cryo_treatment":
                return getPdbxExptlCrystalCryoTreatment();
            case "pdbx_refine_tls":
                return getPdbxRefineTls();
            case "pdbx_refine_tls_group":
                return getPdbxRefineTlsGroup();
            case "pdbx_contact_author":
                return getPdbxContactAuthor();
            case "pdbx_SG_project":
                return getPdbxSGProject();
            case "pdbx_atom_site_aniso_tls":
                return getPdbxAtomSiteAnisoTls();
            case "pdbx_nmr_details":
                return getPdbxNmrDetails();
            case "pdbx_nmr_sample_details":
                return getPdbxNmrSampleDetails();
            case "pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample":
                return getPdbxNmrExptlSample();
            case "pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions":
                return getPdbxNmrExptlSampleConditions();
            case "pdbx_nmr_spectrometer":
                return getPdbxNmrSpectrometer();
            case "pdbx_nmr_exptl":
                return getPdbxNmrExptl();
            case "pdbx_nmr_software":
                return getPdbxNmrSoftware();
            case "pdbx_nmr_constraints":
                return getPdbxNmrConstraints();
            case "pdbx_nmr_ensemble":
                return getPdbxNmrEnsemble();
            case "pdbx_nmr_ensemble_rms":
                return getPdbxNmrEnsembleRms();
            case "pdbx_nmr_representative":
                return getPdbxNmrRepresentative();
            case "pdbx_nmr_refine":
                return getPdbxNmrRefine();
            case "pdbx_nmr_force_constants":
                return getPdbxNmrForceConstants();
            case "ndb_struct_conf_na":
                return getNdbStructConfNa();
            case "ndb_struct_feature_na":
                return getNdbStructFeatureNa();
            case "ndb_struct_na_base_pair":
                return getNdbStructNaBasePair();
            case "ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step":
                return getNdbStructNaBasePairStep();
            case "ndb_original_ndb_coordinates":
                return getNdbOriginalNdbCoordinates();
            case "pdbx_entity_nonpoly":
                return getPdbxEntityNonpoly();
            case "pdbx_phasing_dm":
                return getPdbxPhasingDm();
            case "pdbx_phasing_dm_shell":
                return getPdbxPhasingDmShell();
            case "pdbx_phasing_MAD_shell":
                return getPdbxPhasingMADShell();
            case "pdbx_phasing_MAD_set":
                return getPdbxPhasingMADSet();
            case "pdbx_phasing_MAD_set_shell":
                return getPdbxPhasingMADSetShell();
            case "pdbx_phasing_MAD_set_site":
                return getPdbxPhasingMADSetSite();
            case "pdbx_phasing_MR":
                return getPdbxPhasingMR();
            case "pdbx_refine_component":
                return getPdbxRefineComponent();
            case "pdbx_entity_prod_protocol":
                return getPdbxEntityProdProtocol();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_prod_other":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenProdOther();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_prod_other_parameter":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenProdOtherParameter();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_prod_pcr":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenProdPcr();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_prod_digest":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenProdDigest();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenClone();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone_ligation":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenCloneLigation();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone_recombination":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenCloneRecombination();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_express":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenExpress();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_express_timepoint":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenExpressTimepoint();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_lysis":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenLysis();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_refold":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenRefold();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_proteolysis":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenProteolysis();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_chrom":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenChrom();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_fract":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenFract();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_pure":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenPure();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_character":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenCharacter();
            case "pdbx_construct":
                return getPdbxConstruct();
            case "pdbx_construct_feature":
                return getPdbxConstructFeature();
            case "pdbx_robot_system":
                return getPdbxRobotSystem();
            case "pdbx_buffer":
                return getPdbxBuffer();
            case "pdbx_buffer_components":
                return getPdbxBufferComponents();
            case "pdbx_domain":
                return getPdbxDomain();
            case "pdbx_domain_range":
                return getPdbxDomainRange();
            case "pdbx_sequence_range":
                return getPdbxSequenceRange();
            case "pdbx_feature_entry":
                return getPdbxFeatureEntry();
            case "pdbx_feature_domain":
                return getPdbxFeatureDomain();
            case "pdbx_feature_sequence_range":
                return getPdbxFeatureSequenceRange();
            case "pdbx_feature_assembly":
                return getPdbxFeatureAssembly();
            case "pdbx_feature_monomer":
                return getPdbxFeatureMonomer();
            case "pdbx_exptl_pd":
                return getPdbxExptlPd();
            case "pdbx_reflns_twin":
                return getPdbxReflnsTwin();
            case "pdbx_struct_info":
                return getPdbxStructInfo();
            case "pdbx_re_refinement":
                return getPdbxReRefinement();
            case "pdbx_struct_assembly_prop":
                return getPdbxStructAssemblyProp();
            case "pdbx_struct_ref_seq_feature":
                return getPdbxStructRefSeqFeature();
            case "pdbx_struct_ref_seq_feature_prop":
                return getPdbxStructRefSeqFeatureProp();
            case "pdbx_struct_chem_comp_diagnostics":
                return getPdbxStructChemCompDiagnostics();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_synonyms":
                return getPdbxChemCompSynonyms();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_feature":
                return getPdbxChemCompFeature();
            case "pdbx_coordinate_model":
                return getPdbxCoordinateModel();
            case "pdbx_struct_chem_comp_feature":
                return getPdbxStructChemCompFeature();
            case "pdbx_diffrn_reflns_shell":
                return getPdbxDiffrnReflnsShell();
            case "pdbx_bond_distance_limits":
                return getPdbxBondDistanceLimits();
            case "pdbx_soln_scatter":
                return getPdbxSolnScatter();
            case "pdbx_soln_scatter_model":
                return getPdbxSolnScatterModel();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor":
                return getPdbxChemCompDescriptor();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_identifier":
                return getPdbxChemCompIdentifier();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_import":
                return getPdbxChemCompImport();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_atom_edit":
                return getPdbxChemCompAtomEdit();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_bond_edit":
                return getPdbxChemCompBondEdit();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_audit":
                return getPdbxChemCompAudit();
            case "pdbx_validate_close_contact":
                return getPdbxValidateCloseContact();
            case "pdbx_validate_symm_contact":
                return getPdbxValidateSymmContact();
            case "pdbx_validate_rmsd_bond":
                return getPdbxValidateRmsdBond();
            case "pdbx_validate_rmsd_angle":
                return getPdbxValidateRmsdAngle();
            case "pdbx_validate_torsion":
                return getPdbxValidateTorsion();
            case "pdbx_validate_peptide_omega":
                return getPdbxValidatePeptideOmega();
            case "pdbx_validate_chiral":
                return getPdbxValidateChiral();
            case "pdbx_validate_planes":
                return getPdbxValidatePlanes();
            case "pdbx_validate_planes_atom":
                return getPdbxValidatePlanesAtom();
            case "pdbx_validate_main_chain_plane":
                return getPdbxValidateMainChainPlane();
            case "pdbx_struct_conn_angle":
                return getPdbxStructConnAngle();
            case "pdbx_unobs_or_zero_occ_residues":
                return getPdbxUnobsOrZeroOccResidues();
            case "pdbx_unobs_or_zero_occ_atoms":
                return getPdbxUnobsOrZeroOccAtoms();
            case "pdbx_entry_details":
                return getPdbxEntryDetails();
            case "pdbx_struct_mod_residue":
                return getPdbxStructModResidue();
            case "pdbx_struct_ref_seq_insertion":
                return getPdbxStructRefSeqInsertion();
            case "pdbx_struct_ref_seq_deletion":
                return getPdbxStructRefSeqDeletion();
            case "pdbx_remediation_atom_site_mapping":
                return getPdbxRemediationAtomSiteMapping();
            case "pdbx_validate_polymer_linkage":
                return getPdbxValidatePolymerLinkage();
            case "pdbx_helical_symmetry":
                return getPdbxHelicalSymmetry();
            case "pdbx_point_symmetry":
                return getPdbxPointSymmetry();
            case "pdbx_struct_entity_inst":
                return getPdbxStructEntityInst();
            case "pdbx_struct_oper_list":
                return getPdbxStructOperList();
            case "pdbx_struct_assembly":
                return getPdbxStructAssembly();
            case "pdbx_struct_assembly_gen":
                return getPdbxStructAssemblyGen();
            case "pdbx_struct_asym_gen":
                return getPdbxStructAsymGen();
            case "pdbx_struct_msym_gen":
                return getPdbxStructMsymGen();
            case "pdbx_struct_legacy_oper_list":
                return getPdbxStructLegacyOperList();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_atom_feature":
                return getPdbxChemCompAtomFeature();
            case "pdbx_reference_molecule_family":
                return getPdbxReferenceMoleculeFamily();
            case "pdbx_reference_molecule_list":
                return getPdbxReferenceMoleculeList();
            case "pdbx_reference_molecule":
                return getPdbxReferenceMolecule();
            case "pdbx_reference_entity_list":
                return getPdbxReferenceEntityList();
            case "pdbx_reference_entity_nonpoly":
                return getPdbxReferenceEntityNonpoly();
            case "pdbx_reference_entity_link":
                return getPdbxReferenceEntityLink();
            case "pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link":
                return getPdbxReferenceEntityPolyLink();
            case "pdbx_reference_entity_poly":
                return getPdbxReferenceEntityPoly();
            case "pdbx_reference_entity_poly_seq":
                return getPdbxReferenceEntityPolySeq();
            case "pdbx_reference_entity_sequence":
                return getPdbxReferenceEntitySequence();
            case "pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat":
                return getPdbxReferenceEntitySrcNat();
            case "pdbx_reference_molecule_details":
                return getPdbxReferenceMoleculeDetails();
            case "pdbx_reference_molecule_synonyms":
                return getPdbxReferenceMoleculeSynonyms();
            case "pdbx_reference_entity_subcomponents":
                return getPdbxReferenceEntitySubcomponents();
            case "pdbx_reference_molecule_annotation":
                return getPdbxReferenceMoleculeAnnotation();
            case "pdbx_reference_molecule_features":
                return getPdbxReferenceMoleculeFeatures();
            case "pdbx_reference_molecule_related_structures":
                return getPdbxReferenceMoleculeRelatedStructures();
            case "pdbx_struct_group_list":
                return getPdbxStructGroupList();
            case "pdbx_struct_group_components":
                return getPdbxStructGroupComponents();
            case "pdbx_struct_group_component_range":
                return getPdbxStructGroupComponentRange();
            case "pdbx_prd_audit":
                return getPdbxPrdAudit();
            case "pdbx_family_prd_audit":
                return getPdbxFamilyPrdAudit();
            case "pdbx_molecule":
                return getPdbxMolecule();
            case "pdbx_molecule_features":
                return getPdbxMoleculeFeatures();
            case "pdbx_family_group_index":
                return getPdbxFamilyGroupIndex();
            case "pdbx_distant_solvent_atoms":
                return getPdbxDistantSolventAtoms();
            case "pdbx_struct_special_symmetry":
                return getPdbxStructSpecialSymmetry();
            case "pdbx_reference_publication_list":
                return getPdbxReferencePublicationList();
            case "pdbx_nmr_assigned_chem_shift_list":
                return getPdbxNmrAssignedChemShiftList();
            case "pdbx_nmr_chem_shift_experiment":
                return getPdbxNmrChemShiftExperiment();
            case "pdbx_nmr_chem_shift_ref":
                return getPdbxNmrChemShiftRef();
            case "pdbx_nmr_chem_shift_reference":
                return getPdbxNmrChemShiftReference();
            case "pdbx_nmr_chem_shift_software":
                return getPdbxNmrChemShiftSoftware();
            case "pdbx_nmr_constraint_file":
                return getPdbxNmrConstraintFile();
            case "pdbx_nmr_software_task":
                return getPdbxNmrSoftwareTask();
            case "pdbx_nmr_spectral_dim":
                return getPdbxNmrSpectralDim();
            case "pdbx_nmr_spectral_peak_list":
                return getPdbxNmrSpectralPeakList();
            case "pdbx_nmr_spectral_peak_software":
                return getPdbxNmrSpectralPeakSoftware();
            case "pdbx_nmr_systematic_chem_shift_offset":
                return getPdbxNmrSystematicChemShiftOffset();
            case "pdbx_nmr_upload":
                return getPdbxNmrUpload();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_subcomponent_struct_conn":
                return getPdbxChemCompSubcomponentStructConn();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_subcomponent_entity_list":
                return getPdbxChemCompSubcomponentEntityList();
            case "entity_src_nat":
                return getEntitySrcNat();
            case "entity_src_gen":
                return getEntitySrcGen();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_syn":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcSyn();
            case "pdbx_entity_poly_comp_link_list":
                return getPdbxEntityPolyCompLinkList();
            case "pdbx_linked_entity":
                return getPdbxLinkedEntity();
            case "pdbx_linked_entity_instance_list":
                return getPdbxLinkedEntityInstanceList();
            case "pdbx_linked_entity_list":
                return getPdbxLinkedEntityList();
            case "pdbx_linked_entity_link_list":
                return getPdbxLinkedEntityLinkList();
            case "pdbx_entity_branch_descriptor":
                return getPdbxEntityBranchDescriptor();
            case "pdbx_reference_linked_entity":
                return getPdbxReferenceLinkedEntity();
            case "pdbx_reference_linked_entity_comp_list":
                return getPdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompList();
            case "pdbx_reference_linked_entity_comp_link":
                return getPdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompLink();
            case "pdbx_reference_linked_entity_link":
                return getPdbxReferenceLinkedEntityLink();
            case "pdbx_related_exp_data_set":
                return getPdbxRelatedExpDataSet();
            case "pdbx_database_status_history":
                return getPdbxDatabaseStatusHistory();
            case "em_assembly":
                return getEmAssembly();
            case "em_entity_assembly":
                return getEmEntityAssembly();
            case "em_virus_entity":
                return getEmVirusEntity();
            case "em_sample_preparation":
                return getEmSamplePreparation();
            case "em_sample_support":
                return getEmSampleSupport();
            case "em_buffer":
                return getEmBuffer();
            case "em_vitrification":
                return getEmVitrification();
            case "em_imaging":
                return getEmImaging();
            case "em_detector":
                return getEmDetector();
            case "em_image_scans":
                return getEmImageScans();
            case "em_2d_projection_selection":
                return getEm2dProjectionSelection();
            case "em_3d_reconstruction":
                return getEm3dReconstruction();
            case "em_3d_fitting":
                return getEm3dFitting();
            case "em_3d_fitting_list":
                return getEm3dFittingList();
            case "em_helical_entity":
                return getEmHelicalEntity();
            case "em_experiment":
                return getEmExperiment();
            case "em_single_particle_entity":
                return getEmSingleParticleEntity();
            case "em_admin":
                return getEmAdmin();
            case "em_author_list":
                return getEmAuthorList();
            case "em_db_reference":
                return getEmDbReference();
            case "em_db_reference_auxiliary":
                return getEmDbReferenceAuxiliary();
            case "em_depui":
                return getEmDepui();
            case "em_obsolete":
                return getEmObsolete();
            case "em_supersede":
                return getEmSupersede();
            case "em_entity_assembly_molwt":
                return getEmEntityAssemblyMolwt();
            case "em_entity_assembly_naturalsource":
                return getEmEntityAssemblyNaturalsource();
            case "em_entity_assembly_synthetic":
                return getEmEntityAssemblySynthetic();
            case "em_entity_assembly_recombinant":
                return getEmEntityAssemblyRecombinant();
            case "em_virus_natural_host":
                return getEmVirusNaturalHost();
            case "em_virus_synthetic":
                return getEmVirusSynthetic();
            case "em_virus_shell":
                return getEmVirusShell();
            case "em_specimen":
                return getEmSpecimen();
            case "em_embedding":
                return getEmEmbedding();
            case "em_fiducial_markers":
                return getEmFiducialMarkers();
            case "em_focused_ion_beam":
                return getEmFocusedIonBeam();
            case "em_grid_pretreatment":
                return getEmGridPretreatment();
            case "em_ultramicrotomy":
                return getEmUltramicrotomy();
            case "em_high_pressure_freezing":
                return getEmHighPressureFreezing();
            case "em_shadowing":
                return getEmShadowing();
            case "em_tomography_specimen":
                return getEmTomographySpecimen();
            case "em_crystal_formation":
                return getEmCrystalFormation();
            case "em_staining":
                return getEmStaining();
            case "em_support_film":
                return getEmSupportFilm();
            case "em_buffer_component":
                return getEmBufferComponent();
            case "em_diffraction":
                return getEmDiffraction();
            case "em_diffraction_shell":
                return getEmDiffractionShell();
            case "em_diffraction_stats":
                return getEmDiffractionStats();
            case "em_tomography":
                return getEmTomography();
            case "em_image_recording":
                return getEmImageRecording();
            case "em_imaging_optics":
                return getEmImagingOptics();
            case "em_final_classification":
                return getEmFinalClassification();
            case "em_start_model":
                return getEmStartModel();
            case "em_software":
                return getEmSoftware();
            case "em_euler_angle_assignment":
                return getEmEulerAngleAssignment();
            case "em_ctf_correction":
                return getEmCtfCorrection();
            case "em_volume_selection":
                return getEmVolumeSelection();
            case "em_3d_crystal_entity":
                return getEm3dCrystalEntity();
            case "em_2d_crystal_entity":
                return getEm2dCrystalEntity();
            case "em_image_processing":
                return getEmImageProcessing();
            case "em_particle_selection":
                return getEmParticleSelection();
            case "em_map":
                return getEmMap();
            case "em_fsc_curve":
                return getEmFscCurve();
            case "em_interpret_figure":
                return getEmInterpretFigure();
            case "em_layer_lines":
                return getEmLayerLines();
            case "em_structure_factors":
                return getEmStructureFactors();
            case "em_depositor_info":
                return getEmDepositorInfo();
            case "em_map_depositor_info":
                return getEmMapDepositorInfo();
            case "em_mask_depositor_info":
                return getEmMaskDepositorInfo();
            case "em_figure_depositor_info":
                return getEmFigureDepositorInfo();
            case "em_layer_lines_depositor_info":
                return getEmLayerLinesDepositorInfo();
            case "em_structure_factors_depositor_info":
                return getEmStructureFactorsDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_seq_map_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxSeqMapDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxChemCompDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_struct_ref_seq_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxStructRefSeqDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_struct_ref_seq_dif_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxStructRefSeqDifDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_struct_assembly_prop_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxStructAssemblyPropDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_struct_assembly_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxStructAssemblyDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_struct_assembly_gen_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxStructAssemblyGenDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_struct_oper_list_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxStructOperListDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_point_symmetry_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxPointSymmetryDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_helical_symmetry_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxHelicalSymmetryDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_struct_assembly_auth_evidence_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidenceDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_solvent_atom_site_mapping":
                return getPdbxSolventAtomSiteMapping();
            case "pdbx_molecule_features_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxMoleculeFeaturesDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_instance_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxChemCompInstanceDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_depui_status_flags":
                return getPdbxDepuiStatusFlags();
            case "pdbx_depui_upload":
                return getPdbxDepuiUpload();
            case "pdbx_depui_validation_status_flags":
                return getPdbxDepuiValidationStatusFlags();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_upload_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxChemCompUploadDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_depui_entity_status_flags":
                return getPdbxDepuiEntityStatusFlags();
            case "pdbx_depui_entity_features":
                return getPdbxDepuiEntityFeatures();
            case "pdbx_deposition_message_info":
                return getPdbxDepositionMessageInfo();
            case "pdbx_deposition_message_file_reference":
                return getPdbxDepositionMessageFileReference();
            case "pdbx_depui_entry_details":
                return getPdbxDepuiEntryDetails();
            case "pdbx_data_processing_status":
                return getPdbxDataProcessingStatus();
            case "pdbx_entity_instance_feature":
                return getPdbxEntityInstanceFeature();
            case "pdbx_entity_src_gen_depositor_info":
                return getPdbxEntitySrcGenDepositorInfo();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_model":
                return getPdbxChemCompModel();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_model_atom":
                return getPdbxChemCompModelAtom();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_model_bond":
                return getPdbxChemCompModelBond();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_model_feature":
                return getPdbxChemCompModelFeature();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_model_descriptor":
                return getPdbxChemCompModelDescriptor();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_model_audit":
                return getPdbxChemCompModelAudit();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_model_reference":
                return getPdbxChemCompModelReference();
            case "pdbx_view_category_group":
                return getPdbxViewCategoryGroup();
            case "pdbx_view_category":
                return getPdbxViewCategory();
            case "pdbx_view_item":
                return getPdbxViewItem();
            case "pdbx_coord":
                return getPdbxCoord();
            case "pdbx_connect":
                return getPdbxConnect();
            case "pdbx_connect_type":
                return getPdbxConnectType();
            case "pdbx_connect_modification":
                return getPdbxConnectModification();
            case "pdbx_connect_atom":
                return getPdbxConnectAtom();
            case "pdbx_database_PDB_master":
                return getPdbxDatabasePDBMaster();
            case "pdbx_database_pdb_omit":
                return getPdbxDatabasePdbOmit();
            case "pdbx_dbref":
                return getPdbxDbref();
            case "pdbx_drug_info":
                return getPdbxDrugInfo();
            case "pdbx_inhibitor_info":
                return getPdbxInhibitorInfo();
            case "pdbx_ion_info":
                return getPdbxIonInfo();
            case "pdbx_hybrid":
                return getPdbxHybrid();
            case "pdbx_na_strand_info":
                return getPdbxNaStrandInfo();
            case "pdbx_nonstandard_list":
                return getPdbxNonstandardList();
            case "pdbx_pdb_compnd":
                return getPdbxPdbCompnd();
            case "pdbx_pdb_source":
                return getPdbxPdbSource();
            case "pdbx_protein_info":
                return getPdbxProteinInfo();
            case "pdbx_solvent_info":
                return getPdbxSolventInfo();
            case "pdbx_source":
                return getPdbxSource();
            case "pdbx_struct_biol_func":
                return getPdbxStructBiolFunc();
            case "pdbx_struct_pack_gen":
                return getPdbxStructPackGen();
            case "pdbx_trna_info":
                return getPdbxTrnaInfo();
            case "pdbx_unpair":
                return getPdbxUnpair();
            case "pdbx_refine_ls_restr_ncs":
                return getPdbxRefineLsRestrNcs();
            case "pdbx_struct_ncs_virus_gen":
                return getPdbxStructNcsVirusGen();
            case "pdbx_sequence_annotation":
                return getPdbxSequenceAnnotation();
            case "pdbx_post_process_details":
                return getPdbxPostProcessDetails();
            case "pdbx_post_process_status":
                return getPdbxPostProcessStatus();
            case "pdbx_struct_link":
                return getPdbxStructLink();
            case "pdbx_missing_residue_list":
                return getPdbxMissingResidueList();
            case "pdbx_data_processing_cell":
                return getPdbxDataProcessingCell();
            case "pdbx_data_processing_reflns":
                return getPdbxDataProcessingReflns();
            case "pdbx_data_processing_detector":
                return getPdbxDataProcessingDetector();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_nonstandard":
                return getPdbxChemCompNonstandard();
            case "pdbx_entity_poly_protein_class":
                return getPdbxEntityPolyProteinClass();
            case "pdbx_entity_name_taxonomy_tree":
                return getPdbxEntityNameTaxonomyTree();
            case "pdbx_entity_name_taxonomy":
                return getPdbxEntityNameTaxonomy();
            case "pdbx_entity_name_instance":
                return getPdbxEntityNameInstance();
            case "pdbx_tableinfo":
                return getPdbxTableinfo();
            case "pdbx_columninfo":
                return getPdbxColumninfo();
            case "pdbx_val_angle":
                return getPdbxValAngle();
            case "pdbx_val_bond":
                return getPdbxValBond();
            case "pdbx_val_contact":
                return getPdbxValContact();
            case "pdbx_val_sym_contact":
                return getPdbxValSymContact();
            case "pdbx_rmch_outlier":
                return getPdbxRmchOutlier();
            case "pdbx_missing_atom_poly":
                return getPdbxMissingAtomPoly();
            case "pdbx_missing_atom_nonpoly":
                return getPdbxMissingAtomNonpoly();
            case "pdbx_val_chiral":
                return getPdbxValChiral();
            case "pdbx_atlas":
                return getPdbxAtlas();
            case "pdbx_summary_flags":
                return getPdbxSummaryFlags();
            case "pdbx_entity_func_bind_mode":
                return getPdbxEntityFuncBindMode();
            case "pdbx_entity_func_enzyme":
                return getPdbxEntityFuncEnzyme();
            case "pdbx_entity_func_regulatory":
                return getPdbxEntityFuncRegulatory();
            case "pdbx_entity_func_structural":
                return getPdbxEntityFuncStructural();
            case "pdbx_entity_func_other":
                return getPdbxEntityFuncOther();
            case "pdbx_entity_poly_domain":
                return getPdbxEntityPolyDomain();
            case "pdbx_na_struct_keywds":
                return getPdbxNaStructKeywds();
            case "pdbx_entity_poly_na_type":
                return getPdbxEntityPolyNaType();
            case "pdbx_entity_poly_na_nonstandard":
                return getPdbxEntityPolyNaNonstandard();
            case "pdbx_virtual_angle":
                return getPdbxVirtualAngle();
            case "pdbx_virtual_bond":
                return getPdbxVirtualBond();
            case "pdbx_virtual_torsion":
                return getPdbxVirtualTorsion();
            case "pdbx_sequence_pattern":
                return getPdbxSequencePattern();
            case "pdbx_stereochemistry":
                return getPdbxStereochemistry();
            case "pdbx_rms_devs_covalent":
                return getPdbxRmsDevsCovalent();
            case "pdbx_rms_devs_cov_by_monomer":
                return getPdbxRmsDevsCovByMonomer();
            case "pdbx_sugar_phosphate_geometry":
                return getPdbxSugarPhosphateGeometry();
            case "pdbx_nmr_computing":
                return getPdbxNmrComputing();
            case "pdbx_audit_conform_extension":
                return getPdbxAuditConformExtension();
            case "pdbx_dcc_mapman":
                return getPdbxDccMapman();
            case "pdbx_dcc_rscc_mapman":
                return getPdbxDccRsccMapman();
            case "pdbx_dcc_rscc_mapman_overall":
                return getPdbxDccRsccMapmanOverall();
            case "pdbx_dcc_density":
                return getPdbxDccDensity();
            case "pdbx_dcc_geometry":
                return getPdbxDccGeometry();
            case "pdbx_dcc_density_corr":
                return getPdbxDccDensityCorr();
            case "pdbx_dcc_map":
                return getPdbxDccMap();
            case "pdbx_deposit_group":
                return getPdbxDepositGroup();
            case "pdbx_deposit_group_index":
                return getPdbxDepositGroupIndex();
            case "pdbx_struct_assembly_auth_evidence":
                return getPdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidence();
            case "pdbx_struct_assembly_auth_classification":
                return getPdbxStructAssemblyAuthClassification();
            case "pdbx_crystal_alignment":
                return getPdbxCrystalAlignment();
            case "pdbx_audit_revision_history":
                return getPdbxAuditRevisionHistory();
            case "pdbx_audit_revision_group":
                return getPdbxAuditRevisionGroup();
            case "pdbx_audit_revision_category":
                return getPdbxAuditRevisionCategory();
            case "pdbx_audit_revision_details":
                return getPdbxAuditRevisionDetails();
            case "pdbx_audit_revision_item":
                return getPdbxAuditRevisionItem();
            case "pdbx_supporting_exp_data_set":
                return getPdbxSupportingExpDataSet();
            case "pdbx_database_doi":
                return getPdbxDatabaseDoi();
            case "pdbx_audit_conform":
                return getPdbxAuditConform();
            case "pdbx_serial_crystallography_measurement":
                return getPdbxSerialCrystallographyMeasurement();
            case "pdbx_serial_crystallography_sample_delivery":
                return getPdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDelivery();
            case "pdbx_serial_crystallography_sample_delivery_injection":
                return getPdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryInjection();
            case "pdbx_serial_crystallography_sample_delivery_fixed_target":
                return getPdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryFixedTarget();
            case "pdbx_serial_crystallography_data_reduction":
                return getPdbxSerialCrystallographyDataReduction();
            case "pdbx_audit_support":
                return getPdbxAuditSupport();
            case "pdbx_entity_branch_list":
                return getPdbxEntityBranchList();
            case "pdbx_entity_branch_link":
                return getPdbxEntityBranchLink();
            case "pdbx_entity_branch":
                return getPdbxEntityBranch();
            case "pdbx_branch_scheme":
                return getPdbxBranchScheme();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_related":
                return getPdbxChemCompRelated();
            case "pdbx_chem_comp_atom_related":
                return getPdbxChemCompAtomRelated();
            case "pdbx_refln_signal_binning":
                return getPdbxReflnSignalBinning();
            case "pdbx_sifts_xref_db":
                return getPdbxSiftsXrefDb();
            case "pdbx_sifts_xref_db_segments":
                return getPdbxSiftsXrefDbSegments();
            case "pdbx_sifts_unp_segments":
                return getPdbxSiftsUnpSegments();
            case "pdbx_data_usage":
                return getPdbxDataUsage();
            case "pdbx_entity_remapping":
                return getPdbxEntityRemapping();
            case "pdbx_chain_remapping":
                return getPdbxChainRemapping();
            case "pdbx_initial_refinement_model":
                return getPdbxInitialRefinementModel();
            case "pdbx_investigation":
                return getPdbxInvestigation();
            case "ihm_entity_poly_segment":
                return getIhmEntityPolySegment();
            case "ihm_starting_model_details":
                return getIhmStartingModelDetails();
            case "ihm_starting_comparative_models":
                return getIhmStartingComparativeModels();
            case "ihm_starting_computational_models":
                return getIhmStartingComputationalModels();
            case "ihm_starting_model_seq_dif":
                return getIhmStartingModelSeqDif();
            case "ihm_model_representation":
                return getIhmModelRepresentation();
            case "ihm_model_representation_details":
                return getIhmModelRepresentationDetails();
            case "ihm_struct_assembly_details":
                return getIhmStructAssemblyDetails();
            case "ihm_struct_assembly":
                return getIhmStructAssembly();
            case "ihm_struct_assembly_class":
                return getIhmStructAssemblyClass();
            case "ihm_struct_assembly_class_link":
                return getIhmStructAssemblyClassLink();
            case "ihm_modeling_protocol":
                return getIhmModelingProtocol();
            case "ihm_modeling_protocol_details":
                return getIhmModelingProtocolDetails();
            case "ihm_multi_state_modeling":
                return getIhmMultiStateModeling();
            case "ihm_multi_state_model_group_link":
                return getIhmMultiStateModelGroupLink();
            case "ihm_ordered_ensemble":
                return getIhmOrderedEnsemble();
            case "ihm_modeling_post_process":
                return getIhmModelingPostProcess();
            case "ihm_ensemble_info":
                return getIhmEnsembleInfo();
            case "ihm_ensemble_sub_sample":
                return getIhmEnsembleSubSample();
            case "ihm_model_list":
                return getIhmModelList();
            case "ihm_model_group":
                return getIhmModelGroup();
            case "ihm_model_group_link":
                return getIhmModelGroupLink();
            case "ihm_model_representative":
                return getIhmModelRepresentative();
            case "ihm_dataset_list":
                return getIhmDatasetList();
            case "ihm_dataset_group":
                return getIhmDatasetGroup();
            case "ihm_dataset_group_link":
                return getIhmDatasetGroupLink();
            case "ihm_related_datasets":
                return getIhmRelatedDatasets();
            case "ihm_data_transformation":
                return getIhmDataTransformation();
            case "ihm_dataset_related_db_reference":
                return getIhmDatasetRelatedDbReference();
            case "ihm_external_reference_info":
                return getIhmExternalReferenceInfo();
            case "ihm_external_files":
                return getIhmExternalFiles();
            case "ihm_dataset_external_reference":
                return getIhmDatasetExternalReference();
            case "ihm_localization_density_files":
                return getIhmLocalizationDensityFiles();
            case "ihm_predicted_contact_restraint":
                return getIhmPredictedContactRestraint();
            case "ihm_hydroxyl_radical_fp_restraint":
                return getIhmHydroxylRadicalFpRestraint();
            case "ihm_chemical_component_descriptor":
                return getIhmChemicalComponentDescriptor();
            case "ihm_probe_list":
                return getIhmProbeList();
            case "ihm_poly_probe_position":
                return getIhmPolyProbePosition();
            case "ihm_poly_probe_conjugate":
                return getIhmPolyProbeConjugate();
            case "ihm_ligand_probe":
                return getIhmLigandProbe();
            case "ihm_epr_restraint":
                return getIhmEprRestraint();
            case "ihm_cross_link_list":
                return getIhmCrossLinkList();
            case "ihm_cross_link_restraint":
                return getIhmCrossLinkRestraint();
            case "ihm_cross_link_pseudo_site":
                return getIhmCrossLinkPseudoSite();
            case "ihm_cross_link_result":
                return getIhmCrossLinkResult();
            case "ihm_cross_link_result_parameters":
                return getIhmCrossLinkResultParameters();
            case "ihm_2dem_class_average_restraint":
                return getIhm2demClassAverageRestraint();
            case "ihm_2dem_class_average_fitting":
                return getIhm2demClassAverageFitting();
            case "ihm_3dem_restraint":
                return getIhm3demRestraint();
            case "ihm_sas_restraint":
                return getIhmSasRestraint();
            case "ihm_hdx_restraint":
                return getIhmHdxRestraint();
            case "ihm_starting_model_coord":
                return getIhmStartingModelCoord();
            case "ihm_sphere_obj_site":
                return getIhmSphereObjSite();
            case "ihm_gaussian_obj_site":
                return getIhmGaussianObjSite();
            case "ihm_gaussian_obj_ensemble":
                return getIhmGaussianObjEnsemble();
            case "ihm_pseudo_site":
                return getIhmPseudoSite();
            case "ihm_residues_not_modeled":
                return getIhmResiduesNotModeled();
            case "ihm_feature_list":
                return getIhmFeatureList();
            case "ihm_pseudo_site_feature":
                return getIhmPseudoSiteFeature();
            case "ihm_poly_atom_feature":
                return getIhmPolyAtomFeature();
            case "ihm_poly_residue_feature":
                return getIhmPolyResidueFeature();
            case "ihm_non_poly_feature":
                return getIhmNonPolyFeature();
            case "ihm_interface_residue_feature":
                return getIhmInterfaceResidueFeature();
            case "ihm_derived_distance_restraint":
                return getIhmDerivedDistanceRestraint();
            case "ihm_derived_angle_restraint":
                return getIhmDerivedAngleRestraint();
            case "ihm_derived_dihedral_restraint":
                return getIhmDerivedDihedralRestraint();
            case "ihm_geometric_object_list":
                return getIhmGeometricObjectList();
            case "ihm_geometric_object_center":
                return getIhmGeometricObjectCenter();
            case "ihm_geometric_object_transformation":
                return getIhmGeometricObjectTransformation();
            case "ihm_geometric_object_sphere":
                return getIhmGeometricObjectSphere();
            case "ihm_geometric_object_torus":
                return getIhmGeometricObjectTorus();
            case "ihm_geometric_object_half_torus":
                return getIhmGeometricObjectHalfTorus();
            case "ihm_geometric_object_axis":
                return getIhmGeometricObjectAxis();
            case "ihm_geometric_object_plane":
                return getIhmGeometricObjectPlane();
            case "ihm_geometric_object_distance_restraint":
                return getIhmGeometricObjectDistanceRestraint();
            case "ma_model_list":
                return getMaModelList();
            case "ma_template_details":
                return getMaTemplateDetails();
            case "ma_template_poly":
                return getMaTemplatePoly();
            case "ma_template_non_poly":
                return getMaTemplateNonPoly();
            case "ma_template_poly_segment":
                return getMaTemplatePolySegment();
            case "ma_template_ref_db_details":
                return getMaTemplateRefDbDetails();
            case "ma_template_customized":
                return getMaTemplateCustomized();
            case "ma_template_trans_matrix":
                return getMaTemplateTransMatrix();
            case "ma_target_entity":
                return getMaTargetEntity();
            case "ma_target_entity_instance":
                return getMaTargetEntityInstance();
            case "ma_target_ref_db_details":
                return getMaTargetRefDbDetails();
            case "ma_target_template_poly_mapping":
                return getMaTargetTemplatePolyMapping();
            case "ma_struct_assembly":
                return getMaStructAssembly();
            case "ma_struct_assembly_details":
                return getMaStructAssemblyDetails();
            case "ma_alignment_info":
                return getMaAlignmentInfo();
            case "ma_alignment_details":
                return getMaAlignmentDetails();
            case "ma_alignment":
                return getMaAlignment();
            case "ma_template_coord":
                return getMaTemplateCoord();
            case "ma_data":
                return getMaData();
            case "ma_data_group":
                return getMaDataGroup();
            case "ma_data_ref_db":
                return getMaDataRefDb();
            case "ma_coevolution_seq_db_ref":
                return getMaCoevolutionSeqDbRef();
            case "ma_coevolution_msa":
                return getMaCoevolutionMsa();
            case "ma_coevolution_msa_details":
                return getMaCoevolutionMsaDetails();
            case "ma_restraints":
                return getMaRestraints();
            case "ma_distance_restraints":
                return getMaDistanceRestraints();
            case "ma_angle_restraints":
                return getMaAngleRestraints();
            case "ma_dihedral_restraints":
                return getMaDihedralRestraints();
            case "ma_restraints_group":
                return getMaRestraintsGroup();
            case "ma_protocol_step":
                return getMaProtocolStep();
            case "ma_software_group":
                return getMaSoftwareGroup();
            case "ma_software_parameter":
                return getMaSoftwareParameter();
            case "ma_poly_template_library_details":
                return getMaPolyTemplateLibraryDetails();
            case "ma_poly_template_library_list":
                return getMaPolyTemplateLibraryList();
            case "ma_poly_template_library_components":
                return getMaPolyTemplateLibraryComponents();
            case "ma_qa_metric":
                return getMaQaMetric();
            case "ma_qa_metric_global":
                return getMaQaMetricGlobal();
            case "ma_qa_metric_local":
                return getMaQaMetricLocal();
            case "ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise":
                return getMaQaMetricLocalPairwise();
            case "ma_entry_associated_files":
                return getMaEntryAssociatedFiles();
            case "ma_associated_archive_file_details":
                return getMaAssociatedArchiveFileDetails();
            case "ma_chem_comp_descriptor":
                return getMaChemCompDescriptor();
                return new DelegatingCategory(category);

     * Data items in the ATOM_SITE category record details about
     * the atom sites in a macromolecular crystal structure, such as
     * the positional coordinates, atomic displacement parameters,
     * magnetic moments and directions.
     * The data items for describing anisotropic atomic
     * displacement factors are only used if the corresponding items
     * are not given in the ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category.
     * wwPDB recommends wwPDB-assigned residue number, residue ID,
     * and chain ID, _atom_site.auth_seq_id _atom_site.auth_comp_id, and
     * _atom_site.auth_asym_id, respectively, to be used for publication
     * materials.
     * @return AtomSite
    public AtomSite getAtomSite() {
        return delegate.getCategory("atom_site", AtomSite::new);

     * Data items in the ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category record details
     * about anisotropic displacement parameters.
     * If the ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category is used for storing these
     * data, the corresponding ATOM_SITE data items are not used.
     * @return AtomSiteAnisotrop
    public AtomSiteAnisotrop getAtomSiteAnisotrop() {
        return delegate.getCategory("atom_site_anisotrop", AtomSiteAnisotrop::new);

     * Data items in the ATOM_SITES category record details about
     * the crystallographic cell and cell transformations, which are
     * common to all atom sites.
     * @return AtomSites
    public AtomSites getAtomSites() {
        return delegate.getCategory("atom_sites", AtomSites::new);

     * Data items in the ATOM_SITES_ALT category record details
     * about the structural ensembles that should be generated from
     * atom sites or groups of atom sites that are modelled in
     * alternative conformations in this data block.
     * @return AtomSitesAlt
    public AtomSitesAlt getAtomSitesAlt() {
        return delegate.getCategory("atom_sites_alt", AtomSitesAlt::new);

     * Data items in the ATOM_SITES_ALT_ENS category record details
     * about the ensemble structure generated from atoms with various
     * alternative conformation IDs.
     * @return AtomSitesAltEns
    public AtomSitesAltEns getAtomSitesAltEns() {
        return delegate.getCategory("atom_sites_alt_ens", AtomSitesAltEns::new);

     * Data items in the ATOM_SITES_ALT_GEN category record details
     * about the interpretation of multiple conformations in the
     * structure.
     * @return AtomSitesAltGen
    public AtomSitesAltGen getAtomSitesAltGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("atom_sites_alt_gen", AtomSitesAltGen::new);

     * Data items in the ATOM_SITES_FOOTNOTE category record detailed
     * comments about an atom site or a group of atom sites.
     * @return AtomSitesFootnote
    public AtomSitesFootnote getAtomSitesFootnote() {
        return delegate.getCategory("atom_sites_footnote", AtomSitesFootnote::new);

     * Data items in the ATOM_TYPE category record details about the
     * properties of the atoms that occupy the atom sites, such as the
     * atomic scattering factors.
     * @return AtomType
    public AtomType getAtomType() {
        return delegate.getCategory("atom_type", AtomType::new);

     * Data items in the AUDIT category record details about the
     * creation and subsequent updating of the data block.
     * Note that these items apply only to the creation and updating of
     * the data block, and should not be confused with the data items
     * in the JOURNAL category that record different stages in the
     * publication of the material in the data block.
     * @return Audit
    public Audit getAudit() {
        return delegate.getCategory("audit", Audit::new);

     * Data items in the AUDIT_AUTHOR category record details about
     * the author(s) of the data block.
     * @return AuditAuthor
    public AuditAuthor getAuditAuthor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("audit_author", AuditAuthor::new);

     * Data items in the AUDIT_CONFORM category describe the
     * dictionary versions against which the data names appearing in
     * the current data block are conformant.
     * @return AuditConform
    public AuditConform getAuditConform() {
        return delegate.getCategory("audit_conform", AuditConform::new);

     * Data items in the AUDIT_CONTACT_AUTHOR category record details
     * about the name and address of the author to be contacted
     * concerning the content of this data block.
     * @return AuditContactAuthor
    public AuditContactAuthor getAuditContactAuthor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("audit_contact_author", AuditContactAuthor::new);

     * Data items in the CELL category record details about the
     * crystallographic cell parameters.
     * @return Cell
    public Cell getCell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("cell", Cell::new);

     * Data items in the CELL_MEASUREMENT category record details
     * about the measurement of the crystallographic cell parameters.
     * @return CellMeasurement
    public CellMeasurement getCellMeasurement() {
        return delegate.getCategory("cell_measurement", CellMeasurement::new);

     * Data items in the CELL_MEASUREMENT_REFLN category record
     * details about the reflections used to determine the
     * crystallographic cell parameters.
     * The CELL_MEASUREMENT_REFLN data items would in general be used
     * only for diffractometer data.
     * @return CellMeasurementRefln
    public CellMeasurementRefln getCellMeasurementRefln() {
        return delegate.getCategory("cell_measurement_refln", CellMeasurementRefln::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP category give details about each
     * of the chemical components from which the relevant chemical
     * structures can be constructed, such as name, mass or charge.
     * The related categories CHEM_COMP_ATOM, CHEM_COMP_BOND,
     * CHEM_COMP_ANGLE etc. describe the detailed geometry of these
     * chemical components.
     * @return ChemComp
    public ChemComp getChemComp() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp", ChemComp::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_ANGLE category record details about
     * angles in a chemical component. Angles are designated by three
     * atoms, with the second atom forming the vertex of the angle.
     * Target values may be specified as angles in degrees, as a
     * distance between the first and third atoms, or both.
     * @return ChemCompAngle
    public ChemCompAngle getChemCompAngle() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_angle", ChemCompAngle::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_ATOM category record details about
     * the atoms in a chemical component. Specifying the atomic
     * coordinates for the components in this category is an
     * alternative to specifying the structure of the component
     * via bonds, angles, planes etc. in the appropriate
     * CHEM_COMP subcategories.
     * @return ChemCompAtom
    public ChemCompAtom getChemCompAtom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_atom", ChemCompAtom::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_BOND category record details about
     * the bonds between atoms in a chemical component. Target values
     * may be specified as bond orders, as a distance between the two
     * atoms, or both.
     * @return ChemCompBond
    public ChemCompBond getChemCompBond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_bond", ChemCompBond::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_CHIR category provide details about
     * the chiral centres in a chemical component. The atoms bonded
     * to the chiral atom are specified in the CHEM_COMP_CHIR_ATOM
     * category.
     * @return ChemCompChir
    public ChemCompChir getChemCompChir() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_chir", ChemCompChir::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_CHIR_ATOM category enumerate the
     * atoms bonded to a chiral atom within a chemical component.
     * @return ChemCompChirAtom
    public ChemCompChirAtom getChemCompChirAtom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_chir_atom", ChemCompChirAtom::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_LINK category give details about
     * the links between chemical components.
     * @return ChemCompLink
    public ChemCompLink getChemCompLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_link", ChemCompLink::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_PLANE category provide identifiers
     * for the planes in a chemical component.  The atoms in the plane
     * are specified in the CHEM_COMP_PLANE_ATOM category.
     * @return ChemCompPlane
    public ChemCompPlane getChemCompPlane() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_plane", ChemCompPlane::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_PLANE_ATOM category enumerate the
     * atoms in a plane within a chemical component.
     * @return ChemCompPlaneAtom
    public ChemCompPlaneAtom getChemCompPlaneAtom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_plane_atom", ChemCompPlaneAtom::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_TOR category record details about
     * the torsion angles in a chemical component. As torsion angles
     * can have more than one target value, the target values are
     * specified in the CHEM_COMP_TOR_VALUE category.
     * @return ChemCompTor
    public ChemCompTor getChemCompTor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_tor", ChemCompTor::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_TOR_VALUE category record details
     * about the target values for the torsion angles enumerated in the
     * CHEM_COMP_TOR list. Target values may be specified as angles
     * in degrees, as a distance between the first and fourth atoms, or
     * both.
     * @return ChemCompTorValue
    public ChemCompTorValue getChemCompTorValue() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_comp_tor_value", ChemCompTorValue::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_LINK category give details about
     * the links between chemical components.
     * @return ChemLink
    public ChemLink getChemLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_link", ChemLink::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_LINK_ANGLE category record details
     * about angles in a link between chemical components.
     * @return ChemLinkAngle
    public ChemLinkAngle getChemLinkAngle() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_link_angle", ChemLinkAngle::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_LINK_BOND category record details about
     * bonds in a link between components in the chemical structure.
     * @return ChemLinkBond
    public ChemLinkBond getChemLinkBond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_link_bond", ChemLinkBond::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_LINK_CHIR category provide details about
     * the chiral centres in a link between two chemical components.
     * The atoms bonded to the chiral atom are specified in the
     * CHEM_LINK_CHIR_ATOM category.
     * @return ChemLinkChir
    public ChemLinkChir getChemLinkChir() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_link_chir", ChemLinkChir::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_LINK_CHIR_ATOM category enumerate the
     * atoms bonded to a chiral atom in a link between two
     * chemical components.
     * @return ChemLinkChirAtom
    public ChemLinkChirAtom getChemLinkChirAtom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_link_chir_atom", ChemLinkChirAtom::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_LINK_PLANE category provide identifiers
     * for the planes in a link between two chemical components.
     * The atoms in the plane are specified in the CHEM_LINK_PLANE_ATOM
     * category.
     * @return ChemLinkPlane
    public ChemLinkPlane getChemLinkPlane() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_link_plane", ChemLinkPlane::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_LINK_PLANE_ATOM category enumerate the
     * atoms in a plane in a link between two chemical components.
     * @return ChemLinkPlaneAtom
    public ChemLinkPlaneAtom getChemLinkPlaneAtom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_link_plane_atom", ChemLinkPlaneAtom::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_LINK_TOR category record details about
     * the torsion angles in a link between two chemical components.
     * As torsion angles can have more than one target value, the
     * target values are specified in the CHEM_LINK_TOR_VALUE category.
     * @return ChemLinkTor
    public ChemLinkTor getChemLinkTor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_link_tor", ChemLinkTor::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_LINK_TOR_VALUE category record details
     * about the target values for the torsion angles enumerated in the
     * CHEM_LINK_TOR list. Target values may be specified as angles
     * in degrees, as a distance between the first and fourth atoms, or
     * both.
     * @return ChemLinkTorValue
    public ChemLinkTorValue getChemLinkTorValue() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chem_link_tor_value", ChemLinkTorValue::new);

     * Data items in the CHEMICAL category would not in general be
     * used in a macromolecular CIF. See instead the ENTITY data
     * items.
     * Data items in the CHEMICAL category record details about the
     * composition and chemical properties of the compounds. The
     * formula data items must agree with those that specify the
     * density, unit-cell and Z values.
     * @return Chemical
    public Chemical getChemical() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chemical", Chemical::new);

     * Data items in the CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM category would not, in
     * general, be used in a macromolecular CIF. See instead the
     * ENTITY data items.
     * Data items in the CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM and CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND
     * categories record details about the two-dimensional (2D)
     * chemical structure of the molecular species. They allow
     * a 2D chemical diagram to be reconstructed for use in a
     * publication or in a database search for structural and
     * substructural relationships.
     * The CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM data items provide information about the
     * chemical properties of the atoms in the structure. In cases
     * where crystallographic and molecular symmetry elements coincide,
     * they must also contain symmetry-generated atoms, so that the
     * CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM and CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND data items will always
     * describe a complete chemical entity.
     * @return ChemicalConnAtom
    public ChemicalConnAtom getChemicalConnAtom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chemical_conn_atom", ChemicalConnAtom::new);

     * Data items in the CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND category would not, in
     * general, be used in a macromolecular CIF. See instead the
     * ENTITY data items.
     * Data items in the CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM and CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND
     * categories record details about the two-dimensional (2D)
     * chemical structure of the molecular species. They allow a
     * 2D chemical diagram to be reconstructed for use in a
     * publication or in a database search for structural and
     * substructural relationships.
     * The CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND data items specify the connections
     * between the atoms in the CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM list and the nature
     * of the chemical bond between these atoms.
     * @return ChemicalConnBond
    public ChemicalConnBond getChemicalConnBond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chemical_conn_bond", ChemicalConnBond::new);

     * Data items in the CHEMICAL_FORMULA category would not, in
     * general, be used in a macromolecular CIF. See instead the
     * ENTITY data items.
     * Data items in the CHEMICAL_FORMULA category specify the
     * composition and chemical properties of the compound. The formula
     * data items must agree with those that specify the density,
     * unit-cell and Z values.
     * The following rules apply to the construction of the data items
     * _chemical_formula.analytical, _chemical_formula.structural and
     * _chemical_formula.sum. For the data item
     * _chemical_formula.moiety, the formula construction is broken up
     * into residues or moieties, i.e. groups of atoms that form a
     * molecular unit or molecular ion. The rules given below apply
     * within each moiety but different requirements apply to the way
     * that moieties are connected (see _chemical_formula.moiety).
     * (1) Only recognized element symbols may be used.
     * (2) Each element symbol is followed by a 'count' number. A count
     * of '1' may be omitted.
     * (3) A space or parenthesis must separate each cluster of (element
     * symbol + count).
     * (4) Where a group of elements is enclosed in parentheses, the
     * multiplier for the group must follow the closing parenthesis.
     * That is, all element and group multipliers are assumed to be
     * printed as subscripted numbers. (An exception to this rule
     * exists for _chemical_formula.moiety formulae where pre- and
     * post-multipliers are permitted for molecular units.)
     * (5) Unless the elements are ordered in a manner that corresponds
     * to their chemical structure, as in
     * _chemical_formula.structural, the order of the elements within
     * any group or moiety should be:  C, then H, then the other
     * elements in alphabetical order of their symbol. This is the
     * 'Hill' system used by Chemical Abstracts. This ordering is
     * used in _chemical_formula.moiety and _chemical_formula.sum.
     * @return ChemicalFormula
    public ChemicalFormula getChemicalFormula() {
        return delegate.getCategory("chemical_formula", ChemicalFormula::new);

     * Data items in the CITATION category record details about the
     * literature cited as being relevant to the contents of the data
     * block.
     * @return Citation
    public Citation getCitation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("citation", Citation::new);

     * Data items in the CITATION_AUTHOR category record details
     * about the authors associated with the citations in the
     * CITATION list.
     * @return CitationAuthor
    public CitationAuthor getCitationAuthor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("citation_author", CitationAuthor::new);

     * Data items in the CITATION_EDITOR category record details
     * about the editors associated with the books or book chapters
     * cited in the CITATION list.
     * @return CitationEditor
    public CitationEditor getCitationEditor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("citation_editor", CitationEditor::new);

     * Data items in the COMPUTING category record details about the
     * computer programs used in the crystal structure analysis.
     * Data items in this category would not, in general, be used in
     * a macromolecular CIF.  The category SOFTWARE, which allows
     * a more detailed description of computer programs and
     * their attributes to be given, would be used instead.
     * @return Computing
    public Computing getComputing() {
        return delegate.getCategory("computing", Computing::new);

     * Data items in the DATABASE category have been superseded by
     * data items in the DATABASE_2 category. They are included
     * here only for compliance with older CIFs.
     * @return Database
    public Database getDatabase() {
        return delegate.getCategory("database", Database::new);

     * Data items in the DATABASE_2 category record details about the
     * database identifiers of the data block.
     * These data items are assigned by database managers and should
     * only appear in a data block if they originate from that source.
     * The name of this category, DATABASE_2, arose because the
     * category name DATABASE was already in use in the core CIF
     * dictionary, but was used differently from the way it needed
     * to be used in the mmCIF dictionary. Since CIF data names
     * cannot be changed once they have been adopted, a new category
     * had to be created.
     * @return Database2
    public Database2 getDatabase2() {
        return delegate.getCategory("database_2", Database2::new);

     * Data items in the DATABASE_PDB_CAVEAT category record details
     * about features of the data block flagged as 'caveats' by the
     * Protein Data Bank (PDB).
     * These data items are included only for consistency with PDB
     * format files. They should appear in a data block only if that
     * data block was created by reformatting a PDB format file.
     * @return DatabasePDBCaveat
    public DatabasePDBCaveat getDatabasePDBCaveat() {
        return delegate.getCategory("database_PDB_caveat", DatabasePDBCaveat::new);

     * The DATABASE_PDB_MATRIX category provides placeholders for
     * transformation matrices and vectors used by the Protein Data
     * Bank (PDB).
     * These data items are included only for consistency with older
     * PDB format files. They should appear in a data block only if
     * that data block was created by reformatting a PDB format file.
     * @return DatabasePDBMatrix
    public DatabasePDBMatrix getDatabasePDBMatrix() {
        return delegate.getCategory("database_PDB_matrix", DatabasePDBMatrix::new);

     * Data items in the DATABASE_PDB_REMARK category record details
     * about the data block as archived by the Protein Data Bank (PDB).
     * Some data appearing in PDB REMARK records can be
     * algorithmically extracted into the appropriate data items
     * in the data block.
     * These data items are included only for consistency with older
     * PDB format files. They should appear in a data block only if
     * that data block was created by reformatting a PDB format file.
     * NOTE: These remark records in this category are not uniformly
     * annotated by the PDB and may not be consistent with
     * nomenclature or labeling used in the entry.
     * @return DatabasePDBRemark
    public DatabasePDBRemark getDatabasePDBRemark() {
        return delegate.getCategory("database_PDB_remark", DatabasePDBRemark::new);

     * Data items in the DATABASE_PDB_REV category record details
     * about the history of the data block as archived by the Protein
     * Data Bank (PDB).
     * These data items are assigned by the PDB database managers and
     * should only appear in a data block if they originate from that
     * source.
     * @return DatabasePDBRev
    public DatabasePDBRev getDatabasePDBRev() {
        return delegate.getCategory("database_PDB_rev", DatabasePDBRev::new);

     * Data items in the DATABASE_PDB_REV_RECORD category record
     * details about specific record types that were changed in a
     * given revision of a PDB entry.
     * These data items are assigned by the PDB database managers and
     * should only appear in a data block if they originate from that
     * source.
     * @return DatabasePDBRevRecord
    public DatabasePDBRevRecord getDatabasePDBRevRecord() {
        return delegate.getCategory("database_PDB_rev_record", DatabasePDBRevRecord::new);

     * The DATABASE_PDB_TVECT category provides placeholders for
     * the TVECT matrices and vectors used by the Protein Data
     * Bank (PDB).
     * These data items are included only for consistency with older
     * PDB format files. They should appear in a data block only if
     * the data block was created by reformatting a PDB format file.
     * @return DatabasePDBTvect
    public DatabasePDBTvect getDatabasePDBTvect() {
        return delegate.getCategory("database_PDB_tvect", DatabasePDBTvect::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN category record details about the
     * diffraction data and their measurement.
     * @return Diffrn
    public Diffrn getDiffrn() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn", Diffrn::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_ATTENUATOR category record details
     * about the diffraction attenuator scales employed.
     * @return DiffrnAttenuator
    public DiffrnAttenuator getDiffrnAttenuator() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_attenuator", DiffrnAttenuator::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_DETECTOR category describe the
     * detector used to measure the scattered radiation, including
     * any analyser and post-sample collimation.
     * @return DiffrnDetector
    public DiffrnDetector getDiffrnDetector() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_detector", DiffrnDetector::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT category record details
     * about the device used to orient and/or position the crystal
     * during data measurement and the manner in which the diffraction
     * data were measured.
     * @return DiffrnMeasurement
    public DiffrnMeasurement getDiffrnMeasurement() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_measurement", DiffrnMeasurement::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_ORIENT_MATRIX category record details
     * about the orientation matrix used in the measurement of the
     * diffraction data.
     * @return DiffrnOrientMatrix
    public DiffrnOrientMatrix getDiffrnOrientMatrix() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_orient_matrix", DiffrnOrientMatrix::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_ORIENT_REFLN category record details
     * about the reflections that define the orientation matrix used in
     * the measurement of the diffraction intensities.
     * @return DiffrnOrientRefln
    public DiffrnOrientRefln getDiffrnOrientRefln() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_orient_refln", DiffrnOrientRefln::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_RADIATION category describe
     * the radiation used in measuring the diffraction intensities,
     * its collimation and monochromatization before the sample.
     * Post-sample treatment of the beam is described by data
     * items in the DIFFRN_DETECTOR category.
     * @return DiffrnRadiation
    public DiffrnRadiation getDiffrnRadiation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_radiation", DiffrnRadiation::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_RADIATION_WAVELENGTH category
     * describe the wavelength of the radiation used to measure the
     * diffraction intensities. Items may be looped to identify
     * and assign weights to distinct components of a
     * polychromatic beam.
     * @return DiffrnRadiationWavelength
    public DiffrnRadiationWavelength getDiffrnRadiationWavelength() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_radiation_wavelength", DiffrnRadiationWavelength::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_REFLN category record details about
     * the intensities in the diffraction data set
     * identified by _diffrn_refln.diffrn_id.
     * The DIFFRN_REFLN data items refer to individual intensity
     * measurements and must be included in looped lists.
     * The DIFFRN_REFLNS data items specify the parameters that apply
     * to all intensity  measurements in the particular diffraction
     * data set identified by _diffrn_reflns.diffrn_id.
     * @return DiffrnRefln
    public DiffrnRefln getDiffrnRefln() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_refln", DiffrnRefln::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_REFLNS category record details about
     * the set of intensities measured in the diffraction experiment.
     * The DIFFRN_REFLN data items refer to individual intensity
     * measurements and must be included in looped lists.
     * The DIFFRN_REFLNS data items specify the parameters that apply
     * to all intensity measurements in a diffraction data set.
     * @return DiffrnReflns
    public DiffrnReflns getDiffrnReflns() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_reflns", DiffrnReflns::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_SCALE_GROUP category record details
     * of the scaling factors applied to place all intensities in the
     * reflection lists on a common scale.
     * Scaling groups might, for example, correspond to each film in a
     * multi-film data set or each crystal in a multi-crystal data set.
     * @return DiffrnScaleGroup
    public DiffrnScaleGroup getDiffrnScaleGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_scale_group", DiffrnScaleGroup::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_SOURCE category record details of
     * the source of radiation used in the diffraction experiment.
     * @return DiffrnSource
    public DiffrnSource getDiffrnSource() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_source", DiffrnSource::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_STANDARD_REFLN category record details
     * about the reflections treated as standards during the measurement
     * of a set of diffraction intensities.
     * Note that these are the individual standard reflections, not the
     * results of the analysis of the standard reflections.
     * @return DiffrnStandardRefln
    public DiffrnStandardRefln getDiffrnStandardRefln() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_standard_refln", DiffrnStandardRefln::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_STANDARDS category record details
     * about the set of standard reflections used to monitor intensity
     * stability during the measurement of diffraction intensities.
     * Note that these records describe properties common to the set of
     * standard reflections, not the standard reflections themselves.
     * @return DiffrnStandards
    public DiffrnStandards getDiffrnStandards() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_standards", DiffrnStandards::new);

     * Data items in the ENTITY category record details (such as
     * chemical composition, name and source) about the molecular
     * entities that are present in the crystallographic structure.
     * Items in the various ENTITY subcategories provide a full
     * chemical description of these molecular entities.
     * Entities are of three types:  polymer, non-polymer and water.
     * Note that the water category includes only water;  ordered
     * solvent such as sulfate ion or acetone would be described as
     * individual non-polymer entities.
     * The ENTITY category is specific to macromolecular CIF
     * applications and replaces the function of the CHEMICAL category
     * in the CIF core.
     * It is important to remember that the ENTITY data are not the
     * result of the crystallographic experiment;  those results are
     * represented by the ATOM_SITE data items. ENTITY data items
     * describe the chemistry of the molecules under investigation
     * and can most usefully be thought of as the ideal groups to which
     * the structure is restrained or constrained during refinement.
     * It is also important to remember that entities do not correspond
     * directly to the enumeration of the contents of the asymmetric
     * unit. Entities are described only once, even in those structures
     * that contain multiple observations of an entity. The
     * STRUCT_ASYM data items, which reference the entity list,
     * describe and label the contents of the asymmetric unit.
     * @return Entity
    public Entity getEntity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entity", Entity::new);

     * Data items in the ENTITY_KEYWORDS category specify keywords
     * relevant to the molecular entities. Note that this list of
     * keywords is separate from the list that is used for the
     * STRUCT_BIOL data items and is intended to provide only the
     * information that one would know about the molecular entity *if
     * one did not know its structure*. Hence polypeptides are simply
     * polypeptides, not cytokines or beta-alpha-barrels, and
     * polyribonucleic acids are simply poly-RNA, not transfer-
     * RNA.
     * @return EntityKeywords
    public EntityKeywords getEntityKeywords() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entity_keywords", EntityKeywords::new);

     * Data items in the ENTITY_LINK category give details about
     * the links between entities.
     * @return EntityLink
    public EntityLink getEntityLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entity_link", EntityLink::new);

     * Data items in the ENTITY_NAME_COM category record the common name
     * or names associated with the entity. In some cases, the entity
     * name may not be the same as the name of the biological structure.
     * For example, haemoglobin alpha chain would be the entity common
     * name, not haemoglobin.
     * @return EntityNameCom
    public EntityNameCom getEntityNameCom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entity_name_com", EntityNameCom::new);

     * Data items in the ENTITY_NAME_SYS category record the systematic
     * name or names associated with the entity and the system that
     * was used to construct the systematic name. In some cases, the
     * entity name may not be the same as the name of the biological
     * structure.
     * @return EntityNameSys
    public EntityNameSys getEntityNameSys() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entity_name_sys", EntityNameSys::new);

     * Data items in the ENTITY_POLY category record details about the
     * polymer, such as the type of the polymer, the number of
     * monomers and whether it has nonstandard features.
     * @return EntityPoly
    public EntityPoly getEntityPoly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entity_poly", EntityPoly::new);

     * Data items in the ENTITY_POLY_SEQ category specify the sequence
     * of monomers in a polymer. Allowance is made for the possibility
     * of microheterogeneity in a sample by allowing a given sequence
     * number to be correlated with more than one monomer ID. The
     * corresponding ATOM_SITE entries should reflect this
     * heterogeneity.
     * @return EntityPolySeq
    public EntityPolySeq getEntityPolySeq() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entity_poly_seq", EntityPolySeq::new);

     * There is only one item in the ENTRY category, This
     * data item gives a name to this entry and is indirectly a key to
     * the categories (such as CELL, GEOM, EXPTL) that describe
     * information pertinent to the entire data block.
     * @return Entry
    public Entry getEntry() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entry", Entry::new);

     * Data items in the ENTRY_LINK category record the
     * relationships between the current data block
     * identified by and other data blocks
     * within the current file which may be referenced
     * in the current data block.
     * @return EntryLink
    public EntryLink getEntryLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entry_link", EntryLink::new);

     * Data items in the EXPTL category record details about the
     * experimental work prior to the intensity measurements and
     * details about the absorption-correction technique employed.
     * @return Exptl
    public Exptl getExptl() {
        return delegate.getCategory("exptl", Exptl::new);

     * Data items in the EXPTL_CRYSTAL category record the results of
     * experimental measurements on the crystal or crystals used,
     * such as shape, size or density.
     * @return ExptlCrystal
    public ExptlCrystal getExptlCrystal() {
        return delegate.getCategory("exptl_crystal", ExptlCrystal::new);

     * Data items in the EXPTL_CRYSTAL_FACE category record details
     * of the crystal faces.
     * @return ExptlCrystalFace
    public ExptlCrystalFace getExptlCrystalFace() {
        return delegate.getCategory("exptl_crystal_face", ExptlCrystalFace::new);

     * Data items in the EXPTL_CRYSTAL_GROW category record details
     * about the conditions and methods used to grow the crystal.
     * @return ExptlCrystalGrow
    public ExptlCrystalGrow getExptlCrystalGrow() {
        return delegate.getCategory("exptl_crystal_grow", ExptlCrystalGrow::new);

     * Data items in the EXPTL_CRYSTAL_GROW_COMP category record
     * details about the components of the solutions that were 'mixed'
     * (by whatever means) to produce the crystal.
     * In general, solution 1 is the solution that contains the
     * molecule to be crystallized and solution 2 is the solution
     * that contains the precipitant. However, the number of solutions
     * required to describe the crystallization protocol is not limited
     * to 2.
     * Details of the crystallization protocol should be given in
     * _exptl_crystal_grow_comp.details using the solutions
     * described in EXPTL_CRYSTAL_GROW_COMP.
     * @return ExptlCrystalGrowComp
    public ExptlCrystalGrowComp getExptlCrystalGrowComp() {
        return delegate.getCategory("exptl_crystal_grow_comp", ExptlCrystalGrowComp::new);

     * Data items in the GEOM and related (GEOM_ANGLE,
     * categories record details about the molecular
     * geometry as calculated from the contents of the ATOM, CELL
     * and SYMMETRY data.
     * Geometry data are therefore redundant, in that they can be
     * calculated from other more fundamental quantities in the data
     * block. However, they provide a check on the correctness of
     * both sets of data and enable the most important geometric data
     * to be identified for publication by setting the appropriate
     * publication flag.
     * @return Geom
    public Geom getGeom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("geom", Geom::new);

     * Data items in the GEOM_ANGLE category record details about the
     * bond angles as calculated from the contents
     * of the ATOM, CELL and SYMMETRY data.
     * @return GeomAngle
    public GeomAngle getGeomAngle() {
        return delegate.getCategory("geom_angle", GeomAngle::new);

     * Data items in the GEOM_BOND category record details about
     * the bond lengths as calculated from the contents
     * of the ATOM, CELL and SYMMETRY data.
     * @return GeomBond
    public GeomBond getGeomBond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("geom_bond", GeomBond::new);

     * Data items in the GEOM_CONTACT category record details about
     * interatomic contacts as calculated from the contents
     * of the ATOM, CELL and SYMMETRY data.
     * @return GeomContact
    public GeomContact getGeomContact() {
        return delegate.getCategory("geom_contact", GeomContact::new);

     * Data items in the GEOM_HBOND category record details about
     * hydrogen bonds as calculated from the contents of the ATOM,
     * CELL and SYMMETRY data.
     * @return GeomHbond
    public GeomHbond getGeomHbond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("geom_hbond", GeomHbond::new);

     * Data items in the GEOM_TORSION category record details about
     * torsion angles as calculated from the
     * contents of the ATOM, CELL and SYMMETRY data.
     * The vector direction _geom_torsion.atom_site_id_2 to
     * _geom_torsion.atom_site_id_3 is the viewing direction, and the
     * torsion angle is the angle of twist required to superimpose the
     * projection of the vector between site 2 and site 1 onto the
     * projection of the vector between site 3 and site 4. Clockwise
     * torsions are positive, anticlockwise torsions are negative.
     * Ref: Klyne, W. & Prelog, V. (1960). Experientia, 16, 521-523.
     * @return GeomTorsion
    public GeomTorsion getGeomTorsion() {
        return delegate.getCategory("geom_torsion", GeomTorsion::new);

     * Data items in the JOURNAL category record details about the
     * book-keeping by the journal staff when processing
     * a data block submitted for publication.
     * The creator of a data block will not normally specify these data.
     * The data names are not defined in the dictionary because they are
     * for journal use only.
     * @return Journal
    public Journal getJournal() {
        return delegate.getCategory("journal", Journal::new);

     * Data items in the JOURNAL_INDEX category are used to list terms
     * used to generate the journal indexes.
     * The creator of a data block will not normally specify these data
     * items.
     * @return JournalIndex
    public JournalIndex getJournalIndex() {
        return delegate.getCategory("journal_index", JournalIndex::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING category record details about the
     * phasing of the structure, listing the various methods used in
     * the phasing process. Details about the application of each
     * method are listed in the appropriate subcategories.
     * @return Phasing
    public Phasing getPhasing() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing", Phasing::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_AVERAGING category record details
     * about the phasing of the structure where methods involving
     * averaging of multiple observations of the molecule in the
     * asymmetric unit are involved.
     * @return PhasingAveraging
    public PhasingAveraging getPhasingAveraging() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_averaging", PhasingAveraging::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_ISOMORPHOUS category record details
     * about the phasing of the structure where a model isomorphous
     * to the structure being phased was used to generate the initial
     * phases.
     * @return PhasingIsomorphous
    public PhasingIsomorphous getPhasingIsomorphous() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_isomorphous", PhasingIsomorphous::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MAD category record details about
     * the phasing of the structure where methods involving
     * multiple-wavelength anomalous-dispersion techniques are involved.
     * @return PhasingMAD
    public PhasingMAD getPhasingMAD() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MAD", PhasingMAD::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MAD_CLUST category record details
     * about a cluster of experiments that contributed to the
     * generation of a set of phases.
     * @return PhasingMADClust
    public PhasingMADClust getPhasingMADClust() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MAD_clust", PhasingMADClust::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MAD_EXPT category record details about
     * a MAD phasing experiment, such as the number of experiments that
     * were clustered together to produce a set of phases or the
     * statistics for those phases.
     * @return PhasingMADExpt
    public PhasingMADExpt getPhasingMADExpt() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MAD_expt", PhasingMADExpt::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MAD_RATIO category record
     * the ratios of phasing statistics between pairs of data sets
     * in a MAD phasing experiment, in given shells of resolution.
     * @return PhasingMADRatio
    public PhasingMADRatio getPhasingMADRatio() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MAD_ratio", PhasingMADRatio::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MAD_SET category record
     * details about the individual data sets used in a MAD phasing
     * experiment.
     * @return PhasingMADSet
    public PhasingMADSet getPhasingMADSet() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MAD_set", PhasingMADSet::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MIR category record details about
     * the phasing of the structure where methods involving isomorphous
     * replacement are involved.
     * All isomorphous-replacement-based techniques are covered
     * by this category, including single isomorphous replacement (SIR),
     * multiple isomorphous replacement (MIR) and single or multiple
     * isomorphous replacement plus anomalous scattering (SIRAS, MIRAS).
     * @return PhasingMIR
    public PhasingMIR getPhasingMIR() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MIR", PhasingMIR::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MIR_DER category record details
     * about individual derivatives used in the phasing of the
     * structure when methods involving isomorphous replacement are
     * involved.
     * A derivative in this context does not necessarily equate with
     * a data set; for instance, the same data set could be used to
     * one resolution limit as an isomorphous scatterer and to a
     * different resolution (and with a different sigma cutoff) as an
     * anomalous scatterer. These would be treated as two distinct
     * derivatives, although both derivatives would point to the same
     * data sets via _phasing_MIR_der.der_set_id and
     * _phasing_MIR_der.native_set_id.
     * @return PhasingMIRDer
    public PhasingMIRDer getPhasingMIRDer() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MIR_der", PhasingMIRDer::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MIR_DER_REFLN category record details
     * about the calculated structure factors obtained in an MIR
     * phasing experiment.
     * This list may contain information from a number of different
     * derivatives; _phasing_MIR_der_refln.der_id indicates to which
     * derivative a given record corresponds. (A derivative in this
     * context does not necessarily equate with a data set; see the
     * definition of the PHASING_MIR_DER category for a
     * discussion of the meaning of derivative.)
     * It is not necessary for the data items describing the measured
     * value of F to appear in this list, as they will be
     * given in the PHASING_SET_REFLN category. However, these
     * items can also be listed here for completeness.
     * @return PhasingMIRDerRefln
    public PhasingMIRDerRefln getPhasingMIRDerRefln() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MIR_der_refln", PhasingMIRDerRefln::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MIR_DER_SHELL category record
     * statistics, broken down into shells of resolution, for an MIR
     * phasing experiment.
     * This list may contain information from a number of different
     * derivatives; _phasing_MIR_der_shell.der_id indicates to which
     * derivative a given record corresponds. (A derivative in this
     * context does not necessarily equate with a data set; see the
     * definition of the PHASING_MIR_DER category for a
     * discussion of the meaning of derivative.)
     * @return PhasingMIRDerShell
    public PhasingMIRDerShell getPhasingMIRDerShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MIR_der_shell", PhasingMIRDerShell::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MIR_DER_SITE category record details
     * about the heavy-atom sites in an MIR phasing experiment.
     * This list may contain information from a number of different
     * derivatives; _phasing_MIR_der_site.der_id indicates to which
     * derivative a given record corresponds. (A derivative in this
     * context does not necessarily equate with a data set; see the
     * definition of the PHASING_MIR_DER category for a
     * discussion of the meaning of derivative.)
     * @return PhasingMIRDerSite
    public PhasingMIRDerSite getPhasingMIRDerSite() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MIR_der_site", PhasingMIRDerSite::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_MIR_SHELL category record statistics
     * for an isomorphous replacement phasing experiment.broken
     * down into shells of resolution.
     * @return PhasingMIRShell
    public PhasingMIRShell getPhasingMIRShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_MIR_shell", PhasingMIRShell::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_SET category record details about
     * the data sets used in a phasing experiment. A given data set
     * may be used in a number of different ways; for instance, a
     * single data set could be used both as an isomorphous derivative
     * and as a component of a multiple-wavelength calculation. This
     * category establishes identifiers for each data set and permits
     * the archiving of a subset of experimental information for each
     * data set (cell constants, wavelength, temperature etc.).
     * This and related categories of data items are provided so that
     * derivative intensity and phase information can be stored in
     * the same data block as the information for the refined
     * structure.
     * If all the possible experimental information for each data
     * set (raw data sets, crystal growth conditions etc.) is to be
     * archived, these data items should be recorded in a separate
     * data block.
     * @return PhasingSet
    public PhasingSet getPhasingSet() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_set", PhasingSet::new);

     * Data items in the PHASING_SET_REFLN category record the values
     * of the measured structure factors used in a phasing experiment.
     * This list may contain information from a number of different
     * data sets; _phasing_set_refln.set_id indicates the data set
     * to which a given record corresponds.
     * @return PhasingSetRefln
    public PhasingSetRefln getPhasingSetRefln() {
        return delegate.getCategory("phasing_set_refln", PhasingSetRefln::new);

     * Data items in the PUBL category are used when submitting a
     * manuscript for publication.
     * @return Publ
    public Publ getPubl() {
        return delegate.getCategory("publ", Publ::new);

     * Data items in the PUBL_AUTHOR category record details of
     * the authors of a manuscript submitted for publication.
     * @return PublAuthor
    public PublAuthor getPublAuthor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("publ_author", PublAuthor::new);

     * Data items in the PUBL_BODY category permit the labelling of
     * different text sections within the body of a paper.
     * Note that these should not be used in a paper which has
     * a standard format with sections tagged by specific data names
     * (such as in Acta Crystallographica Section C). Typically,
     * each journal will supply a list of the specific items it
     * requires in its Notes for Authors.
     * @return PublBody
    public PublBody getPublBody() {
        return delegate.getCategory("publ_body", PublBody::new);

     * Data items in the PUBL_MANUSCRIPT_INCL category allow
     * the authors of a manuscript submitted for publication to list
     * data names that should be added to the standard request list
     * used by the journal printing software.
     * @return PublManuscriptIncl
    public PublManuscriptIncl getPublManuscriptIncl() {
        return delegate.getCategory("publ_manuscript_incl", PublManuscriptIncl::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE category record details about the
     * structure-refinement parameters.
     * @return Refine
    public Refine getRefine() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine", Refine::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_ANALYZE category record details
     * about the refined structure that are often used to analyze the
     * refinement and assess its quality. A given computer program
     * may or may not produce values corresponding to these data
     * names.
     * @return RefineAnalyze
    public RefineAnalyze getRefineAnalyze() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_analyze", RefineAnalyze::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_B_ISO category record details about
     * the treatment of isotropic B factors (displacement parameters)
     * during refinement.
     * @return RefineBIso
    public RefineBIso getRefineBIso() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_B_iso", RefineBIso::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_FUNCT_MINIMIZED category record
     * details about the individual terms of the function minimized
     * during refinement.
     * @return RefineFunctMinimized
    public RefineFunctMinimized getRefineFunctMinimized() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_funct_minimized", RefineFunctMinimized::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_HIST category record details about the
     * steps during the refinement of the structure.
     * These data items are not meant to be as thorough a description
     * of the refinement as is provided for the final model in other
     * categories; rather, these data items provide a mechanism for
     * sketching out the progress of the refinement, supported by a
     * small set of representative statistics.
     * @return RefineHist
    public RefineHist getRefineHist() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_hist", RefineHist::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_LS_RESTR category record details about
     * the restraints applied to various classes of parameters during
     * the least-squares refinement.
     * @return RefineLsRestr
    public RefineLsRestr getRefineLsRestr() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_ls_restr", RefineLsRestr::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_LS_RESTR_NCS category record details
     * about the restraints applied to atom positions in domains
     * related by noncrystallographic symmetry during least-squares
     * refinement, and also about the deviation of the restrained
     * atomic parameters at the end of the refinement.  It is
     * expected that these values will only be reported once for each
     * set of restrained domains.
     * @return RefineLsRestrNcs
    public RefineLsRestrNcs getRefineLsRestrNcs() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_ls_restr_ncs", RefineLsRestrNcs::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_LS_RESTR_TYPE category record details
     * about the restraint types used in the least-squares refinement.
     * @return RefineLsRestrType
    public RefineLsRestrType getRefineLsRestrType() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_ls_restr_type", RefineLsRestrType::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_LS_SHELL category record details about
     * the results of the least-squares refinement broken down into
     * shells of resolution.
     * @return RefineLsShell
    public RefineLsShell getRefineLsShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_ls_shell", RefineLsShell::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_OCCUPANCY category record details
     * about the treatment of atom occupancies during refinement.
     * @return RefineOccupancy
    public RefineOccupancy getRefineOccupancy() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_occupancy", RefineOccupancy::new);

     * Data items in the REFLN category record details about the
     * reflection data used to determine the ATOM_SITE data items.
     * The REFLN data items refer to individual reflections and must
     * be included in looped lists.
     * The REFLNS data items specify the parameters that apply to all
     * reflections. The REFLNS data items are not looped.
     * @return Refln
    public Refln getRefln() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refln", Refln::new);

     * Data items in the REFLN_SYS_ABS category record details about
     * the reflection data that should be systematically absent,
     * given the designated space group.
     * @return ReflnSysAbs
    public ReflnSysAbs getReflnSysAbs() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refln_sys_abs", ReflnSysAbs::new);

     * Data items in the REFLNS category record details about the
     * reflection data used to determine the ATOM_SITE data items.
     * The REFLN data items refer to individual reflections and must
     * be included in looped lists.
     * The REFLNS data items specify the parameters that apply to all
     * reflections. The REFLNS data items are not looped.
     * @return Reflns
    public Reflns getReflns() {
        return delegate.getCategory("reflns", Reflns::new);

     * Data items in the REFLNS_SCALE category record details about
     * the structure-factor scales. They are referenced from within
     * the REFLN list through _refln.scale_group_code.
     * @return ReflnsScale
    public ReflnsScale getReflnsScale() {
        return delegate.getCategory("reflns_scale", ReflnsScale::new);

     * Data items in the REFLNS_SHELL category record details about
     * the reflection data used to determine the ATOM_SITE data items
     * broken down into shells of resolution.
     * @return ReflnsShell
    public ReflnsShell getReflnsShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("reflns_shell", ReflnsShell::new);

     * Data items in the SOFTWARE category record details about
     * the software used in the structure analysis, which implies
     * any software used in the generation of any data items
     * associated with the structure determination and
     * structure representation.
     * These data items allow computer programs to be referenced
     * in more detail than data items in the COMPUTING category do.
     * @return Software
    public Software getSoftware() {
        return delegate.getCategory("software", Software::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT category record details about the
     * description of the crystallographic structure.
     * @return Struct
    public Struct getStruct() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct", Struct::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_ASYM category record details about the
     * structural elements in the asymmetric unit.
     * @return StructAsym
    public StructAsym getStructAsym() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_asym", StructAsym::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_BIOL category record details about
     * the structural elements that form each structure of biological
     * significance.
     * A given crystal structure may contain many different biological
     * structures. A given structural component in the asymmetric
     * unit may be part of more than one biological unit. A given
     * biological structure may involve crystallographic symmetry.
     * For instance, in a structure of a lysozyme-FAB structure, the
     * light- and heavy-chain components of the FAB could be one
     * biological unit, while the two chains of the FAB and the lysozyme
     * could constitute a second biological unit.
     * @return StructBiol
    public StructBiol getStructBiol() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_biol", StructBiol::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_BIOL_GEN category record details about
     * the generation of each biological unit. The STRUCT_BIOL_GEN
     * data items provide the specifications of the components that
     * constitute that biological unit, which may include symmetry
     * elements.
     * @return StructBiolGen
    public StructBiolGen getStructBiolGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_biol_gen", StructBiolGen::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_BIOL_KEYWORDS category record
     * keywords that describe each biological unit.
     * @return StructBiolKeywords
    public StructBiolKeywords getStructBiolKeywords() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_biol_keywords", StructBiolKeywords::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_BIOL_VIEW category record details
     * about how to draw and annotate an informative view of the
     * biological structure.
     * @return StructBiolView
    public StructBiolView getStructBiolView() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_biol_view", StructBiolView::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_CONF category record details about
     * the backbone conformation of a segment of polymer.
     * Data items in the STRUCT_CONF_TYPE category define the
     * criteria used to identify the backbone conformations.
     * @return StructConf
    public StructConf getStructConf() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_conf", StructConf::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_CONF_TYPE category record details
     * about the criteria used to identify backbone conformations of a
     * segment of polymer.
     * @return StructConfType
    public StructConfType getStructConfType() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_conf_type", StructConfType::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_CONN category record details about
     * the connections between portions of the structure. These can be
     * hydrogen bonds, salt bridges, disulfide bridges and so on.
     * The STRUCT_CONN_TYPE records define the criteria used to
     * identify these connections.
     * @return StructConn
    public StructConn getStructConn() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_conn", StructConn::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_CONN_TYPE category record details
     * about the criteria used to identify interactions between
     * portions of the structure.
     * @return StructConnType
    public StructConnType getStructConnType() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_conn_type", StructConnType::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_KEYWORDS category specify keywords
     * that describe the chemical structure in this entry.
     * @return StructKeywords
    public StructKeywords getStructKeywords() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_keywords", StructKeywords::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_MON_DETAILS category record details
     * about specifics of calculations summarized in data items in the
     * STRUCT_MON_PROT and STRUCT_MON_NUCL categories. These can
     * include the coefficients used in map calculations,
     * the radii used for including points in a calculation and so on.
     * @return StructMonDetails
    public StructMonDetails getStructMonDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_mon_details", StructMonDetails::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_MON_NUCL category record details about
     * structural properties of a nucleic acid when analyzed at the
     * monomer level. Analogous data items for proteins are given in
     * the STRUCT_MON_PROT category. For items where the value of the
     * property depends on the method employed to calculate it,
     * details of the method of calculation are given using data items
     * in the STRUCT_MON_DETAILS category.
     * @return StructMonNucl
    public StructMonNucl getStructMonNucl() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_mon_nucl", StructMonNucl::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_MON_PROT category record details about
     * structural properties of a protein when analyzed at the monomer
     * level. Analogous data items for nucleic acids are given in the
     * STRUCT_MON_NUCL category. For items where the value of the
     * property depends on the method employed to calculate it,
     * details of the method of calculation are given using data items
     * in the STRUCT_MON_DETAILS category.
     * @return StructMonProt
    public StructMonProt getStructMonProt() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_mon_prot", StructMonProt::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_MON_PROT_CIS category identify
     * monomers that have been found to have the peptide bond in the cis
     * conformation. The criterion used to select residues to be
     * designated as containing cis peptide bonds is given in
     * _struct_mon_details.prot_cis.
     * @return StructMonProtCis
    public StructMonProtCis getStructMonProtCis() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_mon_prot_cis", StructMonProtCis::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_NCS_DOM category record information
     * about the domains in an ensemble of domains related by one or
     * more noncrystallographic symmetry operators.
     * A domain need not correspond to a complete polypeptide chain;
     * it can be composed of one or more segments in a single chain,
     * or by segments from more than one chain.
     * @return StructNcsDom
    public StructNcsDom getStructNcsDom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_ncs_dom", StructNcsDom::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_NCS_DOM_LIM category identify the
     * start and end points of polypeptide chain segments
     * that form all or part of a domain in an ensemble of domains
     * related by noncrystallographic symmetry.
     * @return StructNcsDomLim
    public StructNcsDomLim getStructNcsDomLim() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_ncs_dom_lim", StructNcsDomLim::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_NCS_ENS category record information
     * about ensembles of domains related by noncrystallographic
     * symmetry. The point group of the ensemble when taken as a
     * whole may be specified, as well as any special aspects of the
     * ensemble that require description.
     * @return StructNcsEns
    public StructNcsEns getStructNcsEns() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_ncs_ens", StructNcsEns::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_NCS_ENS_GEN category list domains
     * related by a noncrystallographic symmetry operation and
     * identify the operator.
     * @return StructNcsEnsGen
    public StructNcsEnsGen getStructNcsEnsGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_ncs_ens_gen", StructNcsEnsGen::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_NCS_OPER category describe the
     * noncrystallographic symmetry operations.
     * Each operator is specified as a matrix and a subsequent
     * translation vector. Operators need not represent proper
     * rotations.
     * @return StructNcsOper
    public StructNcsOper getStructNcsOper() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_ncs_oper", StructNcsOper::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_REF category allow the author of a
     * data block to relate the entities or biological units
     * described in the data block to information archived in external
     * databases.
     * For references to the sequence of a polymer, the value of
     * the data item _struct_ref.seq_align is used to indicate
     * whether the correspondence between the sequence of the entity
     * or biological unit in the data block and the sequence in the
     * referenced database entry is 'complete' or 'partial'. If
     * this value is 'partial', the region (or regions) of the
     * alignment may be delimited using data items in the
     * STRUCT_REF_SEQ category.
     * Similarly, the value of _struct_ref.seq_dif is used to indicate
     * whether the two sequences contain point differences. If the
     * value is 'yes', the differences may be identified and annotated
     * using data items in the STRUCT_REF_SEQ_DIF category.
     * @return StructRef
    public StructRef getStructRef() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_ref", StructRef::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_REF_SEQ category provide a mechanism
     * for indicating and annotating a region (or regions) of alignment
     * between the sequence of an entity or biological unit described
     * in the data block and the sequence in the referenced database
     * entry.
     * @return StructRefSeq
    public StructRefSeq getStructRefSeq() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_ref_seq", StructRefSeq::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_REF_SEQ_DIF category provide a
     * mechanism for indicating and annotating point differences
     * between the sequence of the entity or biological unit described
     * in the data block and the sequence of the referenced database
     * entry.
     * @return StructRefSeqDif
    public StructRefSeqDif getStructRefSeqDif() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_ref_seq_dif", StructRefSeqDif::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_SHEET category record details about
     * the beta-sheets.
     * @return StructSheet
    public StructSheet getStructSheet() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_sheet", StructSheet::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_SHEET_HBOND category record details
     * about the hydrogen bonding between residue ranges in a beta-
     * sheet. It is necessary to treat hydrogen bonding independently
     * of the designation of ranges, because the hydrogen bonding may
     * begin in different places for the interactions of a given strand
     * with the one preceding it and the one following it in the sheet.
     * @return StructSheetHbond
    public StructSheetHbond getStructSheetHbond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_sheet_hbond", StructSheetHbond::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_SHEET_ORDER category record details
     * about the order of the residue ranges that form a beta-sheet.
     * All order links are pairwise and the specified pairs are
     * assumed to be adjacent to one another in the sheet. These data
     * items are an alternative to the STRUCT_SHEET_TOPOLOGY data
     * items and they allow all manner of sheets to be described.
     * @return StructSheetOrder
    public StructSheetOrder getStructSheetOrder() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_sheet_order", StructSheetOrder::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_SHEET_RANGE category record details
     * about the residue ranges that form a beta-sheet. Residues are
     * included in a range if they made beta-sheet-type hydrogen-bonding
     * interactions with at least one adjacent strand and if there are
     * at least two residues in the range.
     * @return StructSheetRange
    public StructSheetRange getStructSheetRange() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_sheet_range", StructSheetRange::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_SHEET_TOPOLOGY category record details
     * about the topology of the residue ranges that form a beta-sheet.
     * All topology links are pairwise and the specified pairs are
     * assumed to be successive in the amino-acid sequence. These
     * data items are useful in describing various simple and complex
     * folds, but they become inadequate when the strands in the sheet
     * come from more than one chain. The
     * STRUCT_SHEET_ORDER data items can be used to describe
     * single- and multiple-chain-containing sheets.
     * @return StructSheetTopology
    public StructSheetTopology getStructSheetTopology() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_sheet_topology", StructSheetTopology::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_SITE category record details about
     * portions of the structure that contribute to structurally
     * relevant sites (e.g. active sites, substrate-binding subsites,
     * metal-coordination sites).
     * @return StructSite
    public StructSite getStructSite() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_site", StructSite::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_SITE_GEN category record details about
     * the generation of portions of the structure that contribute to
     * structurally relevant sites.
     * @return StructSiteGen
    public StructSiteGen getStructSiteGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_site_gen", StructSiteGen::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_SITE_KEYWORDS category record
     * keywords describing the site.
     * @return StructSiteKeywords
    public StructSiteKeywords getStructSiteKeywords() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_site_keywords", StructSiteKeywords::new);

     * Data items in the STRUCT_SITE_VIEW category record details
     * about how to draw and annotate an informative view of the
     * site.
     * @return StructSiteView
    public StructSiteView getStructSiteView() {
        return delegate.getCategory("struct_site_view", StructSiteView::new);

     * Data items in the SYMMETRY category record details about the
     * space-group symmetry.
     * @return Symmetry
    public Symmetry getSymmetry() {
        return delegate.getCategory("symmetry", Symmetry::new);

     * Data items in the SYMMETRY_EQUIV category list the
     * symmetry-equivalent positions for the space group.
     * @return SymmetryEquiv
    public SymmetryEquiv getSymmetryEquiv() {
        return delegate.getCategory("symmetry_equiv", SymmetryEquiv::new);

     * Data items in the AUDIT_LINK category record details about the
     * relationships between data blocks in the current CIF.
     * @return AuditLink
    public AuditLink getAuditLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("audit_link", AuditLink::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_REFLNS_CLASS category record details
     * about the classes of reflections measured in the diffraction
     * experiment.
     * @return DiffrnReflnsClass
    public DiffrnReflnsClass getDiffrnReflnsClass() {
        return delegate.getCategory("diffrn_reflns_class", DiffrnReflnsClass::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_LS_CLASS category record details
     * about the reflections used for the structure refinement
     * for each reflection class separately.
     * @return RefineLsClass
    public RefineLsClass getRefineLsClass() {
        return delegate.getCategory("refine_ls_class", RefineLsClass::new);

     * Data items in the REFLNS_CLASS category record details
     * of the reflections used to determine the structural
     * parameters for each reflection class.
     * @return ReflnsClass
    public ReflnsClass getReflnsClass() {
        return delegate.getCategory("reflns_class", ReflnsClass::new);

     * Contains all the data items that refer to the space group as a
     * whole, such as its name or crystal system. They may be looped,
     * for example, in a list of space groups and their properties.
     * Only a subset of the SPACE_GROUP category items appear in
     * this dictionary.  The remainder are found in the symmetry CIF
     * dictionary.
     * Space-group types are identified by their number as given in
     * International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A. Specific
     * settings of the space groups can be identified either by their
     * Hall symbol or by specifying their symmetry operations.
     * The commonly used Hermann-Mauguin symbol determines the
     * space-group type uniquely but several different Hermann-Mauguin
     * symbols may refer to the same space-group type. A Hermann-Mauguin
     * symbol contains information on the choice of the basis, but not
     * on the choice of origin.  Different formats for the
     * Hermann-Mauguin symbol are found in the symmetry CIF dictionary.
     * @return SpaceGroup
    public SpaceGroup getSpaceGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("space_group", SpaceGroup::new);

     * Contains information about the symmetry operations of the
     * space group.
     * @return SpaceGroupSymop
    public SpaceGroupSymop getSpaceGroupSymop() {
        return delegate.getCategory("space_group_symop", SpaceGroupSymop::new);

     * Data items in the VALENCE_PARAM category define the
     * parameters used for calculating bond valences from bond
     * lengths.  In addition to the parameters, a pointer
     * is given to the reference (in VALENCE_REF) from which
     * the bond-valence parameters were taken.
     * @return ValenceParam
    public ValenceParam getValenceParam() {
        return delegate.getCategory("valence_param", ValenceParam::new);

     * Data items in the VALENCE_REF category list the references
     * from which the bond-valence parameters have been taken.
     * @return ValenceRef
    public ValenceRef getValenceRef() {
        return delegate.getCategory("valence_ref", ValenceRef::new);

     * The PDBX_AUDIT holds current version information.
     * @return PdbxAudit
    public PdbxAudit getPdbxAudit() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit", PdbxAudit::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VERSION category record details about the
     * version of this entry.
     * @return PdbxVersion
    public PdbxVersion getPdbxVersion() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_version", PdbxVersion::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_AUDIT_AUTHOR category record details about
     * the author(s) of the data block.
     * @return PdbxAuditAuthor
    public PdbxAuditAuthor getPdbxAuditAuthor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit_author", PdbxAuditAuthor::new);

     * The PDBX_DATABASE_MESSAGE category provides information about
     * correspondance related to a structure deposition.
     * @return PdbxDatabaseMessage
    public PdbxDatabaseMessage getPdbxDatabaseMessage() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_message", PdbxDatabaseMessage::new);

     * The PDBX_DATABASE_PDB_OBS_SPR category provides placeholders
     * for information on obsolete/superseded PDB entries
     * @return PdbxDatabasePDBObsSpr
    public PdbxDatabasePDBObsSpr getPdbxDatabasePDBObsSpr() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_PDB_obs_spr", PdbxDatabasePDBObsSpr::new);

     * Internal records to track the data processing cycle.
     * @return PdbxDatabaseProc
    public PdbxDatabaseProc getPdbxDatabaseProc() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_proc", PdbxDatabaseProc::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DATABASE_REMARK category record keep additional
     * information about the entry.  They are mostly used to create
     * 'non-standard' PDB REMARK annotations (6-99).
     * @return PdbxDatabaseRemark
    public PdbxDatabaseRemark getPdbxDatabaseRemark() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_remark", PdbxDatabaseRemark::new);

     * These are internal RCSB records to keep track of data processing
     * and status of the entry.
     * @return PdbxDatabaseStatus
    public PdbxDatabaseStatus getPdbxDatabaseStatus() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_status", PdbxDatabaseStatus::new);

     * The PDBX_ENTITY_NAME records additional name information for
     * each entity.
     * @return PdbxEntityName
    public PdbxEntityName getPdbxEntityName() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_name", PdbxEntityName::new);

     * This category provides a placeholder for pre-release
     * sequence information.  After release this category
     * should be discarded.
     * @return PdbxPrereleaseSeq
    public PdbxPrereleaseSeq getPdbxPrereleaseSeq() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_prerelease_seq", PdbxPrereleaseSeq::new);

     * The PDBX_POLY_SEQ_SCHEME category provides residue level nomenclature
     * mapping for polymer entities.
     * @return PdbxPolySeqScheme
    public PdbxPolySeqScheme getPdbxPolySeqScheme() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_poly_seq_scheme", PdbxPolySeqScheme::new);

     * The PDBX_NONPOLY_SCHEME category provides residue level nomenclature
     * mapping for non-polymer entities.
     * @return PdbxNonpolyScheme
    public PdbxNonpolyScheme getPdbxNonpolyScheme() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nonpoly_scheme", PdbxNonpolyScheme::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFINE category record details about
     * additional structure refinement parameters which are needed
     * to complete legacy REMARK 3 refinement templates in PDB
     * format files.
     * @return PdbxRefine
    public PdbxRefine getPdbxRefine() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_refine", PdbxRefine::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_SHEET_HBOND category record details
     * about the hydrogen bonding between residue ranges in a beta sheet.
     * This category is provided for cases where only a single hydrogen
     * bond is used to register the two residue ranges.   Category
     * STRUCT_SHEET_HBOND should be used when the initial and terminal
     * hydrogen bonds for strand pair are known.
     * @return PdbxStructSheetHbond
    public PdbxStructSheetHbond getPdbxStructSheetHbond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_sheet_hbond", PdbxStructSheetHbond::new);

     * Parameter and topology files used in X-PLOR/CNS refinement.
     * @return PdbxXplorFile
    public PdbxXplorFile getPdbxXplorFile() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_xplor_file", PdbxXplorFile::new);

     * Auxilary parameter and topology files used in refinement.
     * @return PdbxRefineAuxFile
    public PdbxRefineAuxFile getPdbxRefineAuxFile() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_refine_aux_file", PdbxRefineAuxFile::new);

     * Data items in PDBX_DATABASE_RELATED contain references to entries
     * that are related to the this entry.
     * @return PdbxDatabaseRelated
    public PdbxDatabaseRelated getPdbxDatabaseRelated() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_related", PdbxDatabaseRelated::new);

     * The PDBX_ENTITY_ASSEMBLY category provides a chemical description
     * of the biological assembly studied in terms of its constituent
     * entities.
     * @return PdbxEntityAssembly
    public PdbxEntityAssembly getPdbxEntityAssembly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_assembly", PdbxEntityAssembly::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_EXPTL_CRYSTAL_GROW_COMP category record
     * details about the components of the solutions that were 'mixed'
     * to produce the crystal.
     * @return PdbxExptlCrystalGrowComp
    public PdbxExptlCrystalGrowComp getPdbxExptlCrystalGrowComp() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_exptl_crystal_grow_comp", PdbxExptlCrystalGrowComp::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_EXPTL_CRYSTAL_GROW_SOL category record
     * details about the solutions that were 'mixed'
     * to produce the crystal.
     * @return PdbxExptlCrystalGrowSol
    public PdbxExptlCrystalGrowSol getPdbxExptlCrystalGrowSol() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_exptl_crystal_grow_sol", PdbxExptlCrystalGrowSol::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_EXPTL_CRYSTAL_CRYO_TREATMENT category
     * record details cryogenic treatments applied to this crystal.
     * @return PdbxExptlCrystalCryoTreatment
    public PdbxExptlCrystalCryoTreatment getPdbxExptlCrystalCryoTreatment() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_exptl_crystal_cryo_treatment", PdbxExptlCrystalCryoTreatment::new);

     * Data items in the REFINE_TLS category record details about
     * TLS parameters used in structure refinement. Note that the
     * intention is primarily to describe directly refined TLS
     * parameters, although other methods of obtaining TLS parameters
     * may be covered, see item _pdbx_refine_tls.method
     * @return PdbxRefineTls
    public PdbxRefineTls getPdbxRefineTls() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_refine_tls", PdbxRefineTls::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFINE_TLS_GROUP category record details about
     * a fragment of a TLS group.
     * Properties of the TLS group are recorded in PDBX_REFINE_TLS
     * @return PdbxRefineTlsGroup
    public PdbxRefineTlsGroup getPdbxRefineTlsGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_refine_tls_group", PdbxRefineTlsGroup::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CONTACT_AUTHOR category record details
     * about the name and address of the author to be contacted
     * concerning the contents of this data block.  This category atomizes
     * information to a greater degree than the standard AUDIT_CONTACT_AUTHOR
     * category.
     * @return PdbxContactAuthor
    public PdbxContactAuthor getPdbxContactAuthor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_contact_author", PdbxContactAuthor::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CONTACT_AUTHOR category record details
     * about the Structural Genomics Project and name and initials
     * for each Center.
     * @return PdbxSGProject
    public PdbxSGProject getPdbxSGProject() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_SG_project", PdbxSGProject::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ATOM_SITE_ANISO_TLS category record details
     * about the TLS contribution to anisotropic displacement parameters.
     * @return PdbxAtomSiteAnisoTls
    public PdbxAtomSiteAnisoTls getPdbxAtomSiteAnisoTls() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_atom_site_aniso_tls", PdbxAtomSiteAnisoTls::new);

     * Experimental details of the NMR study that have not been
     * described elsewhere in this deposition.
     * @return PdbxNmrDetails
    public PdbxNmrDetails getPdbxNmrDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_details", PdbxNmrDetails::new);

     * Complete description of each NMR sample, including the solvent
     * system used.
     * @return PdbxNmrSampleDetails
    public PdbxNmrSampleDetails getPdbxNmrSampleDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_sample_details", PdbxNmrSampleDetails::new);

     * The chemical constituents of
     * each NMR sample. Each sample is identified by a number and
     * each component in the sample is identified by name.
     * @return PdbxNmrExptlSample
    public PdbxNmrExptlSample getPdbxNmrExptlSample() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample", PdbxNmrExptlSample::new);

     * The experimental conditions used to for each sample.  Each set of conditions
     * is identified by a numerical code.
     * @return PdbxNmrExptlSampleConditions
    public PdbxNmrExptlSampleConditions getPdbxNmrExptlSampleConditions() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_exptl_sample_conditions", PdbxNmrExptlSampleConditions::new);

     * The details about each spectrometer used to collect data for this
     * deposition.
     * @return PdbxNmrSpectrometer
    public PdbxNmrSpectrometer getPdbxNmrSpectrometer() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_spectrometer", PdbxNmrSpectrometer::new);

     * In this section, enter information on those experiments that were
     * used to generate constraint data. For each NMR experiment indicate
     * which sample and which sample conditions were used for the experiment.
     * @return PdbxNmrExptl
    public PdbxNmrExptl getPdbxNmrExptl() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_exptl", PdbxNmrExptl::new);

     * Description of the software that was used for data collection, data processing,
     * data analysis, structure calculations and refinement. The description should
     * include the name of the software, the author of the software and the version used.
     * @return PdbxNmrSoftware
    public PdbxNmrSoftware getPdbxNmrSoftware() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_software", PdbxNmrSoftware::new);

     * This section provides a tabulation of constraint data.
     * @return PdbxNmrConstraints
    public PdbxNmrConstraints getPdbxNmrConstraints() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_constraints", PdbxNmrConstraints::new);

     * This category contains the information that describes the
     * ensemble of deposited structures. If only an average structure
     * has been deposited skip this section.
     * @return PdbxNmrEnsemble
    public PdbxNmrEnsemble getPdbxNmrEnsemble() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_ensemble", PdbxNmrEnsemble::new);

     * Structural statistics are derived from molecular dynamics and simulated annealing
     * programs.
     * @return PdbxNmrEnsembleRms
    public PdbxNmrEnsembleRms getPdbxNmrEnsembleRms() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_ensemble_rms", PdbxNmrEnsembleRms::new);

     * An average structure is often calculated in addition to the ensemble, or one
     * of the ensemble is selected as a representative structure. This section
     * describes selection of the representative structure.
     * @return PdbxNmrRepresentative
    public PdbxNmrRepresentative getPdbxNmrRepresentative() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_representative", PdbxNmrRepresentative::new);

     * Describe the method and details of the refinement of the deposited structure.
     * @return PdbxNmrRefine
    public PdbxNmrRefine getPdbxNmrRefine() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_refine", PdbxNmrRefine::new);

     * The final force constants, including units, employed for the various
     * experimental constraints, covalent geometry constraints, and the non-bonded
     * interaction terms in the target function used for simulated annealing.
     * @return PdbxNmrForceConstants
    public PdbxNmrForceConstants getPdbxNmrForceConstants() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_force_constants", PdbxNmrForceConstants::new);

     * Data items in the NDB_STRUCT_CONF_NA category
     * describes secondary structure features in this entry.
     * @return NdbStructConfNa
    public NdbStructConfNa getNdbStructConfNa() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ndb_struct_conf_na", NdbStructConfNa::new);

     * Data items in the NDB_STRUCT_FEATURE_NA category
     * describes tertiary and other special structural
     * features in this entry.
     * @return NdbStructFeatureNa
    public NdbStructFeatureNa getNdbStructFeatureNa() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ndb_struct_feature_na", NdbStructFeatureNa::new);

     * Data items in the NDB_STRUCT_NA_BASE_PAIR category record details
     * of base pairing interactions.
     * @return NdbStructNaBasePair
    public NdbStructNaBasePair getNdbStructNaBasePair() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ndb_struct_na_base_pair", NdbStructNaBasePair::new);

     * Data items in the NDB_STRUCT_NA_BASE_PAIR_STEP category record details
     * of base pair step interactions.
     * @return NdbStructNaBasePairStep
    public NdbStructNaBasePairStep getNdbStructNaBasePairStep() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ndb_struct_na_base_pair_step", NdbStructNaBasePairStep::new);

     * Placeholder category for PDB coordinate data.
     * @return NdbOriginalNdbCoordinates
    public NdbOriginalNdbCoordinates getNdbOriginalNdbCoordinates() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ndb_original_ndb_coordinates", NdbOriginalNdbCoordinates::new);

     * The PDBX_ENTITY_NONPOLY category provides a mapping between
     * entity and the nonpolymer component
     * @return PdbxEntityNonpoly
    public PdbxEntityNonpoly getPdbxEntityNonpoly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_nonpoly", PdbxEntityNonpoly::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_PHASING_DM category record details about
     * density modification
     * @return PdbxPhasingDm
    public PdbxPhasingDm getPdbxPhasingDm() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_phasing_dm", PdbxPhasingDm::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_PHASING_DM_SHELL category record details about
     * density modification in resolution shell.
     * @return PdbxPhasingDmShell
    public PdbxPhasingDmShell getPdbxPhasingDmShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_phasing_dm_shell", PdbxPhasingDmShell::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_PHASING_MAD_SHELL category record details about
     * the phasing of the structure, when methods involving multiple
     * anomalous dispersion techniques are involved (note: the
     * values are overall, but broken down into shells of resolution)
     * @return PdbxPhasingMADShell
    public PdbxPhasingMADShell getPdbxPhasingMADShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_phasing_MAD_shell", PdbxPhasingMADShell::new);

     * Record details about each phasing set: (Note: the phasing
     * set is different from data set. for example: if there are
     * three data sets, the inflection point (IP), the peak (PK)
     * and the high remote (HR), the combination of the phasing
     * set will be IP_iso, PK_iso (the isomorphous repleacement
     * with HR as 'native'), IP_ano, PK_ano and HR_ano (the
     * anomalous difference with itself). Therefore, there are
     * five set used for phasing.
     * @return PdbxPhasingMADSet
    public PdbxPhasingMADSet getPdbxPhasingMADSet() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_phasing_MAD_set", PdbxPhasingMADSet::new);

     * The same as category pdbx_phasing_MAD_set, but
     * broken into shells.
     * @return PdbxPhasingMADSetShell
    public PdbxPhasingMADSetShell getPdbxPhasingMADSetShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_phasing_MAD_set_shell", PdbxPhasingMADSetShell::new);

     * record the details (coordinates etc.) of anomalous scatters.
     * @return PdbxPhasingMADSetSite
    public PdbxPhasingMADSetSite getPdbxPhasingMADSetSite() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_phasing_MAD_set_site", PdbxPhasingMADSetSite::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_PHASING_MR category record details about
     * molecular replacement.
     * @return PdbxPhasingMR
    public PdbxPhasingMR getPdbxPhasingMR() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_phasing_MR", PdbxPhasingMR::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFINE_COMPONENT category record
     * statistics of the final model relative to the density map.
     * @return PdbxRefineComponent
    public PdbxRefineComponent getPdbxRefineComponent() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_refine_component", PdbxRefineComponent::new);

     * This category contains descriptive protocols for the production
     * of this entity.
     * @return PdbxEntityProdProtocol
    public PdbxEntityProdProtocol getPdbxEntityProdProtocol() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_prod_protocol", PdbxEntityProdProtocol::new);

     * This category contains details for process steps that are
     * not explicitly catered for elsewhere. It provides some basic
     * details as well as placeholders for a list of parameters and
     * values (the category PDBX_ENTITY_SRC_GEN_PROD_OTHER_PARAMETER).
     * Note that processes that have been modelled explicitly should
     * not be represented using this category.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenProdOther
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenProdOther getPdbxEntitySrcGenProdOther() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_prod_other", PdbxEntitySrcGenProdOther::new);

     * This category contains parameters and values required to capture
     * information about a particular process step
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenProdOtherParameter
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenProdOtherParameter getPdbxEntitySrcGenProdOtherParameter() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_prod_other_parameter", PdbxEntitySrcGenProdOtherParameter::new);

     * This category contains details for the PCR steps used in
     * the overall protein production process. The PCR is assumed
     * to be applied to the result of the previous production step, or the
     * gene source if this is the first production step.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenProdPcr
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenProdPcr getPdbxEntitySrcGenProdPcr() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_prod_pcr", PdbxEntitySrcGenProdPcr::new);

     * This category contains details for the DIGEST steps used in
     * the overall protein production process. The digestion is assumed
     * to be applied to the result of the previous production step, or the
     * gene source if this is the first production step.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenProdDigest
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenProdDigest getPdbxEntitySrcGenProdDigest() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_prod_digest", PdbxEntitySrcGenProdDigest::new);

     * This category contains details for the cloning steps used in
     * the overall protein production process. Each row in PDBX_ENTITY_SRC_GEN_CLONE
     * should have an equivalent row in either PDBX_ENTITY_SRC_GEN_CLONE_LIGATION or
     * PDBX_ENTITY_SRC_GEN_CLONE_RECOMBINATION.  If only summary information is
     * provided data in the later two categories may be omitted.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenClone
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenClone getPdbxEntitySrcGenClone() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone", PdbxEntitySrcGenClone::new);

     * This category contains details for the ligation-based cloning steps used in
     * the overall protein production process.
     * _pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone_ligation.clone_step_id in this category
     * must point at a defined _pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone.step_id. The details in
     * to cover ligation dependent cloning steps.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenCloneLigation
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenCloneLigation getPdbxEntitySrcGenCloneLigation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone_ligation", PdbxEntitySrcGenCloneLigation::new);

     * This category contains details for the recombination-based cloning steps
     * used in the overall protein production process. It is assumed that these
     * reactions will use commercially available kits.
     * _pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone_recombination.clone_step_id in this category
     * must point at a defined _pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone.step_id. The details in
     * to cover recombination dependent cloning steps.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenCloneRecombination
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenCloneRecombination getPdbxEntitySrcGenCloneRecombination() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_clone_recombination", PdbxEntitySrcGenCloneRecombination::new);

     * This category contains details for the EXPRESSION steps used in
     * the overall protein production process. It is hoped that this category
     * will cover all forms of cell-based expression by reading induction as
     * induction/transformation/transfection.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenExpress
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenExpress getPdbxEntitySrcGenExpress() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_express", PdbxEntitySrcGenExpress::new);

     * This category contains details for OD time series used to monitor a
     * given EXPRESSION step used in the overall protein production process.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenExpressTimepoint
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenExpressTimepoint getPdbxEntitySrcGenExpressTimepoint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_express_timepoint", PdbxEntitySrcGenExpressTimepoint::new);

     * This category contains details for the cell lysis steps used in
     * the overall protein production process.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenLysis
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenLysis getPdbxEntitySrcGenLysis() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_lysis", PdbxEntitySrcGenLysis::new);

     * This category contains details for the refolding steps used in
     * the overall protein production process.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenRefold
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenRefold getPdbxEntitySrcGenRefold() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_refold", PdbxEntitySrcGenRefold::new);

     * This category contains details for the protein purification
     * tag removal steps used in the overall protein production process
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenProteolysis
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenProteolysis getPdbxEntitySrcGenProteolysis() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_proteolysis", PdbxEntitySrcGenProteolysis::new);

     * This category contains details for the chromatographic steps used in the
     * purification of the protein.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenChrom
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenChrom getPdbxEntitySrcGenChrom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_chrom", PdbxEntitySrcGenChrom::new);

     * This category contains details for the fraction steps used in
     * the overall protein production process. Examples of fractionation
     * steps are centrifugation and magnetic bead pull-down purification.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenFract
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenFract getPdbxEntitySrcGenFract() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_fract", PdbxEntitySrcGenFract::new);

     * This category contains details for the final purified protein product. Note
     * that this category does not contain the amino acid sequence of the protein.
     * The sequence will be found in the ENTITY_POLY_SEQ entry with matching
     * entity_id.
     * Only one PDBX_ENTITY_SRC_GEN_PURE category is allowed per entity, hence there is
     * no step_id for this category.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenPure
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenPure getPdbxEntitySrcGenPure() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_pure", PdbxEntitySrcGenPure::new);

     * This category contains details of protein characterisation. It
     * refers to the characteristion of the product of a specific
     * step.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenCharacter
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenCharacter getPdbxEntitySrcGenCharacter() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_character", PdbxEntitySrcGenCharacter::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CONSTRUCT category specify a sequence of
     * nucleic acids or amino acids. It is a catch-all that may be used to
     * provide details of sequences known to be relevant to the project as well
     * as primers, plasmids, proteins and such like that are either used or
     * produced during the protein production process. Molecules described
     * here are not necessarily complete, so for instance it would be
     * possible to include either a complete plasmid or just its insert.
     * This category may be considered as an abbreviated form of _entity where
     * the molecules described are not required to appear in the final co-ordinates.
     * Note that the details provided here all pertain to a single entry as defined
     * at deposition. It is anticipated that would also be
     * composed of a sequence that is unique within a given site prefixed by a code
     * that identifies that site and would, therefore, be GLOBALLY unique. Thus
     * this category could also be used locally to store details about the different
     * constructs used during protein production without reference to the entry_id
     * (which only becomes a  meaningful concept during deposition).
     * @return PdbxConstruct
    public PdbxConstruct getPdbxConstruct() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_construct", PdbxConstruct::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CONSTRUCT_FEATURE category may be used to
     * specify various properties of a nucleic acid sequence used during
     * protein production.
     * @return PdbxConstructFeature
    public PdbxConstructFeature getPdbxConstructFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_construct_feature", PdbxConstructFeature::new);

     * The details about each robotic system used to collect data for this
     * project.
     * @return PdbxRobotSystem
    public PdbxRobotSystem getPdbxRobotSystem() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_robot_system", PdbxRobotSystem::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_BUFFER category
     * record details of the sample buffer.
     * @return PdbxBuffer
    public PdbxBuffer getPdbxBuffer() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_buffer", PdbxBuffer::new);

     * Constituents of buffer in sample
     * @return PdbxBufferComponents
    public PdbxBufferComponents getPdbxBufferComponents() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_buffer_components", PdbxBufferComponents::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DOMAIN category record information
     * about domain definitions.
     * A domain need not correspond to a completely polypeptide chain;
     * it can be composed of one or more segments in a single chain,
     * or by segments from more than one chain.
     * @return PdbxDomain
    public PdbxDomain getPdbxDomain() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_domain", PdbxDomain::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DOMAIN_RANGE category identify the
     * beginning and ending points of polypeptide chain segments
     * that form all or part of a domain.
     * @return PdbxDomainRange
    public PdbxDomainRange getPdbxDomainRange() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_domain_range", PdbxDomainRange::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SEQUENCE_RANGE category identify the
     * beginning and ending points of polypeptide sequence segments.
     * @return PdbxSequenceRange
    public PdbxSequenceRange getPdbxSequenceRange() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_sequence_range", PdbxSequenceRange::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_FEATURE_ENTRY category records
     * information about properties pertaining to this
     * structure entry.
     * @return PdbxFeatureEntry
    public PdbxFeatureEntry getPdbxFeatureEntry() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_feature_entry", PdbxFeatureEntry::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_FEATURE_DOMAIN category records
     * information about properties pertaining to this structure
     * domain.
     * @return PdbxFeatureDomain
    public PdbxFeatureDomain getPdbxFeatureDomain() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_feature_domain", PdbxFeatureDomain::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_FEATURE_SEQUENCE_RANGE category
     * records information about properties pertaining to
     * this structure sequence_range.
     * @return PdbxFeatureSequenceRange
    public PdbxFeatureSequenceRange getPdbxFeatureSequenceRange() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_feature_sequence_range", PdbxFeatureSequenceRange::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_FEATURE_ASSEMBLY category records
     * information about properties pertaining to this
     * structural assembly.
     * @return PdbxFeatureAssembly
    public PdbxFeatureAssembly getPdbxFeatureAssembly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_feature_assembly", PdbxFeatureAssembly::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_FEATURE_MONOMER category records
     * information about properties pertaining to particular
     * monomers in this structure.
     * @return PdbxFeatureMonomer
    public PdbxFeatureMonomer getPdbxFeatureMonomer() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_feature_monomer", PdbxFeatureMonomer::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_exptl_pd record information about
     * powder sample preparations.
     * @return PdbxExptlPd
    public PdbxExptlPd getPdbxExptlPd() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_exptl_pd", PdbxExptlPd::new);

     * Details decribing crystallographic twinning.
     * @return PdbxReflnsTwin
    public PdbxReflnsTwin getPdbxReflnsTwin() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reflns_twin", PdbxReflnsTwin::new);

     * Special features of this structural entry.
     * @return PdbxStructInfo
    public PdbxStructInfo getPdbxStructInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_info", PdbxStructInfo::new);

     * Describes the origin of the experimental data used in this
     * entry.
     * @return PdbxReRefinement
    public PdbxReRefinement getPdbxReRefinement() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_re_refinement", PdbxReRefinement::new);

     * Properties and features of structural assemblies.
     * @return PdbxStructAssemblyProp
    public PdbxStructAssemblyProp getPdbxStructAssemblyProp() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_assembly_prop", PdbxStructAssemblyProp::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_REF_SEQ_FEATURE category provide a
     * mechanism for identifying and annotating sequence features.
     * @return PdbxStructRefSeqFeature
    public PdbxStructRefSeqFeature getPdbxStructRefSeqFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_ref_seq_feature", PdbxStructRefSeqFeature::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_REF_SEQ_FEATURE_PROP category provide a
     * mechanism for identifying and annotating properties of sequence features.
     * @return PdbxStructRefSeqFeatureProp
    public PdbxStructRefSeqFeatureProp getPdbxStructRefSeqFeatureProp() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_ref_seq_feature_prop", PdbxStructRefSeqFeatureProp::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_CHEM_COMP_DIAGNOSTICS category provides
     * structural diagnostics in chemical components instances.
     * @return PdbxStructChemCompDiagnostics
    public PdbxStructChemCompDiagnostics getPdbxStructChemCompDiagnostics() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_chem_comp_diagnostics", PdbxStructChemCompDiagnostics::new);

     * PDBX_CHEM_COMP_SYNONYMS holds chemical name and synonym correspondences.
     * @return PdbxChemCompSynonyms
    public PdbxChemCompSynonyms getPdbxChemCompSynonyms() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_synonyms", PdbxChemCompSynonyms::new);

     * Additional features associated with the chemical component.
     * @return PdbxChemCompFeature
    public PdbxChemCompFeature getPdbxChemCompFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_feature", PdbxChemCompFeature::new);

     * The details of the composition of the coordinate model.
     * @return PdbxCoordinateModel
    public PdbxCoordinateModel getPdbxCoordinateModel() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_coordinate_model", PdbxCoordinateModel::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_CHEM_COMP_FEATURE category provides
     * structural annotations in chemical components instances.
     * @return PdbxStructChemCompFeature
    public PdbxStructChemCompFeature getPdbxStructChemCompFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_chem_comp_feature", PdbxStructChemCompFeature::new);

     * Data items in the DIFFRN_REFLNS_SHELL category record details about
     * the reflection data set within shells of resolution.
     * @return PdbxDiffrnReflnsShell
    public PdbxDiffrnReflnsShell getPdbxDiffrnReflnsShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_diffrn_reflns_shell", PdbxDiffrnReflnsShell::new);

     * This category provides a table of upper and lower distance
     * limits used as criteria in determining covalent bonds.
     * The table is organized by atom type pairs.
     * @return PdbxBondDistanceLimits
    public PdbxBondDistanceLimits getPdbxBondDistanceLimits() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_bond_distance_limits", PdbxBondDistanceLimits::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SOLN_SCATTER category record details about a
     * solution scattering experiment
     * @return PdbxSolnScatter
    public PdbxSolnScatter getPdbxSolnScatter() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_soln_scatter", PdbxSolnScatter::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SOLN_SCATTER_MODEL category record details about the
     * homology model fitting to the solution scatter data.
     * @return PdbxSolnScatterModel
    public PdbxSolnScatterModel getPdbxSolnScatterModel() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_soln_scatter_model", PdbxSolnScatterModel::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_DESCRIPTOR category provide
     * string descriptors of component chemical structure.
     * @return PdbxChemCompDescriptor
    public PdbxChemCompDescriptor getPdbxChemCompDescriptor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor", PdbxChemCompDescriptor::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_IDENTIFIER category provide
     * identifiers for chemical components.
     * @return PdbxChemCompIdentifier
    public PdbxChemCompIdentifier getPdbxChemCompIdentifier() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_identifier", PdbxChemCompIdentifier::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_IMPORT category identify
     * existing chemical components to be imported into the
     * current component definition.  Components in this list
     * can be edited by instructions in categories
     * pdbx_chem_comp_atom_edit and pdbx_chem_comp_bond_edit.
     * @return PdbxChemCompImport
    public PdbxChemCompImport getPdbxChemCompImport() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_import", PdbxChemCompImport::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_ATOM_EDIT category provide
     * atom level editing instructions to be applied to imported
     * chemical components.
     * @return PdbxChemCompAtomEdit
    public PdbxChemCompAtomEdit getPdbxChemCompAtomEdit() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_atom_edit", PdbxChemCompAtomEdit::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_BOND_EDIT category provide
     * bond level editing instructions to be applied to imported
     * chemical components.
     * @return PdbxChemCompBondEdit
    public PdbxChemCompBondEdit getPdbxChemCompBondEdit() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_bond_edit", PdbxChemCompBondEdit::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_AUDIT category records
     * the status and tracking information for this component.
     * @return PdbxChemCompAudit
    public PdbxChemCompAudit getPdbxChemCompAudit() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_audit", PdbxChemCompAudit::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_CLOSE_CONTACT category list the
     * atoms within the entry that are in close contact with regard
     * the distances expected from either covalent bonding or closest
     * approach by van der Waals contacts. Contacts within
     * the asymmetric unit are considered.
     * For those contacts not involving hydrogen a limit of
     * 2.2 angstroms is used. For contacts involving a hydrogen atom
     * a cutoff of 1.6 angstroms is used.
     * @return PdbxValidateCloseContact
    public PdbxValidateCloseContact getPdbxValidateCloseContact() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_close_contact", PdbxValidateCloseContact::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_SYMM_CONTACT category list the
     * atoms within the entry that are in close contact with regard
     * the distances expected from either covalent bonding or closest
     * approach by van der Waals contacts. Contacts with
     * for symmetry related contacts are considered.
     * For those contacts not involving hydrogen a limit of
     * 2.2 angstroms is used. For contacts involving a hydrogen atom
     * a cutoff of 1.6 angstrom is used.
     * @return PdbxValidateSymmContact
    public PdbxValidateSymmContact getPdbxValidateSymmContact() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_symm_contact", PdbxValidateSymmContact::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_RMSD_BOND category list the
     * covalent bonds that have values which deviate from expected
     * values by more than 6*rmsd.
     * @return PdbxValidateRmsdBond
    public PdbxValidateRmsdBond getPdbxValidateRmsdBond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_rmsd_bond", PdbxValidateRmsdBond::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_RMSD_ANGLE category list
     * the covalent bond angles found in an entry that have
     * values which deviate from expected values by more
     * than 6*rmsd for the particular entry from the expected standard
     * value
     * @return PdbxValidateRmsdAngle
    public PdbxValidateRmsdAngle getPdbxValidateRmsdAngle() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_rmsd_angle", PdbxValidateRmsdAngle::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_TORSION category list the
     * residues with torsion angles outside the expected ramachandran regions
     * @return PdbxValidateTorsion
    public PdbxValidateTorsion getPdbxValidateTorsion() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_torsion", PdbxValidateTorsion::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_PEPTIDE_OMEGA category list the
     * residues that contain peptide bonds deviate
     * significantly from both cis and trans conformation.
     * cis bonds, if any, are listed on cispep records.
     * trans is defined as 180 +/- 30 and
     * cis is defined as 0 +/- 30 degrees.
     * @return PdbxValidatePeptideOmega
    public PdbxValidatePeptideOmega getPdbxValidatePeptideOmega() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_peptide_omega", PdbxValidatePeptideOmega::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_CHIRAL category list the
     * residues that contain unexpected configuration of chiral
     * centers.
     * IMPROPER   HA  N   C   CB   chirality CA
     * IMPROPER   HB1 HB2 CA  CG   stereo CB
     * as this number approaches (+) or (-) 180.0, then the
     * error in predicting the true chirality of the center increases.
     * Improper dihedrals are a measure of the chirality/planarity of the
     * structure at a specific atom. Values around -35 or +35 are expected
     * for chiral atoms, and values around 0 for planar atoms.
     * HERE improper C---N----CA---CB done
     * expected answer is around -120 mean -122.52
     * D-amino acid is +120.0
     * @return PdbxValidateChiral
    public PdbxValidateChiral getPdbxValidateChiral() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_chiral", PdbxValidateChiral::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_PLANES category list the
     * residues that contain unexpected deviations from planes
     * centers.
     * @return PdbxValidatePlanes
    public PdbxValidatePlanes getPdbxValidatePlanes() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_planes", PdbxValidatePlanes::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_PLANES_ATOM category list the
     * residues that contain unexpected deviations from planes
     * centers.
     * @return PdbxValidatePlanesAtom
    public PdbxValidatePlanesAtom getPdbxValidatePlanesAtom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_planes_atom", PdbxValidatePlanesAtom::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_MAIN_CHAIN_PLANE category list the
     * residues that contain unexpected deviations from planes
     * for main chain atoms as defined by the improper torsion
     * angle describing planarity:
     * PLANARITY = C(i-1) - CA(i-1) - N(i) - O(i-1) ==> planar < 5
     * as a pseudo torsion
     * @return PdbxValidateMainChainPlane
    public PdbxValidateMainChainPlane getPdbxValidateMainChainPlane() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_main_chain_plane", PdbxValidateMainChainPlane::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_CONN_ANGLE category record the angles
     * in connections between portions of the structure.
     * @return PdbxStructConnAngle
    public PdbxStructConnAngle getPdbxStructConnAngle() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_conn_angle", PdbxStructConnAngle::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_UNOBS_OR_ZERO_OCC_RESIDUES category list the
     * residues within the entry that are not observed or have zero occupancy.
     * @return PdbxUnobsOrZeroOccResidues
    public PdbxUnobsOrZeroOccResidues getPdbxUnobsOrZeroOccResidues() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_unobs_or_zero_occ_residues", PdbxUnobsOrZeroOccResidues::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_UNOBS_OR_ZERO_OCC_ATOMS category list the
     * atoms within the entry that are either unobserved or have zero occupancy/
     * @return PdbxUnobsOrZeroOccAtoms
    public PdbxUnobsOrZeroOccAtoms getPdbxUnobsOrZeroOccAtoms() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_unobs_or_zero_occ_atoms", PdbxUnobsOrZeroOccAtoms::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTRY_DETAILS category provide additional
     * details about this entry.
     * @return PdbxEntryDetails
    public PdbxEntryDetails getPdbxEntryDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entry_details", PdbxEntryDetails::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_MOD_RESIDUE category list the
     * modified polymer components in the entry and provide some
     * details describing the nature of the modification.
     * @return PdbxStructModResidue
    public PdbxStructModResidue getPdbxStructModResidue() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_mod_residue", PdbxStructModResidue::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_REF_SEQ_INSERTION category
     * annotate insertions in the sequence of the entity described
     * in the referenced database entry.
     * @return PdbxStructRefSeqInsertion
    public PdbxStructRefSeqInsertion getPdbxStructRefSeqInsertion() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_ref_seq_insertion", PdbxStructRefSeqInsertion::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_REF_SEQ_INSERTION category
     * annotate deletions in the sequence of the entity described
     * in the referenced database entry.
     * @return PdbxStructRefSeqDeletion
    public PdbxStructRefSeqDeletion getPdbxStructRefSeqDeletion() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_ref_seq_deletion", PdbxStructRefSeqDeletion::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REMEDIATION_ATOM_SITE_MAPPING category records
     * mapping information between selected molecular entities that have been
     * chemically redefined.   The prior and current atom nomenclature is
     * tabulated in this category.
     * @return PdbxRemediationAtomSiteMapping
    public PdbxRemediationAtomSiteMapping getPdbxRemediationAtomSiteMapping() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_remediation_atom_site_mapping", PdbxRemediationAtomSiteMapping::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VALIDATE_POLYMER_LINKAGE category list the
     * polymer linkages within the entry that are outside of typlical
     * covalent distances.
     * @return PdbxValidatePolymerLinkage
    public PdbxValidatePolymerLinkage getPdbxValidatePolymerLinkage() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_validate_polymer_linkage", PdbxValidatePolymerLinkage::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_HELICAL_SYMMETRY category record details about the
     * helical symmetry group associated with this entry.
     * @return PdbxHelicalSymmetry
    public PdbxHelicalSymmetry getPdbxHelicalSymmetry() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_helical_symmetry", PdbxHelicalSymmetry::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_POINT_SYMMETRY category record details about the
     * point symmetry group associated with this entry.
     * @return PdbxPointSymmetry
    public PdbxPointSymmetry getPdbxPointSymmetry() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_point_symmetry", PdbxPointSymmetry::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_ENTITY_INST category record details about the
     * structural elements in the deposited entry.  The entity instance is a method
     * neutral identifier for the observed molecular entities in the deposited coordinate
     * set.
     * @return PdbxStructEntityInst
    public PdbxStructEntityInst getPdbxStructEntityInst() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_entity_inst", PdbxStructEntityInst::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_OPER_LIST category describe
     * Cartesian rotation and translation operations required to
     * generate or transform the coordinates deposited with this entry.
     * @return PdbxStructOperList
    public PdbxStructOperList getPdbxStructOperList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_oper_list", PdbxStructOperList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY category record details about
     * the structural elements that form macromolecular assemblies.
     * @return PdbxStructAssembly
    public PdbxStructAssembly getPdbxStructAssembly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_assembly", PdbxStructAssembly::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY_GEN category record details about
     * the generation of each macromolecular assemblies. The PDBX_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY_GEN
     * data items provide the specifications of the components that
     * constitute that assembly in terms of cartesian transformations.
     * @return PdbxStructAssemblyGen
    public PdbxStructAssemblyGen getPdbxStructAssemblyGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_assembly_gen", PdbxStructAssemblyGen::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_ASYM_GEN category record details about
     * the generation of the crystallographic asymmetric unit. The
     * PDBX_STRUCT_ASYM_GEN data items provide the specifications of the
     * components that constitute the asymmetric unit in terms of cartesian
     * transformations of deposited coordinates.
     * @return PdbxStructAsymGen
    public PdbxStructAsymGen getPdbxStructAsymGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_asym_gen", PdbxStructAsymGen::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_MSYM_GEN category record details about
     * the generation of the minimal asymmetric unit. For instance, this
     * category can be used to provide this information for helical and point
     * symmetry systems.   The PDBX_STRUCT_MSYM_GEN data items provide the
     * specifications of the components that constitute the asymmetric unit
     * in terms of cartesian transformations of deposited coordinates.
     * @return PdbxStructMsymGen
    public PdbxStructMsymGen getPdbxStructMsymGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_msym_gen", PdbxStructMsymGen::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_LEGACY_OPER_LIST category describe
     * Cartesian rotation and translation operations required to
     * generate or transform the coordinates deposited with this entry.
     * This category provides a container for matrices used to construct
     * icosahedral assemblies in legacy entries.
     * @return PdbxStructLegacyOperList
    public PdbxStructLegacyOperList getPdbxStructLegacyOperList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_legacy_oper_list", PdbxStructLegacyOperList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_ATOM_FEATURE category provide
     * a selected list of atom level features for the chemical component.
     * @return PdbxChemCompAtomFeature
    public PdbxChemCompAtomFeature getPdbxChemCompAtomFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_atom_feature", PdbxChemCompAtomFeature::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_MOLECULE_FAMILY category identify
     * entity families.
     * @return PdbxReferenceMoleculeFamily
    public PdbxReferenceMoleculeFamily getPdbxReferenceMoleculeFamily() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_molecule_family", PdbxReferenceMoleculeFamily::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_MOLECULE_LIST category record
     * reference information about small polymer molecules.
     * @return PdbxReferenceMoleculeList
    public PdbxReferenceMoleculeList getPdbxReferenceMoleculeList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_molecule_list", PdbxReferenceMoleculeList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_MOLECULE category record
     * reference information about small polymer molecules.
     * @return PdbxReferenceMolecule
    public PdbxReferenceMolecule getPdbxReferenceMolecule() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_molecule", PdbxReferenceMolecule::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_ENTITY_LIST category record
     * the list of entities within each reference molecule.
     * @return PdbxReferenceEntityList
    public PdbxReferenceEntityList getPdbxReferenceEntityList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_entity_list", PdbxReferenceEntityList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_ENTITY_NONPOLY category record
     * the list of entities within each reference molecule.
     * @return PdbxReferenceEntityNonpoly
    public PdbxReferenceEntityNonpoly getPdbxReferenceEntityNonpoly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_entity_nonpoly", PdbxReferenceEntityNonpoly::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_ENTITY_LINK category give details about
     * the linkages between entities within reference molecules.
     * @return PdbxReferenceEntityLink
    public PdbxReferenceEntityLink getPdbxReferenceEntityLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_entity_link", PdbxReferenceEntityLink::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_ENTITY_POLY_LINK category give details about
     * polymer linkages including both standard and non-standard linkages between
     * polymer componnents.
     * @return PdbxReferenceEntityPolyLink
    public PdbxReferenceEntityPolyLink getPdbxReferenceEntityPolyLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link", PdbxReferenceEntityPolyLink::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_ENTITY_POLY category record details about
     * the polymer, such as the type of the polymer, the number of
     * monomers and whether it has nonstandard features.
     * @return PdbxReferenceEntityPoly
    public PdbxReferenceEntityPoly getPdbxReferenceEntityPoly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_entity_poly", PdbxReferenceEntityPoly::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_ENTITY_POLY_SEQ category specify the sequence
     * of monomers in a polymer.
     * @return PdbxReferenceEntityPolySeq
    public PdbxReferenceEntityPolySeq getPdbxReferenceEntityPolySeq() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_entity_poly_seq", PdbxReferenceEntityPolySeq::new);

     * Additional features associated with the reference entity.
     * @return PdbxReferenceEntitySequence
    public PdbxReferenceEntitySequence getPdbxReferenceEntitySequence() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_entity_sequence", PdbxReferenceEntitySequence::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_ENTITY_SRC_NAT category record
     * details of the source from which the entity was obtained.
     * @return PdbxReferenceEntitySrcNat
    public PdbxReferenceEntitySrcNat getPdbxReferenceEntitySrcNat() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_entity_src_nat", PdbxReferenceEntitySrcNat::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_MOLECULE_DETAILS category records
     * textual details about small polymer molecules.
     * @return PdbxReferenceMoleculeDetails
    public PdbxReferenceMoleculeDetails getPdbxReferenceMoleculeDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_molecule_details", PdbxReferenceMoleculeDetails::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_MOLECULE_SYNONYMS category records
     * synonym names for reference entities.
     * @return PdbxReferenceMoleculeSynonyms
    public PdbxReferenceMoleculeSynonyms getPdbxReferenceMoleculeSynonyms() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_molecule_synonyms", PdbxReferenceMoleculeSynonyms::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_ENTITY_SUBCOMPONENTS category records
     * subcomponent sequence from which this entity could be built.
     * @return PdbxReferenceEntitySubcomponents
    public PdbxReferenceEntitySubcomponents getPdbxReferenceEntitySubcomponents() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_entity_subcomponents", PdbxReferenceEntitySubcomponents::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_MOLECULE_ANNOTATION category specify
     * additional annotation relevant to the molecular entities.
     * @return PdbxReferenceMoleculeAnnotation
    public PdbxReferenceMoleculeAnnotation getPdbxReferenceMoleculeAnnotation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_molecule_annotation", PdbxReferenceMoleculeAnnotation::new);

     * Additional features associated with the reference entity.
     * @return PdbxReferenceMoleculeFeatures
    public PdbxReferenceMoleculeFeatures getPdbxReferenceMoleculeFeatures() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_molecule_features", PdbxReferenceMoleculeFeatures::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_MOLECULE_RELATED_STRUCTURES category record
     * details of the structural examples in related databases for this entity.
     * @return PdbxReferenceMoleculeRelatedStructures
    public PdbxReferenceMoleculeRelatedStructures getPdbxReferenceMoleculeRelatedStructures() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_molecule_related_structures", PdbxReferenceMoleculeRelatedStructures::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_GROUP_LIST define groups of related components
     * or atoms.
     * @return PdbxStructGroupList
    public PdbxStructGroupList getPdbxStructGroupList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_group_list", PdbxStructGroupList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_GROUP_COMPONENTS category list component-level
     * group assignments within the entry.  Groups are defined and described in category
     * @return PdbxStructGroupComponents
    public PdbxStructGroupComponents getPdbxStructGroupComponents() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_group_components", PdbxStructGroupComponents::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_GROUP_COMPONENT_RANGE category define a structural
     * group as a continuous span chemical components.
     * @return PdbxStructGroupComponentRange
    public PdbxStructGroupComponentRange getPdbxStructGroupComponentRange() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_group_component_range", PdbxStructGroupComponentRange::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_PRD_AUDIT category records
     * the status and tracking information for this molecule.
     * @return PdbxPrdAudit
    public PdbxPrdAudit getPdbxPrdAudit() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_prd_audit", PdbxPrdAudit::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_FAMILY_PRD_AUDIT category records
     * the status and tracking information for this family.
     * @return PdbxFamilyPrdAudit
    public PdbxFamilyPrdAudit getPdbxFamilyPrdAudit() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_family_prd_audit", PdbxFamilyPrdAudit::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_MOLECULE category identify reference molecules
     * within a PDB entry.
     * @return PdbxMolecule
    public PdbxMolecule getPdbxMolecule() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_molecule", PdbxMolecule::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_MOLECULE_FEATURES category record features of molecules
     * within a PDB entry.
     * @return PdbxMoleculeFeatures
    public PdbxMoleculeFeatures getPdbxMoleculeFeatures() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_molecule_features", PdbxMoleculeFeatures::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_FAMILY_GROUP_INDEX category record
     * the family membership in family groups.
     * @return PdbxFamilyGroupIndex
    public PdbxFamilyGroupIndex getPdbxFamilyGroupIndex() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_family_group_index", PdbxFamilyGroupIndex::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DISTANT_SOLVENT_ATOMS category list the
     * solvent atoms remote from any macromolecule.
     * @return PdbxDistantSolventAtoms
    public PdbxDistantSolventAtoms getPdbxDistantSolventAtoms() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_distant_solvent_atoms", PdbxDistantSolventAtoms::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_SPECIAL_SYMMETRY category list the
     * molecular components that lie on special symmetry positions.
     * @return PdbxStructSpecialSymmetry
    public PdbxStructSpecialSymmetry getPdbxStructSpecialSymmetry() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_special_symmetry", PdbxStructSpecialSymmetry::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_PUBLICATION_LIST hold reference information
     * related to PDB citation data.
     * @return PdbxReferencePublicationList
    public PdbxReferencePublicationList getPdbxReferencePublicationList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_publication_list", PdbxReferencePublicationList::new);

     * Items in the assigned_chem_shift_list category provide information about a list of reported assigned chemical shift values.
     * @return PdbxNmrAssignedChemShiftList
    public PdbxNmrAssignedChemShiftList getPdbxNmrAssignedChemShiftList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_assigned_chem_shift_list", PdbxNmrAssignedChemShiftList::new);

     * Items in the chem_shift_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported assigned chemical shifts.
     * @return PdbxNmrChemShiftExperiment
    public PdbxNmrChemShiftExperiment getPdbxNmrChemShiftExperiment() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_chem_shift_experiment", PdbxNmrChemShiftExperiment::new);

     * Items in the pdbx_nmr_chem_shift_ref category provide the chemical shift referencing values used in assigning the chemical shift positions for peaks in spectral peak lists and assigned atom chemical shifts.
     * @return PdbxNmrChemShiftRef
    public PdbxNmrChemShiftRef getPdbxNmrChemShiftRef() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_chem_shift_ref", PdbxNmrChemShiftRef::new);

     * Items in the chem_shift_reference category define a set of chemical shift referencing parameters.
     * @return PdbxNmrChemShiftReference
    public PdbxNmrChemShiftReference getPdbxNmrChemShiftReference() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_chem_shift_reference", PdbxNmrChemShiftReference::new);

     * Items in the chem_shift_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category.
     * @return PdbxNmrChemShiftSoftware
    public PdbxNmrChemShiftSoftware getPdbxNmrChemShiftSoftware() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_chem_shift_software", PdbxNmrChemShiftSoftware::new);

     * Items in the pdbx_nmr_constraint_file category record the name of the constraint file, the software used
     * to calculate conformers with the constraint file, and the characteristics of the constraints in the constraint file.
     * @return PdbxNmrConstraintFile
    public PdbxNmrConstraintFile getPdbxNmrConstraintFile() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_constraint_file", PdbxNmrConstraintFile::new);

     * Items in the pdbx_nmr_software_task category provide information about software workflow in the NMR experiment.
     * @return PdbxNmrSoftwareTask
    public PdbxNmrSoftwareTask getPdbxNmrSoftwareTask() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_software_task", PdbxNmrSoftwareTask::new);

     * Items in the spectral_dim category describe the parameters of each dimension in the NMR experiment used to generate the spectral peak list.
     * @return PdbxNmrSpectralDim
    public PdbxNmrSpectralDim getPdbxNmrSpectralDim() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_spectral_dim", PdbxNmrSpectralDim::new);

     * Items in the pdbx_nmr_spectral_peak_list category provide information about a list of reported spectral peak characteristic values.
     * @return PdbxNmrSpectralPeakList
    public PdbxNmrSpectralPeakList getPdbxNmrSpectralPeakList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_spectral_peak_list", PdbxNmrSpectralPeakList::new);

     * Items in the pdbx_nmr_spectral_peak_software category provide pointers to the software category
     * and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found.
     * @return PdbxNmrSpectralPeakSoftware
    public PdbxNmrSpectralPeakSoftware getPdbxNmrSpectralPeakSoftware() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_spectral_peak_software", PdbxNmrSpectralPeakSoftware::new);

     * Items in the pdbx_nmr_systematic_chem_shift_offset category define chemical shift offsets that systematically affect all chemical shifts in a set of assigned chemical shifts for a specific nuclei.
     * @return PdbxNmrSystematicChemShiftOffset
    public PdbxNmrSystematicChemShiftOffset getPdbxNmrSystematicChemShiftOffset() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_systematic_chem_shift_offset", PdbxNmrSystematicChemShiftOffset::new);

     * Items in the pdbx_nmr_upload category provide information about the data files uploaded by a depositor using the deposition system.
     * @return PdbxNmrUpload
    public PdbxNmrUpload getPdbxNmrUpload() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_upload", PdbxNmrUpload::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_chem_comp_subcomponent_struct_conn
     * list the chemical interactions among the subcomponents in
     * the chemical component.
     * @return PdbxChemCompSubcomponentStructConn
    public PdbxChemCompSubcomponentStructConn getPdbxChemCompSubcomponentStructConn() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_subcomponent_struct_conn", PdbxChemCompSubcomponentStructConn::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_chem_comp_subcomponent_entity_list category
     * list the constituent chemical entities and entity features in this chemical component.
     * @return PdbxChemCompSubcomponentEntityList
    public PdbxChemCompSubcomponentEntityList getPdbxChemCompSubcomponentEntityList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_subcomponent_entity_list", PdbxChemCompSubcomponentEntityList::new);

     * Data items in the ENTITY_SRC_NAT category record details of
     * the source from which the entity was obtained in cases
     * where the entity was isolated directly from a natural tissue.
     * @return EntitySrcNat
    public EntitySrcNat getEntitySrcNat() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entity_src_nat", EntitySrcNat::new);

     * Data items in the ENTITY_SRC_GEN category record details of
     * the source from which the entity was obtained in cases
     * where the source was genetically manipulated.  The
     * following are treated separately:  items pertaining to the tissue
     * from which the gene was obtained, items pertaining to the host
     * organism for gene expression and items pertaining to the actual
     * producing organism (plasmid).
     * @return EntitySrcGen
    public EntitySrcGen getEntitySrcGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("entity_src_gen", EntitySrcGen::new);

     * The data items in category PDBX_ENTITY_SRC_SYN record the source details
     * about chemically synthesized molecules.
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcSyn
    public PdbxEntitySrcSyn getPdbxEntitySrcSyn() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_syn", PdbxEntitySrcSyn::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_POLY_COMP_LINK_LIST category enumerate
     * the linkages between components within the polymer entity.
     * @return PdbxEntityPolyCompLinkList
    public PdbxEntityPolyCompLinkList getPdbxEntityPolyCompLinkList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_poly_comp_link_list", PdbxEntityPolyCompLinkList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_LINKED_ENTITY category record
     * information about molecules composed of linked entities.
     * @return PdbxLinkedEntity
    public PdbxLinkedEntity getPdbxLinkedEntity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_linked_entity", PdbxLinkedEntity::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_LINKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_LIST category identify instance
     * molecules represented as linked entities within an entry.
     * @return PdbxLinkedEntityInstanceList
    public PdbxLinkedEntityInstanceList getPdbxLinkedEntityInstanceList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_linked_entity_instance_list", PdbxLinkedEntityInstanceList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_LINKED_ENTITY_LIST category record
     * the list of entity constituents for this molecule.
     * @return PdbxLinkedEntityList
    public PdbxLinkedEntityList getPdbxLinkedEntityList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_linked_entity_list", PdbxLinkedEntityList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_LINKED_ENTITY_LINK_LIST category give details about
     * the linkages with molecules represented as linked entities.
     * @return PdbxLinkedEntityLinkList
    public PdbxLinkedEntityLinkList getPdbxLinkedEntityLinkList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_linked_entity_link_list", PdbxLinkedEntityLinkList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_BRANCH_DESCRIPTOR category provide
     * string descriptors of entity chemical structure.
     * @return PdbxEntityBranchDescriptor
    public PdbxEntityBranchDescriptor getPdbxEntityBranchDescriptor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_branch_descriptor", PdbxEntityBranchDescriptor::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_reference_linked_entity category describe
     * common observed interaction patterns within linked entities.
     * @return PdbxReferenceLinkedEntity
    public PdbxReferenceLinkedEntity getPdbxReferenceLinkedEntity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_linked_entity", PdbxReferenceLinkedEntity::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_reference_linked_entity_comp_list category lists
     * the constituents of common observed interaction patterns
     * described in the pdbx_reference_linked_entity category.
     * @return PdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompList
    public PdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompList getPdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_linked_entity_comp_list", PdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompList::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_reference_linked_entity_comp_link category enumerate
     * inter-entity linkages between the components of common observed interaction patterns
     * described in the pdbx_reference_linked_entity category.
     * @return PdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompLink
    public PdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompLink getPdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_linked_entity_comp_link", PdbxReferenceLinkedEntityCompLink::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_reference_linked_entity_link category enumerate
     * linkages between the entities in common observed interaction patterns
     * described in the pdbx_reference_linked_entity category.
     * @return PdbxReferenceLinkedEntityLink
    public PdbxReferenceLinkedEntityLink getPdbxReferenceLinkedEntityLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_reference_linked_entity_link", PdbxReferenceLinkedEntityLink::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_RELATED_DATA_SET category record references
     * to experimental data sets related to the entry.
     * @return PdbxRelatedExpDataSet
    public PdbxRelatedExpDataSet getPdbxRelatedExpDataSet() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_related_exp_data_set", PdbxRelatedExpDataSet::new);

     * The pdbx_database_status_history category records the time evolution of entry
     * processing status.
     * @return PdbxDatabaseStatusHistory
    public PdbxDatabaseStatusHistory getPdbxDatabaseStatusHistory() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_status_history", PdbxDatabaseStatusHistory::new);

     * Data items in the EM_ASSEMBLY category record details
     * about the imaged EM sample.
     * @return EmAssembly
    public EmAssembly getEmAssembly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_assembly", EmAssembly::new);

     * Data items in the EM_ENTITY_ASSEMBLY category
     * record details about each component of
     * the complex.
     * @return EmEntityAssembly
    public EmEntityAssembly getEmEntityAssembly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_entity_assembly", EmEntityAssembly::new);

     * Data items in the EM_VIRUS_ENTITY category record details
     * of the icosahedral virus.
     * @return EmVirusEntity
    public EmVirusEntity getEmVirusEntity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_virus_entity", EmVirusEntity::new);

     * Data items in the EM_SAMPLE_PREPARATION category
     * record details of sample conditions prior to and upon loading
     * onto grid support.
     * @return EmSamplePreparation
    public EmSamplePreparation getEmSamplePreparation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_sample_preparation", EmSamplePreparation::new);

     * Data items in the EM_SAMPLE_SUPPORT category record details
     * of the electron microscope grid type, grid support film and pretreatment
     * of whole before sample is applied
     * @return EmSampleSupport
    public EmSampleSupport getEmSampleSupport() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_sample_support", EmSampleSupport::new);

     * Data items in the BUFFER category
     * record details of the sample buffer.
     * @return EmBuffer
    public EmBuffer getEmBuffer() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_buffer", EmBuffer::new);

     * Data items in the EM_VITRIFICATION category
     * record details about the method and cryogen used in
     * rapid freezing of the sample on the grid prior to its
     * insertion in the electron microscope
     * @return EmVitrification
    public EmVitrification getEmVitrification() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_vitrification", EmVitrification::new);

     * Data items in the EM_IMAGING category record details about
     * the parameters used in imaging the sample in the electron microscope.
     * @return EmImaging
    public EmImaging getEmImaging() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_imaging", EmImaging::new);

     * Data items in the EM_DETECTOR category record details
     * of the image detector type.
     * @return EmDetector
    public EmDetector getEmDetector() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_detector", EmDetector::new);

     * Data items in the EM_IMAGE_SCANS category record details
     * of the image scanning device (microdensitometer)
     * and parameters for digitization of the image.
     * @return EmImageScans
    public EmImageScans getEmImageScans() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_image_scans", EmImageScans::new);

     * Data items in the EM_2D_PROJECTION_SELECTION category
     * record details of images from scanned micrographs and the
     * number of particles selected from a scanned set of micrographs.
     * @return Em2dProjectionSelection
    public Em2dProjectionSelection getEm2dProjectionSelection() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_2d_projection_selection", Em2dProjectionSelection::new);

     * Data items in the EM_3D_RECONSTRUCTION category
     * record details of the 3D reconstruction procedure from 2D projections.
     * @return Em3dReconstruction
    public Em3dReconstruction getEm3dReconstruction() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_3d_reconstruction", Em3dReconstruction::new);

     * Data items in the 3D_FITTING category
     * record details of the method of fitting atomic
     * coordinates from a PDB file into a 3d-em
     * volume map file
     * @return Em3dFitting
    public Em3dFitting getEm3dFitting() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_3d_fitting", Em3dFitting::new);

     * Data items in the 3D_FITTING_LIST category
     * lists the methods of fitting atomic coordinates from a PDB file
     * into a 3d-em volume map file
     * @return Em3dFittingList
    public Em3dFittingList getEm3dFittingList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_3d_fitting_list", Em3dFittingList::new);

     * Data items in the EM_HELICAL_ENTITY category record details
     * for a helical or filament type of assembly component.
     * @return EmHelicalEntity
    public EmHelicalEntity getEmHelicalEntity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_helical_entity", EmHelicalEntity::new);

     * Data items in the EM_EXPERIMENT category provide
     * high-level classification of the EM experiment.
     * @return EmExperiment
    public EmExperiment getEmExperiment() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_experiment", EmExperiment::new);

     * Data items in the EM_SINGLE_PARTICLE_ENTITY category provide
     * the details of the symmetry for a single particle entity type.
     * @return EmSingleParticleEntity
    public EmSingleParticleEntity getEmSingleParticleEntity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_single_particle_entity", EmSingleParticleEntity::new);

     * Administration-related data items
     * @return EmAdmin
    public EmAdmin getEmAdmin() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_admin", EmAdmin::new);

     * Category to collect the authors of this entry
     * @return EmAuthorList
    public EmAuthorList getEmAuthorList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_author_list", EmAuthorList::new);

     * Category holds links to raw data sources for the entry, e.g.,
     * held by a remote server.
     * @return EmDbReference
    public EmDbReference getEmDbReference() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_db_reference", EmDbReference::new);

     * Category holds links to raw data sources for the entry, e.g.,
     * held by a remote server.
     * @return EmDbReferenceAuxiliary
    public EmDbReferenceAuxiliary getEmDbReferenceAuxiliary() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_db_reference_auxiliary", EmDbReferenceAuxiliary::new);

     * Some internal items to power the deposition interface
     * @return EmDepui
    public EmDepui getEmDepui() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_depui", EmDepui::new);

     * List of EMD entries made obsolete by this entry.
     * @return EmObsolete
    public EmObsolete getEmObsolete() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_obsolete", EmObsolete::new);

     * List of newer entries that replace this entry.
     * @return EmSupersede
    public EmSupersede getEmSupersede() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_supersede", EmSupersede::new);

     * Data items in this category record details about the molecular weight of
     * an assembly component of the sample.
     * @return EmEntityAssemblyMolwt
    public EmEntityAssemblyMolwt getEmEntityAssemblyMolwt() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_entity_assembly_molwt", EmEntityAssemblyMolwt::new);

     * Data items in this category record taxonomic details about the natural source for EM
     * assemblies and assembly components.
     * @return EmEntityAssemblyNaturalsource
    public EmEntityAssemblyNaturalsource getEmEntityAssemblyNaturalsource() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_entity_assembly_naturalsource", EmEntityAssemblyNaturalsource::new);

     * Data items in this category record taxonomic details about the synthetic source for EM
     * assemblies and assembly components.
     * @return EmEntityAssemblySynthetic
    public EmEntityAssemblySynthetic getEmEntityAssemblySynthetic() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_entity_assembly_synthetic", EmEntityAssemblySynthetic::new);

     * Data items in this category record details
     * about recombinant expression of the assembly or assembly component.
     * @return EmEntityAssemblyRecombinant
    public EmEntityAssemblyRecombinant getEmEntityAssemblyRecombinant() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_entity_assembly_recombinant", EmEntityAssemblyRecombinant::new);

     * Data items in this category record details of a virus entity.
     * @return EmVirusNaturalHost
    public EmVirusNaturalHost getEmVirusNaturalHost() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_virus_natural_host", EmVirusNaturalHost::new);

     * Data items in this category record details of a synthetic virus entity.
     * @return EmVirusSynthetic
    public EmVirusSynthetic getEmVirusSynthetic() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_virus_synthetic", EmVirusSynthetic::new);

     * Data items in the EMD_VIRUS_SHELL category record details
     * of the viral shell number, shell diameter, and icosahedral triangulation number.
     * @return EmVirusShell
    public EmVirusShell getEmVirusShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_virus_shell", EmVirusShell::new);

     * Data items in the EMD_SPECIMEN category record details
     * about specimens prepared for imaging by electron microscopy.
     * @return EmSpecimen
    public EmSpecimen getEmSpecimen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_specimen", EmSpecimen::new);

     * Sugar embedding category
     * @return EmEmbedding
    public EmEmbedding getEmEmbedding() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_embedding", EmEmbedding::new);

     * Description of fiducial markers.
     * @return EmFiducialMarkers
    public EmFiducialMarkers getEmFiducialMarkers() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_fiducial_markers", EmFiducialMarkers::new);

     * Description of sectioning by focused_ion_beam
     * @return EmFocusedIonBeam
    public EmFocusedIonBeam getEmFocusedIonBeam() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_focused_ion_beam", EmFocusedIonBeam::new);

     * Data items describing glow discharge pretreatment for an EM grid
     * @return EmGridPretreatment
    public EmGridPretreatment getEmGridPretreatment() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_grid_pretreatment", EmGridPretreatment::new);

     * Description of sectioning by ultramicrotomy
     * @return EmUltramicrotomy
    public EmUltramicrotomy getEmUltramicrotomy() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_ultramicrotomy", EmUltramicrotomy::new);

     * Description of high pressure freezing
     * @return EmHighPressureFreezing
    public EmHighPressureFreezing getEmHighPressureFreezing() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_high_pressure_freezing", EmHighPressureFreezing::new);

     * Data items related to shadowing of an EM specimen
     * @return EmShadowing
    public EmShadowing getEmShadowing() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_shadowing", EmShadowing::new);

     * Description specimen preparation for imaging using tomography.
     * @return EmTomographySpecimen
    public EmTomographySpecimen getEmTomographySpecimen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_tomography_specimen", EmTomographySpecimen::new);

     * Description of growth of a 2D, 3D, or helical crystal array.
     * @return EmCrystalFormation
    public EmCrystalFormation getEmCrystalFormation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_crystal_formation", EmCrystalFormation::new);

     * Staining category
     * @return EmStaining
    public EmStaining getEmStaining() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_staining", EmStaining::new);

     * Data items to describe films supporting the specimen
     * @return EmSupportFilm
    public EmSupportFilm getEmSupportFilm() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_support_film", EmSupportFilm::new);

     * Buffer category
     * @return EmBufferComponent
    public EmBufferComponent getEmBufferComponent() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_buffer_component", EmBufferComponent::new);

     * Microscopy parameters relevant only for crystallography
     * @return EmDiffraction
    public EmDiffraction getEmDiffraction() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_diffraction", EmDiffraction::new);

     * Statistical parameters for electron diffraction measurements
     * within a resolution shell
     * @return EmDiffractionShell
    public EmDiffractionShell getEmDiffractionShell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_diffraction_shell", EmDiffractionShell::new);

     * Statistical parameters for electron diffraction measurements
     * @return EmDiffractionStats
    public EmDiffractionStats getEmDiffractionStats() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_diffraction_stats", EmDiffractionStats::new);

     * Microscopy parameters only relevant for tomography
     * @return EmTomography
    public EmTomography getEmTomography() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_tomography", EmTomography::new);

     * Data items in the EM_IMAGE_RECORDING category record details
     * of the image recording (either film/microdensitometer or electronic detector)
     * and parameters for image digitization.
     * @return EmImageRecording
    public EmImageRecording getEmImageRecording() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_image_recording", EmImageRecording::new);

     * Description of a few specialist optics apparatus
     * @return EmImagingOptics
    public EmImagingOptics getEmImagingOptics() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_imaging_optics", EmImagingOptics::new);

     * Information about the final image classification
     * @return EmFinalClassification
    public EmFinalClassification getEmFinalClassification() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_final_classification", EmFinalClassification::new);

     * The startup model employed to begin refinement of the parameters for
     * a 3DEM reconstruction
     * @return EmStartModel
    public EmStartModel getEmStartModel() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_start_model", EmStartModel::new);

     * Description of the software that was used for data collection, data processing,
     * data analysis, structure calculations and refinement. The description should
     * include the name of the software, the author of the software and the version used.
     * @return EmSoftware
    public EmSoftware getEmSoftware() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_software", EmSoftware::new);

     * Category to describe the euler angle assignement
     * @return EmEulerAngleAssignment
    public EmEulerAngleAssignment getEmEulerAngleAssignment() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_euler_angle_assignment", EmEulerAngleAssignment::new);

     * Description of the Contrast Transfer Function (CTF) correction
     * @return EmCtfCorrection
    public EmCtfCorrection getEmCtfCorrection() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_ctf_correction", EmCtfCorrection::new);

     * Volume selection in image processing
     * @return EmVolumeSelection
    public EmVolumeSelection getEmVolumeSelection() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_volume_selection", EmVolumeSelection::new);

     * Data items in the EM_SYMMETRY_3DX category record
     * 3D crystal symmetry parameters utilized in 3DEM reconstruction averaging.
     * @return Em3dCrystalEntity
    public Em3dCrystalEntity getEm3dCrystalEntity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_3d_crystal_entity", Em3dCrystalEntity::new);

     * Data items in the EM_SYMMETRY_2DX category record
     * 2D crystal symmetry parameters utilized in a 3DEM reconstruction.
     * @return Em2dCrystalEntity
    public Em2dCrystalEntity getEm2dCrystalEntity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_2d_crystal_entity", Em2dCrystalEntity::new);

     * Data items in the EM_IMAGE_PROCESSING category
     * record details of the EM image processing procedure.
     * @return EmImageProcessing
    public EmImageProcessing getEmImageProcessing() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_image_processing", EmImageProcessing::new);

     * Data items in this category
     * record details of images from scanned micrographs and the
     * number of particles selected from a scanned set of micrographs.
     * @return EmParticleSelection
    public EmParticleSelection getEmParticleSelection() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_particle_selection", EmParticleSelection::new);

     * Data items in the EMD_MAP category record parameters of the CCP4 binary-format map file header
     * (see,
     * parameters derived from the map header, pixel size, contour level, and annotation details from the depositor.
     * The map is a three-dimensional array of data-values of the same data-type.
     * Important parameters are data-type and  array size in three dimensions
     * (i.e. the number of columns, rows and sections).
     * Columns are the fastest changing, followed by rows and sections.
     * @return EmMap
    public EmMap getEmMap() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_map", EmMap::new);

     * Data items in the EMD_VALIDATION_FSC_CURVE category
     * record details of the Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) curve file.
     * @return EmFscCurve
    public EmFscCurve getEmFscCurve() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_fsc_curve", EmFscCurve::new);

     * Listing of all layer line files associated with the EM entry
     * @return EmInterpretFigure
    public EmInterpretFigure getEmInterpretFigure() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_interpret_figure", EmInterpretFigure::new);

     * Listing of all layer line files associated with the EM entry
     * @return EmLayerLines
    public EmLayerLines getEmLayerLines() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_layer_lines", EmLayerLines::new);

     * Listing of all structure factor files associated with the EM entry
     * @return EmStructureFactors
    public EmStructureFactors getEmStructureFactors() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_structure_factors", EmStructureFactors::new);

     * Data items in the EM_DEPOSITOR INFO category record parameters for EM depositions
     * that are provided by the depositor
     * @return EmDepositorInfo
    public EmDepositorInfo getEmDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_depositor_info", EmDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the EM_MAP_DEPOSITOR INFO category record map parameters
     * that are provided by the depositor
     * @return EmMapDepositorInfo
    public EmMapDepositorInfo getEmMapDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_map_depositor_info", EmMapDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the EM_MASK_DEPOSITOR_INFO category record mask parameters
     * that are provided by the depositor
     * @return EmMaskDepositorInfo
    public EmMaskDepositorInfo getEmMaskDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_mask_depositor_info", EmMaskDepositorInfo::new);

     * Listing of image files (figures) associated with an EMDB entry
     * @return EmFigureDepositorInfo
    public EmFigureDepositorInfo getEmFigureDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_figure_depositor_info", EmFigureDepositorInfo::new);

     * Listing of layer line files associated with the EM entry
     * @return EmLayerLinesDepositorInfo
    public EmLayerLinesDepositorInfo getEmLayerLinesDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_layer_lines_depositor_info", EmLayerLinesDepositorInfo::new);

     * Structure factor files associated with the EM entry
     * @return EmStructureFactorsDepositorInfo
    public EmStructureFactorsDepositorInfo getEmStructureFactorsDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("em_structure_factors_depositor_info", EmStructureFactorsDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SEQ_MAP_DEPOSITOR_INFO record the
     * details about the mapping sample and coordinate sequences.
     * @return PdbxSeqMapDepositorInfo
    public PdbxSeqMapDepositorInfo getPdbxSeqMapDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_seq_map_depositor_info", PdbxSeqMapDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_DEPOSITOR_INFO category record additional
     * details provided by depositors about deposited chemical components.
     * @return PdbxChemCompDepositorInfo
    public PdbxChemCompDepositorInfo getPdbxChemCompDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_depositor_info", PdbxChemCompDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_REF_SEQ_DEPOSITOR_INFO category capture
     * depositor provided information related to the archival cateogory
     * @return PdbxStructRefSeqDepositorInfo
    public PdbxStructRefSeqDepositorInfo getPdbxStructRefSeqDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_ref_seq_depositor_info", PdbxStructRefSeqDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_REF_SEQ_DIF_DEPOSITOR_INFO category capture
     * depositor provided information related to the archival cateogory
     * @return PdbxStructRefSeqDifDepositorInfo
    public PdbxStructRefSeqDifDepositorInfo getPdbxStructRefSeqDifDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_ref_seq_dif_depositor_info", PdbxStructRefSeqDifDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY_PROP_DEPOSITOR_INFO category capture
     * depositor provided information related to the archival cateogory
     * @return PdbxStructAssemblyPropDepositorInfo
    public PdbxStructAssemblyPropDepositorInfo getPdbxStructAssemblyPropDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_assembly_prop_depositor_info", PdbxStructAssemblyPropDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY_DEPOSITOR_INFO category capture
     * depositor provided information related to the archival cateogory
     * @return PdbxStructAssemblyDepositorInfo
    public PdbxStructAssemblyDepositorInfo getPdbxStructAssemblyDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_assembly_depositor_info", PdbxStructAssemblyDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY_GEN_DEPOSITOR_INFO category capture
     * depositor provided information related to the archival cateogory
     * @return PdbxStructAssemblyGenDepositorInfo
    public PdbxStructAssemblyGenDepositorInfo getPdbxStructAssemblyGenDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_assembly_gen_depositor_info", PdbxStructAssemblyGenDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_OPER_LIST_DEPOSITOR_INFO category capture
     * depositor provided information related to the archival cateogory
     * @return PdbxStructOperListDepositorInfo
    public PdbxStructOperListDepositorInfo getPdbxStructOperListDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_oper_list_depositor_info", PdbxStructOperListDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_POINT_SYMMETRY_DEPOSITOR_INFO category capture
     * depositor provided information related to the archival cateogory
     * @return PdbxPointSymmetryDepositorInfo
    public PdbxPointSymmetryDepositorInfo getPdbxPointSymmetryDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_point_symmetry_depositor_info", PdbxPointSymmetryDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_HELICAL_SYMMETRY_DEPOSITOR_INFO category capture
     * depositor provided information related to the archival cateogory
     * @return PdbxHelicalSymmetryDepositorInfo
    public PdbxHelicalSymmetryDepositorInfo getPdbxHelicalSymmetryDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_helical_symmetry_depositor_info", PdbxHelicalSymmetryDepositorInfo::new);

     * Provides author supplied evidentiary support for assemblies
     * in pdbx_struct_assembly.
     * @return PdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidenceDepositorInfo
    public PdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidenceDepositorInfo getPdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidenceDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_assembly_auth_evidence_depositor_info", PdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidenceDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SOLVENT_ATOM_SITE_MAPPING category records
     * mapping information between solvent atoms before and after symmetry
     * repositioning.
     * @return PdbxSolventAtomSiteMapping
    public PdbxSolventAtomSiteMapping getPdbxSolventAtomSiteMapping() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_solvent_atom_site_mapping", PdbxSolventAtomSiteMapping::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_MOLECULE_FEATURES_DEPOSITOR_INFO  category capture
     * depositor provided information related to the archival cateogory
     * @return PdbxMoleculeFeaturesDepositorInfo
    public PdbxMoleculeFeaturesDepositorInfo getPdbxMoleculeFeaturesDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_molecule_features_depositor_info", PdbxMoleculeFeaturesDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_INSTANCE_DEPOSITOR_INFO category records
     * depositor provided information about the chemical context of component instances.
     * @return PdbxChemCompInstanceDepositorInfo
    public PdbxChemCompInstanceDepositorInfo getPdbxChemCompInstanceDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_instance_depositor_info", PdbxChemCompInstanceDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DEPUI_STATUS_FLAGS category record status
     * details used to maintain state within the wwPDB deposition system.
     * @return PdbxDepuiStatusFlags
    public PdbxDepuiStatusFlags getPdbxDepuiStatusFlags() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_depui_status_flags", PdbxDepuiStatusFlags::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DEPUI_UPLOAD category record the
     * details of uploaded data files.
     * @return PdbxDepuiUpload
    public PdbxDepuiUpload getPdbxDepuiUpload() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_depui_upload", PdbxDepuiUpload::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DEPUI_VALIDATION_STATUS_FLAGS category record status
     * details that assess the status of selected validation diagnostics.
     * @return PdbxDepuiValidationStatusFlags
    public PdbxDepuiValidationStatusFlags getPdbxDepuiValidationStatusFlags() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_depui_validation_status_flags", PdbxDepuiValidationStatusFlags::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_UPLOAD_DEPOSITOR_INFO category record
     * details of the uploaded files related to depositor provided chemical assignments.
     * @return PdbxChemCompUploadDepositorInfo
    public PdbxChemCompUploadDepositorInfo getPdbxChemCompUploadDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_upload_depositor_info", PdbxChemCompUploadDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DEPUI_ENTITY_STATUS_FLAGS category record status
     * details related to individual entities.
     * @return PdbxDepuiEntityStatusFlags
    public PdbxDepuiEntityStatusFlags getPdbxDepuiEntityStatusFlags() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_depui_entity_status_flags", PdbxDepuiEntityStatusFlags::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DEPUI_ENTITY_FEATURES category record status
     * details related to the features of individual entities.
     * @return PdbxDepuiEntityFeatures
    public PdbxDepuiEntityFeatures getPdbxDepuiEntityFeatures() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_depui_entity_features", PdbxDepuiEntityFeatures::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DEPOSITION_MESSAGE_INFO category record internal messages
     * within the depositon and annotation system.
     * @return PdbxDepositionMessageInfo
    public PdbxDepositionMessageInfo getPdbxDepositionMessageInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_deposition_message_info", PdbxDepositionMessageInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DEPOSITION_MESSAGE_FILE_REFERENCE category record details of
     * files references associated with messages defined in the PDBX_DEPOSITION_MESSAGE_INFO
     * data category.
     * @return PdbxDepositionMessageFileReference
    public PdbxDepositionMessageFileReference getPdbxDepositionMessageFileReference() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_deposition_message_file_reference", PdbxDepositionMessageFileReference::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DEPUI_ENTRY_DETAILS category record
     * information required to identify the depositor and route
     * deposition to an appropriate processing site.
     * @return PdbxDepuiEntryDetails
    public PdbxDepuiEntryDetails getPdbxDepuiEntryDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_depui_entry_details", PdbxDepuiEntryDetails::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DATA_PROCESSING_STATUS category record
     * data processing instructions for workflow processing tasks.
     * @return PdbxDataProcessingStatus
    public PdbxDataProcessingStatus getPdbxDataProcessingStatus() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_data_processing_status", PdbxDataProcessingStatus::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_entity_instance_feature category records
     * special features of selected entity instances.
     * @return PdbxEntityInstanceFeature
    public PdbxEntityInstanceFeature getPdbxEntityInstanceFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_instance_feature", PdbxEntityInstanceFeature::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_SRC_GEN_DEPOSITOR_INFO category record details of
     * the source from which the entity was obtained in cases
     * where the source was genetically manipulated.  The
     * following are treated separately:  items pertaining to the tissue
     * from which the gene was obtained, items pertaining to the host
     * organism for gene expression and items pertaining to the actual
     * producing organism (plasmid).
     * @return PdbxEntitySrcGenDepositorInfo
    public PdbxEntitySrcGenDepositorInfo getPdbxEntitySrcGenDepositorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_src_gen_depositor_info", PdbxEntitySrcGenDepositorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_MODEL category give details about each
     * of the chemical component model instances.
     * @return PdbxChemCompModel
    public PdbxChemCompModel getPdbxChemCompModel() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_model", PdbxChemCompModel::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_MODEL_ATOM category record coordinates
     * for the chemical component model instance.
     * @return PdbxChemCompModelAtom
    public PdbxChemCompModelAtom getPdbxChemCompModelAtom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_model_atom", PdbxChemCompModelAtom::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_MODEL_BOND category record details about
     * the bonds between atoms in a chemical component model instance.
     * @return PdbxChemCompModelBond
    public PdbxChemCompModelBond getPdbxChemCompModelBond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_model_bond", PdbxChemCompModelBond::new);

     * Additional features associated with the chemical component.
     * @return PdbxChemCompModelFeature
    public PdbxChemCompModelFeature getPdbxChemCompModelFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_model_feature", PdbxChemCompModelFeature::new);

     * Data items in the CHEM_COMP_MODEL_DESCRIPTOR category provide
     * string descriptors for component model structures.
     * @return PdbxChemCompModelDescriptor
    public PdbxChemCompModelDescriptor getPdbxChemCompModelDescriptor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_model_descriptor", PdbxChemCompModelDescriptor::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_MODEL_AUDIT category records
     * the status and tracking information for this component model instance.
     * @return PdbxChemCompModelAudit
    public PdbxChemCompModelAudit getPdbxChemCompModelAudit() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_model_audit", PdbxChemCompModelAudit::new);

     * Additional features associated with the chemical component.
     * @return PdbxChemCompModelReference
    public PdbxChemCompModelReference getPdbxChemCompModelReference() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_model_reference", PdbxChemCompModelReference::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VIEW_CATEGORY_GROUP identify collections
     * of related mmCIF categories.  Views provide a vehicle for
     * presenting different logical arrangements of dictionary contents.
     * @return PdbxViewCategoryGroup
    public PdbxViewCategoryGroup getPdbxViewCategoryGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_view_category_group", PdbxViewCategoryGroup::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VIEW_CATEGORY specify the categories
     * belonging to a category view group.  An alias name for the
     * mmCIF category may also be specified for the each category
     * in the view.
     * @return PdbxViewCategory
    public PdbxViewCategory getPdbxViewCategory() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_view_category", PdbxViewCategory::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VIEW_ITEM specify the mmCIF data items
     * belonging to a view category.  An alias name for the
     * mmCIF item may be specified for the each item in the view
     * category.  The role of the item in the view category
     * can be designated as mandatory, optional, or hidden.
     * @return PdbxViewItem
    public PdbxViewItem getPdbxViewItem() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_view_item", PdbxViewItem::new);

     * Gives information about what kind of coordinates are available.
     * @return PdbxCoord
    public PdbxCoord getPdbxCoord() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_coord", PdbxCoord::new);

     * Local data items describing ligand and monomer
     * chemical features.
     * @return PdbxConnect
    public PdbxConnect getPdbxConnect() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_connect", PdbxConnect::new);

     * Local data items describing ligand and monomer
     * type information.
     * @return PdbxConnectType
    public PdbxConnectType getPdbxConnectType() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_connect_type", PdbxConnectType::new);

     * Local data items describing ligand and monomer
     * modifications.
     * @return PdbxConnectModification
    public PdbxConnectModification getPdbxConnectModification() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_connect_modification", PdbxConnectModification::new);

     * Local data items describing ligand and monomer
     * atom names and connectivity.
     * @return PdbxConnectAtom
    public PdbxConnectAtom getPdbxConnectAtom() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_connect_atom", PdbxConnectAtom::new);

     * The PDBX_DATABASE_PDB_MASTER category provides placeholders
     * for the count of various PDB record types.
     * @return PdbxDatabasePDBMaster
    public PdbxDatabasePDBMaster getPdbxDatabasePDBMaster() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_PDB_master", PdbxDatabasePDBMaster::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DATABASE_PDB_OMIT category record
     * list PDB record names that should be omitted in the PDB
     * format file.
     * @return PdbxDatabasePdbOmit
    public PdbxDatabasePdbOmit getPdbxDatabasePdbOmit() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_pdb_omit", PdbxDatabasePdbOmit::new);

     * These records are used in the DBREF record of a PDB file and
     * are used as place holders for NDB ID's in PDB files.
     * @return PdbxDbref
    public PdbxDbref getPdbxDbref() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_dbref", PdbxDbref::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DRUG_INFO category are still used until
     * the 'entity' categories are entered into the database, even
     * though the information is repeated.
     * @return PdbxDrugInfo
    public PdbxDrugInfo getPdbxDrugInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_drug_info", PdbxDrugInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_INHIBITOR_INFO category are still used until
     * the 'entity' categories are entered into the database, even though the
     * inhibitor is repeated.
     * @return PdbxInhibitorInfo
    public PdbxInhibitorInfo getPdbxInhibitorInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_inhibitor_info", PdbxInhibitorInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ION_INFO category are still used until
     * the 'entity' categories are entered into the database, even though the
     * information is repeated.
     * @return PdbxIonInfo
    public PdbxIonInfo getPdbxIonInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_ion_info", PdbxIonInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_HYBRID category are used to describe the chimeric
     * characteristics of a DNA/RNA structure.
     * @return PdbxHybrid
    public PdbxHybrid getPdbxHybrid() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_hybrid", PdbxHybrid::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_NA_STRAND_INFO category are still used until
     * the 'entity' categories are entered into the database, even though
     * the information is repeated.
     * @return PdbxNaStrandInfo
    public PdbxNaStrandInfo getPdbxNaStrandInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_na_strand_info", PdbxNaStrandInfo::new);

     * The information in this category is exclusively used to store
     * the HET records of a PDB file.  This record will be generated
     * by the PROGRAM.
     * @return PdbxNonstandardList
    public PdbxNonstandardList getPdbxNonstandardList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nonstandard_list", PdbxNonstandardList::new);

     * This is a place holder for the PDB COMPND.
     * @return PdbxPdbCompnd
    public PdbxPdbCompnd getPdbxPdbCompnd() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_pdb_compnd", PdbxPdbCompnd::new);

     * This is a place holder for the PDB SOURCE.
     * @return PdbxPdbSource
    public PdbxPdbSource getPdbxPdbSource() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_pdb_source", PdbxPdbSource::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_PROTEIN_INFO category are still used until
     * the 'entity' categories are entered into the database, even though the
     * information is repeated.
     * @return PdbxProteinInfo
    public PdbxProteinInfo getPdbxProteinInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_protein_info", PdbxProteinInfo::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SOLVENT_INFO category are still used until
     * the 'entity' categories are entered into the database, even though the
     * information is repeated.
     * @return PdbxSolventInfo
    public PdbxSolventInfo getPdbxSolventInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_solvent_info", PdbxSolventInfo::new);

     * Data item will still be used until the ENTITY category is fully
     * adopted by NDBQuery.
     * @return PdbxSource
    public PdbxSource getPdbxSource() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_source", PdbxSource::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_BIOL_FUNC category record details about
     * the function of a particular biological assembly.
     * @return PdbxStructBiolFunc
    public PdbxStructBiolFunc getPdbxStructBiolFunc() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_biol_func", PdbxStructBiolFunc::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_PACK_GEN category record details about
     * the generation of the packing picture(s).
     * @return PdbxStructPackGen
    public PdbxStructPackGen getPdbxStructPackGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_pack_gen", PdbxStructPackGen::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_TRNA_INFO category are still used until
     * the 'entity' categories are entered into the database, even though the
     * T-RNA is repeated.
     * @return PdbxTrnaInfo
    public PdbxTrnaInfo getPdbxTrnaInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_trna_info", PdbxTrnaInfo::new);

     * These records give information about residues which do not pair
     * (h-bond) in the asymmetric unit.
     * The records about Watson-Crick base pairing depend on these
     * records.
     * @return PdbxUnpair
    public PdbxUnpair getPdbxUnpair() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_unpair", PdbxUnpair::new);

     * Holds details of NCS restraints in cases where multiple
     * conditions are provided for each domain.
     * @return PdbxRefineLsRestrNcs
    public PdbxRefineLsRestrNcs getPdbxRefineLsRestrNcs() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_refine_ls_restr_ncs", PdbxRefineLsRestrNcs::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_NCS_VIRUS_GEN category record details
     * about the generation of virus structures from NCS matrix operators.
     * @return PdbxStructNcsVirusGen
    public PdbxStructNcsVirusGen getPdbxStructNcsVirusGen() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_ncs_virus_gen", PdbxStructNcsVirusGen::new);

     * PDBX_SEQUENCE_ANNOTATION holds internal details about molecular sequences
     * described in the context of PDB chains.
     * @return PdbxSequenceAnnotation
    public PdbxSequenceAnnotation getPdbxSequenceAnnotation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_sequence_annotation", PdbxSequenceAnnotation::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_POST_PROCESS_DETAILS identify
     * problems or errors encountered in the post-processing
     * of this entry.
     * @return PdbxPostProcessDetails
    public PdbxPostProcessDetails getPdbxPostProcessDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_post_process_details", PdbxPostProcessDetails::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_POST_PROCESS_DETAILS record
     * the status of post-processed entries.
     * @return PdbxPostProcessStatus
    public PdbxPostProcessStatus getPdbxPostProcessStatus() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_post_process_status", PdbxPostProcessStatus::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STRUCT_LINK category record details about
     * covalent linkages in the structure.
     * @return PdbxStructLink
    public PdbxStructLink getPdbxStructLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_link", PdbxStructLink::new);

     * Provides a place-holder for PDB REMARK 465 data.
     * @return PdbxMissingResidueList
    public PdbxMissingResidueList getPdbxMissingResidueList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_missing_residue_list", PdbxMissingResidueList::new);

     * Crystallographic cell specifications used in data processing.
     * @return PdbxDataProcessingCell
    public PdbxDataProcessingCell getPdbxDataProcessingCell() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_data_processing_cell", PdbxDataProcessingCell::new);

     * Details of reflections used in data processing.
     * @return PdbxDataProcessingReflns
    public PdbxDataProcessingReflns getPdbxDataProcessingReflns() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_data_processing_reflns", PdbxDataProcessingReflns::new);

     * Details of the detector used at data collection site.
     * @return PdbxDataProcessingDetector
    public PdbxDataProcessingDetector getPdbxDataProcessingDetector() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_data_processing_detector", PdbxDataProcessingDetector::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_CHEM_COMP_NONSTANDARD category describes
     * common nucleotide modifications and nonstandard features.
     * @return PdbxChemCompNonstandard
    public PdbxChemCompNonstandard getPdbxChemCompNonstandard() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_nonstandard", PdbxChemCompNonstandard::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_POLY_PROTEIN_CLASS category
     * provides a top-level protein classification.
     * @return PdbxEntityPolyProteinClass
    public PdbxEntityPolyProteinClass getPdbxEntityPolyProteinClass() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_poly_protein_class", PdbxEntityPolyProteinClass::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_NAME_TAXONOMY_TREE category
     * define the tree structure of the entity name taxonomy.
     * @return PdbxEntityNameTaxonomyTree
    public PdbxEntityNameTaxonomyTree getPdbxEntityNameTaxonomyTree() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_name_taxonomy_tree", PdbxEntityNameTaxonomyTree::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_NAME_TAXONOMY category
     * define the names and synonyms of the entity name taxonomy.
     * @return PdbxEntityNameTaxonomy
    public PdbxEntityNameTaxonomy getPdbxEntityNameTaxonomy() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_name_taxonomy", PdbxEntityNameTaxonomy::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_NAME_INSTANCE category
     * list names used to define entities with their
     * associated database, entity, chain, and molecule
     * identifiers.
     * @return PdbxEntityNameInstance
    public PdbxEntityNameInstance getPdbxEntityNameInstance() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_name_instance", PdbxEntityNameInstance::new);

     * @return PdbxTableinfo
    public PdbxTableinfo getPdbxTableinfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_tableinfo", PdbxTableinfo::new);

     * @return PdbxColumninfo
    public PdbxColumninfo getPdbxColumninfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_columninfo", PdbxColumninfo::new);

     * The PDBX_VAL_ANGLE category lists the covalent bond angles
     * in this entry deviating by greater than 6*sigma from
     * standard values.
     * This is a completely derived category.  Do not edit.
     * @return PdbxValAngle
    public PdbxValAngle getPdbxValAngle() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_val_angle", PdbxValAngle::new);

     * The PDBX_VAL_BOND category lists the covalent bond angles
     * in this entry deviating by greater than 6*sigma from
     * standard values.
     * This is a completely derived category.  Do not edit.
     * @return PdbxValBond
    public PdbxValBond getPdbxValBond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_val_bond", PdbxValBond::new);

     * The PDBX_VAL_CONTACT category lists non-bonded atoms within the
     * assymetric unit of the entry that are in close contact.
     * For those contacts not involving hydrogen a limit of
     * 2.2 angstroms is used. For contacts involving a hydrogen atom
     * a cutoff of 1.6 angstroms is used.
     * This is a completely derived category.  Do not edit.
     * @return PdbxValContact
    public PdbxValContact getPdbxValContact() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_val_contact", PdbxValContact::new);

     * The PDBX_VAL_SYM_CONTACT category lists symmetry related
     * contacts amoung non-bonded atoms.
     * For those contacts not involving hydrogen a limit of
     * 2.2 angstroms is used. For contacts involving a hydrogen atom
     * a cutoff of 1.6 angstroms is used.
     * This is a completely derived category.  Do not edit.
     * @return PdbxValSymContact
    public PdbxValSymContact getPdbxValSymContact() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_val_sym_contact", PdbxValSymContact::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_RMCH_OUTLIER category list the
     * residues with torsion angles outside the expected
     * Ramachandran regions.
     * This is a completely derived category.  Do not edit.
     * @return PdbxRmchOutlier
    public PdbxRmchOutlier getPdbxRmchOutlier() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_rmch_outlier", PdbxRmchOutlier::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_MISSING_ATOM_POLY category lists
     * atoms missing in polymer residues.
     * This is a completely derived category.  Do not edit.
     * @return PdbxMissingAtomPoly
    public PdbxMissingAtomPoly getPdbxMissingAtomPoly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_missing_atom_poly", PdbxMissingAtomPoly::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_MISSING_ATOM_NONPOLY category list the
     * atoms missing in nonpolymer residues.
     * This is a completely derived category.  Do not edit.
     * @return PdbxMissingAtomNonpoly
    public PdbxMissingAtomNonpoly getPdbxMissingAtomNonpoly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_missing_atom_nonpoly", PdbxMissingAtomNonpoly::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VAL_CHIRAL category list the
     * atoms with nonstandard chiralities.
     * This is a completely derived category.  Do not edit.
     * @return PdbxValChiral
    public PdbxValChiral getPdbxValChiral() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_val_chiral", PdbxValChiral::new);

     * Gives information about the organization of the
     * NDB Structural Atlas.
     * @return PdbxAtlas
    public PdbxAtlas getPdbxAtlas() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_atlas", PdbxAtlas::new);

     * Container category for a list of feature flags associated
     * with each structure entry.
     * @return PdbxSummaryFlags
    public PdbxSummaryFlags getPdbxSummaryFlags() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_summary_flags", PdbxSummaryFlags::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_FUNC_BIND_MODE category describe
     * characteristics of protein oligonucleotide binding.
     * @return PdbxEntityFuncBindMode
    public PdbxEntityFuncBindMode getPdbxEntityFuncBindMode() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_func_bind_mode", PdbxEntityFuncBindMode::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_FUNC_ENZYME category describe
     * characteristics of protein oligonucleotide binding in which
     * the binding mode is enzymatic.
     * @return PdbxEntityFuncEnzyme
    public PdbxEntityFuncEnzyme getPdbxEntityFuncEnzyme() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_func_enzyme", PdbxEntityFuncEnzyme::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_FUNC_REGULATORY category describe
     * characteristics of protein oligonucleotide binding in which
     * the binding mode is regulatory.
     * @return PdbxEntityFuncRegulatory
    public PdbxEntityFuncRegulatory getPdbxEntityFuncRegulatory() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_func_regulatory", PdbxEntityFuncRegulatory::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_FUNC_STRUCTURAL category describe
     * characteristics of protein oligonucleotide binding in which
     * the binding mode is structural.
     * @return PdbxEntityFuncStructural
    public PdbxEntityFuncStructural getPdbxEntityFuncStructural() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_func_structural", PdbxEntityFuncStructural::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_FUNC_OTHER category describe
     * characteristics of protein oligonucleotide binding in which
     * the binding mode is not classified.
     * @return PdbxEntityFuncOther
    public PdbxEntityFuncOther getPdbxEntityFuncOther() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_func_other", PdbxEntityFuncOther::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_POLY_DOMAIN category specify domains
     * of monomers within a polymer.
     * @return PdbxEntityPolyDomain
    public PdbxEntityPolyDomain getPdbxEntityPolyDomain() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_poly_domain", PdbxEntityPolyDomain::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_NA_STRUCT_KEYWDS category record give details
     * about structural features of the NA.
     * @return PdbxNaStructKeywds
    public PdbxNaStructKeywds getPdbxNaStructKeywds() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_na_struct_keywds", PdbxNaStructKeywds::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_POLY_NA_TYPE category describe
     * type of nucleic acid polymer entities.
     * @return PdbxEntityPolyNaType
    public PdbxEntityPolyNaType getPdbxEntityPolyNaType() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_poly_na_type", PdbxEntityPolyNaType::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_POLY_NA_NONSTANDARD category
     * describe the nonstandard features of the nucleic acid polymer entities.
     * @return PdbxEntityPolyNaNonstandard
    public PdbxEntityPolyNaNonstandard getPdbxEntityPolyNaNonstandard() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_poly_na_nonstandard", PdbxEntityPolyNaNonstandard::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VIRTUAL_ANGLE category record details about the
     * molecular virtual angles, as calculated from the contents
     * of the ATOM, CELL, and SYMMETRY data.
     * @return PdbxVirtualAngle
    public PdbxVirtualAngle getPdbxVirtualAngle() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_virtual_angle", PdbxVirtualAngle::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VIRTUAL_BOND category record details about
     * virtual bonds, as calculated from the contents
     * of the ATOM, CELL, and SYMMETRY data.
     * @return PdbxVirtualBond
    public PdbxVirtualBond getPdbxVirtualBond() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_virtual_bond", PdbxVirtualBond::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_VIRTUAL_TORSION category record details about
     * virtual torsion angles, as calculated from the contents of the ATOM,
     * CELL, and SYMMETRY data.
     * @return PdbxVirtualTorsion
    public PdbxVirtualTorsion getPdbxVirtualTorsion() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_virtual_torsion", PdbxVirtualTorsion::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SEQUENCE_PATTERN category record
     * the number of occurences of common step sequence patterns
     * (e.g. AA, CG, AT).
     * @return PdbxSequencePattern
    public PdbxSequencePattern getPdbxSequencePattern() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_sequence_pattern", PdbxSequencePattern::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_STEREOCHEMISTRY identify chiral
     * centers and associated chiral volumes.
     * @return PdbxStereochemistry
    public PdbxStereochemistry getPdbxStereochemistry() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_stereochemistry", PdbxStereochemistry::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_RMS_DEVS_COVALENT record the summary RMS deviations
     * for nucleic acid covalent geometry relative to small molecule crystal
     * standards.
     * @return PdbxRmsDevsCovalent
    public PdbxRmsDevsCovalent getPdbxRmsDevsCovalent() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_rms_devs_covalent", PdbxRmsDevsCovalent::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_RMS_DEVS_COV_BY_MONOMER record the RMS deviations
     * covalent geometry for each momoner relative to small molecule crystal
     * standards.
     * @return PdbxRmsDevsCovByMonomer
    public PdbxRmsDevsCovByMonomer getPdbxRmsDevsCovByMonomer() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_rms_devs_cov_by_monomer", PdbxRmsDevsCovByMonomer::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SUGAR_PHOSPHATE_GEOMETRY record the RMS deviations
     * covalent geometry for each momoner relative to small molecule crystal
     * standards.
     * @return PdbxSugarPhosphateGeometry
    public PdbxSugarPhosphateGeometry getPdbxSugarPhosphateGeometry() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_sugar_phosphate_geometry", PdbxSugarPhosphateGeometry::new);

     * The table in this section is used to describe the software
     * that was used for data collection, data processing, data analysis,
     * structure calculations and refinement. The description should include
     * both the name of the software and the version used.
     * @return PdbxNmrComputing
    public PdbxNmrComputing getPdbxNmrComputing() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_nmr_computing", PdbxNmrComputing::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_AUDIT_CONFORM_EXTENSION category describe
     * extension dictionary versions against which the data names appearing
     * the current data block are conformant.
     * @return PdbxAuditConformExtension
    public PdbxAuditConformExtension getPdbxAuditConformExtension() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit_conform_extension", PdbxAuditConformExtension::new);

     * Data items in the category record details from the output of mapman
     * used by the DCC program.
     * @return PdbxDccMapman
    public PdbxDccMapman getPdbxDccMapman() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_dcc_mapman", PdbxDccMapman::new);

     * Data items in this category record residual map properties such as
     * correlation, real space Rfactors and the Zscore calculated from
     * refmac and mapman.
     * @return PdbxDccRsccMapman
    public PdbxDccRsccMapman getPdbxDccRsccMapman() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_dcc_rscc_mapman", PdbxDccRsccMapman::new);

     * Data items in the category record overall map properties such
     * as correlation, real space Rfactors and the Zscore calculated
     * from refmac and mapman.
     * @return PdbxDccRsccMapmanOverall
    public PdbxDccRsccMapmanOverall getPdbxDccRsccMapmanOverall() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_dcc_rscc_mapman_overall", PdbxDccRsccMapmanOverall::new);

     * Data items in the category record various overall metrics
     * calculated by DCC and various wrapped programs (such as Xtriage,
     * pointless, REFMAC ...).
     * @return PdbxDccDensity
    public PdbxDccDensity getPdbxDccDensity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_dcc_density", PdbxDccDensity::new);

     * Data items in the category record the overall deviations about
     * geometry (such as bond length, angle, dihedral, chirality,
     * planarity). These data are calculated with the phenix module
     * model_vs_data.
     * @return PdbxDccGeometry
    public PdbxDccGeometry getPdbxDccGeometry() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_dcc_geometry", PdbxDccGeometry::new);

     * Data items in the category record calculated metrics from various
     * programs (such as phenix, refmac, cns, sfcheck).
     * @return PdbxDccDensityCorr
    public PdbxDccDensityCorr getPdbxDccDensityCorr() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_dcc_density_corr", PdbxDccDensityCorr::new);

     * Data items in the category record residual map properties such as
     * Real Space electron density Correlation Coefficient (RSCC), real space R
     * factors (RSR) and the Zscores for each residue, the main/side chains.
     * @return PdbxDccMap
    public PdbxDccMap getPdbxDccMap() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_dcc_map", PdbxDccMap::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_deposit_group category provide identifiers
     * and related information for groups of entries deposited in a collection.
     * @return PdbxDepositGroup
    public PdbxDepositGroup getPdbxDepositGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_deposit_group", PdbxDepositGroup::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_deposit_group_index category provides details
     * about the individual data files in the collection of deposited entries.
     * @return PdbxDepositGroupIndex
    public PdbxDepositGroupIndex getPdbxDepositGroupIndex() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_deposit_group_index", PdbxDepositGroupIndex::new);

     * Provides author supplied evidentiary support for assemblies
     * in pdbx_struct_assembly.
     * @return PdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidence
    public PdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidence getPdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidence() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_assembly_auth_evidence", PdbxStructAssemblyAuthEvidence::new);

     * Provides reason a particular assembly in pdbx_struct_assembly is
     * of interest.
     * @return PdbxStructAssemblyAuthClassification
    public PdbxStructAssemblyAuthClassification getPdbxStructAssemblyAuthClassification() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_struct_assembly_auth_classification", PdbxStructAssemblyAuthClassification::new);

     * Data in the PDBX_CRYSTAL_ALIGNMENT are produced by log files from
     * programs during indexing
     * @return PdbxCrystalAlignment
    public PdbxCrystalAlignment getPdbxCrystalAlignment() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_crystal_alignment", PdbxCrystalAlignment::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_AUDIT_REVISION_HISTORY category record
     * the revision history for a data entry.
     * @return PdbxAuditRevisionHistory
    public PdbxAuditRevisionHistory getPdbxAuditRevisionHistory() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit_revision_history", PdbxAuditRevisionHistory::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_AUDIT_revision_group category
     * report the content groups associated with a PDBX_AUDIT_REVISION_HISTORY
     * record.
     * @return PdbxAuditRevisionGroup
    public PdbxAuditRevisionGroup getPdbxAuditRevisionGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit_revision_group", PdbxAuditRevisionGroup::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_AUDIT_REVISION_CATEGORY category
     * report the data categories associated with a PDBX_AUDIT_REVISION_HISTORY record.
     * @return PdbxAuditRevisionCategory
    public PdbxAuditRevisionCategory getPdbxAuditRevisionCategory() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit_revision_category", PdbxAuditRevisionCategory::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_audit_revision_details category
     * record descriptions of changes associated with
     * @return PdbxAuditRevisionDetails
    public PdbxAuditRevisionDetails getPdbxAuditRevisionDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit_revision_details", PdbxAuditRevisionDetails::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_AUDIT_REVISION_ITEM category
     * report the data items associated with a PDBX_AUDIT_REVISION_HISTORY record.
     * @return PdbxAuditRevisionItem
    public PdbxAuditRevisionItem getPdbxAuditRevisionItem() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit_revision_item", PdbxAuditRevisionItem::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SUPPORTING_EXP_DATA_SET category record
     * to experimental data set dependencies for this entry.
     * @return PdbxSupportingExpDataSet
    public PdbxSupportingExpDataSet getPdbxSupportingExpDataSet() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_supporting_exp_data_set", PdbxSupportingExpDataSet::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_DATABASE_DOI category record the
     * DOI of this entry.
     * @return PdbxDatabaseDoi
    public PdbxDatabaseDoi getPdbxDatabaseDoi() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_database_doi", PdbxDatabaseDoi::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_AUDIT_CONFORM category describe the
     * dictionary versions against which the data names appearing in
     * the current data block are conformant.
     * @return PdbxAuditConform
    public PdbxAuditConform getPdbxAuditConform() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit_conform", PdbxAuditConform::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SERIAL_CRYSTALLOGRAPHY_MEASUREMENT category record
     * details the beam that is impinging on the sample
     * @return PdbxSerialCrystallographyMeasurement
    public PdbxSerialCrystallographyMeasurement getPdbxSerialCrystallographyMeasurement() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_serial_crystallography_measurement", PdbxSerialCrystallographyMeasurement::new);

     * record general details about the sample delivery
     * @return PdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDelivery
    public PdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDelivery getPdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDelivery() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_serial_crystallography_sample_delivery", PdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDelivery::new);

     * category record details about sample delivery by injection
     * @return PdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryInjection
    public PdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryInjection getPdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryInjection() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_serial_crystallography_sample_delivery_injection", PdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryInjection::new);

     * category record details about sample delivery using a fixed taget.
     * @return PdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryFixedTarget
    public PdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryFixedTarget getPdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryFixedTarget() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_serial_crystallography_sample_delivery_fixed_target", PdbxSerialCrystallographySampleDeliveryFixedTarget::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_SERIAL_CRYSTALLOGRAPHY_DATA_REDUCTION category record
     * details about data processing that are unique to XFEL experiments.
     * These will compliment data recorded in category pdbx_diffrn_merge_stat.
     * @return PdbxSerialCrystallographyDataReduction
    public PdbxSerialCrystallographyDataReduction getPdbxSerialCrystallographyDataReduction() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_serial_crystallography_data_reduction", PdbxSerialCrystallographyDataReduction::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_AUDIT_SUPPORT category record details about
     * funding support for the entry.
     * @return PdbxAuditSupport
    public PdbxAuditSupport getPdbxAuditSupport() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_audit_support", PdbxAuditSupport::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_BRANCH_LIST category specify the list
     * of monomers in a branched entity.  Allowance is made for the possibility
     * of microheterogeneity in a sample by allowing a given sequence
     * number to be correlated with more than one monomer ID. The
     * corresponding ATOM_SITE entries should reflect this
     * heterogeneity.
     * @return PdbxEntityBranchList
    public PdbxEntityBranchList getPdbxEntityBranchList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_branch_list", PdbxEntityBranchList::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_BRANCH_LINK category give details about
     * the linkages between components within a branched entity.
     * @return PdbxEntityBranchLink
    public PdbxEntityBranchLink getPdbxEntityBranchLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_branch_link", PdbxEntityBranchLink::new);

     * Data items in the PDBX_ENTITY_BRANCH category specify the list
     * of branched entities and the type.
     * @return PdbxEntityBranch
    public PdbxEntityBranch getPdbxEntityBranch() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_branch", PdbxEntityBranch::new);

     * The PDBX_BRANCH_SCHEME category provides residue level nomenclature
     * mapping for branch chain entities.
     * @return PdbxBranchScheme
    public PdbxBranchScheme getPdbxBranchScheme() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_branch_scheme", PdbxBranchScheme::new);

     * PDBX_CHEM_COMP_RELATED describes the relationship between two chemical components.
     * @return PdbxChemCompRelated
    public PdbxChemCompRelated getPdbxChemCompRelated() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_related", PdbxChemCompRelated::new);

     * PDBX_CHEM_COMP_ATOM_RELATED provides atom level nomenclature mapping between two related chemical components.
     * @return PdbxChemCompAtomRelated
    public PdbxChemCompAtomRelated getPdbxChemCompAtomRelated() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chem_comp_atom_related", PdbxChemCompAtomRelated::new);

     * The binning of the per-reflection signal generated by the
     * software specified by _reflns.pdbx_signal_software_id.
     * If any reflections have a signal >= to the highest threshold
     * specified, an additional bin should be inferred to hold them.
     * @return PdbxReflnSignalBinning
    public PdbxReflnSignalBinning getPdbxReflnSignalBinning() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_refln_signal_binning", PdbxReflnSignalBinning::new);

     * pdbx_sifts_xref_db describes residue-level cross-references to external databases.
     * @return PdbxSiftsXrefDb
    public PdbxSiftsXrefDb getPdbxSiftsXrefDb() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_sifts_xref_db", PdbxSiftsXrefDb::new);

     * pdbx_sifts_xref_db_segments describes residue-range based cross-references to external databases.
     * @return PdbxSiftsXrefDbSegments
    public PdbxSiftsXrefDbSegments getPdbxSiftsXrefDbSegments() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_sifts_xref_db_segments", PdbxSiftsXrefDbSegments::new);

     * pdbx_sifts_unp_segments describes residue-range based cross-references specific to UniProt.
     * @return PdbxSiftsUnpSegments
    public PdbxSiftsUnpSegments getPdbxSiftsUnpSegments() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_sifts_unp_segments", PdbxSiftsUnpSegments::new);

     * The PDBX_DATA_USAGE category provides information on licensing
     * an disclaimers of the file it is in
     * @return PdbxDataUsage
    public PdbxDataUsage getPdbxDataUsage() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_data_usage", PdbxDataUsage::new);

     * When producing a biological assembly model file, data items in the pdbx_entity_remapping provide a mapping
     * from the entity in original model file to this data file.
     * @return PdbxEntityRemapping
    public PdbxEntityRemapping getPdbxEntityRemapping() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_entity_remapping", PdbxEntityRemapping::new);

     * When producing a biological assembly model file, data items in the pdbx_chain_remapping provide a mapping
     * from the entity in original model file to this data file.
     * @return PdbxChainRemapping
    public PdbxChainRemapping getPdbxChainRemapping() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_chain_remapping", PdbxChainRemapping::new);

     * Data items in the pdbx_initial_refinement_model record the starting model(s) used in structure determination.
     * @return PdbxInitialRefinementModel
    public PdbxInitialRefinementModel getPdbxInitialRefinementModel() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_initial_refinement_model", PdbxInitialRefinementModel::new);

     * The PDBX_INVESTIGATION category provides a information of an investigation associated with this file.
     * @return PdbxInvestigation
    public PdbxInvestigation getPdbxInvestigation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("pdbx_investigation", PdbxInvestigation::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_ENTITY_POLY_SEGMENT category identifies
     * segments of polymeric entities.
     * @return IhmEntityPolySegment
    public IhmEntityPolySegment getIhmEntityPolySegment() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_entity_poly_segment", IhmEntityPolySegment::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_STARTING_MODEL_DETAILS category records the
     * details about structural models used as starting inputs in
     * the integrative model building process.
     * @return IhmStartingModelDetails
    public IhmStartingModelDetails getIhmStartingModelDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_starting_model_details", IhmStartingModelDetails::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_STARTING_COMPARATIVE_MODELS category records
     * additional details about comparative models used as starting inputs in
     * the integrative model building process.
     * @return IhmStartingComparativeModels
    public IhmStartingComparativeModels getIhmStartingComparativeModels() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_starting_comparative_models", IhmStartingComparativeModels::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_STARTING_COMPUTATIONAL_MODELS category records
     * additional details about computational models used as starting inputs in
     * the integrative model building process.
     * @return IhmStartingComputationalModels
    public IhmStartingComputationalModels getIhmStartingComputationalModels() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_starting_computational_models", IhmStartingComputationalModels::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_STARTING_MODEL_SEQ_DIF category provide a
     * mechanism for indicating and annotating point differences
     * between the sequence of the entity or biological unit described
     * in the data block and the sequence of the starting model used in
     * the integrative modeling referenced from a database. The point
     * differences may be due to point mutations introduced in the
     * starting model or the presence of modified amino acid residues.
     * @return IhmStartingModelSeqDif
    public IhmStartingModelSeqDif getIhmStartingModelSeqDif() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_starting_model_seq_dif", IhmStartingModelSeqDif::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_MODEL_REPRESENTATION category lists the
     * various mono or multi-scale model representations used in the
     * integrative modeling study.
     * @return IhmModelRepresentation
    public IhmModelRepresentation getIhmModelRepresentation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_model_representation", IhmModelRepresentation::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_MODEL_REPRESENTATION_DETAILS category records the
     * details about the architecture and representation of structural
     * models involved in the integrative modeling study.
     * @return IhmModelRepresentationDetails
    public IhmModelRepresentationDetails getIhmModelRepresentationDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_model_representation_details", IhmModelRepresentationDetails::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY_DETAILS category records
     * the details of the structural assemblies and used in the
     * integrative modeling.
     * @return IhmStructAssemblyDetails
    public IhmStructAssemblyDetails getIhmStructAssemblyDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_struct_assembly_details", IhmStructAssemblyDetails::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY category lists
     * all the structural assemblies used in the integrative
     * modeling study.
     * @return IhmStructAssembly
    public IhmStructAssembly getIhmStructAssembly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_struct_assembly", IhmStructAssembly::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY_CLASS category lists
     * all the structural assembly classes relevant to the entry. This
     * category provides a mechanism to define classes of the
     * structural assemblies.
     * @return IhmStructAssemblyClass
    public IhmStructAssemblyClass getIhmStructAssemblyClass() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_struct_assembly_class", IhmStructAssemblyClass::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY_CLASS_LINK category provides
     * details regarding the structural assembly classes. This
     * category provides a mechanism to identify the classes to which
     * structural assemblies belong.
     * @return IhmStructAssemblyClassLink
    public IhmStructAssemblyClassLink getIhmStructAssemblyClassLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_struct_assembly_class_link", IhmStructAssemblyClassLink::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_MODELING_PROTOCOL category lists all
     * modeling protocols used in the integrative modeling study.
     * @return IhmModelingProtocol
    public IhmModelingProtocol getIhmModelingProtocol() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_modeling_protocol", IhmModelingProtocol::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_MODELING_PROTOCOL_DETAILS category records the
     * step-wise details of the integrative modeling workflow.
     * @return IhmModelingProtocolDetails
    public IhmModelingProtocolDetails getIhmModelingProtocolDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_modeling_protocol_details", IhmModelingProtocolDetails::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_MULTI_STATE_MODELING category records the
     * details of the multi-state modeling protocol, if applicable.
     * @return IhmMultiStateModeling
    public IhmMultiStateModeling getIhmMultiStateModeling() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_multi_state_modeling", IhmMultiStateModeling::new);

     * IHM_MULTI_STATE_MODEL_GROUP_LINK category provides the list of models groups
     * corresponding to a particular state.
     * @return IhmMultiStateModelGroupLink
    public IhmMultiStateModelGroupLink getIhmMultiStateModelGroupLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_multi_state_model_group_link", IhmMultiStateModelGroupLink::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_ORDERED_ENSEMBLE category records the
     * details of the ensembles ordered by time or other order.
     * Ordered ensembles are described as directed graphs with
     * edges between nodes representing models or model groups.
     * @return IhmOrderedEnsemble
    public IhmOrderedEnsemble getIhmOrderedEnsemble() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_ordered_ensemble", IhmOrderedEnsemble::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_MODELING_POST_PROCESS category records
     * the details of the post processing of the models/results of
     * the modeling protocol.
     * @return IhmModelingPostProcess
    public IhmModelingPostProcess getIhmModelingPostProcess() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_modeling_post_process", IhmModelingPostProcess::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_ENSEMBLE_INFO category records the
     * details of the model clusters or ensembles obtained after
     * sampling.
     * @return IhmEnsembleInfo
    public IhmEnsembleInfo getIhmEnsembleInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_ensemble_info", IhmEnsembleInfo::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_ENSEMBLE_SUB_SAMPLE category records the
     * details of the sub samples within the ensembles.
     * @return IhmEnsembleSubSample
    public IhmEnsembleSubSample getIhmEnsembleSubSample() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_ensemble_sub_sample", IhmEnsembleSubSample::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_MODEL_LIST category record the
     * details of the models being deposited.
     * @return IhmModelList
    public IhmModelList getIhmModelList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_model_list", IhmModelList::new);

     * IHM_MODEL_GROUP category defines collections or groups of integrative
     * structural models.
     * @return IhmModelGroup
    public IhmModelGroup getIhmModelGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_model_group", IhmModelGroup::new);

     * IHM_MODEL_GROUP_LINK category provides the list of models present in
     * a particular model group.
     * @return IhmModelGroupLink
    public IhmModelGroupLink getIhmModelGroupLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_model_group_link", IhmModelGroupLink::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_MODEL_REPRESENTATIVE category record the
     * details of the representative model in an ensemble or cluster.
     * @return IhmModelRepresentative
    public IhmModelRepresentative getIhmModelRepresentative() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_model_representative", IhmModelRepresentative::new);

     * Category holds the list of all datasets used in the IHM modeling.
     * These can be datasets archived in other related databases such as
     * BMRB, EMDB, EMPIAR, SASBDB, PRIDE etc., or can be hosted in other
     * places such as the authors website, github etc. These datasets are
     * elaborated in detail in the IHM_DATASET_RELATED_DB_REFERENCE and/or
     * the IHM_DATASET_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE categories. This category
     * holds the list of all datasets used.
     * @return IhmDatasetList
    public IhmDatasetList getIhmDatasetList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_dataset_list", IhmDatasetList::new);

     * Category to define groups or collections of input datasets.
     * @return IhmDatasetGroup
    public IhmDatasetGroup getIhmDatasetGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_dataset_group", IhmDatasetGroup::new);

     * IHM_DATASET_GROUP_LINK category provides the list of datasets present in
     * a particular group.
     * @return IhmDatasetGroupLink
    public IhmDatasetGroupLink getIhmDatasetGroupLink() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_dataset_group_link", IhmDatasetGroupLink::new);

     * Category holds information about related datasets, where one is derived from the other.
     * @return IhmRelatedDatasets
    public IhmRelatedDatasets getIhmRelatedDatasets() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_related_datasets", IhmRelatedDatasets::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_DATA_TRANSFORMATION category records the
     * details of the rotation matrix and translation vector that can be
     * applied to transform the data.
     * @return IhmDataTransformation
    public IhmDataTransformation getIhmDataTransformation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_data_transformation", IhmDataTransformation::new);

     * Category holds information related to data sources for the entry.
     * These can be datasets archived in other related databases such as
     * @return IhmDatasetRelatedDbReference
    public IhmDatasetRelatedDbReference getIhmDatasetRelatedDbReference() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_dataset_related_db_reference", IhmDatasetRelatedDbReference::new);

     * Category holds links to other external data sources for the I/H model entry.
     * Input datasets held in other databases such as EMDB, BMRB, SASBDB etc.
     * are referenced in the IHM_DATASET_RELATED_DB_REFERENCE category.
     * This data category, along with IHM_EXTERNAL_FILES category, holds information
     * regarding other non-database external data sources, such as  DOIs (digital
     * object identifiers) or supplementary files stored locally. The DOIs can either
     * lead to the external data file(s) directly (as in case of DOIs provided by the PDB)
     * or might lead to an HTML landing page (as provided by Zenodo). In the latter case,
     * additional URL (Uniform Resource Locator) information is required to retrieve
     * the external data file(s).
     * @return IhmExternalReferenceInfo
    public IhmExternalReferenceInfo getIhmExternalReferenceInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_external_reference_info", IhmExternalReferenceInfo::new);

     * Category provides details regarding external files. The IHM_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_INFO
     * category captures the top-level details regarding external data sources.
     * This category captures the specific details regarding externally stored files
     * related to the particular I/H model entry.
     * @return IhmExternalFiles
    public IhmExternalFiles getIhmExternalFiles() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_external_files", IhmExternalFiles::new);

     * Category provides additional details regarding input data hosted externally
     * at other resources.
     * @return IhmDatasetExternalReference
    public IhmDatasetExternalReference getIhmDatasetExternalReference() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_dataset_external_reference", IhmDatasetExternalReference::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_LOCALIZATION_DENSITY_FILES category records the
     * details of files that provide information regarding localization densities
     * of ensembles. These may be stored externally as local files or linked via
     * DOI and can be in any accepted format that provides volume information
     * (CCP4, MRC, etc.).
     * @return IhmLocalizationDensityFiles
    public IhmLocalizationDensityFiles getIhmLocalizationDensityFiles() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_localization_density_files", IhmLocalizationDensityFiles::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_PREDICTED_CONTACT_RESTRAINT category records the
     * list of predicted contacts used in the integrative modeling experiment.
     * This has been adapted from the widely used CASP RR format
     * (
     * These contacts may be derived from various computational tools.
     * The software information can be provided in the SOFTWARE category.
     * @return IhmPredictedContactRestraint
    public IhmPredictedContactRestraint getIhmPredictedContactRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_predicted_contact_restraint", IhmPredictedContactRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_HYDROXYL_RADICAL_FP_RESTRAINT category records the
     * restraints derived from hydroxyl radical footprinting experiment.
     * These restraints provide information regarding solvent accessible surface
     * area of residues.
     * @return IhmHydroxylRadicalFpRestraint
    public IhmHydroxylRadicalFpRestraint getIhmHydroxylRadicalFpRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_hydroxyl_radical_fp_restraint", IhmHydroxylRadicalFpRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_CHEMICAL_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTOR category records the
     * details of the chemical descriptors of various non-polymeric
     * chemical components (fluorescent probes, crosslinking agents etc.)
     * used in the experiments.
     * @return IhmChemicalComponentDescriptor
    public IhmChemicalComponentDescriptor getIhmChemicalComponentDescriptor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_chemical_component_descriptor", IhmChemicalComponentDescriptor::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_PROBE_LIST category records the
     * list of probes used in the experiment.
     * @return IhmProbeList
    public IhmProbeList getIhmProbeList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_probe_list", IhmProbeList::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_POLY_PROBE_POSITION category identifies
     * specific residue positions in the polymeric entity where probes
     * are covalently attached.
     * @return IhmPolyProbePosition
    public IhmPolyProbePosition getIhmPolyProbePosition() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_poly_probe_position", IhmPolyProbePosition::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_POLY_PROBE_CONJUGATE category records the
     * details of the probes that are covalenty attached to residues in the
     * polymeric entities.
     * @return IhmPolyProbeConjugate
    public IhmPolyProbeConjugate getIhmPolyProbeConjugate() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_poly_probe_conjugate", IhmPolyProbeConjugate::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_LIGAND_PROBE category identifies
     * non-polymeric entities (ligands) that are used as probes.
     * @return IhmLigandProbe
    public IhmLigandProbe getIhmLigandProbe() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_ligand_probe", IhmLigandProbe::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_EPR_RESTRAINT category records the
     * details of the EPR data used as restraints in the
     * IHM modeling.
     * @return IhmEprRestraint
    public IhmEprRestraint getIhmEprRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_epr_restraint", IhmEprRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_CROSS_LINK_LIST category records the
     * list of spatial restraints derived from chemical crosslinking
     * experiment.
     * @return IhmCrossLinkList
    public IhmCrossLinkList getIhmCrossLinkList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_cross_link_list", IhmCrossLinkList::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_CROSS_LINK_RESTRAINT category enumerates the
     * implementation details of the chemical crosslinking restraints in
     * the integrative modeling. This category holds the details of how
     * the experimentally derived crosslinks are applied in the modeling.
     * @return IhmCrossLinkRestraint
    public IhmCrossLinkRestraint getIhmCrossLinkRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_cross_link_restraint", IhmCrossLinkRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_CROSS_LINK_PSEUDO_SITE category records the
     * details of the pseudo sites involved in the cross links.
     * @return IhmCrossLinkPseudoSite
    public IhmCrossLinkPseudoSite getIhmCrossLinkPseudoSite() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_cross_link_pseudo_site", IhmCrossLinkPseudoSite::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_CROSS_LINK_RESULT category records the
     * results of the crosslinking restraints in the IHM modeling.
     * @return IhmCrossLinkResult
    public IhmCrossLinkResult getIhmCrossLinkResult() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_cross_link_result", IhmCrossLinkResult::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_CROSS_LINK_RESULT_PARAMETERS category records the
     * results of the crosslinking restraint parameters in the IHM modeling.
     * @return IhmCrossLinkResultParameters
    public IhmCrossLinkResultParameters getIhmCrossLinkResultParameters() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_cross_link_result_parameters", IhmCrossLinkResultParameters::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_2DEM_CLASS_AVERAGE_RESTRAINT category records the
     * details of the 2DEM class averages used in the IHM modeling.
     * @return Ihm2demClassAverageRestraint
    public Ihm2demClassAverageRestraint getIhm2demClassAverageRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_2dem_class_average_restraint", Ihm2demClassAverageRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_2DEM_CLASS_AVERAGE_FITTING category records the
     * details of the fitting of the model to the 2DEM class averages
     * used in the IHM modeling. The following conventions are recommended
     * while generating the rotation matrix and translation vector for
     * transformation.
     * - The model is rotated and translated to fit to the 2DEM image.
     * - The 2DEM image should be in the XY plane.
     * - The lower left image corner (image pixel index 0,0) should be at x,y,z = (0,0,0).
     * - The 2D image is scaled by the _ihm_2dem_class_average_restraint.pixel_size_width
     * and _ihm_2dem_class_average_restraint.pixel_size_height from the
     * - The transformation is applied after the scaling and hence the translation vector
     * should account for the scaling.
     * - There are no specifications for Z translations i.e., how far the image should be
     * from the model while projecting. It may be set to zero.
     * @return Ihm2demClassAverageFitting
    public Ihm2demClassAverageFitting getIhm2demClassAverageFitting() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_2dem_class_average_fitting", Ihm2demClassAverageFitting::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_3DEM_RESTRAINT category records the
     * details of the 3DEM maps used as restraints in the
     * IHM modeling.
     * @return Ihm3demRestraint
    public Ihm3demRestraint getIhm3demRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_3dem_restraint", Ihm3demRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_SAS_RESTRAINT category records the
     * details of the SAS data used as restraints in the
     * IHM modeling.
     * @return IhmSasRestraint
    public IhmSasRestraint getIhmSasRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_sas_restraint", IhmSasRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_HDX_RESTRAINT category captures the
     * details of restraints derived from Hydrogen-Deuterium
     * Exchange experiments.
     * @return IhmHdxRestraint
    public IhmHdxRestraint getIhmHdxRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_hdx_restraint", IhmHdxRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_STARTING_MODEL_COORD category records the coordinates
     * for structural templates used as starting inputs in the integrative model
     * building tasks.
     * @return IhmStartingModelCoord
    public IhmStartingModelCoord getIhmStartingModelCoord() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_starting_model_coord", IhmStartingModelCoord::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_SPHERE_OBJ_SITE category records the details
     * of the spherical objects modeled in the integrative structural model.
     * @return IhmSphereObjSite
    public IhmSphereObjSite getIhmSphereObjSite() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_sphere_obj_site", IhmSphereObjSite::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GAUSSIAN_OBJ_SITE category records the details
     * of the gaussian objects modeled in the integrative structural model.
     * @return IhmGaussianObjSite
    public IhmGaussianObjSite getIhmGaussianObjSite() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_gaussian_obj_site", IhmGaussianObjSite::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GAUSSIAN_OBJ_ENSEMBLE category records the details
     * of the gaussian objects representing an ensemble or cluster of models.
     * @return IhmGaussianObjEnsemble
    public IhmGaussianObjEnsemble getIhmGaussianObjEnsemble() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_gaussian_obj_ensemble", IhmGaussianObjEnsemble::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_PSEUDO_SITE_FEATURE category records the details
     * of pseudo sites that may be used in the restraints or model representation.
     * @return IhmPseudoSite
    public IhmPseudoSite getIhmPseudoSite() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_pseudo_site", IhmPseudoSite::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_RESIDUES_NOT_MODELED category record the
     * details of the residues that are defined in the
     * IHM_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY category but are missing in the
     * three-dimensional model (ATOM_SITE, IHM_SPHERE_OBJ_SITE,
     * IHM_GAUSSIAN_OBJ_SITE categories) i.e., residues in the
     * assembly that are not modeled.
     * @return IhmResiduesNotModeled
    public IhmResiduesNotModeled getIhmResiduesNotModeled() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_residues_not_modeled", IhmResiduesNotModeled::new);

     * IHM_FEATURE_LIST is the high level category that provides defintions
     * to select atoms/residues from polymeric and non-polymeric entities.
     * @return IhmFeatureList
    public IhmFeatureList getIhmFeatureList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_feature_list", IhmFeatureList::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_PSEUDO_SITE_FEATURE category records the details
     * of pseudo site features listed in IHM_FEATURE_LIST.
     * @return IhmPseudoSiteFeature
    public IhmPseudoSiteFeature getIhmPseudoSiteFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_pseudo_site_feature", IhmPseudoSiteFeature::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_POLY_ATOM_FEATURE category provides the defintions
     * required to select specific atoms.
     * @return IhmPolyAtomFeature
    public IhmPolyAtomFeature getIhmPolyAtomFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_poly_atom_feature", IhmPolyAtomFeature::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_POLY_RESIDUE_FEATURE category provides the defintions
     * required to select a specific residue or a set of residues that may or may not be
     * in a contiguous range.
     * @return IhmPolyResidueFeature
    public IhmPolyResidueFeature getIhmPolyResidueFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_poly_residue_feature", IhmPolyResidueFeature::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_NON_POLY_FEATURE category provides the defintions
     * required to select a non-polymeric (ligand) feature.
     * @return IhmNonPolyFeature
    public IhmNonPolyFeature getIhmNonPolyFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_non_poly_feature", IhmNonPolyFeature::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_INTERFACE_RESIDUE_FEATURE category captures the
     * details of residues that are identified to be at the binding interface
     * from experiments. This information is used by modeling software such as
     * HADDOCK to create a set of ambiguous distance restraints at the binding
     * interface between the molecular entities involved.
     * @return IhmInterfaceResidueFeature
    public IhmInterfaceResidueFeature getIhmInterfaceResidueFeature() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_interface_residue_feature", IhmInterfaceResidueFeature::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_DERIVED_DISTANCE_RESTRAINT category records the
     * list of distance restraints used in the integrative modeling experiment.
     * These distance redistance restraints may be derived from various kinds of experiments.
     * @return IhmDerivedDistanceRestraint
    public IhmDerivedDistanceRestraint getIhmDerivedDistanceRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_derived_distance_restraint", IhmDerivedDistanceRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_DERIVED_ANGLE_RESTRAINT category records the
     * list of angle restraints used in the integrative modeling experiment.
     * These angle restraints may be derived from various kinds of experiments.
     * @return IhmDerivedAngleRestraint
    public IhmDerivedAngleRestraint getIhmDerivedAngleRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_derived_angle_restraint", IhmDerivedAngleRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_DERIVED_DIHEDRAL_RESTRAINT category records the
     * list of dihedral restraints used in the integrative modeling experiment.
     * These dihedral restraints may be derived from various kinds of experiments.
     * @return IhmDerivedDihedralRestraint
    public IhmDerivedDihedralRestraint getIhmDerivedDihedralRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_derived_dihedral_restraint", IhmDerivedDihedralRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GEOMETRIC_OBJECT_LIST category records the list of
     * geometric objects used as restraints in the integrative modeling study.
     * @return IhmGeometricObjectList
    public IhmGeometricObjectList getIhmGeometricObjectList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_geometric_object_list", IhmGeometricObjectList::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GEOMETRIC_OBJECT_CENTER category records the center of
     * geometric objects used as restraints in the integrative modeling study.
     * @return IhmGeometricObjectCenter
    public IhmGeometricObjectCenter getIhmGeometricObjectCenter() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_geometric_object_center", IhmGeometricObjectCenter::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GEOMETRIC_OBJECT_TRANSFORMATION category records the
     * details of the rotation matrix and translation vector applied for transforming
     * the geometric object.
     * If no transformation is provide, identity transformation is assumed.
     * @return IhmGeometricObjectTransformation
    public IhmGeometricObjectTransformation getIhmGeometricObjectTransformation() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_geometric_object_transformation", IhmGeometricObjectTransformation::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GEOMETRIC_OBJECT_SPHERE category records the parameters of
     * a sphere.
     * @return IhmGeometricObjectSphere
    public IhmGeometricObjectSphere getIhmGeometricObjectSphere() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_geometric_object_sphere", IhmGeometricObjectSphere::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GEOMETRIC_OBJECT_TORUS category records the parameters of
     * a torus. By definition, the base plane of the torus is the XY plane. The
     * `ihm_geometric_object_transformation` category can be used to generate
     * transformations to any other plane.
     * @return IhmGeometricObjectTorus
    public IhmGeometricObjectTorus getIhmGeometricObjectTorus() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_geometric_object_torus", IhmGeometricObjectTorus::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GEOMETRIC_OBJECT_HALF_TORUS category records the parameters of
     * half-torus that represents a membrane.
     * @return IhmGeometricObjectHalfTorus
    public IhmGeometricObjectHalfTorus getIhmGeometricObjectHalfTorus() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_geometric_object_half_torus", IhmGeometricObjectHalfTorus::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GEOMETRIC_OBJECT_AXIS category records the details of
     * an axis used in a spatial restraint.
     * @return IhmGeometricObjectAxis
    public IhmGeometricObjectAxis getIhmGeometricObjectAxis() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_geometric_object_axis", IhmGeometricObjectAxis::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GEOMETRIC_OBJECT_PLANE category records the details of
     * a plane used in a spatial restraint.
     * @return IhmGeometricObjectPlane
    public IhmGeometricObjectPlane getIhmGeometricObjectPlane() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_geometric_object_plane", IhmGeometricObjectPlane::new);

     * Data items in the IHM_GEOMETRIC_OBJECT_DISTANCE_RESTRAINT category records the
     * details of distance restraints involving geometric objects.
     * If the geometric object involved is a plane, then the distance
     * is along the normal following the right-hand rule.
     * So for the xy plane, distance is along the z axis in the positive
     * direction, 'above' the plane such that negative distances
     * corresponded to positions below the plane.
     * @return IhmGeometricObjectDistanceRestraint
    public IhmGeometricObjectDistanceRestraint getIhmGeometricObjectDistanceRestraint() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ihm_geometric_object_distance_restraint", IhmGeometricObjectDistanceRestraint::new);

     * Data items in the MA_MODEL_LIST category record the
     * details of the models being deposited.
     * @return MaModelList
    public MaModelList getMaModelList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_model_list", MaModelList::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TEMPLATE_DETAILS category record details about
     * the structural templates used in to obtain the homology/comparative models.
     * The template can be a polymer or a non-polymer and can be either
     * referenced from an existing database or can be a customized
     * template provided by the user.
     * @return MaTemplateDetails
    public MaTemplateDetails getMaTemplateDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_template_details", MaTemplateDetails::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TEMPLATE_POLY category record details about
     * the polymeric structural templates used in homology/comparative modeling.
     * @return MaTemplatePoly
    public MaTemplatePoly getMaTemplatePoly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_template_poly", MaTemplatePoly::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TEMPLATE_NON_POLY category record details about
     * the non-polymeric structural templates used in the homology/comparative
     * modeling.
     * @return MaTemplateNonPoly
    public MaTemplateNonPoly getMaTemplateNonPoly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_template_non_poly", MaTemplateNonPoly::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TEMPLATE_POLY_SEGMENT category record details about
     * the segments of the structural templates used in the homology/comparative
     * modeling.
     * @return MaTemplatePolySegment
    public MaTemplatePolySegment getMaTemplatePolySegment() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_template_poly_segment", MaTemplatePolySegment::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TEMPLATE_REF_DB_DETAILS category record details about
     * the structural templates obtained from the reference database.
     * @return MaTemplateRefDbDetails
    public MaTemplateRefDbDetails getMaTemplateRefDbDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_template_ref_db_details", MaTemplateRefDbDetails::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TEMPLATE_CUSTOMIZED category record details about
     * the customized structural templates that are not from a reference database.
     * @return MaTemplateCustomized
    public MaTemplateCustomized getMaTemplateCustomized() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_template_customized", MaTemplateCustomized::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TEMPLATE_TRANS_MATRIX category records the
     * details of the transformation matrix applied to the structural template
     * to generate the starting structure used in the current modeling.
     * The template can be a polymer or a non-polymer and can be either
     * referenced from an existing database or can be a customized
     * template provided by the user.
     * @return MaTemplateTransMatrix
    public MaTemplateTransMatrix getMaTemplateTransMatrix() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_template_trans_matrix", MaTemplateTransMatrix::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TARGET_ENTITY category record details about
     * the target entities. The details are provided for each entity
     * being modeled.
     * @return MaTargetEntity
    public MaTargetEntity getMaTargetEntity() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_target_entity", MaTargetEntity::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TARGET_ENTITY_INSTANCE category record details about
     * the instances of target entities modeled.
     * @return MaTargetEntityInstance
    public MaTargetEntityInstance getMaTargetEntityInstance() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_target_entity_instance", MaTargetEntityInstance::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TARGET_REF_DB_DETAILS category record details about
     * the reference databases for the target sequences.
     * @return MaTargetRefDbDetails
    public MaTargetRefDbDetails getMaTargetRefDbDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_target_ref_db_details", MaTargetRefDbDetails::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TARGET_TEMPLATE_MAPPING category record details about
     * the mappings of the polymeric targets to the structural templates.
     * @return MaTargetTemplatePolyMapping
    public MaTargetTemplatePolyMapping getMaTargetTemplatePolyMapping() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_target_template_poly_mapping", MaTargetTemplatePolyMapping::new);

     * Data items in the MA_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY category records the
     * details of the structural assemblies modeled.
     * @return MaStructAssembly
    public MaStructAssembly getMaStructAssembly() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_struct_assembly", MaStructAssembly::new);

     * Data items in the MA_STRUCT_ASSEMBLY_DETAILS category provides
     * additional details regarding the structure assembly.
     * @return MaStructAssemblyDetails
    public MaStructAssemblyDetails getMaStructAssemblyDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_struct_assembly_details", MaStructAssemblyDetails::new);

     * Data items in the MA_ALIGNMENT_INFO category record
     * list of target-template alignments (pairwise as well as
     * multiple-sequence alignments) used in the homology/comparative modeling.
     * Additional details are included in the MA_ALIGNMENT_DETAILS category
     * and the actual alignments are captured in the MA_ALIGNMENT category.
     * @return MaAlignmentInfo
    public MaAlignmentInfo getMaAlignmentInfo() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_alignment_info", MaAlignmentInfo::new);

     * Data items in the MA_ALIGNMENT_DETAILS category record
     * details of the target-template pairwise and multiple sequence
     * alignments used in the homology/comparative modeling.
     * The actual alignments are captured in the MA_ALIGNMENT category.
     * @return MaAlignmentDetails
    public MaAlignmentDetails getMaAlignmentDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_alignment_details", MaAlignmentDetails::new);

     * Data items in the MA_ALIGMNENT category record details about
     * the relationship between the sequences of the target and the
     * structural template obtained through multiple sequence alignment
     * methods. Alignments can be fully gapped or partial.
     * @return MaAlignment
    public MaAlignment getMaAlignment() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_alignment", MaAlignment::new);

     * Data items in the MA_TEMPLATE_COORD category records the coordinates
     * for customized structural templates used in model building. These are
     * provided by the user and not referenced from an existing database.
     * @return MaTemplateCoord
    public MaTemplateCoord getMaTemplateCoord() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_template_coord", MaTemplateCoord::new);

     * Data items in the MA_DATA category capture the different kinds of
     * data used in the modeling. These can be multiple sequence
     * alignments, spatial restraints, template structures etc.
     * @return MaData
    public MaData getMaData() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_data", MaData::new);

     * Data items in the MA_DATA_GROUP category describes the
     * collection of data into groups so that they can be used
     * efficiently in the MA_PROTOCOL_STEP category.
     * @return MaDataGroup
    public MaDataGroup getMaDataGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_data_group", MaDataGroup::new);

     * Data items in the MA_DATA_REF_DB category capture the details regarding
     * reference databases used in the modeling. These include the
     * sequence databases used for template search, alignments, etc.
     * @return MaDataRefDb
    public MaDataRefDb getMaDataRefDb() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_data_ref_db", MaDataRefDb::new);

     * Data items in the MA_COEVOLUTION_SEQ_DB_REF category record details about
     * the reference database identifiers for the sequences in the coevolution
     * multiple sequence alignments.
     * @return MaCoevolutionSeqDbRef
    public MaCoevolutionSeqDbRef getMaCoevolutionSeqDbRef() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_coevolution_seq_db_ref", MaCoevolutionSeqDbRef::new);

     * Data items in the MA_COEVOLUTION_MSA category record details about
     * the coevolution multiple sequence alignments.
     * @return MaCoevolutionMsa
    public MaCoevolutionMsa getMaCoevolutionMsa() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_coevolution_msa", MaCoevolutionMsa::new);

     * Data items in the MA_COEVOLUTION_MSA_DETAILS category record details about
     * the coevolution MSA used in the modeling.
     * @return MaCoevolutionMsaDetails
    public MaCoevolutionMsaDetails getMaCoevolutionMsaDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_coevolution_msa_details", MaCoevolutionMsaDetails::new);

     * Data items in the MA_RESTRAINTS category provides the
     * list of the different types of spatial restraints used
     * in the modeling.
     * @return MaRestraints
    public MaRestraints getMaRestraints() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_restraints", MaRestraints::new);

     * Data items in the MA_DISTANCE_RESTRAINTS category records the
     * list of distance restraints used in the modeling.
     * These distances can be atomic or residue-wise distances.
     * This has been adapted from the widely used CASP RR format
     * (
     * These distances may be derived from various coevolution MSA or other
     * exeperimental or computational methods.
     * @return MaDistanceRestraints
    public MaDistanceRestraints getMaDistanceRestraints() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_distance_restraints", MaDistanceRestraints::new);

     * Data items in the MA_ANGLE_RESTRAINTS category captures the
     * details of angle restraints between atoms. Each angle is spanned
     * from atom one to atom three. Each atom defining the angle can be
     * part of any entity present and does not originate in the same
     * entity.
     * @return MaAngleRestraints
    public MaAngleRestraints getMaAngleRestraints() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_angle_restraints", MaAngleRestraints::new);

     * Data items in the MA_DIHEDRAL_RESTRAINTS category captures the
     * details of dihedral restraints between atoms. A dihedral is spanned
     * sequentially from atom one to atom four.
     * @return MaDihedralRestraints
    public MaDihedralRestraints getMaDihedralRestraints() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_dihedral_restraints", MaDihedralRestraints::new);

     * Data items in the MA_RESTRAINTS_GROUP category captures the
     * details of groups of restraints used in the modeling.
     * @return MaRestraintsGroup
    public MaRestraintsGroup getMaRestraintsGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_restraints_group", MaRestraintsGroup::new);

     * Data items in the MA_PROTOCOL_STEP category captures the
     * details of the modeling protocol and individial steps
     * within each protocol.
     * @return MaProtocolStep
    public MaProtocolStep getMaProtocolStep() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_protocol_step", MaProtocolStep::new);

     * Data items in the MA_SOFTWARE_GROUP category describes the
     * collection of software into groups so that they can be used
     * efficiently in the MA_PROTOCOL_STEP category.
     * @return MaSoftwareGroup
    public MaSoftwareGroup getMaSoftwareGroup() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_software_group", MaSoftwareGroup::new);

     * Data items in the MA_SOFTWARE_PARAMETER category record the
     * details of the software parameters used in the modeling
     * protocol steps.
     * @return MaSoftwareParameter
    public MaSoftwareParameter getMaSoftwareParameter() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_software_parameter", MaSoftwareParameter::new);

     * Data items in the MA_POLY_TEMPLATE_LIBRARY_DETAILS category record details
     * about the polymeric template libraries used in the modeling.
     * @return MaPolyTemplateLibraryDetails
    public MaPolyTemplateLibraryDetails getMaPolyTemplateLibraryDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_poly_template_library_details", MaPolyTemplateLibraryDetails::new);

     * Data items in the MA_POLY_TEMPLATE_LIBRARY_LIST category carries the list of
     * templates used to build a template library.
     * @return MaPolyTemplateLibraryList
    public MaPolyTemplateLibraryList getMaPolyTemplateLibraryList() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_poly_template_library_list", MaPolyTemplateLibraryList::new);

     * Data items in the MA_POLY_TEMPLATE_LIBRARY_COMPONENTS category record details about
     * the components in a template library.
     * @return MaPolyTemplateLibraryComponents
    public MaPolyTemplateLibraryComponents getMaPolyTemplateLibraryComponents() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_poly_template_library_components", MaPolyTemplateLibraryComponents::new);

     * Data items in the MA_QA_METRIC category record the
     * details of the metrics use to assess model quality.
     * @return MaQaMetric
    public MaQaMetric getMaQaMetric() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_qa_metric", MaQaMetric::new);

     * Data items in the MA_QA_METRIC_GLOBAL category captures the
     * details of the global QA metrics, calculated at the model-level.
     * @return MaQaMetricGlobal
    public MaQaMetricGlobal getMaQaMetricGlobal() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_qa_metric_global", MaQaMetricGlobal::new);

     * Data items in the MA_QA_METRIC_LOCAL category captures the
     * details of the local QA metrics, calculated at the residue-level.
     * @return MaQaMetricLocal
    public MaQaMetricLocal getMaQaMetricLocal() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_qa_metric_local", MaQaMetricLocal::new);

     * Data items in the MA_QA_METRIC_LOCAL_PAIRWISE category captures the
     * details of the local QA metrics, calculated at the pairwise residue level.
     * @return MaQaMetricLocalPairwise
    public MaQaMetricLocalPairwise getMaQaMetricLocalPairwise() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_qa_metric_local_pairwise", MaQaMetricLocalPairwise::new);

     * Data items in the MA_ENTRY_ASSOCIATED_FILES category record the
     * details of additional files associated with the entry. These may
     * be multiple sequence alignment files, restraint data files, files
     * containing quality assessment scores, or validation reports. The
     * files may be listed separately or as an archive file (zip/gzip).
     * @return MaEntryAssociatedFiles
    public MaEntryAssociatedFiles getMaEntryAssociatedFiles() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_entry_associated_files", MaEntryAssociatedFiles::new);

     * Data items in the MA_ASSOCIATED_ARCHIVE_FILE_DETAILS category record the
     * details of files within an associated archive file (zip/gzip). These may
     * be multiple sequence alignment files, restraint data files, files
     * containing quality assessment scores, or validation reports.
     * @return MaAssociatedArchiveFileDetails
    public MaAssociatedArchiveFileDetails getMaAssociatedArchiveFileDetails() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_associated_archive_file_details", MaAssociatedArchiveFileDetails::new);

     * Data items in the MA_CHEM_COMP_DESCRIPTOR category record the
     * details of the chemical components that are defined locally
     * within the mmCIF file instance.
     * @return MaChemCompDescriptor
    public MaChemCompDescriptor getMaChemCompDescriptor() {
        return delegate.getCategory("ma_chem_comp_descriptor", MaChemCompDescriptor::new);


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