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org.rcsb.cif.schema.generator.SchemaGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.rcsb.cif.schema.generator;

import org.rcsb.cif.CifIO;
import org.rcsb.cif.model.Block;
import org.rcsb.cif.model.Category;
import org.rcsb.cif.model.CifFile;
import org.rcsb.cif.model.Column;
import org.rcsb.cif.model.FloatColumn;
import org.rcsb.cif.model.IntColumn;
import org.rcsb.cif.model.StrColumn;
import org.rcsb.cif.schema.DelegatingColumn;
import org.rcsb.cif.schema.DelegatingFloatColumn;
import org.rcsb.cif.schema.DelegatingIntColumn;
import org.rcsb.cif.schema.DelegatingStrColumn;
import org.rcsb.cif.schema.StandardSchemata;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Creates a type-safe data model using a CIF dictionary.
public class SchemaGenerator {
    private static final String BASE_PACKAGE = "org.rcsb.cif.schema.";
    private static final String RE_MATRIX_FIELD = "\\[[1-3]]\\[[1-3]]";
    private static final String RE_VECTOR_FIELD = "\\[[1-3]]";
    private static final List FORCE_INT_FIELDS =

    private static final String FILE = loadTemplate("File.tpl");
    private static final String FILE_BUILDER = loadTemplate("FileBuilder.tpl");
    private static final String BLOCK = loadTemplate("Block.tpl");
    private static final String BLOCK_FLAT = loadTemplate("BlockFlat.tpl");
    private static final String CASE = loadTemplate("Case.tpl");
    private static final String BLOCK_GETTER = loadTemplate("BlockGetter.tpl");
    private static final String BLOCK_GETTER_FLAT = loadTemplate("BlockGetterFlat.tpl");
    private static final String CATEGORY = loadTemplate("Category.tpl");
    private static final String CATEGORY_FLAT = loadTemplate("CategoryFlat.tpl");
    private static final String CATEGORY_GETTER = loadTemplate("CategoryGetter.tpl");
    private static final String CATEGORY_GETTER_FLAT = loadTemplate("CategoryGetterFlat.tpl");

    private static final String BLOCK_BUILDER = loadTemplate("BlockBuilder.tpl");
    private static final String BLOCK_BUILDER_FLAT = loadTemplate("BlockBuilderFlat.tpl");
    private static final String CATEGORY_BUILDER = loadTemplate("CategoryBuilder.tpl");
    private static final String CATEGORY_BUILDER_FLAT = loadTemplate("CategoryBuilderFlat.tpl");
    private static final String CATEGORY_BUILDER_ENTER = loadTemplate("CategoryBuilderEnter.tpl");
    private static final String COLUMN_BUILDER = loadTemplate("ColumnBuilder.tpl");
    private static final String COLUMN_BUILDER_ENTER = loadTemplate("ColumnBuilderEnter.tpl");

    private static String loadTemplate(String name) {
        return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("templates/" + name)))

    private final String schemaName;
    private final String schemaEnum;
    private final String packageName;
    private final boolean flat;
    private final Map schema;
    private final Map categories;
    private final Map links;
    private final Map> imports;
    private final Map> rawAliases;
    private final List> aliases;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        new SchemaGenerator("MmCif", "MMCIF", "mm", false,
                ""); // model-extension for predicted models

        new SchemaGenerator("CifCore", "CIF_CORE", "core", true,
                ""); // has to be last

        // NMR Exchange Format - TODO special usage of save-frames
//        new SchemaGenerator("Nef", "NEF", "nef", false,
//                "");

    static String toClassName(String rawName) {
        String name = Pattern.compile("_").splitAsStream(rawName)
                .map(s -> s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1))
                // remove invalid characters
                .replaceAll("[/\\\\\\- \t`~!@#$%^&*()=+{}|;:'\",<.>?]", "_")
                .replaceAll("_+", "_")
                .replace("[", "")
                .replace("]", "");
        if (name.endsWith("_")) {
            name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1);
        if (name.equals("Class")) {
            return "Clazz";
        } else if (Character.isDigit(name.charAt(0))) {
            return "_" + name;
        return name;

    private void writeClasses() throws IOException {
        // create or clear out destination directory
        // be careful with this and point to temp directory when in trouble - the impl must be in a healthy state to
        // bootstrap itself and generate schema-related code
        Path projectPath = Paths.get(new File("").getAbsolutePath());
        String basePackagePath = BASE_PACKAGE.substring(0, BASE_PACKAGE.length() - 1).replace(".", "/");
        Path packagePath = projectPath.resolve("src").resolve("main").resolve("java").resolve(basePackagePath).resolve(packageName);

        if (Files.exists(packagePath)) {
            try (Stream paths = Files.list(packagePath)) {
                paths.filter(p -> !Files.isDirectory(p))
                        .forEach(p -> {
                            try {
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } else {

        writeFiles(schema, packagePath);

    private void writeFiles(Map content, Path path) throws IOException {
        Set alreadyWritten = new TreeSet<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
        String blockName = schemaName + "Block";
        String file = FILE.replace("{packageName}", packageName)
                .replace("{schemaName}", schemaName);
        String fileBuilder = FILE_BUILDER.replace("{packageName}", packageName)
                .replace("{schemaName}", schemaName)
                .replace("{schemaEnum}", schemaEnum);
        String block = (flat ? BLOCK_FLAT : BLOCK).replace("{packageName}", packageName)
                .replace("{schemaName}", schemaName);
        String blockBuilder = (flat ? BLOCK_BUILDER_FLAT : BLOCK_BUILDER).replace("{packageName}", packageName)
                .replace("{schemaName}", schemaName);
        String categoryBuilder = (flat ? CATEGORY_BUILDER_FLAT : CATEGORY_BUILDER).replace("{packageName}", packageName)
                .replace("{schemaName}", schemaName);

        StringJoiner getters = new StringJoiner("\n");
        StringJoiner cases = new StringJoiner("\n");
        StringJoiner enters = new StringJoiner("\n");
        StringJoiner categoryEnters = new StringJoiner("\n");

        for (Map.Entry entry : content.entrySet()) {
            String categoryName = entry.getKey();
            Table category = entry.getValue();

            if (!alreadyWritten.add(categoryName)) {
                System.err.println("skipping " + categoryName);

            String categoryClassName = toClassName(categoryName);
            String description = prepareDescription(category.getDescription(), "     * ");
            if (flat) {
                getters.add(BLOCK_GETTER_FLAT.replace("{categoryDescription}", description)
                        .replace("{categoryClassName}", categoryClassName)
                        .replace("{categoryName}", categoryName));
            } else {
                getters.add(BLOCK_GETTER.replace("{categoryDescription}", description)
                        .replace("{categoryClassName}", categoryClassName)
                        .replace("{categoryName}", categoryName));

            writeCategory(category.getDescription(), categoryClassName, entry.getValue(), path, categoryName, categoryClassName, categoryEnters);

            // delegation function
            cases.add(CASE.replace("{name}", categoryName)
                    .replace("{className}", categoryClassName));

            // builder
            String enter = CATEGORY_BUILDER_ENTER.replace("{schemaName}", schemaName)
                    .replace("{categoryClassName}", categoryClassName);

        block = block.replace("{cases}", cases.toString())
                .replace("{getters}", getters.toString());
        blockBuilder = blockBuilder.replace("{enters}", enters.toString());
        categoryBuilder = categoryBuilder.replace("{enters}", categoryEnters.toString());

        Files.write(path.resolve(schemaName + ""), file.getBytes());
        Files.write(path.resolve(schemaName + ""), fileBuilder.getBytes());
        Files.write(path.resolve(schemaName + ""), blockBuilder.getBytes());
        Files.write(path.resolve(schemaName + ""), categoryBuilder.getBytes());
        Files.write(path.resolve(blockName + ".java"), block.getBytes());

    private String prepareDescription(String description, String prefix) {
        return Pattern.compile("\n").splitAsStream(description.trim())
                .map(s -> prefix + s)
                .replace("TODO", ""); // remove TODOs from description

    private void writeCategory(String categoryDescription, String className, Table content, Path path, String categoryName,
                               String categoryClassName, StringJoiner categoryEnters) throws IOException {
        if (!Files.exists(path)) {

        categoryDescription = prepareDescription(categoryDescription, " * ");
        String category = (flat ? CATEGORY_FLAT : CATEGORY).replace("{packageName}", packageName)
                .replace("{schemaName}", schemaName)
                .replace("{categoryDescription}", categoryDescription)
                .replace("{categoryClassName}", categoryClassName)
                .replace("{categoryName}", categoryName);

        StringJoiner getters = new StringJoiner("\n");
        StringJoiner cases = new StringJoiner("\n");
        StringJoiner enters = new StringJoiner("\n");

        for (Map.Entry entry : content.getColumns().entrySet()) {
            String columnName = entry.getKey();
            String flatName = categoryName + "_" + columnName;
            Col column = (Col) entry.getValue();

            // check if there is a alias in place here - if so handled specifically lateron
            if (
                    .anyMatch(list -> list.contains(categoryName + "." + columnName))) {

            String columnClassName = toClassName(columnName);
            Class baseClass = getBaseClass(column.getType());
            String baseClassName = baseClass.getSimpleName();

            String description = prepareDescription(column.getDescription(), "     * ");
            getters.add((flat ? CATEGORY_GETTER_FLAT : CATEGORY_GETTER).replace("{columnDescription}", description)
                    .replace("{baseClassName}", baseClassName)
                    .replace("{columnClassName}", columnClassName)
                    .replace("{columnName}", columnName)
                    .replace("{modifier}", "")
                    .replace("{aliases}", "\"" + flatName + "\""));

            cases.add(CASE.replace("{name}", columnName)
                    .replace("{className}", columnClassName));

            enters.add(COLUMN_BUILDER_ENTER.replace("{schemaName}", schemaName)
                    .replace("{baseClassName}", baseClassName)
                    .replace("{categoryClassName}", categoryClassName)
                    .replace("{columnClassName}", columnClassName)
                    .replace("{columnName}", columnName));

        // aliases
        Set processed = new HashSet<>();
                .filter(set -> -> n.split("\\.")[0].equals(categoryName)))
                .forEach(set -> {
                            .filter(n -> n.startsWith(categoryName))
                            .forEach(cn -> {
                                String as =
                                        .map(n -> n.replace(".", "_"))
                                        .map(n -> "\"" + n + "\"")
                                        .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
                                boolean multiple = as.split(",").length > 1;
                                Col column = (Col)
                                        .map(n -> n.split("\\."))
                                        .filter(s -> schema.containsKey(s[0]) && schema.get(s[0]).getColumns().containsKey(s[1]))
                                        .map(s -> schema.get(s[0]).getColumns().get(s[1]))
                                        .orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException());
                                String columnClassName = toClassName(cn.split("\\.")[1]);
                                if (processed.contains(columnClassName)) {
                                Class baseClass = getBaseClass(column.getType());
                                Class delegatingBaseClass = getDelegatingBaseClass(column.getType());
                                String baseClassName = baseClass.getSimpleName();

                                String description = prepareDescription(column.getDescription(), "     * ");
                                getters.add(CATEGORY_GETTER_FLAT.replace("{columnDescription}", description)
                                        .replace("{baseClassName}", baseClassName)
                                        .replace("{columnClassName}", columnClassName)
                                        .replace("{modifier}", multiple ? "Aliased" : "")
                                        .replace("{aliases}", as));

                                enters.add(COLUMN_BUILDER_ENTER.replace("{schemaName}", schemaName)
                                        .replace("{baseClassName}", baseClassName)
                                        .replace("{categoryClassName}", categoryClassName)
                                        .replace("{columnClassName}", columnClassName)
                                        .replace("{columnName}", cn.split("\\.")[1]));

        category = category.replace("{cases}", cases.toString())
                .replace("{getters}", getters.toString());

        categoryEnters.add(COLUMN_BUILDER.replace("{schemaName}", schemaName)
                .replace("{categoryClassName}", categoryClassName)
                .replace("{categoryName}", categoryName)
                .replace("{columnEnters}", enters.toString()));

        Files.write(path.resolve(className + ".java"), category.getBytes());

    private Class getBaseClass(String type) {
        // TODO enums, lists, matrix, and vector would be nice to have
        switch (type) {
            case "coord":
                return FloatColumn.class;
            case "enum":
                return StrColumn.class;
            case "float":
                return FloatColumn.class;
            case "int":
                return IntColumn.class;
            case "list":
                return StrColumn.class;
            case "matrix":
                return FloatColumn.class;
            case "str":
                return StrColumn.class;
            case "vector":
                return FloatColumn.class;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type " + type);

    private Class getDelegatingBaseClass(String type) {
        switch (type) {
            case "coord":
                return DelegatingFloatColumn.class;
            case "enum":
                return DelegatingStrColumn.class;
            case "float":
                return DelegatingFloatColumn.class;
            case "int":
                return DelegatingIntColumn.class;
            case "list":
                return DelegatingStrColumn.class;
            case "matrix":
                return DelegatingFloatColumn.class;
            case "str":
                return DelegatingStrColumn.class;
            case "vector":
                return DelegatingFloatColumn.class;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type " + type);

    private SchemaGenerator(String schemaName, String schemaEnum, String packageName, boolean flat, String... resource) throws IOException {
        this.schemaName = schemaName;
        this.schemaEnum = schemaEnum;
        this.packageName = packageName;
        this.flat = flat;
        this.schema = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        this.categories = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        this.links = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        this.imports = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        this.rawAliases = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        this.aliases = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String res : resource) {
            System.out.println("Loading dictionary from: " + res);
            CifFile cifFile = CifIO.readFromInputStream(preprocess(res));
            if (schemaName.equals("MmCif")) {
            } else if (schemaName.equals("CifCore")) {

            // acquire metadata
            Category dictionary = cifFile.getBlocks().get(0).getCategory("dictionary");
            String title = dictionary.isDefined() ? dictionary.getColumn("title").getStringData(0) : res.substring(res.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            String version = dictionary.isDefined() ? dictionary.getColumn("version").getStringData(0) : "draft";
            System.out.println(title + " with version " + version);

        if (flat) { // TODO alias support in mmCIF

        System.out.println("Finished file generation");
        try {
            Field field = StandardSchemata.class.getField(schemaEnum);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Schema with name '" + schemaEnum + "' must be explicitly added to!");

    private InputStream preprocess(String res) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream inputStream = new URL(res).openStream()) {
            String content = new String(readAllBytes(inputStream), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
            // this is needed for
            // TODO proper CIF 2.0 (or at least list support, or at the very least don't hard-code this here...)
            content = content.replace("[translucent  pale  green]", "'[translucent  pale  green]'");
            return new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

    private byte[] readAllBytes(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
        final int bufLen = 4 * 0x400; // 4KB
        byte[] buf = new byte[bufLen];
        int readLen;
        IOException exception = null;

        try {
            try (ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
                while ((readLen =, 0, bufLen)) != -1)
                    outputStream.write(buf, 0, readLen);

                return outputStream.toByteArray();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            exception = e;
            throw e;
        } finally {
            if (exception == null) {
            } else {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

    private void getFieldData() {
        categories.forEach((fullName, saveFrame) -> {
            String header = saveFrame.getBlockHeader();
            String categoryName = header.substring(header.startsWith("_") ? 1 : 0, header.contains(".") ? header.indexOf(".") : header.length());
            String itemName = header.substring(header.indexOf(".") + 1);
            Map fields = new LinkedHashMap<>();

            // handle imports
            if (saveFrame.getCategories().containsKey("import")) {
                        .filter(i -> imports.containsKey( && !imports.get(
                        .map(i -> imports.get(
                        .forEach(i -> saveFrame.getCategories().putAll(i));

            if (schema.containsKey(categoryName)) {
                fields = schema.get(categoryName).getColumns();
            } else if (schema.containsKey(categoryName.toLowerCase())) {
                fields = schema.get(categoryName.toLowerCase()).getColumns();
                // take case from category name in 'field' data as it is better if data is from cif dictionaries
                schema.put(categoryName, schema.get(categoryName.toLowerCase()));
            } else {
                System.err.println("category " + categoryName + " has no metadata");
                fields = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                schema.put(categoryName, new Table("", new HashSet<>(), fields));

            List itemAliases = getAliases(saveFrame);
            if (!itemAliases.isEmpty()) {
                rawAliases.put(categoryName + "." + itemName, itemAliases);

            String description = getDescription(saveFrame);

            // need to use regex to check for matrix or vector items
            // as sub_category assignment is missing for some entries
            String subCategory = getSubCategory(saveFrame);
            if ("cartesian_coordinate".equals(subCategory) || "fractional_coordinate".equals(subCategory)) {
                fields.put(itemName, new CoordCol(description));
            } else if (FORCE_INT_FIELDS.contains(header)) {
                fields.put(itemName, new IntCol(description));
            } else if ("matrix".equals(subCategory)) {
                fields.put(itemName, new MatrixCol(description));
            } else if ("vector".equals(subCategory)) {
                fields.put(itemName, new VectorCol(description));
            } else {
                if (itemName.matches(RE_MATRIX_FIELD)) {
                    fields.put(itemName, new MatrixCol(description));
                } else if (itemName.matches(RE_VECTOR_FIELD)) {
                    fields.put(itemName, new VectorCol(description));
                } else {
                    List code = getCode(saveFrame);
                    if (!code.isEmpty()) {
                        Col fieldType = getFieldType(code.get(0), description, code.subList(1, code.size()));
                        fields.put(itemName, fieldType);

    private List getAliases(Block saveFrame) {
        Column field = getField("item_aliases", "alias_name", saveFrame);
        if (field == null || !field.isDefined()) {
            field = getField("alias", "definition_id", saveFrame);
        Column column = field;
        if (column == null) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        return IntStream.range(0, field.getRowCount())
                .map(s -> s.substring(1))

    private Col getFieldType(String type, String description, List values) {
        switch (type) {
            // mmCIF
            case "code":
            case "ucode":
            case "line":
            case "uline":
            case "text":
            case "char":
            case "uchar3":
            case "uchar1":
            case "boolean":
                return values.isEmpty() ? new StrCol(description) : new EnumCol(values, "str", description);
            case "aliasname":
            case "name":
            case "idname":
            case "any":
            case "atcode":
            case "fax":
            case "phone":
            case "email":
            case "code30":
            case "seq-one-letter-code":
            case "author":
            case "orcid_id":
            case "sequence_dep":
            case "pdb_id":
            case "emd_id":
            // TODO consider adding specialised fields
            case "yyyy-mm-dd":
            case "yyyy-mm-dd:hh:mm":
            case "yyyy-mm-dd:hh:mm-flex":
            case "int-range":
            case "float-range":
            case "binary":
            case "operation_expression":
            case "point_symmetry":
            case "4x3_matrix":
            case "3x4_matrices":
            case "point_group":
            case "point_group_helical":
            case "symmetry_operation":
            case "date_dep":
            case "url":
            case "symop":
            case "exp_data_doi":
            case "asym_id":
                return new StrCol(description);
            case "int":
            case "non_negative_int":
            case "positive_int":
                return values.isEmpty() ? new IntCol(description) : new EnumCol(values, "int", description);
            case "float":
                return new FloatCol(description);
            case "ec-type":
            case "ucode-alphanum-csv":
            case "id_list":
                return new ListCol("str", ",", description);
            case "id_list_spc":
                return new ListCol("str", " ", description);

            // cif
            case "Text":
            case "Code":
            case "Complex":
            case "Symop":
            case "List":
            case "List(Real,Real)":
            case "List(Real,Real,Real,Real)":
            case "Date":
            case "Datetime":
            case "Tag":
            case "Implied":
//                return wrapContainer('str', ',', description, container);
                return new StrCol(description);
            case "Real":
//                return wrapContainer('float', ',', description, container);
                return new FloatCol(description);
            case "Integer":
//                return wrapContainer('int', ',', description, container);
                return new IntCol(description);

                return new StrCol(description);

    private List getCode(Block saveFrame) {
        Column code = getField("item_type", "code", saveFrame);
        if (code == null || !code.isDefined()) {
            code = getField("type", "contents", saveFrame);

        if (code != null && code.getRowCount() > 0) {
            return Stream.concat(Stream.of(code.getStringData(0)), getEnums(saveFrame)).collect(Collectors.toList());
        } else {
            return Collections.emptyList();

    private Stream getEnums(Block saveFrame) {
        Column value = getField("item_enumeration", "value", saveFrame);
        if (value != null) {
            return IntStream.range(0, value.getRowCount())
        } else {
            return Stream.empty();

    private String getSubCategory(Block saveFrame) {
        Column value = getField("item_sub_category", "id", saveFrame);
        if (value == null) {
            return "";
        return value.getStringData(0);

    private String getDescription(Block saveFrame) {
        Column value = getField("item_description", "description", saveFrame);
        if (value == null || !value.isDefined()) {
            value = getField("description", "text", saveFrame);
        if (value == null) {
            return null;
        String escapedDescription = escape(value.getStringData(0));
        return Pattern.compile("\n").splitAsStream(escapedDescription)
                .replaceAll("(\\[[1-3]])+ element", "elements")
                .replaceAll("(\\[[1-3]])+", "");

    private Column getField(String category, String field, Block saveFrame) {
        Category cat = saveFrame.getCategory(category);
        if (cat.isDefined()) {
            return cat.getColumn(field);
        } else if (links.containsKey(saveFrame.getBlockHeader())) {
            String linkName = links.get(saveFrame.getBlockHeader());
            Block block = categories.get(linkName);
            if (block != null) {
                return getField(category, field, block);
            } else {
                System.err.println("link " + linkName + "not found");
                return null;
        } else {
            return null;

    private void buildListOfLinksBetweenCategories(CifFile cifFile) {
                .filter(saveFrame -> saveFrame.getBlockHeader().startsWith("_") || saveFrame.getBlockHeader().contains("."))
                .forEach(saveFrame -> {
                    categories.put(saveFrame.getBlockHeader(), saveFrame);
                    Category item_linked = saveFrame.getCategory("item_linked");

                    if (item_linked == null) {

                    Column child_name = item_linked.getColumn("child_name");
                    Column parent_name = item_linked.getColumn("parent_name");

                    for (int i = 0; i < item_linked.getRowCount(); i++) {
                        String childName = child_name.getStringData(i);
                        String parentName = parent_name.getStringData(i);
                        links.put(childName, parentName);

    private void getCategoryMetadataMmcif(CifFile cifFile) {
                .filter(saveFrame -> !saveFrame.getBlockHeader().startsWith("_"))
                .forEach(saveFrame -> {
                    Set categoryKeyNames = new HashSet<>();
                    Column cifColumn = saveFrame.getCategory("category_key").getColumn("name");
                    for (int i = 0; i < cifColumn.getRowCount(); i++) {

                    String rawDescription = saveFrame.getCategory("category")
                    String escapedDescription = escape(rawDescription);
                    String description = Pattern.compile("\n")

                    schema.put(saveFrame.getBlockHeader(), new Table(description, categoryKeyNames,
                            new LinkedHashMap<>()));

    private void getCategoryMetadataCifCore(CifFile cifFile) {
        Block block = cifFile.getBlocks().get(0);
        final String cifCoreDicVersion = block.getCategory("dictionary").getColumn("version").getStringData(0);
        System.out.println("Dictionary versions: CifCore " + cifCoreDicVersion);

        if ("CORE_DIC".equals(cifFile.getBlocks().get(0).getBlockHeader())) {
                    // category definitions in cif don't include a '.'
                    .filter(saveFrame -> !saveFrame.getBlockHeader().contains("."))
                    .forEach(saveFrame -> {
                        Set categoryKeyNames = new HashSet<>();
                        String rawDescription = saveFrame.getCategory("description")
                        String escapedDescription = escape(rawDescription);
                        String description = Pattern.compile("\n")

                        schema.put(saveFrame.getBlockHeader().toLowerCase(), new Table(description, categoryKeyNames,
                                new LinkedHashMap<>()));
        } else {
            // resolve imports
                    .forEach(b -> {
                        Map map = imports.computeIfAbsent(b.getBlockHeader(), e -> new LinkedHashMap<>());

    private static final Pattern savePattern = Pattern.compile("('save'|\"save\"):([^ \t\n]+)");
    private static final Pattern filePattern = Pattern.compile("('file'|\"file\"):([^ \t\n]+)");

    private Stream parseImportGet(String s) {
        // [{'save':hi_ang_Fox_coeffs  'file':templ_attr.cif}   {'save':hi_ang_Fox_c0  'file':templ_enum.cif}]
        // [{"file":'templ_enum.cif' "save":'H_M_ref'}]
        // get rid of surrounding brackets
        s = s.trim().substring(2, s.length() - 2);
        return Pattern.compile("}\\s+\\{").splitAsStream(s)
                .map(split -> {
                    Matcher save = savePattern.matcher(split);
                    Matcher file = filePattern.matcher(split);
                    return new Import(save, file);

    private String escape(String description) {
        return description.replace("&", "&")
                .replace(">", ">")
                .replace("<", "<");

    static class Import {
        final String save;
        final String file;

        public Import(Matcher save, Matcher file) {
   = save.find() ?"['\"]", "") : null;
            this.file = file.find() ?"['\"]", "") : null;

        public boolean isValid() {
            return save != null && file != null;

        public String toString() {
            return "Import{" +
                    "save='" + save + '\'' +
                    ", file='" + file + '\'' +

    private void prepareAliases() {
        // filter and flip aliases
                .map(entry -> {
                    String target = entry.getKey();
                    String flatTarget = target.replace(".", "_");
                    List sources = entry.getValue().stream()
                            // mappings handled by data model
                            .filter(s -> !s.equals(flatTarget))
                            .filter(s -> s.contains("."))
                            .filter(s -> !target.equals(s))

                    // most will be empty as they just map between name with . and flat name
                    if (sources.isEmpty()) {
                        return Collections.emptyList();

//                    System.out.println("alias: " + sources + " -> " + target);

                    return sources;
                .filter(list -> !list.isEmpty())
                .forEach(list -> {
                    List alias = (List) list;

                    Optional> optional =
                            // find sets of name referencing this
                            .filter(set ->

                    if (optional.isPresent()) {
                    } else {

        // ensure new categories
                // map to individual names
                .map(name -> name.split("\\.")[0])
                .filter(categoryName -> !schema.containsKey(categoryName))
                .forEach(categoryName -> {
//                    System.out.println("additional category: " + categoryName);
                    schema.computeIfAbsent(categoryName, e -> new Table("", new HashSet<>(), new LinkedHashMap<>()));

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