org.rcsb.mmtf.api.StructureDataInterface Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.rcsb.mmtf.api;
* An interface describing the data API.
* The structural data is accessible through this interface via
* a flat structure, instead of the usual hierarchical
* data encountered in PDB structures: structure to model to chain to group to atom.
* Going back to a hierarchical view of the structure can be achieved by
* using the {@link #getChainsPerModel()}, {@link #getGroupsPerChain()} and
* {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()} methods so that the flat arrays can be reconstructed into
* a hierarchy.
* Please refer to the full MMTF specification available at
* http://mmtf.rcsb.org.
* Further reference can be found in the mmCIF dictionary.
* @author Anthony Bradley
* @author Jose Duarte
public interface StructureDataInterface {
* Returns an array containing the X coordinates of the atoms in Angstroms.
* @return an array of length the number of atoms in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumAtoms()}
float[] getxCoords();
* Returns an array containing the Y coordinates of the atoms in Angstroms.
* @return an array of length the number of atoms in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumAtoms()}
float[] getyCoords();
* Returns an array containing the Z coordinates of the atoms in Angstroms.
* @return an array of length the number of atoms in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumAtoms()}
float[] getzCoords();
* Returns an array containing the B-factors (temperature factors) of the atoms in Angstroms^2.
* @return an array of length the number of atoms in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumAtoms()}
float[] getbFactors();
* Returns an array containing the occupancy values of the atoms.
* @return an array of length the number of atoms in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumAtoms()}
float[] getOccupancies();
* Returns an array of atom serial ids (_atom_site.id in mmCIF dictionary).
* @return an array of length the number of atoms in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumAtoms()}
int[] getAtomIds();
* Returns an array of location ids of the atoms.
* '\0' specifies a lack of alt id.
* @return an array of length the number of atoms in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumAtoms()}
char[] getAltLocIds();
* Returns an array containing the insertion codes (pdbx_PDB_ins_code in mmCIF dictionary) for each residue (group).
* '\0' specifies a lack of insertion code.
* @return an array with insertion codes, of size {@link #getNumGroups()}
* @see #getGroupIds()
char[] getInsCodes();
* Returns an array containing residue numbers (auth_seq_id in mmCIF dictionary) for each residue (group).
* @return an array with with residue numbers, of size {@link #getNumGroups()}
* @see #getInsCodes()
int[] getGroupIds();
* Returns the group name for the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* to link groups to the 3 letter group name, e.g. HIS.
* @param groupInd The index of the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @return a 3 letter string specifiying the group name.
String getGroupName(int groupInd);
* Returns the number of atoms in the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @param groupInd The index of the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @return The number of atoms in the group
int getNumAtomsInGroup(int groupInd);
* Returns the atom names (e.g. CB) for the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* Atom names are unique for each unique atom in a group.
* @param groupInd The index of the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @return A list of strings for the atom names.
* */
String[] getGroupAtomNames(int groupInd);
* Returns the IUPAC element names (e.g. Ca is calcium) for the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @param groupInd the index of the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @return an array of strings for the element information.
* */
String[] getGroupElementNames(int groupInd);
* Returns the bond orders for the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* A list of integers indicating the bond orders
* @param groupInd the index of the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @return an array of integers (1,2 or 3) indicating the bond orders.
* */
int[] getGroupBondOrders(int groupInd);
* Returns the zero-based bond indices (in pairs) for the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* (e.g. 0,1 means there is bond between atom 0 and 1).
* @param groupInd the index of the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @return an array of integers specifying the bond indices (within the group). Indices are zero indexed.
* */
int[] getGroupBondIndices(int groupInd);
* Returns the atom charges for the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @param groupInd the index of the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @return an array of integers indicating the atomic charge for each atom in the group.
int[] getGroupAtomCharges(int groupInd);
* Returns the single letter amino acid code or nucleotide code for the
* group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @param groupInd the index of the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @return the single letter amino acid or nucleotide, 'X' if non-standard amino acid or nucleotide
char getGroupSingleLetterCode(int groupInd);
* Returns the chemical component type for the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @param groupInd The index of the group specified in {@link #getGroupTypeIndices()}.
* @return a string (taken from the chemical component dictionary) indicating
* the type of the group. Corresponds to
* http://mmcif.wwpdb.org/dictionaries/mmcif_pdbx.dic/Items/_chem_comp.type.html
String getGroupChemCompType(int groupInd);
* Returns an array containing indices to be used to obtain group level information,
* e.g. through {@link #getGroupAtomCharges(int)}.
* @return an array of length the number of groups (residues) in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumGroups()}
int[] getGroupTypeIndices();
* Returns an array containing the indices of groups (residues) in their corresponding sequences,
* obtainable through {@link #getEntitySequence(int)}.
* The indices are 0-based and specified per entity, -1 indicates the group is not present in the sequence.
* @return an array of length the number of groups (residues) in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumGroups()}
int[] getGroupSequenceIndices();
* Returns an array of internal chain identifiers (asym_ids in mmCIF dictionary), of length the
* number of chains (polymeric, non-polymeric and water) in the structure.
* @return an array of length the number of chains in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumChains()}
* @see #getChainNames()
String[] getChainIds();
* Returns an array of public chain identifiers (auth_ids in mmCIF dictionary), of length the
* number of chains (polymeric, non-polymeric and water) in the structure.
* @return an array of length the number of chains in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumChains()}
* @see #getChainIds()
String[] getChainNames();
* Returns an array containing the number of chains (polymeric/non-polymeric/water) in each model.
* @return an array of length the number of models in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumModels()}
int[] getChainsPerModel();
* Returns an array containing the number of groups (residues) in each chain.
* @return an array of length the number of chains in the structure, obtainable with {@link #getNumChains()}
int[] getGroupsPerChain();
* Returns the space group of the structure.
* @return the space group name (e.g. "P 21 21 21") or null if the structure is not crystallographic
String getSpaceGroup();
* Returns the 6 floats that describe the unit cell.
* @return an array of size 6 with the unit cell parameters in order: a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma
float[] getUnitCell();
* Returns the number of bioassemblies in this structure.
* @return the number of bioassemblies.
int getNumBioassemblies();
* Returns the number of transformations in a given bioassembly.
* @param bioassemblyIndex an integer specifying the bioassembly index (zero indexed).
* @return an integer specifying the number of transformations in a given bioassembly.
int getNumTransInBioassembly(int bioassemblyIndex);
* Returns the name of the transformation for a bioassembly.
* @param bioassemblyIndex an integer specifying the bioassembly index (zero indexed).
* @return a string specifying the name of a given bioassembly.
String getBioassemblyName(int bioassemblyIndex);
* Returns the list of chain indices for the given transformation for the given bioassembly.
* @param bioassemblyIndex an integer specifying the bioassembly index (zero indexed).
* @param transformationIndex an integer specifying the index (zero indexed) for the desired transformation.
* @return a list of indices showing the chains involved in this transformation.
int[] getChainIndexListForTransform(int bioassemblyIndex, int transformationIndex);
* Returns a 4x4 transformation matrix for the given transformation for the given bioassembly.
* It is row-packed as per the convention of vecmath. (The first four elements are in the first row of the
* overall matrix).
* @param bioassemblyIndex an integer specifying the bioassembly index (zero indexed).
* @param transformationIndex an integer specifying the index for the desired transformation (zero indexed).
* @return the transformation matrix for this transformation.
double[] getMatrixForTransform(int bioassemblyIndex, int transformationIndex);
* Returns the zero-based bond indices (in pairs) for the structure.
* (e.g. 0,1 means there is bond between atom 0 and 1).
* @return an array of integers specifying the bond indices (within the structure). Indices are zero-based.
int[] getInterGroupBondIndices();
* Returns an array of bond orders (1,2,3) of inter-group bonds with length number of inter-group bonds
* @return the bond orders for bonds within a group
int[] getInterGroupBondOrders();
* Returns the MMTF version number (from the specification).
* @return the version
String getMmtfVersion();
* Returns a string describing the producer of the MMTF file.
* e.g. "RCSB-PDB Generator---version: 6b8635f8d319beea9cd7cc7f5dd2649578ac01a0"
* @return a string describing the producer
String getMmtfProducer();
* Returns the number of entities (as defined in mmCIF dictionary) in the structure
* @return the number of entities in the structure
int getNumEntities();
* Returns the entity description (as defined in mmCIF dictionary)
* for the entity specified by the index.
* @param entityInd the index of the specified entity.
* @return the description of the entity
String getEntityDescription(int entityInd);
* Returns the entity type (polymer, non-polymer, water) for the entity specified by the index.
* @param entityInd the index of the specified entity.
* @return the entity type (polymer, non-polymer, water)
String getEntityType(int entityInd);
* Returns the chain indices for the entity specified by the index.
* @param entityInd the index of the specified entity.
* @return the chain index list - referencing the entity to the chains.
int[] getEntityChainIndexList(int entityInd);
* Returns the sequence for the entity specified by the index.
* @param entityInd the index of the specified entity.
* @return the one letter sequence for this entity. Empty string if no sequence is applicable.
String getEntitySequence(int entityInd);
* Returns the identifier of the structure.
* For instance the 4-letter PDB id
* @return the identifier
String getStructureId();
* Returns the number of models in the structure.
* @return the number of models
int getNumModels();
* Returns the total number of bonds in the structure
* @return the number of bonds
int getNumBonds();
* Returns the number of chains (for all models) in the structure.
* @return the number of chains for all models
* @see #getChainsPerModel()
int getNumChains();
* Returns the number of groups (residues) in the structure that have
* experimentally determined 3D coordinates.
* @return the number of residues in the structure, for all models and chains
int getNumGroups();
* Returns the number of atoms in the structure.
* @return the number of atoms in the structure, for all models and chains
int getNumAtoms();
* Returns the Rfree of the dataset.
* @return the Rfree value
float getRfree();
* Returns the Rwork of the dataset.
* @return the Rwork value
float getRwork();
* Returns the resolution of the dataset.
* @return the resolution value in Angstroms
float getResolution();
* Returns the title of the structure.
* @return the title of the structure.
String getTitle();
* Returns the experimental methods as an array of strings. Normally only one
* experimental method is available, but structures solved with hybrid methods will
* have more than one method.
* The possible experimental method values are described in
* data item _exptl.method of the mmCIF dictionary
* @return the list of experimental methods
String[] getExperimentalMethods();
* Returns the deposition date of the structure as a string
* in ISO time standard format. https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html
* @return the deposition date of the structure.
String getDepositionDate();
* Returns the release date of the structure as a string
* in ISO time standard format. https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html
* @return the release date of the structure.
String getReleaseDate();
* Returns the secondary structure information for the structure as a list of integers
* @return the array of secondary structure informations
int[] getSecStructList();
* Returns the NCS operation matrix list.
* @return the NCS operation matrix list for this structure
double[][] getNcsOperatorList();