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react4j.processor.React4jProcessor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package react4j.processor;
import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedOptions;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import org.realityforge.proton.AbstractStandardProcessor;
import org.realityforge.proton.AnnotationsUtil;
import org.realityforge.proton.DeferredElementSet;
import org.realityforge.proton.ElementsUtil;
import org.realityforge.proton.MemberChecks;
import org.realityforge.proton.ProcessorException;
* Annotation processor that analyzes React annotated source and generates models from the annotations.
@SuppressWarnings( "Duplicates" )
@SupportedAnnotationTypes( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME )
@SupportedSourceVersion( SourceVersion.RELEASE_8 )
@SupportedOptions( { "react4j.defer.unresolved", "react4j.defer.errors", "react4j.debug" } )
public final class React4jProcessor
extends AbstractStandardProcessor
private static final String SENTINEL_NAME = "";
private static final Pattern DEFAULT_GETTER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^get([A-Z].*)Default$" );
private static final Pattern VALIDATE_INPUT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^validate([A-Z].*)$" );
private static final Pattern LAST_INPUT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^last([A-Z].*)$" );
private static final Pattern PREV_INPUT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^prev([A-Z].*)$" );
private static final Pattern INPUT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^([a-z].*)$" );
private static final Pattern GETTER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^get([A-Z].*)$" );
private static final Pattern ISSER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^is([A-Z].*)$" );
private final DeferredElementSet _deferredTypes = new DeferredElementSet();
public boolean process( final Set extends TypeElement> annotations, final RoundEnvironment env )
processTypeElements( annotations,
this::process );
errorIfProcessingOverAndInvalidTypesDetected( env );
return true;
protected String getIssueTrackerURL()
return "";
protected String getOptionPrefix()
return "react4j";
private void process( @Nonnull final TypeElement element )
throws IOException, ProcessorException
final ViewDescriptor descriptor = parse( element );
final String packageName = descriptor.getPackageName();
emitTypeSpec( packageName, ViewGenerator.buildType( processingEnv, descriptor ) );
emitTypeSpec( packageName, BuilderGenerator.buildType( processingEnv, descriptor ) );
if ( descriptor.needsInjection() )
emitTypeSpec( packageName, FactoryGenerator.buildType( processingEnv, descriptor ) );
* Return true if there is any method annotated with @PostConstruct.
private boolean hasPostConstruct( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement )
return getMethods( typeElement )
.anyMatch( e -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( e, Constants.POST_CONSTRUCT_CLASSNAME ) );
private ViewDescriptor parse( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement )
final String name = deriveViewName( typeElement );
final ViewType type = extractViewType( typeElement );
final boolean hasPostConstruct = hasPostConstruct( typeElement );
final boolean shouldSetDefaultPriority = shouldSetDefaultPriority( typeElement );
MemberChecks.mustNotBeFinal( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME, typeElement );
MemberChecks.mustBeAbstract( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME, typeElement );
if ( ElementKind.CLASS != typeElement.getKind() )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.must( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME, "be a class" ),
typeElement );
else if ( ElementsUtil.isNonStaticNestedClass( typeElement ) )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.toSimpleName( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME ) +
" target must not be a non-static nested class",
typeElement );
final List constructors = ElementsUtil.getConstructors( typeElement );
if ( 1 != constructors.size() || !isConstructorValid( constructors.get( 0 ) ) )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.must( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"have a single, package-access constructor or the default constructor" ),
typeElement );
final ExecutableElement constructor = constructors.get( 0 );
final boolean inject = deriveInject( typeElement, constructor );
final boolean sting = deriveSting( typeElement, constructor );
final boolean notSyntheticConstructor = ElementsUtil.isNotSynthetic( constructor );
final List extends VariableElement> parameters = constructor.getParameters();
if ( inject )
if ( parameters.isEmpty() )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"have specified inject=ENABLED if the constructor has no parameters" ),
typeElement );
final boolean hasNamedAnnotation =
.anyMatch( p -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( p, Constants.JSR_330_NAMED_CLASSNAME ) );
if ( hasNamedAnnotation )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"have specified inject=DISABLED and have a constructor parameter annotated with the " +
Constants.JSR_330_NAMED_CLASSNAME + " annotation" ),
constructor );
if ( sting )
if ( parameters.isEmpty() )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"have specified sting=ENABLED if the constructor has no parameters" ),
typeElement );
final boolean hasNamedAnnotation = p -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( p, Constants.STING_NAMED_CLASSNAME ) );
if ( hasNamedAnnotation )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"have specified sting=DISABLED and have a constructor parameter annotated with the " +
Constants.STING_NAMED_CLASSNAME + " annotation" ),
constructor );
final ViewDescriptor descriptor =
new ViewDescriptor( name,
shouldSetDefaultPriority );
for ( final Element element : descriptor.getElement().getEnclosedElements() )
if ( ElementKind.METHOD == element.getKind() )
final ExecutableElement method = (ExecutableElement) element;
if ( method.getModifiers().contains( Modifier.PUBLIC ) &&
MemberChecks.doesMethodNotOverrideInterfaceMethod( processingEnv, typeElement, method ) &&
ElementsUtil.isWarningNotSuppressed( method,
final String message =
MemberChecks.shouldNot( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"declare a public method. " +
MemberChecks.suppressedBy( Constants.WARNING_PUBLIC_METHOD,
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING, message, method );
if ( method.getModifiers().contains( Modifier.FINAL ) &&
ElementsUtil.isWarningNotSuppressed( method,
final String message =
MemberChecks.shouldNot( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"declare a final method. " +
MemberChecks.suppressedBy( Constants.WARNING_FINAL_METHOD,
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING, message, method );
if ( method.getModifiers().contains( Modifier.PROTECTED ) &&
ElementsUtil.isWarningNotSuppressed( method,
!isMethodAProtectedOverride( typeElement, method ) )
final String message =
MemberChecks.shouldNot( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"declare a protected method. " +
MemberChecks.suppressedBy( Constants.WARNING_PROTECTED_METHOD,
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage( Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING, message, method );
determineViewCapabilities( descriptor, typeElement );
determineInputs( descriptor );
determineInputValidatesMethods( descriptor );
determineOnInputChangeMethods( descriptor );
determineDefaultInputsMethods( descriptor );
determineDefaultInputsFields( descriptor );
determinePreUpdateMethod( typeElement, descriptor );
determinePostMountOrUpdateMethod( typeElement, descriptor );
determinePostUpdateMethod( typeElement, descriptor );
determinePostMountMethod( typeElement, descriptor );
determineOnErrorMethod( typeElement, descriptor );
determineScheduleRenderMethods( typeElement, descriptor );
determinePublishMethods( typeElement, descriptor );
determineRenderMethod( typeElement, descriptor );
for ( final InputDescriptor input : descriptor.getInputs() )
if ( !isInputRequired( input ) )
if ( input.isContextSource() )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME,
"specify require=ENABLE parameter when the for source=CONTEXT parameter is specified" ),
input.getMethod() );
* Sorting must occur after @InputDefault has been processed to ensure the sorting
* correctly sorts optional inputs after required inputs.
verifyInputsNotAnnotatedWithArezAnnotations( descriptor );
verifyInputsNotCollectionOfArezComponents( descriptor );
return descriptor;
private boolean isMethodAProtectedOverride( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement,
@Nonnull final ExecutableElement method )
final ExecutableElement overriddenMethod = ElementsUtil.getOverriddenMethod( processingEnv, typeElement, method );
return null != overriddenMethod && overriddenMethod.getModifiers().contains( Modifier.PROTECTED );
private boolean deriveInject( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement, final @Nonnull ExecutableElement constructor )
final String inject =
AnnotationsUtil.getEnumAnnotationParameter( typeElement,
"inject" );
if ( "ENABLE".equals( inject ) )
return true;
else if ( "DISABLE".equals( inject ) )
return false;
return !constructor.getParameters().isEmpty() &&
null != processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( Constants.JSR_330_INJECT_CLASSNAME );
private boolean deriveSting( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement, final @Nonnull ExecutableElement constructor )
final String inject =
AnnotationsUtil.getEnumAnnotationParameter( typeElement,
"sting" );
if ( "ENABLE".equals( inject ) )
return true;
else if ( "DISABLE".equals( inject ) )
return false;
return !constructor.getParameters().isEmpty() &&
null != processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( Constants.STING_INJECTABLE_CLASSNAME );
private boolean isConstructorValid( @Nonnull final ExecutableElement ctor )
if ( ElementsUtil.isSynthetic( ctor ) )
return true;
final Set modifiers = ctor.getModifiers();
!modifiers.contains( Modifier.PRIVATE ) &&
!modifiers.contains( Modifier.PUBLIC ) &&
!modifiers.contains( Modifier.PROTECTED );
private void verifyInputsNotCollectionOfArezComponents( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
for ( final InputDescriptor input : descriptor.getInputs() )
final ExecutableElement method = input.getMethod();
final TypeMirror returnType = method.getReturnType();
if ( TypeKind.DECLARED == returnType.getKind() )
final DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) returnType;
final List extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = declaredType.getTypeArguments();
if ( isCollection( declaredType ) )
if ( 1 == typeArguments.size() && isArezComponent( typeArguments.get( 0 ) ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input target is a collection that contains Arez components. " +
"This is not a safe pattern when the arez components can be disposed.",
method );
else if ( isMap( declaredType ) )
if ( 2 == typeArguments.size() &&
( isArezComponent( typeArguments.get( 0 ) ) ||
isArezComponent( typeArguments.get( 1 ) ) ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input target is a collection that contains Arez components. " +
"This is not a safe pattern when the arez components can be disposed.",
method );
else if ( TypeKind.ARRAY == returnType.getKind() )
final ArrayType arrayType = (ArrayType) returnType;
if ( isArezComponent( arrayType.getComponentType() ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input target is an array that contains Arez components. " +
"This is not a safe pattern when the arez components can be disposed.",
method );
private boolean isCollection( @Nonnull final DeclaredType declaredType )
final TypeElement returnType = (TypeElement) processingEnv.getTypeUtils().asElement( declaredType );
final String classname = returnType.getQualifiedName().toString();
* For the time being lets just list out a bunch of collections. We can ge more specific when/if
* it is ever required
return Collection.class.getName().equals( classname ) ||
Set.class.getName().equals( classname ) ||
List.class.getName().equals( classname ) ||
HashSet.class.getName().equals( classname ) ||
ArrayList.class.getName().equals( classname );
private boolean isMap( @Nonnull final DeclaredType declaredType )
final TypeElement returnType = (TypeElement) processingEnv.getTypeUtils().asElement( declaredType );
final String classname = returnType.getQualifiedName().toString();
* For the time being lets just list out a bunch of collections. We can ge more specific when/if
* it is ever required
return Map.class.getName().equals( classname ) || HashMap.class.getName().equals( classname );
private boolean isArezComponent( @Nonnull final TypeMirror typeMirror )
return typeMirror instanceof DeclaredType &&
.asElement( typeMirror )
.anyMatch( a -> a.getAnnotationType().toString().equals( Constants.AREZ_COMPONENT_CLASSNAME ) );
private void verifyInputsNotAnnotatedWithArezAnnotations( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
for ( final InputDescriptor input : descriptor.getInputs() )
final ExecutableElement method = input.getMethod();
for ( final AnnotationMirror mirror : method.getAnnotationMirrors() )
final String classname = mirror.getAnnotationType().toString();
if ( classname.startsWith( "arez.annotations." ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input target must not be annotated with any arez annotations but " +
"is annotated by '" + classname + "'.", method );
private void determineOnInputChangeMethods( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
final List methods =
getMethods( descriptor.getElement() ).stream()
.filter( m -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( m, Constants.ON_INPUT_CHANGE_CLASSNAME ) )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
final ArrayList onInputChangeDescriptors = new ArrayList<>();
for ( final ExecutableElement method : methods )
final VariableElement phase = (VariableElement)
AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( method, Constants.ON_INPUT_CHANGE_CLASSNAME, "phase" ).getValue();
final boolean preUpdate = phase.getSimpleName().toString().equals( "PRE" );
final List extends VariableElement> parameters = method.getParameters();
final ExecutableType methodType = resolveMethodType( descriptor, method );
final List extends TypeMirror> parameterTypes = methodType.getParameterTypes();
MemberChecks.mustBeSubclassCallable( descriptor.getElement(),
method );
MemberChecks.mustNotThrowAnyExceptions( Constants.ON_INPUT_CHANGE_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotReturnAnyValue( Constants.ON_INPUT_CHANGE_CLASSNAME, method );
final int parameterCount = parameters.size();
if ( 0 == parameterCount )
throw new ProcessorException( "@OnInputChange target must have at least 1 parameter.", method );
final List inputDescriptors = new ArrayList<>( parameterCount );
for ( int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++ )
final VariableElement parameter = parameters.get( i );
final String name = deriveOnInputChangeName( parameter );
final InputDescriptor input = descriptor.findInputNamed( name );
if ( null == input )
throw new ProcessorException( "@OnInputChange target has a parameter named '" +
parameter.getSimpleName() + "' and the parameter is associated with a " +
"@Input named '" + name + "' but there is no corresponding @Input " +
"annotated method.", parameter );
final Types typeUtils = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
if ( !typeUtils.isAssignable( parameterTypes.get( i ), input.getMethodType().getReturnType() ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@OnInputChange target has a parameter named '" +
parameter.getSimpleName() + "' and the parameter type is not " +
"assignable to the return type of the associated @Input annotated method.",
method );
final boolean mismatchedNullability =
AnnotationsUtil.hasNonnullAnnotation( parameter ) &&
AnnotationsUtil.hasNullableAnnotation( input.getMethod() )
) ||
AnnotationsUtil.hasNullableAnnotation( parameter ) &&
input.isNonNull() );
if ( mismatchedNullability )
throw new ProcessorException( "@OnInputChange target has a parameter named '" +
parameter.getSimpleName() + "' that has a nullability annotation " +
"incompatible with the associated @Input method named " +
method.getSimpleName(), method );
if ( input.isImmutable() )
throw new ProcessorException( "@OnInputChange target has a parameter named '" +
parameter.getSimpleName() + "' that is associated with a @Input " +
"annotated method and the input is specified as immutable.", method );
inputDescriptors.add( input );
onInputChangeDescriptors.add( new OnInputChangeDescriptor( method, inputDescriptors, preUpdate ) );
descriptor.setOnInputChangeDescriptors( onInputChangeDescriptors );
private String deriveOnInputChangeName( @Nonnull final VariableElement parameter )
final AnnotationValue value =
AnnotationsUtil.findAnnotationValue( parameter, Constants.INPUT_REF_CLASSNAME, "value" );
if ( null != value )
return (String) value.getValue();
final String parameterName = parameter.getSimpleName().toString();
if ( LAST_INPUT_PATTERN.matcher( parameterName ).matches() ||
PREV_INPUT_PATTERN.matcher( parameterName ).matches() )
return Character.toLowerCase( parameterName.charAt( 4 ) ) + parameterName.substring( 5 );
else if ( INPUT_PATTERN.matcher( parameterName ).matches() )
return parameterName;
throw new ProcessorException( "@OnInputChange target has a parameter named '" + parameterName +
"' is not explicitly associated with a input using @InputRef nor does it " +
"follow required naming conventions 'prev[MyInput]', 'last[MyInput]' or " +
"'[myInput]'.", parameter );
private void determineInputValidatesMethods( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
final List methods =
getMethods( descriptor.getElement() ).stream()
.filter( m -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( m, Constants.INPUT_VALIDATE_CLASSNAME ) )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
for ( final ExecutableElement method : methods )
final String name = deriveInputValidateName( method );
final InputDescriptor input = descriptor.findInputNamed( name );
if ( null == input )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputValidate target for input named '" + name + "' has no corresponding " +
"@Input annotated method.", method );
if ( 1 != method.getParameters().size() )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputValidate target must have exactly 1 parameter", method );
final ExecutableType methodType = resolveMethodType( descriptor, method );
if ( !processingEnv.getTypeUtils().isAssignable( methodType.getParameterTypes().get( 0 ),
input.getMethodType().getReturnType() ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputValidate target has a parameter type that is not assignable to the " +
"return type of the associated @Input annotated method.", method );
MemberChecks.mustBeSubclassCallable( descriptor.getElement(),
method );
MemberChecks.mustNotThrowAnyExceptions( Constants.INPUT_VALIDATE_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotReturnAnyValue( Constants.INPUT_VALIDATE_CLASSNAME, method );
final VariableElement param = method.getParameters().get( 0 );
final boolean mismatchedNullability =
AnnotationsUtil.hasNonnullAnnotation( param ) &&
AnnotationsUtil.hasNullableAnnotation( input.getMethod() )
) ||
AnnotationsUtil.hasNullableAnnotation( param ) &&
input.isNonNull() );
if ( mismatchedNullability )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputValidate target has a parameter that has a nullability annotation " +
"incompatible with the associated @Input method named " +
input.getMethod().getSimpleName(), method );
input.setValidateMethod( method );
private String deriveInputValidateName( @Nonnull final Element element )
throws ProcessorException
final String name =
(String) AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( element, Constants.INPUT_VALIDATE_CLASSNAME, "name" )
if ( isSentinelName( name ) )
final String deriveName = deriveName( element, VALIDATE_INPUT_PATTERN, name );
if ( null == deriveName )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputValidate target has not specified name nor is it named according " +
"to the convention 'validate[Name]Input'.", element );
return deriveName;
if ( !SourceVersion.isIdentifier( name ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputValidate target specified an invalid name '" + name + "'. The " +
"name must be a valid java identifier.", element );
else if ( SourceVersion.isKeyword( name ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputValidate target specified an invalid name '" + name + "'. The " +
"name must not be a java keyword.", element );
return name;
private void determineDefaultInputsMethods( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
final List defaultInputsMethods =
getMethods( descriptor.getElement() ).stream()
.filter( m -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( m, Constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_CLASSNAME ) )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
for ( final ExecutableElement method : defaultInputsMethods )
final String name = deriveInputDefaultName( method );
final InputDescriptor input = descriptor.findInputNamed( name );
if ( null == input )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputDefault target for input named '" + name + "' has no corresponding " +
"@Input annotated method.", method );
final ExecutableType methodType = resolveMethodType( descriptor, method );
if ( !processingEnv.getTypeUtils().isAssignable( methodType.getReturnType(),
input.getMethodType().getReturnType() ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputDefault target has a return type that is not assignable to the " +
"return type of the associated @Input annotated method.", method );
MemberChecks.mustBeStaticallySubclassCallable( descriptor.getElement(),
method );
MemberChecks.mustNotHaveAnyParameters( Constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotThrowAnyExceptions( Constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustReturnAValue( Constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_CLASSNAME, method );
input.setDefaultMethod( method );
private void determineDefaultInputsFields( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
final List defaultInputsFields =
ElementsUtil.getFields( descriptor.getElement() ).stream()
.filter( m -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( m, Constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_CLASSNAME ) )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
for ( final VariableElement field : defaultInputsFields )
final String name = deriveInputDefaultName( field );
final InputDescriptor input = descriptor.findInputNamed( name );
if ( null == input )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputDefault target for input named '" + name + "' has no corresponding " +
"@Input annotated method.", field );
if ( !processingEnv.getTypeUtils().isAssignable( field.asType(), input.getMethodType().getReturnType() ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputDefault target has a type that is not assignable to the " +
"return type of the associated @Input annotated method.", field );
MemberChecks.mustBeStaticallySubclassCallable( descriptor.getElement(),
field );
MemberChecks.mustBeFinal( Constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_CLASSNAME, field );
input.setDefaultField( field );
private String deriveInputDefaultName( @Nonnull final Element element )
throws ProcessorException
final String name =
(String) AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( element, Constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_CLASSNAME, "name" )
if ( isSentinelName( name ) )
if ( element instanceof ExecutableElement )
final String deriveName = deriveName( element, DEFAULT_GETTER_PATTERN, name );
if ( null == deriveName )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputDefault target has not specified name nor is it named according " +
"to the convention 'get[Name]Default'.", element );
return deriveName;
final String fieldName = element.getSimpleName().toString();
boolean matched = true;
final int lengthPrefix = "DEFAULT_".length();
final int length = fieldName.length();
if ( fieldName.startsWith( "DEFAULT_" ) && length > lengthPrefix )
for ( int i = lengthPrefix; i < length; i++ )
final char ch = fieldName.charAt( i );
if ( Character.isLowerCase( ch ) ||
( i != lengthPrefix || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart( ch ) ) &&
( i == lengthPrefix || !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart( ch ) )
) )
matched = false;
matched = false;
if ( matched )
return uppercaseConstantToPascalCase( fieldName.substring( lengthPrefix ) );
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputDefault target has not specified name nor is it named according " +
"to the convention 'DEFAULT_[NAME]'.", element );
if ( !SourceVersion.isIdentifier( name ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputDefault target specified an invalid name '" + name + "'. The " +
"name must be a valid java identifier.", element );
else if ( SourceVersion.isKeyword( name ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@InputDefault target specified an invalid name '" + name + "'. The " +
"name must not be a java keyword.", element );
return name;
private String uppercaseConstantToPascalCase( @Nonnull final String candidate )
final String s = candidate.toLowerCase();
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean uppercase = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++ )
final char ch = s.charAt( i );
if ( '_' == ch )
uppercase = true;
else if ( uppercase )
sb.append( Character.toUpperCase( ch ) );
uppercase = false;
sb.append( ch );
return sb.toString();
private void determineInputs( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
final List inputs =
getMethods( descriptor.getElement() ).stream()
.filter( m -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( m, Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME ) )
.map( m -> createInputDescriptor( descriptor, m ) )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
final InputDescriptor childrenInput = p -> p.getName().equals( "children" ) ).findAny().orElse( null );
final InputDescriptor childInput = p -> p.getName().equals( "child" ) ).findAny().orElse( null );
if ( null != childrenInput && null != childInput )
throw new ProcessorException( "Multiple candidate children @Input annotated methods: " +
childrenInput.getMethod().getSimpleName() + " and " +
childrenInput.getMethod() );
descriptor.setInputs( inputs );
private boolean isInputRequired( @Nonnull final InputDescriptor input )
final String requiredValue = input.getRequiredValue();
if ( "ENABLE".equals( requiredValue ) )
return true;
else if ( "DISABLE".equals( requiredValue ) )
return false;
else if ( input.isContextSource() )
return false;
return !input.hasDefaultMethod() &&
!input.hasDefaultField() &&
!AnnotationsUtil.hasNullableAnnotation( input.getMethod() );
private InputDescriptor createInputDescriptor( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor,
@Nonnull final ExecutableElement method )
final String name = deriveInputName( method );
final ExecutableType methodType = resolveMethodType( descriptor, method );
verifyNoDuplicateAnnotations( method );
MemberChecks.mustBeAbstract( Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotHaveAnyParameters( Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustReturnAValue( Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotThrowAnyExceptions( Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotBePackageAccessInDifferentPackage( descriptor.getElement(),
method );
final TypeMirror returnType = method.getReturnType();
if ( "build".equals( name ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input named 'build' is invalid as it conflicts with the method named " +
"build() that is used in the generated Builder classes",
method );
else if ( "child".equals( name ) &&
( returnType.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED && !"react4j.ReactNode".equals( returnType.toString() ) ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input named 'child' should be of type react4j.ReactNode", method );
else if ( "children".equals( name ) &&
( returnType.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED && !"react4j.ReactNode[]".equals( returnType.toString() ) ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input named 'children' should be of type react4j.ReactNode[]", method );
if ( returnType instanceof TypeVariable )
final TypeVariable typeVariable = (TypeVariable) returnType;
final String typeVariableName = typeVariable.asElement().getSimpleName().toString();
List extends TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = method.getTypeParameters();
if ( p -> p.getSimpleName().toString().equals( typeVariableName ) ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input named '" + name + "' is has a type variable as a return type " +
"that is declared on the method.", method );
final String qualifier = (String) AnnotationsUtil
.getAnnotationValue( method, Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, "qualifier" ).getValue();
final boolean contextInput = isContextInput( method );
final Element inputType = processingEnv.getTypeUtils().asElement( returnType );
final boolean immutable = isInputImmutable( method );
final boolean shouldUpdateOnChange = shouldUpdateOnChange( method, immutable );
final boolean observable = isInputObservable( descriptor, method, shouldUpdateOnChange, immutable );
final boolean disposable = null != inputType && isInputDisposable( method, inputType );
final TypeName typeName = TypeName.get( returnType );
if ( typeName.isBoxedPrimitive() && AnnotationsUtil.hasNonnullAnnotation( method ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input named '" + name + "' is a boxed primitive annotated with a " +
"@Nonnull annotation. The return type should be the primitive type.",
method );
final ImmutableInputKeyStrategy strategy = immutable ? getImmutableInputKeyStrategy( typeName, inputType ) : null;
if ( !"".equals( qualifier ) && !contextInput )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME,
"specify qualifier parameter unless source=CONTEXT is also specified" ),
method );
final String requiredValue =
( (VariableElement) AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( method, Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, "require" )
.getValue() )
final InputDescriptor inputDescriptor =
new InputDescriptor( descriptor,
requiredValue );
if ( inputDescriptor.mayNeedMutableInputAccessedInPostConstructInvariant() )
if ( ElementsUtil.isWarningSuppressed( method,
return inputDescriptor;
private ImmutableInputKeyStrategy getImmutableInputKeyStrategy( @Nonnull final TypeName typeName,
@Nullable final Element element )
if ( typeName.toString().equals( "java.lang.String" ) )
return ImmutableInputKeyStrategy.IS_STRING;
else if ( typeName.isBoxedPrimitive() || typeName.isPrimitive() )
return ImmutableInputKeyStrategy.TO_STRING;
else if ( null != element )
if ( ( ElementKind.CLASS == element.getKind() || ElementKind.INTERFACE == element.getKind() ) &&
isAssignableToKeyed( element ) )
return ImmutableInputKeyStrategy.KEYED;
else if ( ( ElementKind.CLASS == element.getKind() || ElementKind.INTERFACE == element.getKind() ) &&
isAssignableToIdentifiable( element ) ||
AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( element, Constants.ACT_AS_COMPONENT_CLASSNAME ) ||
( AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( element, Constants.AREZ_COMPONENT_CLASSNAME ) &&
isIdRequired( (TypeElement) element ) )
) )
return ImmutableInputKeyStrategy.AREZ_IDENTIFIABLE;
else if ( ElementKind.ENUM == element.getKind() )
return ImmutableInputKeyStrategy.ENUM;
return ImmutableInputKeyStrategy.DYNAMIC;
private boolean isAssignableToKeyed( @Nonnull final Element element )
final TypeElement typeElement = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( Constants.KEYED_CLASSNAME );
return processingEnv.getTypeUtils().isAssignable( element.asType(), typeElement.asType() );
private boolean isAssignableToIdentifiable( @Nonnull final Element element )
final TypeElement typeElement = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( Constants.IDENTIFIABLE_CLASSNAME );
final TypeMirror identifiableErasure = processingEnv.getTypeUtils().erasure( typeElement.asType() );
return processingEnv.getTypeUtils().isAssignable( element.asType(), identifiableErasure );
* The logic from this method has been cloned from Arez.
* One day we should consider improving Arez so that this is not required somehow?
private boolean isIdRequired( @Nonnull final TypeElement element )
final VariableElement requireIdParameter = (VariableElement)
AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( element, Constants.AREZ_COMPONENT_CLASSNAME, "requireId" )
return !"DISABLE".equals( requireIdParameter.getSimpleName().toString() );
private String deriveInputName( @Nonnull final ExecutableElement method )
throws ProcessorException
final String specifiedName =
(String) AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( method, Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, "name" ).getValue();
final String name = getPropertyAccessorName( method, specifiedName );
if ( !SourceVersion.isIdentifier( name ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input target specified an invalid name '" + specifiedName + "'. The " +
"name must be a valid java identifier.", method );
else if ( SourceVersion.isKeyword( name ) )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input target specified an invalid name '" + specifiedName + "'. The " +
"name must not be a java keyword.", method );
return name;
private void determineOnErrorMethod( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement,
@Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
for ( final ExecutableElement method : getMethods( typeElement ) )
if ( AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( method, Constants.ON_ERROR_CLASSNAME ) )
MemberChecks.mustNotBeAbstract( Constants.ON_ERROR_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustBeSubclassCallable( typeElement,
method );
MemberChecks.mustNotReturnAnyValue( Constants.ON_ERROR_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotThrowAnyExceptions( Constants.ON_ERROR_CLASSNAME, method );
boolean infoFound = false;
boolean errorFound = false;
for ( final VariableElement parameter : method.getParameters() )
final TypeName typeName = TypeName.get( parameter.asType() );
if ( typeName.toString().equals( Constants.ERROR_INFO_CLASSNAME ) )
if ( infoFound )
throw new ProcessorException( "@OnError target has multiple parameters of type " +
method );
infoFound = true;
else if ( typeName.toString().equals( Constants.JS_ERROR_CLASSNAME ) )
if ( errorFound )
throw new ProcessorException( "@OnError target has multiple parameters of type " +
method );
errorFound = true;
throw new ProcessorException( "@OnError target has parameter of invalid type named " +
parameter );
descriptor.setOnError( method );
private void determineScheduleRenderMethods( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement,
@Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
final List scheduleRenderDescriptors = new ArrayList<>();
for ( final ExecutableElement method : getMethods( typeElement ) )
final AnnotationMirror annotation =
AnnotationsUtil.findAnnotationByType( method, Constants.SCHEDULE_RENDER_CLASSNAME );
if ( null != annotation )
MemberChecks.mustBeAbstract( Constants.SCHEDULE_RENDER_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustBeSubclassCallable( typeElement,
method );
MemberChecks.mustNotReturnAnyValue( Constants.SCHEDULE_RENDER_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotThrowAnyExceptions( Constants.SCHEDULE_RENDER_CLASSNAME, method );
final ViewType viewType = descriptor.getType();
if ( ViewType.STATEFUL != viewType )
final String message =
MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.SCHEDULE_RENDER_CLASSNAME,
"be enclosed in a type if it is annotated by @View(type=" + viewType +
"). The type must be STATEFUL" );
throw new ProcessorException( message, method );
final boolean skipShouldViewUpdate =
AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValueValue( annotation, "skipShouldViewUpdate" );
scheduleRenderDescriptors.add( new ScheduleRenderDescriptor( method, skipShouldViewUpdate ) );
descriptor.setScheduleRenderDescriptors( scheduleRenderDescriptors );
private void determinePublishMethods( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement,
@Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
final List descriptors = new ArrayList<>();
for ( final ExecutableElement method : getMethods( typeElement ) )
final AnnotationMirror annotation = AnnotationsUtil.findAnnotationByType( method, Constants.PUBLISH_CLASSNAME );
if ( null != annotation )
MemberChecks.mustBeSubclassCallable( typeElement,
method );
MemberChecks.mustNotHaveAnyParameters( Constants.PUBLISH_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotHaveAnyTypeParameters( Constants.PUBLISH_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustReturnAValue( Constants.PUBLISH_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotThrowAnyExceptions( Constants.PUBLISH_CLASSNAME, method );
final String qualifier = AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValueValue( annotation, "qualifier" );
final ExecutableType methodType = resolveMethodType( descriptor, method );
if ( TypeKind.TYPEVAR == methodType.getReturnType().getKind() )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.PUBLISH_CLASSNAME, "return a type variable" ),
method );
descriptors.add( new PublishDescriptor( qualifier, method, methodType ) );
descriptor.setPublishDescriptors( descriptors );
private void determineRenderMethod( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement,
@Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
boolean foundRender = false;
for ( final ExecutableElement method : getMethods( typeElement ) )
final AnnotationMirror annotation =
AnnotationsUtil.findAnnotationByType( method, Constants.RENDER_CLASSNAME );
if ( null != annotation )
MemberChecks.mustNotBeAbstract( Constants.RENDER_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustBeSubclassCallable( typeElement,
method );
MemberChecks.mustNotHaveAnyParameters( Constants.RENDER_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustReturnAnInstanceOf( processingEnv,
MemberChecks.mustNotThrowAnyExceptions( Constants.RENDER_CLASSNAME, method );
MemberChecks.mustNotHaveAnyTypeParameters( Constants.RENDER_CLASSNAME, method );
descriptor.setRender( method );
foundRender = true;
final boolean requireRender = descriptor.requireRender();
if ( requireRender && !foundRender )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.must( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"contain a method annotated with the " +
MemberChecks.toSimpleName( Constants.RENDER_CLASSNAME ) +
" annotation or must specify type=NO_RENDER" ),
typeElement );
else if ( !requireRender )
if ( foundRender )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"contain a method annotated with the " +
MemberChecks.toSimpleName( Constants.RENDER_CLASSNAME ) +
" annotation or must not specify type=NO_RENDER" ),
typeElement );
else if ( !descriptor.hasConstructor() &&
!descriptor.hasPostConstruct() &&
null == descriptor.getPostMount() &&
null == descriptor.getPostRender() &&
null == descriptor.getPreUpdate() &&
null == descriptor.getPostUpdate() &&
!descriptor.hasPreUpdateOnInputChange() &&
!descriptor.hasPostUpdateOnInputChange() )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.must( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"contain lifecycle methods if the the @View(type=NO_RENDER) parameter is specified" ),
typeElement );
private void determinePostMountMethod( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement,
@Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
for ( final ExecutableElement method : getMethods( typeElement ) )
if ( AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( method, Constants.POST_MOUNT_CLASSNAME ) )
MemberChecks.mustBeLifecycleHook( typeElement,
method );
descriptor.setPostMount( method );
private void determinePostMountOrUpdateMethod( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement,
@Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
for ( final ExecutableElement method : getMethods( typeElement ) )
if ( AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( method, Constants.POST_MOUNT_OR_UPDATE_CLASSNAME ) )
MemberChecks.mustBeLifecycleHook( typeElement,
method );
descriptor.setPostRender( method );
private void determinePostUpdateMethod( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement,
@Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
for ( final ExecutableElement method : getMethods( typeElement ) )
if ( AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( method, Constants.POST_UPDATE_CLASSNAME ) )
MemberChecks.mustBeLifecycleHook( typeElement,
method );
descriptor.setPostUpdate( method );
private void determinePreUpdateMethod( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement,
@Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor )
for ( final ExecutableElement method : getMethods( typeElement ) )
if ( AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( method, Constants.PRE_UPDATE_CLASSNAME ) )
MemberChecks.mustBeLifecycleHook( typeElement,
method );
descriptor.setPreUpdate( method );
private ExecutableType resolveMethodType( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor,
@Nonnull final ExecutableElement method )
return (ExecutableType) processingEnv.getTypeUtils().asMemberOf( descriptor.getDeclaredType(), method );
private String deriveViewName( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement )
final String name =
(String) AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( typeElement, Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME, "name" )
if ( isSentinelName( name ) )
return typeElement.getSimpleName().toString();
if ( !SourceVersion.isIdentifier( name ) )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.toSimpleName( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME ) +
" target specified an invalid name '" + name + "'. The " +
"name must be a valid java identifier.", typeElement );
else if ( SourceVersion.isKeyword( name ) )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.toSimpleName( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME ) +
" target specified an invalid name '" + name + "'. The " +
"name must not be a java keyword.", typeElement );
return name;
private void determineViewCapabilities( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor,
@Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement )
if ( AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( typeElement, Constants.AREZ_COMPONENT_CLASSNAME ) )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.mustNot( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME,
"be annotated with the " +
MemberChecks.toSimpleName( Constants.AREZ_COMPONENT_CLASSNAME ) +
" as React4j will add the annotation." ),
typeElement );
if ( descriptor.needsInjection() && !descriptor.getDeclaredType().getTypeArguments().isEmpty() )
throw new ProcessorException( MemberChecks.toSimpleName( Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME ) +
" target has enabled injection integration but the class " +
"has type arguments which is incompatible with injection integration.",
typeElement );
private ViewType extractViewType( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement )
final VariableElement declaredTypeEnum = (VariableElement)
.getAnnotationValue( typeElement, Constants.VIEW_CLASSNAME, "type" )
return ViewType.valueOf( declaredTypeEnum.getSimpleName().toString() );
private boolean shouldUpdateOnChange( @Nonnull final ExecutableElement method,
final boolean immutable )
final VariableElement parameter = (VariableElement)
AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( method, Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, "shouldUpdateOnChange" )
switch ( parameter.getSimpleName().toString() )
case "ENABLE":
if ( immutable )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input target has specified both immutable=true and " +
"shouldUpdateOnChange=ENABLE which is an invalid combination.",
method );
return true;
case "DISABLE":
return false;
return !immutable;
private boolean isInputObservable( @Nonnull final ViewDescriptor descriptor,
@Nonnull final ExecutableElement method,
final boolean shouldUpdateOnChange,
final boolean immutable )
final VariableElement parameter = (VariableElement)
AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( method, Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, "observable" ).getValue();
switch ( parameter.getSimpleName().toString() )
case "ENABLE":
if ( immutable )
throw new ProcessorException( "@Input target has specified both immutable=true and " +
"observable=ENABLE which is an invalid combination.",
method );
return true;
case "DISABLE":
return false;
return shouldUpdateOnChange && hasAnyArezObserverMethods( descriptor.getElement() );
private boolean hasAnyArezObserverMethods( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement )
return getMethods( typeElement )
.anyMatch( m -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( m, Constants.MEMOIZE_CLASSNAME ) ||
( AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( m, Constants.OBSERVE_CLASSNAME ) &&
( !m.getParameters().isEmpty() || !m.getSimpleName().toString().equals( "trackRender" ) ) ) );
private boolean isInputImmutable( @Nonnull final ExecutableElement method )
return (Boolean) AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( method, Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, "immutable" )
private boolean isInputDisposable( @Nonnull final ExecutableElement method, @Nonnull final Element inputType )
final VariableElement parameter = (VariableElement)
AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( method, Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, "disposable" ).getValue();
switch ( parameter.getSimpleName().toString() )
case "ENABLE":
return true;
case "DISABLE":
return false;
ElementKind.CLASS == inputType.getKind() &&
AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( inputType, Constants.AREZ_COMPONENT_CLASSNAME )
) ||
( ElementKind.CLASS == inputType.getKind() || ElementKind.INTERFACE == inputType.getKind() ) &&
AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( inputType, Constants.ACT_AS_COMPONENT_CLASSNAME )
private boolean isContextInput( @Nonnull final ExecutableElement method )
final VariableElement parameter = (VariableElement)
AnnotationsUtil.getAnnotationValue( method, Constants.INPUT_CLASSNAME, "source" ).getValue();
return "CONTEXT".equals( parameter.getSimpleName().toString() );
private boolean shouldSetDefaultPriority( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement )
final List methods = getMethods( typeElement );
return methods
.filter( method -> !method.getModifiers().contains( Modifier.PRIVATE ) )
.anyMatch( method -> AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( method, Constants.MEMOIZE_CLASSNAME ) ||
AnnotationsUtil.hasAnnotationOfType( method, Constants.OBSERVE_CLASSNAME ) );
private void verifyNoDuplicateAnnotations( @Nonnull final ExecutableElement method )
throws ProcessorException
final List annotations =
Arrays.asList( Constants.INPUT_DEFAULT_CLASSNAME,
MemberChecks.verifyNoOverlappingAnnotations( method, annotations, Collections.emptyMap() );
private List getMethods( @Nonnull final TypeElement typeElement )
return ElementsUtil.getMethods( typeElement, processingEnv.getElementUtils(), processingEnv.getTypeUtils() );
private boolean isSentinelName( @Nonnull final String name )
return SENTINEL_NAME.equals( name );
private String getPropertyAccessorName( @Nonnull final ExecutableElement method,
@Nonnull final String specifiedName )
throws ProcessorException
String name = deriveName( method, GETTER_PATTERN, specifiedName );
if ( null != name )
return name;
else if ( method.getReturnType().getKind() == TypeKind.BOOLEAN )
name = deriveName( method, ISSER_PATTERN, specifiedName );
if ( null != name )
return name;
return method.getSimpleName().toString();
private String deriveName( @Nonnull final Element method, @Nonnull final Pattern pattern, @Nonnull final String name )
throws ProcessorException
if ( isSentinelName( name ) )
final String methodName = method.getSimpleName().toString();
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( methodName );
if ( matcher.find() )
final String candidate = 1 );
return Character.toLowerCase( candidate.charAt( 0 ) ) + candidate.substring( 1 );
return null;
return name;