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org.redisson.executor.TasksService Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Easy Redis Java client and Real-Time Data Platform. Valkey compatible. Sync/Async/RxJava3/Reactive API. Client side caching. Over 50 Redis based Java objects and services: JCache API, Apache Tomcat, Hibernate, Spring, Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, List, Queue, Deque, Semaphore, Lock, AtomicLong, Map Reduce, Bloom filter, Scheduler, RPC

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 * Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Nikita Koksharov
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.redisson.executor;

import org.redisson.RedissonExecutorService;
import org.redisson.api.RFuture;
import org.redisson.api.RMap;
import org.redisson.client.codec.Codec;
import org.redisson.client.codec.LongCodec;
import org.redisson.client.codec.StringCodec;
import org.redisson.client.protocol.RedisCommands;
import org.redisson.command.CommandAsyncExecutor;
import org.redisson.executor.params.TaskParameters;
import org.redisson.misc.CompletableFutureWrapper;
import org.redisson.remote.*;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

 * @author Nikita Koksharov
public class TasksService extends BaseRemoteService {

    protected String terminationTopicName;
    protected String tasksCounterName;
    protected String statusName;
    protected String tasksName;
    protected String schedulerQueueName;
    protected String schedulerChannelName;
    protected String tasksRetryIntervalName;
    protected String tasksExpirationTimeName;
    protected long tasksRetryInterval;
    public TasksService(Codec codec, String name, CommandAsyncExecutor commandExecutor, String executorId, ConcurrentMap responses) {
        super(codec, name, commandExecutor, executorId, responses);

    public void setTasksExpirationTimeName(String tasksExpirationTimeName) {
        this.tasksExpirationTimeName = tasksExpirationTimeName;

    public void setTasksRetryIntervalName(String tasksRetryIntervalName) {
        this.tasksRetryIntervalName = tasksRetryIntervalName;
    public void setTasksRetryInterval(long tasksRetryInterval) {
        this.tasksRetryInterval = tasksRetryInterval;
    public void setTerminationTopicName(String terminationTopicName) {
        this.terminationTopicName = terminationTopicName;
    public void setStatusName(String statusName) {
        this.statusName = statusName;
    public void setTasksCounterName(String tasksCounterName) {
        this.tasksCounterName = tasksCounterName;
    public void setTasksName(String tasksName) {
        this.tasksName = tasksName;
    public void setSchedulerChannelName(String schedulerChannelName) {
        this.schedulerChannelName = schedulerChannelName;
    public void setSchedulerQueueName(String scheduledQueueName) {
        this.schedulerQueueName = scheduledQueueName;

    protected final CompletableFuture addAsync(String requestQueueName,
                                                        RemoteServiceRequest request, RemotePromise result) {
        CompletableFuture future = addAsync(requestQueueName, request);
        return future.thenApply(res -> {
            if (!res) {
                throw new CancellationException();

            return true;

    protected CommandAsyncExecutor getAddCommandExecutor() {
        return commandExecutor;
    protected CompletableFuture addAsync(String requestQueueName, RemoteServiceRequest request) {
        TaskParameters params = (TaskParameters) request.getArgs()[0];

        long retryStartTime = 0;
        if (tasksRetryInterval > 0) {
            retryStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + tasksRetryInterval;
        long expireTime = 0;
        if (params.getTtl() > 0) {
            expireTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + params.getTtl();

        RFuture f = getAddCommandExecutor().evalWriteNoRetryAsync(name, StringCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.EVAL_BOOLEAN,
                        // check if executor service not in shutdown state
                        "if'exists', KEYS[2]) == 0 then "
                            + "'hset', KEYS[5], ARGV[2], ARGV[3]);"
                            + "'rpush', KEYS[6], ARGV[2]); "
                            + "'incr', KEYS[1]);"

                            + "if tonumber(ARGV[5]) > 0 then "
                                + "'zadd', KEYS[8], ARGV[5], ARGV[2]);"
                            + "end; "

                            + "if tonumber(ARGV[1]) > 0 then "
                                + "'set', KEYS[7], ARGV[4]);"
                                + "'zadd', KEYS[3], ARGV[1], 'ff' .. ARGV[2]);"
                                + "local v ='zrange', KEYS[3], 0, 0); "
                                // if new task added to queue head then publish its startTime
                                // to all scheduler workers
                                + "if v[1] == ARGV[2] then "
                                    + "'publish', KEYS[4], ARGV[1]); "
                                + "end; "
                            + "end;"
                            + "return 1;"
                        + "end;"
                        + "return 0;",
                        Arrays.asList(tasksCounterName, statusName, schedulerQueueName, schedulerChannelName,
                                            tasksName, requestQueueName, tasksRetryIntervalName, tasksExpirationTimeName),
                        retryStartTime, request.getId(), encode(request), tasksRetryInterval, expireTime);
        return f.toCompletableFuture();
    protected CompletableFuture removeAsync(String requestQueueName, RequestId taskId) {
        RFuture f = commandExecutor.evalWriteNoRetryAsync(name, LongCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.EVAL_BOOLEAN,
                "'zrem', KEYS[2], 'ff' .. ARGV[1]); "
              + "'zrem', KEYS[8], ARGV[1]); "
              + "local task ='hget', KEYS[6], ARGV[1]); "
              + "'hdel', KEYS[6], ARGV[1]); "
               // remove from executor queue
              + "if task ~= false and'exists', KEYS[3]) == 1 and'lrem', KEYS[1], 1, ARGV[1]) > 0 then "
                  + "if'decr', KEYS[3]) == 0 then "
                     + "'del', KEYS[3]);"
                     + "if'get', KEYS[4]) == ARGV[2] then "
                        + "'del', KEYS[7]);"
                        + "'set', KEYS[4], ARGV[3]);"
                        + "'publish', KEYS[5], ARGV[3]);"
                     + "end;"
                  + "end;"
                  + "return 1;"
              + "end;"
              + "if task == false then "
                  + "return 1; "
              + "end;"
              + "return 0;",
          Arrays.asList(requestQueueName, schedulerQueueName, tasksCounterName, statusName, terminationTopicName,
                                tasksName, tasksRetryIntervalName, tasksExpirationTimeName),
          taskId.toString(), RedissonExecutorService.SHUTDOWN_STATE, RedissonExecutorService.TERMINATED_STATE);
        return f.toCompletableFuture();

    protected RequestId generateRequestId() {
        byte[] id = new byte[17];
        id[0] = 00;
        return new RequestId(id);

    public RFuture cancelExecutionAsync(RequestId requestId) {
        String requestQueueName = getRequestQueueName(RemoteExecutorService.class);
        CompletableFuture removeFuture = removeAsync(requestQueueName, requestId);
        CompletableFuture f = removeFuture.thenCompose(res -> {
            if (res) {
                return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true);

            RMap canceledRequests = getMap(cancelRequestMapName);
            canceledRequests.putAsync(requestId.toString(), new RemoteServiceCancelRequest(true, true));
            canceledRequests.expireAsync(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

            CompletableFuture response = scheduleCancelResponseCheck(cancelResponseMapName, requestId);
            return response.thenApply(r -> {
                if (r == null) {
                    return false;
                return r.isCanceled();

        removeFuture.thenAccept(r -> {
            commandExecutor.getConnectionManager().newTimeout(timeout -> {
            }, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        return new CompletableFutureWrapper<>(f);

    private CompletableFuture scheduleCancelResponseCheck(String mapName, RequestId requestId) {
        CompletableFuture cancelResponse = new CompletableFuture<>();

        commandExecutor.getConnectionManager().newTimeout(timeout -> {
            if (cancelResponse.isDone()) {

            RMap canceledResponses = getMap(mapName);
            RFuture removeFuture = canceledResponses.removeAsync(requestId.toString());
            CompletableFuture future = removeFuture.thenCompose(response -> {
                if (response == null) {
                    RFuture f = hasTaskAsync(requestId.toString());
                    return f.thenCompose(r -> {
                        if (r) {
                            return scheduleCancelResponseCheck(mapName, requestId);

                        RemoteServiceCancelResponse resp = new RemoteServiceCancelResponse(requestId.toString(), false);
                        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(resp);
                return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(response);
            }).whenComplete((r, ex) -> {
                if (ex != null) {
                    scheduleCancelResponseCheck(mapName, requestId);

            commandExecutor.transfer(future, cancelResponse);
        }, 3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        return cancelResponse;

    public RFuture hasTaskAsync(String taskId) {
        return commandExecutor.writeAsync(tasksName, LongCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.HEXISTS, tasksName, taskId);
