com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Output Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Easy Redis Java client and Real-Time Data Platform. Valkey compatible. Sync/Async/RxJava3/Reactive API. Client side caching. Over 50 Redis based Java objects and services: JCache API, Apache Tomcat, Hibernate, Spring, Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, List, Queue, Deque, Semaphore, Lock, AtomicLong, Map Reduce, Bloom filter, Scheduler, RPC
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Nathan Sweet
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
* conditions are met:
* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* - Neither the name of Esoteric Software nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
package com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.Pool.Poolable;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.Util;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
/** An OutputStream that writes data to a byte[] and optionally flushes to another OutputStream. Utility methods are provided for
* efficiently writing primitive types and strings using big endian.
* @author Nathan Sweet */
public class Output extends OutputStream implements AutoCloseable, Poolable {
protected int maxCapacity;
protected long total;
protected int position;
protected int capacity;
protected byte[] buffer;
protected OutputStream outputStream;
protected boolean varEncoding = true;
/** Creates an uninitialized Output, {@link #setBuffer(byte[], int)} must be called before the Output is used. */
public Output () {
/** Creates a new Output for writing to a byte[].
* @param bufferSize The size of the buffer. An exception is thrown if more bytes than this are written and {@link #flush()}
* does not empty the buffer. */
public Output (int bufferSize) {
this(bufferSize, bufferSize);
/** Creates a new Output for writing to a byte[].
* @param bufferSize The initial size of the buffer.
* @param maxBufferSize If {@link #flush()} does not empty the buffer, the buffer is doubled as needed until it exceeds
* maxBufferSize and an exception is thrown. Can be -1 for no maximum. */
public Output (int bufferSize, int maxBufferSize) {
if (bufferSize > maxBufferSize && maxBufferSize != -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"bufferSize: " + bufferSize + " cannot be greater than maxBufferSize: " + maxBufferSize);
if (maxBufferSize < -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxBufferSize cannot be < -1: " + maxBufferSize);
this.capacity = bufferSize;
this.maxCapacity = maxBufferSize == -1 ? Util.maxArraySize : maxBufferSize;
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
/** Creates a new Output for writing to a byte[].
* @see #setBuffer(byte[]) */
public Output (byte[] buffer) {
this(buffer, buffer.length);
/** Creates a new Output for writing to a byte[].
* @see #setBuffer(byte[], int) */
public Output (byte[] buffer, int maxBufferSize) {
if (buffer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer cannot be null.");
setBuffer(buffer, maxBufferSize);
/** Creates a new Output for writing to an OutputStream. A buffer size of 4096 is used. */
public Output (OutputStream outputStream) {
this(4096, 4096);
if (outputStream == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("outputStream cannot be null.");
this.outputStream = outputStream;
/** Creates a new Output for writing to an OutputStream with the specified buffer size. */
public Output (OutputStream outputStream, int bufferSize) {
this(bufferSize, bufferSize);
if (outputStream == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("outputStream cannot be null.");
this.outputStream = outputStream;
public OutputStream getOutputStream () {
return outputStream;
/** Sets a new OutputStream to flush data to when the buffer is full. The position and total are reset, discarding any buffered
* bytes.
* @param outputStream May be null. */
public void setOutputStream (OutputStream outputStream) {
this.outputStream = outputStream;
/** Sets a new buffer to write to. The max size is the buffer's length.
* @see #setBuffer(byte[], int) */
public void setBuffer (byte[] buffer) {
setBuffer(buffer, buffer.length);
/** Sets a new buffer to write to. The bytes are not copied, the old buffer is discarded and the new buffer used in its place.
* The position and total are reset. The {@link #setOutputStream(OutputStream) OutputStream} is set to null.
* @param maxBufferSize If {@link #flush()} does not empty the buffer, the buffer is doubled as needed until it exceeds
* maxBufferSize and an exception is thrown. Can be -1 for no maximum. */
public void setBuffer (byte[] buffer, int maxBufferSize) {
if (buffer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer cannot be null.");
if (buffer.length > maxBufferSize && maxBufferSize != -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"buffer has length: " + buffer.length + " cannot be greater than maxBufferSize: " + maxBufferSize);
if (maxBufferSize < -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxBufferSize cannot be < -1: " + maxBufferSize);
this.buffer = buffer;
this.maxCapacity = maxBufferSize == -1 ? Util.maxArraySize : maxBufferSize;
capacity = buffer.length;
position = 0;
total = 0;
outputStream = null;
/** Returns the buffer. The bytes between 0 and {@link #position()} are the data that has been written. */
public byte[] getBuffer () {
return buffer;
/** Allocates and returns a new byte[] containing the bytes currently in the buffer between 0 and {@link #position()}. */
public byte[] toBytes () {
byte[] newBuffer = new byte[position];
System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, position);
return newBuffer;
public boolean getVariableLengthEncoding () {
return varEncoding;
/** If false, {@link #writeInt(int, boolean)}, {@link #writeLong(long, boolean)}, {@link #writeInts(int[], int, int, boolean)},
* and {@link #writeLongs(long[], int, int, boolean)} will use fixed length encoding, which may be faster for some data.
* Default is true. */
public void setVariableLengthEncoding (boolean varEncoding) {
this.varEncoding = varEncoding;
/** Returns the current position in the buffer. This is the number of bytes that have not been flushed. */
public int position () {
return position;
/** Sets the current position in the buffer. */
public void setPosition (int position) {
this.position = position;
/** Returns the total number of bytes written. This may include bytes that have not been flushed. */
public long total () {
return total + position;
/** The maximum buffer size, or -1 for no maximum.
* @see Output#Output(int, int) */
public int getMaxCapacity () {
return maxCapacity;
/** Sets the position and total to 0. */
public void reset () {
position = 0;
total = 0;
/** Ensures the buffer is large enough to read the specified number of bytes.
* @return true if the buffer has been resized. */
protected boolean require (int required) throws KryoException {
if (capacity - position >= required) return false;
if (capacity - position >= required) return true;
if (required > maxCapacity - position) {
if (required > maxCapacity)
throw new KryoBufferOverflowException("Buffer overflow. Max capacity: " + maxCapacity + ", required: " + required);
throw new KryoBufferOverflowException(
"Buffer overflow. Available: " + (maxCapacity - position) + ", required: " + required);
if (capacity == 0) capacity = 16;
do {
capacity = Math.min(capacity * 2, maxCapacity);
} while (capacity - position < required);
byte[] newBuffer = new byte[capacity];
System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, position);
buffer = newBuffer;
return true;
// OutputStream:
/** Flushes the buffered bytes. The default implementation writes the buffered bytes to the {@link #getOutputStream()
* OutputStream}, if any, and sets the position to 0. Can be overridden to flush the bytes somewhere else. */
public void flush () throws KryoException {
if (outputStream == null) return;
try {
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, position);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new KryoException(ex);
total += position;
position = 0;
/** Flushes any buffered bytes and closes the underlying OutputStream, if any. */
public void close () throws KryoException {
if (outputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
/** Writes a byte. */
public void write (int value) throws KryoException {
if (position == capacity) require(1);
buffer[position++] = (byte)value;
/** Writes the bytes. Note the number of bytes is not written. */
public void write (byte[] bytes) throws KryoException {
if (bytes == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytes cannot be null.");
writeBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
/** Writes the bytes. Note the number of bytes is not written. */
public void write (byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws KryoException {
writeBytes(bytes, offset, length);
// byte:
public void writeByte (byte value) throws KryoException {
if (position == capacity) require(1);
buffer[position++] = value;
public void writeByte (int value) throws KryoException {
if (position == capacity) require(1);
buffer[position++] = (byte)value;
/** Writes the bytes. Note the number of bytes is not written. */
public void writeBytes (byte[] bytes) throws KryoException {
if (bytes == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytes cannot be null.");
writeBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
/** Writes the bytes. Note the number of bytes is not written. */
public void writeBytes (byte[] bytes, int offset, int count) throws KryoException {
if (bytes == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytes cannot be null.");
int copyCount = Math.min(capacity - position, count);
while (true) {
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, buffer, position, copyCount);
position += copyCount;
count -= copyCount;
if (count == 0) return;
offset += copyCount;
copyCount = Math.min(Math.max(capacity, 1), count);
/** Writes count bytes from long, the last byte written is the lowest byte from the long.
* Note the number of bytes is not written. */
public void writeInt (int bytes, int count) {
if (count < 0 || count > 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("count must be >= 0 and <= 4: " + count);
int p = position;
position = p + count;
switch (count) {
case 1:
buffer[p] = (byte)bytes;
case 2:
buffer[p] = (byte)(bytes >> 8);
buffer[p+1] = (byte)bytes;
case 3:
buffer[p] = (byte)(bytes >> 16);
buffer[p+1] = (byte)(bytes >> 8);
buffer[p+2] = (byte)bytes;
case 4:
buffer[p] = (byte)(bytes >> 24);
buffer[p+1] = (byte)(bytes >> 16);
buffer[p+2] = (byte)(bytes >> 8);
buffer[p+3] = (byte)bytes;
/** Writes count bytes from long, the last byte written is the lowest byte from the long.
* Note the number of bytes is not written. */
public void writeLong (long bytes, int count) {
if (count < 0 || count > 8) throw new IllegalArgumentException("count must be >= 0 and <= 8: " + count);
if (count <= 4) {
writeInt((int) bytes, count);
} else {
writeInt((int) (bytes >> 32), count - 4);
writeInt((int) bytes, 4);
// int:
/** Writes a 4 byte int. */
public void writeInt (int value) throws KryoException {
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
position = p + 4;
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >> 24);
/** Reads an int using fixed or variable length encoding, depending on {@link #setVariableLengthEncoding(boolean)}. Use
* {@link #writeVarInt(int, boolean)} explicitly when writing values that should always use variable length encoding (eg values
* that appear many times).
* @return The number of bytes written.
* @see #intLength(int, boolean) */
public int writeInt (int value, boolean optimizePositive) throws KryoException {
if (varEncoding) return writeVarInt(value, optimizePositive);
return 4;
/** Writes a 1-5 byte int.
* @param optimizePositive If true, small positive numbers will be more efficient (1 byte) and small negative numbers will be
* inefficient (5 bytes).
* @return The number of bytes written.
* @see #varIntLength(int, boolean) */
public int writeVarInt (int value, boolean optimizePositive) throws KryoException {
if (!optimizePositive) value = (value << 1) ^ (value >> 31);
if (value >>> 7 == 0) {
if (position == capacity) require(1);
buffer[position++] = (byte)value;
return 1;
if (value >>> 14 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 2;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7);
return 2;
if (value >>> 21 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 3;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14);
return 3;
if (value >>> 28 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 4;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 21);
return 4;
int p = position;
position = p + 5;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 21 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 28);
return 5;
/** Writes a 1-5 byte int, encoding the boolean value with a bit flag.
* @param optimizePositive If true, small positive numbers will be more efficient (1 byte) and small negative numbers will be
* inefficient (5 bytes).
* @return The number of bytes written. */
public int writeVarIntFlag (boolean flag, int value, boolean optimizePositive) throws KryoException {
if (!optimizePositive) value = (value << 1) ^ (value >> 31);
int first = (value & 0x3F) | (flag ? 0x80 : 0); // Mask first 6 bits, bit 8 is the flag.
if (value >>> 6 == 0) {
if (position == capacity) require(1);
buffer[position++] = (byte)first;
return 1;
if (value >>> 13 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 2;
buffer[p] = (byte)(first | 0x40); // Set bit 7.
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 6);
return 2;
if (value >>> 20 == 0) {
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
position = p + 3;
buffer[p] = (byte)(first | 0x40); // Set bit 7.
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)((value >>> 6) | 0x80); // Set bit 8.
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 13);
return 3;
if (value >>> 27 == 0) {
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
position = p + 4;
buffer[p] = (byte)(first | 0x40); // Set bit 7.
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)((value >>> 6) | 0x80); // Set bit 8.
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)((value >>> 13) | 0x80); // Set bit 8.
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 20);
return 4;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
position = p + 5;
buffer[p] = (byte)(first | 0x40); // Set bit 7.
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)((value >>> 6) | 0x80); // Set bit 8.
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)((value >>> 13) | 0x80); // Set bit 8.
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)((value >>> 20) | 0x80); // Set bit 8.
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 27);
return 5;
/** Returns the number of bytes that would be written with {@link #writeInt(int, boolean)}. */
public int intLength (int value, boolean optimizePositive) {
if (varEncoding) return varIntLength(value, optimizePositive);
return 4;
// long:
/** Writes an 8 byte long. */
public void writeLong (long value) throws KryoException {
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
position = p + 8;
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 16);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 24);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 32);
buffer[p + 5] = (byte)(value >>> 40);
buffer[p + 6] = (byte)(value >>> 48);
buffer[p + 7] = (byte)(value >>> 56);
/** Reads a long using fixed or variable length encoding, depending on {@link #setVariableLengthEncoding(boolean)}. Use
* {@link #writeVarLong(long, boolean)} explicitly when writing values that should always use variable length encoding (eg
* values that appear many times).
* @return The number of bytes written.
* @see #longLength(int, boolean) */
public int writeLong (long value, boolean optimizePositive) throws KryoException {
if (varEncoding) return writeVarLong(value, optimizePositive);
return 8;
/** Writes a 1-9 byte long.
* @param optimizePositive If true, small positive numbers will be more efficient (1 byte) and small negative numbers will be
* inefficient (9 bytes).
* @return The number of bytes written.
* @see #varLongLength(long, boolean) */
public int writeVarLong (long value, boolean optimizePositive) throws KryoException {
if (!optimizePositive) value = (value << 1) ^ (value >> 63);
if (value >>> 7 == 0) {
if (position == capacity) require(1);
buffer[position++] = (byte)value;
return 1;
if (value >>> 14 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 2;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7);
return 2;
if (value >>> 21 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 3;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14);
return 3;
if (value >>> 28 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 4;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 21);
return 4;
if (value >>> 35 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 5;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 21 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 28);
return 5;
if (value >>> 42 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 6;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 21 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 28 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 5] = (byte)(value >>> 35);
return 6;
if (value >>> 49 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 7;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 21 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 28 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 5] = (byte)(value >>> 35 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 6] = (byte)(value >>> 42);
return 7;
if (value >>> 56 == 0) {
int p = position;
position = p + 8;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 21 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 28 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 5] = (byte)(value >>> 35 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 6] = (byte)(value >>> 42 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 7] = (byte)(value >>> 49);
return 8;
int p = position;
position = p + 9;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
buffer[p] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 7 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 14 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 21 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 28 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 5] = (byte)(value >>> 35 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 6] = (byte)(value >>> 42 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 7] = (byte)(value >>> 49 | 0x80);
buffer[p + 8] = (byte)(value >>> 56);
return 9;
/** Returns the number of bytes that would be written with {@link #writeLong(long, boolean)}. */
public int longLength (int value, boolean optimizePositive) {
if (varEncoding) return varLongLength(value, optimizePositive);
return 8;
// float:
/** Writes a 4 byte float. */
public void writeFloat (float value) throws KryoException {
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
position = p + 4;
int intValue = Float.floatToIntBits(value);
buffer[p] = (byte)intValue;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(intValue >> 8);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(intValue >> 16);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(intValue >> 24);
/** Writes a 1-5 byte float with reduced precision.
* @param optimizePositive If true, small positive numbers will be more efficient (1 byte) and small negative numbers will be
* inefficient (5 bytes).
* @return The number of bytes written. */
public int writeVarFloat (float value, float precision, boolean optimizePositive) throws KryoException {
return writeVarInt((int)(value * precision), optimizePositive);
// double:
/** Writes an 8 byte double. */
public void writeDouble (double value) throws KryoException {
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
position = p + 8;
long longValue = Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
buffer[p] = (byte)longValue;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(longValue >>> 8);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(longValue >>> 16);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(longValue >>> 24);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(longValue >>> 32);
buffer[p + 5] = (byte)(longValue >>> 40);
buffer[p + 6] = (byte)(longValue >>> 48);
buffer[p + 7] = (byte)(longValue >>> 56);
/** Writes a 1-9 byte double with reduced precision.
* @param optimizePositive If true, small positive numbers will be more efficient (1 byte) and small negative numbers will be
* inefficient (9 bytes).
* @return The number of bytes written. */
public int writeVarDouble (double value, double precision, boolean optimizePositive) throws KryoException {
return writeVarLong((long)(value * precision), optimizePositive);
// short:
/** Writes a 2 byte short. */
public void writeShort (int value) throws KryoException {
int p = position;
position = p + 2;
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
// char:
/** Writes a 2 byte char. */
public void writeChar (char value) throws KryoException {
int p = position;
position = p + 2;
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
// boolean:
/** Writes a 1 byte boolean. */
public void writeBoolean (boolean value) throws KryoException {
if (position == capacity) require(1);
buffer[position++] = value ? (byte)1 : 0;
// String:
/** Writes the length and string, or null. Short strings are checked and if ASCII they are written more efficiently, else they
* are written as UTF8. If a string is known to be ASCII, {@link #writeAscii(String)} may be used. The string can be read using
* {@link Input#readString()} or {@link Input#readStringBuilder()}.
* @param value May be null. */
public void writeString (String value) throws KryoException {
if (value == null) {
writeByte(0x80); // 0 means null, bit 8 means UTF8.
int charCount = value.length();
if (charCount == 0) {
writeByte(1 | 0x80); // 1 means empty string, bit 8 means UTF8.
// Detect ASCII.
if (charCount > 1 && charCount <= 32) {
for (int i = 0; i < charCount; i++)
if (value.charAt(i) > 127) break outer;
if (capacity - position < charCount)
writeAscii_slow(value, charCount);
else {
value.getBytes(0, charCount, buffer, position);
position += charCount;
buffer[position - 1] |= 0x80;
writeVarIntFlag(true, charCount + 1, true);
int charIndex = 0;
if (capacity - position >= charCount) {
// Try to write 7 bit chars.
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
while (true) {
int c = value.charAt(charIndex);
if (c > 127) break;
buffer[p++] = (byte)c;
if (charIndex == charCount) {
position = p;
position = p;
if (charIndex < charCount) writeUtf8_slow(value, charCount, charIndex);
/** Writes a string that is known to contain only ASCII characters. Non-ASCII strings passed to this method will be corrupted.
* Each byte is a 7 bit character with the remaining byte denoting if another character is available. This is slightly more
* efficient than {@link #writeString(String)}. The string can be read using {@link Input#readString()} or
* {@link Input#readStringBuilder()}.
* @param value May be null. */
public void writeAscii (String value) throws KryoException {
if (value == null) {
writeByte(0x80); // 0 means null, bit 8 means UTF8.
int charCount = value.length();
switch (charCount) {
case 0:
writeByte(1 | 0x80); // 1 is string length + 1, bit 8 means UTF8.
case 1:
buffer[position++] = (byte)(2 | 0x80); // 2 is string length + 1, bit 8 means UTF8.
buffer[position++] = (byte)value.charAt(0);
if (capacity - position < charCount)
writeAscii_slow(value, charCount);
else {
value.getBytes(0, charCount, buffer, position);
position += charCount;
buffer[position - 1] |= 0x80; // Bit 8 means end of ASCII.
private void writeUtf8_slow (String value, int charCount, int charIndex) {
for (; charIndex < charCount; charIndex++) {
if (position == capacity) require(Math.min(capacity, charCount - charIndex));
int c = value.charAt(charIndex);
if (c <= 0x007F)
buffer[position++] = (byte)c;
else if (c > 0x07FF) {
buffer[position++] = (byte)(0xE0 | c >> 12 & 0x0F);
buffer[position++] = (byte)(0x80 | c >> 6 & 0x3F);
buffer[position++] = (byte)(0x80 | c & 0x3F);
} else {
buffer[position++] = (byte)(0xC0 | c >> 6 & 0x1F);
if (position == capacity) require(1);
buffer[position++] = (byte)(0x80 | c & 0x3F);
private void writeAscii_slow (String value, int charCount) throws KryoException {
if (charCount == 0) return;
if (position == capacity) require(1); // Must be able to write at least one character.
int charIndex = 0;
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int charsToWrite = Math.min(charCount, capacity - position);
while (charIndex < charCount) {
value.getBytes(charIndex, charIndex + charsToWrite, buffer, position);
charIndex += charsToWrite;
position += charsToWrite;
charsToWrite = Math.min(charCount - charIndex, capacity);
if (require(charsToWrite)) buffer = this.buffer;
// Primitive arrays:
/** Writes an int array in bulk. This may be more efficient than writing them individually. */
public void writeInts (int[] array, int offset, int count) throws KryoException {
if (capacity >= count << 2) {
require(count << 2);
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++, p += 4) {
int value = array[offset];
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >> 24);
position = p;
} else {
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++)
/** Writes an int array in bulk using fixed or variable length encoding, depending on
* {@link #setVariableLengthEncoding(boolean)}. This may be more efficient than writing them individually. */
public void writeInts (int[] array, int offset, int count, boolean optimizePositive) throws KryoException {
if (varEncoding) {
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++)
writeVarInt(array[offset], optimizePositive);
} else
writeInts(array, offset, count);
/** Writes a long array in bulk. This may be more efficient than writing them individually. */
public void writeLongs (long[] array, int offset, int count) throws KryoException {
if (capacity >= count << 3) {
require(count << 3);
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++, p += 8) {
long value = array[offset];
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 16);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 24);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 32);
buffer[p + 5] = (byte)(value >>> 40);
buffer[p + 6] = (byte)(value >>> 48);
buffer[p + 7] = (byte)(value >>> 56);
position = p;
} else {
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++)
/** Writes a long array in bulk using fixed or variable length encoding, depending on
* {@link #setVariableLengthEncoding(boolean)}. This may be more efficient than writing them individually. */
public void writeLongs (long[] array, int offset, int count, boolean optimizePositive) throws KryoException {
if (varEncoding) {
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++)
writeVarLong(array[offset], optimizePositive);
} else
writeLongs(array, offset, count);
/** Writes a float array in bulk. This may be more efficient than writing them individually. */
public void writeFloats (float[] array, int offset, int count) throws KryoException {
if (capacity >= count << 2) {
require(count << 2);
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++, p += 4) {
int value = Float.floatToIntBits(array[offset]);
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >> 24);
position = p;
} else {
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++)
/** Writes a double array in bulk. This may be more efficient than writing them individually. */
public void writeDoubles (double[] array, int offset, int count) throws KryoException {
if (capacity >= count << 3) {
require(count << 3);
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++, p += 8) {
long value = Double.doubleToLongBits(array[offset]);
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
buffer[p + 2] = (byte)(value >>> 16);
buffer[p + 3] = (byte)(value >>> 24);
buffer[p + 4] = (byte)(value >>> 32);
buffer[p + 5] = (byte)(value >>> 40);
buffer[p + 6] = (byte)(value >>> 48);
buffer[p + 7] = (byte)(value >>> 56);
position = p;
} else {
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++)
/** Writes a short array in bulk. This may be more efficient than writing them individually. */
public void writeShorts (short[] array, int offset, int count) throws KryoException {
if (capacity >= count << 1) {
require(count << 1);
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++, p += 2) {
int value = array[offset];
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
position = p;
} else {
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++)
/** Writes a char array in bulk. This may be more efficient than writing them individually. */
public void writeChars (char[] array, int offset, int count) throws KryoException {
if (capacity >= count << 1) {
require(count << 1);
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++, p += 2) {
int value = array[offset];
buffer[p] = (byte)value;
buffer[p + 1] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
position = p;
} else {
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++)
/** Writes a boolean array in bulk. This may be more efficient than writing them individually. */
public void writeBooleans (boolean[] array, int offset, int count) throws KryoException {
if (capacity >= count) {
byte[] buffer = this.buffer;
int p = position;
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++, p++)
buffer[p] = array[offset] ? (byte)1 : 0;
position = p;
} else {
for (int n = offset + count; offset < n; offset++)
/** Returns the number of bytes that would be written with {@link #writeVarInt(int, boolean)}. */
public static int varIntLength (int value, boolean optimizePositive) {
if (!optimizePositive) value = (value << 1) ^ (value >> 31);
if (value >>> 7 == 0) return 1;
if (value >>> 14 == 0) return 2;
if (value >>> 21 == 0) return 3;
if (value >>> 28 == 0) return 4;
return 5;
/** Returns the number of bytes that would be written with {@link #writeVarLong(long, boolean)}. */
public static int varLongLength (long value, boolean optimizePositive) {
if (!optimizePositive) value = (value << 1) ^ (value >> 63);
if (value >>> 7 == 0) return 1;
if (value >>> 14 == 0) return 2;
if (value >>> 21 == 0) return 3;
if (value >>> 28 == 0) return 4;
if (value >>> 35 == 0) return 5;
if (value >>> 42 == 0) return 6;
if (value >>> 49 == 0) return 7;
if (value >>> 56 == 0) return 8;
return 9;
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