com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Base64Variant Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* Jackson JSON-processor.
* Copyright (c) 2007- Tatu Saloranta, [email protected]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.core;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.ByteArrayBuilder;
* Class used to define specific details of which
* variant of Base64 encoding/decoding is to be used. Although there is
* somewhat standard basic version (so-called "MIME Base64"), other variants
* exists, see Base64 Wikipedia entry for details.
* @author Tatu Saloranta
public final class Base64Variant
implements java.io.Serializable
* Defines how the Base64Variant deals with Padding while reading
* @since 2.12
public enum PaddingReadBehaviour {
* Padding is not allowed in Base64 content being read (finding something
* that looks like padding at the end of content results in an exception)
* Padding is required in Base64 content being read
* (missing padding for incomplete ending quartet results in an exception)
* Padding is allowed but not required in Base64 content being read: no
* exception thrown based on existence or absence, as long as proper
* padding characters are used.
private final static int INT_SPACE = 0x20;
// We'll only serialize name
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Placeholder used by "no padding" variant, to be used when a character
* value is needed.
protected final static char PADDING_CHAR_NONE = '\0';
* Marker used to denote ascii characters that do not correspond
* to a 6-bit value (in this variant), and is not used as a padding
* character.
public final static int BASE64_VALUE_INVALID = -1;
* Marker used to denote ascii character (in decoding table) that
* is the padding character using this variant (if any).
public final static int BASE64_VALUE_PADDING = -2;
/* Encoding/decoding tables
* Decoding table used for base 64 decoding.
private final transient int[] _asciiToBase64 = new int[128];
* Encoding table used for base 64 decoding when output is done
* as characters.
private final transient char[] _base64ToAsciiC = new char[64];
* Alternative encoding table used for base 64 decoding when output is done
* as ascii bytes.
private final transient byte[] _base64ToAsciiB = new byte[64];
/* Other configuration
* Symbolic name of variant; used for diagnostics/debugging.
* Note that this is the only non-transient field; used when reading
* back from serialized state.
* Also: must not be private, accessed from `BaseVariants`
final String _name;
* Character used for padding, if any ({@link #PADDING_CHAR_NONE} if not).
private final char _paddingChar;
* Maximum number of encoded base64 characters to output during encoding
* before adding a linefeed, if line length is to be limited
* ({@link java.lang.Integer#MAX_VALUE} if not limited).
* Note: for some output modes (when writing attributes) linefeeds may
* need to be avoided, and this value ignored.
private final int _maxLineLength;
* Whether this variant uses padding when writing out content or not.
* @since 2.12
private final boolean _writePadding;
* Whether padding characters should be required or not while decoding
* @since 2.12
private final PaddingReadBehaviour _paddingReadBehaviour;
/* Life-cycle
public Base64Variant(String name, String base64Alphabet, boolean writePadding, char paddingChar, int maxLineLength)
_name = name;
_writePadding = writePadding;
_paddingChar = paddingChar;
_maxLineLength = maxLineLength;
// Ok and then we need to create codec tables.
// First the main encoding table:
int alphaLen = base64Alphabet.length();
if (alphaLen != 64) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base64Alphabet length must be exactly 64 (was "+alphaLen+")");
// And then secondary encoding table and decoding table:
base64Alphabet.getChars(0, alphaLen, _base64ToAsciiC, 0);
Arrays.fill(_asciiToBase64, BASE64_VALUE_INVALID);
for (int i = 0; i < alphaLen; ++i) {
char alpha = _base64ToAsciiC[i];
_base64ToAsciiB[i] = (byte) alpha;
_asciiToBase64[alpha] = i;
// Plus if we use padding, add that in too
if (writePadding) {
_asciiToBase64[paddingChar] = BASE64_VALUE_PADDING;
// By default, require padding on input if written on output; do not
// accept if padding not written
_paddingReadBehaviour = writePadding
? PaddingReadBehaviour.PADDING_REQUIRED
: PaddingReadBehaviour.PADDING_FORBIDDEN;
* "Copy constructor" that can be used when the base alphabet is identical
* to one used by another variant except for the maximum line length
* (and obviously, name).
* @param base Variant to use for settings not specific by other parameters
* @param name Name of this variant
* @param maxLineLength Maximum length (in characters) of lines to output before
* using linefeed
public Base64Variant(Base64Variant base,
String name, int maxLineLength)
this(base, name, base._writePadding, base._paddingChar, maxLineLength);
* "Copy constructor" that can be used when the base alphabet is identical
* to one used by another variant, but other details (padding, maximum
* line length) differ
* @param base Variant to use for settings not specific by other parameters
* @param name Name of this variant
* @param writePadding Whether variant will use padding when encoding
* @param paddingChar Padding character used for encoding, excepted on reading, if any
* @param maxLineLength Maximum length (in characters) of lines to output before
* using linefeed
public Base64Variant(Base64Variant base,
String name, boolean writePadding, char paddingChar, int maxLineLength)
this(base, name, writePadding, paddingChar, base._paddingReadBehaviour, maxLineLength);
private Base64Variant(Base64Variant base,
String name, boolean writePadding, char paddingChar, PaddingReadBehaviour paddingReadBehaviour, int maxLineLength)
_name = name;
byte[] srcB = base._base64ToAsciiB;
System.arraycopy(srcB, 0, this._base64ToAsciiB, 0, srcB.length);
char[] srcC = base._base64ToAsciiC;
System.arraycopy(srcC, 0, this._base64ToAsciiC, 0, srcC.length);
int[] srcV = base._asciiToBase64;
System.arraycopy(srcV, 0, this._asciiToBase64, 0, srcV.length);
_writePadding = writePadding;
_paddingChar = paddingChar;
_maxLineLength = maxLineLength;
_paddingReadBehaviour = paddingReadBehaviour;
private Base64Variant(Base64Variant base, PaddingReadBehaviour paddingReadBehaviour) {
this(base, base._name, base._writePadding, base._paddingChar, paddingReadBehaviour, base._maxLineLength);
* @return Base64Variant which does not require padding on read
* @since 2.12
public Base64Variant withPaddingAllowed() {
return withReadPadding(PaddingReadBehaviour.PADDING_ALLOWED);
* @return Base64Variant which requires padding on read
* @since 2.12
public Base64Variant withPaddingRequired() {
return withReadPadding(PaddingReadBehaviour.PADDING_REQUIRED);
* @return Base64Variant which does not accept padding on read
* @since 2.12
public Base64Variant withPaddingForbidden() {
return withReadPadding(PaddingReadBehaviour.PADDING_FORBIDDEN);
* @param readPadding Padding read behavior desired
* @return Instance with desired padding read behavior setting (this
* if already has setting; new instance otherwise)
* @since 2.12
public Base64Variant withReadPadding(PaddingReadBehaviour readPadding) {
return (readPadding == _paddingReadBehaviour) ? this
: new Base64Variant(this, readPadding);
* @param writePadding Determines if padding is output on write or not
* @return Base64Variant which writes padding or not depending on writePadding
* @since 2.12
public Base64Variant withWritePadding(boolean writePadding) {
return (writePadding == _writePadding) ? this
: new Base64Variant(this, _name, writePadding, _paddingChar, _maxLineLength);
/* Serializable overrides
// 26-Oct-2020, tatu: Much more complicated with 2.12 as it is
// possible to create differently configured instances.
// Need to start with name to regenerate tables etc but then
// handle overrides
protected Object readResolve() {
Base64Variant base = Base64Variants.valueOf(_name);
if ((_writePadding != base._writePadding)
|| (_paddingChar != base._paddingChar)
|| (_paddingReadBehaviour != base._paddingReadBehaviour)
|| (_maxLineLength != base._maxLineLength)
) {
return new Base64Variant(base,
_name, _writePadding, _paddingChar, _paddingReadBehaviour, _maxLineLength);
return base;
/* Public accessors
public String getName() { return _name; }
* @return True if this Base64 encoding will write padding on output
* (note: before Jackson 2.12 also dictated whether padding was accepted on read)
public boolean usesPadding() { return _writePadding; }
* @return {@code True} if this variant requires padding on content decoded; {@code false} if not.
* @since 2.12
public boolean requiresPaddingOnRead() {
return _paddingReadBehaviour == PaddingReadBehaviour.PADDING_REQUIRED;
* @return {@code True} if this variant accepts padding on content decoded; {@code false} if not.
* @since 2.12
public boolean acceptsPaddingOnRead() {
return _paddingReadBehaviour != PaddingReadBehaviour.PADDING_FORBIDDEN;
public boolean usesPaddingChar(char c) { return c == _paddingChar; }
public boolean usesPaddingChar(int ch) { return ch == _paddingChar; }
* @return Indicator on how this Base64 encoding will handle possible padding
* in content when reading.
* @since 2.12
public PaddingReadBehaviour paddingReadBehaviour() { return _paddingReadBehaviour; }
public char getPaddingChar() { return _paddingChar; }
public byte getPaddingByte() { return (byte)_paddingChar; }
public int getMaxLineLength() { return _maxLineLength; }
/* Decoding support
* @param c Character to decode
* @return 6-bit decoded value, if valid character;
public int decodeBase64Char(char c)
int ch = c;
return (ch <= 127) ? _asciiToBase64[ch] : BASE64_VALUE_INVALID;
public int decodeBase64Char(int ch)
return (ch <= 127) ? _asciiToBase64[ch] : BASE64_VALUE_INVALID;
public int decodeBase64Byte(byte b)
int ch = b;
// note: cast retains sign, so it's from -128 to +127
if (ch < 0) {
return _asciiToBase64[ch];
/* Encoding support
public char encodeBase64BitsAsChar(int value)
// Let's assume caller has done necessary checks; this
// method must be fast and inlinable
return _base64ToAsciiC[value];
* Method that encodes given right-aligned (LSB) 24-bit value
* into 4 base64 characters, stored in given result buffer.
* Caller must ensure there is sufficient space for 4 encoded characters
* at specified position.
* @param b24 3-byte value to encode
* @param buffer Output buffer to append characters to
* @param outPtr Starting position within {@code buffer} to append encoded characters
* @return Pointer in output buffer after appending 4 encoded characters
public int encodeBase64Chunk(int b24, char[] buffer, int outPtr)
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiC[(b24 >> 18) & 0x3F];
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiC[(b24 >> 12) & 0x3F];
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiC[(b24 >> 6) & 0x3F];
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiC[b24 & 0x3F];
return outPtr;
public void encodeBase64Chunk(StringBuilder sb, int b24)
sb.append(_base64ToAsciiC[(b24 >> 18) & 0x3F]);
sb.append(_base64ToAsciiC[(b24 >> 12) & 0x3F]);
sb.append(_base64ToAsciiC[(b24 >> 6) & 0x3F]);
sb.append(_base64ToAsciiC[b24 & 0x3F]);
* Method that outputs partial chunk (which only encodes one
* or two bytes of data). Data given is still aligned same as if
* it as full data; that is, missing data is at the "right end"
* (LSB) of int.
* @param bits 24-bit chunk containing 1 or 2 bytes to encode
* @param outputBytes Number of input bytes to encode (either 1 or 2)
* @param buffer Output buffer to append characters to
* @param outPtr Starting position within {@code buffer} to append encoded characters
* @return Pointer in output buffer after appending encoded characters (2, 3 or 4)
public int encodeBase64Partial(int bits, int outputBytes, char[] buffer, int outPtr)
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiC[(bits >> 18) & 0x3F];
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiC[(bits >> 12) & 0x3F];
if (usesPadding()) {
buffer[outPtr++] = (outputBytes == 2) ?
_base64ToAsciiC[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F] : _paddingChar;
buffer[outPtr++] = _paddingChar;
} else {
if (outputBytes == 2) {
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiC[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F];
return outPtr;
public void encodeBase64Partial(StringBuilder sb, int bits, int outputBytes)
sb.append(_base64ToAsciiC[(bits >> 18) & 0x3F]);
sb.append(_base64ToAsciiC[(bits >> 12) & 0x3F]);
if (usesPadding()) {
sb.append((outputBytes == 2) ?
_base64ToAsciiC[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F] : _paddingChar);
} else {
if (outputBytes == 2) {
sb.append(_base64ToAsciiC[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F]);
public byte encodeBase64BitsAsByte(int value)
// As with above, assuming it is 6-bit value
return _base64ToAsciiB[value];
* Method that encodes given right-aligned (LSB) 24-bit value
* into 4 base64 bytes (ascii), stored in given result buffer.
* @param b24 3-byte value to encode
* @param buffer Output buffer to append characters (as bytes) to
* @param outPtr Starting position within {@code buffer} to append encoded characters
* @return Pointer in output buffer after appending 4 encoded characters
public int encodeBase64Chunk(int b24, byte[] buffer, int outPtr)
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiB[(b24 >> 18) & 0x3F];
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiB[(b24 >> 12) & 0x3F];
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiB[(b24 >> 6) & 0x3F];
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiB[b24 & 0x3F];
return outPtr;
* Method that outputs partial chunk (which only encodes one
* or two bytes of data). Data given is still aligned same as if
* it as full data; that is, missing data is at the "right end"
* (LSB) of int.
* @param bits 24-bit chunk containing 1 or 2 bytes to encode
* @param outputBytes Number of input bytes to encode (either 1 or 2)
* @param buffer Output buffer to append characters to
* @param outPtr Starting position within {@code buffer} to append encoded characters
* @return Pointer in output buffer after appending encoded characters (2, 3 or 4)
public int encodeBase64Partial(int bits, int outputBytes, byte[] buffer, int outPtr)
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiB[(bits >> 18) & 0x3F];
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiB[(bits >> 12) & 0x3F];
if (usesPadding()) {
byte pb = (byte) _paddingChar;
buffer[outPtr++] = (outputBytes == 2) ?
_base64ToAsciiB[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F] : pb;
buffer[outPtr++] = pb;
} else {
if (outputBytes == 2) {
buffer[outPtr++] = _base64ToAsciiB[(bits >> 6) & 0x3F];
return outPtr;
/* Convenience conversion methods for String to/from bytes use case
* Convenience method for converting given byte array as base64 encoded
* String using this variant's settings.
* Resulting value is "raw", that is, not enclosed in double-quotes.
* @param input Byte array to encode
* @return Base64 encoded String of encoded {@code input} bytes, not surrounded by quotes
public String encode(byte[] input)
return encode(input, false);
* Convenience method for converting given byte array as base64 encoded String
* using this variant's settings, optionally enclosed in double-quotes.
* Linefeeds added, if needed, are expressed as 2-character JSON (and Java source)
* escape sequence of backslash + `n`.
* @param input Byte array to encode
* @param addQuotes Whether to surround resulting value in double quotes or not
* @return Base64 encoded String of encoded {@code input} bytes, possibly
* surrounded by quotes (if {@code addQuotes} enabled)
public String encode(byte[] input, boolean addQuotes)
final int inputEnd = input.length;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(inputEnd + (inputEnd >> 2) + (inputEnd >> 3));
if (addQuotes) {
int chunksBeforeLF = getMaxLineLength() >> 2;
// Ok, first we loop through all full triplets of data:
int inputPtr = 0;
int safeInputEnd = inputEnd-3; // to get only full triplets
while (inputPtr <= safeInputEnd) {
// First, mash 3 bytes into lsb of 32-bit int
int b24 = (input[inputPtr++]) << 8;
b24 |= (input[inputPtr++]) & 0xFF;
b24 = (b24 << 8) | ((input[inputPtr++]) & 0xFF);
encodeBase64Chunk(sb, b24);
if (--chunksBeforeLF <= 0) {
// note: must quote in JSON value, so not really useful...
chunksBeforeLF = getMaxLineLength() >> 2;
// And then we may have 1 or 2 leftover bytes to encode
int inputLeft = inputEnd - inputPtr; // 0, 1 or 2
if (inputLeft > 0) { // yes, but do we have room for output?
int b24 = (input[inputPtr++]) << 16;
if (inputLeft == 2) {
b24 |= ((input[inputPtr++]) & 0xFF) << 8;
encodeBase64Partial(sb, b24, inputLeft);
if (addQuotes) {
return sb.toString();
* Convenience method for converting given byte array as base64 encoded String
* using this variant's settings, optionally enclosed in double-quotes.
* Linefeed character to use is passed explicitly.
* @param input Byte array to encode
* @param addQuotes Whether to surround resulting value in double quotes or not
* @param linefeed Linefeed to use for encoded content
* @return Base64 encoded String of encoded {@code input} bytes
* @since 2.10
public String encode(byte[] input, boolean addQuotes, String linefeed)
final int inputEnd = input.length;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(inputEnd + (inputEnd >> 2) + (inputEnd >> 3));
if (addQuotes) {
int chunksBeforeLF = getMaxLineLength() >> 2;
int inputPtr = 0;
int safeInputEnd = inputEnd-3;
while (inputPtr <= safeInputEnd) {
int b24 = (input[inputPtr++]) << 8;
b24 |= (input[inputPtr++]) & 0xFF;
b24 = (b24 << 8) | ((input[inputPtr++]) & 0xFF);
encodeBase64Chunk(sb, b24);
if (--chunksBeforeLF <= 0) {
chunksBeforeLF = getMaxLineLength() >> 2;
int inputLeft = inputEnd - inputPtr;
if (inputLeft > 0) {
int b24 = (input[inputPtr++]) << 16;
if (inputLeft == 2) {
b24 |= ((input[inputPtr++]) & 0xFF) << 8;
encodeBase64Partial(sb, b24, inputLeft);
if (addQuotes) {
return sb.toString();
* Convenience method for decoding contents of a Base64-encoded String,
* using this variant's settings.
* @param input Base64-encoded input String to decode
* @return Byte array of decoded contents
* @since 2.3
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if input is not valid base64 encoded data
public byte[] decode(String input) throws IllegalArgumentException
ByteArrayBuilder b = new ByteArrayBuilder();
decode(input, b);
return b.toByteArray();
* Convenience method for decoding contents of a Base64-encoded String,
* using this variant's settings
* and appending decoded binary data using provided {@link ByteArrayBuilder}.
* NOTE: builder will NOT be reset before decoding (nor cleared afterwards);
* assumption is that caller will ensure it is given in proper state, and
* used as appropriate afterwards.
* @param str Input to decode
* @param builder Builder used for assembling decoded content
* @since 2.3
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if input is not valid base64 encoded data
public void decode(String str, ByteArrayBuilder builder) throws IllegalArgumentException
int ptr = 0;
int len = str.length();
while (true) {
// first, we'll skip preceding white space, if any
char ch;
do {
if (ptr >= len) {
break main_loop;
ch = str.charAt(ptr++);
} while (ch <= INT_SPACE);
int bits = decodeBase64Char(ch);
if (bits < 0) {
_reportInvalidBase64(ch, 0, null);
int decodedData = bits;
// then second base64 char; can't get padding yet, nor ws
if (ptr >= len) {
ch = str.charAt(ptr++);
bits = decodeBase64Char(ch);
if (bits < 0) {
_reportInvalidBase64(ch, 1, null);
decodedData = (decodedData << 6) | bits;
// third base64 char; can be padding, but not ws
if (ptr >= len) {
// but as per [JACKSON-631] can be end-of-input, iff padding is not required
if (!requiresPaddingOnRead()) {
decodedData >>= 4;
ch = str.charAt(ptr++);
bits = decodeBase64Char(ch);
// First branch: can get padding (-> 1 byte)
if (bits < 0) {
if (bits != Base64Variant.BASE64_VALUE_PADDING) {
_reportInvalidBase64(ch, 2, null);
if (!acceptsPaddingOnRead()) {
// Ok, must get padding
if (ptr >= len) {
ch = str.charAt(ptr++);
if (!usesPaddingChar(ch)) {
_reportInvalidBase64(ch, 3, "expected padding character '"+getPaddingChar()+"'");
// Got 12 bits, only need 8, need to shift
decodedData >>= 4;
// Nope, 2 or 3 bytes
decodedData = (decodedData << 6) | bits;
// fourth and last base64 char; can be padding, but not ws
if (ptr >= len) {
// but as per [JACKSON-631] can be end-of-input, iff padding on read is not required
if (!requiresPaddingOnRead()) {
decodedData >>= 2;
ch = str.charAt(ptr++);
bits = decodeBase64Char(ch);
if (bits < 0) {
if (bits != Base64Variant.BASE64_VALUE_PADDING) {
_reportInvalidBase64(ch, 3, null);
if (!acceptsPaddingOnRead()) {
decodedData >>= 2;
} else {
// otherwise, our triple is now complete
decodedData = (decodedData << 6) | bits;
/* Overridden standard methods
public String toString() { return _name; }
public boolean equals(Object o) {
// identity comparison should be fine
// 26-Oct-2020, tatu: ... not any more with 2.12
if (o == this) return true;
if (o == null || o.getClass() != getClass()) return false;
Base64Variant other = (Base64Variant) o;
return (other._paddingChar == _paddingChar)
&& (other._maxLineLength == _maxLineLength)
&& (other._writePadding == _writePadding)
&& (other._paddingReadBehaviour == _paddingReadBehaviour)
&& (_name.equals(other._name))
public int hashCode() {
return _name.hashCode();
/* Internal helper methods
* @param ch Character to report on
* @param bindex Relative index within base64 character unit; between 0
* and 3 (as unit has exactly 4 characters)
* @param msg Base message to use for exception
protected void _reportInvalidBase64(char ch, int bindex, String msg)
throws IllegalArgumentException
String base;
if (ch <= INT_SPACE) {
base = "Illegal white space character (code 0x"+Integer.toHexString(ch)+") as character #"+(bindex+1)+" of 4-char base64 unit: can only used between units";
} else if (usesPaddingChar(ch)) {
base = "Unexpected padding character ('"+getPaddingChar()+"') as character #"+(bindex+1)+" of 4-char base64 unit: padding only legal as 3rd or 4th character";
} else if (!Character.isDefined(ch) || Character.isISOControl(ch)) {
// Not sure if we can really get here... ? (most illegal xml chars are caught at lower level)
base = "Illegal character (code 0x"+Integer.toHexString(ch)+") in base64 content";
} else {
base = "Illegal character '"+ch+"' (code 0x"+Integer.toHexString(ch)+") in base64 content";
if (msg != null) {
base = base + ": " + msg;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(base);
protected void _reportBase64EOF() throws IllegalArgumentException {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(missingPaddingMessage());
protected void _reportBase64UnexpectedPadding() throws IllegalArgumentException {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(unexpectedPaddingMessage());
* Helper method that will construct a message to use in exceptions for cases where input ends
* prematurely in place where padding is not expected.
* @return Exception message for indicating "unexpected padding" case
* @since 2.12
protected String unexpectedPaddingMessage() {
return String.format("Unexpected end of base64-encoded String: base64 variant '%s' expects no padding at the end while decoding. This Base64Variant might have been incorrectly configured",
* Helper method that will construct a message to use in exceptions for cases where input ends
* prematurely in place where padding would be expected.
* @return Exception message for indicating "missing padding" case
* @since 2.10
public String missingPaddingMessage() { // !!! TODO: why is this 'public'?
return String.format("Unexpected end of base64-encoded String: base64 variant '%s' expects padding (one or more '%c' characters) at the end. This Base64Variant might have been incorrectly configured",
getName(), getPaddingChar());