net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2014 - Present Rafael Winterhalter
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.bytebuddy.agent.builder;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import net.bytebuddy.ByteBuddy;
import net.bytebuddy.ClassFileVersion;
import net.bytebuddy.NamingStrategy;
import net.bytebuddy.asm.Advice;
import net.bytebuddy.asm.AsmVisitorWrapper;
import net.bytebuddy.build.AccessControllerPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.build.EntryPoint;
import net.bytebuddy.build.HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.build.Plugin;
import net.bytebuddy.description.field.FieldDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.modifier.FieldManifestation;
import net.bytebuddy.description.modifier.MethodManifestation;
import net.bytebuddy.description.modifier.Ownership;
import net.bytebuddy.description.modifier.TypeManifestation;
import net.bytebuddy.description.modifier.Visibility;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.PackageDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.ClassFileLocator;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.NexusAccessor;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.TypeResolutionStrategy;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.VisibilityBridgeStrategy;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassInjector;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassLoadingStrategy;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassReloadingStrategy;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.InstrumentedType;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.TypeValidation;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.inline.MethodNameTransformer;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.subclass.ConstructorStrategy;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.ExceptionMethod;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.LoadedTypeInitializer;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.MethodCall;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.auxiliary.AuxiliaryType;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.ByteCodeAppender;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.Duplication;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackManipulation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.TypeCreation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.Assigner;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.TypeCasting;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.collection.ArrayFactory;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.constant.ClassConstant;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.constant.IntegerConstant;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.constant.TextConstant;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.FieldAccess;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.MethodInvocation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.MethodReturn;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.MethodVariableAccess;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.LatentMatcher;
import net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.CompoundList;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.JavaConstant;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.JavaModule;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.JavaType;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.dispatcher.JavaDispatcher;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.nullability.AlwaysNull;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.nullability.MaybeNull;
import net.bytebuddy.jar.asm.ConstantDynamic;
import net.bytebuddy.jar.asm.Handle;
import net.bytebuddy.jar.asm.Label;
import net.bytebuddy.jar.asm.MethodVisitor;
import net.bytebuddy.jar.asm.Opcodes;
import net.bytebuddy.jar.asm.Type;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.NotSerializableException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.instrument.ClassDefinition;
import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;
import java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException;
import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
import java.lang.instrument.UnmodifiableClassException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.any;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.hasMethodName;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.isBootstrapClassLoader;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.isConstructor;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.isExtensionClassLoader;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.isSynthetic;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.nameStartsWith;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.named;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.not;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.returns;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.supportsModules;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.takesArgument;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.takesArguments;
* An agent builder provides a convenience API for defining a
* Java agent. By default,
* this transformation is applied by rebasing the type if not specified otherwise by setting a
* {@link TypeStrategy}.
* When defining several {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s, the agent builder always
* applies the transformers that were supplied with the last applicable matcher. Therefore, more general transformers
* should be defined first.
* Note: Any transformation is performed using the {@code java.security.AccessControlContext} of an agent's creator.
* Important: Types that implement lambda expressions (functional interfaces) are not instrumented by default but
* only when enabling the builder's {@link LambdaInstrumentationStrategy}.
public interface AgentBuilder {
* Defines the given {@link net.bytebuddy.ByteBuddy} instance to be used by the created agent.
* @param byteBuddy The Byte Buddy instance to be used.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which makes use of the given {@code byteBuddy} instance.
AgentBuilder with(ByteBuddy byteBuddy);
* Defines the given {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Listener} to be notified by the created agent.
* The given listener is notified after any other listener that is already registered. If a listener is registered
* twice, it is also notified twice.
* @param listener The listener to be notified.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which creates an agent that informs the given listener about
* events.
AgentBuilder with(Listener listener);
* Defines a circularity lock that is acquired upon executing code that potentially loads new classes. While the
* lock is acquired, any class file transformer refrains from transforming any classes. By default, all created
* agents use a shared {@link CircularityLock} to avoid that any classes that are required to execute an agent
* causes a {@link ClassCircularityError}.
* @param circularityLock The circularity lock to use.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which creates an agent that uses the supplied circularity lock.
AgentBuilder with(CircularityLock circularityLock);
* Defines the use of the given type locator for locating a {@link TypeDescription} for an instrumented type.
* @param poolStrategy The type locator to use.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which uses the given type locator for looking up class files.
AgentBuilder with(PoolStrategy poolStrategy);
* Defines the use of the given location strategy for locating binary data to given class names.
* @param locationStrategy The location strategy to use.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which uses the given location strategy for looking up class files.
AgentBuilder with(LocationStrategy locationStrategy);
* Registers an additional class file locator for types that are globally available but cannot be located
* otherwise. Typically, those types are injected classes into the boot loader.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator to add.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which uses the given class file locator for global type lookup.
AgentBuilder with(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator);
* Defines how types should be transformed, e.g. if they should be rebased or redefined by the created agent.
* @param typeStrategy The type strategy to use.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which uses the given type strategy.
AgentBuilder with(TypeStrategy typeStrategy);
* Defines a given initialization strategy to be applied to generated types. An initialization strategy is responsible
* for setting up a type after it was loaded. This initialization must be performed after the transformation because
* a Java agent is only invoked before loading a type. By default, the initialization logic is added to a class's type
* initializer which queries a global object for any objects that are to be injected into the generated type.
* @param initializationStrategy The initialization strategy to use.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that applies the given initialization strategy.
AgentBuilder with(InitializationStrategy initializationStrategy);
* Specifies a strategy for modifying types that were already loaded prior to the installation of this transformer.
* Note: Defining a redefinition strategy resets any refinements of a previously set redefinition strategy.
* Important: Most JVMs do not support changes of a class's structure after a class was already
* loaded. Therefore, it is typically required that this class file transformer was built while enabling
* {@link AgentBuilder#disableClassFormatChanges()}.
* @param redefinitionStrategy The redefinition strategy to apply.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that applies the given redefinition strategy.
RedefinitionListenable.WithoutBatchStrategy with(RedefinitionStrategy redefinitionStrategy);
* Enables or disables management of the JVM's {@code LambdaMetafactory} which is responsible for creating classes that
* implement lambda expressions. Without this feature enabled, classes that are represented by lambda expressions are
* not instrumented by the JVM such that Java agents have no effect on them when a lambda expression's class is loaded
* for the first time.
* When activating this feature, Byte Buddy instruments the {@code LambdaMetafactory} and takes over the responsibility
* of creating classes that represent lambda expressions. In doing so, Byte Buddy has the opportunity to apply the built
* class file transformer. If the current VM does not support lambda expressions, activating this feature has no effect.
* Important: If this feature is active, it is important to release the built class file transformer when
* deactivating it. Normally, it is sufficient to call {@link Instrumentation#removeTransformer(ClassFileTransformer)}.
* When this feature is enabled, it is however also required to invoke
* {@link LambdaInstrumentationStrategy#release(ClassFileTransformer, Instrumentation)}. Otherwise, the executing VMs class
* loader retains a reference to the class file transformer what can cause a memory leak.
* @param lambdaInstrumentationStrategy {@code true} if this feature should be enabled.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder where this feature is explicitly enabled or disabled.
AgentBuilder with(LambdaInstrumentationStrategy lambdaInstrumentationStrategy);
* Specifies a strategy to be used for resolving {@link TypeDescription} for any type handled by the created transformer.
* @param descriptionStrategy The description strategy to use.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that applies the given description strategy.
AgentBuilder with(DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy);
* Specifies a fallback strategy to that this agent builder applies upon installing an agent and during class file transformation.
* @param fallbackStrategy The fallback strategy to be used.
* @return A new agent builder that applies the supplied fallback strategy.
AgentBuilder with(FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy);
* Specifies a class file buffer strategy that determines the use of the buffer supplied to a class file transformer.
* @param classFileBufferStrategy The class file buffer strategy to use.
* @return A new agent builder that applies the supplied class file buffer strategy.
AgentBuilder with(ClassFileBufferStrategy classFileBufferStrategy);
* Adds an installation listener that is notified during installation events. Installation listeners are only invoked if
* a class file transformer is installed using this agent builder's installation methods and uninstalled via the created
* {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer}'s {@code reset} methods.
* @param installationListener The installation listener to register.
* @return A new agent builder that applies the supplied installation listener.
AgentBuilder with(InstallationListener installationListener);
* Defines a strategy for injecting auxiliary types into the target class loader.
* @param injectionStrategy The injection strategy to use.
* @return A new agent builder with the supplied injection strategy configured.
AgentBuilder with(InjectionStrategy injectionStrategy);
* Adds a decorator for the created class file transformer.
* @param transformerDecorator A decorator to wrap the created class file transformer.
* @return A new agent builder that applies the supplied transformer decorator.
AgentBuilder with(TransformerDecorator transformerDecorator);
* Enables the use of the given native method prefix for instrumented methods. Note that this prefix is also
* applied when preserving non-native methods. The use of this prefix is also registered when installing the
* final agent with an {@link java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation}.
* @param prefix The prefix to be used.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which uses the given native method prefix.
AgentBuilder enableNativeMethodPrefix(String prefix);
* Disables the use of a native method prefix for instrumented methods.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which does not use a native method prefix.
AgentBuilder disableNativeMethodPrefix();
* Disables all implicit changes on a class file that Byte Buddy would apply for certain instrumentations. When
* using this option, it is no longer possible to rebase a method, i.e. intercepted methods are fully replaced. Furthermore,
* it is no longer possible to implicitly apply loaded type initializers for explicitly initializing the generated type.
* This is equivalent to setting {@link InitializationStrategy.NoOp} and {@link TypeStrategy.Default#REDEFINE_FROZEN}
* (unless it is configured as {@link TypeStrategy.Default#DECORATE} where this strategy is retained)
* as well as configuring the underlying {@link ByteBuddy} instance to use a {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation.Context.Disabled}.
* Using this strategy also configures Byte Buddy to create frozen instrumented types and discards any explicit configuration.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that does not apply any implicit changes to the received class file.
AgentBuilder disableClassFormatChanges();
* Warms up the generated {@link ClassFileTransformer} to trigger class loading of classes used by the transformer
* prior to its actual use. Ideally, warmup should include classes that cause a transformation and classes that
* are ignored. Warming up can be especially useful when transforming classes on the boot path, where circularity
* errors are more likely. At the same time, warming up might load classes that are expected to be unloaded
* when this agent is installed.
* Important: Warming up is applied just as a regular transformation and will also invoke the {@link Listener}.
* This is done to avoid that listener classes can cause circularities. It is the users responsibility to suppress
* such log output, if necessary.
* @param type The types to include in the warmup.
* @return A new agent builder that considers the supplied classes in its warmup.
AgentBuilder warmUp(Class>... type);
* Warms up the generated {@link ClassFileTransformer} to trigger class loading of classes used by the transformer
* prior to its actual use. Ideally, warmup should include classes that cause a transformation and classes that
* are ignored. Warming up can be especially useful when transforming classes on the boot path, where circularity
* errors are more likely. At the same time, warming up might load classes that are expected to be unloaded
* when this agent is installed.
* Important: Warming up is applied just as a regular transformation and will also invoke the {@link Listener}.
* This is done to avoid that listener classes can cause circularities. It is the users responsibility to suppress
* such log output, if necessary.
* @param types The types to include in the warmup.
* @return A new agent builder that considers the supplied classes in its warmup.
AgentBuilder warmUp(Collection> types);
* Assures that all modules of the supplied types are read by the module of any instrumented type. If the current VM does not support
* the Java module system, calling this method has no effect and this instance is returned.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance that is used for adding a module read-dependency.
* @param type The types for which to assure their module-visibility from any instrumented class.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that assures the supplied types module visibility.
* @see Listener.ModuleReadEdgeCompleting
AgentBuilder assureReadEdgeTo(Instrumentation instrumentation, Class>... type);
* Assures that all supplied modules are read by the module of any instrumented type.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance that is used for adding a module read-dependency.
* @param module The modules for which to assure their module-visibility from any instrumented class.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that assures the supplied types module visibility.
* @see Listener.ModuleReadEdgeCompleting
AgentBuilder assureReadEdgeTo(Instrumentation instrumentation, JavaModule... module);
* Assures that all supplied modules are read by the module of any instrumented type.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance that is used for adding a module read-dependency.
* @param modules The modules for which to assure their module-visibility from any instrumented class.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that assures the supplied types module visibility.
* @see Listener.ModuleReadEdgeCompleting
AgentBuilder assureReadEdgeTo(Instrumentation instrumentation, Collection extends JavaModule> modules);
* Assures that all modules of the supplied types are read by the module of any instrumented type and vice versa.
* If the current VM does not support the Java module system, calling this method has no effect and this instance is returned.
* Setting this option will also ensure that the instrumented type's package is opened to the target module, if applicable.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance that is used for adding a module read-dependency.
* @param type The types for which to assure their module-visibility from and to any instrumented class.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that assures the supplied types module visibility.
* @see Listener.ModuleReadEdgeCompleting
AgentBuilder assureReadEdgeFromAndTo(Instrumentation instrumentation, Class>... type);
* Assures that all supplied modules are read by the module of any instrumented type and vice versa.
* Setting this option will also ensure that the instrumented type's package is opened to the target module.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance that is used for adding a module read-dependency.
* @param module The modules for which to assure their module-visibility from and to any instrumented class.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that assures the supplied types module visibility.
* @see Listener.ModuleReadEdgeCompleting
AgentBuilder assureReadEdgeFromAndTo(Instrumentation instrumentation, JavaModule... module);
* Assures that all supplied modules are read by the module of any instrumented type and vice versa.
* Setting this option will also ensure that the instrumented type's package is opened to the target module.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance that is used for adding a module read-dependency.
* @param modules The modules for which to assure their module-visibility from and to any instrumented class.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that assures the supplied types module visibility.
* @see Listener.ModuleReadEdgeCompleting
AgentBuilder assureReadEdgeFromAndTo(Instrumentation instrumentation, Collection extends JavaModule> modules);
* Matches a type being loaded in order to apply the supplied {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s before loading this type.
* If several matchers positively match a type only the latest registered matcher is considered for transformation.
* If this matcher is chained with additional subsequent matchers, any matcher is executed in registration order with matchers that were registered
* first being executed first. Doing so, later transformations can override transformations that are applied by this matcher. To avoid this, it is
* possible to register this transformation as terminal via {@link Identified.Extendable#asTerminalTransformation()} where no subsequent matchers
* are applied if this matcher matched a given type.
* Note: When applying a matcher, regard the performance implications by {@link AgentBuilder#ignore(ElementMatcher)}. The former
* matcher is applied first such that it makes sense to ignore name spaces that are irrelevant to instrumentation. If possible, it is
* also recommended, to exclude class loaders such as for example the bootstrap class loader by using
* {@link AgentBuilder#type(ElementMatcher, ElementMatcher)} instead.
* @param typeMatcher An {@link net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher} that is applied on the type being loaded that
* decides if the entailed {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s should
* be applied for that type.
* @return A definable that represents this agent builder which allows for the definition of one or several
* {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s to be applied when the given {@code typeMatcher}
* indicates a match.
Identified.Narrowable type(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher);
* Matches a type being loaded in order to apply the supplied {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s before loading this type.
* If several matchers positively match a type only the latest registered matcher is considered for transformation.
* If this matcher is chained with additional subsequent matchers, any matcher is executed in registration order with matchers that were registered
* first being executed first. Doing so, later transformations can override transformations that are applied by this matcher. To avoid this, it is
* possible to register this transformation as terminal via {@link Identified.Extendable#asTerminalTransformation()} where no subsequent matchers
* are applied if this matcher matched a given type.
* Note: When applying a matcher, regard the performance implications by {@link AgentBuilder#ignore(ElementMatcher)}. The former
* matcher is applied first such that it makes sense to ignore name spaces that are irrelevant to instrumentation. If possible, it
* is also recommended, to exclude class loaders such as for example the bootstrap class loader.
* @param typeMatcher An {@link net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher} that is applied on the type being
* loaded that decides if the entailed
* {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s should be applied for
* that type.
* @param classLoaderMatcher An {@link net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher} that is applied to the
* {@link java.lang.ClassLoader} that is loading the type being loaded. This matcher
* is always applied first where the type matcher is not applied in case that this
* matcher does not indicate a match.
* @return A definable that represents this agent builder which allows for the definition of one or several
* {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s to be applied when both the given
* {@code typeMatcher} and {@code classLoaderMatcher} indicate a match.
Identified.Narrowable type(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher, ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher);
* Matches a type being loaded in order to apply the supplied {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s before loading this type.
* If several matchers positively match a type only the latest registered matcher is considered for transformation.
* If this matcher is chained with additional subsequent matchers, any matcher is executed in registration order with matchers that were registered
* first being executed first. Doing so, later transformations can override transformations that are applied by this matcher. To avoid this, it is
* possible to register this transformation as terminal via {@link Identified.Extendable#asTerminalTransformation()} where no subsequent matchers
* are applied if this matcher matched a given type.
* Note: When applying a matcher, regard the performance implications by {@link AgentBuilder#ignore(ElementMatcher)}. The former
* matcher is applied first such that it makes sense to ignore name spaces that are irrelevant to instrumentation. If possible, it
* is also recommended, to exclude class loaders such as for example the bootstrap class loader.
* @param typeMatcher An {@link net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher} that is applied on the type being
* loaded that decides if the entailed
* {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s should be applied for
* that type.
* @param classLoaderMatcher An {@link net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher} that is applied to the
* {@link java.lang.ClassLoader} that is loading the type being loaded. This matcher
* is always applied second where the type matcher is not applied in case that this
* matcher does not indicate a match.
* @param moduleMatcher An {@link net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher} that is applied to the {@link JavaModule}
* of the type being loaded. This matcher is always applied first where the class loader and
* type matchers are not applied in case that this matcher does not indicate a match. On a JVM
* that does not support the Java modules system, this matcher is not applied.
* @return A definable that represents this agent builder which allows for the definition of one or several
* {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s to be applied when both the given
* {@code typeMatcher} and {@code classLoaderMatcher} indicate a match.
Identified.Narrowable type(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher,
ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher);
* Matches a type being loaded in order to apply the supplied {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s before loading this type.
* If several matchers positively match a type only the latest registered matcher is considered for transformation.
* If this matcher is chained with additional subsequent matchers, any matcher is executed in registration order with matchers that were registered
* first being executed first. Doing so, later transformations can override transformations that are applied by this matcher. To avoid this, it is
* possible to register this transformation as terminal via {@link Identified.Extendable#asTerminalTransformation()} where no subsequent matchers
* are applied if this matcher matched a given type.
* Note: When applying a matcher, regard the performance implications by {@link AgentBuilder#ignore(ElementMatcher)}. The former
* matcher is applied first such that it makes sense to ignore name spaces that are irrelevant to instrumentation. If possible, it
* is also recommended, to exclude class loaders such as for example the bootstrap class loader.
* @param matcher A matcher that decides if the entailed {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s should be
* applied for a type that is being loaded.
* @return A definable that represents this agent builder which allows for the definition of one or several
* {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s to be applied when the given {@code matcher}
* indicates a match.
Identified.Narrowable type(RawMatcher matcher);
* Excludes any type that is matched by the provided matcher from instrumentation and considers types by all {@link ClassLoader}s.
* By default, Byte Buddy does not instrument synthetic types or types that are loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
* When ignoring a type, any subsequently chained matcher is applied after this matcher in the order of their registration. Also, if
* any matcher indicates that a type is to be ignored, none of the following chained matchers is executed.
* Note: For performance reasons, it is recommended to always include a matcher that excludes as many namespaces
* as possible. Byte Buddy can determine a type's name without parsing its class file and can therefore discard such
* types with minimal overhead. When a different property of a type - such as for example its modifiers or its annotations
* is accessed - Byte Buddy parses the class file lazily in order to allow for such a matching. Therefore, any exclusion
* of a name should always be done as a first step and even if it does not influence the selection of what types are
* matched. Without changing this property, the class file of every type is being parsed!
* Warning: If a type is loaded during the instrumentation of the same type, this causes the original call site that loads the type
* to remain unbound, causing a {@link LinkageError}. It is therefore important to not instrument types that may be loaded during the application
* of a {@link Transformer}. For this reason, it is not recommended to instrument classes of the bootstrap class loader that Byte Buddy might
* require for instrumenting a class or to instrument any of Byte Buddy's classes. If such instrumentation is desired, it is important to
* assert for each class that they are not loaded during instrumentation.
* @param typeMatcher A matcher that identifies types that should not be instrumented.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that ignores all types that are matched by the provided matcher.
* All previous matchers for ignored types are discarded.
Ignored ignore(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher);
* Excludes any type that is matched by the provided matcher and is loaded by a class loader matching the second matcher.
* By default, Byte Buddy does not instrument synthetic types, types within a {@code net.bytebuddy.*} package or types that
* are loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
* When ignoring a type, any subsequently chained matcher is applied after this matcher in the order of their registration. Also, if
* any matcher indicates that a type is to be ignored, none of the following chained matchers is executed.
* Note: For performance reasons, it is recommended to always include a matcher that excludes as many namespaces
* as possible. Byte Buddy can determine a type's name without parsing its class file and can therefore discard such
* types with minimal overhead. When a different property of a type - such as for example its modifiers or its annotations
* is accessed - Byte Buddy parses the class file lazily in order to allow for such a matching. Therefore, any exclusion
* of a name should always be done as a first step and even if it does not influence the selection of what types are
* matched. Without changing this property, the class file of every type is being parsed!
* Warning: If a type is loaded during the instrumentation of the same type, this causes the original call site that loads the type
* to remain unbound, causing a {@link LinkageError}. It is therefore important to not instrument types that may be loaded during the application
* of a {@link Transformer}. For this reason, it is not recommended to instrument classes of the bootstrap class loader that Byte Buddy might
* require for instrumenting a class or to instrument any of Byte Buddy's classes. If such instrumentation is desired, it is important to
* assert for each class that they are not loaded during instrumentation.
* @param typeMatcher A matcher that identifies types that should not be instrumented.
* @param classLoaderMatcher A matcher that identifies a class loader that identifies classes that should not be instrumented.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that ignores all types that are matched by the provided matcher.
* All previous matchers for ignored types are discarded.
Ignored ignore(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher, ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher);
* Excludes any type that is matched by the provided matcher and is loaded by a class loader matching the second matcher.
* By default, Byte Buddy does not instrument synthetic types, types within a {@code net.bytebuddy.*} package or types that
* are loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
* When ignoring a type, any subsequently chained matcher is applied after this matcher in the order of their registration. Also, if
* any matcher indicates that a type is to be ignored, none of the following chained matchers is executed.
* Note: For performance reasons, it is recommended to always include a matcher that excludes as many namespaces
* as possible. Byte Buddy can determine a type's name without parsing its class file and can therefore discard such
* types with minimal overhead. When a different property of a type - such as for example its modifiers or its annotations
* is accessed - Byte Buddy parses the class file lazily in order to allow for such a matching. Therefore, any exclusion
* of a name should always be done as a first step and even if it does not influence the selection of what types are
* matched. Without changing this property, the class file of every type is being parsed!
* Warning: If a type is loaded during the instrumentation of the same type, this causes the original call site that loads the type
* to remain unbound, causing a {@link LinkageError}. It is therefore important to not instrument types that may be loaded during the application
* of a {@link Transformer}. For this reason, it is not recommended to instrument classes of the bootstrap class loader that Byte Buddy might
* require for instrumenting a class or to instrument any of Byte Buddy's classes. If such instrumentation is desired, it is important to
* assert for each class that they are not loaded during instrumentation.
* @param typeMatcher A matcher that identifies types that should not be instrumented.
* @param classLoaderMatcher A matcher that identifies a class loader that identifies classes that should not be instrumented.
* @param moduleMatcher A matcher that identifies a module that identifies classes that should not be instrumented. On a JVM
* that does not support the Java modules system, this matcher is not applied.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that ignores all types that are matched by the provided matcher.
* All previous matchers for ignored types are discarded.
Ignored ignore(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher,
ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher);
* Excludes any type that is matched by the raw matcher provided to this method. By default, Byte Buddy does not
* instrument synthetic types, types within a {@code net.bytebuddy.*} package or types that are loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
* When ignoring a type, any subsequently chained matcher is applied after this matcher in the order of their registration. Also, if
* any matcher indicates that a type is to be ignored, none of the following chained matchers is executed.
* Note: For performance reasons, it is recommended to always include a matcher that excludes as many namespaces
* as possible. Byte Buddy can determine a type's name without parsing its class file and can therefore discard such
* types with minimal overhead. When a different property of a type - such as for example its modifiers or its annotations
* is accessed - Byte Buddy parses the class file lazily in order to allow for such a matching. Therefore, any exclusion
* of a name should always be done as a first step and even if it does not influence the selection of what types are
* matched. Without changing this property, the class file of every type is being parsed!
* Warning: If a type is loaded during the instrumentation of the same type, this causes the original call site that loads the type
* to remain unbound, causing a {@link LinkageError}. It is therefore important to not instrument types that may be loaded during the application
* of a {@link Transformer}. For this reason, it is not recommended to instrument classes of the bootstrap class loader that Byte Buddy might
* require for instrumenting a class or to instrument any of Byte Buddy's classes. If such instrumentation is desired, it is important to
* assert for each class that they are not loaded during instrumentation.
* @param rawMatcher A raw matcher that identifies types that should not be instrumented.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder that ignores all types that are matched by the provided matcher.
* All previous matchers for ignored types are discarded.
Ignored ignore(RawMatcher rawMatcher);
* Creates a {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer} that implements the configuration of this
* agent builder. When using a raw class file transformer, the {@link InstallationListener} callbacks are
* not invoked and the set {@link RedefinitionStrategy} is not applied onto currently loaded classes.
* @return A class file transformer that implements the configuration of this agent builder.
ClassFileTransformer makeRaw();
* Creates and installs a {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer} that implements the configuration of
* this agent builder with a given {@link java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation}. If retransformation is enabled,
* the installation also causes all loaded types to be retransformed.
* In order to assure the correct handling of the {@link InstallationListener}, an uninstallation should be applied
* via the {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer}'s {@code reset} methods.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation on which this agent builder's configuration is to be installed.
* @return The installed class file transformer.
ResettableClassFileTransformer installOn(Instrumentation instrumentation);
* Creates and installs a {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer} that implements the configuration of
* this agent builder with the Byte Buddy-agent which must be installed prior to calling this method. If retransformation
* is enabled, the installation also causes all loaded types to be retransformed.
* In order to assure the correct handling of the {@link InstallationListener}, an uninstallation should be applied
* via the {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer}'s {@code reset} methods.
* @return The installed class file transformer.
* @see AgentBuilder#installOn(Instrumentation)
ResettableClassFileTransformer installOnByteBuddyAgent();
* Creates and installs a {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer} that implements the configuration of
* this agent builder with a given {@link java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation}. If retransformation is enabled,
* the installation also causes all loaded types to be retransformed which have changed compared to the previous
* class file transformer that is provided as an argument. Without specification, {@link PatchMode#OVERLAP} is used.
* In order to assure the correct handling of the {@link InstallationListener}, an uninstallation should be applied
* via the {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer}'s {@code reset} methods.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation on which this agent builder's configuration is to be installed.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being patched.
* @return The installed class file transformer.
ResettableClassFileTransformer patchOn(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer);
* Creates and installs a {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer} that implements the configuration of
* this agent builder with a given {@link java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation}. If retransformation is enabled,
* the installation also causes all loaded types to be retransformed which have changed compared to the previous
* class file transformer that is provided as an argument. Without specification, {@link PatchMode#OVERLAP} is used.
* In order to assure the correct handling of the {@link InstallationListener}, an uninstallation should be applied
* via the {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer}'s {@code reset} methods.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation on which this agent builder's configuration is to be installed.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being patched.
* @param differentialMatcher The differential matcher to decide what types need retransformation.
* @return The installed class file transformer.
ResettableClassFileTransformer patchOn(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, RawMatcher differentialMatcher);
* Creates and installs a {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer} that implements the configuration of
* this agent builder with a given {@link java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation}. If retransformation is enabled,
* the installation also causes all loaded types to be retransformed which have changed compared to the previous
* class file transformer that is provided as an argument.
* In order to assure the correct handling of the {@link InstallationListener}, an uninstallation should be applied
* via the {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer}'s {@code reset} methods.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation on which this agent builder's configuration is to be installed.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being patched.
* @param patchMode The patch mode to apply.
* @return The installed class file transformer.
ResettableClassFileTransformer patchOn(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, PatchMode patchMode);
* Creates and installs a {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer} that implements the configuration of
* this agent builder with a given {@link java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation}. If retransformation is enabled,
* the installation also causes all loaded types to be retransformed which have changed compared to the previous
* class file transformer that is provided as an argument.
* In order to assure the correct handling of the {@link InstallationListener}, an uninstallation should be applied
* via the {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer}'s {@code reset} methods.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation on which this agent builder's configuration is to be installed.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being patched.
* @param differentialMatcher The differential matcher to decide what types need retransformation.
* @param patchMode The patch mode to apply.
* @return The installed class file transformer.
ResettableClassFileTransformer patchOn(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, RawMatcher differentialMatcher, PatchMode patchMode);
* Creates and installs a {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer} that implements the configuration of
* this agent builder with the Byte Buddy-agent which must be installed prior to calling this method. If retransformation
* is enabled, the installation also causes all loaded types to be retransformed which have changed compared to the previous
* class file transformer that is provided as an argument. Without specification, {@link PatchMode#OVERLAP} is used.
* In order to assure the correct handling of the {@link InstallationListener}, an uninstallation should be applied
* via the {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer}'s {@code reset} methods.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being patched.
* @return The installed class file transformer.
* @see AgentBuilder#patchOn(Instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer)
ResettableClassFileTransformer patchOnByteBuddyAgent(ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer);
* Creates and installs a {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer} that implements the configuration of
* this agent builder with the Byte Buddy-agent which must be installed prior to calling this method. If retransformation
* is enabled, the installation also causes all loaded types to be retransformed which have changed compared to the previous
* class file transformer that is provided as an argument.
* In order to assure the correct handling of the {@link InstallationListener}, an uninstallation should be applied
* via the {@link ResettableClassFileTransformer}'s {@code reset} methods.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being patched.
* @param patchMode The patch mode to apply.
* @return The installed class file transformer.
* @see AgentBuilder#patchOn(Instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer, PatchMode)
ResettableClassFileTransformer patchOnByteBuddyAgent(ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, PatchMode patchMode);
* An abstraction for extending a matcher.
* @param The type that is produced by chaining a matcher.
interface Matchable> {
* Defines a matching that is positive if both the previous matcher and the supplied matcher are matched. When matching a
* type, class loaders are not considered.
* @param typeMatcher A matcher for the type being matched.
* @return A chained matcher.
T and(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher);
* Defines a matching that is positive if both the previous matcher and the supplied matcher are matched.
* @param typeMatcher A matcher for the type being matched.
* @param classLoaderMatcher A matcher for the type's class loader.
* @return A chained matcher.
T and(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher, ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher);
* Defines a matching that is positive if both the previous matcher and the supplied matcher are matched.
* @param typeMatcher A matcher for the type being matched.
* @param classLoaderMatcher A matcher for the type's class loader.
* @param moduleMatcher A matcher for the type's module. On a JVM that does not support modules, the Java module is represented by {@code null}.
* @return A chained matcher.
T and(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher,
ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher);
* Defines a matching that is positive if both the previous matcher and the supplied matcher are matched.
* @param rawMatcher A raw matcher for the type being matched.
* @return A chained matcher.
T and(RawMatcher rawMatcher);
* Defines a matching that is positive if the previous matcher or the supplied matcher are matched. When matching a
* type, the class loader is not considered.
* @param typeMatcher A matcher for the type being matched.
* @return A chained matcher.
T or(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher);
* Defines a matching that is positive if the previous matcher or the supplied matcher are matched.
* @param typeMatcher A matcher for the type being matched.
* @param classLoaderMatcher A matcher for the type's class loader.
* @return A chained matcher.
T or(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher, ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher);
* Defines a matching that is positive if the previous matcher or the supplied matcher are matched.
* @param typeMatcher A matcher for the type being matched.
* @param classLoaderMatcher A matcher for the type's class loader.
* @param moduleMatcher A matcher for the type's module. On a JVM that does not support modules, the Java module is represented by {@code null}.
* @return A chained matcher.
T or(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher,
ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher);
* Defines a matching that is positive if the previous matcher or the supplied matcher are matched.
* @param rawMatcher A raw matcher for the type being matched.
* @return A chained matcher.
T or(RawMatcher rawMatcher);
* Allows to further specify ignored types.
interface Ignored extends Matchable, AgentBuilder {
/* this is merely a unionizing interface that does not declare methods */
* An agent builder configuration that allows the registration of listeners to the redefinition process.
interface RedefinitionListenable extends AgentBuilder {
* A redefinition listener is invoked before each batch of type redefinitions and on every error as well as
* after the redefinition was completed. A redefinition listener can be used for debugging or logging purposes
* and to apply actions between each batch, e.g. to pause or wait in order to avoid rendering the current VM
* non-responsive if a lot of classes are redefined.
* Adding several listeners does not replace previous listeners but applies them in the registration order.
* @param redefinitionListener The listener to register.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which notifies the specified listener upon type redefinitions.
RedefinitionListenable with(RedefinitionStrategy.Listener redefinitionListener);
* Specifies resubmission for given unloaded types or types that fail upon an exception during instrumentation.
* @param resubmissionScheduler The resubmission scheduler to use.
* @return A new builder to determine what types should be resubmitted given the supplied resubmission scheduler.
WithoutResubmissionSpecification withResubmission(RedefinitionStrategy.ResubmissionScheduler resubmissionScheduler);
* A matcher that determines if types should be resubmitted if it is not yet loaded and if an exception is raised.
interface ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher {
* Returns {@code true} if a type should be resubmitted if it is not yet loaded and an exception occurs during instrumentation.
* @param throwable The exception being raised.
* @param typeName The name of the instrumented type.
* @param classLoader The class loader of the instrumented type or {@code null} if the type is loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
* @param module The module of the instrumented type or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @return {@code true} if the type should be resubmitted.
boolean matches(Throwable throwable, String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module);
* A trivial matcher for resubmission upon an exception.
enum Trivial implements ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher {
* Always matches a type.
* Never matches a type.
* {@code true} if this matcher is matching.
private final boolean matching;
* Creates a new trivial matcher for a resubmission upon an exception.
* @param matching {@code true} if this matcher is matching.
Trivial(boolean matching) {
this.matching = matching;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(Throwable throwable, String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return matching;
* A matcher for resubmission upon an error that matches both of the supplied delegate matchers.
class Conjunction implements ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher {
* The represented matchers in their application order.
private final List matchers;
* Creates a new conjunction for a resubmission matcher upon an error.
* @param matcher The represented matchers in their application order.
public Conjunction(ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher... matcher) {
* Creates a new conjunction for a resubmission matcher upon an error.
* @param matchers The represented matchers in their application order.
public Conjunction(List extends ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher> matchers) {
this.matchers = new ArrayList(matchers.size());
for (ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher instanceof Conjunction) {
this.matchers.addAll(((Conjunction) matcher).matchers);
} else if (matcher != Trivial.MATCHING) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(Throwable throwable, String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
for (ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (!matcher.matches(throwable, typeName, classLoader, module)) {
return false;
return true;
* A matcher for resubmission upon an error that matches either of the supplied delegate matchers.
class Disjunction implements ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher {
* The represented matchers in their application order.
private final List matchers;
* Creates a new disjunction for a resubmission matcher upon an error.
* @param matcher The represented matchers in their application order.
public Disjunction(ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher... matcher) {
* Creates a new conjunction for a resubmission matcher upon an error.
* @param matchers The represented matchers in their application order.
public Disjunction(List extends ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher> matchers) {
this.matchers = new ArrayList(matchers.size());
for (ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher instanceof Disjunction) {
this.matchers.addAll(((Disjunction) matcher).matchers);
} else if (matcher != Trivial.NON_MATCHING) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(Throwable throwable, String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
for (ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher.matches(throwable, typeName, classLoader, module)) {
return true;
return false;
* A matcher for resubmission upon error that uses element matchers for each argument to determine a resubmission.
class ForElementMatchers implements ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher {
* The matcher to use for the exception that was caused.
private final ElementMatcher super Throwable> exceptionMatcher;
* The matcher to use for the instrumented type's name.
private final ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher;
* The matcher to use for the instrumented type's class loader.
private final ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher;
* The matcher to use for the instrumented type's module.
private final ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher;
* Creates a new matcher for resubmission upon an exception that is using element matchers.
* @param exceptionMatcher The matcher to use for the exception that was caused.
* @param typeNameMatcher The matcher to use for the instrumented type's name.
* @param classLoaderMatcher The matcher to use for the instrumented type's class loader.
* @param moduleMatcher The matcher to use for the instrumented type's module.
public ForElementMatchers(ElementMatcher super Throwable> exceptionMatcher,
ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher,
ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher) {
this.exceptionMatcher = exceptionMatcher;
this.typeNameMatcher = typeNameMatcher;
this.classLoaderMatcher = classLoaderMatcher;
this.moduleMatcher = moduleMatcher;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(Throwable throwable, String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return exceptionMatcher.matches(throwable)
&& typeNameMatcher.matches(typeName)
&& classLoaderMatcher.matches(classLoader)
&& moduleMatcher.matches(module);
* A matcher that determines if types should be resubmitted if it is not yet loaded.
interface ResubmissionImmediateMatcher {
* Returns {@code true} if a type should be resubmitted if it is not yet loaded.
* @param typeName The name of the instrumented type.
* @param classLoader The class loader of the instrumented type or {@code null} if the type is loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
* @param module The module of the instrumented type or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @return {@code true} if the type should be resubmitted.
boolean matches(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module);
* A trivial matcher for immediate resubmission.
enum Trivial implements ResubmissionImmediateMatcher {
* Always matches a type.
* Never matches a type.
* {@code true} if this matcher is matching.
private final boolean matching;
* Creates a new trivial matcher for immediate resubmission.
* @param matching {@code true} if this matcher is matching.
Trivial(boolean matching) {
this.matching = matching;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return matching;
* A matcher for immediate resubmission that matches both of the supplied delegate matchers.
class Conjunction implements ResubmissionImmediateMatcher {
* The matchers in their application order.
private final List matchers;
* Creates a new conjunction for an immediate resubmission matcher.
* @param matcher The matchers in their application order.
public Conjunction(ResubmissionImmediateMatcher... matcher) {
* Creates a new conjunction for an immediate resubmission matcher.
* @param matchers The matchers in their application order.
public Conjunction(List extends ResubmissionImmediateMatcher> matchers) {
this.matchers = new ArrayList(matchers.size());
for (ResubmissionImmediateMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher instanceof Conjunction) {
this.matchers.addAll(((Conjunction) matcher).matchers);
} else if (matcher != Trivial.NON_MATCHING) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
for (ResubmissionImmediateMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (!matcher.matches(typeName, classLoader, module)) {
return false;
return true;
* A matcher for immediate resubmission that matches either of the supplied delegate matchers.
class Disjunction implements ResubmissionImmediateMatcher {
* The matchers in their application order.
private final List matchers;
* Creates a new conjunction for an immediate resubmission matcher.
* @param matcher The matchers in their application order.
public Disjunction(ResubmissionImmediateMatcher... matcher) {
* Creates a new disjunction for an immediate resubmission matcher.
* @param matchers The matchers in their application order.
public Disjunction(List extends ResubmissionImmediateMatcher> matchers) {
this.matchers = new ArrayList(matchers.size());
for (ResubmissionImmediateMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher instanceof Disjunction) {
this.matchers.addAll(((Disjunction) matcher).matchers);
} else if (matcher != Trivial.NON_MATCHING) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
for (ResubmissionImmediateMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher.matches(typeName, classLoader, module)) {
return true;
return false;
* A matcher for immediate resubmission that uses element matchers for each argument to determine a resubmission.
class ForElementMatchers implements ResubmissionImmediateMatcher {
* The matcher to use for the instrumented type's name.
private final ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher;
* The matcher to use for the instrumented type's class loader.
private final ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher;
* The matcher to use for the instrumented type's module.
private final ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher;
* Creates a new matcher for immediate resubmission that is using element matchers.
* @param typeNameMatcher The matcher to use for the instrumented type's name.
* @param classLoaderMatcher The matcher to use for the instrumented type's class loader.
* @param moduleMatcher The matcher to use for the instrumented type's module.
public ForElementMatchers(ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher,
ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher) {
this.typeNameMatcher = typeNameMatcher;
this.classLoaderMatcher = classLoaderMatcher;
this.moduleMatcher = moduleMatcher;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return typeNameMatcher.matches(typeName)
&& classLoaderMatcher.matches(classLoader)
&& moduleMatcher.matches(module);
* An {@link AgentBuilder} specification that requires a resubmission specification.
interface WithoutResubmissionSpecification {
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types that yield an error are resubmitted as transformation of the
* loaded type.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitOnError();
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types that yield an error are resubmitted as transformation of the
* loaded type, given that the specified matcher matches the type in question.
* @param exceptionMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon a given exception.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitOnError(ElementMatcher super Throwable> exceptionMatcher);
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types that yield an error are resubmitted as transformation of the
* loaded type, given that the specified matchers match the type in question.
* @param exceptionMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon a given exception.
* @param typeNameMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted if the type has a given name.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitOnError(ElementMatcher super Throwable> exceptionMatcher,
ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher);
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types that yield an error are resubmitted as transformation of the
* loaded type, given that the specified matchers match the type in question.
* @param exceptionMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon a given exception.
* @param typeNameMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted if the type has a given name.
* @param classLoaderMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon being loaded by a given class loader.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitOnError(ElementMatcher super Throwable> exceptionMatcher,
ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher);
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types that yield an error are resubmitted as transformation of the
* loaded type, given that the specified matchers match the type in question.
* @param exceptionMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon a given exception.
* @param typeNameMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted if the type has a given name.
* @param classLoaderMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon being loaded by a given class loader.
* @param moduleMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon a given Java module.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitOnError(ElementMatcher super Throwable> exceptionMatcher,
ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher,
ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher);
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types that yield an error are resubmitted as transformation of the
* loaded type, given that the specified matcher matches the type in question.
* @param matcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitOnError(ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher matcher);
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types should not be transformed when they are loaded for the first
* time but should rather be resubmitted after they are loaded.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitImmediate();
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types should not be transformed when they are loaded for the first
* time but should rather be resubmitted after they are loaded.
* @param typeNameMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted if the type has a given name.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitImmediate(ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher);
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types should not be transformed when they are loaded for the first
* time but should rather be resubmitted after they are loaded.
* @param typeNameMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted if the type has a given name.
* @param classLoaderMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon being loaded by a given class loader.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitImmediate(ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher);
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types should not be transformed when they are loaded for the first
* time but should rather be resubmitted after they are loaded.
* @param typeNameMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted if the type has a given name.
* @param classLoaderMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon being loaded by a given class loader.
* @param moduleMatcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted upon a given Java module.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitImmediate(ElementMatcher typeNameMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher,
ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher);
* Specifies that transformations of unloaded types should not be transformed when they are loaded for the first
* time but should rather be resubmitted after they are loaded.
* @param matcher Determines if a type should be resubmitted.
* @return A new agent builder that allows for further resubmission specifications.
WithResubmissionSpecification resubmitImmediate(ResubmissionImmediateMatcher matcher);
* A complete but extendable resubmission specification.
interface WithResubmissionSpecification extends WithoutResubmissionSpecification, AgentBuilder {
/* union type */
* An agent builder configuration strategy that allows the definition of a discovery strategy.
interface WithImplicitDiscoveryStrategy extends RedefinitionListenable {
* Limits the redefinition attempt to the specified types.
* @param type The types to consider for redefinition.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which only considers the supplied types for redefinition.
RedefinitionListenable redefineOnly(Class>... type);
* A discovery strategy is responsible for locating loaded types that should be considered for redefinition.
* @param redefinitionDiscoveryStrategy The redefinition discovery strategy to use.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which makes use of the specified discovery strategy.
RedefinitionListenable with(RedefinitionStrategy.DiscoveryStrategy redefinitionDiscoveryStrategy);
* An agent builder configuration that allows the configuration of a batching strategy.
interface WithoutBatchStrategy extends WithImplicitDiscoveryStrategy {
* A batch allocator is responsible for diving a redefining of existing types into several chunks. This allows
* to narrow down errors for the redefining of specific types or to apply a {@link RedefinitionStrategy.Listener}
* action between chunks.
* @param redefinitionBatchAllocator The batch allocator to use.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder which makes use of the specified batch allocator.
WithImplicitDiscoveryStrategy with(RedefinitionStrategy.BatchAllocator redefinitionBatchAllocator);
* Describes an {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder} which was handed a matcher for identifying
* types to instrumented in order to supply one or several
* {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s.
interface Identified {
* Applies the given transformer for the already supplied matcher.
* @param transformer The transformer to apply.
* @return A new instance of this agent builder with the transformer being applied when the previously supplied matcher
* identified a type for instrumentation which also allows for the registration of subsequent transformers.
Extendable transform(Transformer transformer);
* Allows to specify a type matcher for a type to instrument.
interface Narrowable extends Matchable, Identified {
/* this is merely a unionizing interface that does not declare methods */
* This interface is used to allow for optionally providing several
* {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer} to applied when a matcher identifies a type
* to be instrumented. Any subsequent transformers are applied in the order they are registered.
interface Extendable extends AgentBuilder, Identified {
* Applies the previously defined transformation as terminal such that no subsequent transformers are applied even
* if their matchers would include the type that was matched for applying this transformer. If this option is not set,
* subsequent transformations are applied after this transformation such that it is possible that they override non-additive
* type transformations.
* @return A new agent builder that applies the previously configured transformer terminally.
AgentBuilder asTerminalTransformation();
* A matcher that allows to determine if a {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}
* should be applied during the execution of a {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer} that was
* generated by an {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder}.
interface RawMatcher {
* Decides if the given {@code typeDescription} should be instrumented with the entailed
* {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s.
* @param typeDescription A description of the type to be instrumented.
* @param classLoader The class loader of the instrumented type. Might be {@code null} if this class
* loader represents the bootstrap class loader.
* @param module The transformed type's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @param classBeingRedefined The class being redefined which is only not {@code null} if a retransformation
* is applied.
* @param protectionDomain The protection domain of the type being transformed or {@code null} if none is available.
* @return {@code true} if the entailed {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Transformer}s should
* be applied for the given {@code typeDescription}.
boolean matches(TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull Class> classBeingRedefined,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain);
* A matcher that always or never matches a type.
enum Trivial implements RawMatcher {
* Always matches a type.
* Never matches a type.
* {@code true} if this matcher always matches a type.
private final boolean matches;
* Creates a new trivial raw matcher.
* @param matches {@code true} if this matcher always matches a type.
Trivial(boolean matches) {
this.matches = matches;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull Class> classBeingRedefined,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return matches;
* A raw matcher indicating the state of a type's class loading.
enum ForLoadState implements RawMatcher {
* Indicates that a type was already loaded.
* Indicates that a type was not yet loaded.
* {@code true} if a type is expected to be unloaded..
private final boolean unloaded;
* Creates a new load state matcher.
* @param unloaded {@code true} if a type is expected to be unloaded..
ForLoadState(boolean unloaded) {
this.unloaded = unloaded;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull Class> classBeingRedefined,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return classBeingRedefined == null == unloaded;
* Only matches loaded types that can be fully resolved. Types with missing dependencies might not be
* resolvable and can therefore trigger errors during redefinition.
enum ForResolvableTypes implements RawMatcher {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull Class> classBeingRedefined,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
if (classBeingRedefined != null) {
try {
return Class.forName(classBeingRedefined.getName(), true, classLoader) == classBeingRedefined;
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Returns an inverted version of this matcher.
* @return An inverted version of this matcher.
public RawMatcher inverted() {
return new Inversion(this);
* A conjunction of two raw matchers.
class Conjunction implements RawMatcher {
* The matchers to apply in their application order.
private final List matchers;
* Creates a new conjunction of two raw matchers.
* @param matcher The matchers to apply in their application order.
protected Conjunction(RawMatcher... matcher) {
* Creates a new conjunction of two raw matchers.
* @param matchers The matchers to apply in their application order.
protected Conjunction(List extends RawMatcher> matchers) {
this.matchers = new ArrayList(matchers.size());
for (RawMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher instanceof Conjunction) {
this.matchers.addAll(((Conjunction) matcher).matchers);
} else if (matcher != Trivial.MATCHING) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull Class> classBeingRedefined,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
for (RawMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (!matcher.matches(typeDescription, classLoader, module, classBeingRedefined, protectionDomain)) {
return false;
return true;
* A disjunction of two raw matchers.
class Disjunction implements RawMatcher {
* The matchers to apply in their application order.
private final List matchers;
* Creates a new conjunction of two raw matchers.
* @param matcher The matchers to apply in their application order.
protected Disjunction(RawMatcher... matcher) {
* Creates a new conjunction of two raw matchers.
* @param matchers The matchers to apply in their application order.
protected Disjunction(List extends RawMatcher> matchers) {
this.matchers = new ArrayList(matchers.size());
for (RawMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher instanceof Disjunction) {
this.matchers.addAll(((Disjunction) matcher).matchers);
} else if (matcher != Trivial.NON_MATCHING) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull Class> classBeingRedefined,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
for (RawMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher.matches(typeDescription, classLoader, module, classBeingRedefined, protectionDomain)) {
return true;
return false;
* A raw matcher that inverts a raw matcher's result.
class Inversion implements RawMatcher {
* The matcher to invert.
private final RawMatcher matcher;
* Creates a raw matcher that inverts its result.
* @param matcher The matcher to invert.
public Inversion(RawMatcher matcher) {
this.matcher = matcher;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull Class> classBeingRedefined,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return !matcher.matches(typeDescription, classLoader, module, classBeingRedefined, protectionDomain);
* A raw matcher implementation that checks a {@link TypeDescription}
* and its {@link java.lang.ClassLoader} against two suitable matchers in order to determine if the matched
* type should be instrumented.
class ForElementMatchers implements RawMatcher {
* The type matcher to apply to a {@link TypeDescription}.
private final ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher;
* The class loader matcher to apply to a {@link java.lang.ClassLoader}.
private final ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher;
* A module matcher to apply to a {@code java.lang.Module}.
private final ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher;
* Creates a new {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.RawMatcher} that only matches the
* supplied {@link TypeDescription} against a supplied matcher.
* @param typeMatcher The type matcher to apply to a {@link TypeDescription}.
public ForElementMatchers(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher) {
this(typeMatcher, any());
* Creates a new {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.RawMatcher} that only matches the
* supplied {@link TypeDescription} and its {@link java.lang.ClassLoader} against two matcher in order
* to decided if an instrumentation should be conducted.
* @param typeMatcher The type matcher to apply to a {@link TypeDescription}.
* @param classLoaderMatcher The class loader matcher to apply to a {@link java.lang.ClassLoader}.
public ForElementMatchers(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher) {
this(typeMatcher, classLoaderMatcher, any());
* Creates a new {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.RawMatcher} that only matches the
* supplied {@link TypeDescription}, its {@link java.lang.ClassLoader} and module against element
* suitable matchers.
* @param typeMatcher The type matcher to apply to a {@link TypeDescription}.
* @param classLoaderMatcher The class loader matcher to apply to a {@link java.lang.ClassLoader}.
* @param moduleMatcher A module matcher to apply to a {@code java.lang.Module}.
public ForElementMatchers(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> typeMatcher,
ElementMatcher super ClassLoader> classLoaderMatcher,
ElementMatcher super JavaModule> moduleMatcher) {
this.typeMatcher = typeMatcher;
this.classLoaderMatcher = classLoaderMatcher;
this.moduleMatcher = moduleMatcher;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean matches(TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull Class> classBeingRedefined,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return moduleMatcher.matches(module) && classLoaderMatcher.matches(classLoader) && typeMatcher.matches(typeDescription);
* A listener that is informed about events that occur during an instrumentation process.
interface Listener {
* Indicates that a transformed type is loaded.
boolean LOADED = true;
* Invoked upon a type being supplied to a transformer.
* @param typeName The binary name of the instrumented type.
* @param classLoader The class loader which is loading this type or {@code null} if loaded by the boots loader.
* @param module The instrumented type's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @param loaded {@code true} if the type is already loaded.
void onDiscovery(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded);
* Invoked prior to a successful transformation being applied.
* @param typeDescription The type that is being transformed.
* @param classLoader The class loader which is loading this type or {@code null} if loaded by the boots loader.
* @param module The transformed type's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @param loaded {@code true} if the type is already loaded.
* @param dynamicType The dynamic type that was created.
void onTransformation(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, DynamicType dynamicType);
* Invoked when a type is not transformed but ignored.
* @param typeDescription The type being ignored for transformation.
* @param classLoader The class loader which is loading this type or {@code null} if loaded by the boots loader.
* @param module The ignored type's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @param loaded {@code true} if the type is already loaded.
void onIgnored(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded);
* Invoked when an error has occurred during transformation.
* @param typeName The binary name of the instrumented type.
* @param classLoader The class loader which is loading this type or {@code null} if loaded by the boots loader.
* @param module The instrumented type's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @param loaded {@code true} if the type is already loaded.
* @param throwable The occurred error.
void onError(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, Throwable throwable);
* Invoked after a class was attempted to be loaded, independently of its treatment.
* @param typeName The binary name of the instrumented type.
* @param classLoader The class loader which is loading this type or {@code null} if loaded by the boots loader.
* @param module The instrumented type's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @param loaded {@code true} if the type is already loaded.
void onComplete(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded);
* A no-op implementation of a {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.Listener}.
enum NoOp implements Listener {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onDiscovery(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onTransformation(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, DynamicType dynamicType) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onIgnored(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onError(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, Throwable throwable) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
/* do nothing */
* An adapter for a listener where all methods are implemented as non-operational.
abstract class Adapter implements Listener {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onDiscovery(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onTransformation(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, DynamicType dynamicType) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onIgnored(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onError(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, Throwable throwable) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
/* do nothing */
* A listener that writes events to a {@link PrintStream}. This listener prints a line per event, including the event type and
* the name of the type in question.
class StreamWriting implements Listener {
* The prefix that is appended to all written messages.
protected static final String PREFIX = "[Byte Buddy]";
* The print stream written to.
private final PrintStream printStream;
* Creates a new stream writing listener.
* @param printStream The print stream written to.
public StreamWriting(PrintStream printStream) {
this.printStream = printStream;
* Creates a new stream writing listener that writes to {@link System#out}.
* @return A listener writing events to the standard output stream.
public static StreamWriting toSystemOut() {
return new StreamWriting(System.out);
* Creates a new stream writing listener that writes to {@link System#err}.
* @return A listener writing events to the standard error stream.
public static StreamWriting toSystemError() {
return new StreamWriting(System.err);
* Returns a version of this listener that only reports successfully transformed classes and failed transformations.
* @return A version of this listener that only reports successfully transformed classes and failed transformations.
public Listener withTransformationsOnly() {
return new WithTransformationsOnly(this);
* Returns a version of this listener that only reports failed transformations.
* @return A version of this listener that only reports failed transformations.
public Listener withErrorsOnly() {
return new WithErrorsOnly(this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onDiscovery(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " DISCOVERY %s [%s, %s, %s, loaded=%b]%n", typeName, classLoader, module, Thread.currentThread(), loaded);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onTransformation(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, DynamicType dynamicType) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " TRANSFORM %s [%s, %s, %s, loaded=%b]%n", typeDescription.getName(), classLoader, module, Thread.currentThread(), loaded);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onIgnored(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " IGNORE %s [%s, %s, %s, loaded=%b]%n", typeDescription.getName(), classLoader, module, Thread.currentThread(), loaded);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onError(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, Throwable throwable) {
synchronized (printStream) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " ERROR %s [%s, %s, %s, loaded=%b]%n", typeName, classLoader, module, Thread.currentThread(), loaded);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " COMPLETE %s [%s, %s, %s, loaded=%b]%n", typeName, classLoader, module, Thread.currentThread(), loaded);
* A listener that filters types with a given name from being logged.
class Filtering implements Listener {
* The matcher to decide upon a type should be logged.
private final ElementMatcher super String> matcher;
* The delegate listener.
private final Listener delegate;
* Creates a new filtering listener.
* @param matcher The matcher to decide upon a type should be logged.
* @param delegate The delegate listener.
public Filtering(ElementMatcher super String> matcher, Listener delegate) {
this.matcher = matcher;
this.delegate = delegate;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onDiscovery(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
if (matcher.matches(typeName)) {
delegate.onDiscovery(typeName, classLoader, module, loaded);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onTransformation(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, DynamicType dynamicType) {
if (matcher.matches(typeDescription.getName())) {
delegate.onTransformation(typeDescription, classLoader, module, loaded, dynamicType);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onIgnored(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
if (matcher.matches(typeDescription.getName())) {
delegate.onIgnored(typeDescription, classLoader, module, loaded);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onError(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, Throwable throwable) {
if (matcher.matches(typeName)) {
delegate.onError(typeName, classLoader, module, loaded, throwable);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
if (matcher.matches(typeName)) {
delegate.onComplete(typeName, classLoader, module, loaded);
* A listener that only delegates events if they are successful or failed transformations.
class WithTransformationsOnly extends Adapter {
* The delegate listener.
private final Listener delegate;
* Creates a new listener that only delegates events if they are successful or failed transformations.
* @param delegate The delegate listener.
public WithTransformationsOnly(Listener delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void onTransformation(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, DynamicType dynamicType) {
delegate.onTransformation(typeDescription, classLoader, module, loaded, dynamicType);
public void onError(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, Throwable throwable) {
delegate.onError(typeName, classLoader, module, loaded, throwable);
* A listener that only delegates events if they are failed transformations.
class WithErrorsOnly extends Adapter {
* The delegate listener.
private final Listener delegate;
* Creates a new listener that only delegates events if they are failed transformations.
* @param delegate The delegate listener.
public WithErrorsOnly(Listener delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void onError(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, Throwable throwable) {
delegate.onError(typeName, classLoader, module, loaded, throwable);
* A listener that adds read-edges to any module of an instrumented class upon its transformation and opens the class's package to the module.
class ModuleReadEdgeCompleting extends Adapter {
* The instrumentation instance used for adding read edges.
private final Instrumentation instrumentation;
* {@code true} if the listener should also add a read-edge from the supplied modules to the instrumented type's module.
* This will also ensure that the package of the instrumented type is exported to the target module.
private final boolean addTargetEdge;
* The modules to add as a read edge to any transformed class's module.
private final Set extends JavaModule> modules;
* Creates a new module read-edge completing listener.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance used for adding read edges.
* @param addTargetEdge {@code true} if the listener should also add a read-edge from the supplied
* modules to the instrumented type's module. This will also ensure that the package
* of the instrumented type is exported to the target module.
* @param modules The modules to add as a read edge to any transformed class's module.
public ModuleReadEdgeCompleting(Instrumentation instrumentation, boolean addTargetEdge, Set extends JavaModule> modules) {
this.instrumentation = instrumentation;
this.addTargetEdge = addTargetEdge;
this.modules = modules;
* Resolves a listener that adds module edges from and to the instrumented type's module.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance used for adding read edges.
* @param addTargetEdge {@code true} if the listener should also add a read-edge from the supplied
* modules to the instrumented type's module. This will also ensure that the package
* of the instrumented type is exported to the target module.
* @param type The types for which to extract the modules.
* @return An appropriate listener.
public static Listener of(Instrumentation instrumentation, boolean addTargetEdge, Class>... type) {
Set modules = new HashSet();
for (Class> aType : type) {
return modules.isEmpty()
? Listener.NoOp.INSTANCE
: new Listener.ModuleReadEdgeCompleting(instrumentation, addTargetEdge, modules);
public void onTransformation(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, DynamicType dynamicType) {
if (module != JavaModule.UNSUPPORTED && module.isNamed()) {
for (JavaModule target : modules) {
if (!module.canRead(target) || addTargetEdge && !module.isOpened(typeDescription.getPackage(), target)) {
PackageDescription location = typeDescription.getPackage();
!addTargetEdge || location == null || location.isDefault()
? Collections.>emptyMap()
: Collections.singletonMap(location.getName(), Collections.singleton(target)),
Collections., List>>emptyMap());
if (addTargetEdge && !target.canRead(module)) {
Collections., List>>emptyMap());
* A compound listener that allows to group several listeners in one instance.
class Compound implements Listener {
* The listeners that are represented by this compound listener in their application order.
private final List listeners;
* Creates a new compound listener.
* @param listener The listeners to apply in their application order.
public Compound(Listener... listener) {
* Creates a new compound listener.
* @param listeners The listeners to apply in their application order.
public Compound(List extends Listener> listeners) {
this.listeners = new ArrayList();
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
if (listener instanceof Compound) {
this.listeners.addAll(((Compound) listener).listeners);
} else if (!(listener instanceof NoOp)) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onDiscovery(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
listener.onDiscovery(typeName, classLoader, module, loaded);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onTransformation(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, DynamicType dynamicType) {
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
listener.onTransformation(typeDescription, classLoader, module, loaded, dynamicType);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onIgnored(TypeDescription typeDescription, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
listener.onIgnored(typeDescription, classLoader, module, loaded);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onError(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded, Throwable throwable) {
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
listener.onError(typeName, classLoader, module, loaded, throwable);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(String typeName, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module, boolean loaded) {
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
listener.onComplete(typeName, classLoader, module, loaded);
* A circularity lock is responsible for preventing that a {@link ClassFileLocator} is used recursively.
* This can happen when a class file transformation causes another class to be loaded. Without avoiding
* such circularities, a class loading is aborted by a {@link ClassCircularityError} which causes the
* class loading to fail.
interface CircularityLock {
* Attempts to acquire a circularity lock.
* @return {@code true} if the lock was acquired successfully, {@code false} if it is already hold.
boolean acquire();
* Releases the circularity lock if it is currently acquired.
void release();
* An inactive circularity lock which is always acquirable.
enum Inactive implements CircularityLock {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean acquire() {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void release() {
/* do nothing */
* A circularity lock that surrounds the locking mechanism with a global lock to prevent that the
* locking mechanism itself loads classes and causes a circularity issue.
abstract class WithInnerClassLoadingLock implements CircularityLock {
* The default size of the global class loading lock array.
protected static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 100;
* An additional global lock that avoids circularity errors cause by class loading
* by the locking mechanism.
private final TrivialLock[] lock;
* Creates a circularity lock with a global outer lock.
* @param size The amount of locks used in parallel or {@code 0} if no global locks should be used.
protected WithInnerClassLoadingLock(int size) {
lock = new TrivialLock[size];
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
this.lock[index] = new TrivialLock();
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean acquire() {
if (lock.length == 0) {
return doAcquire();
TrivialLock lock;
if (this.lock.length == 1) {
lock = this.lock[0];
} else {
int hash = System.identityHashCode(Thread.currentThread());
lock = this.lock[hash == Integer.MIN_VALUE ? 0 : Math.abs(hash) % this.lock.length];
synchronized (lock) { // avoid that different class loaders skip class loading of each other
if (lock.locked) {
return false;
} else {
lock.locked = true;
try {
return doAcquire();
} finally {
lock.locked = false;
* Acquires the actual lock for the current thread.
* @return {@code true} if the lock was acquired successfully, {@code false} if it is already hold.
protected abstract boolean doAcquire();
* A trivial lock that monitors if a class is currently loaded by the current thread.
protected static class TrivialLock {
* If {@code true}, a class is currently loaded by the current lock.
protected boolean locked;
* A default implementation of a circularity lock. Since class loading already synchronizes on a class loader,
* it suffices to apply a thread-local lock.
class Default extends WithInnerClassLoadingLock {
* A map of threads to an unused boolean to emulate a thread-local state without using
* thread locals. This avoids using thread-local maps and does not interfere with Java
* fibers in case that an instrumentation is executed from a virtual thread where thread
* locals are not permitted.
private final ConcurrentMap threads = new ConcurrentHashMap();
* Creates a default lock with a default size for the amount of global locks.
public Default() {
* Creates a default lock with the supplied number of global locks.
* @param size The amount of locks used in parallel or {@code 0} if no global locks should be used.
public Default(int size) {
protected boolean doAcquire() {
return threads.putIfAbsent(Thread.currentThread(), true) == null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void release() {
* Returns {@code true} if the current thread is currently locked.
* @return {@code true} if the current thread is currently locked.
protected boolean isLocked() {
return threads.containsKey(Thread.currentThread());
* A circularity lock that holds a global monitor and does not permit concurrent access.
class Global extends WithInnerClassLoadingLock {
* The lock to hold.
private final Lock lock;
* The time to wait for the lock.
private final long time;
* The time's time unit.
private final TimeUnit timeUnit;
* Creates a new global circularity lock that does not wait for a release and a
* default size for the amount of global locks.
public Global() {
* Creates a new global circularity lock with a default size for the amount of global locks.
* @param time The time to wait for the lock.
* @param timeUnit The time's time unit.
public Global(long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
this(DEFAULT_SIZE, time, timeUnit);
* Creates a new global circularity lock that does not wait for a release.
* @param size The amount of locks used in parallel or {@code 0} if no global locks should be used.
public Global(int size) {
this(size, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Creates a new global circularity lock.
* @param size The amount of locks used in parallel or {@code 0} if no global locks should be used.
* @param time The time to wait for the lock.
* @param timeUnit The time's time unit.
public Global(int size, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
lock = new ReentrantLock();
this.time = time;
this.timeUnit = timeUnit;
protected boolean doAcquire() {
try {
return time == 0
? lock.tryLock()
: lock.tryLock(time, timeUnit);
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void release() {
* A type strategy is responsible for creating a type builder for a type that is being instrumented.
interface TypeStrategy {
* Creates a type builder for a given type.
* @param typeDescription The type being instrumented.
* @param byteBuddy The Byte Buddy configuration.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use.
* @param methodNameTransformer The method name transformer to use.
* @param classLoader The instrumented type's class loader or {@code null} if the type is loaded by the bootstrap loader.
* @param module The instrumented type's module or {@code null} if it is not declared by a module.
* @param protectionDomain The instrumented type's protection domain or {@code null} if it does not define a protection domain.
* @return A type builder for the given arguments.
DynamicType.Builder> builder(TypeDescription typeDescription,
ByteBuddy byteBuddy,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain);
* Default implementations of type strategies.
enum Default implements TypeStrategy {
* A definition handler that performs a rebasing for all types.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public DynamicType.Builder> builder(TypeDescription typeDescription,
ByteBuddy byteBuddy,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return byteBuddy.rebase(typeDescription, classFileLocator, methodNameTransformer);
* A definition handler that performs a redefinition for all types.
* Note that the default agent builder is configured to apply a self initialization where a static class initializer
* is added to the redefined class. This can be disabled by for example using a {@link InitializationStrategy.Minimal} or
* {@link InitializationStrategy.NoOp}. Also, consider the constraints implied by {@link ByteBuddy#redefine(TypeDescription, ClassFileLocator)}.
* For prohibiting any changes on a class file, use {@link AgentBuilder#disableClassFormatChanges()}
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public DynamicType.Builder> builder(TypeDescription typeDescription,
ByteBuddy byteBuddy,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return byteBuddy.redefine(typeDescription, classFileLocator);
* A definition handler that performs a redefinition for all types and ignores all methods that were not declared by the instrumented type.
* Note that the default agent builder is configured to apply a self initialization where a static class initializer
* is added to the redefined class. This can be disabled by for example using a {@link InitializationStrategy.Minimal} or
* {@link InitializationStrategy.NoOp}. Also, consider the constraints implied by {@link ByteBuddy#redefine(TypeDescription, ClassFileLocator)}.
* Using this strategy also configures Byte Buddy to create frozen instrumented types and discards any explicit configuration.
* For prohibiting any changes on a class file, use {@link AgentBuilder#disableClassFormatChanges()}
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public DynamicType.Builder> builder(TypeDescription typeDescription,
ByteBuddy byteBuddy,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return byteBuddy.with(InstrumentedType.Factory.Default.FROZEN)
.redefine(typeDescription, classFileLocator)
* A definition handler that performs a decoration of declared methods only. Using this type strategy
* implies the limitations that are described by {@link ByteBuddy#decorate(TypeDescription, ClassFileLocator)}.
* This type strategy can be useful when only applying {@link AsmVisitorWrapper}s without attempting to change
* the class file layout..
* Note that the default agent builder is configured to apply a self initialization where a static class initializer
* is added to the redefined class. This can be disabled by for example using a {@link InitializationStrategy.Minimal} or
* {@link InitializationStrategy.NoOp}. Also, consider the constraints implied by {@link ByteBuddy#redefine(TypeDescription, ClassFileLocator)}.
* Using this strategy also configures Byte Buddy to create frozen instrumented types and discards any explicit configuration.
* For prohibiting any changes on a class file, use {@link AgentBuilder#disableClassFormatChanges()}
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public DynamicType.Builder> builder(TypeDescription typeDescription,
ByteBuddy byteBuddy,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return byteBuddy.decorate(typeDescription, classFileLocator);
* A type strategy that applies a build {@link EntryPoint}.
class ForBuildEntryPoint implements TypeStrategy {
* The entry point to apply.
private final EntryPoint entryPoint;
* Creates a new type strategy for an entry point.
* @param entryPoint The entry point to apply.
public ForBuildEntryPoint(EntryPoint entryPoint) {
this.entryPoint = entryPoint;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DynamicType.Builder> builder(TypeDescription typeDescription,
ByteBuddy byteBuddy,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return entryPoint.transform(typeDescription, byteBuddy, classFileLocator, methodNameTransformer);
* A transformer allows to apply modifications to a {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType}. Such a modification
* is then applied to any instrumented type that was matched by the preceding matcher.
interface Transformer {
* Allows for a transformation of a {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType.Builder}.
* @param builder The dynamic builder to transform.
* @param typeDescription The description of the type currently being instrumented.
* @param classLoader The class loader of the instrumented class. Might be {@code null} to represent the bootstrap class loader.
* @param module The class's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @param protectionDomain The protection domain of the transformed type or {@code null} if not available
* @return A transformed version of the supplied {@code builder}.
DynamicType.Builder> transform(DynamicType.Builder> builder,
TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain);
* A transformer that applies a build {@link Plugin}. Note that a transformer is never completed as class loading
* might happen dynamically such that plugins are not closed.
class ForBuildPlugin implements Transformer {
* The plugin to apply.
private final Plugin plugin;
* Creates a new transformer for a build {@link Plugin}.
* @param plugin The plugin to apply.
public ForBuildPlugin(Plugin plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DynamicType.Builder> transform(DynamicType.Builder> builder,
TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return plugin.apply(builder, typeDescription, ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(classLoader));
* A transformer for applying an {@link Advice} where this advice class might reference types of both the agent's and the user's
* class loader. Using this transformer, it is possible to apply advice without including any library dependencies of this advice
* class which are then rather looked up from the transformed class's class loader. For this to work, it is required to register
* the advice class's class loader manually via the {@code include} methods and to reference the advice class by its fully-qualified
* name. The advice class is then never loaded by rather described by a {@link TypePool}.
class ForAdvice implements Transformer {
* The advice to use.
private final Advice.WithCustomMapping advice;
* The exception handler to register for the advice.
private final Advice.ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler;
* The assigner to use for the advice.
private final Assigner assigner;
* The class file locator to query for the advice class.
private final ClassFileLocator classFileLocator;
* The pool strategy to use for looking up an advice.
private final PoolStrategy poolStrategy;
* The location strategy to use for class loaders when resolving advice classes.
private final LocationStrategy locationStrategy;
* The advice entries to apply.
private final List entries;
* Creates a new advice transformer with a default setup.
public ForAdvice() {
* Creates a new advice transformer which applies the given advice.
* @param advice The configured advice to use.
public ForAdvice(Advice.WithCustomMapping advice) {
* Creates a new advice transformer.
* @param advice The configured advice to use.
* @param exceptionHandler The exception handler to use.
* @param assigner The assigner to use.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use.
* @param poolStrategy The pool strategy to use for looking up an advice.
* @param locationStrategy The location strategy to use for class loaders when resolving advice classes.
* @param entries The advice entries to apply.
protected ForAdvice(Advice.WithCustomMapping advice,
Advice.ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler,
Assigner assigner,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
List entries) {
this.advice = advice;
this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
this.assigner = assigner;
this.classFileLocator = classFileLocator;
this.poolStrategy = poolStrategy;
this.locationStrategy = locationStrategy;
this.entries = entries;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DynamicType.Builder> transform(DynamicType.Builder> builder,
TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator = new ClassFileLocator.Compound(this.classFileLocator, locationStrategy.classFileLocator(classLoader, module));
TypePool typePool = poolStrategy.typePool(classFileLocator, classLoader);
AsmVisitorWrapper.ForDeclaredMethods asmVisitorWrapper = new AsmVisitorWrapper.ForDeclaredMethods();
for (Entry entry : entries) {
asmVisitorWrapper = asmVisitorWrapper.invokable(entry.getMatcher().resolve(typeDescription), wrap(typeDescription,
entry.resolve(advice, typePool, classFileLocator).withAssigner(assigner).withExceptionHandler(exceptionHandler)));
return builder.visit(asmVisitorWrapper);
* Allows for decoration of advice for subclass implementations of this transformer. Note that a subclass is not retained when
* using the builder methods of this class. Subclasses should also override the {@code make} method of this class to allow
* propagating the custom configuration.
* @param typeDescription The description of the type currently being instrumented.
* @param classLoader The class loader of the instrumented class. Might be {@code null} to represent the bootstrap class loader.
* @param module The class's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @param protectionDomain The protection domain of the transformed type or {@code null} if not available
* @param advice The advice to wrap.
* @return A visitor wrapper that represents the supplied advice.
protected AsmVisitorWrapper.ForDeclaredMethods.MethodVisitorWrapper wrap(TypeDescription typeDescription,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
Advice advice) {
return advice;
* Creates an advice transformer. This method is to be overridden when overriding the {@code wrap} method.
* @param advice The configured advice to use.
* @param exceptionHandler The exception handler to use.
* @param assigner The assigner to use.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use.
* @param poolStrategy The pool strategy to use for looking up an advice.
* @param locationStrategy The location strategy to use for class loaders when resolving advice classes.
* @param entries The advice entries to apply.
* @return An appropriate advice transformer.
protected ForAdvice make(Advice.WithCustomMapping advice,
Advice.ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler,
Assigner assigner,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
List entries) {
return new ForAdvice(advice, exceptionHandler, assigner, classFileLocator, poolStrategy, locationStrategy, entries);
* Registers a pool strategy for creating a {@link TypePool} that should be used for creating the advice class.
* @param poolStrategy The pool strategy to use.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that applies the supplied pool strategy.
public ForAdvice with(PoolStrategy poolStrategy) {
return make(advice, exceptionHandler, assigner, classFileLocator, poolStrategy, locationStrategy, entries);
* Registers a location strategy for creating a {@link ClassFileLocator} from the class loader that is supplied during transformation
* that should be used for looking up advice-relevant classes.
* @param locationStrategy The location strategy to use.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that applies the supplied location strategy.
public ForAdvice with(LocationStrategy locationStrategy) {
return make(advice, exceptionHandler, assigner, classFileLocator, poolStrategy, locationStrategy, entries);
* Registers an exception handler for suppressed exceptions to use by the registered advice.
* @param exceptionHandler The exception handler to use.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that applies the supplied exception handler.
* @see Advice#withExceptionHandler(StackManipulation)
public ForAdvice withExceptionHandler(Advice.ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) {
return make(advice, exceptionHandler, assigner, classFileLocator, poolStrategy, locationStrategy, entries);
* Registers an assigner to be used by the advice class.
* @param assigner The assigner to use.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that applies the supplied assigner.
* @see Advice#withAssigner(Assigner)
public ForAdvice with(Assigner assigner) {
return make(advice, exceptionHandler, assigner, classFileLocator, poolStrategy, locationStrategy, entries);
* Includes the supplied class loaders as a source for looking up an advice class or its dependencies.
* Note that the supplied class loaders are queried for types before the class loader of the instrumented class.
* @param classLoader The class loaders to include when looking up classes in their order. Duplicates are filtered.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that considers the supplied class loaders as a lookup source.
public ForAdvice include(ClassLoader... classLoader) {
Set classFileLocators = new LinkedHashSet();
for (ClassLoader aClassLoader : classLoader) {
return include(new ArrayList(classFileLocators));
* Includes the supplied class file locators as a source for looking up an advice class or its dependencies.
* Note that the supplied class loaders are queried for types before the class loader of the instrumented class.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locators to include when looking up classes in their order. Duplicates are filtered.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that considers the supplied class file locators as a lookup source.
public ForAdvice include(ClassFileLocator... classFileLocator) {
return include(Arrays.asList(classFileLocator));
* Includes the supplied class file locators as a source for looking up an advice class or its dependencies.
* Note that the supplied class loaders are queried for types before the class loader of the instrumented class.
* @param classFileLocators The class file locators to include when looking up classes in their order. Duplicates are filtered.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that considers the supplied class file locators as a lookup source.
public ForAdvice include(List extends ClassFileLocator> classFileLocators) {
return make(advice,
new ClassFileLocator.Compound(CompoundList.of(classFileLocator, classFileLocators)),
* Applies the given advice class onto all methods that satisfy the supplied matcher.
* @param matcher The matcher to determine what methods the advice should be applied to.
* @param name The fully-qualified, binary name of the advice class.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that applies the given advice to all matched methods of an instrumented type.
public ForAdvice advice(ElementMatcher super MethodDescription> matcher, String name) {
return advice(new LatentMatcher.Resolved(matcher), name);
* Applies the given advice class onto all methods that satisfy the supplied matcher.
* @param matcher The matcher to determine what methods the advice should be applied to.
* @param name The fully-qualified, binary name of the advice class.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that applies the given advice to all matched methods of an instrumented type.
public ForAdvice advice(LatentMatcher super MethodDescription> matcher, String name) {
return make(advice,
CompoundList.of(entries, new Entry.ForUnifiedAdvice(matcher, name)));
* Applies the given advice class onto all methods that satisfy the supplied matcher.
* @param matcher The matcher to determine what methods the advice should be applied to.
* @param enter The fully-qualified, binary name of the enter advice class.
* @param exit The fully-qualified, binary name of the exit advice class.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that applies the given advice to all matched methods of an instrumented type.
public ForAdvice advice(ElementMatcher super MethodDescription> matcher, String enter, String exit) {
return advice(new LatentMatcher.Resolved(matcher), enter, exit);
* Applies the given advice class onto all methods that satisfy the supplied matcher.
* @param matcher The matcher to determine what methods the advice should be applied to.
* @param enter The fully-qualified, binary name of the enter advice class.
* @param exit The fully-qualified, binary name of the exit advice class.
* @return A new instance of this advice transformer that applies the given advice to all matched methods of an instrumented type.
public ForAdvice advice(LatentMatcher super MethodDescription> matcher, String enter, String exit) {
return make(advice,
CompoundList.of(entries, new Entry.ForSplitAdvice(matcher, enter, exit)));
* An entry for an advice to apply.
protected abstract static class Entry {
* The matcher for advised methods.
private final LatentMatcher super MethodDescription> matcher;
* Creates a new entry.
* @param matcher The matcher for advised methods.
protected Entry(LatentMatcher super MethodDescription> matcher) {
this.matcher = matcher;
* Returns the matcher for advised methods.
* @return The matcher for advised methods.
protected LatentMatcher super MethodDescription> getMatcher() {
return matcher;
* Resolves the advice for this entry.
* @param advice The advice configuration.
* @param typePool The type pool to use.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use.
* @return The resolved advice.
protected abstract Advice resolve(Advice.WithCustomMapping advice, TypePool typePool, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator);
* An entry for an advice class where both the (optional) entry and exit advice methods are declared by the same class.
protected static class ForUnifiedAdvice extends Entry {
* The name of the advice class.
protected final String name;
* Creates a new entry for an advice class where both the (optional) entry and exit advice methods are declared by the same class.
* @param matcher The matcher for advised methods.
* @param name The name of the advice class.
protected ForUnifiedAdvice(LatentMatcher super MethodDescription> matcher, String name) {
this.name = name;
protected Advice resolve(Advice.WithCustomMapping advice, TypePool typePool, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) {
return advice.to(typePool.describe(name).resolve(), classFileLocator);
* An entry for an advice class where both entry and exit advice methods are declared by the different classes.
protected static class ForSplitAdvice extends Entry {
* The fully-qualified, binary name of the enter advice class.
private final String enter;
* The fully-qualified, binary name of the exit advice class.
private final String exit;
* Creates a new entry for an advice class with explicit entry and exit advice classes.
* @param matcher The matcher for advised methods.
* @param enter The fully-qualified, binary name of the enter advice class.
* @param exit The fully-qualified, binary name of the exit advice class.
protected ForSplitAdvice(LatentMatcher super MethodDescription> matcher, String enter, String exit) {
this.enter = enter;
this.exit = exit;
protected Advice resolve(Advice.WithCustomMapping advice, TypePool typePool, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) {
return advice.to(typePool.describe(enter).resolve(), typePool.describe(exit).resolve(), classFileLocator);
* A type locator allows to specify how {@link TypeDescription}s are resolved by an {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder}.
interface PoolStrategy {
* Creates a type pool for a given class file locator.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use.
* @param classLoader The class loader for which the class file locator was
* created or {@code null} if the boot loader.
* @return A type pool for the supplied class file locator.
TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader);
* Creates a type pool for a given class file locator. If a cache is used, the type that is
* currently instrumented is not used.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use.
* @param classLoader The class loader for which the class file locator
* was created or {@code null} if the boot loader.
* @param name The name of the currently instrumented type.
* @return A type pool for the supplied class file locator.
TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, String name);
* A default type locator that resolves types only if any property that is not the type's name is requested.
* The returned type pool uses a {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.CacheProvider.Simple} and the
* {@link ClassFileLocator} that is provided by the builder's {@link LocationStrategy}.
enum Default implements PoolStrategy {
* A type locator that parses the code segment of each method for extracting information about parameter
* names even if they are not explicitly included in a class file.
* @see net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Default.ReaderMode#EXTENDED
* A type locator that skips the code segment of each method and does therefore not extract information
* about parameter names. Parameter names are still included if they are explicitly included in a class file.
* @see net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Default.ReaderMode#FAST
* The reader mode to apply by this type locator.
private final TypePool.Default.ReaderMode readerMode;
* Creates a new type locator.
* @param readerMode The reader mode to apply by this type locator.
Default(TypePool.Default.ReaderMode readerMode) {
this.readerMode = readerMode;
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader) {
return new TypePool.LazyFacade(new TypePool.Default.WithLazyResolution(TypePool.CacheProvider.Simple.withObjectType(),
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, String name) {
return typePool(classFileLocator, classLoader);
* A type locator that resolves all type descriptions eagerly.
* The returned type pool uses a {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.CacheProvider.Simple} and the
* {@link ClassFileLocator} that is provided by the builder's {@link LocationStrategy}.
enum Eager implements PoolStrategy {
* A type locator that parses the code segment of each method for extracting information about parameter
* names even if they are not explicitly included in a class file.
* @see net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Default.ReaderMode#EXTENDED
* A type locator that skips the code segment of each method and does therefore not extract information
* about parameter names. Parameter names are still included if they are explicitly included in a class file.
* @see net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Default.ReaderMode#FAST
* The reader mode to apply by this type locator.
private final TypePool.Default.ReaderMode readerMode;
* Creates a new type locator.
* @param readerMode The reader mode to apply by this type locator.
Eager(TypePool.Default.ReaderMode readerMode) {
this.readerMode = readerMode;
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader) {
return new TypePool.Default(TypePool.CacheProvider.Simple.withObjectType(), classFileLocator, readerMode);
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, String name) {
return typePool(classFileLocator, classLoader);
* A type locator that attempts loading a type if it cannot be located by the underlying lazy type pool.
* The returned type pool uses a {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.CacheProvider.Simple} and the
* {@link ClassFileLocator} that is provided by the builder's {@link LocationStrategy}. Any types
* are loaded via the instrumented type's {@link ClassLoader}.
enum ClassLoading implements PoolStrategy {
* A type locator that parses the code segment of each method for extracting information about parameter
* names even if they are not explicitly included in a class file.
* @see net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Default.ReaderMode#EXTENDED
* A type locator that skips the code segment of each method and does therefore not extract information
* about parameter names. Parameter names are still included if they are explicitly included in a class file.
* @see net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Default.ReaderMode#FAST
* The reader mode to apply by this type locator.
private final TypePool.Default.ReaderMode readerMode;
* Creates a new type locator.
* @param readerMode The reader mode to apply by this type locator.
ClassLoading(TypePool.Default.ReaderMode readerMode) {
this.readerMode = readerMode;
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader) {
return TypePool.ClassLoading.of(classLoader, new TypePool.Default.WithLazyResolution(TypePool.CacheProvider.Simple.withObjectType(), classFileLocator, readerMode));
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, String name) {
return typePool(classFileLocator, classLoader);
* A type locator that uses type pools but allows for the configuration of a custom cache provider by class loader. Note that a
* {@link TypePool} can grow in size and that a static reference is kept to this pool by Byte Buddy's registration of a
* {@link ClassFileTransformer} what can cause a memory leak if the supplied caches are not cleared on a regular basis. Also note
* that a cache provider can be accessed concurrently by multiple {@link ClassLoader}s.
* All types that are returned by the locator's type pool are resolved lazily.
abstract class WithTypePoolCache implements PoolStrategy {
* The reader mode to use for parsing a class file.
protected final TypePool.Default.ReaderMode readerMode;
* Creates a new type locator that creates {@link TypePool}s but provides a custom {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.CacheProvider}.
* @param readerMode The reader mode to use for parsing a class file.
protected WithTypePoolCache(TypePool.Default.ReaderMode readerMode) {
this.readerMode = readerMode;
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader) {
return new TypePool.LazyFacade(new TypePool.Default.WithLazyResolution(locate(classLoader), classFileLocator, readerMode));
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypePool typePool(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, String name) {
return new TypePool.LazyFacade(new TypePool.Default.WithLazyResolution(new TypePool.CacheProvider.Discriminating(ElementMatchers.is(name),
new TypePool.CacheProvider.Simple(),
locate(classLoader)), classFileLocator, readerMode));
* Locates a cache provider for a given class loader.
* @param classLoader The class loader for which to locate a cache. This class loader might
* be {@code null} to represent the bootstrap loader.
* @return The cache provider to use.
protected abstract TypePool.CacheProvider locate(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader);
* An implementation of a type locator {@link WithTypePoolCache} (note documentation of the linked class) that is based on a
* {@link ConcurrentMap}. It is the responsibility of the type locator's user to avoid the type locator from leaking memory.
public static class Simple extends WithTypePoolCache {
* A default value for marking the boostrap class loader.
private static final ClassLoader BOOTSTRAP_MARKER = doPrivileged(BootstrapMarkerAction.INSTANCE);
* The concurrent map that is used for storing a cache provider per class loader.
private final ConcurrentMap super ClassLoader, TypePool.CacheProvider> cacheProviders;
* Creates a new type locator that caches a cache provider per class loader in a concurrent map. The type
* locator uses a fast {@link net.bytebuddy.pool.TypePool.Default.ReaderMode}.
* @param cacheProviders The concurrent map that is used for storing a cache provider per class loader.
public Simple(ConcurrentMap super ClassLoader, TypePool.CacheProvider> cacheProviders) {
this(TypePool.Default.ReaderMode.FAST, cacheProviders);
* Creates a new type locator that caches a cache provider per class loader in a concurrent map.
* @param readerMode The reader mode to use for parsing a class file.
* @param cacheProviders The concurrent map that is used for storing a cache provider per class loader.
public Simple(TypePool.Default.ReaderMode readerMode, ConcurrentMap super ClassLoader, TypePool.CacheProvider> cacheProviders) {
this.cacheProviders = cacheProviders;
* A proxy for {@code java.security.AccessController#doPrivileged} that is activated if available.
* @param action The action to execute from a privileged context.
* @param The type of the action's resolved value.
* @return The action's resolved value.
private static T doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction action) {
return action.run();
protected TypePool.CacheProvider locate(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader) {
classLoader = classLoader == null ? getBootstrapMarkerLoader() : classLoader;
TypePool.CacheProvider cacheProvider = cacheProviders.get(classLoader);
while (cacheProvider == null) {
cacheProvider = TypePool.CacheProvider.Simple.withObjectType();
TypePool.CacheProvider previous = cacheProviders.putIfAbsent(classLoader, cacheProvider);
if (previous != null) {
cacheProvider = previous;
return cacheProvider;
* Returns the class loader to serve as a cache key if a cache provider for the bootstrap class loader is requested.
* This class loader is represented by {@code null} in the JVM which is an invalid value for many {@link ConcurrentMap}
* implementations.
* By default, a custom class loader is created to use as a marker.
* @return A class loader to represent the bootstrap class loader.
protected ClassLoader getBootstrapMarkerLoader() {
* An action that creates a class loader to mark the bootstrap loader without using {@code null}.
protected enum BootstrapMarkerAction implements PrivilegedAction {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassLoader run() {
return new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], ClassLoadingStrategy.BOOTSTRAP_LOADER);
* An initialization strategy which determines the handling of {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.LoadedTypeInitializer}s
* and the loading of auxiliary types. The agent builder does not reuse the {@link TypeResolutionStrategy} as Javaagents cannot access
* a loaded class after a transformation such that different initialization strategies become meaningful.
interface InitializationStrategy {
* Creates a new dispatcher for injecting this initialization strategy during a transformation process.
* @return The dispatcher to be used.
Dispatcher dispatcher();
* A dispatcher for changing a class file to adapt a self-initialization strategy.
interface Dispatcher {
* Transforms the instrumented type to implement an appropriate initialization strategy.
* @param builder The builder which should implement the initialization strategy.
* @return The given {@code builder} with the initialization strategy applied.
DynamicType.Builder> apply(DynamicType.Builder> builder);
* Registers a dynamic type for initialization and/or begins the initialization process.
* @param dynamicType The dynamic type that is created.
* @param classLoader The class loader of the dynamic type which can be {@code null} to represent the bootstrap class loader.
* @param protectionDomain The instrumented type's protection domain or {@code null} if no protection domain is available.
* @param injectionStrategy The injection strategy to use.
void register(DynamicType dynamicType,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
InjectionStrategy injectionStrategy);
* A non-initializing initialization strategy.
enum NoOp implements InitializationStrategy, Dispatcher {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Dispatcher dispatcher() {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DynamicType.Builder> apply(DynamicType.Builder> builder) {
return builder;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void register(DynamicType dynamicType,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
InjectionStrategy injectionStrategy) {
/* do nothing */
* An initialization strategy that loads auxiliary types before loading the instrumented type. This strategy skips all types
* that are a subtype of the instrumented type which would cause a premature loading of the instrumented type and abort
* the instrumentation process.
enum Minimal implements InitializationStrategy, Dispatcher {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Dispatcher dispatcher() {
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DynamicType.Builder> apply(DynamicType.Builder> builder) {
return builder;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void register(DynamicType dynamicType,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
InjectionStrategy injectionStrategy) {
Map auxiliaryTypes = dynamicType.getAuxiliaryTypes();
Map independentTypes = new LinkedHashMap(auxiliaryTypes);
for (TypeDescription auxiliaryType : auxiliaryTypes.keySet()) {
if (!auxiliaryType.getDeclaredAnnotations().isAnnotationPresent(AuxiliaryType.SignatureRelevant.class)) {
if (!independentTypes.isEmpty()) {
ClassInjector classInjector = injectionStrategy.resolve(classLoader, protectionDomain);
Map loadedTypeInitializers = dynamicType.getLoadedTypeInitializers();
for (Map.Entry> entry : classInjector.inject(independentTypes).entrySet()) {
* An initialization strategy that adds a code block to an instrumented type's type initializer which
* then calls a specific class that is responsible for the explicit initialization.
abstract class SelfInjection implements InitializationStrategy {
* The nexus accessor to use.
protected final NexusAccessor nexusAccessor;
* Creates a new self-injection strategy.
* @param nexusAccessor The nexus accessor to use.
protected SelfInjection(NexusAccessor nexusAccessor) {
this.nexusAccessor = nexusAccessor;
* {@inheritDoc}
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "DMI_RANDOM_USED_ONLY_ONCE", justification = "Avoids thread-contention.")
public InitializationStrategy.Dispatcher dispatcher() {
return dispatcher(new Random().nextInt());
* Creates a new dispatcher.
* @param identification The identification code to use.
* @return An appropriate dispatcher for an initialization strategy.
protected abstract InitializationStrategy.Dispatcher dispatcher(int identification);
* A dispatcher for a self-initialization strategy.
protected abstract static class Dispatcher implements InitializationStrategy.Dispatcher {
* The nexus accessor to use.
protected final NexusAccessor nexusAccessor;
* A random identification for the applied self-initialization.
protected final int identification;
* Creates a new dispatcher.
* @param nexusAccessor The nexus accessor to use.
* @param identification A random identification for the applied self-initialization.
protected Dispatcher(NexusAccessor nexusAccessor, int identification) {
this.nexusAccessor = nexusAccessor;
this.identification = identification;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DynamicType.Builder> apply(DynamicType.Builder> builder) {
return builder.initializer(new NexusAccessor.InitializationAppender(identification));
* A type initializer that injects all auxiliary types of the instrumented type.
protected static class InjectingInitializer implements LoadedTypeInitializer {
* The instrumented type.
private final TypeDescription instrumentedType;
* The auxiliary types mapped to their class file representation.
private final Map rawAuxiliaryTypes;
* The instrumented types and auxiliary types mapped to their loaded type initializers.
* The instrumented types and auxiliary types mapped to their loaded type initializers.
private final Map loadedTypeInitializers;
* The class injector to use.
private final ClassInjector classInjector;
* Creates a new injection initializer.
* @param instrumentedType The instrumented type.
* @param rawAuxiliaryTypes The auxiliary types mapped to their class file representation.
* @param loadedTypeInitializers The instrumented types and auxiliary types mapped to their loaded type initializers.
* @param classInjector The class injector to use.
protected InjectingInitializer(TypeDescription instrumentedType,
Map rawAuxiliaryTypes,
Map loadedTypeInitializers,
ClassInjector classInjector) {
this.instrumentedType = instrumentedType;
this.rawAuxiliaryTypes = rawAuxiliaryTypes;
this.loadedTypeInitializers = loadedTypeInitializers;
this.classInjector = classInjector;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onLoad(Class> type) {
for (Map.Entry> auxiliary : classInjector.inject(rawAuxiliaryTypes).entrySet()) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAlive() {
return true;
* A form of self-injection where auxiliary types that are annotated by
* {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.auxiliary.AuxiliaryType.SignatureRelevant} of the instrumented type are loaded lazily and
* any other auxiliary type is loaded eagerly.
public static class Split extends SelfInjection {
* Creates a new split self-injection strategy that uses a default nexus accessor.
public Split() {
this(new NexusAccessor());
* Creates a new split self-injection strategy that uses the supplied nexus accessor.
* @param nexusAccessor The nexus accessor to use.
public Split(NexusAccessor nexusAccessor) {
protected InitializationStrategy.Dispatcher dispatcher(int identification) {
return new Dispatcher(nexusAccessor, identification);
* A dispatcher for the {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.InitializationStrategy.SelfInjection.Split} strategy.
protected static class Dispatcher extends SelfInjection.Dispatcher {
* Creates a new split dispatcher.
* @param nexusAccessor The nexus accessor to use.
* @param identification A random identification for the applied self-initialization.
protected Dispatcher(NexusAccessor nexusAccessor, int identification) {
super(nexusAccessor, identification);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void register(DynamicType dynamicType,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
InjectionStrategy injectionStrategy) {
Map auxiliaryTypes = dynamicType.getAuxiliaryTypes();
LoadedTypeInitializer loadedTypeInitializer;
if (!auxiliaryTypes.isEmpty()) {
TypeDescription instrumentedType = dynamicType.getTypeDescription();
ClassInjector classInjector = injectionStrategy.resolve(classLoader, protectionDomain);
Map independentTypes = new LinkedHashMap(auxiliaryTypes);
Map dependentTypes = new LinkedHashMap(auxiliaryTypes);
for (TypeDescription auxiliaryType : auxiliaryTypes.keySet()) {
? dependentTypes
: independentTypes).remove(auxiliaryType);
Map loadedTypeInitializers = dynamicType.getLoadedTypeInitializers();
if (!independentTypes.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry> entry : classInjector.inject(independentTypes).entrySet()) {
Map lazyInitializers = new HashMap(loadedTypeInitializers);
loadedTypeInitializer = lazyInitializers.size() > 1 // there exist auxiliary types that need lazy loading
? new Dispatcher.InjectingInitializer(instrumentedType, dependentTypes, lazyInitializers, classInjector)
: lazyInitializers.get(instrumentedType);
} else {
loadedTypeInitializer = dynamicType.getLoadedTypeInitializers().get(dynamicType.getTypeDescription());
nexusAccessor.register(dynamicType.getTypeDescription().getName(), classLoader, identification, loadedTypeInitializer);
* A form of self-injection where any auxiliary type is loaded lazily.
public static class Lazy extends SelfInjection {
* Creates a new lazy self-injection strategy that uses a default nexus accessor.
public Lazy() {
this(new NexusAccessor());
* Creates a new lazy self-injection strategy that uses the supplied nexus accessor.
* @param nexusAccessor The nexus accessor to use.
public Lazy(NexusAccessor nexusAccessor) {
protected InitializationStrategy.Dispatcher dispatcher(int identification) {
return new Dispatcher(nexusAccessor, identification);
* A dispatcher for the {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.InitializationStrategy.SelfInjection.Lazy} strategy.
protected static class Dispatcher extends SelfInjection.Dispatcher {
* Creates a new lazy dispatcher.
* @param nexusAccessor The nexus accessor to use.
* @param identification A random identification for the applied self-initialization.
protected Dispatcher(NexusAccessor nexusAccessor, int identification) {
super(nexusAccessor, identification);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void register(DynamicType dynamicType,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
InjectionStrategy injectionStrategy) {
Map auxiliaryTypes = dynamicType.getAuxiliaryTypes();
LoadedTypeInitializer loadedTypeInitializer = auxiliaryTypes.isEmpty()
? dynamicType.getLoadedTypeInitializers().get(dynamicType.getTypeDescription())
: new Dispatcher.InjectingInitializer(dynamicType.getTypeDescription(), auxiliaryTypes, dynamicType.getLoadedTypeInitializers(), injectionStrategy.resolve(classLoader, protectionDomain));
nexusAccessor.register(dynamicType.getTypeDescription().getName(), classLoader, identification, loadedTypeInitializer);
* A form of self-injection where any auxiliary type is loaded eagerly.
public static class Eager extends SelfInjection {
* Creates a new eager self-injection strategy that uses a default nexus accessor.
public Eager() {
this(new NexusAccessor());
* Creates a new eager self-injection strategy that uses the supplied nexus accessor.
* @param nexusAccessor The nexus accessor to use.
public Eager(NexusAccessor nexusAccessor) {
protected InitializationStrategy.Dispatcher dispatcher(int identification) {
return new Dispatcher(nexusAccessor, identification);
* A dispatcher for the {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder.InitializationStrategy.SelfInjection.Eager} strategy.
protected static class Dispatcher extends SelfInjection.Dispatcher {
* Creates a new eager dispatcher.
* @param nexusAccessor The nexus accessor to use.
* @param identification A random identification for the applied self-initialization.
protected Dispatcher(NexusAccessor nexusAccessor, int identification) {
super(nexusAccessor, identification);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void register(DynamicType dynamicType,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
InjectionStrategy injectionStrategy) {
Map auxiliaryTypes = dynamicType.getAuxiliaryTypes();
Map loadedTypeInitializers = dynamicType.getLoadedTypeInitializers();
if (!auxiliaryTypes.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry> entry : injectionStrategy.resolve(classLoader, protectionDomain).inject(auxiliaryTypes).entrySet()) {
LoadedTypeInitializer loadedTypeInitializer = loadedTypeInitializers.get(dynamicType.getTypeDescription());
nexusAccessor.register(dynamicType.getTypeDescription().getName(), classLoader, identification, loadedTypeInitializer);
* A strategy for injecting auxiliary types into a class loader.
interface InjectionStrategy {
* Resolves the class injector to use for a given class loader and protection domain.
* @param classLoader The class loader to use or {@code null} if using the bootstrap loader.
* @param protectionDomain The protection domain to use or {@code null} if all privileges should be assigned.
* @return The class injector to use.
ClassInjector resolve(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain);
* An injection strategy that does not permit class injection.
enum Disabled implements InjectionStrategy {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassInjector resolve(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Class injection is disabled");
* An injection strategy that uses Java reflection. This strategy is not capable of injecting classes into the bootstrap class loader.
enum UsingReflection implements InjectionStrategy {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassInjector resolve(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
if (classLoader == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot inject auxiliary class into bootstrap loader using reflection");
} else if (ClassInjector.UsingReflection.isAvailable()) {
return new ClassInjector.UsingReflection(classLoader, protectionDomain);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Reflection-based injection is not available on the current VM");
* An injection strategy that uses {@code sun.misc.Unsafe} or {@code jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe} to inject classes.
enum UsingUnsafe implements InjectionStrategy {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassInjector resolve(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
if (ClassInjector.UsingUnsafe.isAvailable()) {
return new ClassInjector.UsingUnsafe(classLoader, protectionDomain);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsafe-based injection is not available on the current VM");
* An injection strategy that uses a factory for creating an unsafe injector.
public static class OfFactory implements InjectionStrategy {
* The factory to use for creating an unsafe injector.
private final ClassInjector.UsingUnsafe.Factory factory;
* Creates an injection strategy based on a factory.
* @param factory The factory to use for creating an unsafe injector.
public OfFactory(ClassInjector.UsingUnsafe.Factory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassInjector resolve(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return factory.make(classLoader, protectionDomain);
* An injection strategy that uses JNA to inject classes. This strategy is only available if JNA was added as a dependency.
enum UsingJna implements InjectionStrategy {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassInjector resolve(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
if (ClassInjector.UsingJna.isAvailable()) {
return new ClassInjector.UsingJna(classLoader, protectionDomain);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("JNA-based injection is not available on the current VM");
* An injection strategy that uses bootstrap injection using an {@link Instrumentation} instance.
class UsingInstrumentation implements InjectionStrategy {
* The instrumentation instance to use.
private final Instrumentation instrumentation;
* The folder to store jar files being used for bootstrap injection.
private final File folder;
* Creates a new bootstrap injection strategy.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance to use.
* @param folder The folder to store jar files being used for bootstrap injection.
public UsingInstrumentation(Instrumentation instrumentation, File folder) {
this.instrumentation = instrumentation;
this.folder = folder;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassInjector resolve(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return classLoader == null
? ClassInjector.UsingInstrumentation.of(folder, ClassInjector.UsingInstrumentation.Target.BOOTSTRAP, instrumentation)
: UsingReflection.INSTANCE.resolve(classLoader, protectionDomain);
* A description strategy is responsible for resolving a {@link TypeDescription} when transforming or retransforming/-defining a type.
interface DescriptionStrategy {
* Indicates if this description strategy makes use of loaded type information and yields a different type description if no loaded type is available.
* @return {@code true} if this description strategy prefers loaded type information when describing a type and only uses a type pool
* if loaded type information is not available.
boolean isLoadedFirst();
* Describes the given type.
* @param name The binary name of the type to describe.
* @param type The type that is being redefined, if a redefinition is applied or {@code null} if no redefined type is available.
* @param typePool The type pool to use for locating a type if required.
* @param classLoader The type's class loader where {@code null} represents the bootstrap class loader.
* @param circularityLock The currently used circularity lock.
* @param module The type's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @return An appropriate type description.
TypeDescription apply(String name, @MaybeNull Class> type, TypePool typePool, CircularityLock circularityLock, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module);
* Default implementations of a {@link DescriptionStrategy}.
enum Default implements DescriptionStrategy {
* A description type strategy represents a type as a {@link net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription.ForLoadedType} if a
* retransformation or redefinition is applied on a type. Using a loaded type typically results in better performance as no
* I/O is required for resolving type descriptions. However, any interaction with the type is carried out via the Java reflection
* API. Using the reflection API triggers eager loading of any type that is part of a method or field signature. If any of these
* types are missing from the class path, this eager loading will cause a {@link NoClassDefFoundError}. Some Java code declares
* optional dependencies to other classes which are only realized if the optional dependency is present. Such code relies on the
* Java reflection API not being used for types using optional dependencies.
* @see FallbackStrategy.Simple#ENABLED
* @see FallbackStrategy.ByThrowableType#ofOptionalTypes()
HYBRID(true) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription apply(String name,
@MaybeNull Class> type,
TypePool typePool,
CircularityLock circularityLock,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return type == null
? typePool.describe(name).resolve()
: TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(type);
* A description strategy that always describes Java types using a {@link TypePool}. This requires that any type - even if it is already
* loaded and a {@link Class} instance is available - is processed as a non-loaded type description. Doing so can cause overhead as processing
* loaded types is supported very efficiently by a JVM.
* Avoiding the usage of loaded types can improve robustness as this approach does not rely on the Java reflection API which triggers eager
* validation of this loaded type which can fail an application if optional types are used by any types field or method signatures. Also, it
* is possible to guarantee debugging meta data to be available also for retransformed or redefined types if a {@link TypeStrategy} specifies
* the extraction of such meta data.
POOL_ONLY(false) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription apply(String name,
@MaybeNull Class> type,
TypePool typePool,
CircularityLock circularityLock,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return typePool.describe(name).resolve();
* A description strategy that always describes Java types using a {@link TypePool} unless a type cannot be resolved by a pool and a loaded
* {@link Class} instance is available. Doing so can cause overhead as processing loaded types is supported very efficiently by a JVM.
* Avoiding the usage of loaded types can improve robustness as this approach does not rely on the Java reflection API which triggers eager
* validation of this loaded type which can fail an application if optional types are used by any types field or method signatures. Also, it
* is possible to guarantee debugging meta data to be available also for retransformed or redefined types if a {@link TypeStrategy} specifies
* the extraction of such meta data.
POOL_FIRST(false) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeDescription apply(String name,
@MaybeNull Class> type,
TypePool typePool,
CircularityLock circularityLock,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
TypePool.Resolution resolution = typePool.describe(name);
return resolution.isResolved() || type == null
? resolution.resolve()
: TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(type);
* Indicates if loaded type information is preferred over using a type pool for describing a type.
private final boolean loadedFirst;
* Indicates if loaded type information is preferred over using a type pool for describing a type.
* @param loadedFirst {@code true} if loaded type information is preferred over using a type pool for describing a type.
Default(boolean loadedFirst) {
this.loadedFirst = loadedFirst;
* Creates a description strategy that uses this strategy but loads any super type. If a super type is not yet loaded,
* this causes this super type to never be instrumented. Therefore, this option should only be used if all instrumented
* types are guaranteed to be top-level types.
* @return This description strategy where all super types are loaded during the instrumentation.
* @see SuperTypeLoading
public DescriptionStrategy withSuperTypeLoading() {
return new SuperTypeLoading(this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isLoadedFirst() {
return loadedFirst;
* Creates a description strategy that uses this strategy but loads any super type asynchronously. Super types are loaded via
* another thread supplied by the executor service to enforce the instrumentation of any such super type. It is recommended
* to allow the executor service to create new threads without bound as class loading blocks any thread until all super types
* were instrumented.
* @param executorService The executor service to use.
* @return This description strategy where all super types are loaded asynchronously during the instrumentation.
* @see SuperTypeLoading.Asynchronous
public DescriptionStrategy withSuperTypeLoading(ExecutorService executorService) {
return new SuperTypeLoading.Asynchronous(this, executorService);
* A description strategy that enforces the loading of any super type of a type description but delegates the actual type description
* to another description strategy.
* Warning: When using this description strategy, a type is not instrumented if any of its subtypes is loaded first.
* The instrumentation API does not submit such types to a class file transformer on most VM implementations.
class SuperTypeLoading implements DescriptionStrategy {
* The delegate description strategy.
private final DescriptionStrategy delegate;
* Creates a new description strategy that enforces loading of a super type.
* @param delegate The delegate description strategy.
public SuperTypeLoading(DescriptionStrategy delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isLoadedFirst() {
return delegate.isLoadedFirst();
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypeDescription apply(String name,
@MaybeNull Class> type,
TypePool typePool,
CircularityLock circularityLock,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
TypeDescription typeDescription = delegate.apply(name, type, typePool, circularityLock, classLoader, module);
return typeDescription instanceof TypeDescription.ForLoadedType
? typeDescription
: new TypeDescription.SuperTypeLoading(typeDescription, classLoader, new UnlockingClassLoadingDelegate(circularityLock));
* A class loading delegate that unlocks the circularity lock during class loading.
protected static class UnlockingClassLoadingDelegate implements TypeDescription.SuperTypeLoading.ClassLoadingDelegate {
* The circularity lock to unlock.
private final CircularityLock circularityLock;
* Creates an unlocking class loading delegate.
* @param circularityLock The circularity lock to unlock.
protected UnlockingClassLoadingDelegate(CircularityLock circularityLock) {
this.circularityLock = circularityLock;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class> load(String name, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {
try {
return Class.forName(name, false, classLoader);
} finally {
* A description strategy that enforces the loading of any super type of a type description but delegates the actual type description
* to another description strategy.
* Note: This description strategy delegates class loading to another thread in order to enforce the instrumentation of any
* unloaded super type. This requires the executor service to supply at least as many threads as the deepest type hierarchy within the
* application minus one for the instrumented type as class loading blocks any thread until all of its super types are loaded. These
* threads are typically short lived which predestines the use of a {@link Executors#newCachedThreadPool()} without any upper bound
* for the maximum number of created threads.
* Important: This strategy can dead-lock under two circumstances:
* -
* Classes declare circularities: Under normal circumstances, such scenarios result in a {@link ClassCircularityError} but
* can result in dead-locks when using this instrumentation strategy.
* -
* Class loaders declare custom locks: If a class loader locks another lock but itself during class loading, this lock cannot
* be released by this strategy.
* For the above reasons, it is not recommended to use this strategy when the target class loader is unknown or if the target application
* might contain corrupt class files.
public static class Asynchronous implements DescriptionStrategy {
* The delegate description strategy.
private final DescriptionStrategy delegate;
* The executor service to use for loading super types.
private final ExecutorService executorService;
* Creates a new description strategy that enforces super type loading from another thread.
* @param delegate The delegate description strategy.
* @param executorService The executor service to use for loading super types.
public Asynchronous(DescriptionStrategy delegate, ExecutorService executorService) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.executorService = executorService;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isLoadedFirst() {
return delegate.isLoadedFirst();
* {@inheritDoc}
public TypeDescription apply(String name,
@MaybeNull Class> type,
TypePool typePool,
CircularityLock circularityLock,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
TypeDescription typeDescription = delegate.apply(name, type, typePool, circularityLock, classLoader, module);
return typeDescription instanceof TypeDescription.ForLoadedType
? typeDescription
: new TypeDescription.SuperTypeLoading(typeDescription, classLoader, new ThreadSwitchingClassLoadingDelegate(executorService));
* A class loading delegate that delegates loading of the super type to another thread.
protected static class ThreadSwitchingClassLoadingDelegate implements TypeDescription.SuperTypeLoading.ClassLoadingDelegate {
* The executor service to delegate class loading to.
private final ExecutorService executorService;
* Creates a new thread-switching class loading delegate.
* @param executorService The executor service to delegate class loading to.
protected ThreadSwitchingClassLoadingDelegate(ExecutorService executorService) {
this.executorService = executorService;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class> load(String name, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader) {
boolean holdsLock = classLoader != null && Thread.holdsLock(classLoader);
AtomicBoolean signal = new AtomicBoolean(holdsLock);
Future> future = executorService.submit(holdsLock
? new NotifyingClassLoadingAction(name, classLoader, signal)
: new SimpleClassLoadingAction(name, classLoader));
try {
while (holdsLock && signal.get()) {
return future.get();
} catch (ExecutionException exception) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load " + name + " asynchronously", exception.getCause());
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load " + name + " asynchronously", exception);
* A class loading action that simply loads a type.
protected static class SimpleClassLoadingAction implements Callable> {
* The loaded type's name.
private final String name;
* The type's class loader or {@code null} if the type is loaded by the bootstrap loader.
private final ClassLoader classLoader;
* Creates a simple class loading action.
* @param name The loaded type's name.
* @param classLoader The type's class loader or {@code null} if the type is loaded by the bootstrap loader.
protected SimpleClassLoadingAction(String name, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader) {
this.name = name;
this.classLoader = classLoader;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class> call() throws ClassNotFoundException {
return Class.forName(name, false, classLoader);
* A class loading action that notifies the class loader's lock after the type was loaded.
protected static class NotifyingClassLoadingAction implements Callable> {
* The loaded type's name.
private final String name;
* The type's class loader which must not be the boot loader, i.e {@code null}.
private final ClassLoader classLoader;
* The signal that indicates the completion of the class loading with {@code false}.
private final AtomicBoolean signal;
* Creates a notifying class loading action.
* @param name The loaded type's name.
* @param classLoader The type's class loader which must not be the boot loader, i.e {@code null}.
* @param signal The signal that indicates the completion of the class loading with {@code false}.
protected NotifyingClassLoadingAction(String name, ClassLoader classLoader, AtomicBoolean signal) {
this.name = name;
this.classLoader = classLoader;
this.signal = signal;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class> call() throws ClassNotFoundException {
synchronized (classLoader) {
try {
return Class.forName(name, false, classLoader);
} finally {
* A strategy for creating a {@link ClassFileLocator} when instrumenting a type.
interface LocationStrategy {
* Creates a class file locator for a given class loader and module combination.
* @param classLoader The class loader that is loading an instrumented type. Might be {@code null} to represent the bootstrap class loader.
* @param module The type's module or {@code null} if Java modules are not supported on the current VM.
* @return The class file locator to use.
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module);
* A location strategy that never locates any byte code.
enum NoOp implements LocationStrategy {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassFileLocator classFileLocator(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return ClassFileLocator.NoOp.INSTANCE;
* A location strategy that locates class files by querying an instrumented type's {@link ClassLoader}.
enum ForClassLoader implements LocationStrategy {
* A location strategy that keeps a strong reference to the class loader the created class file locator represents.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ClassFileLocator classFileLocator(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(classLoader);
* A location strategy that keeps a weak reference to the class loader the created class file locator represents.
* As a consequence, any returned class file locator stops working once the represented class loader is garbage collected.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ClassFileLocator classFileLocator(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.WeaklyReferenced.of(classLoader);
* Adds additional location strategies as fallbacks to this location strategy.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locators to query if this location strategy cannot locate a class file.
* @return A compound location strategy that first applies this location strategy and then queries the supplied class file locators.
public LocationStrategy withFallbackTo(ClassFileLocator... classFileLocator) {
return withFallbackTo(Arrays.asList(classFileLocator));
* Adds additional location strategies as fallbacks to this location strategy.
* @param classFileLocators The class file locators to query if this location strategy cannot locate a class file.
* @return A compound location strategy that first applies this location strategy and then queries the supplied class file locators.
public LocationStrategy withFallbackTo(Collection extends ClassFileLocator> classFileLocators) {
List locationStrategies = new ArrayList(classFileLocators.size());
for (ClassFileLocator classFileLocator : classFileLocators) {
locationStrategies.add(new Simple(classFileLocator));
return withFallbackTo(locationStrategies);
* Adds additional location strategies as fallbacks to this location strategy.
* @param locationStrategy The fallback location strategies to use.
* @return A compound location strategy that first applies this location strategy and then the supplied fallback location strategies
* in the supplied order.
public LocationStrategy withFallbackTo(LocationStrategy... locationStrategy) {
return withFallbackTo(Arrays.asList(locationStrategy));
* Adds additional location strategies as fallbacks to this location strategy.
* @param locationStrategies The fallback location strategies to use.
* @return A compound location strategy that first applies this location strategy and then the supplied fallback location strategies
* in the supplied order.
public LocationStrategy withFallbackTo(List extends LocationStrategy> locationStrategies) {
List allLocationStrategies = new ArrayList(locationStrategies.size() + 1);
return new Compound(allLocationStrategies);
* A simple location strategy that queries a given class file locator.
class Simple implements LocationStrategy {
* The class file locator to query.
private final ClassFileLocator classFileLocator;
* A simple location strategy that queries a given class file locator.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator to query.
public Simple(ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) {
this.classFileLocator = classFileLocator;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassFileLocator classFileLocator(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
return classFileLocator;
* A compound location strategy that applies a list of location strategies.
class Compound implements LocationStrategy {
* The location strategies in their application order.
private final List locationStrategies;
* Creates a new compound location strategy.
* @param locationStrategy The location strategies in their application order.
public Compound(LocationStrategy... locationStrategy) {
* Creates a new compound location strategy.
* @param locationStrategies The location strategies in their application order.
public Compound(List extends LocationStrategy> locationStrategies) {
this.locationStrategies = new ArrayList();
for (LocationStrategy locationStrategy : locationStrategies) {
if (locationStrategy instanceof Compound) {
this.locationStrategies.addAll(((Compound) locationStrategy).locationStrategies);
} else if (!(locationStrategy instanceof NoOp)) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClassFileLocator classFileLocator(@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, @MaybeNull JavaModule module) {
List classFileLocators = new ArrayList(locationStrategies.size());
for (LocationStrategy locationStrategy : locationStrategies) {
classFileLocators.add(locationStrategy.classFileLocator(classLoader, module));
return new ClassFileLocator.Compound(classFileLocators);
* A fallback strategy allows to reattempt a transformation or a consideration for redefinition/retransformation in case an exception
* occurs. Doing so, it is possible to use a {@link TypePool} rather than using a loaded type description backed by a {@link Class}.
* Loaded types can raise exceptions and errors if a {@link ClassLoader} cannot resolve all types that this class references. Using
* a type pool, such errors can be avoided as type descriptions can be resolved lazily, avoiding such errors.
interface FallbackStrategy {
* Returns {@code true} if the supplied type and throwable combination should result in a reattempt where the
* loaded type is not used for querying information.
* @param type The loaded type that was queried during the transformation attempt.
* @param throwable The error or exception that was caused during the transformation.
* @return {@code true} if the supplied type and throwable combination should
boolean isFallback(Class> type, Throwable throwable);
* A simple fallback strategy that either always reattempts a transformation or never does so.
enum Simple implements FallbackStrategy {
* An enabled fallback strategy that always attempts a new trial.
* A disabled fallback strategy that never attempts a new trial.
* {@code true} if this fallback strategy is enabled.
private final boolean enabled;
* Creates a new default fallback strategy.
* @param enabled {@code true} if this fallback strategy is enabled.
Simple(boolean enabled) {
this.enabled = enabled;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isFallback(Class> type, Throwable throwable) {
return enabled;
* A fallback strategy that discriminates by the type of the {@link Throwable} that triggered a request.
class ByThrowableType implements FallbackStrategy {
* A set of throwable types that should trigger a fallback attempt.
private final Set extends Class extends Throwable>> types;
* Creates a new throwable type-discriminating fallback strategy.
* @param type The throwable types that should trigger a fallback.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // In absence of @SafeVarargs
public ByThrowableType(Class extends Throwable>... type) {
this(new HashSet>(Arrays.asList(type)));
* Creates a new throwable type-discriminating fallback strategy.
* @param types The throwable types that should trigger a fallback.
public ByThrowableType(Set extends Class extends Throwable>> types) {
this.types = types;
* Creates a fallback strategy that attempts a fallback if an error indicating a type error is the reason for requesting a reattempt.
* @return A fallback strategy that triggers a reattempt if a {@link LinkageError} or a {@link TypeNotPresentException} is raised.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // In absence of @SafeVarargs
public static FallbackStrategy ofOptionalTypes() {
return new ByThrowableType(LinkageError.class, TypeNotPresentException.class);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isFallback(Class> type, Throwable throwable) {
for (Class extends Throwable> aType : types) {
if (aType.isInstance(throwable)) {
return true;
return false;
* A listener that is notified during the installation and the resetting of a class file transformer.
interface InstallationListener {
* Indicates that an exception is handled.
Throwable SUPPRESS_ERROR = null;
* Invoked prior to the installation of a class file transformer.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation on which the class file transformer is installed.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being installed.
void onBeforeInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer);
* Invoked upon the successful installation of a class file transformer. This method is only invoked if no error occurred during the
* installation or if such an error was handled by {@link InstallationListener#onError(Instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer, Throwable)}.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation on which the class file transformer is installed.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being installed.
void onInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer);
* Invoked if an installation causes an error. The listener has an opportunity to handle the error. This method is invoked prior to
* {@link InstallationListener#onInstall(Instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer)}.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation on which the class file transformer is installed.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being installed.
* @param throwable The throwable that causes the error.
* @return The error to propagate or {@code null} if the error is handled. Any subsequent listeners are not called if the exception is handled.
Throwable onError(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable);
* Invoked if an installation is reset.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation on which the class file transformer is installed.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is being installed.
void onReset(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer);
* Invoked before a warump is executed.
* @param types The types that are used for the warmup.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is warmed up.
void onBeforeWarmUp(Set> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer);
* Invoked when a class yields an unexpected error that is not catched by the listener.
* @param type The type that caused the error.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is warmed up.
* @param throwable The throwable that represents the error.
void onWarmUpError(Class> type, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable);
* Invoked after a warump is executed.
* @param types The types that are used for the warmup mapped to their transformed byte code
* or {@code null} if the type was not transformed or failed to transform.
* @param classFileTransformer The class file transformer that is warmed up.
* @param transformed {@code true} if at least one class caused an actual transformation.
void onAfterWarmUp(Map, byte[]> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, boolean transformed);
* A non-operational listener that does not do anything.
enum NoOp implements InstallationListener {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public Throwable onError(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
return throwable;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onReset(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeWarmUp(Set> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onWarmUpError(Class> type, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onAfterWarmUp(Map, byte[]> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, boolean transformed) {
/* do nothing */
* A listener that suppresses any installation error.
enum ErrorSuppressing implements InstallationListener {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public Throwable onError(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onReset(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeWarmUp(Set> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onWarmUpError(Class> type, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onAfterWarmUp(Map, byte[]> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, boolean transformed) {
/* do nothing */
* An adapter implementation for an installation listener that serves as a convenience.
abstract class Adapter implements InstallationListener {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public Throwable onError(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
return throwable;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onReset(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeWarmUp(Set> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onWarmUpError(Class> type, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onAfterWarmUp(Map, byte[]> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, boolean transformed) {
/* do nothing */
* This installation listener prints the status of any installation to a {@link PrintStream}.
class StreamWriting implements InstallationListener {
* The prefix prepended to any message written.
protected static final String PREFIX = "[Byte Buddy]";
* The print stream to write to.
private final PrintStream printStream;
* Creates a new stream writing installation listener.
* @param printStream The print stream to write to.
public StreamWriting(PrintStream printStream) {
this.printStream = printStream;
* Creates a stream writing installation listener that prints to {@link System#out}.
* @return An installation listener that prints to {@link System#out}.
public static InstallationListener toSystemOut() {
return new StreamWriting(System.out);
* Creates a stream writing installation listener that prints to {@link System#err}.
* @return An installation listener that prints to {@link System#err}.
public static InstallationListener toSystemError() {
return new StreamWriting(System.err);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " BEFORE_INSTALL %s on %s%n", classFileTransformer, instrumentation);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " INSTALL %s on %s%n", classFileTransformer, instrumentation);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Throwable onError(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
synchronized (printStream) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " ERROR %s on %s%n", classFileTransformer, instrumentation);
return throwable;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onReset(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " RESET %s on %s%n", classFileTransformer, instrumentation);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeWarmUp(Set> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " BEFORE_WARMUP %s on %s%n", classFileTransformer, types);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onWarmUpError(Class> type, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
synchronized (printStream) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " ERROR_WARMUP %s on %s%n", classFileTransformer, type);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onAfterWarmUp(Map, byte[]> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, boolean transformed) {
printStream.printf(PREFIX + " AFTER_WARMUP %s %s on %s%n", transformed ? "transformed" : "not transformed", classFileTransformer, types.keySet());
* A compound installation listener.
class Compound implements InstallationListener {
* The installation listeners to notify.
private final List installationListeners;
* Creates a new compound listener.
* @param installationListener The installation listeners to notify.
public Compound(InstallationListener... installationListener) {
* Creates a new compound listener.
* @param installationListeners The installation listeners to notify.
public Compound(List extends InstallationListener> installationListeners) {
this.installationListeners = new ArrayList();
for (InstallationListener installationListener : installationListeners) {
if (installationListener instanceof Compound) {
this.installationListeners.addAll(((Compound) installationListener).installationListeners);
} else if (!(installationListener instanceof NoOp)) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
for (InstallationListener installationListener : installationListeners) {
installationListener.onBeforeInstall(instrumentation, classFileTransformer);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onInstall(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
for (InstallationListener installationListener : installationListeners) {
installationListener.onInstall(instrumentation, classFileTransformer);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Throwable onError(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
for (InstallationListener installationListener : installationListeners) {
if (throwable == SUPPRESS_ERROR) {
throwable = installationListener.onError(instrumentation, classFileTransformer, throwable);
return throwable;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onReset(Instrumentation instrumentation, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
for (InstallationListener installationListener : installationListeners) {
installationListener.onReset(instrumentation, classFileTransformer);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBeforeWarmUp(Set> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
for (InstallationListener installationListener : installationListeners) {
installationListener.onBeforeWarmUp(types, classFileTransformer);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onWarmUpError(Class> type, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, Throwable throwable) {
for (InstallationListener installationListener : installationListeners) {
installationListener.onWarmUpError(type, classFileTransformer, throwable);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onAfterWarmUp(Map, byte[]> types, ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer, boolean transformed) {
for (InstallationListener installationListener : installationListeners) {
installationListener.onAfterWarmUp(types, classFileTransformer, transformed);
* This strategy determines how the provided class file buffer is used.
interface ClassFileBufferStrategy {
* Resolves a class file locator for the class file buffer that is provided to the class file transformer.
* @param name The instrumented type's binary name.
* @param binaryRepresentation The instrumented type's binary representation.
* @param classLoader The instrumented type's class loader or {@code null} if the type is loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
* @param module The instrumented type's module or {@code null} if the current VM does not support modules.
* @param protectionDomain The instrumented type's protection domain or {@code null} if not available
* @return An appropriate class file locator.
ClassFileLocator resolve(String name,
byte[] binaryRepresentation,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain);
* Resolves the type pool for a given type name by the supplied {@link PoolStrategy}.
* @param poolStrategy The pool strategy to use.
* @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use.
* @param classLoader The class loader to use.
* @param name The name of the type for which the type pool is resolved.
* @return A suitable type pool.
TypePool typePool(PoolStrategy poolStrategy, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, @MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader, String name);
* An implementation of default class file buffer strategy.
enum Default implements ClassFileBufferStrategy {
* A class file buffer strategy that retains the original class file buffer.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ClassFileLocator resolve(String name,
byte[] binaryRepresentation,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return ClassFileLocator.Simple.of(name, binaryRepresentation);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public TypePool typePool(PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
String name) {
return poolStrategy.typePool(classFileLocator, classLoader, name);
* A class file buffer strategy that discards the original class file buffer.
* Warning: This strategy discards any changes that were applied by previous Java agents.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ClassFileLocator resolve(String name,
byte[] binaryRepresentation,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
@MaybeNull JavaModule module,
@MaybeNull ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
return ClassFileLocator.NoOp.INSTANCE;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public TypePool typePool(PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
ClassFileLocator classFileLocator,
@MaybeNull ClassLoader classLoader,
String name) {
return poolStrategy.typePool(classFileLocator, classLoader);
* A decorator that allows to change the class file transformer that is registered.
interface TransformerDecorator {
* Decorates the applied class file transformer.
* @param classFileTransformer The original transformer created by the agent builder.
* @return The class file transformer that is actually being registered.
ResettableClassFileTransformer decorate(ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer);
* A transformer decorator that retains the original transformer.
enum NoOp implements TransformerDecorator {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ResettableClassFileTransformer decorate(ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
return classFileTransformer;
* Wraps a class file transformer to become substitutable.
enum ForSubstitution implements TransformerDecorator {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ResettableClassFileTransformer decorate(ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
return ResettableClassFileTransformer.WithDelegation.Substitutable.of(classFileTransformer);
* A compound transformer decorator.
class Compound implements TransformerDecorator {
* The listeners to invoke.
private final List transformerDecorators;
* Creates a new compound transformer decorator.
* @param transformerDecorator The transformer decorators to add.
public Compound(TransformerDecorator... transformerDecorator) {
* Creates a new compound listener.
* @param transformerDecorators The transformerDecorators to invoke.
public Compound(List extends TransformerDecorator> transformerDecorators) {
this.transformerDecorators = new ArrayList();
for (TransformerDecorator transformerDecorator : transformerDecorators) {
if (transformerDecorator instanceof Compound) {
this.transformerDecorators.addAll(((Compound) transformerDecorator).transformerDecorators);
} else if (!(transformerDecorator instanceof NoOp)) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public ResettableClassFileTransformer decorate(ResettableClassFileTransformer classFileTransformer) {
for (TransformerDecorator transformerDecorator : transformerDecorators) {
classFileTransformer = transformerDecorator.decorate(classFileTransformer);
return classFileTransformer;
* A redefinition strategy regulates how already loaded classes are modified by a built agent.
* Important: Most JVMs do not support changes of a class's structure after a class was already
* loaded. Therefore, it is typically required that this class file transformer was built while enabling
* {@link AgentBuilder#disableClassFormatChanges()}.
enum RedefinitionStrategy {
* Disables redefinition such that already loaded classes are not affected by the agent.
DISABLED(false, false) {
public void apply(Instrumentation instrumentation,
PoolStrategy poolStrategy, LocationStrategy locationStrategy, DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy, FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy, DiscoveryStrategy discoveryStrategy, LambdaInstrumentationStrategy lambdaInstrumentationStrategy, AgentBuilder.Listener listener,
Listener redefinitionListener, RawMatcher matcher, BatchAllocator redefinitionBatchAllocator, CircularityLock circularityLock) {
/* do nothing */
protected void check(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot apply redefinition on disabled strategy");
protected Collector make(PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy,
FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy,
AgentBuilder.Listener listener,
RawMatcher matcher,
CircularityLock circularityLock) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A disabled redefinition strategy cannot create a collector");
* Applies a redefinition to all classes that are already loaded and that would have been transformed if
* the built agent was registered before they were loaded. The created {@link ClassFileTransformer} is not
* registered for applying retransformations.
* Using this strategy, a redefinition is applied as a single transformation request. This means that a single illegal
* redefinition of a class causes the entire redefinition attempt to fail.
* Note: When applying a redefinition, it is normally required to use a {@link TypeStrategy} that applies
* a redefinition instead of rebasing classes such as {@link TypeStrategy.Default#REDEFINE}. Also, consider
* the constraints given by this type strategy.
REDEFINITION(true, false) {
protected void check(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
if (!instrumentation.isRedefineClassesSupported()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot apply redefinition on " + instrumentation);
protected Collector make(PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy,
FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy,
AgentBuilder.Listener listener,
RawMatcher matcher,
CircularityLock circularityLock) {
return new Collector.ForRedefinition(matcher,
* Applies a retransformation to all classes that are already loaded and that would have been transformed if
* the built agent was registered before they were loaded. The created {@link ClassFileTransformer} is registered
* for applying retransformations.
* Using this strategy, a retransformation is applied as a single transformation request. This means that a single illegal
* retransformation of a class causes the entire retransformation attempt to fail.
* Note: When applying a retransformation, it is normally required to use a {@link TypeStrategy} that applies
* a redefinition instead of rebasing classes such as {@link TypeStrategy.Default#REDEFINE}. Also, consider
* the constraints given by this type strategy.
protected void check(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
if (!DISPATCHER.isRetransformClassesSupported(instrumentation)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot apply retransformation on " + instrumentation);
protected Collector make(PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy,
FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy,
AgentBuilder.Listener listener,
RawMatcher matcher,
CircularityLock circularityLock) {
return new Collector.ForRetransformation(matcher,
* A dispatcher to use for interacting with the instrumentation API.
protected static final Dispatcher DISPATCHER = Default.doPrivileged(JavaDispatcher.of(Dispatcher.class));
* Indicates that this redefinition strategy is enabled.
private final boolean enabled;
* {@code true} if this strategy applies retransformation.
private final boolean retransforming;
* Creates a new redefinition strategy.
* @param enabled {@code true} if this strategy is enabled.
* @param retransforming {@code true} if this strategy applies retransformation.
RedefinitionStrategy(boolean enabled, boolean retransforming) {
this.enabled = enabled;
this.retransforming = retransforming;
* Indicates if this strategy requires a class file transformer to be registered with a hint to apply the
* transformer for retransformation.
* @return {@code true} if a class file transformer must be registered with a hint for retransformation.
protected boolean isRetransforming() {
return retransforming;
* Checks if this strategy can be applied to the supplied instrumentation instance.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance to validate.
protected abstract void check(Instrumentation instrumentation);
* Indicates that this redefinition strategy applies a modification of already loaded classes.
* @return {@code true} if this redefinition strategy applies a modification of already loaded classes.
protected boolean isEnabled() {
return enabled;
* Creates a collector instance that is responsible for collecting loaded classes for potential retransformation.
* @param poolStrategy The pool strategy to use.
* @param locationStrategy The location strategy to use.
* @param descriptionStrategy The description strategy for resolving type descriptions for types.
* @param fallbackStrategy The fallback strategy to apply.
* @param listener The listener to notify on transformations.
* @param matcher The matcher to identify what types to redefine.
* @param circularityLock The circularity lock to use.
* @return A new collector for collecting already loaded classes for transformation.
protected abstract Collector make(PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy,
FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy,
AgentBuilder.Listener listener,
RawMatcher matcher,
CircularityLock circularityLock);
* Applies this redefinition strategy by submitting all loaded types to redefinition. If this redefinition strategy is disabled,
* this method is non-operational.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance to use.
* @param poolStrategy The type locator to use.
* @param locationStrategy The location strategy to use.
* @param descriptionStrategy The description strategy for resolving type descriptions for types.
* @param fallbackStrategy The fallback strategy to apply.
* @param redefinitionDiscoveryStrategy The discovery strategy for loaded types to be redefined.
* @param lambdaInstrumentationStrategy A strategy to determine of the {@code LambdaMetafactory} should be instrumented to allow for the
* instrumentation of classes that represent lambda expressions.
* @param listener The listener to notify on transformations.
* @param redefinitionListener The redefinition listener for the redefinition strategy to apply.
* @param matcher The matcher to identify what types to redefine.
* @param redefinitionBatchAllocator The batch allocator for the redefinition strategy to apply.
* @param circularityLock The circularity lock to use.
protected void apply(Instrumentation instrumentation,
PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy,
FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy,
DiscoveryStrategy redefinitionDiscoveryStrategy,
LambdaInstrumentationStrategy lambdaInstrumentationStrategy,
AgentBuilder.Listener listener,
Listener redefinitionListener,
RawMatcher matcher,
BatchAllocator redefinitionBatchAllocator,
CircularityLock circularityLock) {
int batch = RedefinitionStrategy.BatchAllocator.FIRST_BATCH;
for (Iterable> types : redefinitionDiscoveryStrategy.resolve(instrumentation)) {
RedefinitionStrategy.Collector collector = make(poolStrategy,
for (Class> type : types) {
if (type == null || type.isArray() || type.isPrimitive() || !lambdaInstrumentationStrategy.isInstrumented(type)) {
collector.consider(type, DISPATCHER.isModifiableClass(instrumentation, type) || ClassFileVersion.ofThisVm(ClassFileVersion.JAVA_V5).isAtMost(ClassFileVersion.JAVA_V5));
batch = collector.apply(instrumentation, redefinitionBatchAllocator, redefinitionListener, batch);
* A batch allocator which is responsible for applying a redefinition in a batches. A class redefinition or
* retransformation can be a time-consuming operation rendering a JVM non-responsive. In combination with a
* a {@link RedefinitionStrategy.Listener}, it is also possible to apply pauses between batches to distribute
* the load of a retransformation over time.
public interface BatchAllocator {
* The index of the first batch.
int FIRST_BATCH = 0;
* Splits a list of types to be retransformed into separate batches.
* @param types A list of types which should be retransformed.
* @return An iterable of retransformations within a batch.
Iterable extends List>> batch(List> types);
* A batch allocator that includes all types in a single batch.
enum ForTotal implements BatchAllocator {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> batch(List> types) {
return types.isEmpty()
? Collections.>>emptySet()
: Collections.singleton(types);
* A batch allocator that creates chunks with a fixed size as batch jobs.
class ForFixedSize implements BatchAllocator {
* The size of each chunk.
private final int size;
* Creates a new batch allocator that creates fixed-sized chunks.
* @param size The size of each chunk.
protected ForFixedSize(int size) {
this.size = size;
* Creates a new batch allocator that creates chunks of a fixed size.
* @param size The size of each chunk or {@code 0} if the batch should be included in a single chunk.
* @return An appropriate batch allocator.
public static BatchAllocator ofSize(int size) {
if (size > 0) {
return new ForFixedSize(size);
} else if (size == 0) {
return ForTotal.INSTANCE;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot define a batch with a negative size: " + size);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> batch(List> types) {
List>> batches = new ArrayList>>();
for (int index = 0; index < types.size(); index += size) {
batches.add(new ArrayList>(types.subList(index, Math.min(types.size(), index + size))));
return batches;
* A batch allocator that groups all batches by discriminating types using a type matcher.
class ForMatchedGrouping implements BatchAllocator {
* The type matchers to apply.
private final Collection extends ElementMatcher super TypeDescription>> matchers;
* Creates a new batch allocator that groups all batches by discriminating types using a type matcher. All batches
* are applied in their application order with any unmatched type being included in the last batch.
* @param matcher The type matchers to apply in their application order.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // In absence of @SafeVarargs
public ForMatchedGrouping(ElementMatcher super TypeDescription>... matcher) {
this(new LinkedHashSet>(Arrays.asList(matcher)));
* Creates a new batch allocator that groups all batches by discriminating types using a type matcher. All batches
* are applied in their application order with any unmatched type being included in the last batch.
* @param matchers The type matchers to apply in their application order.
public ForMatchedGrouping(Collection extends ElementMatcher super TypeDescription>> matchers) {
this.matchers = matchers;
* Assures that any group is at least of a given size. If a group is smaller than a given size, it is merged with its types
* are merged with its subsequent group(s) as long as such groups exist.
* @param threshold The minimum threshold for any batch.
* @return An appropriate batch allocator.
public BatchAllocator withMinimum(int threshold) {
return Slicing.withMinimum(threshold, this);
* Assures that any group is at least of a given size. If a group is bigger than a given size, it is split into two several
* batches.
* @param threshold The maximum threshold for any batch.
* @return An appropriate batch allocator.
public BatchAllocator withMaximum(int threshold) {
return Slicing.withMaximum(threshold, this);
* Assures that any group is within a size range described by the supplied minimum and maximum. Groups are split and merged
* according to the supplied thresholds. The last group contains might be smaller than the supplied minimum.
* @param minimum The minimum threshold for any batch.
* @param maximum The maximum threshold for any batch.
* @return An appropriate batch allocator.
public BatchAllocator withinRange(int minimum, int maximum) {
return Slicing.withinRange(minimum, maximum, this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> batch(List> types) {
Map, List>> matched = new LinkedHashMap, List>>();
List> unmatched = new ArrayList>();
for (ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> matcher : matchers) {
matched.put(matcher, new ArrayList>());
for (Class> type : types) {
for (ElementMatcher super TypeDescription> matcher : matchers) {
if (matcher.matches(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(type))) {
continue typeLoop;
List>> batches = new ArrayList>>(matchers.size() + 1);
for (List> batch : matched.values()) {
if (!batch.isEmpty()) {
if (!unmatched.isEmpty()) {
return batches;
* A slicing batch allocator that assures that any batch is within a certain size range.
class Slicing implements BatchAllocator {
* The minimum size of each slice.
private final int minimum;
* The maximum size of each slice.
private final int maximum;
* The delegate batch allocator.
private final BatchAllocator batchAllocator;
* Creates a new slicing batch allocator.
* @param minimum The minimum size of each slice.
* @param maximum The maximum size of each slice.
* @param batchAllocator The delegate batch allocator.
protected Slicing(int minimum, int maximum, BatchAllocator batchAllocator) {
this.minimum = minimum;
this.maximum = maximum;
this.batchAllocator = batchAllocator;
* Creates a new slicing batch allocator.
* @param minimum The minimum size of each slice.
* @param batchAllocator The delegate batch allocator.
* @return An appropriate slicing batch allocator.
public static BatchAllocator withMinimum(int minimum, BatchAllocator batchAllocator) {
return withinRange(minimum, Integer.MAX_VALUE, batchAllocator);
* Creates a new slicing batch allocator.
* @param maximum The maximum size of each slice.
* @param batchAllocator The delegate batch allocator.
* @return An appropriate slicing batch allocator.
public static BatchAllocator withMaximum(int maximum, BatchAllocator batchAllocator) {
return withinRange(1, maximum, batchAllocator);
* Creates a new slicing batch allocator.
* @param minimum The minimum size of each slice.
* @param maximum The maximum size of each slice.
* @param batchAllocator The delegate batch allocator.
* @return An appropriate slicing batch allocator.
public static BatchAllocator withinRange(int minimum, int maximum, BatchAllocator batchAllocator) {
if (minimum <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum must be a positive number: " + minimum);
} else if (minimum > maximum) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum must not be bigger than maximum: " + minimum + " >" + maximum);
return new Slicing(minimum, maximum, batchAllocator);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> batch(List> types) {
return new SlicingIterable(minimum, maximum, batchAllocator.batch(types));
* An iterable that slices batches into parts of a minimum and maximum size.
protected static class SlicingIterable implements Iterable>> {
* The minimum size of any slice.
private final int minimum;
* The maximum size of any slice.
private final int maximum;
* The delegate iterable.
private final Iterable extends List>> iterable;
* Creates a new slicing iterable.
* @param minimum The minimum size of any slice.
* @param maximum The maximum size of any slice.
* @param iterable The delegate iterable.
protected SlicingIterable(int minimum, int maximum, Iterable extends List>> iterable) {
this.minimum = minimum;
this.maximum = maximum;
this.iterable = iterable;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterator>> iterator() {
return new SlicingIterator(minimum, maximum, iterable.iterator());
* An iterator that slices batches into parts of a minimum and maximum size.
protected static class SlicingIterator implements Iterator>> {
* The minimum size of any slice.
private final int minimum;
* The maximum size of any slice.
private final int maximum;
* The delegate iterator.
private final Iterator extends List>> iterator;
* A buffer containing all types that surpassed the maximum.
private List> buffer;
* Creates a new slicing iterator.
* @param minimum The minimum size of any slice.
* @param maximum The maximum size of any slice.
* @param iterator The delegate iterator.
protected SlicingIterator(int minimum, int maximum, Iterator extends List>> iterator) {
this.minimum = minimum;
this.maximum = maximum;
this.iterator = iterator;
buffer = new ArrayList>();
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean hasNext() {
return !buffer.isEmpty() || iterator.hasNext();
* {@inheritDoc}
public List> next() {
if (buffer.isEmpty()) {
buffer = iterator.next();
while (buffer.size() < minimum && iterator.hasNext()) {
if (buffer.size() > maximum) {
try {
return buffer.subList(0, maximum);
} finally {
buffer = new ArrayList>(buffer.subList(maximum, buffer.size()));
} else {
try {
return buffer;
} finally {
buffer = new ArrayList>();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
* A partitioning batch allocator that splits types for redefinition into a fixed amount of parts.
class Partitioning implements BatchAllocator {
* The amount of batches to generate.
private final int parts;
* Creates a new batch allocator that splits types for redefinition into a fixed amount of parts.
* @param parts The amount of parts to create.
protected Partitioning(int parts) {
this.parts = parts;
* Creates a part-splitting batch allocator.
* @param parts The amount of parts to create.
* @return A batch allocator that splits the redefined types into a fixed amount of batches.
public static BatchAllocator of(int parts) {
if (parts < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A batch size must be positive: " + parts);
return new Partitioning(parts);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> batch(List> types) {
if (types.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
List>> batches = new ArrayList>>();
int size = types.size() / parts, reminder = types.size() % parts;
for (int index = reminder; index < types.size(); index += size) {
batches.add(new ArrayList>(types.subList(index, index + size)));
if (batches.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.singletonList(types);
} else {
batches.get(0).addAll(0, types.subList(0, reminder));
return batches;
* A listener to be applied during a redefinition.
public interface Listener {
* Invoked before applying a batch.
* @param index A running index of the batch starting at {@code 0}.
* @param batch The types included in this batch.
* @param types All types included in the redefinition.
void onBatch(int index, List> batch, List> types);
* Invoked upon an error during a batch. This method is not invoked if the failure handler handled this error.
* @param index A running index of the batch starting at {@code 0}.
* @param batch The types included in this batch.
* @param throwable The throwable that caused this invocation.
* @param types All types included in the redefinition.
* @return A set of classes which should be attempted to be redefined. Typically, this should be a subset of the classes
* contained in {@code batch} but not all classes.
Iterable extends List>> onError(int index, List> batch, Throwable throwable, List> types);
* Invoked upon completion of all batches.
* @param amount The total amount of batches that were executed.
* @param types All types included in the redefinition.
* @param failures A mapping of batch types to their unhandled failures.
void onComplete(int amount, List> types, Map>, Throwable> failures);
* A non-operational listener.
enum NoOp implements Listener {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBatch(int index, List> batch, List> types) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> onError(int index, List> batch, Throwable throwable, List> types) {
return Collections.emptyList();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(int amount, List> types, Map>, Throwable> failures) {
/* do nothing */
* A listener that invokes {@link Thread#yield()} prior to every batch but the first batch.
enum Yielding implements Listener {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBatch(int index, List> batch, List> types) {
if (index > 0) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> onError(int index, List> batch, Throwable throwable, List> types) {
return Collections.emptyList();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(int amount, List> types, Map>, Throwable> failures) {
/* do nothing */
* A listener that halts a retransformation process upon an exception.
enum ErrorEscalating implements Listener {
* A listener that fails the retransformation upon the first failed retransformation of a batch.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Iterable extends List>> onError(int index, List> batch, Throwable throwable, List> types) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not transform any of " + batch, throwable);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void onComplete(int amount, List> types, Map>, Throwable> failures) {
/* do nothing */
* A listener that fails the retransformation after all batches were executed if any error occurred.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Iterable extends List>> onError(int index, List> batch, Throwable throwable, List> types) {
return Collections.emptyList();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void onComplete(int amount, List> types, Map>, Throwable> failures) {
if (!failures.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not transform any of " + failures);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBatch(int index, List> batch, List> types) {
/* do nothing */
* A listener adapter that offers non-operational implementations of all listener methods.
abstract class Adapter implements Listener {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBatch(int index, List> batch, List> types) {
/* do nothing */
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> onError(int index, List> batch, Throwable throwable, List> types) {
return Collections.emptyList();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(int amount, List> types, Map>, Throwable> failures) {
/* do nothing */
* A batch reallocator allows to split up a failed retransformation into additional batches which are reenqueed to the
* current retransformation process. To do so, any batch with at least to classes is rerouted through a {@link BatchAllocator}
* which is responsible for regrouping the classes that failed to be retransformed into new batches.
* Important: To avoid endless looping over classes that cannot be successfully retransformed, the supplied batch
* allocator must not resubmit batches that previously failed as an identical outcome is likely.
class BatchReallocator extends Adapter {
* The batch allocator to use for reallocating failed batches.
private final BatchAllocator batchAllocator;
* Creates a new batch reallocator.
* @param batchAllocator The batch allocator to use for reallocating failed batches.
public BatchReallocator(BatchAllocator batchAllocator) {
this.batchAllocator = batchAllocator;
* Creates a batch allocator that splits any batch into two parts and resubmits these parts as two batches.
* @return A batch reallocating batch listener that splits failed batches into two parts for resubmission.
public static Listener splitting() {
return new BatchReallocator(new BatchAllocator.Partitioning(2));
public Iterable extends List>> onError(int index, List> batch, Throwable throwable, List> types) {
return batch.size() < 2
? Collections.>>emptyList()
: batchAllocator.batch(batch);
* A listener that invokes {@link Thread#sleep(long)} prior to every batch but the first batch.
class Pausing extends Adapter {
* The time to sleep in milliseconds between every two batches.
private final long value;
* Creates a new pausing listener.
* @param value The time to sleep in milliseconds between every two batches.
protected Pausing(long value) {
this.value = value;
* Creates a listener that pauses for the specified amount of time. If the specified value is {@code 0}, a
* non-operational listener is returned.
* @param value The amount of time to pause between redefinition batches.
* @param timeUnit The time unit of {@code value}.
* @return An appropriate listener.
public static Listener of(long value, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
if (value > 0L) {
return new Pausing(timeUnit.toMillis(value));
} else if (value == 0L) {
return NoOp.INSTANCE;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot sleep for a non-positive amount of time: " + value);
public void onBatch(int index, List> batch, List> types) {
if (index > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exception) {
throw new IllegalStateException(exception);
* A listener that writes events to a {@link PrintStream}.
class StreamWriting implements Listener {
* The print stream to write any events to.
private final PrintStream printStream;
* Creates a new stream writing listener.
* @param printStream The print stream to write any events to.
public StreamWriting(PrintStream printStream) {
this.printStream = printStream;
* Writes the stream result to {@link System#out}.
* @return An appropriate listener.
public static Listener toSystemOut() {
return new StreamWriting(System.out);
* Writes the stream result to {@link System#err}.
* @return An appropriate listener.
public static Listener toSystemError() {
return new StreamWriting(System.err);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBatch(int index, List> batch, List> types) {
printStream.printf(AgentBuilder.Listener.StreamWriting.PREFIX + " REDEFINE BATCH #%d [%d of %d type(s)]%n", index, batch.size(), types.size());
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> onError(int index, List> batch, Throwable throwable, List> types) {
synchronized (printStream) {
printStream.printf(AgentBuilder.Listener.StreamWriting.PREFIX + " REDEFINE ERROR #%d [%d of %d type(s)]%n", index, batch.size(), types.size());
return Collections.emptyList();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(int amount, List> types, Map>, Throwable> failures) {
printStream.printf(AgentBuilder.Listener.StreamWriting.PREFIX + " REDEFINE COMPLETE %d batch(es) containing %d types [%d failed batch(es)]%n", amount, types.size(), failures.size());
* A compound listener that delegates events to several listeners.
class Compound implements Listener {
* The listeners to invoke.
private final List listeners;
* Creates a new compound listener.
* @param listener The listeners to invoke.
public Compound(Listener... listener) {
* Creates a new compound listener.
* @param listeners The listeners to invoke.
public Compound(List extends Listener> listeners) {
this.listeners = new ArrayList();
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
if (listener instanceof Compound) {
this.listeners.addAll(((Compound) listener).listeners);
} else if (!(listener instanceof NoOp)) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onBatch(int index, List> batch, List> types) {
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
listener.onBatch(index, batch, types);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable extends List>> onError(int index, List> batch, Throwable throwable, List> types) {
List>>> reattempts = new ArrayList>>>();
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
reattempts.add(listener.onError(index, batch, throwable, types));
return new CompoundIterable(reattempts);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onComplete(int amount, List> types, Map>, Throwable> failures) {
for (Listener listener : listeners) {
listener.onComplete(amount, types, failures);
* A compound iterable.
protected static class CompoundIterable implements Iterable>> {
* The iterables to consider.
private final List>>> iterables;
* Creates a compound iterable.
* @param iterables The iterables to consider.
protected CompoundIterable(List>>> iterables) {
this.iterables = iterables;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterator>> iterator() {
return new CompoundIterator(new ArrayList>>>(iterables));
* A compound iterator that combines several iterables.
protected static class CompoundIterator implements Iterator>> {
* The current iterator or {@code null} if no such iterator is defined.
private Iterator extends List>> current;
* A backlog of iterables to still consider.
private final List>>> backlog;
* Creates a compound iterator.
* @param iterables The iterables to consider.
protected CompoundIterator(List>>> iterables) {
backlog = iterables;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean hasNext() {
return current != null && current.hasNext();
* {@inheritDoc}
public List> next() {
try {
if (current != null) {
return current.next();
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
} finally {
* Forwards the iterator to the next relevant iterable.
private void forward() {
while ((current == null || !current.hasNext()) && !backlog.isEmpty()) {
current = backlog.remove(0).iterator();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
* A strategy for discovering types to redefine.
public interface DiscoveryStrategy {
* Resolves an iterable of types to retransform. Types might be loaded during a previous retransformation which might require
* multiple passes for a retransformation.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance used for the redefinition.
* @return An iterable of types to consider for retransformation.
Iterable>> resolve(Instrumentation instrumentation);
* A discovery strategy that considers all loaded types supplied by {@link Instrumentation#getAllLoadedClasses()}.
enum SinglePass implements DiscoveryStrategy {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable>> resolve(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
return Collections.>>singleton(Arrays.>asList(instrumentation.getAllLoadedClasses()));
* A discovery strategy that considers all loaded types supplied by {@link Instrumentation#getAllLoadedClasses()}. For each reiteration,
* this strategy checks if additional types were loaded after the previously supplied types. Doing so, types that were loaded during
* instrumentations can be retransformed as such types are not passed to any class file transformer.
enum Reiterating implements DiscoveryStrategy {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable>> resolve(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
return new ReiteratingIterable(instrumentation);
* An iterable that returns any loaded types and checks if any additional types were loaded during the last instrumentation.
protected static class ReiteratingIterable implements Iterable>> {
* The instrumentation instance to use.
private final Instrumentation instrumentation;
* Creates a new reiterating iterable.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance to use.
protected ReiteratingIterable(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
this.instrumentation = instrumentation;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterator>> iterator() {
return new ReiteratingIterator(instrumentation);
* A reiterating iterator that considers types that were loaded during an instrumentation.
protected static class ReiteratingIterator implements Iterator>> {
* The instrumentation instance to use.
private final Instrumentation instrumentation;
* A set containing all previously discovered types.
private final Set> processed;
* The current list of types or {@code null} if the current list of types is not prepared.
private List> types;
* Creates a new reiterating iterator.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance to use.
protected ReiteratingIterator(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
this.instrumentation = instrumentation;
processed = new HashSet>();
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean hasNext() {
if (types == null) {
types = new ArrayList>();
for (Class> type : instrumentation.getAllLoadedClasses()) {
if (type != null && processed.add(type)) {
return !types.isEmpty();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable> next() {
if (hasNext()) {
try {
return types;
} finally {
types = null;
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
* A discovery strategy that simplifies the application of {@link Reiterating} by assuming that the
* loaded classes that are returned by {@link Instrumentation#getAllLoadedClasses()} are always
* returned in the same order.
* Important: While this increases the performance of reiteration, it relies on an implementation
* detail of the JVM. Also, this strategy does not consider the possibility of classes being unloaded
* during reiteration. For these reasons, this strategy has to be used with care!
public enum WithSortOrderAssumption implements DiscoveryStrategy {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable>> resolve(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
return new OrderedReiteratingIterable(instrumentation);
* An iterable that reiterates over an array of loaded classes by the previously observed length.
protected static class OrderedReiteratingIterable implements Iterable>> {
* The instrumentation instance to use.
private final Instrumentation instrumentation;
* Creates a new reiterating iterable.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance to use.
protected OrderedReiteratingIterable(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
this.instrumentation = instrumentation;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterator>> iterator() {
return new OrderedReiteratingIterator(instrumentation);
* An iterator that reiterates over an array of loaded classes by the previously observed length.
protected static class OrderedReiteratingIterator implements Iterator>> {
* The instrumentation instance to use.
private final Instrumentation instrumentation;
* The length of the last known array of known classes.
private int index;
* The current list of types or {@code null} if the current list of types is not prepared.
private List> types;
* Creates a new reiterating iterator.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance to use.
protected OrderedReiteratingIterator(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
this.instrumentation = instrumentation;
index = 0;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean hasNext() {
if (types == null) {
Class>[] type = instrumentation.getAllLoadedClasses();
types = new ArrayList>(Arrays.asList(type).subList(index, type.length));
index = type.length;
return !types.isEmpty();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable> next() {
if (hasNext()) {
try {
return types;
} finally {
types = null;
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
* An explicit discovery strategy that only attempts the redefinition of specific types.
class Explicit implements DiscoveryStrategy {
* The types to redefine.
private final Set> types;
* Creates a new explicit discovery strategy.
* @param type The types to redefine.
public Explicit(Class>... type) {
this(new LinkedHashSet>(Arrays.asList(type)));
* Creates a new explicit discovery strategy.
* @param types The types to redefine.
public Explicit(Set> types) {
this.types = types;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterable>> resolve(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
return Collections.>>singleton(types);
* A resubmission scheduler is responsible for scheduling a job that is resubmitting unloaded types that failed during retransformation.
public interface ResubmissionScheduler {
* Checks if this scheduler is currently available.
* @return {@code true} if this scheduler is alive.
boolean isAlive();
* Schedules a resubmission job for regular application.
* @param job The job to schedule.
* @return A cancelable that is canceled upon resetting the corresponding class file transformer.
Cancelable schedule(Runnable job);
* A cancelable allows to discontinue a resubmission job.
interface Cancelable {
* Cancels this resubmission job.
void cancel();
* A non-operational cancelable.
enum NoOp implements Cancelable {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void cancel() {
/* do nothing */
* A cancelable for a {@link Future}.
class ForFuture implements Cancelable {
* The future to cancel upon cancellation of this instance.
private final Future> future;
* Creates a cancelable for a future.
* @param future The future to cancel upon cancellation of this instance.
public ForFuture(Future> future) {
this.future = future;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void cancel() {
* A resubmission scheduler that does not apply any scheduling.
enum NoOp implements ResubmissionScheduler {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAlive() {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Cancelable schedule(Runnable job) {
return Cancelable.NoOp.INSTANCE;
* A resubmission scheduler that schedules jobs at a fixed rate.
class AtFixedRate implements ResubmissionScheduler {
* The executor service to schedule to.
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService;
* The time interval between schedulings.
private final long time;
* The time's time unit.
private final TimeUnit timeUnit;
* Creates a new resubmission scheduler which schedules executions at a fixed rate.
* @param scheduledExecutorService The executor service to schedule to.
* @param time The time interval between schedulings.
* @param timeUnit The time's time unit.
public AtFixedRate(ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
this.scheduledExecutorService = scheduledExecutorService;
this.time = time;
this.timeUnit = timeUnit;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAlive() {
return !scheduledExecutorService.isShutdown();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Cancelable schedule(Runnable job) {
return new Cancelable.ForFuture(scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(job, time, time, timeUnit));
* A resubmission scheduler that schedules jobs with a fixed delay.
class WithFixedDelay implements ResubmissionScheduler {
* The executor service to schedule to.
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService;
* The time interval to pause between completed jobs.
private final long time;
* The time's time unit.
private final TimeUnit timeUnit;
* Creates a new resubmission scheduler with a fixed delay between job executions.
* @param scheduledExecutorService The executor service to schedule to.
* @param time The time interval to pause between completed jobs.
* @param timeUnit The time's time unit.
public WithFixedDelay(ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
this.scheduledExecutorService = scheduledExecutorService;
this.time = time;
this.timeUnit = timeUnit;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAlive() {
return !scheduledExecutorService.isShutdown();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Cancelable schedule(Runnable job) {
return new Cancelable.ForFuture(scheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(job, time, time, timeUnit));
* A resubmission strategy is responsible for enabling resubmission of types that failed to resubmit.
protected interface ResubmissionStrategy {
* Invoked upon installation of an agent builder.
* @param instrumentation The instrumentation instance to use.
* @param poolStrategy The pool strategy to use.
* @param locationStrategy The location strategy to use.
* @param descriptionStrategy The description strategy to use.
* @param fallbackStrategy The fallback strategy to use.
* @param listener The listener to use.
* @param installationListener The installation listener to use.
* @param circularityLock The circularity lock to use.
* @param matcher The matcher to apply for analyzing if a type is to be resubmitted.
* @param redefinitionStrategy The redefinition strategy to use.
* @param redefinitionBatchAllocator The batch allocator to use.
* @param redefinitionBatchListener The batch listener to notify.
* @return A potentially modified listener to apply.
Installation apply(Instrumentation instrumentation,
PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy,
FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy,
AgentBuilder.Listener listener,
InstallationListener installationListener,
CircularityLock circularityLock,
RawMatcher matcher,
RedefinitionStrategy redefinitionStrategy,
RedefinitionStrategy.BatchAllocator redefinitionBatchAllocator,
RedefinitionStrategy.Listener redefinitionBatchListener);
* A disabled resubmission strategy.
enum Disabled implements ResubmissionStrategy {
* The singleton instance.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Installation apply(Instrumentation instrumentation,
PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy,
FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy,
AgentBuilder.Listener listener,
InstallationListener installationListener,
CircularityLock circularityLock,
RawMatcher matcher,
RedefinitionStrategy redefinitionStrategy,
RedefinitionStrategy.BatchAllocator redefinitionBatchAllocator,
RedefinitionStrategy.Listener redefinitionBatchListener) {
return new Installation(listener, installationListener, ResubmissionEnforcer.Disabled.INSTANCE);
* An enabled resubmission strategy.
class Enabled implements ResubmissionStrategy {
* A scheduler that is responsible for resubmission of types.
private final ResubmissionScheduler resubmissionScheduler;
* A matcher to determine resubmissions on errors.
private final RedefinitionListenable.ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher resubmissionOnErrorMatcher;
* A matcher to determine resubmissions without errors.
private final RedefinitionListenable.ResubmissionImmediateMatcher resubmissionImmediateMatcher;
* Creates a new enabled resubmission strategy.
* @param resubmissionScheduler A scheduler that is responsible for resubmission of types.
* @param resubmissionOnErrorMatcher A matcher to determine resubmissions on errors.
* @param resubmissionImmediateMatcher A matcher to determine resubmissions without errors.
protected Enabled(ResubmissionScheduler resubmissionScheduler,
RedefinitionListenable.ResubmissionOnErrorMatcher resubmissionOnErrorMatcher,
RedefinitionListenable.ResubmissionImmediateMatcher resubmissionImmediateMatcher) {
this.resubmissionScheduler = resubmissionScheduler;
this.resubmissionOnErrorMatcher = resubmissionOnErrorMatcher;
this.resubmissionImmediateMatcher = resubmissionImmediateMatcher;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Installation apply(Instrumentation instrumentation,
PoolStrategy poolStrategy,
LocationStrategy locationStrategy,
DescriptionStrategy descriptionStrategy,
FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy,
AgentBuilder.Listener listener,
InstallationListener installationListener,
CircularityLock circularityLock,
RawMatcher matcher,
RedefinitionStrategy redefinitionStrategy,
RedefinitionStrategy.BatchAllocator redefinitionBatchAllocator,
RedefinitionStrategy.Listener redefinitionBatchListener) {
if (resubmissionScheduler.isAlive()) {