org.redkalex.weixin.WeiXinMPService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.redkalex.weixin;
import org.redkale.util.Utility;
import org.redkale.convert.json.JsonConvert;
import org.redkale.service.RetResult;
import org.redkale.util.AutoLoad;
import org.redkale.service.Service;
import static org.redkale.convert.json.JsonConvert.TYPE_MAP_STRING_STRING;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import javax.annotation.*;
import org.redkale.service.Local;
import org.redkale.util.*;
import static org.redkale.util.Utility.getHttpContent;
* 微信服务号Service
* 详情见:
* @author zhangjx
public class WeiXinMPService implements Service {
protected final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getSimpleName());
private final boolean finest = logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
private final boolean finer = logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER);
//配置集合, key: appid
protected Map appidElements = new HashMap<>();
//配置集合 key: clientid
protected Map clientidElements = new HashMap<>();
protected JsonConvert convert;
@Resource(name = "") //公众号配置文件路径
protected String conf = "";
@Resource(name = "APP_HOME")
protected File home;
@Resource(name = "") //客户端ID
protected String clientid = "";
@Resource(name = "") //公众账号ID
protected String appid = "";
@Resource(name = "") //
protected String appsecret = "";
@Resource(name = "")
protected String mptoken = "";
public void init(AnyValue conf) {
if (this.conf != null && !this.conf.isEmpty()) { //存在微信公众号配置
try {
File file = (this.conf.indexOf('/') == 0 || this.conf.indexOf(':') > 0) ? new File(this.conf) : new File(home, "conf/" + this.conf);
InputStream in = (file.isFile() && file.canRead()) ? new FileInputStream(file) : getClass().getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/" + this.conf);
if (in == null) return;
Properties properties = new Properties();
this.appidElements = MpElement.create(logger, properties, home);
MpElement defElement = this.appidElements.get("");
if (defElement != null && (this.appid == null || this.appid.isEmpty())) {
this.clientid = defElement.clientid;
this.appid = defElement.appid;
this.appsecret = defElement.appsecret;
this.mptoken = defElement.mptoken;
this.appidElements.values().forEach(element -> clientidElements.put(element.clientid, element));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "init weixinmp conf error", e);
//仅用于 &scope=snsapi_base
//需要在 “开发 - 接口权限 - 网页服务 - 网页帐号 - 网页授权获取用户基本信息”的配置选项中,修改授权回调域名
public RetResult getMPOpenidByCode(String code) throws IOException {
if (code != null) code = code.replace("\"", "").replace("'", "");
String url = "" + appid + "&secret=" + appsecret + "&code=" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code";
String json = getHttpContent(url);
if (finest) logger.finest(url + "--->" + json);
Map jsonmap = convert.convertFrom(TYPE_MAP_STRING_STRING, json);
return new RetResult<>(jsonmap.get("openid"));
public RetResult getMPWxunionidByCode(String code) {
try {
Map wxmap = getMPUserTokenByCode(code);
final String unionid = wxmap.get("unionid");
if (unionid != null && !unionid.isEmpty()) return new RetResult<>(unionid);
return new RetResult<>(1011002);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new RetResult<>(1011001);
public Map getMPUserTokenByCode(String code) throws IOException {
return getMPUserTokenByCode(appid, appsecret, code);
public Map getMPUserTokenByCode(String clientid, String code) throws IOException {
MpElement element = this.clientidElements.get(clientid);
return getMPUserTokenByCode(element == null ? appid : element.appid, element == null ? appsecret : element.appsecret, code);
public Map getMPUserTokenByCodeAndAppid(String appid, String code) throws IOException {
MpElement element = this.appidElements.get(appid);
return getMPUserTokenByCode(element == null ? appid : element.appid, element == null ? appsecret : element.appsecret, code);
private Map getMPUserTokenByCode(String appid0, String appsecret0, String code) throws IOException {
if (code != null) code = code.replace("\"", "").replace("'", "");
String url = "" + appid0 + "&secret=" + appsecret0 + "&code=" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code";
String json = getHttpContent(url);
if (finest) logger.finest(url + "--->" + json);
Map jsonmap = convert.convertFrom(TYPE_MAP_STRING_STRING, json);
return getMPUserTokenByOpenid(jsonmap.get("access_token"), jsonmap.get("openid"));
public Map getMPUserTokenByOpenid(String access_token, String openid) throws IOException {
String url = "" + access_token + "&openid=" + openid;
String json = getHttpContent(url);
if (finest) logger.finest(url + "--->" + json);
Map jsonmap = convert.convertFrom(TYPE_MAP_STRING_STRING, json.replaceFirst("\\[.*\\]", "null"));
return jsonmap;
public String verifyMPURL(String msgSignature, String timeStamp, String nonce, String echoStr) {
return verifyMPURL0(mptoken, msgSignature, timeStamp, nonce, echoStr);
public String verifyMPURL(String clientid, String msgSignature, String timeStamp, String nonce, String echoStr) {
MpElement element = this.clientidElements.get(clientid);
return verifyMPURL0(element == null ? mptoken : element.mptoken, msgSignature, timeStamp, nonce, echoStr);
public String verifyMPURLByAppid(String appid, String msgSignature, String timeStamp, String nonce, String echoStr) {
MpElement element = this.appidElements.get(appid);
return verifyMPURL0(element == null ? mptoken : element.mptoken, msgSignature, timeStamp, nonce, echoStr);
private String verifyMPURL0(String mptoken, String msgSignature, String timeStamp, String nonce, String echoStr) {
String signature = sha1(mptoken, timeStamp, nonce);
if (!signature.equals(msgSignature)) throw new RuntimeException("signature verification error");
return echoStr;
* 用SHA1算法生成安全签名
* @param strings String[]
* @return 安全签名
protected static String sha1(String... strings) {
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
for (String s : strings) md.update(s.getBytes());
return Utility.binToHexString(md.digest());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("SHA encryption to generate signature failure", e);
public static class MpElement {
public String clientid = "";
public String appid = "";
public String appsecret = "";
public String mptoken = "";
public static Map create(Logger logger, Properties properties, File home) {
String def_clientid = properties.getProperty("", "").trim();
String def_appid = properties.getProperty("", "").trim();
String def_appsecret = properties.getProperty("", "").trim();
String def_mptoken = properties.getProperty("", "").trim();
final Map map = new HashMap<>();
properties.keySet().stream().filter(x -> x.toString().startsWith("") && x.toString().endsWith(".appid")).forEach(appid_key -> {
final String prefix = appid_key.toString().substring(0, appid_key.toString().length() - ".appid".length());
String clientid = properties.getProperty(prefix + ".clientid", def_clientid).trim();
String appid = properties.getProperty(prefix + ".appid", def_appid).trim();
String appsecret = properties.getProperty(prefix + ".appsecret", def_appsecret).trim();
String mptoken = properties.getProperty(prefix + ".mptoken", def_mptoken).trim();
if (appid.isEmpty() || appsecret.isEmpty()) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, properties + "; has illegal weixinmp conf by prefix" + prefix);
MpElement element = new MpElement();
element.clientid = clientid;
element.appid = appid;
element.appsecret = appsecret;
element.mptoken = mptoken;
map.put(appid, element);
if (def_appid.equals(appid)) map.put("", element);
return map;
public String toString() {
return JsonConvert.root().convertTo(this);